Tustin City Council
June 19, 2012
BroXAIn Act
o Ralph M. Brown Act, Section 54953(b)
■ Rules that apply if a City Council elects to
use teleconferencing for the benefit of the
public and the legislative body.
o The Brown Act defines a "teleconference" as a
meeting when members of the City Council are
in different locations, "connected by electronic
means, through either audio or video, or both."
Brown Act
a Requirements:
■ Agendas must be posted at all teleconference
■ Agendas must be posted 72 hours before a
regular meeting or 24 hours before a special
■ All votes taken during a teleconferenced
meeting must be by roll call;
Brown Act
a Requirements:
■ Each teleconference location must be
identified in the notice and agenda of the
■ Each agenda must provide the opportunity
for members of the public to address the
Council at each teleconference location
■ Each location must be open to the public and
accessible to the handicapped
Brown Act
a Requirements:
■ Each teleconference location must allow all
persons present to hear the proceedings
■ Each location must allow those present,
including the public, to make comments
■ During the teleconference, at least three (3)
members of the Council must participate
from locations within Tustin.
(31econference -Options
1. Receive and file the report (take no action); or
2. Direct Staff to return with a written policy for
your consideration that would direct that
requests to appear by teleconference be
considered the City Council in advance, each
time a request is made; or
3. Direct Staff to return with a written policy for
your consideration that would direct that each
Council member may elect to appear via
teleconference without further �itv Council