HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 837 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 ].5 .16 20 2! 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 32 A~O~NEY~ AT ~W C~OCKER-CITIZEN5 RESOLUTION NO. 837 A RESOLU'TiON OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDINGN ADOP- TION OF AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE RE NON- CONFORMING STRUCTURES AND USES. ETY 03' ?USTiN, CAL!PORNIA, RECOMJ~END_rNG ADOP- TION O? P~'iEND['4ENTS TO ZOYfENG ORDINANCE RE NON- CONFOEd~!ENG STRUCTURES AND USES. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, Cali- fornia, does resolve as follows: 1) The Planning Commission finds and determines that a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on the question of recommendation of the adoption of an amendment to the Zoning Ordin- ance regarding non-conforming structures and uses. 2) The Planning Coram. ission hereby reco~r~.ends to tha City Council the adoption of the amendments to the Zonin~ Ordinance, Ordinance No. 157, as amended, re non-conforming uses, contained in the proposed Ordinance attached hereto, and marked "Exhibit PASSED AND '~ :' ;~ ~,DO~-=~D at a regular meeting of the Plannin~ ~.;:..~'~ss~on of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 11th day of April, 1966 ~.p.~l~ 'l _, 196.6... - o f ~-R~TARY ~~E P~NNING COF-~ISSZON STATE OF ~.LIPORNIA, ) COUN~ OF O~NGE ) CI~ OF ~STIN ) SS. ~'~"~'~ ...... ~ hereby certifies that RUTH C POE, the und~. o.~-,.:,_,, . . Y . 1-- --o .- ...... z~n of the City o~ ~oUa r mee.~no o~ Ca~ ~i.nn~.~ u ....... smon, bela 0n the ~,~.~ of Aort! , 1966. ! 8 i0 !i !7 !g 21 $0 Or.D! NANCE' NO. AN 0P. Di ......... '"" "',m v~ ~U~T!., ~ C~%~!P0~NIA AY.'ENDTNG m~E ^ ~ ? 157, AS ~ ~ RE ¥'~'~ n~ T .... AMs:'~D~D, -~w~- ~wN~ ORNIN= STRUCTURES AND USES. The City Council of the City of Tustin, California: does ordain as follows; I) Sec~+~_o.~ 6.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. !~?,. as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: 6.2 Any building or Structure,. existing at the date of adoption of this O~dinance, w.~icn is non-conforming either in use~ desig~, or arrangement~ Shall not be enlarged: ~.-~ ..... =~ reconstr~acted, or structurally altered, unless such ~-~ ~ e ..... ~e..ent~ extension~ recon- struction or alteration is in compliance with the regulations set forth in this Ordinance for the distrlcr in which such building or structure is located;~.provide, however~ that any such non-conforming building structure may be maintained~ repaired or portions there- of replaced~ so long as such maintenance, revairs or replacements do not exceed fifty percent (50~) of ~he bui!ding~s assassed valuation, as sho~ on the last equalized assessment roll of the City of Tustin. The Placating Department of the City of Tustin may send, by Certified Mail~ ~eturn Receipt Re~uested~ to the o~mer~ as shown on the last e~ual~zed gssessment ro!~, of any non--~e~~ - ~ ...... ~:-.~ building or structure, or of any property u'oon ~h~c~- ~_ .. any prior non-conf~~ use exists~ a demand ~hat said owner shall furnish to~o.=e City of Tust~n_. a statement, under Oath, on a form submitted for said purpose~ setting forth a detailed description of said use. Said statement shall be filed with 5he ~ -~mnnlhg_~~-~+~_~:..~.~ of the City of Tus~in within thirty (30) days from the date of such demand. Upon any failure to duly file such a statement as herein provided: said building, structure'and use shall conform to all r~gu!ations of the zone in which it is located within thirty (30) days after such. failure'. 2) Section 6.3 of the'Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 157, as amended~ is hereby amended to read as follows: 6 D A non-conforming bui~ destroyed to the .. · ..... extent of more than fifty percent(~0~) of its reason- able value at the time of its destruction by fire: explosion or ooner casualty or act of Ood~ may be restored or used only in compliance with the regulat- ions existing in the district wherein it is located. 5) Section 6.~ of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. !~?, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: 6.~ The provisions set forth in Section 6.2 and Sec- tion 6.3 above~ shall apply to structures, land and uses which hareafter beccm~ non-conforming due. to any reclassification of districts under this Ordinance: provided, hct~3aver, that public uses, public utility buildings an[ public utility usas existing at the time of the adoption of this Crdinance, or existing at the time of the recalssificatlon of districts, shall not be considered non-conforming. ~.SSED ~.i~'D .~.DOi~ED at -a reg'~alar meeting of the City Councii, held on 'ane ~y of , 1966. FukYOR .C!?Y CLERK EXHTB'm, A - Pg 2 ! ........I ' /I