HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 08-26-02MINUTES TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 26, 2002 7:03 p.m. Given Sworn in by the Director Kozak, Chairperson; Jennings, Chairperson Pro Tem All present Staff present CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. Seating of Commissioner Nielsen. 2. Planning Commission Reorganization. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission follow procedures contained in the staff report to elect a Chairperson and Chairperson Pro-tem. It was moved by Drew Hamilton to nominate Steve Kozak as Chairperson. There were no further nominations. Motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Steve Kozak to Jennings as Chairperson Pro Tem. further nominations. nominate Linda There were no Motion carried 5-0. ROLL CALL Elizabeth Binsack, Community Development Director Doug Holland, Deputy City Attorney Doug Anderson, Senior Project Manager-Transportation Karen Peterson, Senior Planner Minoo Ashabi, Associate Planner Justina Willkom, Associate Planner Eloise Harris, Recording Secretary CONSENT CALENDAR Approved, with one correction Adopted Resolution No. 3840 , APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JULY 22, 2002, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. It was moved by Hamilton, seconded by Kozak, to approve the Consent Calendar, as corrected. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS , TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 2002-106 A REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO SUBDIVIDE AN EXISTING 1.62-ACRE PARCEL INTO TWO PARCELS. THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED AT 535 EAST MAIN STREET IN THE CENTRAL Minutes - Planning Commission August 26, 2002 - Page 1 7:13 p.m. Ashabi Hamilton Director Hamilton Director Kozak Tom Baumgartner, representing Tustin Auto Wash Jennings Mr. Baumgartner COMMERCIAL AND PARKING OVERLAY (C-2P) ZONING DISTRICT. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3840 recommending that the City Council approve Tentative Parcel Map 2002-106 to subdivide an existing 1.62-acre parcel into two parcels for conveyance purposes. The Public Hearing opened. Presented the staff report, adding that Condition 3.8 is a duplicate condition and should be deleted. Asked what guarantees exist concerning completion of the project. Answered that discretionary approvals, design reviews, and conditional use permits were approved several years ago; these approvals required certain phasing of the development and construction; while a subdivision map exists, the phasing and construction requirements must be complied with; one of the conditions of approval was that the retail building had to receive building permits either subsequently or concurrently with the car wash portion; no Certificates of Use and Occupancy can be issued to the car wash facility until issued for the main retail building. Asked if the subdivision could occur and then construction halt on both projects. Replied that the progress of construction indicates stoppage will not become an issue. Added that these matters came before the Planning Commission on numerous occasions resulting in the conditions that the Director described and were designed to address and prevent work stoppage; the conveyance was also an intentional part of the earlier decisions; the item tonight is to renew an expired Tentative Parcel Map. Invited the applicant to speak. Stated he is the project development coordinator for the car wash project; reported he has worked with staff on this item and reviewed it with the owners, and everyone is in agreement with the conditions as stated; and, responded to Commissioner Hamilton's question regarding stoppage that, considering the money invested, the Planning Commission can be assured the project will be completed. Asked what tenants besides Baskin Robbins are expected at the site. Indicated negotiations have been initiated with La Salsa, an upscale fast food restaurant; a revised interior layout has been presented which he reviewed with the owners today, and the prospects for La Salsa are good; there will be a third tenant, but none is specified at this time. Minutes - Planning Commission August 26, 2002 - Page 2 Denny Asked if a completion date is projected. Mr. Baumgartner 7:21 p.m. Hamilton Adopted Resolution No. 3841 Willkom Jennings Willkom Jennings Willkom Jennings Willkom Jennings Willkom Jennings Willkom Director Responded that various occurrences have caused delays, referring specifically to a fire hydrant location problem with the Orange County Fire Authority; and, stated the project is moving along as quickly as possible. The Public Hearing closed. Stated his support for the project; his concerns were addressed; he looks forward to using this facility. It was moved by Denny, seconded by Jennings, to adopt Resolution No. 3840 with the deletion of Condition 3.8. Motion carried 5-0. REGULAR BUSINESS: . GENERAL PLAN ANNUAL REPORT AND HOUSING ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT REQUIRED TO BE PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3841 recommending that the City Council adopt the 2002 Annual Report on the status of the Tustin General Plan. Presented the staff report. Asked when the houses on Ambrose Lane opened. Answered 1998. Asked if those houses were counted on this report. Answered in the affirmative. Indicated it was her understanding there were some very Iow-income units at this location. Stated those eight units were moderate income. Asked if the projected units at MCAS-Tustin will cover all the needs on these percentages by 2005. Replied that is the intended outcome. Asked if the second phase of the Cultural Overlay District survey is being implemented. Indicated that Senior Planner Scott Reekstin has been working with the consultant. Added that Scott met with the consultant within the past few weeks; the same consultant is doing the second phase. Minutes - Planning Commission August 26, 2002 - Page 3 Jennings Director Jennings Director Jennings Director Kozak Director Kozak Jennings Willkom Nielsen Willkom Stated it is her understanding that the ratings are being removed; and, asked how that will affect the Certificates of Appropriateness. Answered the rating removal will not affect the Certificates of Appropriateness; noted the reason the ratings are being modified is because that is what the State wants; and, suggested that it might be beneficial to have Scott provide a presentation to the Commission regarding the survey process. Asked if there will be new standards by which appropriateness is judged. Answered in the affirmative, adding the Residential Design Guidelines will not change; only the rating of the structures will be different. Asked is there is any way to get the historic plaque program in the budget for next year; there are people who cannot afford the plaques; it would be nice to have plaques on all the appropriate houses. Asked when the workshop regarding the First Street Specific Plan is scheduled. Replied that such a workshop is on the schedule but has been delayed because Justina is the planner assigned to prepare that workshop; she has been working on the Housing Element and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, both of which took longer than anticipated. Asked if the update related to residences of historical significance includes other landmarks or historical properties in the community. Stated the update includes both. Noted he would appreciate a presentation from Scott and the consultant on the progress of the historical survey. Asked if the plaque program would be appropriate for the CDBG grant. Indicated the plaque program is not eligible because it involves no rehabilitation or structural improvement. Questioned whether approximately 1,100 units are projected at the MCAS-Tustin to cover the Iow and very Iow housing needs. Clarified the regional housing need is an objective; the City sets the programs and goals with the quantified objectives; the City has identified in the Housing Element the types of programs to be undertaken during this planning period; the City is nearly built out; it is anticipated that the land at MCAS-Tustin will allow the City to meet the regional housing needs requirement. Minutes - Planning Commission August 26, 2002 - Page 4 Kozak Director Kozak, Nielsen Denny Director Director Added that perhaps staff could explain where the regional housing needs assessment came from in order to set a context for the newest Commissioner. Stated the regional housing needs allocation was disseminated by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), forwarded through the Orange County Council of Governments OCCOG), and further disseminated down to each of the County of Orange cities; staff provided input to the OCCOG who forwarded the comments to a subcommittee of SCAG; the City had concerns regarding Tustin's allocation because the methodology with which the numbers were developed did not take into account a closed military base and several units being vacated there; the process of determining construction needs versus vacancy rates is lengthy; the City was allocated 900 more units than could possibly be achieved, including undercounting at MCAS-Tustin; the City appealed through the OCCOG and the SCAG subcommittee; even though the OCCOG represents each of the cities within the County, they were concerned because what SCAG had said was that, if the OCCOG approved any appeals, the units would have to be reallocated to all the other communities within the OCCOG region; the OCCOG was put in a very difficult position, given the regional areas; the larger issue involves a SCAG and HCD lawsuit regarding issues of how housing needs were assessed to Orange County, Los Angeles County, Riverside County, and other inland empire areas; that lawsuit is moving through the legal system; the concern was, if the OCCOG region brought up too many issues, the OCCOG might have been required to allocate more units from other regions. Thanked the Director for that explanation; and, Kozak added this is a difficult process in which staff has done a wonderful job moving the plan through and getting the Housing Element Update before the City Council. Asked if the City will be assessed any penalty if the goals are not met with the development of the Base by 2005. Answered that the Housing Element identifies needs and programs to meet those needs; however, the private market generally determines development; if goals, objectives, and sites to meet those needs are presented, the City is in compliance with State law. It was moved by Jennings, seconded by Denny, to adopt Resolution No. 3841. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF CONCERNS: 6. REPORT OF ACTIONS TAKEN AT THE AUGUST 5 AND AUGUST 19, 2002, CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS. Congratulated Commissioner Kozak for being re-elected Chairperson; and, welcomed newly appointed Commissioner Nielsen. Reported the workshop held in the Community Center this evening related to County island annexations, which Minutes - Planning Commission August 26, 2002 - Page 5 Kozak Willkom Kozak Director Kozak Director Commissioners Director Kozak Director reported will be coming before the Planning Commission; the Board of Supervisors and the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)initiated discussions with all the communities affected by small island annexations; the goal is for all the small islands to be incorporated into each respective logical community; the workshop included residents from the island off Yorba which includes Bonner, Medford, and Grovesite. Asked how many properties are involved. Indicated 49 properties. Asked how the workshop transpired. Indicated she had to leave to attend the Planning Commission, but felt the workshop was going well; there were people in favor and people opposed; discussions will be ongoing with the residents. Reported correspondence was received from HUD, which is the Federal department that allocates Community Development Block Grant funds; as a result of the 2000 census, the City may receive an increase of $200,000 in the grant for a total of approximately $900,000. Stated the Planning Officials' Forum will be scheduled in November this year, rather than October. Noted the Assistant City Manager would like to provide the MCAS update workshop prior to the next meeting for the Commissioners who were absent from the last meeting; everyone is invited to attend; feedback as to availability would be appreciated. Reported the City Engineer's workshop regarding the seven-year CIP plan had to be postponed due to the LAFCO workshop. Asked if the Director would like feedback now regarding the MCAS update workshop. Responded that would be beneficial. Stated their availability for September 9, 2002. Indicated the workshop will probably be at 6:30 p.m. in the Chamber conference room Stated his belief the workshop should be welcomed by all the Commissioners. The City Council continued the revisions on the Housing Element to September 3, 2002, to insure there were no conflicts regarding the City's agreement with the Santa Ana Unified School District. The City Council entered into an exclusive agreement to negotiate with John Laing Homes for the development of Planning Area 20 on the Base. Minutes - Planning Commission August 26, 2002 - Page 6 Director continued Hamilton Director Denny Director Denny Director Nielsen Jennings The City's budget was approved on August 5, 2002; anyone who is interested in receiving a copy should notify staff. Commissioner Nielsen was appointed on August 5, 2002; the Council determined that Commissioners must sit out one year before reapplying. Asked if the Council specified full terms. Stated the Council indicated after serving three consecutive terms. Stated he has received questions from friends in North Tustin who have heard about the County island annexations; and, asked if there is validity to the rumor that the County desires to eliminate all unincorporated County land. Replied that the County desires to discontinue providing municipal services; from a broad policy perspective, the County may be interested in eliminating unincorporated areas; the present focus is on smaller annexations of 75 acres or less that are considered islands; the annexation under consideration for Tustin will be easy to take forward if the residents are interested in becoming part of the City, because the City will probably use the existing property tax split; North Tustin would be an entirely different issue. Asked for confirmation that nothing is currently planned for North Tustin. Stated she does not believe so; the County is currently dealing with approximately 50 County-wide annexations. COMMISSION CONCERNS: Thanked the Director for answering several questions eadier today and for her help and guidance. Stated his appreciation in being chosen to serve with such a distinguished group of Commissioners. Indicated the "Broadway in the Park" presentations in Peppertree Park were excellent; stated there were more than 3,000 in attendance, up 10 percent from last year; and, thanked the City, especially the Parks and Recreation Department, for their enthusiastic support and cooperation for this event. Stated a Stevens Square sign was not repaired properly, looks bad, and needs to be repaired with gold-leaf paint. Noted that, even though Albertson's is to be demolished, something should be done about the weeds around the old Coldwell Banker building; there are also for-sale cars sitting on the lot; the general appearance should be improved. Indicated the yard of the vacant house at 690 South Myrtle is overgrown; and, added that a neighbor indicated there may be people going through the gate and sleeping on the back porch. Minutes - Planning Commission August 26, 2002 - Page 7 Jennings continued Noticed the bus is still parked behind Bally's. Denny Director Hamilton Kozak Peterson Kozak Stated she is very impressed with the landscaping at Tustin Transmission. Extended his congratulations to the new Chairman, the senior member of the Planning Commission, and to new Commissioner Nielsen. Thanked staff for the thorough presentations this evening. Indicated he looks forward to the MCAS-Tustin update workshop; suggested that a joint workshop with the Council regarding the Base might be appropriate so that some of the issues addressed in the workshop with staff can also be looked at in more detail with the Council, thereby allowing the Planning Commission more awareness regarding specific Council concerns; and, asked if such a workshop is planned. Answered that no joint workshop has been scheduled, but stated the MCAS-Tustin Specific Plan will be brought to the Planning Commission for consideration in the near future. Welcomed Commissioner Nielsen and congratulated Commissioners Kozak and Jennings for being elected Chairperson and Chairperson Pro Tem, respectively. Thanked staff for their work on tonight's reports. Wished everyone a wonderful Labor Day holiday weekend. Echoed the Commissioners' comments of welcome and congratulations. Acknowledged former Commissioner Davert's presence in the audience; and, invited him to return to a future meeting to receive a certificate of appreciation from the Commission. Thanked staff for the presentations. Thanked his colleagues for their vote of confidence in choosing him as Chairperson. Stated he is looking forward to working with the Commission and staff during the coming year. Noted the work on the Ralphs shopping center is moving along nicely; and, asked if Ralphs will be bringing a sign program to the City. Answered the sign program has been approved; the Ralphs pole sign will be replaced by a monument sign; new wall signs will be installed. Stated it will be good to see the pole sign on Redhill come down. Minutes - Planning Commission August 26, 2002 - Page 8 Kozak continued 7:55 p.m. Noted there seems to be an overconcentration of lease signs at the corner of Irvine and Newport; and, asked staff to ensure those signs comply with the Sign Code. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Monday, September 9, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way. Elizabeth A. Binsack Planning Commission Secretary /~t'e'~h n~. Kozak Chairperson Minutes - Planning Commission August 26, 2002 - Page 9