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PC RES 774
RESOLUTION NO. 774 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFIORNIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U.P. 65-191 OF MEURS. 05-10-65 A R,..oOLUTION OF THE PLANNI~o COMMISoION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PEREIT ON APPLICATION NO. U.P. 65-191 OF MEURS. The Planni. n~ Commission of the City of Tustin, Callfornia, resolves as follows: 1) The Planning Commission fin~.s an~ determines as follows: A) That a prooer aoplication (No. U.P. 65-191) was filed on behalf of Meurs to permit a trailer park in the U zone on the prooerty described as follows: Be~innin~ at a ooint on the monumented center line of Williams Street, as shown on St.sffard and Tustir~ Tract as per Map thereof recorded in Book 2, .... .~... P~=~e 612 of ?~lscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, Califorria, said point being ~80.12 feet South of the intersection of said monumented center line with the Center line of Main Street as shown on said Map; thence runnin~ South 88© 53' 15" west 828.50 feet to a point in the west line of Lot "H" of said tract, said point being marked by an iron pipe set in the top of th£, irri,~at~on pipe li~e; thence south 0© 33' east 569.80 feet along said west line of Lot "H" to a cross ir~ the: tOP of said irri:~ation ~i~.e li~e; thence ~orth ~8o ~3' ]-5" east ~0~.,~ .76 fe~t~ to a point i~ the s~id~ monu~ented certer line of Williams Street; thence north 0© ~6' 1~" west alon!~ said monu~_.nt=~ ~d center line a distance of 56~ feet to the point of beg inn i n.~. B) That a public hearin~ on sai~ aoolication was duly called, noticed and held. C) That the -orooosed use would not be detrimental to surroundino~ pro~erties or adjacent uses. D) That the proposed use would be compatible with the general olan of the City of Tustin, and shOuld be granted. 2) The Conditional Use Permit, as applied for, to permit a trailer ~ark in the U Zone, is hereby ,~ranted subject to the following conditions: 1. Pool area shall be adequately fenced. 2. Landscapln~ plans and ~lot developmental plans shall be submitted and am~rove.~ by the Architectural Committee before issuance of a buildin~ vermit. 3. That all orivate drives b~ u~aved and Williams Street improved in accordance with specifications set by the Engineering Department. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meet in:!~ of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, held on the 10th day of May, 1965. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, hereby certifies thst she is the Secretary of the Planning Commission. of the City of Tustin, California; that the foregoin~ Resolution was duly passed and adooted at a regular meeting of the PlanninE Commission, held on the 10th day of May, 1965. SECR:gA:_'N, OF THE PLANNING CO~'I~©N