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PC RES 767
RESOLUTION NO. 767 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT GRANTED ON APPLICATION NO. U.P. 64-182 OF RALPHS. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustln, California, resolves as follows: Section 1: The Planning Commission finds and determines: A) That a proper application was filed, by Ralphs Industries to amend, the conditional use oermit granted on application No. U.P. 64-182, to permit a freestanding, non- flashing sign with reader board, to be appurtenant to the permitted uses and to permit modification and relocation of the driveways and access on the property on the north side of Seventeenth Street west of Yorba, more particularly described as follows: That portion of the East half of Lot 14 in Block B of the Map of the A.B. Chapman Tract as surveyed by Frank LeCouvreur in 1870, in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on map recorded in Book 102, Page 15 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: The Westerly 455.00 feet, measured at right angles to the Westerly line of the East half of Lot 14, of the Southerly 670.00 feet, measured at right angles to the Southerly line of said Lot 14. EXCEPT therefrom the Southerly 50.00 feet. ALSO EXCEPT therefrom that portion of the East half of said Lot 14, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of said Lot 14 that bears North 89° 07' 5?" West 628.33 feet from the Southeast corner of said Lot 14, said South line being the center line of Seventeenth Street as described in deed recorded in Book 331 Page 188 of Deeds, records of said County; thence North 0° 22' 39" West 50.01 feet to a point, said ooint being on a line parallel with and 50.00 feet Northerly, measured at right angles, from the center line of said Seventeenth Street and said point being the True Point of Beginning, thence North 89° 07' 57"..West 29.79 feet along said parallel line to the Westerly line of the East half of said Lot 14; thence North 0° 22' 39" West along said Westerly line 620.00 feet; thence South 89© 07' 57" East 45.33 feet to a point of cusp with a curve concave to the Southeast having s radius of 15.00 feet; thence Southwesterly alone said curve through a central angle of 91° 14' 42" an arc length of 23.89 feet to its point of tangency with a line parallel with and 30.00 feet Easterly, measured at right angles, from said Westerly line of the East half of Lot 14; thence South 0° 22' 39" East 416.90 feet measured along said oarallel line to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the East having a radius of 170.00 feet;" thence Southerly along said curve throuMh a central angle of 16© 10' 52" an arc length of 48.01 feet; thence SoUth 16° 53' 31" East 50.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the West having a radius of 230.00 feet; thence Southerly alon~ said curve through a central angle of 16° 10' 52" an arc length of 64.96 feet; thence South 0° 22' 39" East 2.48 feet to the beginnin~ of a tangent curve concave to the Northeast having a radius of 27.00 feet; thence South- easterly along said curve through a central angle of 88° 45' 18" an arc length of 41.82 feet to its point of cusp with a llne that is parallel with and 50.00 feet Northerly, measured at ri~ht ano~les to said center llne of Seventeenth Street; thence North 89° 07' 57" West along said parallel line 56.43 feet to the True Polnt of Be~inning B) That a public hearing was regularly called, noticed and held on said amendment application. C) That the proposed amendment would be in the best interests of the development and use of the subject property, would not be detrimental to adjacent properties and uses, would be harmonious with the general neighborhood, and would be consistent with the ~eneral plan of the City of Tustin. D) That the amendment as applied for should be ~ranted. Section 2.' The amendment to the Conditional Use Permit ~ranted on application No. U.P. 64-182, as applied for, is hereby granted to permit theconstruction and ~use of a thirty-five foot high freestanding non-flashing sign and reader board, to be appurtenant to the uses oermitted on the property, and for mod~ficatIon and relocation of driveways and access, each and all as shown on the renderino~ and ~l~s filed in conne~tion with said amendment ~pDlication. Each and all of the terms, provisions and conditions of the condltion~l use permit hereto- fore granted on Application No. 64-182, to remain in effect except as herein amended. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Plannin~ Commission of the City of Tustin held on the 8th day of March, 1965. C-H^IRMAN OF ~HE~~ ~ NING COMMISSION SECRETARY 0~F THE PLANNING C~~ISSION T STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS. RUTH C. POE, the undersigned, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that the fore~oin~ Resolution was duly passed and adopted at a re~ular meetln~ of the Planning Commission held on the 8th day of March, 1965. S'CR TA~Y~F THE PLANNI~ COMMISSION