HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 739RESOLUTION NO. 739 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U.P. 64-176 OF PATRICIAN. 08-10-64 Hzo,_,LTjTION ~'~0. 739 :~,~ ....... IO~ OF PHE PLAI:NIXJ CO;{NISSIO% O~ ,.~l~ APPLIC ION The..Dlann':ne~ Commisslon of the City of Tustin, California, resolves as follows: Section 1: The .... Plannl:,,~,::::~ Commission.. ,fir:ns- ~_ and dete..r~,.~nes that a proper application (No. U.P. 6b-176) was filed fo~_ a eo~ditlonal Us~.~ ...~rmi% to pep:nit a directin.~al~, sls~ _. o~. the e~o::~rty on the Sour:: sld~-~ of :Tth Str:~et, :-et-',:en Yorba otr~t and Ch,~- liver'slde FPeewes. .~ ,~o:,:m:ssion finds and ~etermines Section 2: Th~ P!ann. in~ ~ ~ ' th:at a public hearing was duly called, not Zced end held on said application. Section .~: The Planning Commission ftnd. s and determines that said proposed use would not be detrimental to .~djolm[nS property and uses nor to thc ~',~e~] elan of the City, an::] that said Cond~ tionel Use Permlb should be ~rsnted. Section ~: The Cenditlons! Use Permlb, 8s 8ppl'1ed + -~ to permlt the eonstru,-ticn of 8 8' x 12' for, ls hereby ~::ren~:.::, ..... . ~:~ ( single fac,:: directional st:n, directing tr:aff:c to rusttn Continental at South side of McFaddc~n Street, between Walnut Avenue 8nd Myrtle Av~}nue, sutjeet Co the ~.~_lowi. ns conditions. 1. This pePmit shsll extend ~oP 8 period oC time not to exceed one year from the te of ri' ~ te ~na ~on 2. The sign copy s~all be limited to direc~.~~'~:..,~:~ info .... stton only. 3- The siEn shall comply with al! requlrcments of the Tustln S:.:n Ordtn. ance No. 183. 4. :~he aopltcant shall ~,~",v~:~ tt':~ si:n unon th,: expiration of the permit at no expense to any puhl:c ~ The appl. Ic~:nt shall post ,~ one hundred dollar (~100) bond gua:'ant~ln.:~ the removal of s~ld st~ 6. A buildin.:: per:i~ ~h::l] be obBained for the erecti, on of the sign. 7. The sign shall be loc'::ted 20' from the property line :PASSED ANu.~,, ...... st n ~e~ula. meet-'~ ~.ne Comm~ss ion, heI.'~ ,?n tPl::~ 10th day of Ausu~:t, 1764. ~HA-IRMAN OF THE PLANNING ~MM'~'~SION S'rATE ,...p CALI~'0~NIA ) C,OUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY 0F TUSTIN ) SS ~UTH C. POE, hereby certifies that she is the Secretsry of the Pl~nnin~ Commlss~.on of the City of Tust~n, California; theft the fouego~ng Resolution was duly passed and adopte~ at a reEulau meeting of the ?lannin~ Commission, held on the 10th day of August, 1964. 3ECRETARZ OP THE PL~NNIN~ COMMISSION (ACTING)