JULY 17, 2012
Agenda Item
City Manager
Finance Director
The City Council recently reviewed price, terms, and payment for Disposition Package
1B and directed staff to prepare an Exclusive Agreement to Negotiate with Standard
Pacific Corp. for disposition and development of Disposition Package 1B in the Tustin
Legacy Project.
Authorize the City Manager to execute the attached Exclusive Agreement to Negotiate
( "ENA ") between the City of Tustin and Standard Pacific Corp., subject to any non -
substantive modifications as may be determined necessary and /or recommended by the
City's special real estate counsel or the City Attorney.
With execution of the ENA, a $100,000 good faith deposit will be delivered to the City to
fund the transactional expenses anticipated to be incurred by the City during the
negotiation of a Disposition and Development Agreement ( "DDA ") and a Development
Agreement ( "DA ") and any other agreements directly associated with the projects.
There may be near to long -term financial impacts of any subsequent DDA and DA.
These impacts will be evaluated during the negotiation process and reported with any
recommended DDA and DA.
In April 2011, the City Council adopted a revised Disposition Strategy for approximately
820 acres of undeveloped property within the Tustin Legacy Project. Under the revised
Disposition Strategy, the City assumed an executive role in marketing "Disposition
Packages" or parcel groupings within the Tustin Legacy Project, based largely on
Agenda Report- Disposition Package 1B
July 17, 2012
Page 2
financeability and backbone and local infrastructure obligations being assigned to
specific disposition packages. The revised Disposition Strategy was intended to take
advantage of the success of completed development and major infrastructure
investment at Legacy. City staff has proceeded with the developer selection process on
four disposition package sites identified in the attached Early Disposition Package
exhibit (Disposition Package 1A North, 2A, 1B and the westerly portion of 1 C).
As part of Step 1 in the developer selection process for Disposition Package 1B (a for -
sale residential site), the Council in the fall of 2011 confirmed three respondents to
advance to Step 2 - Request for Proposal ( "RFP ") process based on the screening
recommendations of an expert panel. The short- listed developers invited to respond to
the Disposition Package 1B RFP included:
• Brookfield Homes
• The New Home Company
• Standard Pacific Corp.
An RFP was issued in February 2012, and Developer responses were received on April
13, 2012. Responses to the RFP were intensively reviewed and analyzed by staff and
City consultants. The Technical Evaluation Team was comprised of staff from the City
Manager's Office /Successor Agency, Community Development and Public Works
Departments, special real estate counsel, Amy Freilich, and representatives from RBF
Consulting and SMS Architects. The technical analysis was conducted based on the
RFP responses and the identified Evaluation Criteria contained in the RFPs which
• Responsiveness to RFP Submittal Requirements
• Development Entity and Experience
• Approach to Developing the Site
• Financial Capacity
• Purchase Order and Business Plan /Financial Feasibility
• Implementation
• Reference Checks /Interview (the reference checks and oral interview were
conducted by a smaller sub - committee of the Technical Evaluation Committee).
Based on the evaluation process, the specific terms, conditions, and purchase price
applicable to specific proposals were reviewed by the Tustin City Council. Based on
this review, the City Council directed staff to prepare an Exclusive Agreement to
Negotiate ( "ENA ") on Disposition Package 1B with Standard Pacific Corp.
Disposition Package 1B is a vacant, City -owned property of approximately 51.375 acres
Agenda Report- Disposition Package 1B
July 17, 2012
Page 3
in size which is located east of portions of Legacy Road and Park Avenue, currently
under construction by the City in conjunction with the Tustin Ranch Road Project.
Subject to entitlements and negotiations of the DDA and DA, Developer proposed two
alternative designs for development of the site for consideration by the City. The
development, depending on the alternative selected by the City, would range from 231
to 238 units. In addition, approximately 7.685 acres of the site would be devoted to a
public accessible park and open space greenbelt areas (to be owned and maintained by
a future HOA).
During the ENA period, the term and conditions of a Disposition and Development
Agreement for Disposition Package 1B will be negotiated. Provisions of City Ordinance
No. 1402 also require preparation and execution of a Development Agreement prior to
or concurrent with City approval of any development project.
A summary of major terms to be negotiated during the ENA negotiation period between
the parties include:
• Terms and conditions of conveyance
• The conveyance of property in an "as -is -where is -and with all faults" condition
• Development and construction of the projects at no cost and expense to City
• The product mix that must be applied for and granted for the projects
• Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program costs
• Local infrastructure costs transfer and assignment restrictions
• Mortgage limitations and subordination
• Remedies and termination rights
The ENA negotiating period is 150 days which may be extended to permit approval of
the DDA and DA.
Christine Shingleton
Assistant Executive Di tor
Attachments: Disposition Package Exhibit
Exclusive Agreement to Negotiate (Disposition Package 1B)
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1B) ("Agreement") is entered into this day of , 2012 (the "Effective Date ") by
and between THE CITY OF TUSTIN (the "City ") and Standard Pacific Corp., a corporation
organized and existing under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware
( "Developer "), with respect to certain land referred to herein as the "1B Property" (defined
below). The City and Developer hereby agree as follows:
1.0 Introduction.
1.1 Pursuant to the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990, (Part A of'
Title XXXIX of Public Law 101 -510; 10 U.S.C. Section 2687 Note), as amended, the federal
government determined to close the Marine Corps Air Station- Tustin ( "MCAS Tustin ") located
substantially in the City of Tustin. In 1992, the City was designated as the Lead Agency or
Local Redevelopment Authority for preparation of a reuse plan for MCAS Tustin in order to
facilitate the closure of MCAS Tustin and its reuse in furtherance of the economic development
of the City and surrounding region. The MCAS Tustin Reuse Plan developed in accordance with
this procedure was adopted by the City Council of the City of Tustin (the "City Council ") on
October 17, 1996 and amended in September, 1998 (the "Reuse Plan ").
1.2 A Final Joint Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for
the Disposal and Reuse of MCAS Tustin (the "Final EIS/EIR ") and Mitigation Monitoring and
Reporting Program for the Final EIS /EIR were adopted by the City on January 16, 2001. In
March 2001, a record of decision was issued by the Department of the Navy (hereinafter,
"Navy ") approving the Final EIS /EIR and the Reuse Plan. Subsequently, a Supplement to the
Final EIR/EIS and an Addendum to the Final EIS /EIR were approved by the City.
1.3 In May 2002, the Navy approved an "Economic Development Conveyance of
Property at MCAS Tustin" and agreed to convey 1,153 acres of MCAS Tustin to the City. On
May 13, 2002, a total of 977 acres, including the IB Property which is the subject of this
Agreement, was conveyed by the Navy to the City by quitclaim deed, in accordance with the
provisions of that certain Memorandum of Agreement by and between The United States of
America (through the Secretary of the Army or designee) and the City dated May 13, 2002
( "Memorandum of Agreement" or "MOA "). Additional acreage is currently under ground
lease by the City from the Navy. The portion of MCAS Tustin located within the City of Tustin
and currently owned by the City or subject to ground lease between the Navy and the City is
referred to herein as "Tustin Legacy ".
1.4 On February 3, 2003, the City adopted an ordinance approving the MCAS Tustin
Specific Plan/Reuse Plan setting forth the zoning and entitlement framework for future
development of Tustin Legacy. Since its initial adoption, the City has approved numerous
Specific Plan Amendments. All references in this Agreement to the "Specific Plan" shall be
deemed to refer to the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan /Reuse Plan, as the same may be amended
from time to time. The Specific Plan conforms to and implements the Reuse Plan and the City's
General Plan.
1.5 The City desires to effectuate development of Tustin Legacy through the sale and
development of such property in accordance with applicable federal and local requirements.
Tustin Legacy shall be developed in accordance with all City requirements, including, without
limitation, implementing redevelopment plans, the Reuse Plan and the Specific Plan.
1.6 In February 2012, the City issued a Request for Proposal ( "REP ") seeking a
developer for Disposition Package 1 B.
1.7 Developer submitted a proposal for purchase and development of the property
described in Disposition Package 1B RFP Response dated April 13, 2012 ( "RFP Response ").
1.8 The property described by Disposition Package 1B is comprised of a portion of
property referred to in the Navy transfer documents as "I -H -1, 1 -H -7, and II -H -8 ", and is further
legally described and depicted on the Site Map attached as Exhibit A (the "1B Property ").
1.6 Developer's RFP Response proposes development of the 1B Property with
between 231 and 238 for -sale homes at an average density of approximately 6.6 to 6.7 dwelling
units per acre, not considering streets in the density calculation, and a complete accompanying
set of amenities to be constructed by Developer. The proposed development of the 1B Property
described above and as further described in this Agreement is referred to herein as the "Project ".
1.7 The City and Developer desire, for the period set forth herein, to negotiate
diligently and in good faith, the terms and conditions of a disposition and development
agreement ( "DDA ") and development agreement ( "DA ") which if agreed and executed will
specify the rights, obligations and method of participation of the City and Developer with respect
to the sale and development of the IB Property and the development thereon of the Project.
2.0 Agreement to Negotiate.
2.1 Terms and Conditions. The City and Developer each desire to negotiate a DDA
and DA which if agreed upon and executed, shall set forth the terms and conditions pursuant to
which the 1B Property shall be conveyed by the City to Developer and developed by Developer.
2.2 DDA and DA. Notwithstanding that the terms of the purchase and sale and
development of the 1B Property are to be negotiated, Developer and the City have agreed that
the transactional documents to be negotiated to describe the transaction shall be in the form of a
DDA and DA.
2.3 ENA Not a Final Agreement. This Agreement (including all exhibits hereto) is
solely an exclusive right to negotiate and is not a final agreement. The City and Developer do
not intend this agreement to be a purchase, option or similar contract or to be bound in any way
by this Agreement, other than to establish a period of exclusive negotiations during which time
each of the City and Developer shall negotiate with the other in good faith. The City shall not
market the I B Property to other interested parties and Developer hereby agrees that it shall not
withdraw any offer made by it pursuant to Section 4.2.4.
2.4 Essential Terms Not Agreed. City and Developer acknowledge that although
the parties have set forth a framework for negotiation of essential terms of any transaction: (a)
they have not herein agreed upon essential terms of a transaction, including, e.g., price, terms
and timing of transfer of the 1B Property; (b) they do not intend this Agreement to be a statement
of essential terms of the transaction, which shall be the subject matter of their further
negotiations, and (c) the essential terms of the transaction, if agreed to by the City and
Developer, shall be set forth, if at all, in a DDA and DA approved and executed by authorized
representatives of each of the City and Developer
2.5 Effectiveness of Subsequent Agreements. The DDA and the DA shall not exist
and shall not be binding unless and until each is fully executed by Developer and the City,
approved by counsel to each of the City and Developer as to form and approved by the City
Council of the City and by the managing members of Developer, The DDA and DA shall
become effective only after and if the agreements have been considered and approved by the
legislative body of the City and the City Council of the City after noticed public hearing.
Nothing in this Agreement shall supersede or waive any discretionary or regulatory approvals
required to be obtained from the City pursuant to the Tustin City Code or the provisions of any
applicable State or Federal law or regulation.
2.6 Public Hearings and Compliance. If the negotiations hereunder culminate in
Developer and the City's negotiations concurring on the terms and provisions of a DDA and DA,
such DDA and DA will be considered for approval by the City only after all required public
hearings have been held and after compliance with all applicable laws and ordinances. The
concurrence of the City negotiators with the terms and provisions of a proposed DDA and DA
under any provisions of this Agreement shall not be construed or interpreted as the City
approving or accepting such terms. Such concurrence shall be viewed as nothing more than the
willingness of the City negotiators to recommend to the legislative body of the City and the City
Council that they approve such terms.
2.7 Assumption of Risk. City and Developer each assume the risk that,
notwithstanding this Agreement and good faith negotiations, the City and Developer may not
enter into any agreement due to their failure to agree upon essential terms of the transaction.
Neither party will have any liability to the other in the event that the parties are unable to reach
such a definitive agreement with respect to the proposed transaction for any reason or no reason.
3.0 Developer's Representations, Warranties and Agreements. Developer represents,
warrants and agrees as follows:
3.1 Expertise and Financial Qualifications. Developer has the necessary expertise,
experience and financial capability to undertake development of the 1B Property as contemplated
by this Agreement;
3.2 No Speculation in Land Holding. Developer's intended acquisition of the IB
Property and acquisition and its other intended undertakings pursuant to this Agreement shall be
used for the timely development of the 1B Property , and accompanying infrastructure and
amenities and not for speculation in land holding;
3.3 Experience. Developer is experienced in development and understands the
process and requirements required to make development projects such as the Project described
herein; and
3.4 Long -Term Development Financing. Developer is capable of providing
financing for the development of the 1B Property without the necessity of third party financing.
3.5 Release. Except as specifically set forth in Section 4.4, Developer hereby waives
the right to recover from and fully and irrevocably releases the City and its elected officials,
employees, agents, representatives, consultants and contractors (the "City Parties ") with respect
to any and all claims, actions, causes of action, demands, orders, or other means of seeking or
recovering losses, damages, liabilities, costs, expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys'
fees, consultant fees and court, arbitration and litigation costs) or any other type of compensation
that Developer may have or incur (a) pursuant to the RFP selection process, the RFP's or any
modification or defect thereto, or any information set forth therein, (b) with respect to the terms
of this Agreement including, without limitation, the information set forth herein or the
termination hereof, (c) any disputes, claims, actions, causes of action, demands or orders arising
between Developer and any third parties, and /or (d) any actions of the City or the City Parties in
connection with any of the foregoing (including, without limitation, the exercise by the City of
its discretion, decision, judgment with respect to the foregoing). This waiver and release includes
without limitation, a waiver and release with respect to (w) any and all damages and /or monetary
relief (whether based in contract or in tort), including, without limitation, any right to claim
direct, compensatory, reliance, special, indirect or consequential damages, (x) any right to
payment or reimbursement from the City except as specifically set forth in Section 4.4 of this
Agreement, (y) the right to protest the RFP and /or the terms or selection process pursuant to the
RFP and (z) the failure of the City to negotiate in good faith pursuant to this Agreement or to
enter into a DDA and /or DA.
3.6 Survival of Provisions. The provisions of this Section 3 shall survive the
termination of this Agreement.
4.0 Negotiations.
4.1 Good Faith Negotiations. The City will prepare a draft of the DDA and DA and
submit the draft documents to Developer for review and comment. The City and Developer agree
for the period set forth in Section 4.2 to exclusively negotiate with one another diligently and in
good faith to prepare a DDA and a DA and related documents to be entered into between the
City and Developer with respect to the purchase and sale and development of the 1B Property.
4.2 Period of Negotiations.
4.2.1 Initial Period. The Parties agree to negotiate for a period of one hundred
eighty (180) days from the Effective Date, subject to extensions as further provided in this
Section 4.2. If on the 180th day from the Effective Date (or within any extension of time
mutually approved by the City and Developer in accordance with the terms of the Agreement),
Developer has not signed a DDA and DA in form and substance prepared and approved by the
City in its sole discretion, then this Agreement shall automatically terminate.
4.2.2 Request for Extension. Developer may request from the City an extension
of the 180 -day exclusive negotiation period. The City will determine whether reasonable and
sufficient progress has been made toward fulfillment of the requirements of this Agreement in its
consideration of any extension. The 180 -day exclusive negotiation period may be extended by
the mutual consent of the City and Developer for up to two (2) additional periods of thirty (30)
days each.
4.2.3 Authority to Extend. The City hereby delegates to the City Manager, or
his or her designated representative, the authority to agree to grant the extensions specified in
Section 4.2.2 upon determination by the City Manager or his or her designated representative in
their sole and absolute discretion that Developer has negotiated diligently and in good faith and
that reasonable and sufficient progress has been made toward fulfillment of the requirements of
this Agreement. No such extension of time shall be effective unless it is in writing.
4.2.4 Offer to Purchase. The execution by Developer of a form DDA and DA
shall constitute an offer to purchase the 1B Property. Developer hereby agrees that it shall not
withdraw such offer to purchase for a period of sixty (60) days following submittal of the
executed DDA and DA to the City. Such offer shall remain in effect for a period of sixty (60)
days to enable the City to (a) determine whether it desires to enter into such a DDA and DA; (b)
take the actions necessary to authorize the City to sign the DDA and DA if the City desires to do
so; and (c) sign the DDA and DA. If the City has not considered and approved the DDA and DA
by such 60th day or, at the end of any extension mutually agreed upon by the City and Developer
in writing, then this Agreement shall automatically terminate.
4.3 Deposits and Costs.
4.3.1 Good Faith Deposit. Prior to the execution of this Agreement by the City,
Developer has submitted to the City a good faith deposit in the sum of One Hundred Thousand
Dollars ($100,000) (the "ENA Deposit ") in the form of a check to the City to ensure that
Developer will proceed diligently and in good faith to negotiate and perform all of Developer
obligations under this Agreement and to also be applied to cover any City Transaction Expenses
(defined below) incurred by the City after the Effective Date of this Agreement. The ENA
Deposit shall be deposited in an account in a bank or trust company selected by the City. Interest
shall accrue to any balances in the account for the benefit of Developer and as additional security
for Developer's obligations hereunder. The ENA Deposit will be expended to cover the City's
costs during the DDA negotiation process, and the ENA Deposit will be depleted accordingly.
Each time the amount of funds in the ENA Deposit account is depleted below Fifty Thousand
Dollars ($50,000), Developer shall be required to submit an additional Fifty Thousand Dollars
($50,000) to City which shall be credited by the City to the ENA Deposit account.
4.3.2 City Transaction Expenses. From and after the Effective Date, the ENA
Deposit may be used by the City to pay the City's third party predevelopment costs including,
without limitation, third party consultants, outside counsel, and any other expenditures required
in connection with the drafting, negotiation and execution of the DDA or termination of this
Agreement, including any and all City third party fees and costs incurred by legal counsel,
financial and other consultants ( "City Transaction Expenses "). City Transaction Expenses do not
include any fees or deposits required of Developer for processing entitlement applications or
complying with provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") or its State
CEQA implementing regulations. Determination of costs, expenses, and fees constituting City
Transaction Expenses shall be made by the City in its sole discretion and Developer shall upon
request be entitled to receive summary notices from the City setting forth amounts constituting
City Transaction Expenses to be retained by City.
4.3.3 Return of Deposit Under Specified Conditions. If the Parties enter into a
DDA within the time period identified in Section 4.2 of this Agreement, the City shall return any
remaining unused funds in the ENA Deposit account to Developer or Developer can apply it to
any additional deposit required as security for the performance under the DDA. If the Parties fail
to enter into the DDA within the time period identified in Section 4.2 of this Agreement or any
extension thereto, the City may retain any remaining unused portions of the ENA Deposit only if
Developer has not negotiated diligently or in good faith or has not carried out its obligations
under this Agreement and the City has negotiated diligently and in good faith and has carried out
its obligations under this Agreement. The Developer's failure to submit to the City plans,
reports, studies, investigations, applications and materials specified in Section 5 and Section 6 of
this Agreement within the time periods specified therein, shall be deemed to demonstrate
Developer's failure to negotiate diligently and in good faith and its failure to carry out its
obligations hereunder. If Developer has failed to do so, inasmuch as the actual damages which
would result from a breach by Developer of its obligations under this Agreement are uncertain
and would be impractical or extremely difficult to determine, the City shall be entitled to retain
any remaining unused portions of the original $100,000 ENA Deposit plus interest, if any, which
has accrued thereon, as liquidated and agreed damages.
4.3.4 Not Sole Remedy of City. Subject to Section 10.6 of this Agreement, by
the initials of their respective signatories hereunder, the City and Developer acknowledge and
agree that forfeiture of the original amount of the deposit (together with any interest earned and
accrued thereon) is not in lieu of any other relief, right or remedy to which the City might be
entitled by reason of Developer's default (other than a default in any obligation to negotiate in
good faith which shall be governed by the preceding paragraph).
4.3.5 Additional DDA Deposit. Developer acknowledges that it is currently
anticipated that the DDA shall require an additional deposit in an amount to be determined as
security for the performance of Developer's obligations under the DDA.
4.3.6 Costs and Expenses Borne by Developer. Developer acknowledges and
agrees that the City shall have no responsibility to pay or reimburse Developer for costs and
expenses incurred by Developer in connection with this Agreement or the compliance by
Developer with its obligations under this Agreement unless the City assumes any specific
responsibilities in the fully executed DDA. Costs and expenses for which Developer shall be
responsible include all pre - contractual expenses described in the RFP, all City Transaction
Expenses and all costs and expenses incurred by Developer with respect to compliance with the
terms of this Agreement.
4.3.7 Developer Right to Terminate. Developer may terminate this Agreement
in the event that during the course of the investigations and evaluation of the 1B Property and the
Project, it determines in good faith that the Project is not feasible or financeable. The City shall
return the deposit (less any costs of the City associated with negotiation of the DDA from the
Effective Date together, with any interest accrued thereon) to Developer upon termination of the
Agreement in the event Developer has negotiated in good faith hereunder and materially
complied with the terms hereof.
4.3.8 Payment of Outstanding Amounts. Upon a termination of this Agreement
other than as set forth in Section 4.4, to the extent that the funds provided by Developer to pay
the City Transaction Expenses are not sufficient to pay all City Transaction Expenses, Developer
shall promptly fund the amount remaining unpaid to the City.
4.3.9 Survival of Provisions. The provisions of this Section 4.3 shall survive the
termination of this Agreement.
4.4 Exclusivity; Good Faith Negotiations. During the period of exclusive
negotiation, the City covenants and agrees to negotiate exclusively with Developer and shall not
solicit another party for the Project or enter into any agreement with any other party regarding
the development of the 1B Property or any portion thereof. The City acknowledges and agrees
that but for this exclusivity, Developer would not have entered into this Agreement. In the event
a court of competent jurisdiction determines in a final decision that the City has breached this
exclusivity covenant, the City shall be deemed to have failed to negotiate in good faith. For any
breach of the covenant of good faith by the City, provided a DDA has not been entered into
pursuant to this Agreement, Developer's sole remedy shall be the terminaton of this Agreement
and the return of the good faith deposit (together with interest accrued thereon) and any other
deposits made by Developer pursuant to this Agreement.
4.5 Inspection; License.
4.5.1 Access License. The City hereby grants to Developer, for use by
Developer and its employees, representatives, agents, contractors and consultants (collectively,
the "Developer Parties "), a license during the term of this Agreement to enter upon the 1B
Property for purposes of conducting a due diligence inspection, provided that Developer shall
and shall cause the Developer Parties to: (a) deliver to the City written evidence that Developer
has procured the insurance required under Section 4.5.2; (b) give the City twenty -four (24) hours
telephonic or written notice of any intended access which involves work on or may result in any
impairment of the use of the IB Property ; (c) access the 1B Property in a safe manner;
(d) conduct no invasive testing or boring without the written consent of the City; (e) allow no
dangerous or hazardous condition created by Developer and /or the Developer Parties to continue
beyond the completion of such access; (f) comply with all laws and obtain all permits required in
connection with such access; and (g) conduct inspections and testing, subject to the rights of any
existing tenants or contractors doing work on the 1B Property , if any (which inspections and
testing, if conducted at times other than normal business hours, shall be conducted only after
obtaining the City's consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld). The limited license
granted herein is revocable by the City during the continuation of any breach of this Agreement
by Developer and shall be automatically revoked and terminated, without further action of the
City, upon the termination of this Agreement or any period of exclusive negotiation hereunder.
4.5.2 Insurance. Developer shall obtain, or cause the Developer Parties, with respect to
their access and investigative activities, to obtain, at Developer's or the Developer Parties' sole
cost and expense prior to commencement of any investigative activities on the 1B Property , a
policy of commercial general liability insurance covering any and all liability of Developer and
the City arising out of Developer's investigative activities, in an amount of $1,000,000 and
issued by a company authorized by the Insurance Department of the State of California and rated
A, VII or better (if an admitted carrier) or A -, X Of offered, by a surplus line broker), by the latest
edition of Best's Key Rating Guide. Such policy of insurance shall name the City, its officials
and employees as additional insured on the policy. Developer shall provide certificates of
insurance and insurer endorsements (or a copy of the signed policy binder, if applicable), signed
by a representative of the carrier evidencing the required insurance. Such policy of insurance
shall be kept and maintained in force during the term of this Agreement and so long thereafter as
necessary to cover any claims or damages by persons or property resulting from any acts or
omissions of Developer and /or the Developer Parties.
4.5.3 Indemnity. Developer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend protect and
hold the City and its elected officials, employees, agents, representatives, consultants and
contractors free and harmless from and against any and all claims, costs and /or Losses arising in
connection with or resulting from Developer's or the Developer Parties' access to the 1B
Property or its exercise of its rights hereunder, including, without limitation, any inspections,
surveys, tests or studies performed by Developer or the Developer Parties, save and except to the
extent such claims result from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City or its
agents, employees or representatives. Developer shall keep the 1B Property free and clear of any
mechanics' liens or materialmen's liens related to Developer's inspection of the 1B Property. The
indemnification by Developer set forth in this Section 4.5.3 shall survive the termination of this
Agreement and the execution of the DDA and the closing and transfer to Developer and shall
not merge into any deed granted pursuant to the DDA.
5.0 Proposed Development Concept.
5.1 Compliance with Existing Land Use and Zoning Requirements. The proposed
Project to be negotiated hereunder shall include the development and use of the 1B Property
consistent with the MCAS Tustin Redse Plan, the General Plan, and the Specific Plan.
5.2 Terms of DDA to be Negotiated. Developer and the City agree that it is their
intent, upon entry into this Agreement, to negotiate a DDA which is anticipated to address the
following terms and conditions and such other terms and conditions as they may agree, and
which will be binding upon City and Developer and, to the extent provided therein, their
successors and assigns.
5.2.1 Essential Terms. Developer shall acquire the 1B Property from the City.
The terms and conditions of the conveyances, including but not limited to the manner of the
conveyance, the conditions precedent to conveyance and the amount of the purchase price, shall
be determined as part of the negotiation of and detailed in the DDA, provided Developer
acknowledges and agrees that the purchase price for the I B Property shall be consistent with
Developer's April 13, 2012 Response to RFP.
5.2.2 As -Is Conveyance. While Developer should undertake its own
investigation to determine the presence of hazardous materials and suitability of the 1B Property
for development, Developer acknowledges and agrees that if the 1B Property is conveyed by the
City pursuant to a DDA, the IB Property shall be conveyed on and "AS -IS, WHERE -IS AND
WITH ALL FAULTS" basis, and Developer shall be obligated to release, defend, indemnify and
hold harmless the City with respect to its acquisition and development of the 1B Property and the
condition of the 1B Property, including any and all land use, soil and environmental conditions
of the 1B Property.
5.2.3 Development. The Developer shall design and construct the Project on the
1B Property at its own cost and expense in accordance with the scope of development and a
schedule of performance to be negotiated as part of the DDA and in accordance with plans and
specifications prepared by Developer , and approved by the City in accordance with such
schedule of performance and in compliance with all requirements and regulations of the City
including, without limitation, applicable zoning.
5.2.4 Product Mix. Developer understands and acknowledges that the product
mix proposed for the Project will be subject to approval by the City, in its governmental
capacity, and any necessary City entitlement approvals requested, including the specific
development option included in Developer's RFP Response that is desired by the City. The
actual number of units will be based on compliance with development standards in the Specific
Plan and any requirements contained in the DDA
5.2.5 Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program Costs. In connection
with development of the 1B Property, Developer shall have a Fair Share Obligation to make a
contribution to the Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program, as a Fair Share Contribution
to the Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Program. The Fair Share Obligation allocated to
the IB Property is currently estimated at $8,787,926 with any Fair Share Obligation and shall be
adjusted at building permit stage based on refined design information, updates to the benefit
analysis or availability of any outside funding sources and adjustments in the construction cost
index, as appropriate.
5.2.6 Community Facilities District (CFD). Consistent with Developer's RFP
Response, the DDA shall provide for imposition of a CFD including the Tax A and Tax B
approaches used within the Tustin Legacy Project as described in the RFP, with CFD proceeds
flowing solely to the City. Developer acknowledges and agrees (a) that the DDA shall provide
from creation and imposition of the CFD, (b) that its development plan will not require use of
CFD proceeds and (c) that CFD proceeds will not be used to reimburse Developer for its Fair
Share Obligation or Project specific infrastructure costs.
5.2.7 Local Infrastructure. The Developer will also be responsible for all costs
of any necessary Local Infrastructure Improvements and in -tract improvements as identified for
1B Property in the RFP.
5.2.8 Applications. Developer shall prepare and process applications for and
obtain from the City and other federal, state and local jurisdictions, all applicable land use,
planning and zoning approvals for the proposed development with the support of the City. These
entitlements will be required to be consistent with the Specific Plan, unless as part of approval of
any application under the Tustin City Code modifications to development standards are granted
by the City.
5.2.9 Project Costs. Project costs and revenues will be separately analyzed and
funding of all Project costs will be the responsibility of Developer, as applicable.
5.2.10 Development Fees. In connection with its development of the I B
Property, Developer acknowledges that the I B Property will be subject to applicable
development fees, including but not limited to those required by the City of Tustin, or other
jurisdictions such as the Foothill /Eastern Corridor Fee, the Santa Ana/Tustin Transportation
System Improvement Area (TSIA) fee, school impact fees by the Tustin Unified School District
(TUSD), current Orange County School Facility Bonds (Measure G and Measure L), utility
meter and connection fees. Developer also acknowledges that the 1B Property may be subject to
a future community facilities district for financing of school facilities to benefit Tustin pursuant
to an agreement between the City and the Tustin Unified School District regarding the transfer of
school sites.
5.2.11 Transfer and Assignment Restrictions. Developer acknowledges that the
DDA shall contain limitations on transfer and assignment of the rights of Developer including
the right of the City to approve in its sole discretion all assignments and transfers by Developer
of interests in Developer or in the DDA.
5.2.12 Mortgagee Limitations and Subordination. Developer acknowledges that
the DDA shall impose limitations on mortgages and mortgagees and shall require subordination
of any mortgage to the DDA and DA and other transaction documents as applicable.
5.2.13 Remedies and Termination Rights. Developer acknowledges that the
DDA shall contain remedies and termination rights in favor of the City for breach of the DDA,
which shall include without limitation, rights of reverter in conveyed land.
6.0 Developer's Responsibilities.
6.1 Status Reports. Developer agrees to make bi- weekly oral and /or written reports
advising the City and /or its staff of all matters and studies being made, including Developer's
progress in analyzing the feasibility of the Project as may be requested by the City or its staff.
6.2 Development Team. Developer shall, within ten (10) days of execution of this
Agreement, submit in writing to the City full disclosure of the names of Developer's agents,
authorized negotiators, professional employees or other associates of Developer who may be
participants in development of the Project and other relevant information concerning the above,
such as addresses, telephone numbers and employers. Developer shall also designate and submit
in writing to the City the names of all Developer's lead negotiators who shall have authority to
make decisions on behalf of Developer.
6.3 Financial Status. Developer shall continue to be responsible for demonstrating
to the City Developer's financial capacity and capability to perform its obligations under this
Agreement and the proposed DDA. Developer shall submit any additional financial information
required to demonstrate Developer's financial capacity and capability to perform its obligations
under this Agreement and the proposed DDA as requested by the City within thirty (30) days of
a request. Developer shall identify with specificity the documents which Developer wants the
City to maintain as confidential documents and a statement as to why the request is consistent
and complies with the provisions of the Public Records Act of the State of California. If
confidentiality is requested and if nondisclosure under the Public Records Act is allowed, the
documents shall be delivered to and maintained by the City and copies shall not be disseminated.
To the extent permitted by law, the City shall not make public disclosure of the documents. The
City's agents, negotiators and consultants may review the statements as necessary as long as
such parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of such statements.
6.4 Assignment. If Developer determines to joint venture or partner development of
the 1B Property , or if Developer determines to form a new legal entity to develop the 1B
Property , Developer shall promptly inform the City of such determination and submit to the City
the joint venture's or partner's most recent financial statements and the financial statements of its
key principals. The assignment of Developer's rights under this Agreement to any new entity,
partnership or joint venture may be approved in writing by the City, provided that the City is
satisfied in its sole discretion, that the new entity, partnership, or joint venture has the financial
capability to perform under this Agreement and the proposed DA.
6.5 Design Review/Entitlements. It is understood and agreed by Developer that the
quality, character and uses proposed for the Project are of particular importance to the City and
that planning and design review approval and other entitlements by the City will be required for
the development of the 1B Property. Developer and the proposed architect and engineer for the
Project shall meet with representatives of the City to review and come to a clear understanding of
the planning and design criteria required by the City. Within 20 days after the Effective Date,
Developer shall submit a schedule for entitlement processing. Within sixty (60) days after the
Effective Date, Developer shall submit for approval of the City preliminary revised design
drawings and related documents containing the overall plan for development of Developer's
Project including the following: preliminary site plan showing building layout and dimensions,
parking, landscaping and access on or related to each individual parcel, floor plans, preliminary
materials call -outs and conceptual building renderings and a development schedule.
6.6 Project Financial Pro Forma. Within sixty (60) days after the Effective Date,
Developer shall submit revised overall cost and revenue estimates, Project cost and revenue data
including information on Project's financial return adequate to enable the City to evaluate
Developer's Business offer and economic feasibility of the proposed development of the Project,
as proposed, on the 1B Property. The information submitted shall be in the same Business Plan
format provided in response to the Request for Proposal for Disposition Package 1B or as
otherwise requested by the City. The financial pro formas for the Project shall reflect any
comments the City provides to Developer on the preliminary site plan.
6.7 Additional Information. Developer understands and agrees that the City's
negotiating team reserves the right at any time to reasonably request from Developer additional
information, including data and commitments to ascertain the depth of Developer's capability
and desire to develop the 1B Property expeditiously. The City's negotiating team will provide a
reasonable time in which Developer may obtain and submit to the City such additional
6.8 Contacts During Negotiation. Developer shall only negotiate with the City's
negotiating team as defined in writing by the City Manager, or his or her designated
representative and with no other persons unless expressly authorized to do so by the City's
negotiating team. During the period of negotiations, Developer shall make no statements to the
media about the proposed Project without the approval of the City Manager or his or her
designated representative. The Developer's failure to comply with the provisions of this
Section shall be conclusive evidence that Developer has not "negotiated in good faith."
6.9 Environmental and Other Studies.
6.9.1 Environmental Requirements. Compliance with CEQA is a legal
precondition to any final City action to approve and execute a DDA and DA for the I B Property.
Developer shall cooperate with the City and abide by the City's environmental compliance
procedures and fee requirements, which include, but are not limited to, the obligation to deposit
funds to pay all of the City's costs of preparing any additional required environmental studies as
may be determined.
6.9.2 Plans, Reports, Studies and Investigations. Developer shall provide the
City, without cost or expense to the City, copies of all plans, reports, studies or investigations
(collectively, "Plans ") prepared by or on behalf of Developer for development of the Project on
the 1B Property. All Plans shall be prepared at Developer's sole cost and expense. If this
Agreement is terminated for any reason other than a material breach or default hereunder by the
City, the City may request that Developer, for consideration to be mutually agreed, transfer
Developer's rights to any or all Plans identified by the City, but in no event shall the cost to the
City exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00). Upon such request, Developer shall deliver to the
City copies of all Plans requested by the City together with a bill of sale therefore, provided that
Developer makes no representations, warrantee or guarantee regarding the completeness or
accuracy of the Plans, and Developer does not covenant to convey the copyright or other
ownership rights of third parties thereto. Such Plans shall thereupon be free of all claims or
interests of Developer or any liens or encumbrances. Upon the City's acquiring Developer's
rights to any or all of the Plans, the City shall be permitted to use, grant, license or otherwise
dispose of such Plans to any person or entity for development of the 1B Property or any other
purpose; provided, however, that Developer shall have no liability whatsoever to the City or any
transferee or title to the Plans in connection with the use of the Plans
6.9.3 Hazardous Materials Assessment. Developer acknowledges that, in
accordance with the City of Tustin's acquisition of the 1B Property from the Department of the
Navy by quitclaim, the Navy found and determined that there was no contamination on the 1B
Property and issued a Finding of Suitability for Transfer ( "FOST ") dated April 22, 2002. The
City would intend upon approval of a DDA to sell and convey by quitclaim in the same manner
as the parcels were conveyed to the City to include the covenants and warranties as identified in
the Navy's quitclaim deed attached in the RFP.
6.9.4 Insurance. The Developer, and any permitted assignee(s), will be
responsible in conjunction with any DDA to provide commercial general liability, workers
compensation, builder's risk property insurance, and environmental insurance as identified in the
7.0 The Developer.
7.1 Nature of Developer. Developer will be Standard Pacific Corp. or such other
business entity (such as a limited liability corporation) as the City may approve for Disposition
Package 1 B, , upon such terms and conditions as the City may request and the City and
Developer may agree, as specified in the DDA and DA. Should another business entity be
desired by Developer, subject to approval of the City, , Developer shall submit a copy of the
applicable formation documents relating to Developer and any corporate members of Developer
(i.e., as applicable: articles of incorporation; partnership agreement; and /or limited liability
corporation articles of incorporation, statement of information and operating agreement).
7.2 Offices of Developer. The principal offices of Developer are located at 15360
Barranca Parkway, Irvine, California, 92618. The principals of Developer are as follows:
Ted McKibbin, President, Southern California Coastal
Michael C. Battaglia, Vice President Project Development
Gary Jones, Vice President, Land Acquisition
7.3 The Developer's Consultants and Professionals. Developer is required to make
full disclosure to the City of any changes to its principals, officers, stockholders, partners, joint
venturers, Project employees, and other associates and all other pertinent information concerning
Developer and its associates, as identified in its RFP responses. Developer agrees to substitute
or supplement any of its consultants and professionals as reasonably requested by the City.
8.0 The Developer's Financial Capacity.
8.1 Financial Capacity. Any additional financial information required to
demonstrate financial capacity and capability to perform the obligations under this Agreement of
Developer, if requested, shall be submitted to the City or its consultant as requested by the City
for the purposes of this Agreement.
8.2 Equity. Developer proposes to obtain its equity capital for development of the
1B Property from in -house financing.
8.3 Construction Financing. Developer proposes to finance Project costs for
development of the 1B Property with 100% equity.
8.4 Long -Term Development Financing. Developer is capable of providing
financing for the development of the 1B Property without the necessity of third party financing.
8.5 Bank and Other Financial References. The Developer's bank and other
financial references are as set forth in Developer's RFP Response.
8.6 Full Disclosure. Developer will be required to make and maintain full
disclosure to the City of the methods of financing and the financing documents to be used in the
9.0 City's Responsibilities.
9.1 Environmental Requirements. A final Environmental Impact
Statement/Environmental Impact Report ( "EIS/EIR ") has been prepared and certified for the
MCAS Tustin Reuse Plan. Developer agrees to finance and supply information and otherwise
assist the City as requested to enable the City to determine the environmental impact of the
proposed development of the Project as described by the DDA and DA and to prepare such
additional environmental documents, if any, as may be needed to be completed for the
9.2 Assistance and Cooperation. The City shall cooperate with Developer by
providing appropriate information and assistance as reasonably requested by Developer.
9.3 Plans and Studies. The City shall, within ten (10) business days of execution of
this Agreement and at no cost to Developer, provide Developer with copies of all plans, reports,
studies, investigations and other materials the City may have pertinent to Disposition Package 1B
and /or development of the Project on the 1B Property provided, however, that the City makes no
representations, warrantee or guarantee regarding the completeness or accuracy of such plans,
reports, studies, investigations and other materials.
9.4 FOST. The City agrees to provide a copy of the FOST to Developer within 10
days following the Effective Date.
10.0 Miscellaneous.
10.1 Assistance and Cooperation. Developer and the City shall reasonably cooperate
with one another to achieve the objectives and purposes of this Agreement
10.2 Real Estate Commissions. The City shall not be liable for any real estate
commission, finder's fee or any broker's fees which may arise from this Agreement. Developer
represents that it has not engaged any broker, agent, or finder in connection with this Agreement
and Developer agrees to hold the City and its representatives harmless from any losses and
liabilities arising from or in any way related to any claim by any broker, agent, or finder retained
by Developer , regarding this Agreement or the sale or development of the 1B Property . The
provisions of this Section 10.2 shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
10.3 No City Duty. Except as expressly provided above in Section 4.3.3, the City
shall have no obligations or duties hereunder and no liability whatsoever in the event the City
and Developer fail to agree upon or to execute a DDA and a DA.
10.4 Non - Liability of City Officials and Employees. No member, official,
representative, director, staff member, attorney or employee of the City shall be personally liable
to Developer or any successor in interest in the event of any default or breach by the City or for
any amount which may become due to Developer or to its successor, or on any obligations under
the terms of this Agreement.
10.5 Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the City
and Developer with respect to the matters set forth herein and supersedes any prior negotiations
or contemporaneous writings or statements. This Agreement may not be amended except in
writing signed by each of the City and Developer hereunder.
10.6 Attorneys' Fees. If either the City or Developer brings an action or files a
proceeding in connection with the enforcement of its respective rights or as a consequence of any
breach by any party of its obligations hereunder, then the prevailing party in such action or
proceeding shall be entitled to have its reasonable attorneys' fees and out -of- pocket expenditures
paid by the losing party.
10.7 Covenant Against Discrimination. Developer shall not discriminate against nor
segregate, any person or group of persons on account of sex, race, color, age, marital status,
religion, handicaps, creed, national origin or ancestry in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use,
occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the 1B Property , nor shall Developer establish or permit any
such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation in the selection, location, number, use
or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees or vendees of the 1B Property.
10.8 Notices /Submittals. All notices or submittals required or permitted hereunder
shall be delivered in person, by overnight courier, or by registered or certified mail, postage
prepaid, return receipt requested to such party at its address shown below, or to any other place
designated in writing by such party.
John Buchanan, Program Manager
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Jeffrey C. Parker, City Manager
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Ted McKibben
15360 Barranca Parkway
Irvine, CA 92618
10.9 Any such notice or submittal shall be deemed received upon delivery, if delivered
personally; one (1) day after delivery to the courier, if delivered by courier; and three (3) days
after deposit into the United States mail if delivered by registered or certified mail.
10.10 Prohibition Against Assignments. This Agreement shall not be assigned by
Developer without the consent of the City in its sole discretion. Any attempted or purported
assignment by Developer of this Agreement without the consent of the City as aforesaid shall be
void and a breach by Developer of its obligation to negotiate in good faith under this Agreement.
10.11 No Third Party Beneficiaries. Execution of this Agreement is not intended to
create or confirm any third party beneficiary rights in or create any liability on the part of either
the City or Developer to any third parties.
10.12 Effect of Disposition and Development Agreement. Following mutual
execution by the City and Developer of a DDA and DA, this Agreement shall be of no further
force or effect, except that unless otherwise agreed in writing by Developer and the City, the
releases set forth in Sections 3.5 the indemnities set forth in Section 4.5.3 and Section 10.2 and
the confidentiality provisions of and Section 10.13 of this Agreement shall remain in effect with
respect to claims arising during the term of this Agreement. In the event of any conflict between
the provisions of this Agreement and any DDA or DA approved by the City and Developer, the
provisions of the DDA and DA shall for all purposes prevail.
10.13 Confidentiality. The City and Developer represent and warrant that each shall
keep this Agreement and all information and /or reports obtained from the other, or related to or
connected with the 1B Property, the other parties, this Agreement, and until presentation to the
City for approval, the DDA and DA or any other documents negotiated by the City and
Developer, confidential and will not disclose any such information to any person or entity
without obtaining the prior written consent of the other parties, except that the City shall have the
right to disclose any information contained in any third party reports obtained by Developer and
Developer shall have the right to make disclosures to Developer's employees and independent
contractors, including but not limited to consultants, financial planners, outside counsel, and
experts as necessary in order to determine if the Project is feasible and financeable.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Agreement, the draft DDA and DA and all other material
relating to this Agreement are subject to the provisions of the California Public Records Act
(Government Code Section 6250 et seq.). The City's use and disclosure of its agreements and
records are governed by this Act. The provisions of this Section shall survive the termination of
this Agreement.
10.14 Governing Law/Exclusive Venue. The Agreement shall be interpreted in
accordance with California law. The Parties agree that in the event of litigation, exclusive venue
shall be in Orange County, California.
10.15 Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in one or more counterparts, each
of which shall constitute an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and Developer hereto have executed this
Agreement as of the date set opposite their signatures.
City of Tustin
Dated: By:
David Kendig
City Attorney
Jeffrey C. Parker
City Manager
Standard Pacific Corp.
Dated: Ted McKibbin, President
Southern California Coastal
Gary Jones, Vice President
Land Acquisition
Southern California Coastal
Exhibit A
1BProperty Legal Description and Site Map
Lots 9, 10, 1 I, 12, 00, PP, QQ, RR, TT, boo, and a portion of 00000 of Tract No. 17404 in
the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California as shown on a map filed in Book 884,
Pages 1 to 14, Official Records of Orange County, California.
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