HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 730 RESOLUTION NO. 730
The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin,
California, resolves as follows:
Section l: The Planning Commission finds and
determines that a proper application (No. V. 64-145)
was flled for a variance to permlt a convalescent hospital
on the property described as follows:
PARCEL 1: That portion of the Southeasterly 19 acres of
the Subdivision of the Felipe Yorba Tract, as shown on a
Map recorded in book 4, page 206 of Miscellaneous Records
of Los Angeles County, California described as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of the parcel of land
described in the deed from Andrew R. Morris and wife to
I.G. Bowen, recorded March 21, 1919 in book 330, page 388
of Deeds, running thence Easter].y along the North llne of
said land conveyed to Bowen, 330.34 feet, more or less, to
the Northwest corner:of the par~et~'6f land conveyed to M.
Gladys Watson by deed recorded December ll, 1929 in book
332, page 350 of Official Records, said point being 258
feet Westerly from the East line of said Felipe Yorba
Tract; thence Southerly along the West line of said ~
Watson land, 150 feet to the Southwest corner thereof;
thence Easterly along the South lineof said Watson land,
125 feet to the ~orthwesterly corner of the land conveyed
to L.W. Hemphill and wife by deed recorded November 10,
1930 in book 432, page 308 of Official Records; thence
Southerly alone 'the West line of said Hemphill land, and
along the west line of the land conveyed to Dorothy Beckman
by de d recorded November 10, 1930 in book 432, page 309 of
Official Records, 131 feet to a point; therce Westerly
455 feet, more or less, to a point in the West line of the
land conveyed by deed recorded in book 330, oage 388 of
Official Records, 286 feet to the point of beginning.
Excepting that portion of said land described as follows:
Commencing at a point on the West line of said Southeast
19 acres, distant along said llne, North 0°32'23" East,
285.72 feet from the South line of s~.8 Felipe Yorba Tract;
thence ~orth 22o09' East 184.41 feet to the South line of
that certain parcel of land described in deed to M. Gladys
Watson as Parcel i recorded in book 1323, page 442 of said
Official Records, the true pglnt of beginning of this
description; thence North 28v04'47" EaSt, 313.51 feet to
the North line of said parcel of land; thence along said
North line North 88°42'24" West, 215.70 feet to said
West llne; thence along said West line, South 0°32'23"
West, 286.00 feet to the Southwest corner of said parcel
of land; thence along said South line, South 89°20'10"
East, 67.95 feet to said true point of beginning, as
conveyed to the State of California by deed recorded
June 29, 1961 in book 5769, page 217 of 0ff1¢lal Records.
.~ARCEL 2..~ An Easement for ingress and egress for any
general road purposes over a strip of land 15 feet in
width, ,East and West, described as the East 15 feet of
the following:
Beginning in the South line of said land described in
said deed recorded in book 1323, page 442 of Official
Records, at a point 207.39 feet East of the Southwest corner
Of said land; thence South 0°~4'15" East 169.54 feet, more
or less, to the 60 feet street named Myrtle Street; thence
South 89°52'45" West 207.39 feet; thence North 0°14'15" West
169.54 feet to the Southwest corner of the land described
in said deed recorded~in book 1323, page 44.2 of Official Records,
and thence South 89°52'45" East 207.39 feet to the point of
PARCEL ~: Beginning at a point on the East llne of the
~bdlvision of the Felipe Yorba Tract as shown on a Map recorded
in book 4, page 206 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles
County, California, said point being Southerly 700.57 feet
from the Southeast corner of Lot i of said Tract, said point
also being on the West line of that certain 40° foot strip
of land known as Yorba Street, and running From said point of
beginning Southerly along said ~ast line of the Fellpe Yorba
Tract 150 feet; thence Westerly alo~q, aline 150 feet South of
and parallel to the South ]ineof that certain parcel of land
conveyed by deed recorded March 31, 1919 in book 330, page 387
of Deeds, records of Orange County, California, 258 feet; thence
Northerly alonM a llne parallel to the Easterly line of said
Felipe Yorba Tract 150 feet to the South line of that parcel of
land conveyed by deed recorded March 21, 1919 in book 330, page
387 of Deeds, records of Orange County, California, thence
Easterly along said SoUth line 258 feet to the point of beginning.
Excepting therefrom the East 150 feet.
PARCEL 4: Beginning at a point on the East line of the Subdivision
of the Felipe Yorba Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in book 4,
page 206 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California
said point being Southerly 700.57 feet from the Southeast corner of
Lot 1 of said Tra~t, said point also being on the West llne of
that certain 40 foot strip of land known as Yorba Street, and
running from said point of beginning Southerly along said East
line of the Felipe Yorba Tract 150 feet; thence Westerly along a
line 150 fe~,t South of and parallel to the South line of that
certain oarcel of land conveyed by Deed recorded March 31, 1919
in book 330, page 387 of Deeds, records of Orange County,
California, 258 feet; thence Northerly along a line parallel to the
Easterly ~ne of said FeliPe Yorba Tract 150 feet to the South
line of that parcel of land conveyed by deed recorded March 21,
1919 in book 330, page 387 of Deeds, records of Orange County,
California; thence Easterly along said South line 258 feet to the
point of beginning.
PARCEL 5: That Portion of the Felipe Yorba Tract, .in the city
of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, per map
recorded in book 4 page 206, of Miscellaneous Records, in the
office of the county recorder of Los Angeles County, California,
described as follows:~
Beglnnin~ at a point on the center line of First Street, distant
South 89 51' 45" West 403.31 feet from the southeast corner of
said Felipe Yorba Tract; thence North 0° 22' 00" Wes.t 290.00
feet to the true point of beginning; being also the most westerly
southwest cornerof the land described in the deed to James J.
Praggastis and Kay Praggastis, recorded December 9, 1963 in
book 6834 page 684, Official Records; thence North 89° 51' 4.5"
East, 30.00 feet to the southwest corner of the land described
In the deed to Henry V. Eastman and Hazel J. Eastman, recorded
August 22, 1960 in book 5384 page 345, Official Records; thence
along the westerly and northerly boundaries of said Eastman
land North 0° 22' 00" West 50.00 feet and North 89° 51' 45"
East 30.00 feet; thence leaving said boundary of Eastmans land
North 0° 22' 00" West 117.86 feet to the southerly ~line of the
land described in Parcel i of a deed to M. Gladys Watson recorded
August 10, 1945, in book 1323 page 442, Official Records;
thence westerly 60.00 feet along said southerly llne to the
northwest cornerof said land described in book 6834 page 684,
official Records; thence Oo~th 0° 22' 00" East 167.86 feet along
the most westerly boundary of said land of Praggastis to the
true point of beginning.
?ARCEL 6: An easement for road purposes over a parcel
of land"'approxlmately 25 feet by 30 feet adjoining South
of Parcel 5 herein described·
An exact legal description will be furnished to escrow
holder for both parties approval.
S~.ction 2:- The Planning Commission duly called,
noticed and held a public hearing on said application.
Section ~: The Planning Commission finds and
determines that the proposed use would not be detrimental
to adjacent properties, adjolning ~uses, nor~ to the general
plan of the city, and that the subject property is
geographically situated so that the restrictions of the
zone it is in are more burdensome on it than on other
properties in the same zone.
Section 4: The variance, as applied for, is hereby
granted to permit a convalescent hospital on the subject
pro.~erty, subject to the following conditions:
1. The existing 20' driveway on the East side of the
property be widened to 25' allowing two-way traffic
2. That a masonry wall,per city standards, be constructed
alon~ the Northerly and Southerly boundaries of subject
property prior to final building inspection.
3- That the proposed use be restricted to that area
generally West of the existing single family residence~
and that this home not be used for hospital purposes.
4. That the applicant dedicate to the City of Tustin that
right-of-way along Yorba Street.
5. That adequate fire protection be provided for the
proposed development.
6. That Myrtle Street be dedicated and improved to City
Standard at applicant's cost.
7. That ir.rigation facilities shall be removed to
adjacent properties.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the
Planning Commission, held on the 13th day of July, 1964.
RUTH C. POE hereby certifies that she is the
Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin
California; that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed
and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission,
held on the 13th day of July~ 1964.