HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOWERPOINT PRESENTATION - DESIGN REVIEW 2012-002Public Hearing Item #1 125 W. Main Street CO1NDITIOlNAL USE PERPMIT GCUP) 2012-0 REOUEST 125 W. Main Street, a request to: demolish an existing building construct a new mixed use building consisting of restaurant/retail, office and residential uses F a proposal for joint use parking Parking exceptions F the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with restaurant use PR.S���T pESCR�I�PTION The property is located within the Central Commercial (C-2), the Combining Parking (P) an Cultural Resources (CR) Zoning Districts General Plan designation Old Town Commercial, wr allows for retail, professional office, and service-oriented busi nese activities to serve Old Tov and surrounding areas a 0• as i Construct a new three-story mixed use building First floor: Resta u ra nt Second floor: Office and Third floor residential R E A R E L EVA T I ON ti I (; H7 E LEVA710N I 114 R0�P0SAL Fronting Main Street Access f ro m rear alley 11 on-site parking sta I Is Outdoor seating area ENTITLEMENT PIAN Requires approval by the City Council following a recommendation by the Planning Commission: Design Review is required for site planning and design Conditional Use Permit is required to permit non -listed use such as a mixed-use development, sale of alcoholic beverages, and joint use parking facilities Parking exception to reduce on-site parking subject to specific findings and payment of an annual fee DESIGN REVIEW Designed to be consistent and compatible with existing buildings in Old Town Tustin Massing and form Below maximum permitted height in the zoning district Incorporate multiple uses Maximize the street frontage Overall, the proposal is consistent with existing and previous projects approved in Old Town Prospect Village mixed use 170 EI Camino Real Old Hardware Store rwi4 PARKING Parking study provided a time -of -day analysis 30% reduction of the City's off-street parking requirements Factor in walk-in trips and other common parking areas as well as on -street parking Require 31 parking spaces 11 spaces provided on-site 20 additional needed Ordinance 1416 provides exception for on-site parking requirements Payment of a fee ($60/spacd per CC Resolution No. 12-27) Project meets specific findings` Parking exception for this project is consistent with the City's goa Is A Parking Exception Agreement has been drafted for City Council consideration CQLN The proposed project is: Consistent with and compatible to the surrounding area Anticipated to bring economic vitality to the area with the proposed design and uses Provides the opportunity for multi-level uses while encouraging walking and shopping in the Old Town Area Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 12-69 approving Design Review 2012-002 and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2012-