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PC RES 642
RESOLUTION NO. 642 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, RECOMMENDING REZONING TO R-3 UPON APPLICATION NO. Z.C. 63-123, OF FISHMAN. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California resolves as follows: Sectio.D. 1~ The Planning Commission finds and de- termines that a proper application (No. Z.C. 63-123) on be- half of ALEX FISHMAN, was filed for change of zone to R-3 of the property described as' Paro...e...1 1: That certain real property situated in the Rancho Santiago De Santa Aha, County of 0range, State of California, described as follows' 1st. Commencing at a point 12.50 chains South of the old boulder stone set on the North line of the Allot- ment to F.W. Ko!l in the partition of said Rancho, which stone is 2220.15 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Allotment, and running thence Easterly Parallel with the North line of said Koll Allotment 8.42 chains to the North- west corner of land formerly owned by M.L. Adams; thence South 0° 10' West 10.708 chains, and thence North 10.708 chains to the point of beginning containing 9 acres, more or less; reserving therefrom a right of way for road purposes along the west line. ~ARCEL 2: 2nd. Commencing at a point 23.208 chains South of the old boulder stone set on the North line of the Allot- ment to F.W. Koll in the martition of said Rancho, which stone is 2220.15 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Allotment, running thence Easterly parallel with the North line of said Koll Allotment, 8.385 chains; thence South 0° 10' West 2.94? chains; thence Westerly parallel to the North line of said Koll Allotment, 8.37~ chains, and thence North 2.947 chains to the point of beginning, containing 2.~? acres, more or less; reserving therefrom a right of way for road purposes along the West line. 287 PARCEL .3' That certain real property situated in the Rancho Santiago de Santa Aha, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows' Beginning at the Northeast corner of the tract o£ land described in the deed from J.I. McCarter and wife to Chester H. Kenyon and Wife, recorded iu Book 190, page 341 of Deeds, Records of Orange County, California; thence North 89° 30' East and parallel with the North line of said F.W. o Kell Allotment 264.4 feet to a point; thence South 5 30' East 315.53 feet; thence South 48© 02' East 318 feet to a point in the Southeasterly line of said F.~. Koll Allot- ment; thence South 39° 47' West along said last mentioned line, 846.2 feet to the East line of the tract described in the deed from C.L. Hallett and wife to A.C. Lutz, recorded in Book 182, page 282 of Deeds, Records of said Orange County; thence kTorth, along the East line of said last des- cribed tract, and the East line of the tract conveyed to Chester H. Kenyon and wife, as aforesaid, 1~.74.7 feet to the place of beginning, containing 8.05 acres, .more or less. Subject to an easement for road purposes over the Southeasterly 30 feet, as granted to the County of Orange by deed recorded in Book 143, Page 581 of Deeds, Records of said 0range County. P~A_RCEL_ 4:.. That certain real property situated in the Rancho Santiago de Santa Aha, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows That portion of the F.~I. Koll Allotment described as follows' Beginning at a point distant North 89° 30' East 264.4 feet from the Northeast corner of the Tract of land des- cribed in the deed from J.I. McCarter and Wife to Chester H. Kenyon and wife, recorded in Book 190, Page 341 of Deeds, o records of Orange County, C?~lifornia; thence ~Corth 89 30' East and parallel with the North line of the said F.W. Koll Allotment 57.80 feet; thenc~e South 51° East 497.70 feet to a point in the Southea,.~t~erly line of the said F.~,~. Koll Allotment, thence South 39° 47' ~'Cest along said last men- 288 tioned line 278 feet to the most Easterly corner of the Tract described in the deed from Charles F. Kneen and wife to Chester H. Kenyon and wife, recorded in Book 350, page 268 of Deeds, O Records of Orange County, California; thence I',~orth 48 02' West 318 feet; thence North 5° 30' West 315.53 feet to the point of beginning; containing 2.719 acres of land. Subject to an easement for road purposes over the Southeasterly 30 feet as granted to the County of Orange by deed recorded in Book 1~3, page 581 of Deeds, Records of Orange County, California. Excluding that portion deeded to the State of Cali- fornia, by document number 10703, recorded at the request of the State of California, in Book 6322, page 695, on November 1~, 1962. . Section 2' The Planning Commission duly called, noticed and held a public heari~ on said ap~!ication on May 13, 1963, at 7:30 P.M. sec.t.%0n ~: The Planning Commission finds and deter- mines that it is in the best interests of the subject property, adjacent property and the City of Tustin, and in keeping with the general plan of the City, that said property be rezoned to the R~3 Zone, and recommends such zone change to the City Council, subject to the condition that said rezoning not be completed until such time as Section 5.23 of the Zoning Ordinance is clarified to require architectural approval be- fore issuance of a building permit in the R-D, C,M, and PM Z one S. PAS:[!~FJD AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on May 13, 1963. ~H[~tIRMAN OF THE PLANNING SEC~iE~'AI~i~f~0P [['HE PLANNI~,iG COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUhT_ OF ORANOE, CITY OF TUSTIN. ) SS. RUTH C. POE hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning- Commission of the City of Tustin, California, that the foregoing Res0.~.ution was duly passed and ado..~tea at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, held on the 13th day of May, 1963.