HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 620RESOLUTION NO. 620 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON THE APPLICATION (U.P. 63-132) OF NAGEL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. 01-28-63 620 A ~E;$0CUrf'i01i 0P '!iEE PLANNING 00i'1i41S:$i01,'~ 0P q'WE C!'!'Y 0P ~}:xn, l},~ CALIPORNIA G~ANTiNG A CONDiTiONAL USE PiRNIT 0N Tk~ ~.PPL!CAT!0i{ ( w0 U P 6~-132) The P!anning Commission of the City of ~'ru,~- ~uiN, C~ir~nZa. rosa!yes as fo~!ows' 3eotlon 1' q'i'P_ ~ ~!_c~nn.9. ng Com~[s s ~On ~znds' ' .~'~'~'~_.J. det~' r. mine~ that ~ n?n~e~ Ar:~Dlication f.~r a Co~- ditlonal Use Pe~vait, (No. U.P. 63-152) was f!!ed on ........................ ~ a !0x alPeo~lonu~l eave, r~isinS ._~lcn fop '~he pPopeP~ on ~he easterly corneP of Newport Avenue and San Juan Street, in the City of Tus'tin, aeoo zocd as ~.n,~ -~ ehe soutin- zt~=, northwesterly 130 feet : ~ ~, westerly 180 feet of Lot 17, in Plat No. 1 of the-' ' ~' ' :-~anct~os SantiaSo de Santa ~,~na anu. San Joaquin, as shown on a Map thereof recorded in Book 5, pa~se 7, Niscel!aneous Records of Los An?jeles County, California. Section 2: ~['~, Pl{~t}.ning CommZssion of the _ _ .~nity of Tu.3tin du~y_ celled, noticed aha ~ ~ hcid a publlc ,~e:~rZn~z on the proposed Condit~onai Us~, Permit, on J~n'uary 28th, Ip63, at 7'30 P.N., in the Council aocorq'"~nce with 0rd. ins~noe No. 157, 8s amended. Section 3'_ m,~..~u~:; ~,:'~nlng not~r~,']ls~ion~ of. the City of TusCan fi~qds and determi~es th.J% the csr?Y]~t.o~ of a Concii%i ~na! Use Permi~ aS applied fop will mot be detrlmente. 1 to the public welfaPe or injerlous to ~ - 1 ~ . .I- the !:,Poper~y is local,tee!, aha Ir~,:,.u Lt ls in keeplnS s~ticl Con~!ltional Use Permit. $ection ~.: ~! ConditioNal i . ~.oe PcPrnit, ~' '~ ~ ls hereby c?ranted, s~:bjeot ~ ,xppl~.-:~a for, ~ .. u O the ~r,!low'lnS c and ~ t i arT, s · Confer'mitS to Sign O?3Znance; 'Tn~-tt one ~eso!ution~ of whets ~.!! ut0tts i~} the t?act the Ci'cy to su.a~autr-'~e PASSED ,AD,.:D i~D02'i~D s.t a re,:ju!.s.? ',:eetin~ of the P!a?~ins Co~,mission o~ the City ?)f ~:'-~.,.u,s"-Zn~. _, he!:~ on the -?TTrF:T'].~.,~ _ "~. ~'~'-z- ~,~, the unde ].~ s -~ ~,~p.d~,~., ...,, hereby~ ce ?t ~_ f !~s t':-.~'? s;',,'. ...... is t~-- :SeCX'r"t~'~'r~ ~,f ..... tb,:~ '~l::~'nnir?~ Comu:~.~siot~. of ,.,itcCi ..... ~.a'5..f 'l~astt:s, ,~,-~ i-ro~%ni8.; ......... f'.~r::t the ro?exoi~(~~ .. ~ ~eso!tt- ~ ct ~. :-~ l~e :"'l/~ ~" itl the i; ~ .':' :a:,,. i ~'~ :' '~o::',' Ls:-;J_on~ held on the 2°'~ !