HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 619RESOLUTION NO. 619 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON THE APPLICATION FILED ON BEHALF OF MOUNT INVESTMENT COMPANY 12-18-62 A Pd$OLUTIOF. OF 'fI~ 2L/Z-riNG CO!C?ISS!O:! OF THE CiTY 0F TUS~!N, C~,T.~ US'.:] ~ :Alit OT:_. '21-12 APPLiC:L.~''=~"~,~ ...... ~TT .;.~D u?~' BEE LLF 0F K0:iiiT The P!'~anning Co:.:.ission or ~+~? e o~' does resolve Sec%ion i: The Planning Com,~ission finds and devermines tkat a .pro,per apl!ic.~tion (C.U.P. el-lit) '~-;as filed on },ek'~lf of }:OUN~ !NV~S'E,iE}:T COI'{!iFZ, for ~ Conditional Use Permit for a planned ..... . ~ Lots developmen~ for tn~ proper~f described as; Those ~,~o,~ions of and W of the Stafford ~nd ~stin Tract as shown on a Lap recorded in Book 2, pages 618 :h:d 6!p, ~'~' ~ ~ ~ '~' ~,~!ou. :~e~orus of Los ~-~~ County, Ca! if o rn i. ~.. Section 2' The n~ ..... D'"" Com::iss~on duly called, ncticei, ~nd meld a ?ab!dc hearing on December '~ 1962 ~t ~:}n p.~:., in t]~e Council Chambers of the City H:~i!, tustin, Cali_forni.~: s:~id ~'~a~.~.~J.r~'~n~ ~ was .~,~.e,~,~ continued to December lq , ~62:~ , fo~. filing or_ additional ~!an det~r~i!s and depar~.~ reoorts Section ~: The Planning .?oz:~isston finds ami determines that · .... ~u~ 21ams have beer: ~_~r~ ~ ~.~ on the sub~ec t :..,,.~:..,..~n-~,-:-~+,~. Section 4: The Pl.:nning .3om: ission hereby gr~:.nts a Condi- tional Use Permit for the plans filed, subject to the following ~= ..... ~.~ , streets drivewal~s ar,?and deve!ooment shall be .~o less than +=~o-tTM ~iv'~ fe.::~t (25'~ wide. 3) Mall or Fire Road's width: Shall be at least twelve znd one-half (!2{-') feet, with a c!ezrance of not less than ~teen (!5) feet~.~' width, 'znd ~:-~.~ ~'~ ..... ~ h~,~ totally unobstructed from the ~ ~tvement u~w:~.rd. 4) Eaves, no portion of which are .=.~ ,~nan 'thirt~:en (13) feet "~ ...... the ......... --~ .... '.-overi~ang .... such :~:~ll drive?~y or fire ros. a a dis-~.: ~e~ of not more than six (x ' ....... ~.,) inches. 5) TT+-~+--,~_~.,,, Poles: C~,,o~ ~rr,~ - ut!!it:;~ service wires nay be !oc?.ted not less than thirteen (13) f~et in height above the 2'~ved surf::.ee ,'~'~ ?.:--~:r ~.'.~ Fi. re ~r~vet.:,, , :'-::.I~ :iu.-~d Fire Road sh.,~ll be :~ole to ,;;~nsba~.nd ( ) ~ounas and sha].l ~'~,~ ~ :~'aved with thirty thous'~nd 30,000.. : , cenent. r) "No Parking" szg~s with letters no~ ~ ~ ~u (2) inches in height, shall be ~.laced cca~spicuously: ~t the entrance to .~ r%vet~;.:2-s ..... ~ 1 .~ ..::~;~ at i:,~tervals of not ,ess ti":an one hm~dred (i00) feet 'along ev-~ry required driveway. No ,~erson sn::~z~., park, stand or :-: ~ ' ,'~ dr~,': ~,,- exce',}'t for the .... ,,a~; ~ in ars~ ~%o-~'~,0~ of a r~,.~,.~_re,~ :A2~r ~ ~i~ ~. ~ ~- ** '-- ' ' ..... ~J ~ ~ ..... .......... ~ 't.;nen such vehAcle is :~.'[~.en,ied Ly ti':e 8)~"'o~'~'s:~::,:.~, ,uzd "No,s'-~"~",-~r:.,~ns '~'' ,--o-~'=ns ~-b~,,~_~_ be inst::!led across .-~ :hrnnces to all F:Lre Roads. ~ ~ ~'~;'~,~-%~'v etc. st-mil not. be h~sta!ied in Fences znu ~ ........... ~ , , ~<~rfere w~+h fi~ ~u .... ression. I! Fire I%~dr'a:-:ts shall be of .............. ~ ....... · ~ s!ia.,~! ~'^ ,~:~r~:.e ~.v.~:~,~ (}00) feet ar:d ",~. 2i ~'" system. ' ":~-;'~"' '"' ..... "'Li! ViiSTi~9 OF 'iIIE Pia:::niS Ce:::::isn[on of 'the City ~¢ 9as'tin, held on the 18th .-~.:,r of ~.=n~:', G~ Ib'rt .:f w,-.~i!er ........ ~ ttniersi_~ne-~, ?ioreby' o'e~'~-' ~' ~ she is the {~c-t. Ln~ 3ec-:~t~~* ~ the ~ .... ~'-~ ~ ,~.~.:~n~ Co:u ission o¢ the ........ ~ .'2' ~ =,~z~L t._e P!~nn~.n~ Commission, ~'~'~d on the 18th ¢~v of },-u~b~ 1962.