HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 614RESOLUTION NO. 614 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CAIFORNIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UPON THE APPLICATION OF TUSTIN SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 12-10-62 i ?,_i$OLUTiOi~ OF ?}!E PL'~!.i 'lNG CCH/iSS!ON OF T~ USE PEE'{IT Ur'ON THE iPPL!CIflON OF TUSTIN SiY!NGS iND LOIN 23SOCIiTION. The Plarming Co~.muission of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Ti".e P!anrSng Com~:~ission finds and dete~ines tl:at a proper application (N.,,. UP ~{2-I£8) for a Conditional Use Pe~,.it was filed on behalf of ~TT ........ ~r~-.~ ~'~ T,~ '~ to pe~it const~ustion of a free-standing sign on the 2roperty desc "~ r~u ~d as follows: Beginning in the. center of the County Road at a point 1601.75 feet ~-kst of the Southwest corner of .~llotment no. ! to Leonor Yorba de Rowland by decree of partition of said ~&o. running thence North Rancho rendered September 12, ?04.£5 feet, more or less, to a two-inch pipe and being in the North line of the Tract of land conveyed to E. Chast by deed recorded in Book 6£, page ~£ of Deeds; thence ~ ~.? feet to an iron corner and -~ast along said north line 2S'~ being the Northeast corner of said tract of land conveyed to E. Ch3, st by said deed; thence south along the East line thereof, 702.90 feet more or less, to the center of the County Road; thence West 248.73 feet to the point of begimqing. Section 2: The P!a.m;ing Commission duly held ~,~,'u~r],,.~o, ~, ~ · ~ c~]..~ed and not~ccd ou~',l~ he~.~,~ on s:~id ~:x,!ic Lion on December 10, 1962, ~t 7:50 P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, ~stin, ~am~forn~a. Section ~: The Fi~m'~in~ 3:.~n:~:ission of the City of ~astin finds and deternines that the granting of a Condit~ona! Nse Pe~uit ~.~e~ to the ~ ...... uelf~re or as applied for will not be de~~ ~,ta! ~',~ injurious to the property or improvements in the district ,~here the property is Io,-~+~a ~"' ~'~ ~t is in k~ ..... ~ '~ ..... ~' Sect:~on 4: A Conditional Use ~- ..... '~ r~r,_::~.-~, as a2pliei for, is ,, nere~,~, ~,-.ran,.ed, for '~ free-st~tnding sign on the s~bject ~. .~ ~ , subj ~ct to the followimg conditions: !) Structure to ,c.~n£or:~ ~'o L'~P sign 2) Sign to be removed at t':e end of one year fro:.., date of ~'~.' Re~-, ~ 5) Aopiic~mt~ to ,:.oat ~IO0.~'uu cash' bond with the City to insure removal at end of ~eriod. ~-::'~ ........ ~ :~D ,.~...D~':~uu~"-°?~:~u .._.t'~, a _~,..= ,~ ,~ ~,,~.,~ .... m~.-~et~r,g of the Planning Com:',[ss~on of the C~' . _ ,.~, of Pastin, held on the 10Lh day of December, Ip6.2 Gilbert U. Mue!ler STa'.ZE OF CALIFO~(iA, ) FLOUNCE A. KO~TNEYER, the undersij~ed, here~ certifies tk;:.t she is the acting Secretary of the Planning Oo:¢~?:ission of the City of ~&stin , California; that the forego:lng Resolution was duly passed and adooted at a regal~r meeth~g of the Planning Co,~nission, held on the 10t;~ day of Oecember, 19~2.