HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 610RESOLUTION NO. 610 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT PROPERTY BE REZONED TO THE P-D, ON THE APPLICATION FOR REZONING FILED ON BEHALF OF KYRAND CORPORATION, STUTSMAN AND HOUSLEY 11-26-62 .0'~.'_~ ~,_.m OF THE PLA .... ~'~ T'iE CITU OF "?UST~, C.ILIF'.i!RNi,~., RECO" 'ENDING TO T~-~Z CITY C:OUNCIL THaT PROPERS' Bi REZO~ED TO THE P-D,ON THE A~PLIC'..T!ON FOR REZONING FILED 0N BEHALF 0F [fYR%ND COR~OA~TION, STUTSM N AND HOUSLEY. The P!an.ing 0ommission o~ .... the C4+~;~ of Tus~;~u.~, ~a~ ~:for,,zo.' -."~ does resolve as follows: Section !: The Plan~ ing Co~z:~ission finds and deter:r~ines that an apg!ication was filed on behalf of Kyrand Corporation, Stutsman and Housley, for rezoning to R-5 Zone of the oroperty described as two and one-half (2-~) acres !o~::.ted~ _.~1~! $. E. Walnut, Ikts in, CalLfornia, and Seven arid one-half (?~-) acres located at la2b2 S. W. New?ort, TustLn, Ca!iforn~a, all being a oortion of Lot aS,_ Block !I of Z~ine's Subdivision, recorded in Book 5, Po.-~'e~.~ ~,, of Miscellaneous Records of Orange County. Section 2: The P!an-ing Com:~ission dul'v cazz_.d, noticed and held a public hearing on the said :?p!ic'~.bion on October 22, 1~762, and on November 26, 19o2 at ?:~0 P.:~ , oh~ Council .Chambers of the ~-"+~ =~, Tusiin C~.liforni~ Section 3: The Planning Co~mission finds :~nd deter::i::es that it is in the best interests of the subject proerty, and the surrounding orope~t'~ and the -=*v ~ of ~stln, that ~e Pezoned to the P-D Zone, and s~eh :ezonLn~ Ls hePehy F:Ui}H C. POE, the undersisned, hereby certifies th:~.t she is the Secret<~.~r of the P!2nning Cox-.issi::,n of the City of 9zs'tin, ' ' ~'" ~ fo .... ~.a~ ........... ~' ~ ~ ,; ~'~ Callforrila; u~:~:~ the regoing Resolution w s ~"~-r o,'~ss~~ a~'~ "'~c'''~ at a rejul'~r meeting of the P!.an~'in~ Co:'.::':ission. held on the 26th-