HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 605RESOLUTION NO. 605 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSON OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION OF HUMBLE OIL AND REFINING COMPANY. 11-26-62 ~" ' ~'"'~"~";~'~-'' ,.,~.,~' of ~ast~n, Calif- The ~:larm'zr,.E ~o.,~:~_.~,:.~ of the orn~a, does resolve z.s Section I' The ~'- -' .... · r~an~zng Co~ission finds ~nd -~ o ~.~.~ determines th?,.t a_r~rooer. m?:~zzc::. ~..~n,.. (Nc. "~.,~. 62-12~) w~.s du~, filed on beh~.lf of ,~JBL~ O~~:,~,:~ P~FIH~G ~ .~..~,:Y, for a Con .... zona~ Use Permit for a free-standing five by eight sign on 'tl~e ~::.roperty described as 14j01 Newf~ort, corrler of Section 2: The Pl~%u_..'iing Co~,?~ission duly called, ~ . .' noticed and held a ious±~.c i~earLng on s:~id Application cn November 26, '~'~ at M · 12o~, 7:30 P. . At said he:~ring no "~,ersons spoke. Section a' The Planning Com~ission finds and determines that the granting of a Conditional Use Peak:it as for will not be detr~?~enta! to tke :public welfare or injurious Lo the property or impro-~ements in the district where the property is located, and that it is in keeping with the general plan of the City of ~stin to grant said Conditional Use Per:nit. Section ~: A Conditional Use Perm. it, as appiied for, is hereby granted. PASSED Ai'~D ADOPTED at a regul.~r meeting of the Plan:-~ing Com?:ission of the City of ~astin, held on the 26th day of November, 1762. CHAI~I~2? CF THE ?LAN.N!NG SECR~T~RY ~-IE ?Lt~'::fIN3 STAT£ OF ~LI, OM~IA ) Croft ,*,Tq~V CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS. RU?H C. POE, the ,,,' ..... mero_~o.:ed, hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Planning Co..~uission of oh~ of Tustin, California; that the foregoing Resolution w:~s duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Com~.ission, held on the 2dth day of November, 1962. SEoaET::R~F TH~ Pi~?'!:'fZNG COM~SSION