HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 602RESOLUTION NO. 602 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A VARIANCE ON THE APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF ROYAL TOW SERVICE 11-13-62 x,~ ,':- ,- ~ ~, ...... ,-B,?N~' A. Ir~-~l The Planning Con~'~issi. on '-'~ -~' '~'"- of ~o:. ~e C~' ?astin, California, does resolve :~s follows: Secvion 1: The Plam~.ing Cox~issi~n finds %nd determines ti-:e.t a proper a'2pli, c:_~tion for variance was filed on behalf of ......... ~nv~. TO~ ~R~,~C~ ~ for the' erection and use of ~n automobile .~'SC~ ~D~ 11o -~. ~ stor~ge. .~ lot on the _-orc'ae:"tY~-- ...~,. ~,:s .... follows: Beginhi~ ~- the intersection of the N. E. Line of the A. T. a S. F. Railroad ~,g!ltlOf-~,_.j wzth.ne Northwest line of New~)ort Avenue (60' wide) 26~' along the Northwest line of Nek~ort. Parallel to the A. T. & S. F. Railroad Tracks to a point 34J' mo~ or less Norther:st on ~stin Avenue. (JO' wide). Southwest along the South line of ~astin Avenue to the Northeast line of tracks and to the [,oint of starting. Section Z: The Plato:lng Cor..~r~ission duly called, noticed, and held a pub'l'[¢ hearing on said application. Section 3: The Planning Co~vission finds and determines ,.a,:~.~ proc~cal difficulties and unneceso~y hard- s~_ct complianc~ with the Zoni~ Ordinance ships will result from ~ '~ as it ~lates to said property, unless said variance is granted; and it is particularly found and s~+~,.~ ~,-~~,.~:,,__~:~ that the gr~3.nting of said variance will not constitute a srantirg of special 2rivilege znconsistent with the l~mit?.tions u n · ,-no the property in the ~i ~ '",' and ~istrict zn which the ~._~,-, ~_c_nz~ ' ~r:',~*e-tv is situatad; and because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including the size, shape, topograp~, locution and surroundings, the strict applic'.tion of the Zoning Ordinance will ' '' ~ ' * enjoyed by other deprive the subject proper~.y of pr~vmleges property in the vicinity in the same zone. }ac to the exceptional circm~tstances and conditions applic?.ble to said property and the intended use the~of, the granting of said variance is necessa~ for the prese~ation of a substatntial property right of the app!icunt, and said property camnot othep~.~ise be and proper~~ utilized. The granting of such variance will not be ~..~trmu~.,tai to the oub!ic welfare or injurious to the ~,roperty or ~p~vements in the district where the property is loc::%ed, due to the type of w:~rlance ap21ied for hi the applicant, as set forth in said application, to which reference is hereby made. Section ~: The v,~triance a221ied for is hereby granted to use s~.id pro2erty' for an automobile storage lot for a period of two (2) years, co::r~:encing orl the date of adoption of this Resolution, subject to the £ol!owing conditions: I. A si.x (6) foot solid fence on:~.li surround all storage uses. Aa~,:~"~.e c!osure sha±l' he provided to insu~ t~:ot inter%or is not visible from .. 2. Sidewalks, curbs and gutters to be installed ~- Szand~.r~o, prior to granting of oy 'the property owner to City ....... -'~ ut~, !ity release. q There is to be no automobile wrecking or autoP.~.okiie ,~_,,:n~-,:.~'~no- on the pro~e ~ ~ ~ ................ ~ ~ r ~y · 4. Property o~,mer is to grant all access to ~astin Avenue to 'the City of ~tstin. 5'- The property owner to utilize dust suppression and control measures at all times. 6. Property o~m~er to prsvide Plot Map confor~ning to cul-de-sac require~ent of City Engineer. . 7. Subject to reevaluation at end of two (2) years. 8. Property is to conform to set-back requirement of City Engineer. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Com~ission of the City of ~astin, held on the 13th day of November, 1962. VICE CEiIE~.i~%N OF 'N6S PL:h,h'~:~NG CO~D~IS$ION RUTH C. POE hereby certifies that she is the Secretary of the Pl~nning Co~m~ission of the City of Tustin, California; that 'the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted at s regular meeting of the Planning ComPission cf the City of ~stin, held on the !3th day of November, 1962. SEC~TIRY 0~ PI,ANi'}ING CO~fI~~