HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 601RESOLUTION NO. 601 A RESOLUTOIN OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A VARIANCE UPON THE APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF JOHN A. LINDSAY 11-13-62 RESOLUTION ,~.~.~. 601 CI~t OF TUSTIN, C..~,LIFOR!!IA, GiANTING A VARi.~NCE UPON ~'~ · n~..~M?LIC\TION ON BEHALF OF JO~ A. LINDSAY The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California does resolve as follows: Section 1_: The Planning Commission finds ~nd deter~ines ~% ~ proper asplication for variance was £iled on behalf of JOHI~ A. LINDSAY, to permit a garage to be erected as shown in the appli- c~..~.omon (Var 62-121), to-wit, unattached and within thirteen (13) feet of the lot line of the property at 14152 Charloma Drive,(Parce! No. !04-~62-01 of Tract 4251, as per Map recorded in Book 152 at pages 15 ~nd 14 of Miscellaneous MapS.) Section 2: The Planning Con-.~ission duly called, noticed "~ ~ !5, 1962 a~d held a oub!ic hearing on said application on ~,,~ovemoer ., . a~~ 7:pr, ~ P.i,{., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The a~oli-_, cant s~oke in f':tvor of the ar:~tication. ,.. Section ~: The Planning Comiss[on finds and determines . amf~.m~es nd unnecessary hardships will result that .vr~ctical ~' · ~' ~',~ ~ from strict compliance with the Zoning OrdLnance as it reL,.~eo to said property, unless said v~riance is jranted; ~nd it is p:~rticullrly found end deter~ined that the ~¥.~,+~o. of s~id variance will not con- st'~.tute '~, granting of s~ecial privilege inconsistent with the linitl- tions u'~on the property in tr, e vicinity and district in which the ,'~ro,~rt~ is ' ~ sztu~,e~:; and becm.~se of special circumstances +o the ~' h~ .... ~ o~- includinE ~ size, shaue tooograx~y, tion and su:.'ro'undings, the strict aU~'~iic0, tion o~_ the ,~,u .... ,-.,~.o Ordinance ~I' depr~ve the subject 2rcperty of ~riv~e~es anCo?ed by othe~ ~=rtv ~ t'.~e vicLnity in the s':~:~e zone ~¢e to the exce~?tiona! ~'~ ,~+ "' ~ and conditions ~ "' :u ......... ~c~s .,~,',,~,'~ to s.:.~id ~:~o~t~ and ~he i. ntended ~ . ~.~r~of, the ~ .... +~ of s,:~d variance is necess'~,~r for the ~re- - .,: ,.~_, .... a~'~d said proper, t'y can::ot oti.,.,{~,~i, se ce :u_~._~, ._~;,~ j, roper~~ u'biiized. ..... ~rant- :~G of such v:.:.~'z'~.uce ~"~ ~ ~ :~ot ~'e detri:::e:',.ta! to -~e f>~':lie rolls, re or injurious to t~':o~¥'rooe''-'~ ~ ~v oP riu~rov~'~-'%s,_.~, in ~ alSh ,..:here the property is ~ ...... ~,"~ ~' ,. ........ ~ce a2 :,, ....~, ~u.e to the type of ,~'-.-'-~':,' 21ied for by' 9]~ "~' '1~'~ .qS Set e~,~h il% SS[lO. it? m!~3'LOi'I, ~0 ~.k i s ~:e re by ma ~ e. Soc+~.on ~'~' T~ varhnce a :?':!ied for is ~,e~ .... ~ Sz'anted, , , allow the erec+~on,._ of a ~.,..= ..... ~._~ ~s sho,.m on suid ~<,u~-ic .~=:m. e ~ ~*~ ~ the PASL;ED AT.D IDOPTED ~t a r gu=ar i~..e of ~ ~*a Plan!i lng Cox'~isaion i'ie~ ~ ' 1962. ~ on the 15th '~ of ~' ..... ¥ ~ ~= ?:LIFO~Li, RUYI! C POE ~ ~ - ce s she . ne~o5 r~z~me+'=' that ' i~ the 5ecreta~y of tke Plan ~.? ' =-,s Co~ission of the City of ~stin, Calzfo~ia; that the forgoing Resolution was duly' p~s~:ed and ado'oted at a regular r:.eeting of the P!~.nning Co~r~ission of the City of ~stin, held on tke ~.u d~-~y of November, 1962 SEC]RETtP~OF THru PLA!~i lNG CO?.~~N