HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 523 RESOLUTION NO. 523 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING ZONING AND BUILD- ING LINE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS TO BE ESTABLISHED IN THE TERRITORY DESCRIBED AS "PRESCOTT-BALMER ANNEXA- TION" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN. 10-13-59 ~?SOLT~TiOU a~ ~ '~LA~,TNI,~G COM~!I~Ta~,~ O~ ~N~ n. TpO~WlA 9FCOM~'~m~TDING ZOO.TING AvD BTIILD- THE TmR;:~IT~nY DNqCNIBFD Ae "P~cCO~m-BAT.ME~ ANW~XA TION" TO T~~n CTTY nF ~,'..~EN~;S, ~, Petition for annexatio~ to the City of has beer~ filed by owmers of not less than 1/~th of the the territory by ~{rea a.r~s by ~$~eessed value, s~id territory havimc ~een descrY, bed ~s "Prescott-Balmer Anmexatiom" to the City of T~stin; and WHE[iEAS, the City Council oS the City oz Tustin did on ~ugust 21, ].959, adopt Resolution No. ~85, acknowledgimz receimt of s~id Petition and givin~.~ notice of the t~me and ~lace for a protest he~-~ring; amd WHEREAS, a corny oF s~ 9~o~tiou No ~85 has been re the zoninr and bui]d~_~' lice set~?ck renuirememe, s to me est~b]i..., ....di~ th~ territory described ~s "~r~scott-B~lmer Ar. nexat~on" to the C~ty of ~sr. gm, ~1. l im ae,aordoNce w~.th Ordinance No. 71 of the City o'F ~"'~tim, ...... an amended, and pursuant to law; and W;{ERE~S, recommendations of the City En~{ineer concerning zonin' and buildin~:~ line setback req~i, rements were duly eresen~-ed to the P!,:~nning Commission, NOW, TNEREFONE, the Pl.~nuins Commlssio~ of the C~.ty of T~stir does resolve as follows' Section 1' The P]snn).ne Commission of the City of reaommends that the subject terra, tory herein design~ted "Prescott- Balmer Annexation" to the City of Tustin, more nsrticulsrly des- cribed in Resolution No. ~85 of the City Co~nci! of the City of T~.stin, reference to which is ~ereby m~de, be zoned and thst b~{lding ].~.ne setb~ck re~[~ent.~ be estsh]..gshed t}~erein, all . incor~- in accordance with s nee, whinh nee is att~ahed h~reto, braced Nereim? marked P:xhibit A. an~S m~de r~. n~rt ~eroof. s.~ t'h,nt s~i.~ zn~in~ .~ n~t~nck r~rlu~.rem~t-s b~ established contingent on~ ~n~ final a~nexatio~ of ~.~ terr~tor~ to the C~tv or Tust~. PAqqFr) ANr'~ AT)OPTED by the P]e~ri~ Co~m~ ssio~ or the City of ':"~st~n, C~iFop~is,, at, s re.:~t~lar merit, ins ther~off be]~ o~ the l~th 4sy of Oatober, 1959. C,b..,~i rmam off the f ]. annimc/6mm! .~,~i or ~, r~rn ';earetar.,v of +h~ Pla.~mins Corem~ qm&,pn, OP CAI.IPORNIA ~ COUNTY O? On A~GF'. ~ SS CITY OF TTIST!~! "'. 0 PARdi C~tv,,~'lerk. ~d ?~eere*arv oe: the Planning Commission of the City of ','ustin, Cal!rorni. a, does hereby ~e?t, tty that th~ above and f'o?e ~'oin~ ~?esol,~tton was ~e~.~ular. iy J. ntroduce~ to s~s.d Pka. n~i~g Commission at a meeting teereof neld. on the 13t~ day of October, was ,~,t said meetin/~ re-ularly passed amd adonted by following-vote, ~o wit' . <JLAHK~ MI~C~ELL nZES' B.aCON~ 'PADLOCKj MEP,.N~, = _ ,. NOES October 13, 1959 Uecretary of the Pl'~nn'i~g Commission