HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 506RESOLUTION NO. 506 A RESOLUTON OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ENDORSING THE STATEMENT OF FORMATION AND PURPOSE OF THE ORANGE COUNTY STREET NAMING COMMITTEE. 12-16-57 ?t T, . / ~t)ut of '~lacement) The O!artn~ n~!; C,,mtmi:,'ai.,..~n o ~11 - o ~.~ .~u.:,t~n ~oe:; rooo!v~} as follows: <::ection 1. That Ishe st~tement of and P:~rr~:)se o? r',.~,, .J, ra,~;',~, r':~u~:~t~; ..... reet . .~,:.~s'.:~ ,::)e the (;;tv o? ~"' . Pcce~ veal by the Pla;m~ tlSj (.JOi]t~' 'orl . ,, ~.~st~ ~ oveP ~iur, Py [,;. 'er.::?~, C?'.~a~r:m}.n an~ Secrci,~rS o',{' said Oran6e County -'" ' -' *" P1 Section 2. ?;.m 5ecr~:tary : :'l]¢ the P!annln[i "o.~,-~s:3~on ,~F' the City of' Tust~n i.~ instruct:el uo i'oPwa~:'d a co~y oe this resol~ti:.~n *' ~ ' ' ,, -, ~- ~ . ~.,,.) napr)7 E. '~r:;r6~~ {']}.~s.[~ntan oF ~h County St~eeY "" '~' ,. . o¢ th*' City off 'i'us*~.'n at a re?:u!a'~' mcc+~.n the -- , ..... _, - .... S - reo, he!,! ,~n the Chairman of fl,;e Plannit/C,.~mm!ssl on 19 C I q' '',~ 0 :,' rr'! i~ S T r N ) A 0 PARK, City · . ~,lerk anti eecretary of the Plannin,.'" Commission, o':" t]-t~-~ r',ity of Tustin, Cal~ ~_orn~a, :~o~ ~ V, ero?:y~ certify ~-~,a+'~,. .~ the a'.ov~=..~ and ~'orego~n~-, ~.~ resolution_ was resularly ~ntr3duced to said Plann~n6 Commission at a re~?lar meet:~nS thereo held on the ldti~ ~aZ of ~ecember, !957, and was at sa~_d meeting regularly passed and adoT-~ted by the follow~n;S vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: 'r~dd tium-ston, ~ , ~u cc Tadlock None :.~n. ~::,D: bece r lO, 19J7. Secretary of the Planning-Commission