HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 507RESOLUTION NO. 507 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN FIXING AND DETERMINING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR REGULAR ADJOURNED AND SPECIAL MEETINGS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN 12-16-57 16¸ A R:_~SOL~'" ~' ' iiL, 'tLA'-'''r~'~': "~" ~,- q .....i ..... }'I'~(]' ~:'i ": ..... .[:.~e Planning.' Commiss~ on oe the City of Tu~t~n does r,ss~v,:¢ as fol..q OWS . .~ ~' t~ Pls~.n~nS ~,om. rnts ion That a!] official moot~n~'io o or the " ""' , ~it'y of Th;is+in ~hal. 1 ?~enc or, t o:_ ca :~ th at our of 7:00 o'clc)ck ~-~ '"~,'-'~ ~ ' ' ~. ~ . ~ otreet, t~e Counc~ 1 Cbs.~''~- P the {~{ y Hall, ..~. - ~ u e ~ul ar ~"~uo~tin.., California, ............. pnovid~:~a, hewer-r, ~. .e, o cal ~:,,)l{.day such meet,~nE ~81.1 up r~ a. le, --~,laz' me~t~n~:; s~':all be held at 7:00 o'clock P. ;{. on the foll.~w~ng t~ay. adjo~rned to a date set by the Ci':8~rr~r~.N and iPt,;t, such adjourned meetinG shall l-e,, a regular meet':,'~,-, o for al! ""' ' .... · t,~lI ~;C,S e S Commission memb~:rs, aft¢:~r '~irst. dcl~ver'~ng written not-~ce to ~ach tnr:;e hours be¢ore tb~ meeti~6 '/r!.tten notice may member at least, ~- e , be di~,- ~nsed~ po wi.t-'.. , ii' all Commisoi~, , ~t ......... memb~::~-n [:j~ ve~ t~zeir writ+~n ..... consent to the meeting, and the consent f s ~[led with the Secr~tary of the Plann'ng Commission when the meeting !s held. ~IE ITt' ~'llR'''~. :-,~:Z RE~OL"ED that i{e solution No. t, and 8iI'y other resol~_tions or act;~}tls o" the Plnnning Ci. ty o¢ Tustin in conelict herewith, are :,~ereby :epee!ed. aet~z~r the adoption of t ~s resolttt, i.,:,r~ '-"-'- ",:i on Jan',:a~- 13, , ~,oo,:':T) PO2Ti!iD by the ~lanrllin;~; Cha'~no~he ]'! ann t n6 ~ornmi s s :~ on Secretary of' the PI&TIIi~ ri{; COr:lrai ssion l? C 0Ui-~TY 0 './ CiTY 0P U'UST!N SS A. O. PARK, City Clerk and Secretary of the Plann~ng Comm,lssion of 'the City of Tustin, Call. ~ornia, :Joes herel,,y certify t~:at t?~e a ~ove and fore~o~nr< r~solution was regularly ~ntroduced to sa~d PI a~ -~ ~ ~ + ... ...... ~ n6 Comm_~ss~i}~ a~ a re{~]ular meetings t}'~ereof held-~n the ldtl~ day og ].)ec:,~}-~! eP~ 19'~7, an.i was at saii raeetinS Pegularl}r passed and adopted by the followip:~ vote to wit: Avr~'~' · ,_=o. Bacon's, Tadlock, i,~{eans, Siegel, l)r. Stanton. NOES: NONE ABSEi.iT: NONE Dated: Nec~m!~er 16, 19~17. gecretary of the Pla,uning Commission