HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 505RESOLUTION NO. 505 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A MAP AND LEGEND THEREON AS THE "AREA OF INFLUENCE MAP OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN". 11-18-57 'l;}~_e P!arm-!n!:i Comraission of t'](~ (;ity o!." ~lhist{n :;leos resolve as eol!ow~: ._,uot~n was r, eq~:~-:ot, ed by t~'~f~ ,"~'~'~",~ C - o - . i ~- ., _; t e iPlanni~'~L{ Commis.,~oa, ]r'~.i~c~ u~N'? the cxto~u et" -~n Section 2. A map :~as been orepared~ des~ ;nated "Area of influen(:,:;x :,, .... ;0 e (] ty ........ , a cooy is attached ;]ereto, ~aarke,l "Ex?:~i)~t A", an.i. ~lade a by .r,e 'l'e reno e. Section 3. ~-'aJ~i map des~zl,,'~+':'' "A - . ............. a r~-~ of tnfl~e.r~ce Na'o~ of_ the City on 'ih~stLn", wit'!,.~ th<~ ~-'~eSend. t~l~'r, eo~, ref~erre,a., to '' ' ~" i.s i~eroby aiooised i.)v ~h, Pta~ni~lf~ Commisq~_on of h.}~e City of ~'' ..... t~ ... ~ , ,u~.:, n as the :'Area of in L. la, o" the u~ty of ~,~.stin r)ur':~',uant t..) the requo:.t oF' the ()ra~'~::e,~ County, Plannit:,_ .~.:~ Coramiss~,:~n,._ and the area ~nd~-'ated ~n a'.ar~a, mae i.s hereby a~.zo~e~ a~, t:ho area of i_nfluen~o of the City o~' Tust!n. Section Ii.. T~e Secretary o~:' the Planning; Commissfon of the City o.? Tustin is instructed to fll~ with the OranGe County Plannin6 Commission a certi?ied copy of t}:is .Resolution, toscthc:r v~it;'~ a copj of i.2'~e "Area of in'¢lu~ncc l:la.p of the ff City of Tustin , as adopted here:~n. PASSED ~ :' ..... ~l~. ~P'~:;D the PI' ' ' ,'~ City of 'N~.at'r: at a fe.::.~ulaP meetinS t6'~!or.oof held on the 18th day of ?~ovorr!'!)er, 1~17. km tin '-': ,7~ Fl'] · _L l LL 0 -, , Cr~airman eT,' t_~!e PIannin{!;/ommis sion - 1 - Secretary o(' t~o Plann!t~S Commissio?~ A. O. PARK, City {;lork and Secretary 0"" '?:-~e P1 ~" ~ ~ ~' ' a ....~n~': Contrni.~2si )n o fi'lo C ty o~ Tust~.~, Cali?ornia~ was re6t~la.?ly ~ritro:l~ced~ ._ to said ?:'la. nnin;:', ~.~ C,o~m:nl, 'satori at a r)~ .... * afl.. , o d an~i adopted 3;,¢7, and was at said meetl, ng oy the :{!!owen6 vote, Kidd, Pta. con, !~:yrd, i{umcston E~ Tad!ock N o ne ~ ....~r, t, ry I-~, Plannin,:!i Commission oeo e