HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 502 RESOLUTION NO. 502 RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING ZONING AND BUILDING LINE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TERRITORY WITHIN THE PROPOSED "EASTSIDE ANNEXATION TO TUSTIN" 03-18-57 LINE R!<~!'TI}~::N!iI,N'S FOR .~_, TERn'rm.)RY T'!:tE PROiP0S~D :~!-":'Snn°l,qm.~ , ~.~ .... ~ /i~iiI"~['{AT!,.):,'r~, m0 .... TUSTTN" ¥¥NER~.AS, the Pla~in~'[ Commission o~" the CitTff of Tustin has duiv' held a nublic hearin~ to consider the zon~n~r and ~ ~ n~ the buildings, line reou~, ~remenus for the terrleorv, ~. com'nris.~ proposed "Eastside Annexation !o '~i~stin" in accordance with the Drovisisns of Ordinance No. 10~ of the City of Tustin; and ','~r~:~ AS, J L .,.{,~I~.~E, bity !}~n::ineer of the City of Tustin, has duly presented ;~is reeort and recommendations eoncernin[{ the pronosed "Eastside Annexation to Tustin" to the Plannin~ Commission in accoraance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 105~ .~, O,.. ,~'~" TM ~'.~,~:r'vT~:~.: $~,O ~E, the P1 anninn'~ C omrai s s i on of the C of Tustin does resolve as follows: Sec~.~on ....1. ~'..h~.t the zones defined by Ordinance ~o. 71 of the City of Tustin, s~n amended, and fhe t:~ecomu~ended boundaries of such zones and the bui].din~ l~.ne reauirements as recommended by the Plannin? Commission:, nre shown on a ma.p attached hereto ani.made a aart of ,this Resolution, bein~ desi~n,:~t~d. ............ as t~,e :'Zoninf~ and !~i!dinp; Line 2.,'la~ for ~:~.:tside Annexation to T'stin." Said map and ali. the notations, references and other i. ~ n.~.ormati ~n s?~.o'.~n thereon, shall be as much a part this Resoluti :n as ie_ the matters and informr-~t!on set ~_-~o~t~', by said ma~ were fulls desoribed herein; that the afo:~esaii zones and buildin;{ lines are hereby recommended to ehe City Counoi! of the City of Tustin as proper for a~io}tion and applicable to the ~ if said te~::~itorv known as 1she "Eastside Annexation ~:o _~ust~n" territory is annexed to the City of Tustin. P~.E-~SED ~.D ADOPTED at a re6uiar meetin~ of the Plannin~x:.~ Commission of the Oi+v.,., of Tustin held on i,,'i~rc~_ ~. 18, Sec ~e~t'ar2..P. Chairman, Tust~in Pi~hnin!?~i, omm.