HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC RES 500RESOLUTION NO. 500 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING ZONING AND BUILDING LINE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TERRITORY WITHIN THE PROPOSED HILLVIEW ANNEXATION TO TUSTIN 12-14-56 8 ",'HTi~{~]::,.~ the Pl'..~nn~.n(~ Commission of the (',it:::? of _, building',: l:[n::~ r,:/:ou~.roment? for ~,z~.~: territl, ory co:noriaT, n~[ t}le pro"?oSed _ iJillvtew Annexation to ~q]stin f.:~ accordance :~,ith the ~rovisions of Ordinance i'~o. 10~ of the C:ity of ~u. stln; and ........ ~. , ~n::.zneer of the City of Tust~_r~, has d~.~lv 't~resented .,~s re~ -)~e _ ~.. ~ and recomraen,iati)ns conern~ the t0rooos~'.td ..... '~-.'.~ Iv~.ew Anne:qation to Tustin to +'>~e Pl~rtnin~: t,'~om~tission in accord~:.nc,..'~ ~ w~th t}~e ~rovisions of Ordinance ~o. 10~, [[OL', T:~:??tv?~)~-[r[, the Plann!n(; Commf. ssion of the C~ty of T:~stin does resolve aa follows: ~ect!on !. ~.-~.at the zones ~ef~ned by Orlinance ~'~'o. 71 of the C~_ty of Tustin, as amended, ~nd the recommended bo~mda?es of such zones and the ?~uf. id[n~: l~nes recom~'qended, are shovm on n mop attached hereto, and mnde a :'~art of t:~f.s Resolution, be-J~n[[t desi~.:nated as the "Zor~ir~::~' and :Vtildin~-: Lf. ne }fan for ~4-~llview /tnnexation to ?ustin" and ~and Crap and all t~te notationo, re .... r..~nces and other ~ ~, ,. ~) , ~' .... ~ha]..l toe as much a oart of t:,~i~ re~olution info): ,nat i on shown t?~er,:o,~, as if the matters and inE.:)r',"natior~ set forth by sni~ ma'o were descri ~ed )'~erei~t; that the aCoresnf, d zones and bu. ii~ir¥.:: !f. nes are hereby recommended to the qity Council of ~te City of Tustin as oroDer ~or ado:~tion and avt~]_ical~le to s:~id territory if said .... ., territo~'~ ~s anne.xed to the City of st~.n. ~, .....r,T",..'~. ~ .... at a ~,a;~ular meetin:? o¢ the Planninq ¢) om~'n], s si on of the City of ~ustf. n held on December 1~, Chairman, Tustin Plannin?:: C~f~mtssion oecre:tary