HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 184 (1962)
The City Council of the City of Tustin does or-
dain as follows:
S.eOti.o~ ..1: The City Council of the City of Tus-
tin finds and determines that the Planning Commission of
the City of Tustin initiated on its own motion proceedings
for the adoption of an ordinance regulating mobileho~e parks,
and duly considered the said proposed ordinance on the 27th
day of AuRust , 1962 at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers
of the City Hall, Tustin, California.
Section _2.: The Planning Commission of the City of
Tustin recommended to the City Council of the City of Tustin
the adoption of an ordinance regulating mobilehome parks, as
set forth in their Resolution~
Seoti~n 3: These rules and regulations are adop-
ted pursuant to the ~uthority of Section 18010 of the Health
~nd Safety Code of the State of California.
Sect.iOn .~: .~.inimum .land area. Each mobilehome
park shall contain a minimum of three (3) acres of land.
The land shall be 'properly graded to provide for adequate
drainage and freedom from standing pools of water. Such
sites shall be free ~rom sheet overflow as determined by
engineered de sign.
Section ~: FenceS. Fences shall be constructed on
side and rear adjoining property lines. Said fences shall be
a minimum of six feet (6,) in height.
Section 6: Mobil.ehome sit.e.. -Each mobilehome
site shall have an area of ~at least fifteen hundred (1,500)
square feet, with a minimum frontage width of thirty feet.
(30') facing the roadway.
SeCtion 7: 0verni~ht sits_. For each ten (10)
sites within a park, one (1) "overnight site" may be construct-
ed. Such sites shall have a minimum width of twenty-one
feet (21'). The length shall be a minimum of twenty-five
feet (25') and a maximum of thirty-five feet (35'). The
parking of any one .~obilehome or travel trailer on such
sites shall be limited to ninety (90) days' stay in any one
( 1 ) year.
Secti0.~8: Parking,_. In addition to parking spaces
for tenants, there shall be established and maintained within
each mobilehome park a guest parking area with one C l ) auto--
motive parking space for every eight (~) mobilehome sites, or
fraction thereof, each space to be no less than 9' x 20' plus
such additional area as is necessary to afford adequate ingress
and ogre s s.
Section 9: Locat.i0n .o.f mobil.ehomS~ No mobilehome
shall be located closer than t.en feet (10') from.any building
or another mobilehome; ;proyided, however, that .this does not
apply to a compartment containing a pri. vate toilet or bath, or
both, constructed for the exclusive. use of an occupant of a
mobilehome site designed for the occupancy of one mobilehome.
Section 10: Lot L~in~. No mobilehome and no cabana,
ramada, or awning shall be located closer~than five feet (5'
from side and rear property site lot lines.
S~ctio~ 1..1: .Structure or .building 1.ocstion
No. sturcture or building, nor portion, nor projection thereof,
shall be located less than five feet (5' ~ from the mobilehome
park boundary o~~ the mobilehome site lot line.
S_~: Aw. nin~ or wi~d..b, reak 10..Cati.On on lot,
No. structure, nor portion, nor projection thereof, including
an approved awning, shall be located closer than ten feet (10')
from any mobilehome, cabana or awning on an adjacent mobilehome
site; provided however, that a windbreak may be located on
lot lines provided it is at least five feet (5') from any mobile~
home, awning or cabaria.
Section 1~: F~undati0ns. Every cabana p~aced, ~con-
structed or erected on a lot in a mobilehome park shall have
concrete ~!~asonry footings and foundations construction in
accordance with regulations of the California Administrative
Code, Title 8, Chapter 9, Article 4, Part 7, Section 16399,
Subparagraph B.
.~.e.ction 14: All Ordinances of the City of .Tustin
in conflic,t' with this Ordinance are hereby ~pealed.
Section 15: Tht.~ 0rdinanee shall take effect and
be in full force thirty (30) days from and after its passage,
and before the expiration of fifteen (15) days sfter the
passage thereof shall be published once in the Tustin News,
a newspaper published in the City of Tustin, County of 0r~nge,
State of California, to~eather with the names of the members
of the City Council voting for an~ against the same.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the
City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the 17th day of September, 1962.
CITY'CLE~_ k_~
RUTH C. POE, City clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the
City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby
certify that the whole number of the members of the City Coun-
cil of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and fore-
going was duly and regularly introduced and read at the re-
gular meeting of the City Council held on the ~t~ day of __
Se..ptember.., 1962 and was given its second reading and duly
passed and ad~pted at a r~gulsr"me~ting held on the/YAh
day of Se.ptembeLF_, 1962, by the following vote:
AYES: COUNC ILMEN Sherl.d..a..n~ M~a~ck~ Kl. in~elho_f.er
City of ~s in, California.