HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 183 (1962) ORDINANCE NO. 183 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION, ERECTION, ALTERATION REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF ADVERTISING SIGNS AND THEIR SUPPORTS. The City Council of the City of T~stin, California, does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1: Definitions. The following terms, as used in this Article shall, unless the context clearly indicates othervise, have respective meanings here in set forth: (a) ADVERTISING SURFACE. The total area of the fact of the structure excluding supports. (b) COMBINATION SIGN. Any sign incorproating any combina- tion of the features of bround, projecting, and roof signs. (c) ELECTRIC SIGN. Any sign containing electrical wir- ing, but not including signs illuminated by an exterior light source. (d) ERECT. To build, construct, attach, hang, place, su- spend or affix. (e) GRADE. The e~evation of the finished surface of the ground beneath an advertising sign. (f) GROUND SIGN. A sign supported by upright or braces placed upon or into the ground and detached from any building. (g) ILLUMINATED SIGN. A sign which has characters, let- ters, figures, designs or outline illuminated by electric lights or luminour tubes as a part of the sign proper. (h) INCOMBUSTIBLE M_~TERIAL. Any material which will not ignite at, or below, a temperature of 1.200 degrees Fahrenheit during an exposure of five minutes, and which will not continue to burn or glow at that temperature. Tests shall be made as specified in U.B.C. Standard 4-1-58 (i) NONSTRUCTURAL TRLM. The molding, battens, caps, nail- ing strips, latticing, coutouts or letters and walkways which are attached to the sign stracture~l. (j) PERSON. Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or org~nixation of any kind whatsoever. (k) PLASTIC MATERIALS. Materials made wholly or princi- pail~ from standardized plastics listed and descrobed in Uniform Building Code Standard 52-1-58 (See Approved Plastic Material. ) 910. (1) PROJECTING SIGN. A sign other than a wall sign sus- pended from or supported by a building or structure and projecting outward therefrom. (m) PUBLIC SAFETY AREA. A strip of land twenty (20) feet in width and running parallel with street right of way. (n) ROOF SIGN. A sign erected wholly upon or above the roof of a building or structure, or upon or above canopies, marquees and similar ove rha ng s. (o) SIGN. Any structure, device or contrivance and all parts thereof which are erected o=~r;~used for advertising purposes upon or with- in which any poster, bill, bulletin, pronting, lettering, painting, de- vice or other advertising of any kind whatsoever is used, placed, post- ed, tacked, nailed, pasted or otherwise fastened or affixed. Thsi de- finition also includes electric signs. Thsi definition shall not be held to include, unless other- wise provided for in this Article, any board, sign or surface used ex- clusively to display official notices issued by any court officer or public officer or a private person in giving legal notice; nor shall it be held to include a non-illuminated ground sign the advertising sur- face of which does not exceed six (6) square feet and which does not ex- tend more than six (6) feet above grade; nor shall it be held to in- clude a non-illuminated professional sign such as used by a doctor, dentist or similar professional perso~s~,hprovided the advertising sur- face of such non-illuminated sign does not exceed 8k {~6)~!sqazre~Zfeet and the sign extends not more than sk (6) feet above grade. (p) SUPERINTENDENT. The Superintendent of B~ilding and Safety of the City of T~stin, his assistants, deputies, inspectors and officers of the Department of Building and Safety of the City of T~stin. (q) U.B.C. STANDARDS. The current U.B.C. Standards of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the City of Tustin. (r) U~qIFOP~ BUILDEG CODE. The current Uniform Building Code adopted by the City of Tustin. (s) WALL SIGN. .~ sign attached to or erected on the ex- terior wall of a building or structure with the exposed face of the sign in a plane approximately parallel to the plane of the exterior wall. Section 2: Permits required. No person shall erect or main- tain or cause to be ~r~e.c~d~ ~ maintained any advertising sign or add to an existing advertising sign or move from one location and erect in an- other location or alter any advertising sign or any part thereof without 911. first obtaining a permit to de so from the Superintendent. The Placing, attaching or superimposing of let~ ters, figures or representations in cutouts of irregular form during the change of advertising copy shall not be considered a structural change for which a permit is re- quired, provided that such advertising sign has been first approved by the Superintendent' as an advertising sign capable of receiving such cut0uts. Approval of such signs shall be contingent upon proof that the si~ is so designed and constructed as ~to adequately support the loads contributed by the cutouts and/or irregular shapes. Section ~: Application for permit. Applica- tion for erection permits shall be made on.forms provid- ed by the Superintendent. The forms shall contain, or have attached there- to such information as the Superintendent may require to sho~ full compliance ~ith this end all other applicable laws ~nd ordinances of the City of Tustin. Two copies of plans and specifications shall be submitted with the application for a permit for each sign. Such plans shall show method of ~support and/or attachment, location materials, and colors to be used. Plans for all roof signs and other signs which by reason of their height or characteristics make them subject to excessive stresses shall be accompanied by structural computations showing that the structure is designed for dead load and v.~'ind pressures, in any direction in the amount ~required '!~ by this Article. Sufficient data-shall be submitted to show that the supporting surfaces and other members of the existing building or structure or which a sign is to be attached' are in good condition and are adequate to support and. additional load imposed. Section___~: Illuminated signs. The erection of a sign on which electrical wiring and connections are to be used shall, ssa condition precedent to the issuance of a sign permit, require a separate electrical permit in compliance with the 0~a:~e Empire Electrical Code. Prior to erection, the sign shall be physically inspected by 912. the Superintendent. SectionS: Issuance of permit. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to examine the plans and spec- ifications upo~ the filing of a sign permit application; and if it shall appear that the proposed sign is in compliance with th&saaiid other applicable codes and ordinances-of the City of Tustin, he shall, upon receipt of the required fee issue the permit, Failure to complete work within one hundred and twenty (120) days after da~e of issuance shall make said permit null and void. .s.e..~t.l. on 6: conformity to plan. When the permit is issued, and plans shall be stamped with the Superinten- dent's approval. No changes, alterations, or modifications shall be made thereto. The. sign structure shall be erected in conformity with the approved plans unless authorization to modify is obtained from the Superintendent and the Plans and records are so changed and noted. S~C.t.iol~. 7: Permit fees. Every applicant, before being granted a sign permit shall pay to the Department of ;_~ Building and Safety a permit fee in the amount set forth in the hereunder Fee Schedule. FEE SCHEDULE Lighted or Unlighted Sing le D oub le Gas e ou~ _ Fa ce,~ Face~ __ Tube Typp~ Up to and including 6 sq.ft and not over 6 ft. 0 inches above grade. No fee .No fee $ 3.00 Up to and including 6 sq. ft'. and more than 6 ft. 0 inches above grade. ~ 2.00 + 2.00 ~ 2.50 t~.O0 More than 61 sq. ft. but not more than 25 sq. ft. $ 2.00 + 3.00 3.50 5.00 25 sq. ft. or more, but not more than 50 sq. ft. 2.00 + 4.00 4.00 7-50 50 sq. ft. or more,~ but not more than 75 sq. ft. 2.00-+ 5.50'~ 6.50 i0.00 75 sq. ft. o.v mo~e, but not more than 100 sq. ft. 2.00 ~ 7.50 9.00 12.50 ~0 sq. ft. or more, but not more than 150 sq. ft. 2.00 ~10.00 12.00 15.00 913 · s i ngl e D cub le Gas e ous Face. . .Fa..c...e .T~,jbe Tyue 150 sq. ft. or more, but not. more than 200 sq.ft, $ 2.00 - 12.50 15.00 17.00 200 sq. ft. or more, but not more than 250 sq. ft. 2.00-1~.50 17.50 !9.00 250 sq. ft. or more, but not more than 350 sq. ft. 2.00 - 16.50 19.00 21.00 350 sq. ft. and over, the fee shall be computed at the fol- lowing rate per sq. ft. of sign advertising surface. 2.00 - -05 .06 .06 Secti. Or~ ,.8: Double fees. Failure to obtain a sign permit prior to the erection of a sign shall require the pay- ment of a double fee; however, payment of the double fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying with other pro- visions of this Article, nor from liability to penalties pre- scribed here in. Section 9; Permit not an approval of law violation. The issuance or granting of a sig~_ perre. it shall not be deemed or constructed to be a permit for or an approval Of any vio- lation of any of the provisions of this Article; and no sign permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this Article shall be valid except insofar as the work or use which is authorized by the issuance of a sign permit is lawful. Sec.t.i. on .10: Unsafe and unlawful signs. (a) ~SPECTION. The superinten6ent shall inspect at such times as be deems r~ecessayr each sign regu!sted by this' Article for the purpose of ascertaining whether the sign is secure or insecure, and whether it is in need of removal or repair. If the Superintendent shall find that any sign re- gulated here in is ~u~Safe or insecure, or is a menace to the public, or has been constructed, erected or maintain~ in violation of the provisions of this Article, he shall give written notice to the owner or permittee settir4~~ forth the defects and work required.. (b) NOTICE OF HEA~.ING. This notice sh~!i set forth the time and place a hearing shall be had before the Superin- tendent, at which time and place evidence would be submitted as to shether any of the defects exist and whether removal, 914. repair of improvement is necessary in the case. The notice shail further state that the owner may at his option, or his repre- sentative, be pres. ent at the hear. ing, and:introduc~ su6h evi- dence on the issues as he desires The notfce sha~l furthe'r state 'that' at the hearing the Superint:endent shall determine wh. ether an.y of the defe6ts exist, and if so, order such removal, repair or improve ~e~.~t as m ~ ~ neces- s~y. This determination and order sha. ll b. ecome final with- in 48 h~urs unles~ withi~ that t-~me the o~e. er appeals~i!the dec- ision to the City Council, i'n which event the City Council shall hold a hearing and shall thereupon make a determination and order, affirming, reversing or modifying the determination and order of the Superintendent as the City Council may deem proper The order of the City Council shall be final imm6di- ately. The notice shall further s~ate that the owner shall, within 48 hours following the finality of the determination and order of the Superintendent, (or, if a.,.~pealed, the deter- mination and order of the= City Cou~_.ci~) commenc, e the repa~i~-s or improvements or removal ordered, and such work shall be com- pl.eted within 90 days from the commencement thereof' (cO RIGHT TO DEMOLISH. In case the owner shall fail, ~eglect or refuse to corr,.p].y with the notice t'~ remove, repair or maintain the sign or a portion thereof, the Superintendent shall cause the ordered removal, repairs or maintenance to be done, and the cost thereof shall be a charge and expense against the owner personally, and col].ectibl~ by s~ action of !sw. (d) NOTICE TO OWNERS. Proper servikce of such notice shall be personal service upon the owner of the sign or si~$ structure, if he can, with reasonable diligence, be found with- in the County. If he canhot be so found., the service shall be made upon him personally e].se~,,~!.ere oz" by z~e~iste:c,e~. m~-~i.i, in ~,,,~hicb case the' time of receipt shall be deemed the time of such notice. (e) POSTING OF NOTICE . T~e Superintendenact shall cause the sign or sign ;St~,0~U,~] to be posted with a notice 915 to read "UNSAFE. Department of Building and Safety, City of Tustin." Such notice shall remain posted until the re- quired repairs, or removal is completed. Such notice shall not be romeveal withou~ written permission of the Superin- tendent. (f) SUMMARY REMOVAL. The Superintendent may cause any sign which is an immediate peril to ~erson or property to be removed summarily and without notice. ~E..C.TION !!.: Maintenance requirements. No per- son owning or controlling an advertising sign shall fail to keep such sign in a state of good repair at all times with all braces, bolts, clips and supporting frame free from deterioration, termite infestation, rot, rust, loosen- ing and such condition that at all times it will with- stand the wind pressure specified in this Article. SECTIQ.N ~12: Correct ions If, after inspection, any advertising sign or any portion thereof is found to violate any provisions of this Article, the corrections required shall be made prom- ptly and the sign shall be made to conform in all respects and another call for final inspection shall be made. No person shall continue or proceed with any sign erection work in violation of this Article, or of any other Code or ordinance regulating such signs after receipt of any notice from the Department of Building and Safety to "Stop Work". The work must be made to comply with the provisions of this Article or other such codes or ordin- ances. Orders given by the Department of Building and ~ Safety to make safe such sign must be complied with prom- ptly. "STOP WORK NOTICES "and "CORRECTION NOTICES" af- fixed to a sign by an authorized representative of the Department of Building and Safety while erection work on a sign is in progress shall be considered as having been delivered to permittee. .S.ECTI.0N 1~: Right of Entry. Upon presentation of proper credentials the Superindendent may enter, at reasonable times, any duty imposed upon him by this Article. 916 'SECTION 1~: Identification require~. No person shall erect, own, control or maintain any sign which does not ha~e the name of such person and the sing permit nUmber plainly and permanently marked, or paonted or outlined on said sign in a conspicuous place. On all signs, other ~han ground signs, the weight of the sign shall be included in the above required information. SECTION 1~_: Flucrescent, mercury, vapor or high voltage gaseous tube. Each flucrescent, mercury, vapor or high voltage gaseous tube (neon)sign shall, in addition to the above required information, be provided with a 'legible name plate, which shall correctly state the manufacturer's name or trademark and the voltage, amperage, total watts and power factor. All the aforementioned types of signs shall have affuxed ybderwruters laboratory labels or recognized testing laboratoru labels. Before delivery to the erection site, illuminated gaseous type signs shall be inspected and approved by the Supe rin~endent. "'~ SECTION 16: Obstruction to doors, windows or fire escapes. No sign shall be erected, relocated or maintained so as to prevent free ingress to or egress from any door, window or fire escape. No sing of any kind shall be attached to a stand pipe or fire escape. SECTION 17~. Signs not to constipate traffic hazard. No person shall erect or maintain or cause-to erected or main- · '; tained any si~ which simulates or imitates in size, color, lettering or design any .traffic sign or signal, or which makes use of the words "STOP" " , "LOON, "DANGER" or any other words, phrases, symbols, or characters in a manner to interfere with, mislead or mortfuse traffic. ~: Signs prohibited on public property. No person except a public officer or employee in performance of a p~blic duty, shall paste, nail, paint, tack, wire or other- wise fasten any card, banner, pennant, handbill, sign, poster advertisement or notice of any kind or cause the same to be done on any pavement, sidewalk, step curbstone, la~p-post, ! pole, sign post, hydrant, bridge, wall or tree located on a 917 street or upon public property, except as may be required by any ordinance or law. SECTION 19: Immoral or unlawful advertising. It shall be unlawful for any person to exhibit, post or display or cause to be exhibited, posted or displayed upon any .sign anything of an abscene, indecent or immoral nature, or any sign in any manner objectionable to the moral sense of the general public. SECTION 2Q.: Application. To obtain a p~rmit the applicant shall first file an ~pplication therefor in writing on a form furnished for that purpose. Every such application shall be accompanied by plans and specifications as required in Section 21. $~.ION£_1: Plans and specifications. With each application for a sign permit, and when required by the Super- intendent for inforcement of ~y provisions of this Article two sets of plans and specifications shall be submitted. The Superintenden~ may require plans and specifications s~i~ be prepared and designed by an engineer or architect licensed by the State to practice as such. SEC~ION 22: Information on plans and specifications. Plans and specifications shall be drawn to scale upon sub- stantial paper or cloth and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed and ~. show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of this Article and all relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulat- iOnS, 8ECTIQ~ ,2~: Design. (a) GENERAL. Signs and sign structures shall be designed and constructed to resist wind and seismic forces as specified in this Section. All bracing systems shall be designed and constructed to transfer lateral forces to the foundations. For signs on buildings the dead and lat- eral loads shall be transmitted throdgh the structural frame of the building to the ground in such manner as not ~ over stress any of the elements thereof. The overturning moment produced from lateral forces shall in no case exceed two-thirds of the dead-load resist- 918 ing moment. Uplift due to overturning shall 'be adequately re- sisted by proper anchorage to the ground or to the 'structural frame of the building, The weight of earth superimposed o~er footings may be used in determining the dead-load resisting moment. Such earth/ shall be carefully placed and throughly compacted. (b) WIND. Signs and sign structures shall be de- signed to withstand the minimum horizontal pressures set forth in Table No.l, allowing for wind from any direction. The wind pressures set forth in Table No.1 are minimum values and shall be adjusted by the Superintendent for areas subjected to high- er wind pressures. (c) WIND PRESSURES. Signs and sign st~ructures shall be designed and ~onstructed to withstand pressures acting up- ward normal to the surface, equal to one and one-forth times those specified for the corresponding height zpne in which the roof i's located. The height is to be taken as the mean height of the sign above grade and the pressure assumed on the entire sign area. TABL~ N0. 1 WIND PRESSURES FOR VARIOUS HEIGHT ZONES ABOVE GRADE Height Z0ne..s. ( l.I1 feet ) Wind-Pressure-Map Areas, (~ounds.. per ..s...quar.e foot ) Less than 30 20 30 to 49 20 50 to 99 25 100 to 499 30 500 to 1199 35 1200 and over 40 (d) SEISMIC LOADS. Signs and sign structures shall be designed and constructed to resist seismic forces as specified in Section 2312, Appendix of the Uniform Building Code. (e) C0~TBINED LOADS, Wind and seismic loads need not be combined in the design of signs or si~-$ structures; only that loading producing the larger stresses need be used. Vertical design loads, except roof live loads, shall be assumed to be acting simultaneously with the wind or seismic loads. (f) ALLOWABLE STRESSES. The design of wood, con~ crete, or steel members shall conform to the requirements of Chap~.er 25, 26 and 27, of the Uniform Building Code. Loads both vertical and horizontal, exerted on the soil shall not produce stresses exceeding those specified in Chapter 28 of the Uniform B~lldlng Code. The working stresses of wire rope and its fastenings shall not exceed 25 per cent of the ultimate strenght of the rope or fastenings. Working stres- ses for wind or seismic loads combined with dead loads may be increased as specified in Section 2303 of the U~iform Building Code. Section 24: Construction. (a) GENERAL. The supports for all signs or sign structures shall be securely built, constructed~ and erected in conformance with the requirements of this Article. (b) MATERIALS. Matet~ials of construction for si- gns and sign sturctures shall be of the quality and grade as specified for building in the Uniform Building Code. In all signs and sign structures the materials and details of con- struction shall, in the absence of specified requirements, conform with the following: 1. Structural steel shall be of such quality as to conform with U.B.C. Stanaard 27-1-~58. Secondary members in contact with, or directly supporting the display surface~ may be formed of light gauge steel provided such members are de- signed in accordance with the specifications of the design of light gauge steel as specified in U.B.C. Standards 27-2-58 and 27-3-58- and in addl~ tion shall be galvanized. .Secondary members, when formed interrally with the display surface, shall be not less than No. 24 gauge in thickness. When not formed inteErally with the display sur- face, the minimum thickness of the secondar~ members shall be No.12 gauge. The minimum thick- ness of hot-rolled steel members furnishing struc- tural support for signs shall be one-fourth inch (~) ~ 3/16" if galvanized. Steel pipes shall be such quality as to conform with U~B.C. Standard 27-4-58. Steel members may be connected with~one galvanized bolt provided the connection is adequate to transfer the stresses~ in the members. 2. Anchors and !supports when of wood and em- bedded in the soil, or within six inches (6") of the soil shall be pressure- treated with an approved preservative. Such members shall be msrked or brand- ed by an approved agency. (~) RESTRICTIONS ON COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. Ground signs m~y be constructed of any material meeting the require- ments of this Article. Combination signs, roof sirs snd pro- Jecting signs shall be constructed of incombustible materials, except as provided in Subsection (d) 'of this Section. No com- bustible materials other ~han spproved plastics shall be used in the 'construction of electric signs. I(d) NONSTRUCTURAL TRIM. · Nonstr-~ctural trim may be of wood, metal, approved plastics, or amy combination thereof. (e) ANCHORAGE. Members supporting unbraced signs shall be so proportioned that the bearing loads imposed on the soil in either direction, horizontal or ~ver~ical, shall not exceed the safe values. Braced ground signs shall be anchor- ed to resist the specified wind or seismic l-cad acting in any directi. on. Anchors and -su~pports ~shall be designed for safe bearing loads on the soil and for an effective resistance be pull-out amounting to a force 25 per cent greater than the re- quired resistance to overturning. Anchors and supports shall penetrste to a depth below ground greater than that of the frost line. Portab~ ground signs supported' by frame or posts rigidly attached to the b~se shall be so proportioned that the ~eight and size of the base ~ill be adequate to resist the ~ind pressure specified in Table No. 1. Signs attached to masonry, concrete, or ste~l shall be safely and securely fastened thereto by mesns of metal anchors, olts or approved expansion screws of sufficient size and anchorage to support safely the loads applied~ No wooden block or plugs or anchors with wood used in connection with. screws or mils shall be .considered proper anchorage, except in the case of signs attached to wood framing. No anchor or support of emy sign shall be con~l~ nected to, or supported by, a parapet wall, unless such wall is designed in accordance with the requirements spec- ified in Section 2312, Appendix, of the Uniform BUilding Code for parapet walls. ( f ) DISPLAY SURFACES. Display surfaces in all types of signs may be made of metal, glass or approved plas- tics, in accordance with the area limitations set forth in Table No. 2 and No. 3- TABLE N0.2 LIMITATIONS OF APPROVED PLASTICS IN SIGNS AREA OF FACING OR AREA OCCUPIED OR D. ISPL~Y ..~URF ACE C 0VERED BY PLASTIC. S ..... 100 Square feet or less 100 percent of display surface area Over 100 Square feet, but less than 2,000 square feet 100 square feet ~lus 25 percent of the difference between 100 square feet and the area of the display surface. Over 2,000 square feet Not over 575 square feet TABLE N0. 3 SIZE, THICKNESS AND TYPE OF GLASS PANELS IN SIGNS MAXIMUM SIZE OF EXPOSED NTNIMUM GLASS PANEL THICK ~ESS OF GLASS ANY DIMENSION AREA, in IN INCHES TYPEOF GLASS in inches sq. inches ~0 500 1/8 Plain, Plate or wire 45 700 3/16 Plain, Plate or Wired 144 3,600 1/4 Plain, Plate or Wired Over 144 Over 3,600 1/4 Wired E~t~ ~ 25: Projection and Clearance. (a) PRIVATE PROPERTY. Projection and clearance of signs over private property are not limited except that such signs projecting more tha~x six (6) inches from the face of a building over private property used or intended to be used by the general public shall have a minimum clearance of eight (8) feet above sidewalk or grade. In no event, however, may a sign project closer than two (2) feet~to the curb or street drain line. (b) PROJECTION BEYON~ PROPERTY LINE. No person shall erect or maintain any sign which exceeds the projections be- yond the property line, or which is lower than the heights above the surface of the sidewalk or th~ established'grade, in the following ratio. A "V"' type sign must not exceed pro- Jection allowed for a projecting sign for corresponding clear- ance. THE SIGN MUST BE ABOVE THE FOR AN OVERHANG UP TO RIGHT OF WAY 12 inches 8 feet 24 inches 10 feet 36 inches 12 feet 48 inches 14 feet. 60 inches 16 feet for 60 inches and above 18 feet In no event shall any sign extend further than the face of any curb. (c) ALLEY SIGNS. No person shall erect or maintaim any sign that projects over a public alley, pro,~:ided however, a sign may project six (6) inches when it is over fourteen (14) feet above grade. .Se.ction 2.6..~ GROUND SIGNS (a) DEFINED. A sign 'supported by upright or braces placed upon or into the ground and detached from any building. ( b ) CONSTRUCT ION AND DES IGN (1) All ground signs shall conform to the requirements of Section 13 through 17- (2) All posts, anchors, bracing, or ~y other support that enters into or rests upon the ground or set in Concrete shall be treated with an approved preservative. (c) LOC-~TION. Ground signs that do not exceed 150 square feet of advertising area may be erected in the "public safety area," provided that they do not interfere '! ~.. with o~ impede the visibility of pedestrians and motorists. All ground sig~s requiring a permit that exceed fou~ .(4) feet above grade in vertical height shall have a minimum of ten (10) foot ground clearance. Ground signs in excess of 150 square feet shall not ve erected in the fromt yard. (d) CONDITION OF SITE, The immediate area sur- rounding the site of a ground .sign!shall be maintained by the owner thereof ~ a clean, sanitary condition, free from rubbish, weeds and all obnoxious substances. (e) PROJECTION..In no event shall a ground sign project closer than two (2) feet from the face of a curb, or from the street drain line. (f) REMOVAL. Any sign projection into public property shall be moved, without .expense to an~ public agency, if such moving is necessary because of widening of ~h~ highway. Section 27: Wall Signs. (a) DEFINED. A sign attached to or erected o~ the exterior wall of a building or structure with the ex- posed face of the sign in a plane approximately parallel to the plane of the exterior wall. (b) CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN. (1) All wall signs shall conform to the re- quirements of Section 13 through 17- (2) The surface or facing shall be of in- combustible material: however, combustible structural trim may be used. (c) PROJECTION. Wall signs shall not be attached to a wall at a height of less than eight (8) feet, nor shall they project more than twelve (12) inches. SECTION 28: Roof signs. (a) DEFIED. A sign erected wholly upon or above the roof of a building or structure, or upon or above can- opies, marquees and sumilar overhangs. (b) CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN All roof signs shall conform to the provisions of Sections 13 through 17- (c) PROJ~CTION:~~ All roof signs shall conform with the provisions of Section 18, (d) OBSTRUCTION OF ROOF OPENINGS. No roof sign shall be placed on a ~oo~ so as to prevent free passage from one part of the roof to another, nor shall it interfere with any skylight, or.similar ~oof opening. Section~?~: Combination signs. (a) DEFINED Combination sign shall mean any sign incorporating amy combination of the features of ground projecting, and r. oof sirs, (b) CLASSIFICATIONS. Each portion of a sign which is subject to more than one classification shall meet the req~uirements for the classification to which st~ch portion is subject. (c) PROJECTION. That area of the display sur- face of a combination sign which projects over the "public safety area" shall not exceed 150 square ~eet per face, S.e.c. tion ~.0: ~Projection signs, .. (a) DEFINED. A sign other than a wall sign sus- pended from, or supported by, a building or structure and pro- Jecting outward therefrom, (b.) CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN, All projecting signs shall conform to the requirements of Sections 13 through 17- (c) PROJECTIONS. All projecting signs shall con- form with the. provisions of Section 18, Sec. tiOn ~.: Non- conforming existing si~s, Every sign lawfUlly in existence on the adop- tion of this 0rdinancS shall not ~e' repaired, altered or moved, unless it is made to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance. .Sec. ti.o..n.....~.2: Revocation of permit, In addition to the penalty provided in the Cod- if led Ordinances of the County of Orange for vio'~a~ion of the provisions of this Code, the Superintendent is authorized t~1 revoke any permit upon failure of the holder thereof t~ comply with any provisionsof this Ordinance. ~.~.~: Advertising. Benches. No person shall place' upon or adjacent to the curbs or the right of way of any public street within the City any benches or seats upon which any advert,ising matter shall be painted or otherwise affixed, without complying with each and all of the following conditions; (a) First applying for and obtaining from the street Superintendent a written permit therefor. (b) Using benches having concrete supports not less than four inches thick, with wooden seats and backs, and having an overall height of not more than three and one- half feet, and an overall length of not more than eight feet. (c) Placing said benches and maintaining them only at specific locations approved by the ~treet Supt. (d) Placing or painting advertising matter on said benches which shall be approved by the Street Superin- tendent as being not offensive and not contrary to public welfare or morals. (e) Maintaining said benches free from broke, damaged or ~sightly parts. (f) Removing any bench from any location on the street within thirty days from receipt of a letter from the Street Superintendent requesting the removal of the same. SeCtion 3~: Tht~s~ 0rdinsnce shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, and before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after the passage~ ~re.~T=~v~s~ll be published once in the Tustin News, a newspaper published in the County of Orange, State of California, together with the names of the members of' the City Council voting for and against the Same. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tus~in, held on the 17th day of September, 1962. I _ j,~ MAYOR CITY CLERK ....... ~, I. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE, ) CITY OF TUSTIN. ) SS. RUTH C. POE,! City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does here- by certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tus~l,n is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly introduced and ~ead at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 4th day of September, 1962, and had its second reading, and was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City .Council held on the ..lj7t~h day of septemb...er, 1962, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN Sheridan, Mack~...Kl.i.ng.e.l~iof.er NOES: C 0UNC ILMEN..,none ABSENT: COUNC~LMEN D0ney ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEN Hume s t on ~~TY' ~"~~'~ ~ CLERK · City of Tustin, California.