HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 157 (1961)ORDTNANC 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTINSTATE OF CALIFORNIA,. ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS PEETAININ& T -O USES' OF LAND AND USES, LOCATION,.HEIGHT., BULK SIZE AND TYPES OF BUILD- INGS AND OPEN SPACES AROUND BUILDINGS IN CERTAIN DISTRICTS OF THE CITY, SPECIFYING SAID DISTRICTS: PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT'Cly'SUCH REGULATIf?NS AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF; REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT`HEREWITH::: The Council of the City of.Tustin, California does ordain a:s follows: Ordinance No. 71 of the City of Tustin and any amend. merit to said Ordinance is hereby repealed. Section 1. ADOPTION OF ZONING PLAN. There is hereby.adopted`a Precise Zoning Plan for the City of Tustin, State of California. 1.1 This Ordinance shall be known by the following short title: "THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN# Section 2. The purpose of this Ordinance is to provide for regulations for the systematic execution of the Land Use element'; of the Master Plan for the physical development of the City of y Tustin, Section 3 There are hereby established district's into which the City of Tustin is divided and which are designated as follows: RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT OR "R..A" DISTRICT RESIDENTIAL ESTATE DISTRICT OR "E-4" DISTR:ICT PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OR,"P-D% DISTRICT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OR "R -l" DISTRICT DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OR 4R-211 DISTRICT MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OR "R-311 DISTRICT RETAIL COMMERCIAL OR "C.Il" DISTRICTS CENTRAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS OR "C,.2" DISTRICTS HEAVY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OR "C-3" DISTRICT: INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT OR *M" DISTRICT PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT OR "PM" DISTRICT UNCLASSIFIED OR "U" DISTRICT rim 3,J In addition:, to the districts established in Section 3, there ,is hereby }e.stablished:.,one, ,oambining district which may be combined with `any of the 'distri ets 'sed forth ,.in Section 3; said district toi b,e designated aIs fo�llo s: COMBINING PARKING. DlTEICTSI:.OH'"3TTi?ICS'` 3..2 The boundaries of the districts designated and V established by Sections 3 and 3•l.hereof are as shown on that certain map entitled "ZONING ,MAP, OF THE CITY OF .TUSTIN114 incor- porated herein and made a part of this Ordinance by ,reference as is herein fully,set.forth and.tQ which reference: is hereby 3 . made for full particulars ao-,to the location of ,the areas � shown Within said districts. Thealstricts shown are hereby declared deo be subject to the regulations pertaining to;such designated, distrix ►s as said regulations 'are :set: f orth in Segt cn , and 5 hereo ,{{ is 3. Where the etaot boundaries of a. district,. -cannot be readily 'or, eptly ,ascetaned,..,by, rfexrace to the. Zoning; Map of the C>ity, of Tustin the boundary shall be deemed t,o be, along the nearest, street or lot line, as the case may be. If a district boundary,line di,*ides;or splits e. lots the -lot shall, be. deemed to be, included -,within the district which is the mare restrictive. 'The'provisi'ns of the Secti.©n shall not apply to acreage. 3,4 Ail lands hereafter included: within the City of i Tustin are, and shall be'designated as the district under which the land was zoned under the County 2oning?Ordinance. All other lands which are not designated on the.aforementioned.Zoning'Map as being included in any; district- are., and shall be designated as *Up or Unclassified. D stir�ict.' Section4 RESIGNATION- OF FiEGrULATIONS IN. THE DISTRICT Except SECTION 6. 1STABt15HMENT OF REGUTATIONS WTINIS SAID DISMCIS The following uses will be, allowed and the following regulations shall apply In the districts h°relnbefine esta640mad under Section 3Wrd efall be sake WA to the provision. of Section $. DISTRICT Nene but the following uses or whmh 1. be u,W. o1 its Use Maximum Minimum, Building Minimum Int Muth Maximum Allowable Minimum Minimum Side Yard Minimum pear Yard U1.1se a lot dren Mlamum oN-•reef psrnnp .pap rpulr.d. }he Pi...... ow,d. lm an slmlim bl• Sita pepulred RequiredProperty set Comre b Build- Front Ired Unleaa othuwl,a Requtred per unit. planning Com al.W. may aa.Wha [be amount l MU W allowed. .,utaPerm Requ4.d HWghAllow Nalphl Ft. At Praparty Lina Li Inca flub- S1 Yard Ir Indicated m Inning Mep. q. Ftp 6g. Ft. of grking Ict sses not 4aW hale. Cornu er nterlor orn maim Corner Interior Comer mtamr fact . dthet dNar ragWr- Required W tot b[°f W' reall d hereto. tot tine >ot Lina Lot .Int R -A Single family dwelllnpa NO 30• 7.200 7y00 60• - 60• 40% 30• "10• 6' S' S' '7000 1 gamy. Bar dwlling - S.G. . But not less than 1000 p: R. Dght larmmg,except commadal INO 30• 7,100 7400 --- _.clear . 6.1 0'In pal-a-esp at and ob.tru4sel parent dalnes, commercial kennels, ort IN. 1/3 a'1ot. --- commercial rabbit, lom,gpat or ` hog farma,.r wmmaclal chicken or poultry, nncnu. " Accessory uses normally Welder- IRO ' --- --- --- .-_ t.1 to a singe drelllrg p light as. TN. I. not to e ...ad as per.1 rmlu: " any cp- F " mRelal Use. P One Ian, not over .Ix (6) wuara ISO_._ _.. ___ ___ ___ faandMad. par- N timet lousl" ing only pt the na , sfi.,on al or renal of the spm which s W apn U to M looted. be loc a __ • Crop and V. farming NO _.- __ ___ .__ ___ ___ __. ___ ._. «. 3s' a Chvrchss,.chool..parks,WW,- YES 30' 30,0001., churches 100• 100' d0x 10' S' 20' 10' Ipaklp .pap 5>patYr Msu. mounds.publlc u'llityand pub'I; 5Ac've for school. -_� and west -public buildings and hilt utillt d olhar Us. P.'mR`•�Ilf a In f =. The maintenance of not over turn 3TJ -- 30,000 30,000 100' 100' 60• n 30• 30' 10' 10' --- (3) hon oe. for private use provided net minimum land �. nen W W.y (30) thou ... d ss square let,. ss The, matmm.ano. oI not mor• then YE8 30• 1 Acta I Aso• 100'. 100• --- 311' !0' 30' 10' __- 50. 7 15 rabbit. a °1.11°1 .mail animal. or commercial chicken ,elan;. Signs not to exceed 30 sq. ft. _-- -__ __- --- --- 1 R -I Single family dwellings NO 30' 1$A0 7.00 60 60. s0% ID• 10• S. S. S• sectio — ut not les, than 1000 .q.R. 7300 4•3 Accessory bufldm;. only 1f can- MO 30• •-- --- 40' copal de-enp at 3G% of rmc Fast SD' and w obstructail p ups suvcred °ImuluneouaY with or popen It.. --_clear --- 1/3 a lot. - --� subsequent to the morn buuding m the same Ion. Aec[saery u,e. normally Inclden- 330 --- •-- --- --- -- ------ --_ tit ten °mal° i.mlry residences. a -n -pt p A 1•y. than S. This I. not to be cm. W ell °s p[rmi[tln; a.Y c.mmerclel ueea. p or (Tor sign.not Over four (5) °quay° NO.. « feet In arW.and pertemmq only to the ..In. lees.. or rental W the Dmperty upon which the sign 1. v located. 3s' 9 vnG° r. ni.1 .1 a°li°minimum. Y53 30' 12.000 13,000 70' 60' 60% 10• S• 30' 30' 6000 ,grip per dwWi-S 13, 000 aq Jq �— 30, um) In, ;hunclms 300• 100' Churches, schools, park.. play- YES 30• SM. fm °cresols 40% 35' ° to, S. 30' " 30• --- 1 parking app 1ct Nth 3 sense to ch'Rtlws ;rounds, public utility and public Public.'filly and other B > pines of publb usuMY. and quasi -public buildings and ee Be ap.wifled In urea. Crop and tree arminq. farming. VM ParmlL s O Acce..ory Wlldln.. used a. YES 30' --- --- --- --- 30% 01 rea yard lo' S• 5' --- 0' quest rmms,provding no cook. Ing facility 1. Installed or mein - ` tamed. _o « hWlc or private perking Iota for yon - - t _-- -- «- uh. -C- or -les wren .d)semt eo.n C• •M' apes and wan " rl s Nopct1Y Wenuptl, j - SLORON 9. ESIM QHMM Of RGUMONS VnTHM MW L0SPR302S. YM I subselag no. wind be allowed and the foHpwtnq rogalaNma MMU "Pty"i the dlatdeta herelnbef,de nMMlehed Sued D6PRICY time but W following uses W • wMnh m Na mlndm nd the Vu Pmmtt Maks urn Maine.. Bulldlrq Mlydmwa Lot wldN Mawmum Allowable Minimum F ,,.. , Pleasing Cmom(olml aro pbnllae Ragolred Allowable Haight g 91ta Re qo Sq• bed - M• - tot Coverage by Point yarn . _ MWmum Sid. AegWred Unless Yard °do,wlae Minimum Yard - MI be lot area Min(" .111 b allowed, Al Ro a Buildings or Stric- lore. Sub)ec, to all Re Wred V Indicated m Zonle 9 Map.' ReRlred - per family wit. off-street Perkins spa. required, Phe %arming i""S"" an Interior Comer [nllint oNer required herein sq. Ft. may OreeQlbe the 'amount of fu uses no[ listed henN, Corner Interior Cornet L-9 U-91- belly dwellings NO ]0' Tot ]ret Lne Int Uriclu[ interiorPerking Int _ I0, 000 10, 000 BO' So- 90% 3p' - - Seedm Vnless otherwlae Indicated on Ne Zonlnq Map EO% of the lot width. 30%of tree lot tleDN 9.9 Aocavv0ry bullrings con-. NO Le. 100 - it -(lo 15.000 000 ]500 1 ,.raga per dwelling 30% of roar Yard -_. _ - atrucmd sly it wllic no .30' Urontege) (lot pie) .t to mbaequent to mem inflictinginflictingm m tree .es lot. Acce..ory use .«mall, Incidental to single family realdencaa. ltlls - - - '•_� if - t' __ _ . not m con steed as pencilling - ee any commercial uses. Lnmg[ on IeY.lnep 5' Ona Sign, nut over SI. (6) vq.,. NO -_� _ _ - _ _ - _ __� �__ - e m the vele. lesae. ental of the .- . _ -... O. - property ucm winch Ne S19n la located. 0 u 30' a CnwchaS, mnmis, parks, play- grounds, Public uVIItY and pooh. YL.4 ]0' - - -'-" 20,000 la cM1urcM1 100' {00' - sp% lOY.of the lot wr IIh end "481 -Public Wlldings and 5 Acre. Public Will for sch.ls y and other u c 20% Of the lot depth - __ _ 1 Der4ng .Poco for ..on 7 sob In chorclun uses. Crop and Ina mming. uses as a Wiled In "'" _" -' - u ' _ - _ a Pieces of Public assembly, use permit e Ac. .... I buildings ..ad ea guest YES 20' ___ 10' 5' saes.. DrOvldin9 n0 cooking 4Ul ___ ___ ___ 30%a is. 50'. A ' ItY la Installed w maintained. - _ _ yard 5' P -D oq .. Saw" I 9.9 - MY .a permitted Ie any -V Dia- Mot. my amli.dm for a m - Planned de selopmcn[ A D c ibetl by N Plann g Cora Is _ - _ use Nla in .t SMI, M accompanied to W a minimum oae fprtne of 5 total de- ne n Imum f 50% of to c total dove :Im Pr d t t ed the, there shot a, its for common 7000 - 1-1/29 ...... Per dwalNng ends by complete development plan. ad y I.pmenl Ily use, uch area shell be °Pen and u uv'e rW wu ... apucturos e .hilactural ak*'chO. Showing the eaceP[ a.awimming Pool. - .ad for planned day.lopnent; the YLS - 90' 1500 1500 25' character and use Of dlobland. - 50%ing .. - the as Blgnad Chl..aof ger'9 - - - .. - _..._ - - .Ise, lm area of all balm - ria and Structures In.• area structure to for to m Na ate, Na .dm and dimetl - -' -: alma perking orae., ..... " '- E res..itstreets. oD.O area. and .,he, .as. - B IDISION re. EBIABEOHMENT... '�!"IATIONB WITHIN BMD DISTRICTS no following rues wl2l W allowed eM the following regulations shell apply In the districts haNnbefore established under Section 3 end shell be .object to the aoW etas of Section S. DISTRICT None but the following uses a Use Mexlmum Mlnlmum Building Minimum Lot Width Maxlmum Allowable briefmum Minimum Side Yard Minimum Rear Yard Mudingre Lot bPa I Minimum off-street Parking space regared. She use. which In the opinion of the Permit Allowable Site Required Required IAeCoverage by Build- I Front Required Finlem ctharwise Required Par Family Unit Planning Commission may Prescribe the Rmamt Plennlnq C ... last. are similar Ragared Haight Sq. Ft. At Property Line Ings or Structures Sub- Yard Indicated on boning Map. Sq. Fl. of parking for uses not listed herein. .rill be stlowee. Fact 1. all other le- Required corner IcteriorComcr Interior jAr Int Lot Lot Bared herein. Corner Inlerlor Corner Interior Lot Line Lot Line Lot Lot C-2 Retail stores and personal service NO 50' 2000 1000 NONE STEMMED - 100% See t. reatabliahmen s within a build..,,. None aper, Subject to Sec.5 G.P. None specliled [rept what NONE SPE IF1ED NONE SPECIFIED UNLESS COMBINED WIIH -P- e.1 tncludieg appliance stores, baker- hied unless Less Parking and aide abuts on a lot In an --- DISTRICT. s.lber shops. beauty Ls,bambe bomaee Iandscapinq Require- 'R' Dlsulct, Ne 10' pstlas, hookunrn, delmrinont -- eburs a lo[ entre. Ilea .tore.,drag storea,lood shops. RDlst. brudenner arores,mormanee,nuraar - -- hen les. alflcee,radio storea.profes- nterm otte clonal oUltt., mslaurenls, shot Nooks shown shops, studios. tailor shops,public on Zoning utility buildings and uses,except - M.P. Corporation Yards. ... _. .. _.. .... _.- - . Service Statim. NO ei' 9.00 9000 60' 60' -60% is 8 Br _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 Parking space la reach 1000 reg. ft. a la spart. Sian. stieched m to the an build- YES 35 " ___ - ___' ___ ___ _._ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _- ___ — inq and eDYvrt....I to any Dery milted u ' Any user ".fired In any'R' YES 50' 6000 6000 60' 60' FS% Same as 10• 5' 6 B' 20' 20• _ _ _ RI AS SPECIFIED IN ME 'A' DISTCTS District. I •hove. Anlmel AaspheL.auto repair shops YES 50' 2000 2000 _ _ _ ___ ORO, Sema as Same as Lou,• Sam s IS SPECIE D 2N USE PERMIT AS SPECIFIED IN THE USE PERMIT drive -In establishments when of a _ 1 above. aWva type of use tnd2cAled, cleeadng and dyeg e.Wblisbnents. leunderrea, in i - I ... details.,second-hand sale.. - outdoor markeu.outd—,Islas establirthmentr,Dat abovm e.otels, hc4b. raat bomem. Dublle g.rages, awd.1 sales Iols,aod other uses ._. of a sinOar oeture. .. Church...scnoob. Public. Signs.other than those attached YES --- --- -- - --- --- 1. the noun bonding and ......n - ant m any pe: mltlee Iia.. including oumap[ adv.nulcg stud T AIFIED. - C-3 All oars Heed Ia C-2 Diltrct, NO s0' -.• 2000 - 2000 [NONES. 100% Nona None sp—I ted except 5' when a butting on an alley NONE SPECIFIED UNLESS COMBINIDWITH'PSeaton rept residential buildings. Less Parking and specified where etside abs on a lot - ' DISTRICT. A.3 schools. cbar-hes and outdoor Landscaping Require- I unieva In R Di o trio, th n 10' or sales ealebllshmants. ents. Frontage unless clhcrwia shown o buts lot Zonlnq Mep. Service Sc..... NO 50' --- 9000 9000 • 60' In RDIV. - men 10' NO - 50',. 2000 200.0 NONE S"CIEIED 100% --- BONE SPECIFIED Whol.sala stores and atomga unless wlthln a building..ecand-tend domelso sales within . buildl........ on shown on Plenb, elacttoNc plants w1lNn as zoning building. map. ' Signs appurtenant to any permitted ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ -__ -__ ___ e. Nl✓ All uses Pachtried In any R Drs- YES 50' 6000 6000 W' 60' TS% Same u. 10' S. 6 B' 201 20' _ _ _ AS SPECIFIED IN ME-R'.DISTRICH tract. above. Outdoor sales establishments• YES s0' 2000 2000 NONE S. EDIFIED .. 100% T Same as .Same ar above Same as AS SPECIE] ED IN USE PERMIT - - AS SPECIFIED IN ME USE PERMIT ' .econd-hand sal.a,mo als,IL2ht - above, b ebove nulscturing• Including namufac- - ru . of cl.dNnp,noveltle. and keys and use. which In the opinlor '- - of the Planning Commission erre of nmller nature. Sign.. .,car the those ...arta.- YES --- --- --- --- --- --- --.at1. .at 1.any permitted use.Incl.d- Ing outdoor advertising structures Troller Courts. US 50� I Aero 1 Acre 109• too- 100% Sema as South above 5,oca AS SPECIE ED IN USE P[RMIi 1500 AS SPECIFIED IN USE PERMIT i above, abgve 9 E C I ION 4. OTAR119NMENT OF REGULATIONS WITHIN SAID DL; VUCTS. no following .....111 for, allowed and the following regulation. she 11 apply In the districts herstabefore astabllehad under Seaton 3 and shell b subject he the prwblma of Section S. DISTRICT None but the following use. or I Use Maximum Minimum Building Minimum Lot Width Mesdmem Allowable Minimum Minimum Side Yard MWmbm Rest Yard Nirdhome lot area Minimum otl-street parking span insured, The uses which in the opinion of the Permit Allowable Site Required Required Lot Coverage by Build- Rent Yard Required Unless otherwise R,,W,.d Dar burly milli. Planning Oemmloslpa may proscribe the amoat Plannlnp Comml>.lon are slmfler Reghbod Nel,ht Sq. 1't. At PrDPerly Line loo. m Saturate. Sub- Aequlred Indicated on Vming Map., 9q. no of parking lar uses not Hot" aware, will be allowed. lett to all other n- Car Inca i., Com r Intermr CONcr Interior Corner lnterlar Loth Lot fair Lot 9hired beta, Lot Line Lot line Lot Lot. R-2 AH dean hared la tor• R-1 District. As Aa spec fled In he R-1 District - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- ---- ------------- 1500 As specified In 1-1 District. Saetim fled In the 40' on cul -'t -sac• at 4,5 '-1 DLitict property iii e single s:rtaura) NO 3$' 7900 7200 60' 60• 50% TO' IB, S• 10' Itis 3500 1 estop e par drflllnp amt TrlPle, weal. ."a.) Y[5 15' ]100 ] CO l 10' S' 10' 10•. 500 - garage Det deal Ing unit 1-3 All uses listed In ttw R-2 District. As spact- 40' 7000 7000 70' TO• 75%. 15' 10• S' 10• 10• j 1 garage par dwelling unit 4.4 fled M the 125'0 R-2 District Multiple family dwellings, spart- NO 40' 1000 7000 TO' TO' 75%.. ) IS' a 10• S' 10• 10• 1 garage for each dwelling unit provided that pass ..at hwos.. •pace may be allowed upon obustran, a Use Met not ... tonal offices YES 40' 7000 7000 70' 70' 75% P 15' 30• S• 30• 30' -- 1 parking space far Baca 300 aquas fast of bldg. Hoel.,moteis end rescue, or YES 40• 7500 7500 70' 70' 75% 15' H 10• S' 10• 10• Stip One parking spun far .ech 4 rooms Ie Notal boarding houses, dwelling groups. One parking spun far ..an 2 gou.ls In boasting or treating Muss. Trailer Puke YT8 40' 1 Asa 1 Aas 100' ]00• ]S% 15' g 30' S' W' IO' �. 1500 1 parsing I". fee.aoh Hller east. Community cerin., social Milk 5T8 40' 7500 7500 70' TO' 75% 15' a 10' S' 10• 10' -_ 1 parking spec• fa udn 3 sea.. lodges. clubs end w[ home.. E 1 parer, .pq,9er -a molal unit: Signa ever four (t.1 square feet who. YES ___ attached [o he main building end s apputtecant to any use allowed. Accessory building. normally that- NO 30• -- --- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- p dental 1. any W the above. This .MH not be cre.vued as parmlt- Hag any commercial use or occu- pation ether than those specifically Luted. C-1 Multiple family dwellings, apart- NO SS' 5000 5000 S0: 50' --- IS• Nona except None ex- Nona ace where &hotanot Jus specified is As specified In the -1e District. 4.7 ment hw.es, hotels, motels, dwell- where abuts an cept where He b R IN t. than 5• t1M'R' District. Ing groups and professional offices lot In R Diet. abu. an M Churches, lierlss. and ether Dub- I then 10• lot In R llc re queal-public WIIdinOs.Pub- Di.t.thad tic utility buildings and uses but ' 1D• not including Cwperatian Yard.. The lollo on, u... when cdeducted NO 35• 5000 5000. so' SO• --- Sorsa a observer same ea .1h ove. "tell .tore: 1 parking .pan far each 900 agreeing, widen s hue dlnp: Look 1 .t. Dpa area. (rests ably), food ahee., wink. 1. Office policed.; 1 padWg space b sect hardware ams., banks, Miser I 100. a feat of floor •run. .Mpa, states ,shoo., Mask .toss, ote., B Memories.; I Jostling .Pace foe Md 3 seats. variety .roofs, shoe shopa.d.g I Oibdce: 1 paring space I. each 300 G,we food .toren end c(heos, shop., pas I spun far eaU 2 staff sessions. l sere esrau.tod... ones service nab u.hmaect... anent soled .... age. In, to,attached . th. mein bwmmg era to In ..!. building ..aped a,punenam to the uas manor. 6s11s. .,b,ad fraternal Social'— YT8 arg.ru and time meed Club., and rem Same as above Sama or a ova _^. 1 parklnp spa (ase mea 3 lean. hod... have _ shale family dwalih,,dupiaees, Y78 35' 500D 5000. 'S0' S0' --- IS• v Same as show Same as eb me As specified la 1 peneae par dwelling unit. elpl•xn, "'R' District Launderettes, mortuaries, theeves, YRS 35' 5000 5000 50' 50' --- w Same as ebods. Sem• as ab vat __ _ 1 perking space far eaN 200 Golden. bet ee Other, and other use watch In the opinion floor area. of the Planning Comn milon, are of o IDeev... 1 parking space for earl 3 seat.. s similar flat.,.. Nm_DUNnq signs aPPurtenal m YES 35• _-- ... .__ so ^ ? Sema a abe" Same as a w"Man ants pwmlaed es. Station. Station. whose 41 NO 35• 9000 9000 6S' 60• SOY 1S' 1 s' ... .- ..�. ... - I" - 3 prk4g 1Ws� /ore Jour 1000 sguare/W iJo9. appraised by Cit Englcaer, s _ era•. 7. SECTION 4. ESWI.ISNMENT OF REGUMTIONS WITHIN BAUD DIBTNICTS no following uses will he allowed end the followln, regulations shell apply In the districts heralnbefve established under Section 3 and shall be euldwil to the provisions of Section S. DISTRICT None but the following uses ar Us. Maximum Minimum BHlding Minimum Lm Width Maximum Allowable Minimum Minimum Side Yard Minimum Rear Yard Maalmum Lot Area Minimum off-.ueet parking space regWred.no N uses which In e gptagn a nta Pemt Allowable Slta Required P.equbed Lot Coverage by Build- Fnmt Required Unless otherwise Required Pa Famlly Vat PI ... 1.9 commbalae may preaalbe the amount Plann1n9 Commission at. similar Required Nalght So .T . At Progeny Ilse 1.9. or Suucturas Sub- Yard indicated ontonin Ma sq. Pt. of parking for, u... apt Holed W.I.. C rue 1z"Ide Comer Interior Croner Interior Comer Inlanv. will M allowed. fact te all other n- Required I.ot Lot Int Lot qutred hairdo. Wt Lm Lot IJne Int 1.41 N pe ea rtn pel:a in O- DULez- NO W' NONE SPC CtFICD NONE SPE GIFIED 100% NONE. NONE NONE NONE begLLce ceDt •R• esele earu,v Leu required perking, VnLaa otharwLe 1 gloated an the 2 nldp Map. 4.10 mit al ce est esiablbhmenb, endu.elandeeepinq. Ind..ultil light lndnauleland a sept a, seg, utility m...I a of out linage of gt.. fait set out In ' ha•Pnished . and fabrication of n , nY finished matertals. Sign attached to the main Wild- NO --- --- --- --- --- --- Ing and appurtenant to any Pemin IM Vsl. Residential uses for caretakers In YFS 50' NONE SPE CIFIED NONE S ECIFIED 100% conluncuon with permitted use but Leu required perking Parking layout and location to but apprewd by not Including any other r!amen- and landscaping. Planning Minimum pork- tial u.es. Employees dining lace U.1 Ing; 2 parking [pass gas each 3 e. mploy .. In no use lea. It.. 1 parking [Dace 1, each BHldmg materials Yards. ca.irerlas 1.000 .,.are feet of In. 1o11 Wound and bwla- pecking planta and IndusWa 1, men- YES 50' NONE SPE • r ED NONE S i:O1rlm 100% _ Ing area used for sole., sivae .walithousing or ufac:uwd:g a other use. which In la.. requited Parking woutrocIMIrog or related vanLwdlnp dock. the apmdon of In. Planning Commle and landscaping. shall he proHdM IM sue• ao pert a wing mb.lon may du o64n1oneMeWy - .. shall ha Imo Public aped-ol-we NI Y• Parking uson of crodactian of onenalve land shall yt InM.cepeg aeavding W awdanf al, no.m.,:gM Ilooro" - sun hit forth by that Pfennig CpmN..Ivt. dlin or the •mage v motion ha 1 txpl.ng handling of exDInsiva v danqxkooer.... that such uses comply with In p. and - ompof Mtn th0 pedion aids of the Air Pollution Control W. Con roil W. Signs. other than those appointed- YEE --- --- --- --- --- --- ant m any permitted .... tnclud- Ing a uedmr'aCvernaing structures. PM My taro permitted In the •M• NO -But $0' 30,000 20.000 100• 100' 100% NGioq Met. epu aDDrovel of site plans. Planning Leu regWraE parking 25' 10' 1o' lo' 10' Parking layout and location to be approval by 4.11 elevanans end lar.dacaping plan. Comml.- end land.uping. Planning Commission. Minimum required pork - and which. In eta Dpinlco of the .ion ma.t Unit. otherwise 1 gloated in the Zoning Map. Ing: 2 Parking spaces iv each 3 employee. hu[ Planning Cpmmivmn, may not M approve In no case leu then 1 Parking apace for each objectionable by a ... n of rnlne, Plane. --- 2,000 .quare feet of the Intal ground and Wild - secure. odor, dust, noxious .sees elevation. Ing area used for .aloe, •'mage, we rehousing glare, hear, fire haaardh or Indus andlend- or related then adlPo Mck.hall Wal wanes emang from the caning themanufacturing dock. shall ha proHdod m N. site, no pert a , WI not limited bit property. trativt Diens, wNan .hall ha In a puisne nape -oil -way. to ites,o and y—It Nodal r lob .fort he , t capedPliodu seomdleo to Ic.., m prrmWad oast. e,ar_es Damanparking the staMarg. u[ /aN M the PMnnlnp CwmlulDn n Wok di. ' 11tbor 1nominal'opus le trical aid Electronic electricaland electromechanical produ products, ren devpope, s- —lo,n tat i paper tal I.bor.out land a, - kindred puducb, rood A kindred product. tact.. nutaclurtn9 or .Iofage,leat , printing pnts,teramlc & plastic (purine textile furniture manuf q , .pclplednucalbllG,pncllo ument dulactu- Ina.d..lprl s dwloDset. SECTION d, tdMLISHMENT or RtCVlAncen; P•RHIH SAID DISTRICTS The following uses will be .Nowa, sad the followlna regulations sh II 1 1 n d e app Y a t a atelets Aerelnbefere established under 9eutlm B and -hall be subject to the Medelona o1 Sedlm 3. DISTIICT Nene but Me following Sees or Use Me#m Mlnlmum Building Whirsem f.t•t Wlam uses when In the minim the permit Allowable Site Required Required Ma#mum Allewnble Mlnlmum Minimum Side Yard Mlnlmum Reer Yerd Ma#muad Planning Cemmlulm are similar a Required Haight Sq. Ft. At Pfoperly Lina I.ct Coverage 4• Build- Front p<Culred Unless otherwtee RequlreA Sgt Ar<e MINmum off-street Parking space required. The IU be allowed. Ings ee Structures Bob- Yard Indicated oa Zoning Map Par readily UNt Olannlag Commlwoh easy Reseda the aiao-nt Coiner Interior Corner 1.11nimum )act to all other a- Re th" gu Sq. Ft. f Wkln0 fee -sot- TI listed herein. Gormr INerlor Caner Warlm tat Lor Lot Int Suired herein tM Prototype wagons end •eblcNlon NO - But 50' 20.000 Lot ❑not Lot Llna put Isis Saglm of component, preGstm maedis. Plenntng 20.000 100' t00- 100% 25' 10' 10' 30' 10' le -t en to tion to perking leyqut ant location to IY epvrove, by 4.11 shop, plarmacautical products. L'ommie- ou required puking --- CMt'd, OH-tlroat perking lots, outside d lentlaCaPln). Planning required park- fora-. egNwcum with allow- .1. on approve Ing: Z perklnq apetts for .anis ] em Y:eYeas put a ed use but enclosed In min(mum q( plat, els- In no wise len than 1 paring space for each 6' utld lanai. gallons Z, 000 square feet of the total ground and bw:d- and land- Ing area eyed for a else, atorage,wse'ouslnq,s c ping nufac4rinq or related sae.. fLuad-n docks gf plena. I Shall be provldxd ea the ate,no Dart a whleh shell he a lands[ aped-of-waYn All peaking s lata Snell be landscaped Corsi.,- a:andards set lortb by the Plannm2 Commtslon. s .U. All uses unless otherwise Dlohlb. YTS A8 SPE REED I USE PLRM1ili Swed Imd by law, provided that a use 2.12 Permit Shall ant be secured for I^ any use to ba established In any -U• District. __-- -M All saes In the districts with which A9 SP Cf FILD 1 THE DI SRICi MITIS SaNm rhe •-P• 1. combined: p,. pdaE COMB NED. WI1: THE ' DISTRICT IS layout of NONE NONL If .. 13 howavaq flat 1( he re0ubrlona of Lantl.cap- NONE Off -Street Derk!a0 Shelf be, required I all ,a- ComMned this .Ielibe Impose different reeu- Ing.:ff tact, with which the •-P• Ih... Ict 1. coadba- Parking latices for as district with which 7 ed, aecradiri, to the lolicwlnq formula: District •-P• IS combleed then the regale- - 1, A•tall stores. ma (I) .,king space for sac time of NU district hall control. s 300 uere feat and one (1) loading Space r for each 10,000 aquas feet at soca, L'oee area. 2. O(Lca 90 ildags, o e Ill Parting rpaee fee acs. ) ]" square feet of f ,or 3. MTolcsa:o and tndmvy, two ID perklnq -Pete Ica each 3 emploYeea, but In no case less than 1 parking -Pace for each 2C0: Square flet of the total grPucd end bulldlnq used !W sales, Storage, w mhoualeg. a y-deCr..ring: and on. (1) leading apace foe each 9, 000 Square feet of fpm: a a. Res:n:ant, ane (I) Parking -pace los each ] sear.. 5. Public aa-embly. ane (1) Parking -pace for each ] seals. .. 6. Theetras, me (1) Parking space Ior each 3 T. Hetes, one (U Parkin. -Me. for each 2 sofa. B. Hcapcct, ane (i) Parking .pace tee each • 1.000 square feat of Noor cru. 9. Cllnld, one (1) petting -Ped for uch 200 feet of rima area. (1) damage or nuisance from noise, smoke, odor, dust or vib- ration; (.2)'hazard from explosion, contamination or fire; (3) hazard occasioned by unusual volume or character of traffic or the congregating of a large number of people or vehicles, The uses referred to herein are as follows (a) Airports and landing fields (b) Establishments or enterprises involving large assemblages of people or automobiles as follows; 1, Amusement parks and race tracks 2. Circus or carnivals 3. Recreational facilities,. privately operated (c) The mining of natural mineral resources, together with the necessary buildings and appurtenances incident thereto. (d) Removal or deposit of earth other than in connection with excavations or deposits in connection with construction of buildings, roadways, or public or home improvements. 5,4'Accessory buildings shall be constructed with, or subsequent to the construction of the main building, 50 Public utility distribution and transmission line towers, poles and underground facilities for distribution of gas, water, electricity and telephone communications shall be allowed in all districts without limitation as to height or a without obtaining a Use Permit thereof and the provisions of this Ordinance shall not be construed to limit or interfere with:the installation, maintenance and operation of public utility pipelines and 'electr o transmission or telephone communication lines when located in accordance with the ap- plicable rules and regulations of the.Public Utilities Com- mission of the State ' of California ' and within rights of way,., easements; .. franchise,, ` or own+erhip of such public utilites.f 54 Signs for the advertising of the sale of a sub.-. division may be. displayed on the site of the subdivision, upon the securing of a Use Permit for the erection of such signs-; N 780 pansion of 'the area of the building or use and to remodeling of a structure .or use.when such a change in occupancy.willo in the opinion of the Planning Commissions be of such a character as ;to: require compliance with the, parking requirements of this ordin ante in order to protect the public safety;;and property; values in the area.. 5., 1 Fences, hedges and walls may be ereated in any district subject to the .following conditions::,: (a) Fences, hedges-, -and-walls shall not ,,exceed ; six.(6)' :feet In height on -or within all rete and side property lines on, interior lot lines., and on or to the rear.of all front ,yard set back lines. (:b) No fence, hedge.° or, -wall over three (3) feet in height shall be.erected.in any front yard, or: in.the side yard on the street side of either: a corner lot or on a lot, the rear line of which abuts thelside line of an adjoining lot (c)= A six foot fence, hedge or: wall maybe located not closer than five (5)' feet from the side property line' on:the street side of any corner lot (d) Fences or structures exeeeding six (6), feet :in height to'enclose tennis; courts or similar,.areas when such fences enclose the rear .half of; a Tot,. may erected subject to the,obtaining of a g: Use Permit therefor (e) The,provisions of this section shall not apply to a fence'or wall required by any law or regu- luton of the State; of California or. any agency thereof for reasons: of public safety <5012 Architectural features, on the maiii building;= such as cornices, eaves and canopies "may not extend Closer thaan.three (3) feet ao an ' y �i�de lot °�line.�� :Eaves and � banopies- _ may `extend a maximum of �3' into the /required, frontyard and, no cioser. than five' -('5* ), . feet to any rear lot line. Fire.-' places, not exceeding six (61.) feet in°`bread:th; may extend not closer than three feet - to an side' lot l tie. � °' uncovered; raised. porches,.;.:-lantding ,place:s 5.13Open, or outside stairways may closer than dour (4) feet y y project not. to any, side` lot line, and not exceed six t 6' J feet' in breadth, may extend not closer than three (31):feet to'-any,side; lot. line. 3.14 Whenever an Official Plan Line -has been .establish- ed for any. -street,; required- yards shall be measured, from such line and- in na case shall",the-°provisions of.. this, ordirianeo -bei construed as permitting any -encroachment upon an Off ie-ial Plan ' Line. 5*15 Where-, an acsce'ssory 'building- is .attached to the main building, it shall be made structurally a part . i.of and have a common =roof with ,the main building,, ani.° shall -comply irn ahl respects with the requirements, of this. ordinance- appliQable to - the main building. Provided however, that.garage_ent:ranees-on i a dwelling, or dwellings, frontingv on any lot line.... shall be located not less' than 20 feet' from .said lot - lime« , Unless so attached,' an accessory, building in;.. an,,*R"- District;; shall -1 be located on the : rear one-half (1/2) of the. lot and.-atleast ten (10) feet. from any dwelling `x ing- existing or .under oon .. struction on ` the same ° lot, '',or any adjacent lot.: . Such accessory building- shalh not 'be located within :f ive - 0) feet. of ,any alley, or within'. (1) one foot of the -side line of the lot< or, in the case' of a corner :lot,, to project beyond the front% yard re- quired or existing on the adjacent lot. Carports in any "A" Districtshall be enclosed by a solid wall on any side or rear" of such carport, when.sueh wall is proposed.to be located within five f,59 feet of any adjoining lot .line., w i` 5.:16 Swimming .Fool:s in "A* Districts -shall `be . cona- structed on the rear., one-half of.., the :lot or .50. f eet .;from the front property line, whichever is the.less such pools shall not be located closer than;.5 feet to any rear lot.lne or side line,o On the .street: side ,of any corner lot, where the .rear lot Eine abuts a side .lot. -lines no pool shall be .located closer than 10 feet to' such side._lot line. 11ter and beeting; systems for such pools shall not. be.located closer than 30 :feet to. any, dwelling, other ,than, the owner ' s . . No, pool shall occupy over of. the .required rear yard, Coverage by a swimming .pool ,shall .not be' cons:id:ered in measur ng.maximum lot coverage, 517 In 8-1 and A-2 Districts, where four (4). or more, lo.te in a blook have been improved with buildings _at,. ;the time of the passage,. of this;,L ordinance (notincluding seces.sory buildings) ,,t the . minimum required front : setback :shall:. be.; the average 'of the improved lots., if said., setback J_s_ less than the aforestated , requirements,*. 5,18 Single family dwellings only may be erected. on any parcel of land. the: area :ofwhich is less than the building: site area required, for the particular district in which said parcel ;is located, but if, and only. if :said -parcel was.. .In single ownership at the time,of.`.the adoption of this ordinance and said singl® ownership was. recorded in the Office. of .t:he County Recorder_ of Orange Countyv, No structure "shall be er-6csted on any :sub- standard parcel if said parcel was acquired From the owner or owners of contiguous property or, said contiguous owner".s or twnerst , Building ;Line -'fir Buildfn- g` L!Ae for, SECONDARY Highway PRIMARY Hi hwayw DISTRICT ( 80 Front,,Sid® R r Fron e R ar fR -A 60 �, �, r i 50 65 70. 60 75 E-4 60' S0' 65' . ?0 64 1,75r R-1 600 651 70 60' 75'' R-2 6o .54'' 65?a" 64' 75" R-3 60 50' '65' 70, 6o`t ?5 C-1 55'. 55' 55' 65' 651 65 C_2 5:w 55' 'S$r 65'x, :65r 65' c_3 55 55' 551' 65' 650r 65.. M..1 :55 35' 55' '65-1) 65t, 651 PM 65 t.. .651.. 651 ?S 15F . 75' -5123 Architectural Approval In case an application is made for a permit fprany building or, struoture in Ax" W., -'NCO..+ -Wm or, PM's Districts said application shall be`accompanied lay architectural drawings or . sketchdd, showing the` e1ati n' s 'of the ' proposed building dr structui►e ani: proposed 'landsOaps or other treatment' of the grounds' 6r'6iind `such Wilding' or` structure. '8! uch ar"" ings or sketches shall be considered by the Planning Commission in an endeavor, to provide. that the architect-rsl, and general,° appearance of such buildings, structures anal grounds , be in. keeping with the character of the neighborhood and such as not to be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development, of the city -,.or to impair the desirability of investment or -oc- cupation in'' the neighborhood. I ; 5.24 The Planning Commission may appoint an` Architectural Committee of three of its members, or two of its members and the City Planner. ~ 1 5.25:' The Architectural Committee shall have authority to appr©ve,arehitectural sketches within the meaning: of. Section 5.22 of this' ordinanee: ;...,.,. l ` 516'.26 -1n case- xthe' applicant is not! satisfied with the decision` of the' Architectural°_Committee, .he,-may within fifteen (15) days after such .action appeal iri* writing to the Planning Commission: The Architectural Comiiittee-may, if it deems it advisable, 'refer any application for` architectural Ap proval to�the Planning Commission which shall either affirm,or, reverse the decision of the Aroh teotural.Committee within 30 days after the filing, of such appeal.: ,5.27 In ease the applicant is not satisfied with the action of the Planning Commis'sior, he may within ('30) days appeal in writing; to the City Council, and said Council shall reverse or affirm the decision of the Arohiteetural Committee within thirty (30) days after the filing of such appeal. 5,-28. No permit shall be issued in any case herein- above mentioned until such,drawings and sketches 'harve been approved by the Architectural Committee of the Planning Com- mission, or City Council, and.all buildings; structure$. and grounds shall be in accordance with the drawings and sketches,` Section. 6,- NOR-CONFORMING USES 6.1J Except as otherwise provided in this section, ,.uses of land;, buildings, or structures existing at the time of the adoption of this ordinance.may be. continued, although the particular use, or the building or structure does not conform to the regulations specified by this ordinance for the district in which the particular building or structure is located'or use is made; provided, however,no non-conforming structure or use of land may be extendedtooccupy a greater area of land, - building or structure than is occupied at the time of the crow., or optionee,- with the consent'of the owners, or plaintiff in an action for eminent domain for acquisition of said property,,. I _ , on a form prescribed by the Planning Commission of the City'of Tustin,, The application shall be accompanied by a fee of i twenty-five ($25,.04 dollars and plans showing the details of the proposed use to be made of the land.or building, 7,.22 Upon receipt of the application for use permit,- the Planning;Commission shall determine whether or not the establishment., maintenance or operation of the use applied for will., under the circumstances of the particular cane, be`detri-, _mental to the health, safety, morals;, comfort and general welfare of the persons residing-or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, or'whether it will be injurious or.detrimental to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general Welfare of the City. If the Commission finds that the afore_ ` mentioned conditions will not result from the particular use applied for, it shall grant the-use permit:. The granting` of a use permit applied for by the plaintiff in an action in eminent domain to,acquire the property shall be conditioned- .upon ultimate vesting-of title of the property to the plaintiff. 70 Variances. Applications for variances from the strict application of the terms of this ordinance may be made'and variances granted when the following circumstances are found ao apply; (l) That any variance granted shall be subject to such conditions as will insure that the adjustment thereby' authorized shall not constitute`a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations, upon other properties n`the icinity and district' in which the subject prop,ertyl is situate. (2') That because of special circumstances ap- p I licable p-plicable to subject property,, including size, shape,�topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the°zoriing ordinance is found to deprive subject property of privileges F- I I �_ _._. —injwc—a asi —L -L ufa wau,c .lA wri -ing anCL I IeCL- wiDn Lne City. Clerk; together',kith a filing fee of ten (.�10) dollars:, w thin five (5) days :after `the' final action of the Planning Commissiontpori receipt of notice of 'such' appeal.the.Cit' Clerk shall s`et'a time• within' > forty -.five: (45) daye,:;after the receipt of: such 'not ioe of a public hearing on said �appea.„ Notice of such hearing shall be given as set forth'in..S:eatien 10 hereof. Thd "C,ity Clerk shall also notify the "Piann ng Commission of the City of Tustin of such appeal.. 8.3" The Secretary oi` `th'e' lanning Cori=scion, upon receipt of the netiae`of,appeal...shall prepare a report of the -- fact's - `, .. pertaining' to th'e 'deei-cion of the, kannng 'Commission and shall submit such report to the City Council along with the reasons for the Commission`s action. $.'"At the elosing'.of the,' spu�iie..heari:ng. the" City. Council' may 'aftirm� `revise 'or -modify Oie` decision of the Planning CO: =ission., Ifthe Council does not. take any action on the appeal 'within ° sixty ,60') days aft-er'the• filing.'`thereof` as provided in Section 10.3 hereof. 9.6 After „the ,,olos, of , the public hearing or , con- tinUa.tions thereof, the Planning.pommigsien shall make a report of its findings and its recommendation-with respect to the proposed ameniment.. The Commission report, shall inc Jude .a List of persons who tast:if.ied at -thp .hearing,, a summary of the facts adduced. at the ,hearing, the findings of ,the Commission,.` and copiq� of any maps. or other data:and/or documentary, evidence submitted in eonnect on,with the proposed amendment, Copy of such report, aad rscommenda' lon shall Ipe tomsm.itted to the City, 'f Council withn.ninety (9p) days after the first notice of hear- w i Ing thereon; providedhowever,, that .such, ,tim�,may be extended s With the consent of ,the Cifiy. C@uncil or the petitioner-for such amendments In the event the, Ylann ng ,Commisaion fails, to O report to the City Council wtthi4 the aforesaid ninety (90) . days or within the agreed, extension of time, the amendment shall be deemedapproved,by. the Planning Commission,. The recom- ' mendations, cif the, Plannira Coutmissior on s. _ g < , propoaed. amendment shale. be adopted by a ma jority of the, voting members of:: said. Planning Commission, 9-7 Y Upon receipt, of the raeomzndat on. ,of the Planning Comaission :or a>piration; of the ,aforesaid, ninety,, ('9Q).; days, or ;agreed upon eictended'period,the ity'C'ru cil'shaU hold a public hearing thereon giving- ptl Ce `thereof as provided in Section 1.0, After'.th+ - conaluzion ,of such hearing the City".. Council may with/one (1)year ,ado,pt the proposed ameadment'or, any ,part thereof set forth. in the petitioar resolution of intention in sudh formas the Council deems desirable. r'^ -Section.1Q,, NOTIcgs, HEADINGS IQ_W I Whe4ev6r this, ordin 4nqe prescribes that a public hearing :_shall be held on the applicationfbr varienoe or amend-;-.. ments to thus,-ordinance,'notice thereof shall be given as ppa ided in this section r WA , MIA LWMI=l �.... �,��;:;, x': `^. _: ,y y.r..v,+.'.,-t..r.ca tu.•. r+s:.+!. v ws µaa: yuwx��v •... .-, � _ . 1x,15 to ®llin a' °bau'i.�l.,diiig: -.or. port i -on thereof i des , gne4 and used exal,usi Vely f"o.r residential baudiong 797 802 been addition to any other remedy or remediesor penalties nrnvided . in thi g nrd i nsa.ymp— nr sanv ni- n ar Tow nrr n»ri i n:nnc •: