HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 153 (1961)73. ORDINANCE NO. 153 AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, ALTERATION AND REPAIR OP PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does ordain as follows: Section 1: The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, recognizes the Western Plumbing Officials Association as a private organization which has published a compilation of proposed rules, regulations and standards for the installation~ maintenance, alteration and repair of plumbing and drainage systems, which is nationally recognized~ and which said organi- zation has been .in existence for a period of more than five years. Section 2: There is hereby adopted by the ~City Council of the City of Tustin, California, for the purpose of prescribing regulations for the instai~ation, maintenance, al- teration and repair of plumbing and drainage systems and the inspection thereof, in the City of Tustin, that certain Code known as "Western Plumbing Officials Association Uniform P!um- '~ in whole thereof, exdept such portions as are ing Code, 1-958, hereinafter deleted, modified or amended. Three (3) copies of said Code are on file with the City Clerk of the City of Tustin, in the City Hall, Tustin, California, and are open to public inspection. The same is adopted hereby and incorporated herein as though fully set forth at length, and shall be referred to herein as the "Code." This Code is known and cited as "The Orange Empire Plumbing Ordinance." Section 5: Section. 1.1 of the Code is amended to read as follows: Whenever the term '~Administrative Authority" is used in this Code, it shall be construed to mean the Superintendent of Building and Safety, or his authorized representative. Section 4: Section 1.2 is amended to read as follows: Whenever the term "Assistants" is used in this Code, it shall be construed to mean the Supervising Plumbing Inspector. Section ~: Section 1.3: is amended to read as follows: Unless otherwise provided for by law, the office of the Administrative Authority shall be a part of the Building and Safety Department. Section 6: Section 1.? is amended to read as follows: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Code shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and uoon conviction thereof shall. be punishable by a fine of not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the County jail for not to exceed six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each separate day or any portion thereof during which any violation of this Code occurs or. continues shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable:as herein provided. The issuance. or granting of a permit or approval of 'olans and specifications shall not be deemed or construed to be a permit for or an a proval of any violationof any of the provisions of this.Code. No permit presuming to give authority to viol. ate or cancel the provisions of this Code shall be valid, except inso- far as the work or use which it authorizes is lawful. ~Th~ iSSUance or granting of a permit or approval of plans ~ha!l not preVent,.the Administrative Authority ~rom there- after requiring the correction of errors in said plans and specifi- cations or from preVentingconstruction operations being carried on thereunder when~in~violation of t~nis Code or of any other ordinance, or from~revoking any certificate of approval when issued~in error ...... Every permit issued by the Administrative Authority under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void, if the workauthorized by such permit is not commenced within sixty (60) days from the date of issuance of such permit, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned, at any time after the work is commenced, 73'6 for a period of 120 (one hundred twenty) days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained so to do. Section 7: Paragraph ('b) of Section 1.8 is amended to read as follows: A separate oermit shall he obtained for each building or structure, except whe~?~ch structure is accessory to the main structure such work may be added~to the permit of the main structure. Section 8: The following is added to paragraph (a) of Section 1.I0, at the end thereof: And any person, firm or corporation who holds a valid Contractor's license in the proper classification, issued by the State of California to perform such work. (Such person, firm or corporation may be requi~ed to show proof of such license.) Section 9: The "Schedule of Fees" in Section 1.12 is amendedto read as follows: For issuing each permit ........................ ~2o00 In addition to the above: For each plumbing fixture, dishwasher or trap or set of fixtures on one trap (~nc!uding water draining piping and ba~kfiow protection therefor)!o00 For each house sewer for the first one hundred (!00) feet ..................................... 3.00 For each add~tionai one hundred (I00) feet, or fraction thereof ............................ 1.00 For each septic tank ........................... 3.00 For each seepage pit, cesspool or dry well ..... 3.00 For each leaching field ........................ 3o00 For each test hole ............................. I0.~0 *For each water heater and vent ................. 1.50 For each water heater vent only ................ 1o00 *For each gas piping system of one (1.) to five outlets .................................... 1.00 For each add~t~ona! gas outlet over five (~) add, per outlet ............... ~ .................. 20 For each industrial waste pretreatment inter- ceptor, including its trap and.vent, excepting kitchen type grease interceptors functioning as a fixture trap .............................. 3°00 *For installiation, alteration or repair of water piping or water treating equipment, including,water softeners ................... ~1.~0 *For reoair or alteration or draining or vent piping ................................. 1.50 For each residential lawn sprinkler system on any o~e ~eter including backflow pro- tective devices therefor .................... 2.00 For each lawn sprinkler syste~ other than residential, for the first forty(40) heads.. 2.00 For additional heads over forty(~) each ...... 0~ ~or vacuum breakers or backflow orotective devices on tanks, vats, etc., or for in- stallation on unprotected plumbing fixtures~ includin~ necessary wster pioing one (1) to five ~ 5/ ...... ........................... 2.00 Over five (5) , each .......................... 25 *If the total value of labor and materials of any one of the above items exceeds five hundred dollars ($500.00) at the rate of fifty (50) cents oer one hundred dollars (~I00.00 valuation of work. Section t0; Paragraph (e) is added to Section 2.I to read as follows: A Maintenance Plumber is any 'person, other than a plumbing contractor, who is regularly employed to install, alter, maintain or repair plumbing work in or on buildings or premises owned or occupied by his employer, but does not furnish any materials or supplies in the execution of such work. Each such maintenance plumber shall first successfully pass an examination conducted by the Board of Plumber Examiners, who will then issue a certificate of qualification or registration, before performing such work. The fees for Examination, registration and renewal certificates shall be twenty-five (~25.00) per year, or any fraction thereof, payable annually in advance and shall expire on the thirtieth (30th) day of June each year. It shall be the duty of each maintenance plumber to keep a detailed and accurate record of any and all plumbing work done by him; Such record shall be made in duplicate and a copy furnished the Administrative Authority at the end of each month. An annual oer~it will be required and subsequent permits sha!]_ be procured and all work performed shall comply with this Code and shall be tested, inspected and approved before such work is concealed. The fees for subsequent per- mits shall be charged as set _forth in Sect~Dn 1.].2 of this Code, and shall be payable monthly. PAi~T TWO QUALIFICATIONS OF PLUMBERS Section 1!; Paragraph (~,) of Section 2.2 is deleted, ~and the letter (b) is amended to read (a). SectS. on ll-A: Section 2.A~ is amended to read as follows: The Board of Plur~ber Examiners shall be under the department having j~.risdiction pro~ided~f'or by law or the charter provisibns, and unless otherwise provided for shall con- sist of three (3) members, having thereon no less than one (I) qualified Journeyman Plumber, one (I) qualified Master Plumber, and one (!) member of the Bui~.ding and Safety Department. The board sha~l be appointed by the authority em- powered' to appoint such boards upon the taking effect of this Code. The members of said board shall serve for one (i) year, unless sooner removed for malfeasance in office, neglect of duty or ~,~capacity. Section 12: Section 2.6 is amended to read as follows: Every person applying for-a plumber' s certificate of qualification or registration shall pay to the secretary of the Board of Plumber Examiners at the time he makes Such appli- cation, the following fee: (a) Journeyman P!umber's Certificate .... ~.00 ( bi Renewal fee ........................ 2. ~0 Section 13: Section 2.? is amended to read as follows: The Board of Plumber Examiners sha].l issue certificates of qualification or registration pursuant to the follo~ving provisions: (a) Journeyman Plumber's Certificate of Qua!i- fication or Registration sha].l be issued to every person who makes application for such certiPicate, pays the requ~,.red fee and successfully passes th~ examination conducted by the Board of Plumber Examiners. Section 14: Section 2-9 is amended to read as follows: Every Certificate of Qualification or Registration sha!] remain in force and effect until its expiration dat~, unless cancelled or revoked. (a) Journeyman P!umber's Certificate of Qualification or Registraction shall ex~.'.ire on the thirtieth day of June of each year. Section ] ~: °ection 2.10 is amended to read as follows: All Certificates of Qualification or Registration, except certificates which have been cancelIe~ or revoked, may be renewed from year to year upon request and payment of the required renewal fee. If, a renewal of a certificate be requested and the required fee oaid within thirty (3) days of the expiration date of such certificate, the renewal fee shall be ~2-50. If such renewal b~ requested and. the required fee p~id ~ore than thirty (3) days, but less than ninety (90) days after the expiratio~ date of such certificate, the renewal fee shall be $5.00. No certificate may be renewed more tha~ ninety (90') days after the expiration date of such certificate. C HAPTE~ I DEFINITIONS Section 16: The following definitions are added to or substituted for the definitions in Chapter !, in the appropriate alphabet ical order: CLOSED SYSTEM - A water piping system where a pressure regulating device, check valve, or a backflow oreventer is installed between the source of supply and a water heater, or a water heater connected to a storage tank and having water shutoff valves between said heater and a tank. Water shutoff valves at the water meter, build~ing supply or cold, water inlet to a water heater does not con- stitute a closed system. DIRTY ARM - Dirty arm shall mean a horizontal drain pipe between a trap and the drain pipe, when such drain pipe is enclosed in a wall, arid a drain elbow is required to bring such pipe out of a wali to. connect witfh a fixture trap. DUTCHMAN - Dutchman shall mean an extension of a toilet bend or dr~inoipe, to a ooint fiush with the toilet rings. TAIL PIECE - Tail piece sh~l! mean that part of drain piping between the fixture and its-trap. TRAP ARM - A trap arm is that portion of a fix- ture drain between the trap and its vent connection. PLUMBING -.Plumbing me&ns the business, trade or work having to do with the installation, removal, altera- tion or reiDair of plumbing or draining systems, or parts ~ixtures, thereof, and shall include any system of piping, ~ or apparatus which the administrative'authority may de.em pertinent to maintain public health and safety. CHAPTER 2 QUALITY AND WEIGHTB OF MATERIALS ALTE!I~NATE MATERIALS Section I?: Paragraphs (f) and (g) are added to Section 203, to Pead as follows: (f) All copper tubing shall be installed in such a manner as to provide for expansion and contraction of materials, and shall be installed in accord. a~ce with good design and engineering practices. The 'allowance for expansion and contraction shall be not less than one and one-half (!m) inches per hundred (!00) feet per 100 degree F~. temperature rise. (g) The connection between copper tubing and other types of piping materials :shall be made by the use of proper adapters, and approved connecting fittings] This shall apply to waste and vent piping, .water piping and other systems of piping, where the use of such fittings is considered necessary to achieve the results as intended by this Code° The connecting tubing, or rioples in 'all water supplies to a fixture shall be brass or copper tubing. Section 18: The following are deleted from Table 'A" Plumbing Material Standards: . Bituminized fiber sewer pipe and fittings. Asbestos cement plumbing vent pipe. Section 19: Footnote No. 1 of Table "A" Plumbing Material Standards is amended to read: Limited to residential occupancies. Section 20: The reference to Footnote Noo I attached to WPOA-~8 in the column headed '*Other Standards" of Table "A~' Plumbing Material Standards, is deleted. CHAPTER 3 GENERAL REGULATIONS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AND RECUI~EMENTS Section 21: Paragraphs (a) and (d) of Section 310 are amended to read as follows: (a) No double hub fittings, single or double tee branch, single or double tapped tee branch, 90 degrees side inlet quarter bend, rumzing thread, band, or,saddle shall be used as a drainage fitting. {d) Except as hereinafter provided in Sectbn 616 no vent pipe shall be used as a soil or a waste p~pe. Section 22: Paragraph (h) is added to Section 310 to read as follows: (h) The use of elbows, or other fittings, in a trap arm is prohibited, except by approval of the Administrative Authority. CHAPTER ~ DRAINAGE SYSTEMS Section 2}: Paragraph (a) of Section h01 is amended to read as follows: Drainage pipe shall_ be cast iron soil pipe, copper tubing, brs. ss, copper, or lead pipe. Galvanized steel or wrought iron pipe may only be used for trap arms and tail pieces when such f~x%ures connecting pipes are located in an exposed manner, so that it may readily be removed and replaced without the cutting or altering of walls, floors, or other structural parts of the building. Except as outlined in this paragraph, or by approval of the Administrative Authority, the use of steel pipe is pro- 742 hibited for plumbing drain piping. Copper t~bing shall n'~!~Z comply with Section 203. Concealed downspout piping shall be ins6s!led~ as required for soil, waste, or vent piping. Section 24: Table 4-1 is amended to change the heaaing of "Trap Size" to read "T~ap and Trap Arm Size.'~ Section 2~: T.he listing "urinals, wall trough (2" min. waste)" is deleted from Table ~z!. Section 26: Paragraph'(b) of Section 406 is amended to read as ~ollows: Each change in direction of horizontal drain- age piping shall be served by a cleanout if such change of d~_rection exceeds twenty-two and one-half (22½) degrees from a straight line. Section 2~: Paragraph.(j) is added to Section ~06 to read as follows: Residential kitchen sink cleanouts shall. be ex- tended to outside when such sinks are located within five (~) feet of an exterior wall. Section 28: Paragraph ~I) of Sgction ~09 is amended to read as follows: All sucP~ sumps and receiving tanks shall be auto~atical!y discharged and when~l~her than single family dwellings shall be orovided w~th dual pumps or ejectors ar- ranged to function independently in case of overload or mechanical faiture. Section 29: Section 410 is added to read as follows: DESIGN OF DRAINAGE AND WASTE SYSTEM. Waste and drain piping for a single family dwelling shall be so designed as to collect into a common drain before leaving the building. Such drain shall be directed toward the house sewer cormection or sewage disposal system.~ When more than one stub-cut is practical, then all exterior connect~g pipes and sewer piping between such stub-out shall be of the same materials as approved for within the building. Buildings other than single family dwellings shall have their design of drainagesand sewer piping approved by the Administrative Authority prior to inst&llation. h~bited for plumbing drain piping. Copper tubing shall. comply with Section 203. Concealed downspout piping shall be installed as required for soil, waste, or vent piping. Section 24: Table 4-1 is amended to change the heading of "Trap Size" to read '~Trap and Trap Arm Size~. Section 2~: The listing "urinals, wall trough (2 rain. waste)" is deleted from Table Section 26: Paragraph (b) of Section 406 is amended to read as follows: Each change in direction of horizontal drainage piping shall be served by a cleanout if such change of direction exceeds twenty-~wo and one-half (22½) degrees from a straight line. Section 2Z: Paragraph (j) is added to Section 406 to read as follows: ~esidentia! kitchen sink cleanouts shall be extended to outside when such sinks are located within five (~) feet of an exterior wa!l. Section 28:~ Paragraph (i) of Section ~09 is amended to read as follows: All suc~ sumps and receiving tanks shall be automati- cally discharged and when in other than single family dwellings shall be provided with dual pumps or ejectors arranged to function independently in case of overload or mechanical failure. Section 29: Section 410 is added to read as follows: DESIGN OF DRAINAGE AND WASTE SYSTEM. Waste and drain piping for a sing-!e family dwelling shall be so designed as to collect into a common drain before leaving the building. Such drain shall be directed toward the house sewer connection or sewage disposal system. When ~ore than one stub-cut is practical, then all exterior connecting pipes and sewer piping between such stub- outs shall be of the same materials as approved for within the building. Buildings other than single family dwellings shall have their design of drainage and sewer piping approved by the Adminis- trative Authority prior to installation. All kitchen sinks and urinals shall connect into the main drain down stream from a line serving a toilet. Section ]Q: Section ~!i is added to read as follows: HIGH WATER TABLE. Wherever the ground water depth is less than seven (7) feet from the surface of the ground, the elevation of the top of the pipe of the main drain at the point where it leaves the building shall'be not more than twelve (i2) inches below the surface of the ground,unless approved'by the Plumbing Inspector. Section ]1: Table ~-3 is amended to read as follows: LIST MAXIMUM UNIT LOADING AND MAXIMUM LENGTH OF DRAINAGE AND VENT PIPING Size of Pipe 2TM '~ ~'~ 8 (inches) 1½" 2" ~ 3 ~' 6" MAXUNITS Drainage Piping Vertical +2 '16 *32 **~8 2~6 600 !380 3600 Horizontal I 8 !~ 27 189 2~6 600 2200 ~900 6912 MAX LENGTH (feet) Vertical 6~ 8J I~8 212 300 390 j!0 7j0 Horizontal Unlimited VENT PIPING Horizontal and Vertical Max. Units *8 2~ ~8 8~ 2~6 600 1380 3600 Max. Length 60 120 180 212 300 390 ~10 ?~0 +Except sinks and urinals. *Except six-unit traps or fixtures. **0nly two 6-unit traps or fixtures allowed on any horizontal branch or drain and four 6-uni.t fixtures allowed on any vertical pipe or stack, provided that not more than two 6-unit fixtures are connected to the stack in any one story and that water closets are limited to flush tanR type. During remodel or addition~ a third 6-unit fixture may be added if connections are minimum of fourteen (14) feet apart. NOT~: The diameter of an individual vent shall be not less than one and one-half (!½) inches~ nor less than one-half (½) the diameter of the drain to which it is connected. Not to exceed one-third (1/~ of the total permitted length of any vent may be installed in a horizontal position. Fixture unit load va].ues for drainage and. vent piping shall be comouted from Tables 4-1 and CHAPTEZi ~ VENTS A~qD VENTING Section 52: Paragraph (d) is added to Section 503 to read as follows: Fittings used in conjunction with horizontal vent piping shall be drainage fittings having threads tapped so as to allow one-fourth (-~) inch oer foot ~mde Urinal vents shall be of cast iron, brass or copper to a ~ooint thirty-six (36)inches above water line of fixtures. Section 55: Paragraph (b) of Section 506 is amended to read as follows: Each vent shall terminate not less thsn ten (10) feet from or at least three (3) feet above any window~ door~ openg_ng, air intake or vent shaft, nor less than five (~) feet in any direction from any lot l. ine unless the lot line is adjoin~ng an alley or street~ CHAPTE~ ~ 6 INDIRECT WASTE PIPING~ WET VENTED SYSTEMS ~ AND SPEC TAL Section ~%: Section 61L~ is deleted. Section 55: The first paragraph of Section 61~ is amended to read as follows: Traos for island sinks and similar equipment shall be reughed in above the floor and may be vented by extending the vent as high as oossible but not less tlnan six (6) inches above the flood r~.~n of the fixture and then returning it downward and connect- ing it to the horizontal sink drain immediately downstream from the vertical fixture drain. Section }6: Paragraph (g) of Section 61.6 is deleted, inc]_t~ding the footnote stating "See Appendix E'~. Section X: Paragraph (c) of Section ?01 is amended to read as follows: No food waste disposal unit shall be installed with any set of restaurant, commercial, i. ndustrial or domestic sinks served by a single trap. Each food waste disoosal unit shall be connected ~to a separa~se and inde'oend. ent trae. A trap serving a laLs_dry tub ma.y a o receive the waste from a c!othes-was~er set adjacent thereto. No clothes washer or ~aundry tub shall be connected to any trap for a kitchen si~k~ Ever-,~/kitchen facility shall be pro- vided with rough plumbing for an approved food waste disposal. 746 CHAPTER 7 TRAPS AND INT'UG~CEPTORS Section 38: Table ?-I to Section ?02 is amended to read as follows: (Maximum horizontal distance of Trap Arm---except for water closets and similar fixtures) Size of Fixture Drain Distance Trap To Vent ( inches ) Feet Inches 2 2' 6" 2 3 ' 3 ~' ~ and larger 5' 6'~ Maximum slope onesfourth (~) inch per foo~. Section 39: Paragraph (c) of Section 702 is amended to read as follows: A fixture drain (Trap Arm)s between a t~ap and its vent ~ha!! be as short a distance and in as straight alignment as practical. The use of any fittings to change directions or to extend such drain is nrohibited except when approved by the Administrative Authority. ( No chapter numbered 8 ) CHAPTER 9 PLUMB ING F IXTE~E S Section ~0: Section 902 is amended to read as follows: Special use fixtures may be made of soapstone, chemical stoneware or may be lined with lead, copper-base alloy, nickel-copper a]_loy, corrosion-resisting steel or other materials especially suited to the use for which the fixture is intended. Restaurant kitchen and o~her special use sinks may be made of approved type bonderized and galvanized sheet steel of not less than No. 16 U.S. gauge (.0625). All sheet metal plumbing fixtures shall be adequately designed~ constructed 'and braced in an approved manner to satisfactorily accomplish their intended purpose. Section ~1: The following is added to Section 903 at the end thereof: Each bath tub waste and overflow shall be accessible for repair and inspeQtion through an access pane]_ not less than twelve (12) inches wide and fourteen (1~) inches high. All openings in concrete floors, for bath tub traps or any similar fixture, shall have the bottom. and sides sealed off from the ground by not less than one (1) inch of concrete, leaving the trap free and this orocedure may ~be referred to and known as "~odent Proofing'~. Section ~2: Paragraph (b) of Section 90~ is amended to read as follows: Fixed wooden or tile wash trays or sinks for domestic use shall not be installed in any building designed or used for human habitation. No sheet metal lined wooden bath tub shall be installed or reconnected. No Dry or Chemical Closet (toilet) shall be installed in any building used for human habitation, unless first approved by the Health Officer. S.~ction ~: Paragraph (c) is added to Section 90~ to read as follows: Trough urinals of all types are prohibited. Section ~: Paragraph (c) of Section 908 is amended to read as follows: ~aterials -- All wall and stall urinals shall be of vitreous china. or other approved material. ~: Paragrph (d) of Section 90~ is s~mended to Section ~ read as follows: Trap ~rm--All urinal trao arms shall be case iron soil pipe or brass piping. Section ~6: Paragraph (e) of Section 908 is amended to read as follows: Vent Piping-~All urinal vent piping shall be case iron, brass~ or copper to a point thirty-six (36) inches above the water line of the fixture. Section ~: Paragraph (f) is added to Section 908 to read as follows: VACUUM BREAKE~S~Every water supply to a urinal shall be protected by an approved type vacuum breaker or backflow preven- tion device and shall be installed as described in Section 1003 and shall be installed not less than six (6) inches above the highest oart of the fixture~ Section 48: The first sentence of the fourth paragraph of subparagraph (e) of Section 909 is amended to read as follows: All lining materials shall be pitched one-fourth inch per foot to weep holes in the subdrain by means of a smooth and solidly formed sub-base° Section 49: Section 910 is amended to read as follows: Each building shall be provided with sanitary facilities as prescribed in a list of minimum facilities for various occupancies as given in Appendix C of this Code. Every bar, restaurant, cafe or establishment serv- ing food or drink for human consumption on the premises~ every service station and public toilet room shall orovide for public use not less than one II) toilet, one (!) urinal and one (1) lavatory for men, and one (I) toilet and one (1) lavatory for women. All toilets for public use shall ~have seats of open front type. Every water closet (toilet) compartment shall be not less than thirty (3~)inches in width. CHAPTER i0 WATEt~ DISTRIBUTION Section ~0: Paragraph (a) of Section 100~ is amended to read as follows: Water pipe and fittings shall be of brass, copper, cast iron, galvanized malleable iron, gal{anized wrought iron, galvanized steel., lead or other approve~ materials. All water piping under a concrete slab floor shall be of brass pipe or copper tubing not less than type Where the piping system is copper tubing or brass, all nipples and connectbns to fixtures shall be copper or brass, and steel nipples and pi?ing are prohibited. Regard- less of the pipe sizes allowed for }~ouse suppip pipe in Table 10-2 on page 79, no house supply pipe shall be less than one (1) inch in size and shall continue undiminished in size to the first fixture branch. In no case shall any water pipe be less than the size allowed by Table 10-2 on page 79. There shall be no change of material from the water , e er or utility service connection to the most remote fixture, no mixing of materials. Hose bibb at the point where service enters building may be considered as fir. st fixture. Section 51: Paragraoh (f) is added to Section !00~ to read as follows: Each fixture in a multi-storied building shall have separate shut-off control valves in addition to the fixture faucet or .supply fitting located at or near the fixture. This shall apply to any faucet, valve or control which depends on a replacable washer, diaphragm or similar arrangement for continued satisfactory ooeration The ~bove does not apply to single-family dwellings, Section ~o ~a .. 9~: - ragraph (g) is added to Section IOOD to read as fo]~!ows: Not less than a full :three-fourths (3/~) inch hose bibb supplied by three-fourths (D/~) inch piping, shall be installed on the front and rear of all buildings excep~ private garages and accessory buildings, which normally require water piping. Section 53: Paragraph (c) of Section 1007 is amended to read as follows: If a pressure regulating device or a check valve is installed between the source of supply and a water heater or a hot water tank, an a~proved adequately-sized pressure relief valve and a temperature relief valve, or an .approved combination temperature ~ pressure relief valve, shall be installed in a manner described in paragraph (g).. Section ~: Paragraph (f) of Section I007 is amended to read as follows: All_ water, heating :appliances which are installed in a closed system of water piping, or any water heater connected to a separate storage tank and having valves between. said heater and tank, shall be provided with relief valves as in paragraphs (c) and (g). : 75O CHAPTER 11 BUILDING SEWERS AND P~IVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Secti. pn 55: The paragraph entitled "EXCEPTION" in paragraph (f) of SectiOn !101 ~s amended to read as follows: EXCEPTION: Single ~amily dwellings and buildings or structures accessory thereto, existing and connected to an approved private sewage disposal system prior to the time of connecting the premise to a public sewer may~ when no hazard, nuisance or insanitary con~ dition i's evidenced and written permission has been ob- tained from the Administrative Authority, remain con- nected to such properly maintained private sewage dis- posal system w~en there is insufficient grade or fall to permit drainage to the sewer by gravity. Section ~6: Paragraph (a) of Section 1!07 is amended to read as follows: Cleanouts shall be p!aced~in every build- ~ing (house) sewer at the junction with the soil pipe at the building and at intervals of not to exceed one hundred (I00) f~et in straight runs. The cleanout at the junction of the building drain and the building sewer shall be of materials approved for use within the building. ~ Section 5?: The first paragraph of Section 110.9 is amended to read as follows: The Administrative Authority, Health Officer or other Department having juris~btion may require any or all of the following information before a permit is issued for a building: In any area where the Superintendent of Building and Safety determines that the topography, soil conditions, ground water levels, insufficient ~ area, or previous experience ~n the use of privabe sewage disposal systems in the area indicate that the ! provisions of Chapter of this Ordinance may be difficult oP impossible to meet, the Superintendent of Building and Safety may withhg!d the issuance of building permits for the erection of any structure requiring plumbing fixtures unt~i! complete plans and specifications, a~d substantiating engineering data relative to the proposed sewage d~sposal system, prepared by a qualified, registered engineer, are presented to the Super~_ntendent of Building and Safety and approved by him and the Orange County Health Department as providing a safe and sanitary sewage dis- posal system° Section ~8: Section~l!12 is amended to read as follows: The liquid capacity of septic tanks shall conform to Tables 11-2 and I1-3 as determined by the number of bedrooms or apartment units in dwelling properties, and the occupant load or the number of Plumbing Fixture Units, whichever is greater, installed in other properties. Section ~9: Paragraph 1 of Section ln l~ ~s amended to read as follows: The minimum effective absorption area in disposal fields in square feet of trench bottom, and in seepage pits in square feet of side wall, shall be predicated on the required septic tank capacity in gallons and shall conform to Table 11~ as determined for the type ~f soil fomnd in the excavation, and shall be as follows: Section 60: Table !i-~ of Section 1113 is amended to read as follows: Required absorption area in square feet per one hundred (I00) gallons of required septic tank liquid capacity for three (3) types of soil and the maximum absorption capacity ~in gallons per one h~ndred (!00) square feet leaching are for disposal field or seepage pit. Type of soil: 1. Coarse sand or gravel 20 Gal per I00 sq. fro 2. F~ne sand 2~ Gal. per I00 sq. ft. 3. Sandy loam ~0 Gal. per 100 sqo ft. Maximum absorption capacity in gallons per square foot in leaching area for disposal field or seepage pit° Type of soil: I, Coarse sand or gravel 5 gal, per sq. ft° 2. Fine sand 4 ga!o per sqo ft, 3o Sandy loam 2.5 gal. per sq. ft, Section 61: Paragraph (b) of ~Section 1114 is amended to read as follows: In order to determine the absorption qualities of questionable soils other than those listed in Table I124, : the proposed site shall be subjected to perco!ation tests ac- ceptable to the Administrative Authority. Section 62: Paragraph (e) of Section 1114 is deleted. ~ 67 Paragraph (f) of Section Ili~ is oection : . amended to read as foliows: The minimum wall thickness of any steel septic tank shall be No. 12 U.S. gauge (,109) and each such tank shall be protected from corrosion both externally and in- ternally by an approv'ed bituminuous coating or by other ac- ceptable means, Steel septic tanks shall not be installed unless their use has been approved by the Administrative Authority. Section 6~: Paragraph (h) of Section ll!~ is amended to read as follows: Septic tanks shall have a maximum of two com- partments. The in]_et compartment of any septic tank shall be not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the total capacity of the tank nor less than five hundred (500) gallons liquid capacity, and shall be at least three (3) feet in width and five (5) feet in length, Liquid depth shall. be not less than three (3) feet and six (6) inches nor more than six (6) feet.. The secondary compartment of any septic tank shall have a minimum capacity of 2~0()gallons and a maximum capacity of one-third (]-/3) of the total capacity of such tank. In septic tanks having o~er fifteen hundred (I~00) gallons caZpacity, the seccndary compartment m~ly not be less than five (5) feet in length. Sect~n 6~: Paragrap~ (b) of Section 11].6 is amended to read as Follows: Before drain lines are !aid~ crushed stone~ gravel, s!a~, or similar filter materials acceptable to the Administrative Authority and having adequate voids varying in size from three- quarter (3/4) to two and ~ne-half (2~) inches shall be placed in the trench to the depth and grade required by this Section. After drain !i~es have been p!ace~ t~upper half of each open ~int shall be covered with roofing felt and the level of the filter ~aterial raised to the center line of the drain before inspection. Drain lines shall be completely encased in fiI~ter material only after approval ~y the Administrative Authority. Un~reated building paper, straw or similar material shall then be olaced over the filter ~bed to prevent closure of ~oids with earth backfillo ~ Section 66: Paragraph (e) of ~Section 1116 is amended to read as follows~ All laterals from distribution :box to the disposal field where the grade exceeds six (6) inches oer one hundred (!00) feet shal! be Bell and Spigot Vitrified Clay or other approved pipe~with water-tight joints. Multiple disposal field laterals wher~ practicable, shall be of unifSrm length, Section 6~: Paragraph (f) of Section 1116 is amended to read as follows: Connections between ~ septic tank and a distribution box or betweena distribution box and a seepage ~it or drainfield or between seepage pits shall be laid with approved water-tight joints on natural ground or comoacted fill, Section 68: Paragraph (g) of Section 1116 is amended to read as fol!ows~ Automatic siphon or dosing t~qks shall be in- stalled when required or as oermitted by the Administrative Authority. Section 69: Paragraph (b) of SeCtion 1119 is amended to read as follows: Every cesspool~ seepage pit and septic tank which has been abandoned or has been discontinued otherwise from further use or to which no waste or soil pipe from a plumbing fixture is connected, shall have the sewage removed therefrom and be completely filled with earth, sand, gravel, concrete or other approved material. Section ~0: Paragraph (d) of Section 111.9 is amended to read as follows: No perso~ owning or controlling any cesspool, seepage pit or septic tank on the premises of such oerson orin that portion of any oub!ic street, alley or other oublic ~ property abutting such premises, shall fail, refuse or neglect to comply with the provisions of this section or uoon receipt of notice so to comply from the Department having jurisdiction. Section ~:~ Table !1-! of Chapter !i is amended to read as follows: Location .of Sewage. Disposal S~stem Min'mum Horo Dist. Building Septic Disposal Pit m Seepage in clear required Sewer Tank Field or Cesspool from: Bldg. or Struck. No.1 2 ft. ~ ft. 8 ft. 8 ft. Property line ad- joining private property Clear ~ ft. ~ ft. 8 fto Water supply wells ~0'~ Noo 2 ~0 ft. ~0 ft. 100 ft. Streams ~0' ~0 ft. 50 ft. !00 ft. Largertrees 10 ft. !0 ft. I0 ft. Seepage pits or cesspools 5 ft. ~ ft. 12 fto Disposal field ~ ft. 4 ft. Noo3 ~ ft. Domestic water line !~ No. 4 ~ fto ~ fto Note: When disposal fields and/or seepage pits are installed in sloping ground, the minimum horizontal distance between any part of the leaching system and ground surface shall be fifteen (I~) feetj No. I Including porches and steps w~ether covered or un- covered, bree~zeways, roofed porte-cohere, roofed patios, car ports, covered walks, covered doorways and similar str~ctures or appurtenances. No. 2 All non-metallic drainage piping shall clear domestic water supply wells by at least fifty (50) feet. This distance may be reduced to not less than twenty-five (25) feet when ap- oroved type metallic piping is insta!led. Where special hazards are ~nvolved, the distance required shall be increased, as may be directed by the Health Officer or the Administrative Authority. No~ 3. Two (2) times width of trench for trenches wider than two I2) feet. ~See Section 1116) No. ~. See Section 1108, C~AP~ 12 FUEL GAS PIPING Section F2: The letters "L. P. Go", used in the second paragraph of Section 1202 are amended to read '~liquid petroleum gas (L.PoG.)" containers shut-off valves, ~egulating valves, measuring devices and/or appurtenances for the storage of and/or supply or. dispensing of any~liquified petroleum gas for any building structure or premises. Section 75: Paragraph (a) of Section 1213 is amended to read as follows: No gas piping shall be built into or imbed~!ed in any brick, stone, masonry or concrete and no such piping shall be installed in or ;~n the ground und. er any building or structure. All exoosed gas piping shall be kept at least six (6) inches above grade unless such piping is protected in a manner known as "Machine Wrapping", or an approved equal. Machine Wrapping shall consist of the following: One coat red oxide or asphalt orimer. One coat hot asphalt Two thickness cellulose wrapper One coat hot asphalt One thickness kraft paper wrapper EXCEPTION: When necessary due to structural conditions, approved type gas piping may be installed in other lbcations when permission has first been obtained from the Ad- ministrative Authority. Section 7~: Paragraph (k) is added to Section 1213: An approved full-way re~di!y accessible stopcock, having a bore equivalent in size to the ~iping or tubing served, sha!l be installed at the house ·piping outlet ad- jacent to and ahead of each gas water heater and the union connection thereto. Section ?~: Paragraph (f) of Section 1214 is amended to read as follows: Liquified petroleum gas piping shall not serve any gas water heater or any other appliance, located in a pit or basement where heavier than air gas might collect ~o form a flammable mixture. Section ~6: Paragraph (b) of Section 12t~ is amended to read as follows: Fire or acid shall not be ~sed to locate or repair leaks, nor shall any substance other than air be introduced into the gas p~ping. EXCEPTIONS: Oil or wintergreen and oil of peppermint may be used for testing purposes. Such testing materials shall be properly removed from the gas ·piping when the testing h·as been completed. Sectioh ~?: Paragraph (b) of Section 1216 is amended to read as follows: The installation, use or maintenance of a gas valve which makes it p~ssible to turn on, control or other- wise &irect the flow of gas from one system of gas piping to another, where such systems are supplied wZthlgas from separate meters, is hereby prohibited, and any such valves or other inter-connection between separate systems of gas piping shall be removed upon. order of the Administrative Authority. : EXCEPTION: Unless permitted by Section paragraph (h) o CHAPTE~ 13 WATER HEATERS AND ~ENTS Section ?8: Section 1301 is amended to read as follows: The regulations of this chapter shall govern the con- struction~ location and installation of gas-fired and other water heaters heating water, together with all flues~ vents and vent connectors for the same. All design, construction and workmanship shall be-in conformity with accepted engineering practices and shall be of such character as to secure the results sought to be obtained by this Code. No water heater shall be hereafter installed. which does no% comply in all respects with the type and model of eac~ size thereof approved by the Administrative Authority. ~For the convenience ef users of this Code a list of generally accepted gas equipment standards is included at the end of Chapter 2). Section 79: Paragraph (d) of Section 1302 is amended ~o read as follows: Water Heater or Hot Water Boiler: An approved appliance designed to heat water ~ less than two hundred and twelve (212) degrees Fahrenheit. Section 80: Section 1309 is amended to read as follows: No water heater which depends on the combustion of fuel. for heat shall be ~nsta!ied in any garage or room used or designed to be used for sleeping ourooses, bathroom, clothes closet, or in any closet or other confined space opening into any bath or bedroom. Where not prohibited by other re~alations, Water heaters may be located under a stairway and landing. Section 81: Sectio~ 1310 is amended to read as ~ol~ . ~ ~ows. Water heaters installed in areas where they may be subjected to mechanical damage shai]. be suitably guarded agai. ns~ such damage by being installed behind adequaEe protective barriers. Section 82: The title of Section 1311 is amended to read as follows: Attic, Mezzanine and Remote Installations° Section 87: Section !~i~ is amended to read as follows~ Gas water heaters installed in an attic, mezzanine, and in remote areas shall be accessible by an opening and passageway not less than thirty (~ inches by thirty (30) inches (but in no case les~ in size than the water heater), which shall be continuous fro~nu~the opening to the water heater. Each such water heater shall be mounted on a solidly substantial platform extending at least twenty- four (2i~) inches beyond the heater on all sides. The opening to ~he passageway shall be located not more than twenty (20) feet from th~ water heater. An electric light, controlled by a switch located adjacent to the passageway entry shall be provided at or near the water heater location. Every passage- way shall have a solid, continuous flooring not less than twanty-four {2~) inches wide, from the entrance opening to the water ~ater. A substantial ladder, permanently fastened to the building, or equal access, shall be provided leading to the attic opening. Section 84: The title of Section'!313 is amended to read as follows: Pressure and Temperature Relief Valves. Section 8~: Section 1313 is amended to read as follows: All water hea~ing appliances whlch are insta!].ed in a closed system of water piping, or any water heater con- nected to a separate storage tank and having valves between said heater and tank, shall be provided with an approved temperature relief, pressure relief or a combination temp- erature and pressure relief valve set at a pressure of not more than fifty' (~0) pounds per square inch gauge pressure above the pressure of the water supply and the temperature relief valve shall be set at 200 degrees Fahrenheit and shall be installed as per Section i007o~ Section 86: Paragraph [b) of Section 1316 is amended to read as follows: Every vent connector shall be secured at each joint by sheet metal screws~ using not less than two (2] screws for a three [3) inch connector and not less than three (3) screws for four (4) inch and larger connectors. APPENDIX A Section 8?: Section A6.! is amended to read as ~ol!ows: In gen~ral, a velocity greater than ten (I0) feet oer second in the ma~n risers~ or principal branches should not be employed~ as objectionable line noise is likely to result. APPENDIX B Section 88: Section B~.i is amended to read as follows: Example of siz~ng~ A floor drain normally requ~es a two (2) inch trap and waste. On a combination waste and vent system both the trap and waste shall. be increased two (2) pipe oizes (through ~" o ~ and 3'~)which would make the trap ~hree (3) inch (oioe sizes recognized for this purpose are 2" 2~'' " · ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4" 4½" ~" 6 eLc.) The tail piece between the floor drain and its trap should be two (2) inches (or nominal size) to in~=~ure that the amount of waste entering the trap only partially Fills the waste branch. A thr~e (3) inch floor drain would thus require a ~ ur (~) inch trap, a four (4) inch floor drain, a five (~) inch trap, e.c., for the reasons previous!y stated. APPENDIX C Section. 89: Appendix C is amended by deleting sub-notes Nos. 4, 10-B and 10~. Section 90: Appendix C is amended by deleting footnote ~o. 4 APPENDIX D Section 91: Appendix D is deleted APPENDIX E SectiOn 92.: Appendix E is deleted. Section 9~: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repea~ed, pr6vided, however, that the provisions of this ordinance inasfar as they are substantially the same as existing ordinances must be c~nstrued as continua- tions thereof, and not as new enactments. Section 94: If'any section, subsection, sentence, clause ~or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or void, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted and passed this o~dinance and each section, subsection,'sentence, clause and phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any' one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be deblared unconstitutional or void. Section 92.: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its adoption and prior to the expiration of fifteen (15) days from the passage hereof shall be published once in the Tustin News, a news- paper of general circulation printed and published in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, together. with the names of the members of the City Council voting for and against the same. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 19th day of June, 1961. y~AYOR ~ ATTEST: 'ERK "~ m L 761 State of Ca].ifornia ) County of Orange, ) City of Tustin ) SS RUTH C POE C~t~, Cier!~ and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the C-ity Counci] of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing or- dinance was duly and regularly introduced and read at the regular meeting of the City Council held on the 5th day ~of June, !961, and was given its second reading and d~!y oassed and adopted at a regular'meet,ing held on the 19th day of june, ]96t, by the~ foil. owing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Kidd, Humeston Bvrd, Mack , J NOES: COUNCiLMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Sheridan ~ T ..... CLw.