HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-ATTACHMENT - Third ROPS January to June 2013 SUMMARY OF RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Filed for the January 1,2013 io June 30,2013 Period Name of Successor Agency, Successor Agency to the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Outstanding Debt or Obligation $ 204,106,511 Current Period Outstanding Debt or Obligation Six-Month Total A Available Revenues Other Than Anticipated RPTTF Funding 8,111,299 B Anticipated Enforceable Obligations Funded with RPTTF 1,921,889 C Anticipated Administrative Allowance Funded with RPTTF 231,831 D Total RPTTF Requested(B+C=D) 8,165,126 Total Current Period Outstanding Debt or Obligation(A+B+C=E)Should be the same amount as BOPS form six-month total $ 16,931,025 E Enter Total Six-Month Anticipated RPTTF Funding(Obtain from countyauditor-controller) 10,758,152 F Varlance(E•D= F)Maximum RPTTF Allowable should notexceed TotalkicipatedRPTTF Funding $ 2,592,426 Prior Period(January 1,2012 through June 30,2012] Estimated vs.Actual Payments(as required in HSC section 34186(a�) G Enter Estimated Obligations Funded by RPTTF(Should be the lesser of Finance's approved RPTTFamount including admin allowance or the atal amount ditibuW) 11,430,279.12 H Enter Actual Obligations Paid with RPTTF 12,293,945.00 1 Enter Actual Administrative Expenses Paid with RPTTF 813,359.00 J Ad�ustment to Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund(G-(H+I)=J) K Adjusted RPTTF(The total RPTTF requested shall be adjusted if actual obligations paid with RPTTF are less Phan the estimated obligation amount) $ 8,165,126 Certification of Oversight Board Chairman; Doug Davert Chair Pursuant to Section 34177�m)of the Health and Safety code, Name Title hereby certify that the above is a he and accurate Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the above named agency. 28-Aug-12 Signature Date Name of Successor Agency; Successor AgencytotheTustinCommunityRedevelopment Agency County Orange Oversight Board AWoval Date: RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE�ROPSIll) January 1,2013 through June 30,2013 Total Fupdipg Source Outstanding Total Due Durng ContracVAgreement ContractlAgreement Debt or Fiscal Year Bond Reserve Admin Item# Project Name IDebt Obligation Execution Date Termination Date Payee DescriptionlProjectScope ProectAfea Obli ation 2012.13 LMIHF Proceeds Balance Allowance RPTTF Other Six-MontTotal Grand Total $ 204,706,577 1$ 26,754,073 $ $ 8,771,299 $ $ 237,837 $ 7,927,889 $ $ 16,937,025 1 Housing Tax Allocation Bonds,Series 0310112010 0910112039 Bondholders via The Bank of Proceedstomthe sale oftheBonds will beused to(a) All 40,664,159 1,815,181 2010 New York Mellon Rep a portion of the City Obligation(Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement),(b)fund a reserve account for the Bonds,and(c)Rovidefor the cost of issuingtheBonds. Tdaloutstandingdedincludes principal and interest. 2 Fiscal Agent Fees-TA Bond 2010 0111912010 The Bank of New York Mellon administration of bond activities[paid annually] All 3,300 3,300 3 Continuing disclosure services& 1013012010&811211993 PppliedBestPractices; Continuing disclosure servicesfa2010Housing bonds All 4,350 1,350 arlbirage services Willdan&Associates and arlbirage services. 4 Graffiti removal 1010112008 Graffiti Contrd Systems Graffiti removal in the Town Center and South Central All 13,800 13,800 Redevelopment Project Areas.Contrail is paid for through CDBG,General and RDA funds. 5 Contradfor avallablecommercial 0912912010 LoopNet,Inc. WeAsedCommercial PropertySearch faavailable All 3,500 3,500 $ property search retail,commercial,industrial and other prope4 t pes in Tustin 6 Contradfor welbasedbusiness 0311812011 Tods for Business Success, We1basedbusiness asdstancetodsavailable onthe All 1,140 1,140 assistance information LLC City ofTustin webdte 7 DirectPr#iRelatecl Cot(including Former emoWeesfundedby ANNUAL Payrdlfor employeesfordire Roect All 581,043 581,043 281,391 281,391 SalaryanclBeneftsfundedbythe the SuccessorAgencythat operation;thisamountwill fiuduateannually.The SuccessorAgency) performSuccessorAgency employeesareperforming projedrelatedactivities activities for diredproject invdvingtheenforceableobligationslistedonRows#10- support #16,Rows#224,Rays 95-97,&Rows#51463. 8 PERSIialblity(annuallyadjusted) CityofTuslin Employees funded by the Successor Agency that perform All 140,518 0 SuccessorAgency adivitlos.The liability is reviewed annually and may increase or decrease based on a variety of economic and actuarial assumolons. 9 Ban0naly IsFees BankofAmenca Fees Charged by bankforhansadions All 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 10 Payment inGeuofTaxesAgreement- 1010111999 CityofTustin Agency monitors to insure receipt of annual payment All Annual See Row#7 Flanders Pointe 11 Payment inGeuofTaxesAgreement- 0811311998 CityofTuslin Agency monitors to insure receipt ofannualpayment All Annual See Row#7 Orange Gardens (Agreement wlCity) 12 Olson DDNkborWalk 00112004 RedevelopmemAgency Monitonngtoensure the projectcomplieswiththe DDA. All Annual See Row#7 To the extent RPTTF funds are not available to fund this enforceable obligation,then the obligation shall be considered an encumbrance ofthe LMIHF. 13 ArborkkPromissor Nkes vanes RedevelopmemAgency Agency monitors to ensure the 10 affordable All Annual See Row#7 homeownership units are in compliance with the Promissory Notes and recorded Affordable Housing Covenants.In addition,the Agency prepares and executesaffordalbe housing documents when affordable homeowners refinance or sell their homes.Totheextent RPTTF funds are not available to fund this enforceable obligation,then the obligation shall be considered an encumbrance of the LM IH F. 14 Heritage Place DDA 0411112002 RedevelopmemAgency Agency monitors to ensure 53 units are in compliance All Annual See Row#7 with affordability requirements.To the extent RPTTF funds are not available to fund this enforceable obligation, then the obligation shall be considered an encumbrance ofthe LMIHF. 15 Heritage Place Loon Agreement 0411212007 RedevelopmentAgency Financial asdstancewasprovidedbytheAgencytothe All Annual See Row#7 Developer forconstmdion of multi-family prged and the Agency monitors the terms of the loan agreement (exore415.2033),including the residual receipt payment To the extentRPTTF funds are not available to fund this enforceable obligation,then the obligation shall be considered an encumbrance of the LMIHF. 16 Single and MulffamilyRehablitation vary RedevelopmemAgency Agency monitors6Single Familyand Multi-Family Loans All Annual See Row#7 Loans belween the Agencyand Property Owners ofrehablitated properties. Total Fumdipg Source Outstanding Total Due Durng ContractlAgreement ContractlAgreement Debt or Fiscal Year Bond Reserve Admin Item# Project Name IDebt Obligation Execution Date Termination Date Payee DescdptionlProjectScope ProectArea Obli ation 2012-13 LMIHF Proceeds Balance Allowance RPTTF Other Six-Month Total 17 AssefTransferObligafions TBD SuccessorAgency In accordance with California Health and SafoCode All 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Section 34117(e)the Successor Agency isresponsible for dispodng of asst and properilesas directed by the Oversight Board pursuant to sub✓ision a of Section 34181.The Successor Agencywill incurcot associated with the transfer of assets including but not limited to escrow fees,title costs,recording fees and any dh er associated ciceing costs. 18 Town Center Housing DeficitRedudion 0510112000 AgengsTown Center Repayment for Town Center Housing Sei-Addefunds Town Center 1,876,042 0 Plan Housing Set-Aside fund diverted io support non-housing Redevelopment activities in Town Center during the period of 1986.1992.(Per AB 1484amended Health&Safety Code Section, 34176(e)(6)(B),ban or deferral payments shall not be made priorioihe20W010scalyear.Asaresuli, $900,000 has been removed from the'Tdal Due During Fiscal Year 2012-13 cdumn.) 19 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds 1998 0710111998 1210112016 Bondholders via US N0 Bond issue iofundnon-houdngprojeds.Total Town Center 8,181,750 1,638,71 1451941 145,941 (Town Center) outstanding debt includes principal and intend. 20 Fiscal Agent Fees-TA Bond 1998 0111912010 US Bank administration of bond activities Town Center 3,300 3,300 21 Continuing disclosure&arbirage 1013012010&811211993 Applied Best Pradices; Continuing disclosure&arbirage servicesfor 1998 bonds Town Center 6,000 6,000 31000 31000 services Willdan&Associates 22 Conirad for engineering services 0610912011 Critical Strudures,Inc. Structural engineering assessment ofStevensSquare Town Center 8,100 8,100 Parking Rrudure 23 StevensSquare ParkingGarage 0611711988 StevensSquare Parking There are ongoing maintenance costs as required by the Town Center 43,000 10,840 11920 1,920 Declaration of Covenants,Conditions, Structure Condominium CC&Rs.In addition,there are one-time,deferred Resklons and Reservations Association maintenance repairs that will be determined by the stmdural engineering assessment.The costsassoclaied with ongoing maintenance and deferred maintenance repairs are estimates. 24 AmbrosebnelFirsiTime Homebuyer 0511712000 RedevelopmeniAgency Agency monitors to ensure the 5affordade Town Center Annual See Row#7 homeownership units are in compliance with the Promissory Notes and recorded Affordable Housing Covenants.In addition,the Agency prepares and execuiesaffordade housing documents when affordable homeowners refinance or sell their homes.Toiheexieni RPTTF funds are not available to fund this enforceable obligation,then the obligation shall be considered an encumbrance of the LM IH F. 25 First Time Homebuyer Promissory Note 0511712000 Redevelopment Agency Agency monitors to ensure the Ifrsitime homebuyerunit Town Center Annual See Row#7 is in compliance with the Promissory Note and an 26 Makena DDA 1011912004 Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to insure developer is incompllance with Town Center Annual See Row#7 coniradual oUgaiions. 27 Old Town Plaza Retail Rehab DDA 0511012001 Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to insure developer is in compliance with Town Center Annual See Row#7 coniradual oUgaiions. 28 Plaza LafayetteDDA 0710211985 Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to insure developer is in compliance with Town Center Annual See Row#7 coniradual oUgaiions. 29 Fad Commercial Rehab DDA 0911511998 RedevelopmeniAgency Monitoring to insure developer is in compliance with Town Center Annual See Row#7 coniradual oUgaiions. 30 Micro Center DDA 1112111994 RedevelopmeniAgency Monitoring to insure developer is in compliance with Town Center Annual See Row#7 coniradual oUgaiions. 31 Thompson Building OPA 0610611994 RedevelopmeniAgency Monitoring to insure developer is in compliance with Town Center Annual See Row#7 coniradual oUgaiions. 32 StevensSquareParkingStmciure- vary Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to insure 8licenses are incompliancewith Town Center Annual See Row#7 license Agreement(8) coniradual oUgaiions. 33 PdtedPlantsAgreements(17) vary Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to insure seventeen 17 agreementsare in Town Center Annual See Row#7 compliance with coniradual obligations. 34�Prosped Village DDA 0612112004 Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to insure developer is in compliance with Town Center Annual See Row#7 contractual obligations. Total Fumdipg Source Outstanding Total Due Durng ContractlAgreement ContractlAgreement Debt or Fiscal Year Bond Reserve Admin Item# Project Name IDebt Obligation Execution Date Termination Date Payee DescdptionlProjectScope ProectArea Obli ation 2012-13 LMIHF Proceeds Balance Allowance RPTTF Other Six-Month Total 35 Public WorUgreemem]SouihCeniml 0610711993 CityofTustin Original Loan amount fofheAgencyin1993was inifially South Central 38,254,807 3,909,424 1,954,712 1,954,712 Redevelopment Prgeci estimated to be$33,500,000 for the Newport Avenue Extension(NewportUnderpass)toEdinger Avenue.The interest rate is.5%above the City's average yield on investments.Repayment of the loan is based on Qty- funded Phase 1 work(Captal Improvement Program- CIP 70130)that has been competed on the Newport Avenue ExtenslonISR-55 North Bound Ramp Reconfiguration Prgect.The Phase 1 pr#i began in 1993 and was completed in March 2010.Phase 1(CIP 70130)contracts are not listed on previous EOPS or ROPS.ThereisnodupicailonofoU!piions.Phase2 work(CIP 70131)consIsis of contracts listed below in Rows#42447 and these contracts have not been douole counted in Phase 1.Pursuant to Seotbn 1 Public Im ovepr mentftofthePublicWoksAgreement,the Successor Agency shall pay the Citywhen projecisare completed and in semi-annual installments(Ni Seotbn 2 Pavmeni by the Aaencv of the Agreement).This installment will reflect initial reimbursement payments until confirmation ofihe Oversight Board ofihe actual increased cosis ofihe prgect. 36 Memorandum of Understanding with 0312011985 Orange County Water District Tax share agreement(Re-AB 1290)with the Agency. South Central 28,000 0 Orange County Water Disirbt(Section Applicability ofagreemeni is questionable because of 33401 Payment;312011985) provisionswiihAB1X26. 37 Memorandum of Understanding with 0911311985 Tustin Unified School District Tax share agreement pre-1290 with Agency.The South Central 0 0 Tusiin Unified School Disir ci(Section agreement provides that certain tax sharing payments 33401 Payment;9'1311985) would occuralerihe Agency has expended$10 million dollarsfor construction offacillileswithin the South Central Amendment Area and or retired bonds or other indebtedness forsuch construction as provided in the Agreement The Agency has not retired the indebtedness associated with the 1993 Public Works Agreement and, as a result,there have been no payments made to date. 38 Memorandum of Understanding with 0911311985 Saddleback Community Tax share agreement pre-1290 with Agency.The South Central 0 0 Saddleback Community College District College District agreement provides that certain tax sharing payments (Section 33401 Payment;9'1311985) would occur alerihe Agency has expended$10 million dollarsfor construction offacillileswithin the South Central Amendment Area and or retired bonds or other indebtedness forsuch construction as provided in the Agreement The Agency has not retired the indebtedness associated with the 1993 Public Works Agreement and, as a result,there have been no payments made to date. 39 Newpo0v.ISR55NBRamp 1112512008 Psomas Engineering Mappngand surveyservices South Central 13,800 13,800 Reconfiguration 40 Newport Av.1SR55 NB Ramp 0112612010 AndersonPenna Program management services South Central 1,875 1,875 Reconfiguration 41 Newport Av.Extension,NIO Edinger 0210212010 Dokken Engineering Final design services South Central 7,500 7,500 11000 11000 Av. 42 Newport Av.Extension,NIO Edinger 1010812010 Nuvits Landscape design services South Central 19,290 19,290 Av. 43 Newport Av.Extension,NIO Edinger 1211612007 Morrow Management Dry Utility design and coordination services South Central 1,200 1,200 Av. 44 Newport Av.Extension,NIO Edinger 0112612010 AndersonPenna Program management services South Central 5,000 5,000 Av. 45 CBS Outdoor Billboard 1211911994 RedevelopmemAgency Monitoring to insure licensee is in compliance with South Central Annual See Row#7 contracival oblgaiions. 46 Tustin Grove Promissory Notes and vary Redevelopment Agency Agency monitors to ensure the sixteen 16 affordable South Central Annual See Row#7 Abdable Housing Covenants homeownership units are in compiancewith the Promissory Notes and recorded Affordable Housing Covenants.In addition,the Agency prepares and execuiesaffordaole housing documents when affordable homeowners refnance or sell their homes.Toiheexieni RPTTF funds are not available to fund this enforceable obligation,then the obligation shall be considered an encumbrance of the LM IH F. 47 TustinGroveAbdableHousing DDA 1212711995 RedevelopmemAgency Monitoring to ensure the projecicompieswiththe DDA. South Central Annual See Row#7 To the extent RPTTF funds are not available to fund this enforceable obligation,then the obligation shall be considered an encumbrance ofihe LMIHF. 48 Tax Allocation Bonds-MCAS Tustin, 1110112010 0910112040 Bondholders via The Ban of Bond issue tofundnon-housIngprgects.Total MCAS Tustin 80,914,088 2,811,901 Series2010 New York Mellon outstanding debt includes principal and imend. 49 Fiscal Agent Fees-TA Bond 2010 0910712010 The Bank of New York Mellon administration of bond activities MCAS Tustin 3,300 3,300 Total Furdirg Source Outstanding Total Due During ContractlAgreement ContractlAgreement Debt or Fiscal Year Bond Reserve Admin Item# Project Name IDebt Obligation Execution Date Termination Date Payee DescdptionlProjectScope ProectArea Obli ation 2012-13 LMIHF Proceeds Balance Allowance RPTTF Other Six-Month Total 50 Continuing disclosure services& 1013012010&811211993 Applied Best Practices; Continuing disclosure servicesfor 2010 MCAS bonds& MCAS Tustin 4,350 1,350 arbitrage services Willdan&Associates arbitrage services 51 Lease in Furtherance of Conveyance 0511312002 Redevelopment Agency Property Management,Maintenance,Environmental MCAS Tustin Varies 0 (LIFOC)executed May 13,2002 Remediation,and Real Estate obligations of Qty required between the United States ofAmer1ca by Navy on Lease sites until conveyance of properties. and the City of Tustin for Portions of the This includesasset management and disposal,property Former Marine Corps Air Station Tustin management and remediation.Direct project related staffing costs only associated with asset management and disposal under the LIFOC are listed in Row#7. Contractual response cogs for all other responsibilities under the LIFOCAgreemeni will beasiheyare incurred and as requested by the Department of Navy. 52 Lease in Furtherance of Conveyance 0611612004 Redevelopment Agency Property Management,Maintenance,Environmental MCAS Tustin Varies 0 (LIFOC)executed June 16,2004 Remediation,and Real Estate obligations of Qty required between the United States ofAmer1ca by Navy on Lease sites until conveyance of properties. and the City of Tustin for Parcel 22 of This includes asset management and disposal,property the Former Marine Corp Air Station management and remediation.Direct project related Tustin staffing costs only associated with asset management and disposal under the LIFOC are listed in Row#7. Contractual response cogs for all other responsIbiliiies under the LIFOC Agreement will beasiheyare incurred and as requested by the Department of Navy. 53 Economic Development Conveyance 0511312002 Redevelopment Agency Obligations of Qty required by Navy in the conveyance of MCAS Tustin Varies 0 (EDC)Application for Marine Corp Air the property underihe Reuse Plan adooed in 2002.This Station(MCAS)Tustin asAmended includes asset management and disposal,property management and remediation.Direct project related staffing cot associated with asset management and disposal under the EDC are listed in Row#]. Contractual response cot for all other responsIbiliiies under the EDC Agreement will be asiheyam incurred and as requested by the Department of Navy. 54 Contract fa Development Advisor 0910712010 Developer's Research Implementation Plan and Strategy MCAS Tustin 11,000 11,000 services 55 Contract for EngineenngPlanning 0810812010 RBF Consulting Plan check and tract map services MCAS Tustin 54,058 54,058 20,000 20,000 56 Contract for Planning Services 0910712010 SMSArchitects Implementation Plan andStraiegy MCAS Tustin 45,000 45,000 57 Contract for Engineenng Services 0910712010 Hun4er&Associates DispslilonStraiegy&mapping services MCAS Tustin 141,840 141,840 20,000 20,000 58 Contract for Financial Analysls 0110412011 David TaussIg&Associates financial adviscryservices associated with determining MCAS Tustin 12,750 12,750 distribution ofassessments associated with background 59 Newp9SR-55 Gateway Master plan& 0910912010 RBF Consulting Preparation of Gateway Master plan and design of MCAS Tustin 51,689 51,689 31,689 31,689 landscape Improvements landscape improvements 60 Website Hosting Agreement 1210812010 Commpro,LLC Website hosting forihe MCAS Tustin webslte(Annual) MCAS Tustin 1,800 1,800 900 900 61 Coniradforfencerepair 0611812008 National Construction Rental, Fence repairsasneeded atMCAS Tustin MCAS Tustin 8,210 2,400 1,200 11200 Inc 62 Contract for Maintenance of 1112012006 Spedrum Landscaping Maintenance of undeveloped land(Annual) MCAS Tustin 71,208 71,208 35,604 351604 undeveloped properties 63 Coventry Court Regulatory Agreement 0913012010 Redevelopment Agency Agency monitors receipt of payment in lieu oftaxes as MCAS Tustin Annual See Row#] &Declaration of Retldlve Covenants well as developers compliance with contractual senior and Supplemental Regulatory affordable housing oblgaiions related to 153 affordable Agreement units within the Project.To the extent RPTTF funds are not available to fund this enforceable obligation,then the obligation shall be consIdered an encumbrance of the LMIHF. 64 Contract for Environmental Services 1111612010 Pacific States Construction of Tustin Ranch Road Phase 1 Grading& MCAS Tustin 6,000 6,000 Storm Drain(contract may be amended to complete 65 Contract for GeoTech Services 0910712010 NMG Construction of Tustin Ranch Road Phase 1 Grading& MCAS Tustin 20,100 20,100 Storm Drain(contract may be amended to complete 66 Contract for Construction Management 0510312011 Parsons Transportation Group Construction management for Tustin Ranch Road(Phase MCAS Tustin 1,132,918 1,132,918 500,000 500,000 1 and 2) 67 Contract for Environmental Services 1110212010 VandermostConsulting Regulatory Agency consulting MCAS Tustin 2,311 2,311 Total Fumdipg Source Outstanding Total Due Durng ContractlAgreement ContractlAgreement Debt or Fiscal Year Bond Reserve Admin Item# Project Name IDebt Obligation Execution Date Termination Date Payee DescdptionlProjectScope ProectArea Obli ation 2012-13 LMIHF Proceeds Balance Allowance RPTTF Other Six-Month Total 68 Third Amended Agreement for 0812812012 Employeesfundedbyfhe Administrative Budget for emoWees,overhead&legal Al 529,962 529,962 237,837 237,837 Reimbursement ofCostsand Successor Agency that services needed for direct administrative operation.The QtyWministrativeAgengOperations perform SuccessorAgency Oversight Board oftheSuccessor Agencytothe Tustin Loan"between the Successor Agency activates as needed for direct Community Redevelopment Agency approved the and the City and an Administrative administrative operationsas administrative budget on March 13,2012 and the Budget pursuant to California Health well as overhead and legal Successor Agency adopted Successor Agency and Safety Code Section 34177 @ services. Resolution No.12-04 on March 20,2012 approving the (including salary and benefits funded by Administrative Budget and approved the"Agreement for the Successor Agency and Reimbursement ofCot and GtylSuccessorAgency administrative costs.Administrative Operations Loan".This amount will fluctuate annually. costs include the agreement with TheAdminstrative Budget was calculated in accordance Woodruff,Spradlin&Smart,et al.for with California Health and Safety Code Section 34171(b), administrative legal services and the 3%ofthe property tax allocatedtothe SuccessorAgency Lease of Office Space) for FY 2011.2012. 69 Third Amended Agreement for 0812812012 CiyofTustin Phase 2TustinRanch Road Improvements Prgect Al 14,148,794 8,164,931 8,164,931 8,164,931 Reimbursement ofCot and QtyWminlstrative Agency Operations Loan"between the Successor Agency and the City and an Administrative Budget pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 34180(e). Financial assistance for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Tustin Ranch Road ImprovementsPrgect were conditioned upon the provision of matching funds to the Qty from the MCAS Tustin 2010 Tax Allocation Bonds 4the Successor Agency. 70 DirectPrgect-relatedcotsassoclated Employeesthatperformdirect Annual Payroll for employeessupportingBond MCAS Tustin 106,368 106,368 with MCAS Tustin Tax Allocation pr#t-relatedactidlesforthe Covenanted projects Bonds,Seres2010(including Salary MCAS Tustin Tax Allocation and Benefits of emlpoyees) bon4funded prgects. 71 AffordablebuslngReimbursement 0610512007 CiyofTustin Initial Agreement between the Qty and Agencyfor the Al 11,452,506 2,888,941 2,888,941 218881941 Agreement and FirstAmendment purpose ofreimbmsing the Cityfor assisting the Agency Between Cityand Agency in carrying out itsaffordable housing obligationsat Tustin Field I&11. 72 South Central Project Area Loan 0910212008 City of Tustin Project purposes loan.Amount is derived from Appendix South Central 4,65,000 1,172,981 1,172,981 11172,981 D ofthe fourth five-Year Implementation Plan ofthe South CentrallTown Center Project Areas asadooed on October 5,2010.Continuation of Loan toAgency on Administrative Agreement adopted by Council on September7,2010.The amount was aiginallyloaned to theAgencyonSeptenn er2,2008.Priorloanstothe Agencywere for differing amounts as needed by project area. 73 Housing Tax Allocation Bonds,Series Ciykomey-Woodruff, Rr ect-specificlegalservicesforbon4relatedactivities Al 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 2010-Legal Services Spradlin&Smart(including identified in Row#1 Stradling Yocca Carson& Rauch;Remy,Thomas,Moose &Manley,Waters&Company; Jeanette Justus;Arbruster Goldsmith&Delvac LLP; Cappello&Noel LLP;and Kutak Rock) 74 OlsonDDA!ktxxWalk-Legal Ciykomey-Woodruff, pr#t-specific legal services for enforceable obligation Al 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 Services Spradlin&Smart,et al. activities identified in Rows#12-13 75 HertagePlaceDDNLoanAgreement- C4komey-Woodruff, pr#t-specific legal services for enforceable obligation Al 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 Legal Services Spradlin&Smart,et al. activities identified in Rows#1415 76 Single and MulffamilyRehalblitation C4komey-Woodruff, Rcgect-specific legal services for enforceable obligation Al 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Loans-Legal Services Spradlin&Smart,et al. activities identified in Row#16 7 Town Center Housing Deficit Reduction Ciykomey-Woodruff, pr#t-specific legal services for enforceable obligation Town Center 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Plan-Legal Services Spradlin&Smart,et al. activities identified in Row#18 78 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds 1998 Ciykomey-Woodruff, pr#t-specific legal services for bon4relatedactivities Town Center 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 (Town Center)-Legal Services Spradlin&Smart,et al. identified in Row#19 Total Fumdipg Source Outstanding Total Due During ContractIAgreement ContractIAgreement Debt or Fiscal Year Bond Reserve Admin Item# Project Name IDebt Obligation Execution Date Termination Date Payee DescdptionlProjectScope ProectArea Obli ation 2012-13 LMIHF Proceeds Balance Allowance RPTTF Other Six-Month Total 79 StevensSquare Parking Garage CiyMomey-Woodruff, prgect-specific legal services for enforceableobligafion Town Center 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 Declaration of Covenants,Conditions, Spradlin&Smart,d al. activities identified in Rows#22-23 Reshidionsand Reservations-Legal Services 80 AmbroseLanelFirstTimeHomebuyer- Ciykomey-Woodruff, prgect-specific legal services for enforceable obligation Town Center 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 Legal Services Spradlin&Smart,d al. activities identified in Rows#2425 81 TustinGrove-LegalServices C4komey-Woodruff, prgect-specific legal services for enforceable obligation South Central 40,000 40,000 401000 401000 Spradlin&Smart,d al. activities identified in Rows*47 82 Tax Allocation Bonds-MCAS Tustin, Cli Akomey-Woodruff, prgect-specific legal services for bon4relatedactivities MCAS Tustin 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Series 2010-Legal Services Spradlin&Smart,d al. identified in Row#48 83 Lease in Furtherance of Conveyance CiyMomey-Woodruff, prgect-specific legal services for enforceable obligation MCAS Tustin 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 (LIFOC)executed May 13,2002 Spradlin&Smart,d al. activities identified in Row#51 between the United States ofAmerlca and the City of Tustin for Portions of the Former Marine Corps Air Station Tustin Legal Services 84 Lease in Furtherance of Conveyance Ciykomey-Woodruff, prgect-specific legal services for enforceable obligation MCAS Tustin 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 (LIFOC)executed June 16,2004 Spradlin&Smart,d al. activities identified in Row#52 between the United States ofAmerlca and the City of Tustin for Parcel 22 of the Former Marine Corps Air Station Tustin-Legal Services 85 Economic Development Conveyance Ciykomey-Woodruff, prgect-specific legal services for enforceable obligation MCAS Tustin 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 (EDC)Application for Marine Corp Ali Spradlin&Smart,d al. activities identified in Row#53 Station(MCAS)Tustin asAmended- Legal Services 86 CovenhyCourtRegulatoryAgreement Ciykomey-Woodruff, prgect-specific legal services for enforceable obligation MCAS Tustin 241000 241000 241000 241000 &Declaration of RetictNe Covenants Spradlin&Smart,d al. activities identified in Row#63 and Supoemental Regulatory Agreement-Legal Services 87 AbdableHousing Reimbursement Ciykomey-Woodruff, prgect-specific legal services for enforceable obligation Al 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Agreement and Affordable Housing Spradlin&Smart,d al. activities identified in Row#71 DDAs-Legal Services 88 Contract for Maintenance&Erceion 1210712010 So Cal Sandbags In accordance with the Economic Development MCAS Tustin 429,219 429219 2141610 2141610 Contrd Conveyance Agreement,maintenance ofundeveloped portionsoftheformer Marine Corps Air Station,including erodon contrd Name of Successor Agency. Successor Agency to the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency County. Orange RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE(BOPS III)••Notes(Optional) January 1,2013 through June 30,2013 Item 9 NoteslComments 69 Third Amended Agreement for On May 3,2012,Depl of Finance ftF)denied the Successor Agency's use of MCAS Tustin 2010 Tax Allocation Bond funds.On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response. In adclition,on May 29,2012,the Oversight Board, Reimbursement of Costs and pursuantto Health&Safety Code Section 34180�e),approved the acceptance of financial assistance from a variety of public and private funding sources for the Tustin Ranch Road Phase 1 and Phase 2 Projecfs conditioned upon the provision of CifylAdministrative Agency Operations matching funds from the MCAS Tustin 2010 Tax Allocation Bonds. The Oversight Board authorized the Successor Age ncyto enter into a reimbursement agreement(Second Amended Agreement)with the City for the Successor Agency's matching Loan"between the Successor Agency contributions to each phase of the Tustin Ranch Road Project from MCAS Tustin Bond Proceeds.The Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012,which included the Second Amended Agreement.On July 28,2012,the and the Cify and an Administrative amended ROPS was denied.As directed b DoF,we are includingthis denied obli ation in the Third ROPS and the a reement Third Amended A reement has been approved byte Successor A enc and Oversi ht Board. It has been modified Budget pursuant Io California Health y g g ( g ) pp y g y g and Safety Code Section 34180(l fo sthte expenditures can only occur upon DoF approval of the Third ROPS(January 2013 through June 2013). Financial assistance for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Tustin Ranch Road Improvements Project were conditioned upon the provision of matching funds Io the Cify tom the MCAS Tustin 2010 Tax Allocation Bonds by the Successor Agency. 70 Direct Project-related costs associated On May 3,2012,Dol'denied this item. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response. In the MCAS Tustin 2010 Tax Allocation Bonds'Official Statement,it reads the bond proceeds are to be used on various capital improvements wit WAS Tustin Tax Allocation within MCAS Tustin,including the Tustin Rand Road Project. Projects are proceeding and require staff to manage the activity. These sfaffwere working on Bond-related activities prior to the passage of AB1X 26. In addition,DoF approved Bond- Bonds,Series 2010(including Salary related contracts that were entered into prior to June 29,2011 and these staff are responsible for these contracts. Finally,the Oversight Board,in accordance with Heath&Safety Code Section MIBe),approved the provision of mafching bond and Berets ofemployees) funds as noted in the Third Amended Agreement under Item#10. 71 Affordable Housing Reimbursement On March 29,2012,Depl of Finance(DoF)denied this item. On April 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response to DoF,contesting the denial. The Agreement was entered into prior to December 31,2010. In addition,on page 3 of Agreement and first Amendment DoF's instructions for completing the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule it states to include sponsoring entity and agency loan agreements"if they were for the sole purpose of securing,or repaying indebtedness obligations written priorto Between Cily and Agency December 31,2010". The Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement was entered into on June 5,2007 and the Agency had been making annual payments until DoF denied the enforceable obligation. 72 South Central Project Area Loan On March 29,2012,DepI of Finance(DoF)denied this item. On April 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response to DoF,contesting the denial. The Loan Agreement was entered into prior to December 31,2010. In addition,on page 3 of DoFs instructions for completing the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule it states to include sponsoring entity and agency loan agreements"if theywere for the sole purpose of securing,or repaying indebtedness obligations written priorto December 31,2010". The South Central Project Area Loan Agreement was entered into on September 2,2008. 73 Housing Tax Allocation Bonds,Series Initially,the Successor Agency submitted one line item on the ROPS referencing project-specific legal services. On April 17,2012 DoF challenged this item and on April 26,2012 DoF denied this item.A review of other Successor Agencies'ROPS 2010-Legal Services that were approved for project-specific legal services indicated the legal services were tied specificallyto an enforceable obligation project. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response to DoF by providing project-specific legal services line by line but,believing we needed approval from DoF,we did not amend the ROPS.Afferwe did not receive a response from DoF,the Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012.On July 28,2012,the amended ROPS was denied.As has been approved for other Successor Agencies,these legal services are project-specific and tied to the enforceable obligation listed under Item#1 on the ROPS. 74 Olson DDAINbor Walk-Legal Initially,the Successor Agency submitted one line item on the ROPS referencing project-specific legal services. On April 11,2012 DoF challenged this item and on April26,2012 DoF denied this item.A review of other Successor Agencies'ROPS Services that were approved for project-specific legal services indicated the legal services were tied specifically to an enforceable obligation project. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response to DoF by providing project-specific legal services line by line but,believing we needed approval from DoF,we did not amend the ROPS.Aller we did not receive a response from DoF,the Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012.On July 28,2012,the amended ROPS was denied.As has been approved for other Successor Agencies,these legal services are project-specific and tied to the enforceable obligation listed under Items#12-13 on the ROPS. 75 Heritage PlaceDDNLoan Agreement- Initially,the Successor Agency submitted one line item on the ROPS referencing project-specific legal services. On April 17,2012 DoF challenged this item and on Apri126,2012 DoF denied this item.A review of other Successor Agencies'ROPS Legal Services that were approved for project-specific legal services indicated the legal services were tied specifically to an enforceable obligation project. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response to DoF by providing project-specific legal services line by line but,believing we needed approval from DoF,we did not amend the ROPS.After we did not receive a response from DoF,the Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012.On July 28,2012,the amended ROPS was denied.As has been approved for other Successor Agencies,these legal services are project-specific and tied to the enforceable obligation listed under Items#14-15 on the BOPS. 76 Single and MuIfFFamily Rehabilitation Initially,the Successor Agency submitted one line item on the ROPS referencing project-specific legal services. On April 17,2012 DoF challenged this item and on April26,2012 DoF denied this item.A review of other Successor Agencies'ROPS Loans-Legal Services that were approved for project-specific legal services indicated the legal services were tied specificallyto an enforceable obligation project. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response to DoF by providing project-specific legal services line by line but,believing we needed approval from DoF,we did not amend the ROPS.Aller we did not receive a response from DoF,the Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012.On July 28,2012,the amended ROPS was denied.As has been approved for other Successor Agencies,these legal services are project-specific and tied to the enforceable obligation listed under Item#16 on the ROPS. » Town Center Housing Deficit Reduction Initially,the Successor Agency submitted one line item on the ROPS referencing project-specific legal services. On April 11,2012 DoF challenged this item and on Apri126,2012 DoF denied this item.A review of other Successor Agencies'ROPS Plan-Legal Services fhaf were approved for project-specific legal services indicated the legal services were tied specifically to an enforceable obligation project. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response to DoF by providing project-specific legal services line by line but,believing we needed approval from DoF,we did not amend the ROPS.Aller we did not receive a response from DoF,the Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012.On July 28,2012,the amended ROPS was denied.As has been approved for other Successor Agencies,these legal services are project-specific and tied to the enforceable obligation listed under Item#18 on the BOPS. 78 Tax Allocation Refunding Bands 1998 Initially,the SuccessorAgency submitted one line item on the ROPS referencing project-specific legal services. On April 17,2012 DoF challenged this item and on April26,2012 DoF denied this item.A review of other Successor Agencies'ROPS (Town Center)-Legal Services fhaf were approved for project-specific legal seNices indicated the legal services were tied specificallyfo an enforceable obligation project. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response to Dol'by providing project-specific legal services line by line but,believing we needed approval from DoF,we did not amend the ROPS.After we did not receive a response from DoF,the Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012.On July 28,2012,the amended ROPS was denied.As has been approved for other Successor Agencies,these legal services are project-specific and tied to the enforceable obligation listed under Item#19 on the ROPS. )g Stevens Square Parking Garage Initially,the Successor Agency submitted one line item on the ROPS referencing project-specific legal services. On April 17,2012 DoF challenged this item and on April26,2012 DoF denied this item.A review of other Successor Agencies'ROPS Declarafion of Covenants,Conditions, fhaf were approved for project-specific legal services indicated the legal services were tied specifically fo an enforceable obligation project. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response to DoF by providing project-specific legal Restrictions and Reservations-Legal services line by line but,believing we needed approval from DoF,we did not amend the ROPS.After we did not receive a response from DoF,the Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012.On July 28,2012,the amended Services ROPS was denied.As has been approved for other Successor Agencies,these legal services are project-specific and fieri to the enforceable obligation listed under Items#22.23 on the ROPS. 80 Ambrose Laneflisf Time Homebuyer- Initially,the Successor Agency submitted one line item on the ROPS referencing project-specific legal services. On April 17,2012 DoF challenged this item and on Apri126,2012 DoF denied this item.A review of other Successor Agencies'ROPS Legal Services fhaf were approved for project-specific legal services indicated the legal services were tied specifically fo an enforceable obligation project. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response fo DoF by providing project-specific legal services line by line but,believing we needed approval from DoF,we did not amend the ROPS.After we did not receive a response from DoF,the Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012.On July 28,2012,the amended ROPS was denied.As has been approved for other Successor Agencies,these legal services are project-specific and tied to the enforceable obligation listed under Items#24.25 on the ROPS. 81 Tustin Grove-Legal Services Initially,the Successor Agency submitted one line item on the ROPS referencing project-specific legal services. On April 17,2012 DoF challenged this item and on April 26,2012 DoF denied this item.A review of other Successor Agencies'ROPS fhaf were approved for project-specific legal services indicated the legal services were tied specifically fo an enforceable obligation project. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response to DoF by providing project-specific legal services line by line but,believing we needed approval from DoF,we did not amend the ROPS.After we did not receive a response from DoF,the Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012.On July 28,2012,the amended ROPS was denied.As has been approved for other Successor Agencies,these legal services are project-specific and tied to the enforceable obligation listed under Items 9641 on the ROPS. 82 Tax Allocation Bonds-MCAS Tustin, Initially,the Successor Agency submitted one line item on the ROPS referencing project-specific legal services. On April 17,2012 DoF challenged this item and on April 26,2012 DoF denied this item.A review of other Successor Agencies'ROPS Series 2010-Legal Services that were approved for project-specific legal services indicated the legal services were tied specifically to an enforceable obligafion project. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response to Dol'by providing project-specific legal services line by line but,believing we needed approval from DoF,we did not amend the ROPS.After we did not receive a response from DoF,the Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012.On July 28,2012,the amended ROPS was denied.As has been approved for other Successor Agencies,these legal services are project-specific and tied to the enforceable obligation listed under Item#48 on the BOPS. 83 Lease in Furtherance of Conveyance Initially,the Successor Agency submitted one line item on the ROPS referencing project-specific legal services. On April 11,2012 DoF challenged this item and on April 26,2012 DoF denied this item.A review of other Successor Agencies'ROPS (LI FOC)executed May 13,2002 that were approved for project-specific legal services indicated the legal services were tied specifically fo an enforceable obligation project. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response to DoF by providing project-specific legal between the United States of America services line by line but,believing we needed approval from DoF,we did not amend the ROPS.After we did not receive a response from DoF,the Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012.On July 28,2012,the amended and the City of Tustin for Portions of ROPS was denied.As has been approved for other Successor Agencies,these legal services are project-specific and tied to the enforceable obligation listed under Item#51 on the BOPS. the former Marine Corps Air Station Tustin-Legal Services 84 Lease in Furtherance of Conveyance Initially,the Successor Agency submitted one line item on the ROPS referencing project-specific legal services. On April 17,2012 DoF challenged this item and on Apri126,2012 DoF denied this item.A review of other Successor Agencies'ROPS (LIFOC)executed June 16,2004 that were approved for project-specific legal services indicated the legal services were tied specifically tan enforceable obligation project. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response fo DoF by providing project-specific legal between the United States of America services line by line but,believing we needed approval from DoF,we did not amend the ROPS.After we did not receive a response from DoF,the Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012.On July 28,2012,the amended and the City of Tustin for Parcel 22 of ROPS was denied.As has been approved for other Successor Agencies,these legal services are project-specific and tied to the enforceable obligation listed under Item#52 on the ROPS. the former Marine Corps Air Station Tustin-Legal Services 85 Economic Development Conveyance Initially,the Successor Agency submitted one line item on the ROPS referencing project-specific legal services. On April 17,2012 DoF challenged this item and on April 26,2012 DoF denied this item.A review of other Successor Agencies'ROPS (EDC)Application fa Marine Corps Air fhaf were approved for project-specific legal services indicated the legal services were tied specifically fo an enforceable obligation project. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response to DoF by providing project-specific legal Station(MCAS)Tusfin as Amended- services line by line but,believing we needed approval from DoF,we did not amend the ROPS.After we did not receive a response from DoF,the Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012.On July 28,2012,the amended Legal Services ROPS was denied.As has been approved for other Successor Agencies,these legal services are project-specific and tied to the enforceable obligation listed under Item#53 on the ROPS. 86 Coventy Court Regulatory Agreement Initially,the Successor Agency submitted one line item on the ROPS referencing project-specific legal services. On April 17,2012 DoF challenged this item and on April26,2012 DoF denied this item.A review of other Successor Agencies'ROPS &Declaration of Restrictive Covenants that were approved for project-specific legal services indicated the legal services were tied specifically to an enforceable obligation project. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response to DoF by providing project-specific legal and Supplemental Regulafory services line by line but,believing we needed approval from DoF,we did not amend the ROPS.After we did not receive a response from DoF,the Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012.On July 28,2012,the amended Agreement-Legal Services ROPS was denied.As has been approved for other Successor Agencies,these legal services are project-specific and tied to the enforceable obligation listed under Item#63 on the ROPS. 87 Affadable Housing Reimbursement Initially,the Successor Agency submitted one line item on the ROPS referencing project-specific legal services. On April 11,2012 DoF challenged this item and on April26,2012 DoF denied this item.A review of other Successor Agencies'ROPS Agreemenf and Affordable Housing that were approved for project-specific legal services indicated the legal services were tied specifically fo an enforceable obligation project. On May 10,2012,the Successor Agency provided a response to DoF by providing project-specific legal Covenants-Legal Services services line by line but,believing we needed approval from DoF,we did not amend the ROPS.After we did not receive a response from DoF,the Successor Agency submitted an amended ROPS on July 10,2012.On July 28,2012,the amended ROPS was denied.As has been approved for other Successor Agencies,these legal services are project-specific and tied to the enforceable obligation listed under Item#71 on the BOPS. 88 Contract for Mainfenance&Erosion On March 29,2012,DoF denied this item. On April 10,2012,the SuccessorAgency provided a response fo DoF,contesting the denial. Under the Economic Development Conveyance Agreement executed between the Deparlmenf of Navy and the Control-So Cal Sandbags City(511312002),it is the responsibility of the former Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency to maintain the properties. Since 2002,the Agency has continually funded and overseen properly managemenVcarefaker services with the MCAS Tustin Project Area. Name of Successor Agency, Successor AgencyfofheTusfinComm unityRedevelopmemAgency Courtly, orange Pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 34186�a) PRIOR PERIOD ESTIMATED OBLIGATIONS vs,ACTUAL PAYMENTS RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE CROPS I) January 1,2012 through June 30,2012 LMIHF Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Admin Allowance RPTTF Olher Pa elFam Line Project Name IDebt Obligation Payee DescdptionlProjectScope ProectArea Eslimale Actual Eslimale Actual Eslimale Actual Eslimale Actual Eslimale Actual Eslimale Actual Gmnd ToW $ $ $ 732 315 $ 632241 $ $ $ 813:359 $ 813:359 $ 16267186 $ 12295,446 $ $ A 1 Housing Tax Allocation Bonds,Series Bondholders via The Bank Proceeds from the sale offheBonds will be All 1,836,423 $ 1,260,785.90 2010 of New Yak Mellon used to(a)prepaya portion of the Qty Obligation(Affordable Housing Reimbursement Agreement),(b)fund reserve account for the Bonds,and(c) provideforthe cost of issuing the Bonds. Tdal outstanding dad includespdncipal and interest. A 2 Fiscal Agent Fees-TABond 2010 The Bank of New York administration of bond ackiies[paidinthe All Mellon first months of FY 2011.20121 A 3 Continuing disclosure services& Applied Best Practices; Continuing disclosure servicesfa2010 All 1,350 1,802 arbirage services Willdan&Associates Housing bondsandaritrageservices. A 4 CountyAdministrativeFee County of Orange annual tax collection administrativefee All 213,000 A 5 Graffiti removal Graffti Control Systems Graffiti removal in the Town Center and All 38,900 28,440 South Central Redevelopment Prgect Areas.Contract is paid for through CDBG, General and RDA funds. A 6 Contractforavailablecommercial Loopk,Inc. Wel}basedCommercial PropegSearch All 3,500 3,453 property search foravailable retail,commercial,induskl and other propertytypesin Tustin A 7 Contractforweb•basedbusiness Tods for Business Wel}basedbusin essasssancetoots All 1,140 1,140 asssanceinformation Success,LLC available on the CityofTustinwebsite A 8 Direci Project Related Costs SuccessorAgency Payroll for ennoWeesfordireclOect All 76,970 259,680 259,680 (including Salary and Beneftsfunded operatbn.Total outstandingdedisan bythe Successor Agency) annual fgure and this amount will fiuduate annually.The employees are performing project related adivities involving the enforceable obligations listed on Rows#% #20,Rows#27437,Rows#42452,and Rows#%#70. A 9 PERS liability(an nuallyadjustable) City of Tustin Employees fundedbytheSuccessor All Agencythat perform Successor Agency activities.The lialblityisreviewedannually and may increase or decrease based on a vanety of economic and aduarial assumptions. A 10 Payment inGeuofTaxes Agreement CltyofTustin Agencymonitastoinsure receilp:ofannual All FlandersPolme payment Tothe extent RPTTFfundsare not available to fund this enforceable obligation,the obligation shall be considered an encumbrance of LMIHF funds. A 11 Payment inGeuofTaxes Agreement CltyofTu4 Agencymonitastoinsure receiptofannual All Orange Gardens payment Tothe extent RPTTF funds are not available to fund this enforceable obligation,the obligation shall be considered an encumbrance of LMIHF funds. A 12 OlsonDDNArborWalk RedevelopmemAgency Monitoring to ensure the prgedcomplies All with the DDA.Tothe extent RPTTF funds are not available to fund this enforceable obligation,the obligation shall be considered an encumbrance of LMIHF funds. LMIHF Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Admin Allowance RPTTF Other Pa elForm Line Project Name IDebt Obligation Payee DescrptionlProjectScope Project Area Estimate Actual EsGmale Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual EsGmale Actual Estimate Actual A 13 Arbor Walk Promssory Notes Redevelopment Agency Agency monitors to ensure the 10 All affordable homeownership units am in compliance with the Promissory Notesand recorded Affordable Housing Covenants. In addition,the Agency prepares and executesaffordable housing documents when affordable homeowners refinance or sell their homes.To the extent RPTTF funds are not available to fund this enforceable obligation,the oblgation shall be consIdered an encumbrance of LMIHF funds. A 14 Heritage Place DDA RedevelopmentAgency Agency monitors to ensure 53 units are in All compliance with affordability requirements. To the extent RPTTF fundsare not available to fu nd this enforceable obligation,the obligation shall be consIdered an encumbrance of LMIHF funds. A 15 Heritage Place Loan Agreement RedevelopmentAgency Financial assistance was provided by the All Agency to the Developer for construction of a muni-family project andtheAgency monitorsthe terms of the loan agreement (expires 41x2033),including the residual receipt payment To the extent RPTTF funds are not available to fund this enforceable obligation,the oblgation shall be cons1dered an encumbrance of LMIHF funds. A 16 Single and Multi-Family Rehabilitation Redevelopment Agency Agency monitors 6 Single Family and Multi- All Loans Family Loans between the Agency and Property Owners of rehabilitated properties. To the extent RPTTF fundsare not available to fu nd this enforceable obligation,the obligation shall be consIdered an encumbrance of LMIHF funds. A 17 Town Center Housing Defcit Agency's Town Center Repayment for Town Center Housing Set- Town Center 900,000 900,000 Reduction Plan Housing Set-AsIde fund Aside funds diverted tosupportnon- housing Redevelopment activities in Town Center during the period of 1986.1992. A 18 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds 1998 Bondholders via US Bank Bond issue to fund non-housIngprojects. Town Center 1,670,660 17,830 (Town Center) Tdal outstanding debt includes principal and interest. A 19 Fiscal Agent Fees-TA Bond 1998 US Bank administration of bond ackiles Town Center A 20 Continuing disclosure&arbitrage Applied Best Practices; Continuing disclosure&arbitrage services Town Center 11407 services Willdan&Associates for 1998 bonds A 21 Contract for engineering services Critical Structures,Inc. Structural engineering assessment of Town Center 11,720 Stevens Square Parking Structure A 22 Stevens Square Parking Garage Stevens Square Parking There are ongoing maintenance coats as Town Center 11000 Declaration of Covenants,Conditlons,Structure Condominium required bythe CC&Rs.In addition,there Restrictionsand Reservations Association are one-time,deferred maintenance repairs that will be determined by the structural engineering assessment.The cots associated with ongoing maintenance and deferred maintenance repairsare estimates. LMIHF Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Admin Allowance RPTTF Other Pa elForm Line Project Name IDebt Obligation Payee DescrptionlProjectScope Project Area Estimate Actual EsGmale Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual EsGmale Actual Estimate Actual A 23 Ambrose LanelFirsfTimeHomebuyerRedevelopmentAgency Agency monitors to ensure the 5affordable Town Center homeownership units am in compliance with the Promissory Notes and recorded Affordable HousIng Covenants.In addition, the Agency preparesand executes affordable housing documents when affordalbe homeowners refinance orsell their homes.Moniodng of ftalbe Housing Covenants.To the extent RPTTF funds are not available to fund this enforceable obligation,the oUgaiion shall be consIdered an encumbrance of LMIHF funds. A 24 FirsiTmeHomebuyerPromissory Redevelopment Agency Agency monitors to ensure the first time Town Center Note homebuyer unit is in compliance with the Promissory Note and an Affordable Housing Covenant.In addition,the Agency preparesand executes aordalbe housing documents when the affordalbe homeowner refinances orsells their home. To the extent RPTTF fundsare not available io fu nd this enforceable obligation,the obligation shall be consIdered an encumbrance of LMIHF funds. A 25 Malmna DDA Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to insure developer is in Town Center compliance with contractual obligations. R 26 Old Town Plaza Retail Rehab DDA Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to insure developer is in Town Center compliance with contractual obligations. R 27 Plaza Lafayette DDA Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to insure developer is in Town Center compliance with contractual obligations. R 28 Ford Commercial Rehab DDA Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to insure developer is in Town Center compliance with contractual obligations. A 29 MicroCenierDDA Redevelopmeni Agency Monitoring to insure developer is in Town Center compliance with contractual obligations. A 30 Thompson Building OPA Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to insure developer is in Town Center compliance with contractual obligations. A 31 Stevens SquarePAIngSimciure- Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to insure 8 licensesare in Town Center License Agreements compliance with contractual obligations. A 32 Potted PlanisAgmemenis Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to insure 17 agreements are in Town Center compliance with contractual obligations. A 33 ProspeciVillageDDA Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to insure developer is in Town Center compliance with contractual obligations. A 34 Public WAsAgreemenUSouih City of Tustin Original Loan amount to the Agency in South Central 8,558,775 8,558,]]5 Central Redevelopment Project 1993was iniiially estimated Lobe $33,500,000 for the Newport Avenue Extension(Newport Underpass)to Edinger Avenue.The interest rate is.5%above the City's average yield on invesimenis. Repayment ofihe loan is based on City- funded Phase 1 work(Capital Improvement Program-CIP 70130)that has been combated on the Newport Avenue ExienslonlSR-55 North Bound Ramp Reconfguratbn Project.The Phase 1 project began in 1993 and was completed in March 2010.Phase 1(CIP 70130) contracts are not listed on previous EOPS or ROPS.There is no duplication of obligations.Phase 2 wA(CIP 70131) consists ofconiracts listed below in Rows #42449 and these contracts have not been double counted in Phase 1.Pursuant to Section 1 Public Improvement Work of the Public WAs Agreement,the Successor Agency shall pay the City when projects are completed and in semi-annual installments(per Section 2 Payment by the ApencyofiheApreementl.The frsi installment(January 2012)shall be for the one payment due during FV 2009.2010 and the two payments due for FV 2010-2011. The second installment(June 2012)shall be for the two payments due for FV 2011- 2012.The lwoinsiallmeniswill iefieci LMIHF Bond Proceeds ReserveB8lance Admin Allowance RPTTF Other Pa elForm Line Project Name IDebt Obligation Payee DescrptionlProjectScope Project Area Estimate Actual EsGmale Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual EsGmale Actual Estimate Actual A 35 MemorandumofNerstandingAh OrangeCountyker Tax share agreement(pre-AB 1290)with South Central Orange County Water District District the Agency.Appliralblity ofagreement is (Section 33401 Payment;312011985) questionable because of provisions with AB1X26. R 36 Memorandum ofUnderstandingwith TustinUnifiecISchod Tax share agreement pre-1290with South Central R 37 Memorandum ofUnderstandingwith Saddleback Community Tax share agreement pre-1290with South Central Saddleback CommunityColege ColegeDistrict Agency.The agreement provides that District(Section 33401 Payment; certain tax sharing payments would occur 911311985) AertheAgencyhas expended$10million dollars for consimction offackleswithin the South Central Amendment Area and or retired bonds or other indebtedness for such consimction as provided in the Agreement.The Agency has no:retired the indebtedness associated with the 1993 Public Works Agreement and,as result, there have been nopayments made to date. A 38 Newport Av.ISR55 NB Ramp Psomas Engineering Mapping and survey services South Central Reconfiguration A 39 NewportAv.ISR55NBRamp AndersonPenna Program management services South Central 1,125 Reconfiguration R 40 Newport Av.Extension,NIO Edinger Dokken Engineering Final design services South Central 92,500 7,386 Av. R 41 Newport Av.Extension,NIO Edinger Nuvis Landscape design services South Central 233 Av. A 42 Newport Av.Extension,NIO Edinger County of Orange Plan check services South Central 251000 31411 Av. (OCFCD) A 43 Newport Av.Extension,NIO Edinger Morrow Management Dry Utility design and coordination services South Central Av. A 44 Newport Av.Extension,NIO Edinger AndersonPenna Program management services South Central Av. A 45 Newport Av.Extension,NIO Edinger Southern California Plan check services South Central 25,000 Av. Regional Rail Authority innnnv R 46 CBS Outdoor Billboard Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to insure licensee is in South Central compliance with contractual olbigations R 47 Tustin Grove Promissory Ndesand Redevelopment Agency Agency monitors to ensure the 16 South Central Aff lbe Housing Covenants affordable homeownership units are in compliance with the Promissory NoIesand recorded Affordalbe Housing Covenants. In addition,the Agency preparesand executesaffordable housing documents when affordable homeowners refinance or sell their homes.Tothe extent RPTTF funds are no:available to fund this enforcealbe olbigation,the olbgation shall be considered an encumbrance of LMIHF funds. A 48 Tustin Grove Affordalbe Housing Redevelopment Agency Monitoring to ensure the project complies South Central DDA with the DDA.Tothe extent RPTTF funds are not available to fund this enforcealbe olbigation,the obligation shall be considered an encumbrance of LMIHF funds. A 49 Tax Allocation Bonds-MCASTusiin, Bondholders via The Ban Bond issue to fund non-housing projects. MCAS Tustin 2,440,952 1,009,488 Series 2010 of New YAMellon ToIaloutsiandingdebt includes principal and interest. A 50 Fiscal Agent Fees-TABond 2010 The Bank of Newyork adminisirationofbond ackiles MCAS Tustin 99 3,300 3,300 Mellon A 51 Continuing disclosure services& Applied BesiPractices; Continuing disclosure servicesfor 2010 MCAS Tustin 11350 11348 arbitrage services Willdan&Associates MCAS bonds&arbirage services LMIHF Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Admin Allowance RPTTF Other Pa elForm Line Project Name IDebt Obligation Payee DescirptionlProjectScope Project Area Estimate Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual A 52 Lease in Furtherance of Conveyance Redevelopment Agency Property Management,Maintenance, MCAS Tustin (LIFOC)executed May 13,2002 Environmental Remediation,and Real belweenthe United States ofAmerica Estate obligations ofQty required byNavy and the Qty of Tustin for Portions of on Lease sltes until conveyance of the Former Marine Corps Air Station properties.Thisincludesasset Tustin management and disposal,property management and remediation.Direct project related staffing costs only associated with asset management and disposal under the LIFOC are listed in Row #11.Contractual response costs for all other responsitiftles under the LIFOC Agreemeni will beastheyare incurred andlorasreque�ed by the Department of Navy. A 53 Lease in Furtherance of Conveyance Redevelopment Agency Property Management,Maintenance, MCAS Tustin (LIFOC)executed June 16,2004 Environmental Remediation,and Real belweenthe United States ofAmerica Estate obligations ofQty required byNavy and the Qty of Tustin for Parcel 22 of on Lease sites until conveyance of the Former Marine Corp AirStation properties.Thisincludesasset Tustin management and disposal,property management and remediation.Direct project related staffing costs only associated with asset management and disposal under the LIFOC are listed in Row #11.Contractual response costs for all other responsitiftlesunder the LIFOC Agreement will beastheyare incurred andlorasreque�ed by the Department of Navy. A 54 Economic Development Conveyance Redevelopment Agency Obligations of City required by Navy in the MCAS Tustin (EDC)Applicatbn for Marine Corps conveyance ofthe property under the Air Station(MCAS)Tustin as Reuse Plan adooed in 2002.This Amended includes asset management and disposal, property management and remediation. Direct project related staffing costs associated with asset management and disposal under the EDC are lisled in Row #11. Conlractualresponse cot for all other responsitiftlesunder the EDC Agreement will beastheyare incurred andlorasreque�ed by the Department of Navy. R 55 ContractforDevelopmenlAdvisor Developer's Research Implementation Plan andStrategy MCASTuslin 10,945 services A 56 Contract for Engineering&Planning RBF Consulting Plan 06 and tract map services MCASTuslin 1,538 24,675 24,675 A 57 Contract for Planning Services SMSArchitects Implementation Plan andStrategy MCAS Tustin 7,114 10,000 10,000 A 58 Contract for Engineering Services HunsAer&Associates Disposition Strategy&mapping services MCAS Tustin 14,316 448 A 59 Contract for Financial Analysls David Tauss1g& financial akoryservices associated with MCAS Tustin 34,750 5,390 Associates determiningdistrlMonofassessments associated with background intastmcture costs R 60 Newp n1SR-55 Gateway Master plan RBF Consulting Preparation of Gateway Master plan and MCAS Tustin 55,491 361 &Iandsrape Improvements design of landscape improvements R 61 Website Hosting Agreement Commpro,LLC Website hosting for the MCAS Tustin MCAS Tustin 900 900 webslte R 62 Contractforfencerepair NalionalConslmclion Fence repairsasneeded atMCAS Tustin MCAS Tustin 1,200 1,169 Rental,Inc A 63 ContractforMainlenanceof SpectmmLandsraong Maintenance of undeveloped land MCAS Tustin 35,604 35,604 undeveloped properties LMIHF Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Admin Allowance RPTTF Other Pa elForm Line Project Name IDebt Obligation Payee DescrIptionlProjectScope Project Area Estimate Actual EsGmale Rcfual Esfimale Actual Estimate Actual EsGmale Actual Estimate Actual A 64 Coventry Comf Regulatory Redevelopment Agency Agency monitors receio of payment in lieu MCAS Tustin Agreement&Declaration of of taxes as well as developer's compliance Restrictive Covenants and with contractual senior affordaNe houctng Supplemental Regulatory Agreement oN gations related to 153 affordable units within the Project.Tothe extent RPTTF funds are not available to fund this enforceable obligation,the oblgation shall be conctdered an encumbrance of LMIHF funds. B 1 ContractforEnvironmentalSeivices PacifcStates Constructlonof usilnRanch Road Phase MCAS Tustin 16,851 1,220 1 Grading&Storm Drain B 2 Contract for GecTech Services NMG Construction ofTustin Ranch Road Phase MCAS Tustin 20,100 20,100 1 Grading&Storm Drain B 3 ContractforConstruction Parsons Transportation Construction management for Tustin MCAS Tustin 564,161 511,111 Management Group Ranch Road(Phase 1 and 2) B 4 ContractforEnvironmentalServices VandermostConsuling Regulatory Agency consulting MCAS Tustin 2,311 B 5 Direct Project-reiatedcots Employees that perform Annual Payrdlfor employeessupponing MCAS Tustin 128,280 93,810 associated with MCAS Tustin Tax direct project-related Bon funded projects Allocation Bonds,Series 2010 activitiesfortheMCAS (including Salary and Benefits of Tustin Tax Allocation bond emlpoyees) funded projects. C 1 Agreement for Reimbursement of Employees funded by the Administrative Budget for employees, Ali 813,359 113,928 CostsandCyAdministrativeAgency SuccessorAgencythat overhead&legal services needed for direct Operations Loan"between the perform Successor administrative operation.The Oversight SuccessorAgencyand the Cityand Agencya6vitesas Board oftheSuccessorAgencytothe an AdministrativeBudgatpursuant to needed for direct Tustin Commun!tyRedevelopmentAgency California Health and Safety Code administrative operations approved the administrative budget on Section 34111(j)(including salary as well as overhead and March 13,2012 and the Successor Agency and benefts funded by the Successor legal services. adooed SuccessorAgency Resolution No. Agency and administrative cot 12.04 on March 20,2012 approving the Administrative cots include the Administrative Budget and approved the agreement with Woodruff,Spradlin& "Agreement for Reimbursement of Costs Smart$300,000 foradministrative and OySuccessorAgency Operations legal services and the Lease ofNice Loan".Thiaamountwill fiuduateannualy. Space$49,491) The Adminstrative Budget was calculated in accordance with California Health and Safety Code Section 341710),5%ofthe property tax allocated to the Successor Agency for FV 2011.2012.