Name of Successor Agency Successor Agency to the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency
Total Outstanding Total Due
Debt or Obligation During Fiscal Year
Outstanding Debt or Obligation $ 175,576,653.00 $ 20,475,945.00
Total Due for Six Month Period
Outstanding Debt or Obligation $ 20,262,956.00
Available Revenues other than anticipated funding from RPTTF $ 732,315,00
Enforceable Obligations paid with RPTTF $ 16,267,186.00
Administrative Cost paid with RPTTF $ 813,359.00
Pass-through PayTents paid with RPTTF $ 2,450,096.00
Administrative Allowance(greater of 5%of anticipated Funding from RPTTF or 250,000.Note:Calculation should not
lude passthrough payments made with RPTTF,The RPTTF Administra0ve Cost figure above should not exceed this
CostAllowancefigure) $ 813,359.30
Certification of Oversight Board Chairman:
Pursuant to Section 34177(1)of the Health and Safety code, ka
I hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Name Title
Enforceable Payment Schedule for the above named agency, �A �4)1 41 I f,,
Signal v Date
MmledRdevdopmad Apmy lAamwtotheTtm0nUmmdy Aededmmell ADwxy FORM A-Bo&WwmnfPmpadyTmTmd Full RUM
Pm(m Arm(&) ADAPmkdA=All
PorAER-bo m34111('1
ToW Duo Doing Peyft Imm the AAdrvdcgtwd Pmpmry In Tmd Fmd(WIT I
CedmNApimmtmtl TdmlObmantllr8 flemlywlYm FumAlq P mle moll
Pmed NametDd ExWml -Prim Proll 04NwON In 7X11.2012" Emu Jm2012 Feb2012 MerWl2 AP1412 2012 ,In 2012 TWI
Il lodoGTm NlwatcalbnalLSonea2p10 OSOIOI(6omdloNemvm TbeWdNowYod Mdlm PmcudahmMesh dO BoWlwillbeueedlala) All 42,480,41 3087.200 I'm K970 1110,163 S 1.634423
piemapw6mA tlmCay Ompwn(AEoldo lefkodnO
AdnWmwnedAgl(b)kW a naervee=A1(w
Ate Ewdeed klpmvdefwlhewddlsuiW the Bonds,
Tddm nkg deN Indudn pncOl And Infill
21 All Aged F40m-TA Ewd 2010 01110010 The BmtlkdNNY&OWO dmInldmuondbordointi Itl in WIN emmbal All 3,mo 3,300 APTTP 4
31 CoMtamngdbftio rdom6Arlamvlma IOdJN20101&1111883 Applled 30 PmdW WbiUsaWetm Crftlrgftnawftlw2010Nowhq bwdemd A0 IS 1,00 FTTF IAD S 1,39
et"m r*m.
q CwgAdmkhumimFee dOtmpe aural all Wlmbnadilwalvafw A0 213,000 213900 RPTTF 214m 6 21kDoo
5amlkwow 1OY1112AAAGdAdGeaOdlSydAlm WINrgmoml10 b Tom GemmemSamlhConi A6 66900 65,000 Ill ASW ASW 4500 6,500 e,EN) Ill S 31,110
AedevdWmmdPm(edk-O rkadlpikilw0awph
CD6G,Gmem1ad RDAkl
A Cwmmd MevaiNdeawnmatdYptWalymdt N&7&101N L0WW.IN WmbW*GwnmeW Plr&mly6mmblmalr*ll, AA 31000 3500 RFTTF 3,600 S 3,500
WN". dm l lb.T-6
71 CwMmkrmiabeed balms amateur ldm*lm (WX&7011 Welw&drma6mmb.LLC Wd-0awd Anal"ll land,m01etlean01 dy11 AO 1,140 1,140 IMF 1,140 S 1,146
al Ohad ProjW RaMtel Caeblkduding Salry And 6mdh(l6y Am SuaamrAgamy Papal VemNOyaeeladAampta(adopemPom,TO AN SW333 III= RPTTF 4a160 432m 43,280 42,200 4ueo AVID S 20,00
SumomApmmy) mmedkg deN hmmmmOpmmad AkemoW nal
mkmd WVi3m lvdulrq AmWammMe oNlpmlmliped
mRm Il44D,AomA271OT,Rom#"2,and Rom
PERSIIkAykmmllyed�uapele) CkyOTuph, E IWemfuddbylhaSa sorAgewy0mpaA6m All 144610 140,518 RMF i
11—ApmyadNlAmTlw DmbddykmOAAW
ammlly edmey Ymmmwdealemebuedone vaddyd
marmnk ad adwdd wmmpJw.
t PWmtm0ttlmdreamAgreemml•Flmdmal t&OltocydTudM Agemyamdombadummeerytddmml pmymW.To Oe All Amml 6mAmvmll APTTF 3
mwm APTTF Poria ma nw evao&e m Nd wh
mldrwdao6fgalkn,theaNlpsMNull mmroLwed m
mmonhmwe d LM11IF f rods.
11 Faye InUmoothmAgm ent•Omnpe Cmdme 6&I&1O myrudk Aprv,TomAwaW6mumrerapidemuelpeymml.Ta the All Annual SeaRmIll RPTTF S
mmaRPTTF ludame W avolablelaAidmh
edwwadempOgdioA,OmONlpaAm drill o COnedemd m
mmmOr molLIVi lwde.
14CIm DUO&WAIk OzIMW4 Red&*pmmt Awry All Amud &epwvell RPTTF S
Nd aNd RPTTF flap{am gd emdMNe I lud 1hl
emw®W ablyefivn,lheadllgmW droll o amdJmd m
13IAdmrWalkPmmlemyNobs w*RadevelopmemAgenay AgmaymwAil Amud SmR1mAi1 RPTTF 3
W b am I n mmplNra wdh Ih Pmmoay Nmm ad
rammed ABotdmmeIk"Commade.InadOAath Nu
Apmyprepmmed mammeflmahboudW
fthmm TOAumImIRPTrFAldeamndavil
Id ml Wortmhle ab�llory the dmleNn ehaA o
waoldw m efmmbmnm d LMC NF funda
id)Nw"PhoODA Will RededWIMAgmay ApmcytwdtmbemreWWNemkommpllmawNh A0 Anmml Seal RPTTF S
dfWaNMy mpdmtmae ToOmadievlRPTTFIWeem
nol aveobk m turd bN edortaaNe aOWtlm,the
WipmAm doll o mnudand m mamn6mm d IASHF
11 Nd*opk%lmnAgmemed ONIRINRebvalAAWAgmey FimmialualstancompmWedbythdAgel NI Adm SmRow011
gmry mwl6m bur twme d the Ian agmem em(mpdm 4
157033),ImMdlgde Wdml maw,peymed Toth{
RPTTFoaken W ae6aNelofud OlI
ole owill OeQN*b doll begonal m
A161AgIadASAFemIlyAeomNAmlomm vgRodvdWmwdA;" AMmenflamOSINeFamIlyardihill All Amml Sm1TwvP11 RPTTF S
0w Ap wy e d Pmpmy Omme of"Idmed
Ta Ne NdmnldPTTF Imd1 em W avpleb
dAm WwmWeWgeGon,mmmlmo0 be
111 TamCaNwNwmng DeAdlRmudm Plan 0&0112WD AgmwyaTmm Cadw Nmdng Sd•Asdefud Wrymadlm TomCmdwNwdrg6dAtlialadm Tdwn War 2,118,042 00490 RFTTF MOW$ 80D,O00
k to mWwl llwhhho*Radevell adit In
wm Gemw dud,iM pAbd d t 80.102,
16)Tax Amdw0 Fol Foch 19H Um Cmlm) W10111A00 ov"mVIA U66uA W tanbAW mmhmudrg plow Twalmddmtmkg Tam Cama 0,627218 4il RPTTF 1,w0,Aw S 1,51ow
inddm phrwyel and Ilddad.
1A)FhWAO Pae•TAM IAB6 0111&2DI0 USEad maadmllndlrod wdv0im Tom Deal 3,300 3,300 RPM S -
Total Olm During - Plyebhfrom the Aedwekpmed PrapdF To TmttFood JRP"M
4.41.a Dam 1.DIM TaalOmdmdirg Fiacii Funding Pa ran! ma0a
ad r�lmlOedO Yen p 6 Pro[od Am Ceda0b 2011.2012" Sbuide J10012 Feb 2012 Wr2012 Apr2012 May 2012 Jun 2012 Told
2of CumlmuingdhdemreA omhpso as IV02DI 0&&WIN Appol BaAPmditWOmenaAs»dda Onsi dicleoeI emllmgesoni[or 101 bonds Tam CamN 111 1,011 RPTTF 1
211 Comndtmendneedng sennas 0&0&1011 Cdtlal5bmluaalx. Surstured erguanpum sidi(Sui Squam Town Ceram 23530 23500 RPTTF 5,550 5,870 S 11,720
ming SadmA
22)Suni Squire Pei GoiOnclowiCaamN4Cudtlmlm, W171IN St..SgmrePding ShremCa6mimm in o.argdngmole Mile a mqui 4 the Tam Cerra 54000 Si RPTTF 1,400 1,400 1,400 11400 1,400 1 7,000
Rednmom em ReervdUrm Aaedeeen CCAPalneddan.Uemueae4ioaddmsd
elino w"h 0aIx111 bederibyUeahahul
enQlandnpemmnnNd.ThemeUewtm agnYq
mddeanerand dderd melmvmma missile am
23)Arrow l ruff TimeNownsw W171Mm Rndwd00madAgmmy Agency w mallsure 1115 Teen Cents Anmml SeeRbwN11 RPTTF y
Lilt are in mmpllmw win she Promissory Nda and
rammed ANomehUNwWrq Cwelmr4 In�ilhn,Vm
Agency p�1aa end dmaAa dfatllde audnp
davdmmedmndkdeW hosseei milhor mad
Iher homeAMmbonnp d Madehm Hnudng Cavmm ma.To
Ue amen RPiTF f undo ane rot eve5ade m had ONa
mllawda obtge004 the dl�atbn dmN a mmNma an
a mwmemdlMlNFfmdL
241FIndTIme HanebmyNPmmleeay Nde W171MM RndeadopmedAgemy AOmrymalUnUawroUefmtDma hamabuyarudlah TwCom Annual Scalion t RPUF S
amplmma"Oa pansioay Nolomm a ANoded e
HadoollCwerm InandNhn,DmAgencymeplaend
aeaAm aRadede hmsNp datum■de dui Ue aflaUbta
amearcamUlmrcamWdUaAkms,Tolle mdNd
RPTTFImdoemre.deW hhmdUhedomaba
dll34an,the odl�a Amq a mntlmnd a
eaum6rmmed Lli funds.
2!�Uses DOA 10HW1001RedevdopmamAgenry mmgamlgmamedwdgerminmmplaamw,U Tan Comm Anal SaldawAlt RPTTF
aadnahal odlgdlora
26)OW Tam Plea Ra lIII DDA W1&MOt Rndwm00mars4ency Winning to huudwelgam In mmpl'mmewian Tan Cedm Anni SaRarAtl AMF S
27)PanUbpbDDA O7010 RedwmepmandAlm WkmWlgU Intel Shiniest on Incompliance sins Tim COO Annual SaRar1111 APTIF S
25)Fad ComewdRdmb WA oRM5)IMRndwdapmetAgmwy ikmmdng 0 heumderail N In wmpymammh TWGWB Annual SeaRomA11 RPTTF y
avnmadld odlgelma
29)111CenINODA 1112111N04RdApmedAgmmy Alodmmlgbensure dwdterIs Inwmpaaoewho Tam CWH Annual SaWil RPTTF y
30)ThompmoBnldogOR (d0&1B04 RndevdopmerdAge4y W1WA*ID hmmdembi In complowewhn Tem Cads Mmml Soolk f1 RI y
3f)Sessions Squirm Pal Soul JumAgreemNa very RedwdopmemAgaii dm0obgtu hmu 8H—are tn whole ewdl Tam COO Mrnml SaRrmNf1 WTIF y
M�Pdtd PamsA&eemmde wry RndevempmadAgaey 1laolmdng In mum 17 edammNAeminwdU Tam Calc Annual SeeRbmN11 RPTTF y
eorhmdmel odoara
33�PmopWVilpe OOA BSR1YV01 Rndmro memAgenry WUdWlgIn Madwdeperhi In wmplsismsim Town OWN Annual S.N.#J1 IMF y
mmmcuml odlpdha
34)Pull Wihisemm&SamlCaand RadwdapedPIN Wo7110D1I tri Cdgbml Loan ssmi0 meAgmwy h 1003 as bill SmAACmnrd 34,235,102 5,111 RPTTF 5,1351 3423,51D S 9,S51A,776
Ndnded to a 333,500,000 ten Ue rkwPml Avow
Enladal�VewpmtUndepemib EdMgNAvan14 The
InWpt1W Ie.6daavelNCdymeveegeyUldon
IshmMate RapSmNddthelanahaedonglyn ed
pha t am(Gpind ImpmrNapN Pmpm1�CIP 7013
mm ha been ran�a me Nwga Avamro
Edo"11145"Baud Ramp RaodlgumNun
Pri The Phase t projedbagah 1000 and wa
oandmedinklar 0.Phnse11QP10130}wnmu
meed00adonpretwEOPSmROPSThera ro
d0pllmdadaNNgeam.pNalvNm QIP 70131)
W4*of MhdedblowhRm44240andUma
wnia4hauulbundaAYasumod h Phea 1.
PmaadU ANlmn I PuhlUUamvemem WoUdUe
PLh1e Womm Agnemem me Somm Agency sw pry
Ue Gry when prt�ede me wadded and h ami linmel
ImmllnadgaSxJaePematwtMAoaaa thw
99AmomU,ThePm IaaldmAlJJAmmYMl2jahtllbehr
UaasspaymemdueduringFYMO NICNd UeNm
prymenddueforfrYM42011 Thesaaddmdlaad
P02Di21Nall amrmerapoymrladoefwFY2011-
Mi2.iNAmlmWnaU4U nMmimalreadnNlaS
peymads umtl wdl mumon d tlm Ovaipd Boom d Ne
mlalinaaad omadOmpi
35)WklamrdmdUndmdandingwmhOmopeCaumy Wdm Dated 0312DYNSS OndgeCody WRIN0lddd Ta sham aglamed(peAB lMAbol", SWhCgmal 20,00 2,000 RPTTF 5
a)MamaMuadWdemmrdlrgwilhTu>UnUnlOedSdedDlend Wty1p5F TurUn LdNedSdad O:eda1 Ta Wmegmmamgsy200mUAll Thepmaad SWhCwmd 0 D Ri N
(Sedia 33100 Pmpnel0.&1&1dB5) P WaUdammttudm*pgymWevaddodcmew
tlaApnayhumpendndEl0 mRonddhmfaamaluf✓bn
dUdllawineUeSouth Ce"AmadowAm1 s m
WNW*a dha indebtndnme la aurin mdmNon u
pmeldedlnheApeemed.ThakpgNsmolmilm e
Indebtedness mseddedvili I263 Public Waft
Agmaal and,m e mal,Uma tent hes a paymeme
TdelPyablebeat beRederdemminkPm lyTaTPAFundIRMI)
CamnWApnwnwe ToWtlddw,dlq FtsulYMr Fudirg Payrome by mamh
Project1welDeMOMpalkin Femdkn Oak mn Ped Ana Odder Ian 1011.2012" Saud 7an2912 Fe52012 Mw2012 An,1012 Ma 2012 1m 2012 Total
37 Memmaror of Wdddad,tgV&SahilthaekConmunky Coop 001311835 7a thnrynemd pm,1200WIhAM.Thepmemem Sad6Cmml o D APt1F S
Doll(5m bn 3'M01 Payment,O1O108S) MAINthat owminlax sharing pdyemodeMind Owalo
Appy haMperk S10mIBmd Wor*Mdla
11 M01n me Somk Ceri Amealmd Armand or
adld bads IX amw hlddddlma(M and OdenwOm a
parNbdlnRmApmm�ml.TNeApMy hu mtrdbsdtla
INddetnem s®dded wa me 1 OOD Prddlo Walks
Apremar4 ad,a 8 mw1,mma NAVe bMN m Plymero
36)NewpmlAviS F40RamP Aaadguetbn 11175110&PeDmasEng1ra leg MypinpsM ninny serrlas Swdhc w An 1121 RPTTF S
A Neepm1Av75�NoReap A mtial 0117&7010 P.MeraaPwas PmpremmnpononewNao South Centel 400 2,125r�IF
40)NeepalAv.Eslmdmrk WO EollAv. D1A101910DailElpinaobp Fled de4pnservlm Sarah C" 1040& 020 RPTTF IS,Am AM 15,010 1510& IM 17,500 S 01,500
It)NM,paAv.Edwdok NO Fdigo Av. 10002910 NmN Le mels ddlp Mhitd pomp CedN 9RmD 10,700 RPTTF S
42)N"MAv.EitudIXI WO WeyrAv. CmOONIDPCFCD) pachedurvim Somh Coo 260& 26,000 latim APIO S 25Am
40)NenpolAv.Ederoon,NO E*gffAv, 1711S70DINmaNmipenem Dry WMydeep md mwnhI-I. "CeINd 26m L323 S
44)NmpmlAv EsWdwk WO EdyrAv, DI12MMtD AMarmini Pmpmmmeopsmmmenim Somh Centel IROM 4,1135 S
45)N%WAv.Edmal AVO EfterAv. $edhem Callomie Aedmial RdAdhomy ISl7'0+A) PIanduckunces Somh Ceded 25,1110 SAM ! 1&,000 10,000 S SAM
401 CBS OuftBRAoeld 12hW19a Re"pMem Appy Nm0amgklmwelkeraMPin mrplmmee9r SO Cmnd Annual So Rm44Ml S
wmaesul odoao.
47)Tudln Ont"PmolmoryNotes and ARIXdableeMdrgCmo* very Redevelopment Apay Apanymelorabanaelha 10agaddk hmm aro South Coital Armel See Aaw#I1 RPTTF S
ahamInmmpuraswkhmoPmmbeay NmesM
reapNdARmdekeimldng CerMmk Inalft,IM
ApMy gyan end MepAM dodo de raamp
daumems e1a1*00 Mtmmmen mfma ere at ball
mdrhmM,To 0emmdRPTTF forhoremtsolmbhm
hmdWead mbleoblp0m,theDWolbndo#bo
mnddwd M MMenhmaa d LMIF Mals
45)TatlnOmeARmdtllsNaminp DOA IN2711040 RodrvstmentAM Mmlhmmpkwtoto$apmled mmAkawRll the DDkTo WA(Cmd Amari SMRow#11 RPTTF S
Um matin RPTTF Iwds mend amiable to kM this
odmobla*dba,meabspl'mstay be maldemd in
sa masMedLMINFfAs
4)ToAOaallimBona•MM T.0,Wes2910 11411010 Badddmvk The Ban of Now Yak Mdim TomlametiMlrg MOASTuilm 13,7N,751 2281,532 It" M,484 1.4140 S 2,440,052
aria mddMpdkpeleM hdwed.
50)F'MmiApMFeo-TABoM2010 912010 The Bonk AmYodMdmm sdmmldm0adpaMadNlas MCAS Tod. 3,30D J,xd RPTTF 1,3m f J,3m
51)Cambdly dhmbdmsi 8 erkrapeamiea I=010A O12NOM Applied Rol PmdDw,WlbnBAsmdmes Conte& bdmummabakr2010MICAS 0autla S MCASTudin 4,35D 1,350 APrTF LSSO f 1,'m0
wOu wdm
62)Low InF'damomdCameyarn(VPOC)vwM 4142002 DSM3nfim RdadopmwdAp iry p¢peyMaapnad,Whaimum ErvimmmMl MCASTLdm Vertu 0 RPTTF S
hdemmihe WdedS'mlMdAamkwmd IMCItydTa0nfa Pabad Aemddl4ReM AMI EweteoNpOmedOy roomed by
1heFmmrklsma Co3aAbSlemnTuen Naryaleae rite uNlmmyaadpmpade.Taw
Imkdo else mem0emamaM dhgonl,vmpwly
ranpememeM mmeOMlbn,shed Pmad mklMMMNp
mm adyeaedatedwBN e4ed manpwnmlaM dkp�
uMome VFOC aerated to Will.Canbachal
reepwnemmetaellolhwmWmdim undatMLIFOC
Ageal Sn Md1 be ss Rsp are IeUmed ePa a mdm5kd
by0a OyamneddWy.
63)LoalnFamemmad Caweyana{llFOC)maedaW 7uM 14091 0OIM RedmoopmuApowy PmpanyMsopmed,MOriftev ,Emldnmental MCASTudin Voice 0 RPTTF S
bonewthe UMMSletes ofAmomard the CltyofTurIPEW 22 Nomed"led Rol Estate ddgs0omofChy retained M
Othe Famw Nome CrpsAh bilontio0n Nano IaMedmudl mnayamdpmpenim.The
Irdudm eel mompmem aMdNpool,pdpmty
manpamodrd runkmtlon.DwKedmMradWNry
dude adywaoddedvOh eeW msepmlMtaM dhpaal
udwVaVPoCamddad la AowYtt.Canoweal
IppmaeuaAtadldhmngard�lo mdamellFOC
Apmmem m0 flue Blaf em Inmmd was m req mated
54)EmwlcDevdkraMCa"=FOC)ApplimibnfmklsdmCDrx 4011=RdmommdAgency tlolgel!»redCJlyMpolM hl lMryln lhammymad MCAS Timor vallm 0 RPTTF S
AlrSm0on(MCAS)TudnisAmerded meprym Mirlolbsum Pmnadgadih010.To
IrdudeaMd meapmnedeMdepmel,pmpMy
meogwnmteM mnMletlon Dked pmfed rdekddlklp
oda smaYkd A#h sed me�emem Md demd auris
IhEOLem lldeinpaw011.ComadMi rmparaa wets
fadolhwmpmd esuMarmeEDCApmomad M0be
uOy4dlpaed eMAues requokdky dre0epmnod
of Nary
55)Contufor Development Mylveil Oh0712DtODMem*sR*arM Implmwdum Path are Sony mcm7uido AND &Am RPTTF S
60)Cam heEntreating a Nonny 0111111m10RBF11)" PkndaAerdSnd mpewvbm MCAS Tudn 111 35,042 RPTTF 4,675 4000 ON 4,111110 00 4,000 S 14,675
M1CannatapmnApSwvbm mID71211O8M5Ame5eds mpemwo0a%anentSmgry WASTMdn M,ODD 15,000 RPTTF 6000 S,Om f ID,m0
40 Camamfor Fnpiawirg Serkm 0Op1I010NaukmBAsMdaM Akpallla SWlopy AAmpoialy kM MCAR Tadn 218,5& 74,880 RFTTF 14,318 S 1018
51)CarAmdfmFlandalAaysis DIIKWIWAS TLoan 47,60D 34,160 R!" 51191 Vol 6791 5,791 5,101 6705 S 30,150
ddddwa d eeMoeeds eeodded x2h Osd®rmM
m)NOWORdSOdesey SkderpknkMCAS Tulin 12SA71 1420 RPTTF on OADD 13,mD 12= 5,m0 6101 S 65.401
81)WebdNe HoninpApemMl 1ODO1MOCmmmpm.LLC WeSme MNlyfameMCASTudieNbma k40A5 Tulin IMI 1,11m RPTTF I 150 150Ira 1 Ira I40 S gm
W)Camedtortemmpir 001812&8 Na800l ConmugbnflmMl hm Fina npda amawat MCAS Tuon WAS Toe 11AN 1,7101 RFTTF I X01 2001 2MI 200 20S 1,20
M)Cammdta5mbdenrmdeodwnmpMpnopmBm 1112Be1mS5pmmm tadsaphg AmidmenredOnd4vdyMmM WAS Tub 71,mB 71,&3APTTF 5,1134 5,834 5,031 5,1134 5,04 5,034 S 35,001
Tool OnDUN Plyabhfrom NRAdrvehplewftp n 7a Trurt Find(V"M
famretllAgrame,t %Iel dAmarAlrg Flml You Funding Pe °1)1 exed
Pow 14.1 DaM ON da P Ilon0ate paym Dead Ian ped An Deh Or061 Ihi 2011.2012" Scum Jen 2011 F62D12 I Mor2012 A 2012 Me 2012 AmM2 Total
641 Cwedry Caul Repullory Agmmem d Ded"of R20cho 0 W2010 Redmdapmem Agency Agencymanlmrorkdpldpaymard In i1.of leave aewMl MCAS Tulin Anevol Sw Rowdll RPTTF S
Davrlms aid Supplememel RegneMry Ap wum m dwvdeparemop0tawelh wrdredal wbr ffobable
Mueing kot om wtand to 153 e0omaMe luno wWn 163
Pm as To O.WINAPTTF fwde m alavalotto fund
Ihb wdwaede 1611gelbn,the ebll�tbe 31,111 be wasidemd
ea mamfrenn d tMINF funde
day-Ihl Ppp(RIMF Funding) ! 17469/157$ 1053173/1 S $ 5.244901 S 1,298541)$ 06605 S 112.515 5 110255 S 1404201 f 1626t188
miM-Page 2(Oft Feedirgl 1 08,537 S 127,047 WA $ 90,537 S 127,047! 121360 S 1213w S 1213w f 143711 S 732315
aleh-Page 3(AdmMvativeCost klovwna) S 613,350 S 013358 WA S - f 1 970 f 1625011 192070 S t018t0! 1111710 S 813350
aMh•Pepa4(PmThroPeynmlel S 101211/00 S 2450088 WA S S S S S 2 �8 S - S 2450088
fieMloMl•All m S 175570653 S 20475145 S 5,341,49811 1,58U3661$ 310055 1 395,306 S 30430111 17100711$ 20,28287&
'TM Pmltadnary@uR Ruapd3ad Mollgaba Paymm ModuhlROPSI Mia be mmphted by 31112012 by Ito mom mer apnagend nEuquenty be epw M bylbo on*bt board bafored.Mel RO1111 wbmlmedlo d.9MMConWherend SW Uwb.M a1 Flana 4 Apol 11,201E k la n1)a rorylnroMlhmtl.Apwd Opan Pmwdum Audkba uamplrhd hefma
wbMMn p tlro Md trvmlpM Apprbnd AO P1 to tl118taM OonbolMr and BM11 OuplMem d Flnen a.
"All toMuda dudnpAualyan endppm.M 1mnMe ero0roJMed
"'Funding uaaluu ham 1)w euaa4ulregp90yt IF01A4a12011.12 a9y,mhre9a4 M RPTTFmould eln mee9 fel lnam.nt elllnlud to Mu Agnry pdorto hbnury 1,10121
APTTF•RedcwlapmMFroportyTaTnatl Bande.Rondpmadu Other nwrva,roma,Imonagoeming3,eM
LMIHF.LwandhlodomtilnmKouilsgF.nd AdINn•SuaaaemtA n Adminlwfi%Mlmna
Nem dRebmWPftdPAemy SPorePApercvlo Oe Tud'o CommuNVRkenmmod Poem PORM B•dll RennmSm5 IMWThenFbiWopoed PmpmM TU TI W F"lOtTP(
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wmlffdm FbWYem Som
Pro MmO204NOM Mm EnMmDN Pe Dea(rdlon IAme 2tLLWgb1 2011.2012'° Jon 2012 Feb 2012 Mer2012 AV 2012 Md 2012 J0n2D12 Tdel
i)c4* iNE"mmedd%m MUM Prdh Smm MCAS 7W41 73,803 OR Bmde les 8487 ! 1157
2)CQrk0WOmTethSMdue M712014 NAG CamwdhnofiuAhAemhAood No l Omft&$WmDMeh MCASTWv 20,10 20,100 Bmdd 2008 f 20,100
3)Wdled6l CorehclanMenpameN =Oil Pmm"T®mmmtlmGmry Cmmrslhnmenpemen lP TuotlnRenmRoMiPMm1em21 MCASTWat 10.62,076 74I,157 Ows 50.767 10,00 100.10 IRA NOW 100.00 S 580.757
4)Corsolw EmAnmmdWWm 11m772010 Ymderrmd Commry RelAMAaMoomitm WCASTWJn 37,00 WAW Bmde 2311 f 2,311
51 MC48TWIn WHO 20,5% Bards 21,700 21,30 21,360 21,30 2130 21,30 S ut
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'7M PnNnImm7On1A R1a10dmd OMpdm Peymed Sehodde pIOPS�itlo Ir oanpNhd by 71117014 bydm oueeeueregrcy,emleuhugmdPym pprmmdbythwrdpM Bmrd 6ehm tlP find ADPS N evinnlNld2oNmBlnt CnddMl mdBMhOopnemd dWnMw hyAPl111,WIP,NNmlo nRdnmedBdMe A1mld UpmPnmdmYoAAMI V mmpNMdfelen ouhmHMpdo flrcl
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'"Fmdinp eaupefmmMm mepemroPrcY:IFm8m11101414 edy,Mnmen RPi1FeeltltleW memheircnmendlontbntM A0erc7pdmn Rhnnry1,381PJ
APRF•Redevdepmem PropdyToeTrvolFW Bome•Bond Pawde Olhr•nmrem,nen,lunummtgA em
L101F•LgvarAMmonnlrcameNwl Fum Allin•Buuwm AtlmkJetrWlrAlowerce
Name of Redevelopment Agency: Successor Agency tothe Tustin Community Redsvel0pmanlAgency FORMC•AdministrativeCostAllowancePaidWithRedevelopmentPropertyTaxTrustFund(RPTTF)
Projadlkea(s) RDA Protect Area All
Per AS 26•Section 34177 r)
Payable from the Admintstrative AllowanceJUlocatlon
Too!Due During Paymenlib momh
T*10olstanding Fiscal Year Funding
Project Name I Debt Oba8an Payee Description Protect Area Dablorob atlen 2011.2012" Source" Jon 2012 Feb 2012 Mar2012 Apt 2012 MaV 2012 Jun 2012 Total
1 AgreementforRelnbursementofCosk Employees funded by the Administrative Budget lot employees, At 813,359 813,359 AdmIn 0 162,670 162,670 162,670 182,670 162,678 $ 813,359
and CRYAdminishativeAgency SuccessorAgencyMet peon overhead&legal services needed for direct
Operations Loan'between to Successor Successorpgency scWBes as admhlelreYae operation.The 0versght
aney and the City and an Adminishadve needed for diredadministradve Board of the Successor Agency to dee
Budget pursuant leCalifornia Healhand operations aswell asoverhead Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency
Set*Code Won 34177g)(incimling andiegalservices, approved he administrative budget on
salary and benefits funded by he March 13,2012 and to Successor Agency
Successor Agency andadmindbaBvo adopted Succom Agency Resolution No,
cash,Admi dstradvecosts IncludeMe 1244 an March 20,2012 approvlg due
agreementwBh Woodruff,Spradin& Admlllstradve Budgetand approved he
Small$300,00010administrative legal "Agreement for RehnbursementofCosts
services and he Lease ofOMceSpace and Ciyl8malsorAgency Op s
$49,497) Loan",This amstmlfludwreannually
The Admhsba8va Budget was calculated In
accordance A Ceidomla Heath and
Safety Code Section 34171@j,5%of the
properly tax ailocmed to to Successor
Agency for FY 20112012,
2)ConbadPorLegalSerolces City Attorney•Woodruff, Legal counsel•public law&specialty legal AD Actual expenses Actual expenses Admin
Spradih&Smad(Including council as needed todtecdysupport were Induced In were Included in
Seeding YaccaCarson& administrative adv8ias.Wooduff,Spradlln theAdmhktradve IheAdminisda0re
Routh;Remy,Thomas,Moose&$manalso provides legal services under Budget•Row81 Budget•Row#1
&Mono.Waters&Company:direct projedservices and these costs are
and Jeanette Justus) not doubie-counledbetween adminkhah&
related 481 expenses and project-related
legal expenses.
3)Lease of Office Spa PN it Holdco,LLC Office space rent AN Actual expenses Actual expenses Admen
were Included In were Included in
heAdmintsaative MoAdminishative
Budget•Row#1 Budget-Row 91
4)Auditing 5ervim White,Nelson,NN.Evans, AudllingolannualAgMexpendBurea All Adual expenses Actual expenses Admen
LLP were Included in were inclldod in
theAdminktrathe IheAdminishative
Budget-Row#1 Budget•Row#1
Totals•This Page $ 813,359 $ 813,32, 16200 $ 16 670 $ 162,670.$ 162670 $ 162,679.6 013,359
The Preliminary DraftRecognlaedObligallonPaymentScheduleCROPS)IstobecompletedbyNIRD12bythesuccessoragency,andsubsequentlybeapprovedbytheoversightboardbeforethefinalROPSIssubmittedtotheStateCoa lMrandStateDeprumentofFinancebyApd115,1012.&
Is nota requirament[hat the Agreed Upon Procedures Audit be completed before submitting the list Oversight Approved RODS to the State Controller and Slate Department of Finers,
"AN total due during fiscal year and payment amounts are projected.
-Funding sources from the successor agency:(For fiscal 201142 only,references to RPTTF could Coo mean tax increment allocated to theAgency prior to February 1,2012.)
RPTTF-Redevelopment Prope"TasTruatFund Bonds-Bond praeeds Other•reserves,rents,Interest eamhgs,etc
LMIHF-LowendModerateIncomeHousingFund Admin•Successor Agency Administrative Allowance
—"Administrative Coot Allowance caps ore 5%of Form Akonlhtotals In2011.12and 3%of Form AB•monlhtotals In201243.The calculation should notfactor In pastthrou menta paid for with RPTTF In Form 0,
Name ofResimlopnentAgency: SuccessorAgencytothe TudnCommunoRedev*pmedAgency FORM D-Piss•ThroughPayments
PralectArea(s) RDA ted Ara M
Per AS 26•Section 34177(")
Pass Through and Other Payments""
Total Due During Payment b month
Fh�Year Source of
P dNamel0eht06IBan Pae Descd on PmedArea Debt orObl alion 2011.2012" Fund'" Jan 2012 Feb 2012 Mar 2012 Apr2D12 May 2012 Jun 2012 Total
1 City 0Tus9n CllyofTustln pass thru payments per AD 1290 General 5,040,123 76,580 Rn 76,E
$ 16560.00
21ITusthUnitedSchoolDistrid(TUSD) TUSD pass thrupayment perA81290 General 56,531,660 856,850 RP1TF 858,850
$ 858,850.00
3 Sada Ana United School Dlddd(SAUSD) SAUSD pass lhmpayments per AS1290 General 2,644,360 40,174 RpTTF 40,114
$ 4011400
4lrvhsUnified School District(IUSD) IUSD pass tmpayments per AS1290 General 43,344,635 658,506 RPTTF 658,E
g SaigrOrange Counly Community ColegeDlsiddSO= pass thmpayments per AS1290 $ 6 �00
General 21,465,488 326,111 APT1F 326,111 $ 326,111,00
g Rancho Santiago Community College DWAct RSCCD pass thmpayments per AB1290 General 581,388 8,833 RPTTF 8,833
7 Orange County Water Dhtrid(OCWD) OCWD pessthrupayments per AB1290 General 1,59DA27 24,165 RpTTF 24,165 $ 24,165.00
III Orange County Transit AulhomyIOCTA) OCTA pass thmpayments perAB129D General 544,294 8,289 RPTTF 812H
g Orange County Senita0on District(OCSD) OCSD pass Inu payments r AB 1290 $ 31no
P� Pa General 3,180,448 46,318 RPTTF 48,318 318.00
1 0110rangeCoutyLlbnuyDWO County afOrange pass tru payments per AS 1290 General 3,234,474 49,139 RPTTF 49,139
$ 49,139.00
111 Orange County Depwttmed0Education County of Orange pass ihmpayment per AS1290
General 4,048,516 61,507 RPTTF 61, 1 $ 61,507,00
121 Counly of Orange CcuntyolOrange pass thmpayrrientspar AS1290 General 11,950,812 181,562 RPTTF 181,562 $ 161512.00
13 Orange County Flood Control District CountyotOrange pwlhmpayments per AB1290 General 3,835,858 58,276 RP17F 58,276 $ 58 tloo
14 Orange Cop Harbors,Beaches,B Parks Ceuntyof Orang8 panthm payments per AB 1290 Genera! 2,965,150 45,048 RPTTF 45,048
$ 45,048,00
15 tkageCcuntyVedorConkdDisldd CouatyofOrange pass thmpayments perAB12M General 216,911 3,295 RPTTF 3,295
$ 31295.00
161 Orange CcudyCemetery Dislrld(OCCD) OCCD pass thmpayments per AS1290 General 96279 1,463 RPTTF 1,4$9 $ 1,463.00
Totals•OtherrObli Allan $ 181271999 S 2, 0,098 1 S S $ $ $ $ 2450,096,00 11 $ 2,450090,00
'The Preliminary Draft RecognlcadObligatIonPayment Schedule(RODS)Is to be completed by 311012 by the successor agency,and subsequently be approved by the oversight boom before the Ord ROPS Is submitted to the State Controller and State Department offinancebyApril 15,
2012.it Is not a requirement that the Agreed Upon Procedures Audit be completed before submitting the final Oversight Apprmd ROPS to the Slate Controller and State Depiftent of FInance.
"All total due during fiscal year and payment amouds are projected.
Funding sources from the successor agency;(Forfiscai 2011.12 only,teforces to RPTTF could also mean tax hcremard allocated tothe Agency prior to February 1,2012.)
RPTTF-Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund Bonds•Bond proceeds Other•reserves,rents,Interest earnings,etc
LMIHF-LowandModerateIncomeHousingFund Admin•Successor Agency AdninletrathmAllowance
"-Only,the January through June 2012 ROPE should Include expenditures for passthrough payments.Starting with the July through December 2012 BOPS,per NBC section 34183(a)(1),the coumyauditor conlroilerwill make the required pass•hrDugh Payments priorto transferring
ma Irdo the successor agencft Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund for Items listed in an oversight board approved ROPE.