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03 CUP 2012-10
1 EM4�3 AGENDA- REPORT MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 9, 2012 TO: PLANNING COMNIICCIOI\9 FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPAR T NIi EN T SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL. USE PERWT (CUP) 2312 -13 AFIFL,I QA�1\1 a S, MICHAEL J. IDENIORATZ LINDBURGH M. MCPHERCON 310 S. PASADENA IENUE TUS IT IuI, CA 92730 N]ICHAEL J. DEMOfP,/'-\TZ, TRUSTEE L9N'DBUIRG !I 1. N]CP HERSOiN, (TRUSTEE 310 S. LP'ACAD ENA AVENUE TUC TIN, CA 92730 `LO�AT10�7\9. 310 S. 171ASADEu`\9A AVENUE LOW DENSITY RECII EN T IAL ,?0N 01 \9? SING LE- F- A�J,ILY RE &D I%ITIAL (R °1), CULTURAL RESOURCE OVERLAY DISTRICT (CR) /;q95 I I�IG L,AN!� U E SINGLE FAI\MLY RESIDENCE 7c �R0dl\9W7 EM TAIL STATUO5 THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT (CLASS 1- E ; i1STING FACILITIES AND CLASS 3- SMALL NEW FACdLITIES) PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 15301 AND 15333 �OIF THE ��� J��'R,\ljN0, �, ���L a� u idea ✓IRuv\,,FA \,\1J AL �21,ALITY, ACT R QL�E -9 -T THE REQUEST IC FOR PLANNING COMMISSION R�COIilil�j1END,ATIOiN OF APPROVAL OF CUP 2312 -10 TO THE cC9T``T COUNC9L TO ALLOT 9 A Mme; INIUN /l OF 24 PAID OUTDOOR EVENTS PER YEAR AT THE EXICTIINNG SINGLE FAIV✓lILY RESIDENCE AT 310 C. PASADENA AVENUE CUP 2012 -10 ®ctcber 9, 2012 Page 2 9DAU13�]]AL7sRNATIVES: Pursuant to Tustin City Code Sections 9252c and 9252-j2(a)(2 )9 the Planning Commission serlas in an advisory capacity to the City Council on all matters relating to the cultural Resource SCR) District and on all conditional use permits for non -hated uses which support tthe purposes of the CR District. As such, the f0llOVJing is a recommendation and/or al °ternatives available: ® Adopt Resolution Flo. -4207 recommending that the City Council approve Condu'tional Use Permit 2012 -10 determining that the proposed project supports the purposes of the CR District and authorizing a maximum of 24 ,paid outdoor events per year at the sNisting single family residence at 310 S. Flasadena Avenue; or In the alternative the Commission may take one of the follm ping actions: Direct staff to prepare a resolution recommending that the City Council deny Conditional Use Permit gg g_ 3 ,� ;th `indi ngs that the use does not support the purposes of the Cry District and findings for the denial of a conditional use permit. Direct staff to evaluate the merits of initiating a General Flan Amendment and Zone Change to change the General Plan Land Use Designation and zoning designation Of the property at 313 S. Pasadena from Loss Density Residential and Single Family Residential (RI) to High !Density and Multiple f=amily Residential (R3); and detsm ins that the proposed use is similar to social halls, lodges, clubs, etc. A�wHch are conditionally permittted uses in the R3 District. CUP 2012 -10 October 9, 2012 Page 3 APPROVAL. AU i1 C-lOf3] a Y The project site is within the Cultural Resource (CR) District and Single G arriily 'Residential ( "RI [District. Pursuant Ito Tustin City Code (`EGG) Section 9252j2(a)(2), the Tustin City Council may consider a proposed non - listed use of a property within 'the CR District �,ftjhen the use supports the purposes of the Guy District, following a public hearing and recommendation by the Planning Commission. The purposes of the CR -District are, as identified in TGG Section 9252a, to: 1. Safeguard the heritage of the City by preserving neighborhoods, structures, sites and features which reflect elements of the City's cultural, architectural, artistic, aesthetic, political, social, natural and engineering heritage. 2. Encourage public knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the City's past. 3. Strengthen civic and neighborhood pride and a sense of identity based on the recognition and use of cultural resources. 4. Provide the private and public enjoyment, use and preservation of culturally significant neighborhoods, structures and sites appropriate for the education and recreation of the citizens of Tustin and visitors to the City. 5. Enhance the visual and aesthetic character, diversity of architectural styles and aesthetic appeal of the City. 6. Enhance ,property values and increase economic and financial benefits to the City and its inhabitants. 7. Assure that new construction and subdivision of Dots in the Cultural Resource District are compatible with the character of the district. 3. ldentify as early as possible and resolve conflicts between preservation of historic and cultural resources and alternative land uses. lNP a U3©7L9C a 10W9 This staff report provides the Planning Commission with an overview of the project site background, project proposal, policy issues, conditions of approval and findings and is organized as follows: • BACKGROUND — A (brief description of the site and siUwmr nding properties • DISCUSSION — A discussion of the project description, proposed operational conditions and the applicants' justification for meeting the purposes of the Cultural Resource District • ANALYSIS — A discussion of staff analysis regarding policy issues, noise, parking and traffic, conditions of approval, and General Plan consistency • FINDINGS — Findings necessary to grant the proposed request • PUBLIC INPUT — A summary of letters of support submKted by the applicant and correspondence received by the City • 01P7IONS — A summary of available options for Manning Commission consideration CUP 2012 -10 October 9, 2012 Page 4 sfla and Saarroun, ding YPrpP9TJaS The project site is located on Pasadena Avenue north of Main street, south of ������ street, 1v�jest of jMyrtle Street, and diireotly east Of (abutting) the Costa Mesa (SR -55) Frasix,-zly (Attachment 3 - Location �jj12p. Surrounding properties directly to the east and north are detached single - family residences, to the south are multiple- family residences, and to the �,,�jest is the fre3M,19ay right -of -way. Beyond the single - family residence immediately to the north of true property is the Tustin Water Seriice's ;Pasadena 1VsH site. Figure 1 sholus the subject property and the zoning designations of surrounding properties. The project site is the only R-1 coned Property to the vjost of Pasadena Avenue. The property is also located ����thin the �uitural Resource (�R) 01;erlay district, ,��here a Certificate of ,ppropriateness Ajould be required if the project is approved. ase�en aW I 1 E C,A The project site is an approximately 17,000 square foot iot improved a '�NAJo -story main house o�n 'the front of the property, commonly referred to as `y1vjiicox ltj�anor," that was built in 1080. the main house is listed on the City's 1990 Historical Resources Surrey Report as a Craftsman style building -with are "A" rating, signifying the highest architectural and historical significance and integrity, it is rated `442" - (may be ellgi!ble for the National Register with more research) on the City's 2003 Historical Resources Survey. Also on the site is an approximate 920 square fco °t N110- story, detached carriage house, Which �jllas approved by the City in 2010 as a guesthouse. The carriage house accessory building is also listed on the 7990 Historical Resources Surrey as being built in 1000 in the Victorian - ltalianate style, and has a "B" rating due to some alterations made to the building. The carriage house is rated "4ST' - (may be eligible for the 'N9ationai Register �YAjhen integrity is restored) in the 2003 Survey. The structures have been used as a stage stop, hotel, and subsequently as a carriage house, garage, and apartments (See Altachment C - Justin J'Llistorical Survey excerpts, for the survey sheets. At the CUP 2012 -10 October 9, 2012 Page 5 request of the previous property ownsT, no sUrrMY sheet IjAjas puNishad in 1990 °for the main house). Concurrent to receiving approval for the accessory gues,hoLlse, the property o?y��r�ers constructed a 352 square foot addition to the rear Of the main house, a 957 squW3 foot covered Patio that ataachss the main house to tike carriage house, and a separate D,1V0 -car garage in front o°f the carriage hOLIse accessory b��king. A portion of the first floor of the accessory building was used a garage at one time, but the original carriage doors had since been re ied ith vi places aluminum sllding glass doors. The 2pplic2nt converted the garage space to Nving space, removed the sliding glass doors, framed in a Viall on true interior, and restored the appearance of carriage doors On tha fapade. It should be noted that portions of 1ha roar of the property �,iere takmn for th-s creation and widening of the costa j�✓7esa (SR -55) F reelivay. The roar of the accessory buiUng (portion used for storage) has are approximate one (1) foot setback from true roar property lire, where a five (5) foot setback is tYipicallY required in tine 1R -1 zoning district. Section 9273(e) of tie TCC, 1jAjhich addresses l"\�lonconforming S«rLIctUres and 'Uses, states that any use, building, or structure kviihich is legal and conforming and made "non-conforming" in design or arrangement due to acquisition of public right- of -�jajay, squall b exempt from nonconforming sta "us. Since the property has been subject to acquisiaoon for right- of- �, ,Ajay purposes, the property true is f��ll� conforming to tie district standards under te said section. Vii a U S 11©M Projact DcscripJora The applicants are requssJng the approval of a conditlonal Use permit to alloaill a ma durum of 2,4 paid outdoor everts, such as weddings and receptions, per year at the existing single family residence at 310 S. Fasadena Avenue. The events ��k�ouid be ancillary to the eAsting residence and vioLk be held only in the yard areas of the property and not vAthin tie house or accessory guesftuse. According to the owners' application, most events lvuoulcd take place on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, and a maximum of 200 guests are anticipated at each event. It is anticipated that events viould °take place more fr- quenutly during )yAjarmer mon,�hs than during the winter. CUP 2012-10 October g, 2012 Page 6 The appllcants hams proposed to provids parking a�t an parldng Iost. They have made arrangements �j?iith 'the o�vvner of the commercial property at 621 VA]est First street, and a shuttle serlice, :to prove ds parking and transportation to and from the event site. T�jivo (2) continuously running courtesy shuttle vans �,xould be provided at each event. Guests of any eNJentt Vrould be advised of this parking arran�err�ena through their invitation °to the event anti 'than no svem� parking vAI be alloved at ahe wedding venue site or on Pasadena AvenUS. The otu-site parising lot �iAjould not be used uor event parking during business hours of the businesses that utilise `the approved off- sits paring Iot. 9i°th respect to nolse control, the applicant has indicated that any lives, recorded music or �qoioe amplification generated on the property liaiould be limited babAjeen 11:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on Friday, 52turC12y, or Sunday evenings. For events occurring during �,rfsskdays (Nonday'through Thursday), amplified music would be discontinued by 9:00 p.m. in conjunction p ith their request, the applicant is proposing to demoNsh the storage rooms located at the rear of the guesthouse and constiructi an addition consisting of four restrooms, one of which NjAjould be handicap accessible (See belMA] and Attachment D — Mans Submitted). Site Plan In justifying their proposal, the applicants have provided their interprettation of how the proposal supports the purposes of the Gt district (a requirement by the Tustin City Code to approve the Conditional Use Permit) as Poll ws: 1. Safeguard the heritage oU VNo City by preservinr_g neighborhoods, structuFez, ziae3 and feaaarroz which reflo(z Mo,mznlz of the Mly's cultural, a��h� ectural, a 9�s�o, aesthetic, rpo0l` zs ni, social, n and onjon[s yrr1n j heritage. In May 2009, �svkh the me' rtty of the wo,-k complete, vis aflo�lived the house its first stuos16nu9 to the community. VIVo partic6loated as one ©f Me fa8tuMd homes on the Tustin CUP 2012.10 October 9, 2012 Page i Historical Society's Promenade of Homes. Approximately 750 poople toured the home that day. /o Emo ©L T@@al Pubs �c %, ncn' Ia,d2 o, unckc)Jz� @n(d1m0, zmd aPPjF "ao;1, 010c n o� hS C KY, 8 P'-:I 0s. Many residents of the City of Tustin had never seen the inside of this home, let alone knew of its very existence. its location on the portion of Pasadena Avenue that is uniquely a double cul -de -sac makes it hard to find ,unless you know where you are going. We fully recognize that along with a home of this importance comes an immense responsibility to safeguard and preserve a home like this for the cultural and architectural heritage of the City of Tustin. Following this event, we invited many of our new found friends and those who appreciate this home's past to become docents for our home. There are approximately 20 individuals who makeup the Wilcox Manor docent Guild, each having been trained on the nuances of the historic nature of the home, its contents and the grounds, they take turns telling the story of the home to our guests at charitable events. o &ITamgthan and nalo borhood PTidz Zm`I @ ZanZe o °t idan U y b2zsd on ohs rrscognition and u a o'l cuKurai resouresz. We have hosted and fully funded numerous charitable events for many of the City's charitable organizations with a specific focus of strengthening civic and neighborhood pride and instilling a sense of identity based on the recognition and use of our cultural resources. We /believe this has encouraged the general public's knowledge, understanding and appreciation of our City's historic past and appreciation of the cultural resource that Wilcox manor has become. In the nearly 5 years that we have owned this property, approximately 20, 000 people have come to tour its fully restored interiors and walked the constantly evolving landscaped gardens. F''oovids the private and public enjoyrnom, use and piTzssrvation of culturally zigniuocant neighborhoods, structures and z Kes appropTims for the education -,imrl r o�o��oon of the citizens of T"stirs and visi'lo( 3 to the Clly, Of the two of us, LLindburgh McPherson has been more involved as a (board member in numerous organizations in the City of Tustin than i, including the Tustin Area Historical Society, Tustin Preservation Conservancy, Tustin Council for Fine Arts and the Tustin Community Foundation and has become intimately involved in the promotion of the cultural heritage of our community. Wa have worked tirelessly not only to promote our home for private and public enjoyment, but we believe we are inspiring and encouraging others to follow our example to use and presenle culturally significant homes in City for the ongoing education and recreation of the citizens of Tustin and visitors to the City. W1e know that many visitors might never have come to Tustin, let alone Wilcox Manor because of our professions and work in other parts of California. We hava had many visitors from outside of California and at least a dozen countries as well. 5. Enhance the vlsu�� and chama �aT, diversity of architeclu 'Ta� styles and aesthetic appa,,O of Vhs Owning a historic residence under Mills Act Contract requires ongoing renovation and restoration to continue enhancing the visual and aesthetic character. As we do this we CUP 2012 -10 October 9, 2012 Page 8 know that we are supporting the diversity of VVilcox Manor's architectural style and the aesthetic appeal of the City of Tustin. 10istric� 27z, ©T 2hs i s�i�so Ever mindful of the responsibility, we added a two -car garage as new construction in 2009. VVo worked with our architect to match the garage design to that of the house. This was done so effectively that most people ere unaware that it is new constTuction. As we reside in a historic home, we have worked closely with the City of Tustin to resolve the lack of permits from previous owners and address safety and code violations of this home for the longterm by bringing structures up to code and participating in the Mills Act program thus strengthening the ties to this City's cultural and architectural heritage and increasing the value of the property as well. Z i<=1-1h'zrc ' P..70peAy v,-]9u es @ n d 1 nC 'Ta 'a 3Z a coo noMiZ; '-�I i-f Iid '71nQ n ZZ a0 bzrsgi�s �n �Na Ci'�y, znd ids inhabitants The reel estate market literally crashed the month following the purchase of this home, making it more of a challenge and financial risk to us as we have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into the restoration and upkeep of 'Wilcox Manor. Thankfully, we are mare from recent appraisal data that we have greatly enhanced the property's valve and feel strongly that this has impacted our neighbors' home values as well. We believe this is far-reaching and the potential economic and financial benefit translates to the greater City of Tustin and its inhabitants. Our philanthropic activities predate ownership of this property by many years. So we are not new to the importance of sharing what one has to benefit others. From the start, we have shared our home as a location for charities to benefit by hosting an event or fundraiser. We know that it is very costly to past on an event in a hotel or other similar venue. The cost of a unique venue is really just one aspect; we always include tables, chairs, linens, table and glassware as well as all of the serving stations. We know that on average this has saved each organization from $0 -5000. By including all of the rental ;terns it has enabled them to maximize the funds they raise. Please refer to Exhibit C for a more detailed overview and impact of our charitable activity over the past 4 years. Our goal of having a conditional use permit approved for Wilcox Manor is to allow us to continue our philanthropic activities and at the same time allow us to charge for groups wishing to hold a wedding, birthday party, or corporate event at Wilcox Manor We are seeking approval of this conditional use permit to allow us the ability to hold 24 paid events ,Der veer These will consist of wedc.ings or similar celebrau`o;� evcoots. o onus conditional use permit is not seeking permission for food preparation or for us to be licensed to serve alcoholic beverages. Any groups will engage and pay separately for caterers with proper licenses and approved offsite- cooking facilities directly. For the comfort and enjoyment of our guests the maximum guest accommodation is 200 persons without a dance floor or 950 persons with a dance floor We currently have plans in the queue for approval to allow us to increase the number and type of restroom facilities on the property to accommodate both the volume as well as anyone attending who may have special needs. Nlzr oUTy 2-9 S@Tly az p©ss!Ne and m*oc luo �on�Tftl ba"s ueorn anf CLgKL MM T5 0C MTCZ-9 @n27 @12smatovs hnnzl Over the almost 5 years that we have owned this wonderful prcpsrty, we have Sought ways to share it with others in oar community. We have held several Royal High Tees, hosted chamber musicians, classical voice performers and , entire symphony orchestra, a magician and other types of entertainment to Gravy 9 asu`s in for the purposes of raising funds for the commuanity. each time that we have opened thus home to the community we are conscious of the fact that we are mere caretakers of the property until this property passes along to the next caretaker. We have taken very specific stops over the ,years to ensure that this property will always be used for the benefit of the community as a cultural and historical heritage. For purposes of this conditional use permit application, it is important to proactively address any and ail] possible impacts to the surrounding neighbors and greater community by the following: Parking and traffic flow concerns are addressed in "Exhibit A" with offske parking, guests receiving instructions with their mailed invitations, posting of suns on the day of events and the provision of courtesy shuttles. Our noise minimization plan is reflected in "Exhibit 3 ". Charitable events and the twenty -four (24) paid events will follow the same rules regarding the size of event allowed and the need to follow the parking and traffic flow plans. We have addressed the areas that could potentially negatively impact the community while making it possible for the com munity to enjoy the Cultural Resource District and the unique appeal and attraction of a historic residence life Wilcox Manor. A JIVAL L ` -SI S Policy Issues In considering Conditional Use Permit 2312 -13, it is important that the Planning Commission consider and make recommendations to the City Council regarding the potential policy issues related to the approval or denial of Conditional Use Permit 2312 -13. The following policy implications should be considered: i) The appropriateness of assembly uses in residential neighborhoods. 2) Allowing assembly uses in the Cultural Resource District, and the factors that may influence the establishment of a precedent. 3) The appropriateness of using ors -site parking lots and associated shuttle services when deemed appropriate through tho approval of a conditional use permit. The proposed use of the residential property at 313 South Pasadena Avenue for outdoor events would be an ou,utdoor assembly use in a residential neighborhood. ;vents and gatherin -s su -cl` as the Old Town Tustin Promenade Home and Carden `four, the Old Town Tustin Art WaR, and various outdoor weddings and parties have been held in Old Town Tustin homes without significant disruption to the community. These types of events have also occurred in other Southern California cities. In reSSarching this issue, City staff obtainod information from the canes of Orange and Pasadena regarding outdoor events held at historic residences in residential areas. Both of these cities have approved conditional use permits for such uses and have successfully imposed conditions to ensure that the potential impacts of the events are properly mitigated such that neighborhood concerns have been addressed. CUP 2052 -10 October 9, 2012 Page 10 Other assembly uses, such as churches, schools, parks, and playgrounds are conditionally permitted in the Single Family Residential (Rl) zoning district. The appropriateness of assembly uses in residential neighborhoods may depend or several factors, including: 1) the type, intensity, and frequency of the use, 2) whether the neighborhood is predominantly single or multiple family residential, 3) the size of the lot, 4) the sensitivity of adjacent uses, 5) which mitigation measures are required, 6) the ability to secure adequate off-site parking, and 7) the level of experience and professionalism of the operators of the assembly use. All of these factors could influence whether or not a general precedent is established. jNot all parcels or neighborhoods would be conducJve to this type of use. Hence, review is on a case by case request and is subject to approval and /or denial of a conditional use permit. In addition to the policy issues, there are several operational issues that may or may not create impacts to the overall enjoyment of property or improvements in the vicinity or to the welfare of the City. These potential impacts relate to noise, parking, traffic, and impacts to historic structures and the district as a whole. Noise The residence at 310 S. Pasadena is adjacent to residential uses in three directions and to the Costa Mesa (SR -55) Freeway to the west. Live entertainment and /or amplified sound are proposed to occur at many, if not all, of the proposed outdoor events. Therefore, several conditions have been proposed to address potential noise impacts on nearby residents. Pursuant to proposed Condition 2.26 of Resolution Flo. 4207, the ambient noise levels resulting from the outdoor events shall not exceed the standards of the City of Tustin Noise Ordinance. In addition, proposed Conditions 2.2-/ through 2.29 of GResoJution Flo. 4207 should further minimize potential noise impacts on adjacent uses by requiring that amplified sound and music cease by 10:00 p.m. and by prohibiting the removal of equipment after 11:00 p.m. Parking and Traffic The applicants have proposed to provide parking at an off -site parking lot. They have made arrangements with the owner of the commercial property at 621 West First Street, and a shuttle service, to provide parking and transportation to and from the event site. The off-site parking lot would not be used for evert parking during business hours of the businesses that utAize the approved off -site parking lot. [because the off -site parking location and arrangements have the potential to change in the future, stag recommends through proposed Condition of Approval 2.7 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 4207, that a parking and traffic management plan for the off -site parking lot be provided a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days prior to the first paid outdoor event that utilizes the approved off-site parking lot. The parking and traffic management plan shall be prepared by a registered Traffic Engineer or a registered Civil Engineer with experience in preparing a parking and traffJc management plan. The parking and traffic management plan must emphasize measures that will provide assurance that event attendees will not be parking in the surrounding neighborhood. Additional conditions related to parking have been proposed to minimize potential impacts to the neighborhood, and to ensure that the approved off -site parking lot functions properJy and without significant impacts to neighboring properties or streets. For example, proposed Condition 2.13 of Resolution No. 4297 requires that a minimum of one parking lot attendant or valet be present at the approved off -site parking lot begirning no later than one hour prior to the event and ending once all vehicles have vacated the approved off -site parking lot. Duties of the CUP 2012 -10 October 0, 2012 Page I I attendant or valet shall include directing guests, limiting noise, discouraging loitering, and reporting any unusual activities to the applicant, property owner, and/or designated event coordinator. similarly, proposed Condition 2.17 of resolution No. A207 requires a minimum of one event attendant ` 'l® be stationed at the front of 010 S. Pasadena Avenue. Other Conditions of Approval In addition to addressing parking, traffic, and noise, conditions have been included in resolution Flo. 4207 pertaining to the maximum number of events and attendees, litter removal, alcoholic beverage service, lighting, emergency access, restrooms, and other items. These conditions are intended to mitigate any potential impacts related to the proposed use. Furthermore, as nosed in Condition Flo. 1.5, approval of Conditional Use Permit 2012 -10 serves as a pre - citation notice so if any conditions of approval are violated, fines may be assessed by means of an administrative citation as follows: $100.00 for a first violation; $200.00 for a second violation of the same ordinance or permit within one year of the first violation; or $500.00 for a third or any further violation of the same ordinance or ,permit within one year of the first violation. Condition 1.5 of resolution No. 4207 allows for an annual or more frequent review oft Conditional Use Permit 2012 -10 to ensure compatibility with the area and compliance with the conditions of approval. if there is evidence that the use is being operated in a manner inconsistent with the conditions of approval or is creating a nuisance or otherwise negatively or detrimentally affecting surrounding uses, the Community Development Director may i mpose additional conditions to eliminate the nuisance or negative impacts, or may set the matter for hearing before the Planning Commission and the City Council as provided under Tustin City Code Section 0203. At the conclusion of such hearing, the City Council may either revoke the permit or impose additional conditions as the City Council may reasonably determine necessary or convonient to eliminate any nuisance or minimize any negative impacts. General Plan Consistency Conditional Use Permit 2012 -10 is consistent with, and implements, the following General Plan Land Use Element goals and policies: Policy 5.5: Encourage the restoration and rehabilitation of properties in Tustin eligible for inclusion on the National register of Historic Places according t0 the rehabilitation guidelines and tax incentives of the National T gust for Historic Preservation. • Policy 6.5: Preserve historically significant str uctures and sites, and encourage the conservation and rehabilitation of older buildings, sites and neighborhoods that contribute to the City's historic character. Policy 6.11: Encourage the establishment of unique identity in the City's neighborhoods. Policy 7.1: Sroaden the City's tax base by attracting businesses which will contribute to the City's economic groMj h and employment opportunities while ensuring compatibility with other General flan goals and ,policies. CUP 2012-10 October 9, 2012 Page `J2 Goal 10: Improve and strong' hsn the Tustin Old Tmain Hrst Street area v'vith a unique pedestrian onvironmon°t and diverse mu,-, of goods, services, and uses. FollcJ 10.1: Improve the Old ij oven District's identity as the Gig's historical and architockural focus and its contribution to the City's economic bass. "J[\LL O �� � 97iON AL iL9 OL PERMIT "Conditional Use hermit" ailo�,/is the City to approve uses, if the property ovAIner meets specified conditions. Based on California case lass, conditional Luse permits run 111ith the land and Must be consistentt �ftjith the commuunuty's General !flan. VVJhen a conditional use permit is approved or denied, findings must be made to determine �diftthsr tine proposed use vAl be detrimental "o true heaith, safety, morals, comfort, and general v�>elfare of the persons residing in or vjorking in the neighborhood or vxhetihor of �jvill be injurious or detrimental to property or improvements in the vicinity or to true waifare of the City. Pursuant to Section 9252j2(a)(2) of the Tustin City Code, to consider a nonlisted Use such as proposed outdoor event venue within the CR District, 'the Tustin Cott' Code requires tlhat the use supports t ie purposes of the CR district as mentioned ,prop >ioUSly in the report. The proposed paid outdoor event use Supports the ,purposes of the CFFL� District in that: • The Proposed wise would introduce mangy first°timo Old it m xn Tustin Visitors to T ustin's Nstoric resources vvhich v ,A9ould foster knoliuledge, understanding, and appreciation of T ustin's past. • The proposed Luse vxould complement and bring recognition to a historic resource, yin \jihich 1Yvould promote tthe identity of Old ii miAin Tustin. • The proposed use lsjoWd aiio�jv for tine enjoyment and use of a locally significant historic property by Tustin citi7-ens and visitors. • The proposed use has the potential to directly and indirectly generate additional revenue for the Cite in the form of business license tax8s, sales tax, and transient occupancy to c. • The proposed use could be conditioned to avoid potential conflicts babikieen the events and the surrounding Cultural Resource District. G'u,urthormore, in determining ? jhether to recommend approval of the conditional use permit. the Planning Commission moist determine v /ljhether or not the proposed uses ±Ajill be detrimentai to the heal'lh, safety, morals, comfort, and general vjelfare of the persons residing in or v�orking in the neighborhood or whether it v�ill be injurious or detrimental to property or improvements in the vicinity or to the welfare of the City. A decision to recommend approval of 'Ns request may be supported by the folloviing findings: 1) The proposed use is authorized pursuant lo Section 9252j2(a)(2) of the Tustin City Code kivith the approval of a conditional Liss permit by the ii us'tin City Council, vihich may consider a proposed nonHsted Lisa of a property Within the CF-Z District vAjhsn the use CUP 2012 -10 October 9, 2012 Page 13 supports the purposes of the CR District, following a public hearing and recommendation by the Manning Commission. 2) The proposal is consistent with the Single F amity ('residential (RI) zoning district standards in that other assembly uses such as churches, schools, parks and playgrounds are also subject to conditional use permit approval. The proposed use is appropriate under the General Flan Land Use Element Low Density Residential designation in that similar assembly uses such as churches and schools are allowed when determined to be compatible with the neighborhood. 3) The proposed use is consistent with other private gatherings such as charity events and weddings and with other public gatherings such as home tours and promenades which have occurred on a regular basis without significant disruption in the Cultural Resource District. 4) As conditiored, Conditioral Use Permit 2012 -10 may be reviewed as often as necessary, by the Com munity Development Director. if the use is not operated in accordance with Conditional Use Permit 201 2 -1 0 or is found to be a nuisance or negative impacts are affecting the surrounding uses, the Community Development Director would have the authority to impose additional conditions to elimirate the nuisance or negative impacts or may initiate proceedings to rovoke the conditional use permit. 3) The proposed paid outdoor events mould be managed by the property owners who have experience hosting many outdoor charity events at 310 S. Pasadena Avenue. The City will rely on the property owners to fulfill the conditions of approval and comply with all [wilding /Safety Codes. 3) The implementation /applicatior of the proposed conditions would ensure compatibility of the proposed use with the surrounding uses and the `Dustin City Code. 7) The proposed ,paid outdoor events would be ancillary to the existing single family residence at 310 S. Pasadena Avenue and are not anticipated to result in parking impacts since an adequate number of parking spaces wilt be rewired to be provided at an approved oft -site parking lotto accommodate parking .needs. 3) The Tustin Police Department has reviewed the application and has no immediate concerns. PF LIBL M INPUT The applicarts submitted 21 letters of support with their application (Attachment A). Eleven (1 1) of the letters are from organizations. Ten (10) of the letters are from individuais, eight (S) of whom reside in Old Town Tustin. lncluded with the letters of support is an exhibit submitted by the applicant that shoes the property locations and names of the neighbors who ,provided letters of support. In addition to the letters of support, staff has also received three pieces of written correspondence (emails) which are included) in Attachment A. One email noted that the Dollar for Scholars, a group that raises money for scholarships for local students, indicates that they were quoted as not supportive of the application and therefore wili not be welcome to the Nlaror for future activities. Two emails were related to websites for catering promoting the Tustin Manor for special events. CUP 2012 -10 October 9, 2012 Page 14 According to the applicants, this information was published by a third party without their authorization and has since beer removed from the catering websites. OP MNS The Commission has several options available in considering the proposed request. The Commission could recommend that the City Courcil approve Conditional Use Permit 2012 -10 determining that the proposed project supports the purposes of the CR District and authorize a maximum of 24 paid outdoor events per year at the existing single family residence at 310 S. Pasadena Avenue. in the alternative, the Commission could direct staff to prepare a resolution recommending that the City Council deny Conditional Use Permit 2012 -10. if it is the Commission's desire to deny the request, findings for the denial of the conditional use permit should be articulated at the public hearing. Lastly, the subject property is the only Single Family (R1) zoned lot located to the west of Pasadena Avenue. Other lots to the west of Pasadena Avenue are zoned Multiple Family Residential (R3) in which social halls, lodges, clubs, etc. are conditionally permitted uses. The Commission in this case may direct staff to evaluate the merits of initiating a Zone Change and General Plan Amendment of the subject property to R3 consistent with adjacent lots which allow social halls, lodges, clubs, etc. with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. This alternative would only allow similar type of uses within the R3 district with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. fW-Scott Reekstir Elizabeth A. Binsack Senior Planner Community Development Director Attachments: A. Letters and Correspondence B. Location Map C. Tustin Historical Survey Excerpts D. Submitted Plans, Photographs, and Documents E. (Resolution No. 4207 ATTACHMENT A __ •-- -• IIL Index of Letters and Correspondence [sill Responding Party Type of Correspondence Bill Campbell (County of Orange) Letter of support Gretchen Whisler (Tustin Area Historical Society) Letter of support Erin Nielsen (Tustin Community Foundation) Letter of support Archie Dove (Tustin Community Foundation) Letter of support Ruth Q. Harrell (Vital Link) Letter of support Melody Mosley (Family Promise of Orange County) Letter of support Barry Silverman (South Coast Symphony) Letter of support Cambria L. Morgan (Orange County School of the Arts) Letter of support Jonathan Stone (Tustin Chamber of Commerce) Letter of support Sharyn Sakimoto (Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts) Letter of support Area map displaying neighbor support letters received Correspondence Patricia & Jose Perez (275 S. Pasadena Ave.) Letter of support Buster & Margaret Graves (255 S. Pasadena Ave.) Letter of support Doug & Karen King (740 West 2" St. Letter of support Rob & April Thompson (315 S. Pasadena Ave.) Letter of support Mary & Jeremiah Castafieda (320 S. Pasadena Ave.) Letter of support Ana Carillo (325 S. Pasadena Ave.) Letter of support Kaycee Howell (180 S. Myrtle Ave.) Letter of support Louise & Haines Waite Letter of support Michelle Wong & Richard Leon (265 S. Pasadena Ave.) Letter of support Donna Marsh Peery Letter of support Linda Jennings Correspondence Jeff Thompson Correspondence Ok n IF©BS BILL CAMP13ELL SUPERVISOR, THIRD DISTRICT ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS August 21, 2012 Tustin Planning Commission & Tustin City Council 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 To whom it may concern: RECEIVED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENCT OF-1 f am writing this letter to extend my support for a conditional use permit application for the owners of the historic Wilcox Manor, located at 310 S. Pasadena, to host weddings and similar events at the facility. Since hosting their first charity event in 2008, Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz have helped non-profit groups raise in excess of $350,000. Several Tustin area non-profit organizations have benefited from events held at the Wilcox Manor. Mr. McPherson and Mr. Demoratz have not only provided the use of this beautiful, historic home for events, but they have also provided the rental equipment, table and glassware, labor and set up, at their own cost. They have been generous with their home, time, and funds for the benefit of so many in the 'Tustin community and Orange County. Approval of the conditional use permit will enable Mr. McPherson and Mr. Demoratz to offset some of the costs that they incur from activities at their home and to continue to allow the use of the Wilcox Manor for events. Mr. McPherson and Mr. Demoratz have been committed to contributing to their community for many years. I whole-heartedly support their application for a conditional use permit to host events at the historic Wilcox Manor. Sincerely, BILL CAMPBELL Supervisor., Third District PAID FOR BY BILL CAMPBELL FOR SUPERVISOR • 1914 W. ORANGEWOOD AVE,, SUITE 201 - ORANGE, CA 92868 I'D41243639 • PHONE (714) 978-2721 - EMAIL: Billfor3rd@aol,com "11 r�ttsti E0. Box 18.5 Tt'still, Caltibriiia 92781 I'llone (714) 731-5770 1 11stil lnnusculll(fiat t. TIC t, August 14, 2012 To Whom It May Concern: r�cz1 'I , list ill Area 11SC[IIII 395 F1 Camillo Real Tlls(ill, ('aliti-mlill 92.780 %%vXX,.1 list filhiston%cmil R CEIVEC) AUG 23 2,312 COMMUNITY DEHVEt"OPMENT DEPT I am writing this letter to specifically address the application for a "Conditional Use Permit" of the property located at 310 South Pasadena Avenue, Tustin, now commonly known as Wilcox Manor. As the President of the Tustin Area Historical Society, I believe that our organization is in a unique position to address the merits of such an application. I am intimately familiar with the property, having known the owners, attended numerous charitable events and witnessed the painstaking restoration of this historic property almost from the beginning. The home, prior to Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz' purchase in 2007, had fallen into disrepair. The landscaping was non-existent, the historic trees nearly dead, the property needed every major system upgraded and or replaced. The fact that it languished on the real estate market for nearly two years is testimony to the fact that anyone purchasing it would have had to invest significantly to make the property livable and safe. In May of 2009, the initial phase of work complete, the house had its debut to the City of Tustin as one of the featured homes on the Tustin Historical Society's Promenade of Homes. Many of the residents of the City of Tustin had never seen the inside of this home, let alone knew of its very existence. Its location on a double cul-de-sac makes it hard to find or stumble upon. As a Historical Society we were thrilled to have a new jewel in the City of Tustin's historic district crown. These gentlemen have recognized the importance of safeguarding and preserving a home of this caliber for the cultural and architectural heritage of the City of Tustin. We recognize their contributions didn't end there — they have hosted and fully funded numerous charitable events for most of our city's charitable organizations, thereby strengthening civic and neighborhood pride and a sense of identity based on the recognition and use of our cultural resources. This has encouraged the general public's knowledge, understanding and appreciation of our city's past. In the nearly 5 years that they have owned this property thousands of people have come to tour its beautifully restored interiors and meticulously landscaped gardens. As members of the Tustin Area Historical Society, they have worked diligently not only to promote their home for private and public enjoyment, but inspired and encouraged many other homeowners to follow their lead to use and preserve culturally significant homes in the city for the ongoing education and recreation of the citizens of Tustin and visitors to the city. Visitors who might never have come to Tustin, let alone Wilcox Manor, have done so because Lindburgh and Michael's reach is far beyond the confines of the City of Tustin. Many events have drawn people from all of the surrounding counties in Southern California. By their painstaking and on-going renovation and restoration they continue to enhance the visual and aesthetic character and diversity of the architectural style of Wilcox Manor and thereby the aesthetic appeal of the City of Tustin. Several years ago they added new construction to the property with a two-car garage. They matched the design so closely that most people sense it too has always been a part of the property. Ever mindful of the fact that they reside in a historic home they worked closely with the City to resolve the lack of permits from previous owners and addressed the safety of this home for the long term by bringing structures up to code and participating in the Mills Act program, thereby strengthening the ties to this city's cultural and architectural heritage. In these tough economic times, real estate has been one severely affected segment of our economy. It is clear to anyone who has been to Wilcox Manor that they have enhanced their property's value and most likely that of their neighbors, thereby increasing the potential economic and financial benefit to the city and its inhabitants. We understand their neighbors are in full support of their Conditional Use Permit request Charitable organizations have also been affected by these financial difficulties. Our organization has been fortunate enough to hold more than one fundraiser at Wilcox Manor over the years. They have been extremely generous in donating the use of their residence for our events. In addition to the venue, they have included tables, chairs, linens, fine tableware, glassware and all of the serving stations as part of the use of the property. This has saved our organization thousands of dollars in additional rental costs and enabled us to maximize the efforts of our volunteers and guests in support of our mission thereby increasing the funds we could net from our events. We know that this has been done at a significant cost to the two gentlemen who own this property. We hope that the approval of this Conditional Use Permit will enable them to offset some of the costs of donating the use to charities like ours. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz, the owners of Wilcox Manor, continually demonstrate their commitment to organizations like ours and many others in this community. We fully endorse and support their application for a Conditional Use Permit and trust they will continue to be responsible stewards of this property and continue to enhance the surrounding community at large. Sincerely, Gretchen Whisler President, Tustin Area Historical Society TARS Board Members present at their meeting of August 13, when this item was presented, requested their names be listed as being individually as well as collectively in support: Pete Beatty Sindi Corwin Gary Siegel Erma Zwirner A.J. "Tony" Coco Wendy Greene David B. Smith Al Corfield Margaret Pottenger Gretchen Whisler s lookafter one another! Executive Board Archie Dove President Region manager OfficeMax Gene Micco chief Financial offlce, President Tustin Community Bank Scot Proud Relationship Manager Farmers & Merchants Bank Kay Kearney vice President- Grants President K & K Public Affairs Paul Irby Past President Attorney at Law Board Members Patricia Buttress Region Manager Edison, International Mary Lynn Coffee Partner Nossaman, LLP Susan Dobak Community Leader Scott Jordan Chief of Police City of Tustin Steve Kozak Director of Finance & IS Orange County Municipal Water District Maria Lazaruk Community Recycle Manager & R incorporated Leason community Leader Lindburgh McPherson Community Leader F Edward Reynolds President The Reynolds Group Community Advisory Council Kimberly Albarian Marge Kasalek Laurel Berkheimer Jon Kimbrell Ronal Bernstein Alice Kreitzer Sherrie Boutwell Jill Leach Debora Brawley Barbara,odolo Lori Browne Erin Moore Susan Browning Cindy Moran Julie Chay Sharon Nicola Sandra Chuang James Palmer, Jr. Jennifer Coulson Shelleyanne Rein Susannah D'Arcy Jodi Ristrom Lis Fortner Marge Redmond Wendy Greene Nancy Ryan Maggie Hart Sharyn Sakimotc, Jaime Haver Bonnie Solomon Maggie Hogan Christine Unbe Peter Holzer Charlotte Waggoner Irene Jones Gretchen Whisler Executive Director Erin Nielsen The mission of the Tustin Community Foundation is to promote and advance philanthropy in the greater Tustin area. (By partnering with its donors, 7CT supports non-profit organizations --and public institutions that -,ect ivel ,gg 311i3O, y address community zeds. "T2 OMMUNITIV DEVE-90PPe..,9,EgN7 0,EPr To whom it may concern: The Tustin Community Foundation's mission is to enhance and promote philanthropy in the greater Tustin area and Wilcox Manor has certainly aided our efforts, at a significant cost to the two gentlemen who own the property. Communities benefit from nonprofits because the services they provide help individuals, families and the communities in general address local needs and problems. Nonprofits strengthen neighborhoods and build unity. Thus, no one can deny that Wilcox Manor has had a positive impact on Old Town, the City of Tustin and the greater Tustin area. It's not just about fundraising .... Wilcox Manor has been the venue for our Community Volunteer Recognition Luncheon - now called "Superheroes of Tustin" - since it's inception in 2009. This event is not a fundraiser as the Foundation tries to keep ticket prices as low as possible to encourage attendance as individuals in our community who, like the owners of Wilcox Manor, selflessly give to others, are recognized. The luncheon is the best opportunity for organizations, schools and community leaders to network and build relationships to collaborate. Besides not charging a venue rental fee, use of Wilcox Manor includes tables, chairs, linens, fine tableware, glassware and all of the serving supplies as part of the use of the property, saving nonprofits thousands of dollars. This enables the Foundation to break even on this luncheon. Bottom line ... This important annual event would not be possible without the generosity of Wilcox Manor. Attached please find a list of Tustin nonprofits and schools that have attended this luncheon and thus supported the use of Wilcox Manor as a venue. We have had the opportunity to get to know most neighbors and we know that they are in full support of the gentlemen moving forward with the CUP for this property because they have witnessed the thoughtfulness the owners have had for the impact on their street. We took their support into consideration to make our decision and feel you should, too, as it speaks volumes. Everyone involved with the Tustin Community Foundation fully supports the Wilcox Manor CUP application and know that they will continue to be responsible stewards of the property and an important reason that Tustin is such a wonderful place to live, work, volunteer and play. The Board of Directors of the Tustin Community Foundation encourages you to look at their value to our community and approve their application. Sincerely, linn Nielsen Executive Director The following 90 nonprofit organizations and schools have attended, supported and benefited from the Community Volunteer Recognition Luncheon at Wilcox Manor: AWersgate Methodist Church American Association of University Women Ange|Food Assistance League Santa Ana Assistance League Tustin Beckman High SohoO| BeCkrnanHighSuhoo| - StudentaAoainst Destructive Decisions (SAO[}) Big Brothers Big Sisters Blind Children's Learning Center Boy Scout Troop 243 Red Hill Lutheran Church & School Single Moms Ministry 8oroodnnist International Of Santa Ana -Tustin St. Paul's Episcopal Church Sunday Suppers The Hanger atTustin The New Jerusalem Foundation The Red Cross of Orange County The River Church ofOC The Wooden Floor, formerly St. Joseph's Ballet Town & Country Philharmonic Tustin American Legion Post 227 Tustin Aquatics Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts (TACFA) Tustin Area Historical Society Tustin Area Man/Woman of 'the Year Tustin Area Republican Women Federated Tustin Area Senior Center Tustin Area VVonn8ns Club /TAVVC> Tustin Chamber [fCommerce Tustin Community Foundation Tustin Dollars for Scholars Tustin Family & Youth Center Tustin High Educational Foundation Tustin High School Tustin High School - Students Against Destructive Decisions (SAOD) Tustin High 8ohOn| Cheer Booster Club Tustin High School Dance Team Booster Club Tustin High School |net,Unnento| K4ua/o Organization Tustin High School Model United Nations Tustin High School SVnoar Booster Club Tustin High School Super Boosters Tustin High School Volleyball Team Booster Club Tustin High School Wrestling T8@rn Booster Club Tustin Host Lions Club Tustin Police Explorers Tustin PONY Baseball Tustin Presbyterian Church Tustin Preservation Conservancy Tustin Pride Committee Tustin Public Schools Foundation Tustin Santa Ana Rotary VIP -Volunteers in Policing (Tustin Police Department Volunteers) Voices of Tustin Boy Scouts 33 Boys and Girls Club ofTustin Central Orange County Area Panhellenic Community SeniOrSery Composer Countdown Congregation B'nei Israel Council onAging Currie Middle School Divine Choices Families Forward Foothill Communities Association Foothill High School - Students Against Destructive Decisions /�A[)O> ` ' Foothill High School Instrumental Music Program Foothill High School Lacrosse Booster Club Friends of Read Orange County ^ Friends of the Tustin Library Greater DC Youth Gen/iCeS He/en Estook Elementary School PTA High Hopes Human Options Joyful Foundation Knights ofPythias LEAP Learning Center Make o Wish of Orange County Mercy House Miss Tustin Scholarship Program Mission Hope Covenant Church Moment Christian Church North Tustin National Charity League (NCL) One[}C, formerly the Volunteer Center ofDC Orange County High School 0f the Arts Orange County Rescue Mission Partners in Parks with the Tustin Parks & Recreation Department Peters Canyon Elementary School PTA Pioneer Middle School PTA Red Hill Lutheran Church & School Single Moms Ministry 8oroodnnist International Of Santa Ana -Tustin St. Paul's Episcopal Church Sunday Suppers The Hanger atTustin The New Jerusalem Foundation The Red Cross of Orange County The River Church ofOC The Wooden Floor, formerly St. Joseph's Ballet Town & Country Philharmonic Tustin American Legion Post 227 Tustin Aquatics Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts (TACFA) Tustin Area Historical Society Tustin Area Man/Woman of 'the Year Tustin Area Republican Women Federated Tustin Area Senior Center Tustin Area VVonn8ns Club /TAVVC> Tustin Chamber [fCommerce Tustin Community Foundation Tustin Dollars for Scholars Tustin Family & Youth Center Tustin High Educational Foundation Tustin High School Tustin High School - Students Against Destructive Decisions (SAOD) Tustin High 8ohOn| Cheer Booster Club Tustin High School Dance Team Booster Club Tustin High School |net,Unnento| K4ua/o Organization Tustin High School Model United Nations Tustin High School SVnoar Booster Club Tustin High School Super Boosters Tustin High School Volleyball Team Booster Club Tustin High School Wrestling T8@rn Booster Club Tustin Host Lions Club Tustin Police Explorers Tustin PONY Baseball Tustin Presbyterian Church Tustin Preservation Conservancy Tustin Pride Committee Tustin Public Schools Foundation Tustin Santa Ana Rotary VIP -Volunteers in Policing (Tustin Police Department Volunteers) Voices of Tustin _ 3 3 a t` J.1 4 r " August Z20, 1 it's fbok,after one another! Execru iue Beard Archie love Pit'SiCrvlit To vnliom it may concern. Director OfsiceMax Gene Micco chietFnancalonipcer 1 am 'writing this letter in support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a "Conditional use Predt T,sttn Commtrlry Bank permit" to hold weddings and other similar events at this historical property in Old .scot Proud B S o-vvn i ustin. >ielationshify t+�anagas - inners & 11 erchans Bank Kay Kearney viceYresirdent -G'ams _ the Tustin Community Foundation directs charitable funds to the real and K&KPm � � K Ftsb#ic Attaits mediate needs and interests of our Tustin community. Since the Paul Irby Past President Attorney reorganization of TCF in 2088, the Foundation has awarded over $150,000to at Law Law at 4 i corn unity -wide programs arid. local non- profit organizations. Board iers Patricia Buttress Region Manager Bison, International �� Our organization has been fortunate enough to bold more than one fundraiser at Mary Lynn Coffee � Wilcox Manor. They have been extremely generous in donating the use of their Fortner Nossaman.LLP ' residence for our events. In addition to the venue, they have included, tables, Susan Dobak Community Leader chairs, linens, fine tableware, glassware and all of the serviri stations as art of the " Scott jordan use of the property. This has saved our organization thousands of dollars in Chief of Police City of Tustin additional rental costs and enabled us to maximize the efforts of our volunteers and Kozak guest s in support of our mission thereby increasing the m. s we could net from our ,i Director reetor of Finance & 3S or once county Municioal dater G,strict _ event. We know that this has been done at a significant cost to the two gentlemen Maria Lazaruk who lawn this ro ert . la Community Recycle Manager C R & R incorporated gg w munial eader We hope that the approval of this conditional use permit will enable therm to offset �dburgh McPherson Community Leader some of the costs of donating the use to charities like ours. Lindburgh McPherson F. Edward Reynolds and Michael Demoratz, the owners of Wilcox manor continue to demonstrate their e e n Tt7e Reynolds Group _a commitment to organizations life ours and others in the community. Cofrirnunity Advissinr Q4Uncil � Kimberly Albertan Marge Kasatek a t L L & i � e have had iii£; opportunity iii inset many of file neighbors Who have attended aural Be sein is Kreiptd Sandi Bernstein Alice Kreiyzer some of our events and know that they are in full support of the gentlemen moving � Debora Bent ## a Leach Debora Braw#ey Barbara t_cdcz#p 1 fo -ard with the conditional use permit for their property. p 1_ori Browne Erin Moore € g" Y ]i Susan Browning Cindy Moran JuiieChoy Sharon Nicola i We fury endorse and supports their application and trust they will continue to be Sandra Chuang James Palmer, Jr. Jennder Coulson Shefleyanne Rein responsible stewards of the property and the surrounding community at large. Susannah D Arry „4dl Ritrom =is Fortner Marge Redmond `Needy Greene Nancy Ryan 0aggie Hart she" Sakimoto Jaime Raver Bonnie Solomon i6Cerbi Y, Maggie Hogan Christine Uribe f 1 dater Hedzer Charlotte Waggoner ireneJones Gretchen Whis#er Executive Director Erin Nielsen 'if { r, OVe.l�reSlderlt w mission of the rIustrtz Comm Td uxrCatian is to ust" i Community Foundation promote and advance phifauthropy in the greater 1ustin area. a3y partnering with its donors, qVT 1upportS tuna- profit orgatuzZitio"s 6-,aQ pubht ZirStitUturhS that r ectivefy address community S. �� i August 14, 2012 To whom it may concern: "RECEIVED UG 2012 "OMMUN HTY CIEVELORWENT OEPT I am writing this letter in support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a -Conditional Use Permit" (CUP) to hold weddings and other similar events at this historical property in Old Town Tustin. The mission Of Our non-profit is to be the link between business and education to prepare students for the successful transition to a meaningful career and help them explore, discover, and connect to their future career. Our vision is that all students will graduate with an understanding Y of their career potential and through interactive programs expand their resources to select their future career. Vital Link has been fortunate enough to hold our Golden Link Gala and Career Educator Breakfast at Wilcox Manor. Lindburgh and Michael have been extremely generous in donating not only the use of their residence, they have also included, tables, chairs, linens, fine tableware, glassware and all of the serving stations as part of the use of the property, not to mention their personal time and effort in making our events successful. We were able to save thousands of dollars in additional rental costs and thereby maximize the efforts of our volunteers and guests in support of our mission. This allowed us to increase the funds we could net from our event. It is clear that this has been done at a significant personal cost to the owners of this property. We hope that the approval of this conditional use permit will enable them to offset some of the costs of donating the use to charities like ours. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz, the owners of Wilcox Manor continue to demonstrate their commitment and generosity to our organizations and others in the community. 1_� - We fully endorse and support their application and trust they will continue to be responsible stewards of the property and the surrounding community at large. I Sincerely, Ruth Q. Harrell Development Director P.O. Box 12064 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 646-2520 E C I V August 18, 2012 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter in support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a "Conditional Use Permit" to hold weddings and other similar events at this historical property in Old Town Tustin. I am the President of Family Promise of Orange County. We provide temporary shelter to homeless families through a network of inter-faith congregations. Since opening in February of this year, we have "graduated" several families to sustainable housing of their own, meeting our goal of graduating each family in less than sixty days. Because of Family Promise, the lives of children and families have been improved. We depend solely on donations to operate so we are very careful with our expenses. Our main fundraiser of the year was held on July 28, 2012 at the Wilcox Manor. The owners of the house generously donated the use of their facility for free. Use of a property of that size and quality would easily have cost a few thousand dollars if we had rented a location. The owners of Wilcox Manor also donated the use of tables, chairs, tablecloths, fine tableware, glass ware, hurricane lamps for table decorations, serving stations and serving utensils for the buffet line, microphone system, and advertiser board stands among other items I am probably forgetting to mention. These items would have been very costly to rent. They also met with us beforehand and spent several hours giving us advice in planning the event. Unbelievably, after donating all of the above for free, the hosts donated two dinners for twelve in the dining room of their historic house as part of our live auction. OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT 7 August 18, 2012 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter in support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a "Conditional Use Permit" to hold weddings and other similar events at this historical property in Old Town Tustin. I am the President of Family Promise of Orange County. We provide temporary shelter to homeless families through a network of inter-faith congregations. Since opening in February of this year, we have "graduated" several families to sustainable housing of their own, meeting our goal of graduating each family in less than sixty days. Because of Family Promise, the lives of children and families have been improved. We depend solely on donations to operate so we are very careful with our expenses. Our main fundraiser of the year was held on July 28, 2012 at the Wilcox Manor. The owners of the house generously donated the use of their facility for free. Use of a property of that size and quality would easily have cost a few thousand dollars if we had rented a location. The owners of Wilcox Manor also donated the use of tables, chairs, tablecloths, fine tableware, glass ware, hurricane lamps for table decorations, serving stations and serving utensils for the buffet line, microphone system, and advertiser board stands among other items I am probably forgetting to mention. These items would have been very costly to rent. They also met with us beforehand and spent several hours giving us advice in planning the event. Unbelievably, after donating all of the above for free, the hosts donated two dinners for twelve in the dining room of their historic house as part of our live auction. r AS The generosity of Lindbergh McPherson and Michael Demoratz, the owners of Wilcox Manor, enabled Family Promise to have a very successful fundraiser with almost all funds raised going directly to helping homeless families. I do not know of anyone else who would have been so generous. While we paid the cost to clean the tablecloths, we know that that simple payment did not make the owners "whole." Mr. McPherson and Mr. Demoratz were up early the next morning after our event helping us with the incredible work involved in taking down tables and cleaning up after an event for one hundred fifty people. An event for that number caused wear and tear at their property, unavoidable breakage of items, and other cleaning expenses and costs that they absorbed. We hope that the Conditional Use Pen-nit will help them to offset some of their costs of donating the use of their house to charities like ours. Mr. McPherson and Mr. Demoratz are making a positive difference in the community through their tireless efforts to support worthy causes, something even more important in recent years when donations to charities are down. Family Promise fully endorses and supports Wilcox Manor's application. We know that due to their passion for helping others, they will continue to be responsible stewards of the property and the surrounding community at large. If you have any questions or would like to see pictures of our successful event, please call me. 14ej Melody Mosley President, Family Promise 714 329-4989 fif r 4SOUTH COAST MPHONY Barry Slivernian 1111sic Dill-clol-&- Conductor' August 15, 2012 To Whom It May Concern: -AUG �Ckimut,jfry 0TVEL0Rv1EN7 This letter is in support of the Wilcox Manor in Tustin. I am aware that they are applying for a "Condiional Use Permit" to allow them to hold weddings along with other like events at this historical site in Old Town. Founded in 1996, The South Coast Symphony is a resident orchestra for Orange County. The 70 member Symphony's mission is to provide Orange County's diverse communities with a professional, accessible and affordable symphonic musical experience. The Symphony's eclectic programming is designed to entertain and educate while also attracting a whole new generation of patrons. The Symphony performs a wide variety of orchestra] literature from the Classics and Opera to Light Classics, Broadway and Pops. The Symphony's subscription series venue is at Crossline Church in Laguna Hills. The Symphony will be holding its second Gala this year at the Wilcox Manor to support our educational outreach programs, Koncertsfor Kids. It is only possible through the generosity of Lindburgh McPherson ,-,d Michael Demoratz. They have been most generous in donating the use of the Manor, along with ales, chairs, silverware, glasses, bar equipment, serving stations, dance floor, and the list goes on and on! This has saved us thousands of dollars in expenses making our event possible and profitable. We know that this has been done at a considerable expense to the owners of the Manor. With the approval of the "Conditional use Permit," the Manor will be able to offset some of the costs that allow Michael and Lindburgh to offer the Manor to non-profits such as ourselves. The Symphony strongly encourages the acceptance of their application. Most sincerely, Barry Silverman, CEO and Music Director SOUTH COAST SYMPHONY A non-profit public benefit corporation 13642 Winthrope Street 714-731-8079 Phone Santa Ana, CA. 92705 714-731-8079 Fax www.southcoastsymphony.org The South Coast Symphony is a member of the League of American Symphony Orchestras * Association of California Symphony Orchestras ARTS Orange County 4 �31 August 14, 2012 To whom it may concern: C - AUG 2 2 03 1? -NIMUNII-Y DEVELOFHMENT DEPT I am writing this letter in support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a "Conditional use permit" • hold weddings and other similar type of events at this historical property in the City of Tustin's Cultural Resource District. a 0=1 mr-H1019NIALA11111r.119 - ----------- OCSA provides a creative, challenging, and nurturing environment that offers bright and talented students unparalleled preparation for higher education and a profession in the arts. Our school has not only benefited financially but our students in both the Classical Voice and Instrumental Music Conservatories, through their performances and participation, have been able to share their special gifts in a unique and culturally significant setting as well as contribute to the City of Tustin's heritage. Our organization has been fortunate enough to hold more than one fundraiser at Wilcox Manor. Twice hosting our entire 70 piece symphony, they proudly exposed our students to an audience that might never have heard their talents. They have been extremely generous in donating the use of their residence for our events. In addition to the venue, they have included tables, chairs, linens, tableware, glassware and the service pieces as part of the use of their historic property. Thus saving our organization thousands of dollars in additional rental costs, it has enabled us to maximize the efforts of our donors in support of our mission thereby increasing the funds we could net from our event. We know that this has been done at a significant cost to them. We hope that the approval of this conditional use permit will enable them to offset some of the costs of donating the use to charities like ours. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz, the owners of Wilcox Manor, continue to demonstrate their commitment to the OCSA organization and others like ours in the community. We fully endorse and support their application for a "conditional use permit", we know by our experience and our trust in them that they will continue to honor the property and the surrounding community at large. Sincerely, Cambria L. Morgan Vice Presid iwi T t LIN CHAMBER OF COMMFRCE August 15, 2012 Lindburgh McPherson Wilcox Manor 310 S. Pasadena Avenue Tustin, CA 92780 Re: Wilcox Manor Dear Lindburgh, To preserve the free enterprise system, to preserve and expand the potential of Al business and professional enterprises, and to promote the civic c'ultural and social well being of the City of Tustin and surrounding community. -Ivr e Lz '("'MMUNITY DEVELOPMFNT DE:- We wish to thank you for letting the Tustin Chamber of Commerce use your lovely facilities at Wilcox Manor for some of our events. Your being a Chamber Member is a benefit to you in that being a member, we recommend Chamber Members to our other Chamber Members and people in the public looking for a venue for their events. Our chamber is very active with many events we hold throughout the year and the use of your facilities is mutually beneficial for both of us and we look forward to many years of working together. Sincerely, 'Jonathan Stone, Chairman of the Board Tustin Chamber of Commerce 7C �o West V' Street, site 7 * Tustinr, CA 92780 @ Tel 714-544-5341 (,'reathn, cominunitV thi-ough 1he carts Directors Jollaillan Ahdo�e "fll Amileus , 11)11% Buckle) Bob (a ev loc orpo is Di saia 'A end y Grecne Nano kam I s I elf) %Iatt lindauer Robert Machado indbunfli McPherson 1will Nlicofai Gloria Palk Slephanie',;chncider Arlene sipullons (doria '.-mN der JodN 'Ovedret %dvisory ("onimittee Oark Fhol ,iiunt ) rken 11allice X111101 Dfl% Id W lkon 0 � M - cl, IVE CZ, — 0) A U G • ! M AIMUNITY (-)�v�,_ `�`MENT DEP"r Dear Lindburgh and Michael, Along with many area non-profit organizations, the Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts has been the fortunate recipient of your generosity over the past few years. You have unselfishly offered our organization the use of Wilcox Manor on multiple occasions, all at no charge to TACFA. In addition to the venue, you have included all other amenities required to host a major event: tables, chairs, bars, linens, umbrellas, tableware, flatware, glassware, and in some instances food and spirits. The countless hours you spend in the organization of the events usually goes unnoticed by most. As you are well aware, TACFA is a 501(c)(3) dedicated to funding and administering programs that expand the arts in the greater Tustin area and enriching the entire community. Our programs include Art Masters, Student Art Invitational, Scholarships, Graphic Design Workshop, and our newest program Artscapes. Our signature event, Broadway in the Park, has been serving the city of Tustin for twelve years. We maintain a low ticket price to ensure that everyone can enjoy this uniquely American musical experience. You continue to demonstrate your commitment to our organization and many others in the community. Because of your steadfast and unwavering support, we have saved $30,000 in expenses for our various events over the past two years. This has allowed us to maximize the efforts of our board members, volunteers and patrons in support of our mission, and has enabled us to offer additional arts-related programs to our community. We are so thankful to you both for all that you do for the community. You are a treasure and an extraordinary gift not only to TACFA, but to the city of Tustin! Gratefully, Sharyn Sakimoto President TACFA i,,o. iiox 1 -45, -rustin. (-,,k 92781 TO: 714-518-5M9 I IV ww. ta C fil , 4) py cn M C_ ,_H FOR FINE ARTS Executive Committee P'eNl(f llt 'hary n Sakimoto Vice Pre5idclll Prmjarlis i,.� nda Blom Vice President C(O'.111111nicatloils Barbara 1,),icr ice Presidemi hilld Ooclopmicni flomp, Atzed, kaih Flanant Vice Ilresidcnt flroa&( aN m Ole Park Kaull"Mall Dr Paincia Machado N"AlUrer Sue I ��orlle Irlmnicillarlan Diane 'Aust Directors Jollaillan Ahdo�e "fll Amileus , 11)11% Buckle) Bob (a ev loc orpo is Di saia 'A end y Grecne Nano kam I s I elf) %Iatt lindauer Robert Machado indbunfli McPherson 1will Nlicofai Gloria Palk Slephanie',;chncider Arlene sipullons (doria '.-mN der JodN 'Ovedret %dvisory ("onimittee Oark Fhol ,iiunt ) rken 11allice X111101 Dfl% Id W lkon 0 � M - cl, IVE CZ, — 0) A U G • ! M AIMUNITY (-)�v�,_ `�`MENT DEP"r Dear Lindburgh and Michael, Along with many area non-profit organizations, the Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts has been the fortunate recipient of your generosity over the past few years. You have unselfishly offered our organization the use of Wilcox Manor on multiple occasions, all at no charge to TACFA. In addition to the venue, you have included all other amenities required to host a major event: tables, chairs, bars, linens, umbrellas, tableware, flatware, glassware, and in some instances food and spirits. The countless hours you spend in the organization of the events usually goes unnoticed by most. As you are well aware, TACFA is a 501(c)(3) dedicated to funding and administering programs that expand the arts in the greater Tustin area and enriching the entire community. Our programs include Art Masters, Student Art Invitational, Scholarships, Graphic Design Workshop, and our newest program Artscapes. Our signature event, Broadway in the Park, has been serving the city of Tustin for twelve years. We maintain a low ticket price to ensure that everyone can enjoy this uniquely American musical experience. You continue to demonstrate your commitment to our organization and many others in the community. Because of your steadfast and unwavering support, we have saved $30,000 in expenses for our various events over the past two years. This has allowed us to maximize the efforts of our board members, volunteers and patrons in support of our mission, and has enabled us to offer additional arts-related programs to our community. We are so thankful to you both for all that you do for the community. You are a treasure and an extraordinary gift not only to TACFA, but to the city of Tustin! Gratefully, Sharyn Sakimoto President TACFA i,,o. iiox 1 -45, -rustin. (-,,k 92781 TO: 714-518-5M9 I IV ww. ta C fil , 4) py .. IN w,4 ti I EMEN M I �tty= Description: Order: I Comment: F t. �tty= Description: Order: I Comment: E GE I V E D August 1, 2012 AIRG C'OMMUNITY OEVELL)RNIENT DEPT To whom it may concern: We reside at 275 South Pasadena Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780. I am writing this letter in support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a "Conditional use permit" to hold weddings and other similar events at this historical property in Old Town Tustin. We have lived directly across from 310 South Pasadena Avenue (Wilcox Manor) and have watched them painstakingly restore this property to its former grandeur. They have greatly improved not only its value and curb appeal but of our entire neighborhood and the Old Town Tustin community. We have witnessed them hosting numerous charitable events over the passed 4 years raising needed funds in support of organizations for the City of Tustin and surrounding community. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz, the owners of Wilcox Manor have demonstrated their commitment to the community by providing their property free of charge to local charities greatly increasing the amount of money going directly to the charity. Our family fully endorses and supports their application and trust they will continue to be responsible neighbors and stewards of the property. A/ Patricia De Perez Jose Perez �1� r C I CL.0covc- f August 1, 2012 'C"OV , A NUN ITY OEVELOPMENT DEPT To whom it may concern: We reside at 255 South Pasadena Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780. I am writing this letter in support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a "Conditional use permit" to hold weddings and other similar events at this historical property in Old Town Tustin. We have lived several houses down from 310 South Pasadena Avenue (Wilcox Manor) for almost 60 years and knew the previous owner of the property and sadly watched as the property deteriorated and then witnessed the new owners restore this property to its former grandeur. They have greatly improved not only its value and curb appeal but of our entire neighborhood. We have witnessed them hosting numerous charitable events over the passed 4 years raising needed funds in support of organizations for the City of Tustin and surrounding community. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz, the owners of Wilcox Manor have demonstrated their commitment to the community by providing their property free of charge to local charities greatly increasing the amount of money going directly to the charity. Our family fully endorses and supports their application and trust they will continue to be responsible neighbors and stewards of the property. Buster Graves Margaret Graves �ECEIVED G 2 0 12 August 1, 2012 A; COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT To whom it may concern: We reside at 740 West 2nd Street, Tustin, CA 92780. I am writing this letter in support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a "Conditional use permit" to hold weddings and other similar events at this historical property in Old Town Tustin. We live on the corner or 2nd and Pasadena just a block away from the property at 310 South Pasadena Avenue (Wilcox Manor) and have then witnessed the owner's restore this property to its former grandeur. They have greatly improved not only its value and curb appeal but of our entire community. We have witnessed them hosting numerous charitable events over the passed 4 years raising needed funds in support of organizations for the City of Tustin and surrounding community. We are volunteer members of several of the charities that have benefitted and know directly the impact on the charity of their support. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz, the owners of Wilcox Manor have 51 demonstrated their commitment to the community by providing their property free of charge to local charities greatly increasing the amount of money going directly to the charity. Our family fully endorses and supports their application and trust they will continue to be responsible neighbors and stewards of the property. Doug King IL-7 5-/ August 1, 2012 To whom it may concern: We reside at 315 South Pasadena Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780. 2 U, f 2 '- '042 COMMUNITY MzVELOPPOENT DEPT I am writing this letter in support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a "Conditional use permit" to hold weddings and other similar events at this historical property in Old Town Tustin. We have lived directly across from 310 South Pasadena Avenue (Wilcox Manor) for many decades and watched first this property deteriorate into disrepair due to neglect and then witness the new owners painstakingly restore this property to its former grandeur. They have greatly improved not only its value and curb appeal but of our entire neighborhood. We have witnessed them hosting numerous charitable events over the passed 4 years raising funds in support of organizations for the City of Tustin and surrounding community. We have attended many of these events and know the value the charities have received and the thrill many have experienced in seeing a restored historical property. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz, the owners of Wilcox Manor have demonstrated their commitment to the community by providing their property free of charge to local charities greatly increasing the amount of money going directly to the charity. We appreciate the consideration Lindburgh and Michael take to make sure our neighborhood is not inconvenienced during their events. They make us aware well in advance of an event, they begin and end an event on time, they do not allow events that last late into the evening, and there is not excessive noise. We value the planning they take to make sure that their neighbors and our neighborhood is thought of with no disruptions to our routines. Our family fully endorses and supports their application and trust they will continue to be responsible neighbors and stewards of the property. Rob Thompson April Thompson � August 14, 2012 'OMMUNITY DEVELOPNIENT D-C-PT To whom it may concern: We reside at 320 South Pasadena Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780. I am writing this letter in support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a "Conditional use permit" to hold weddings and other similar events at this historical property in Old Town Tustin. We live next door to 310 South Pasadena Avenue (Wilcox Manor) for the past 3 years and have witnessed the restoration of this property to the beautiful property that it is today. They have greatly improved not only its value and curb appeal but of our entire neighborhood and the Old Town Tustin community. Additionally we have witnessed them hosting numerous events for charities over the passed 3 years, these events have impacted us very little. We know that they raised needed funds to support many organizations in the City of Tustin and our surrounding community. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz, the owners of Wilcox Manor have demonstrated their commitment to our community by providing their property free of charge to local charities that greatly increased the funds to the charity. Our family fully endorses and supports their application for a conditional use permit and trust they will continue to be responsible neighbors and stewards of the property. Sincerely, M'ary Castafieda Jeremiah Castafieda 1—UtIVE D A U G 2 f3 2 a 12 August 14, 2012 'OMMUNITY DEVELOPNIENT D-C-PT To whom it may concern: We reside at 320 South Pasadena Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780. I am writing this letter in support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a "Conditional use permit" to hold weddings and other similar events at this historical property in Old Town Tustin. We live next door to 310 South Pasadena Avenue (Wilcox Manor) for the past 3 years and have witnessed the restoration of this property to the beautiful property that it is today. They have greatly improved not only its value and curb appeal but of our entire neighborhood and the Old Town Tustin community. Additionally we have witnessed them hosting numerous events for charities over the passed 3 years, these events have impacted us very little. We know that they raised needed funds to support many organizations in the City of Tustin and our surrounding community. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz, the owners of Wilcox Manor have demonstrated their commitment to our community by providing their property free of charge to local charities that greatly increased the funds to the charity. Our family fully endorses and supports their application for a conditional use permit and trust they will continue to be responsible neighbors and stewards of the property. Sincerely, M'ary Castafieda Jeremiah Castafieda '- EIVE0 9012 August 15, 2012 0 M M U N I T I( D TVE L 0 P M E N T iD E P To whom it may concern: We reside at 325 South Pasadena Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780. I am writing this letter to express my support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a "Conditional use permit" to hold weddings and other similar events at this historical property in Old Town Tustin. We reside just a few homes away from 310 South Pasadena Avenue (Wilcox Manor) and for many years have witnessed the owners restoring this property to the beautiful home it has become today. Their improvements have been incredible and improved not only the home's value and curb appeal, but of our entire neighborhood and the Old Town Tustin community. Additionally we have witnessed them hosting numerous events for charities over the passed 4 years. We know that they raised needed funds to support many organizations in the City of Tustin and our surrounding community. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz, the owners of Wilcox Manor have demonstrated their commitment to our community and by providing their property free of charge to local charities this has greatly increased the funds available to the charity. We fully endorses and supports their application for a conditional use permit and trust they will continue to be responsible neighbors and stewards of the property. Sincerely, Ana Carillo PE IrCj A' G 9 3 :012 August 15, 2012 v EVE D " --I OP ;OMMUNII 'ONT DEPT To whom it may concern: We reside at 180 South Myrtle Ave., Tustin, CA 92780. I am writing this letter to formally express my support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a "Conditional use permit" to hold weddings and other similar events at this historical property in Old Town Tustin. I have resided just around the corner from 310 South Pasadena Avenue (Wilcox Manor) and from the beginning I have witnessed the owners restoring this property to the beautiful home it is today, Their painstaking restoration has improved not only the home's value and curb appeal, but of our entire neighborhood and the Old Town Tustin community. Prior to the restoration of this home, most people in the City of Tustin, did not even "INN, know this street existed. Now most people have had the pleasure of visiting the home, touring its interior and beautifully landscaped gardens. I have witnessed them hosting numerous events for charities over the passed 4 years. I also have had the privilege to attend many events at their home. I know that they have selflessly supported many organizations in the City of Tustin and our surrounding community by raising funds. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz, the owners of Wilcox Manor have demonstrated their commitment to our community and by providing their property free of charge to local charities greatly increasing the funds available to the charity. I fully endorses and supports their application for a conditional use permit and trust they will continue to be responsible neighbors and maintain the grandeur - that is Wilcox manor. Sincerely, Kaycee Howell Ald '-;()MMUN1-r( I)EVELOPMENT OEPT August 17, 2012 To whom it may concern: We are both over 80 years old and have lived in the Tustin area over 50 years. We serve as docents at the Wilcox Manor as often as we can. We receive no pay or gas money for our time. In all of our years, we have never encountered anyone, at any time, who has given so much of themselves and their time. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz have sacrificed their privacy and generously opened their home to the community. So many of the positive changes in the Tustin Area are due to these two very caring and kind men. Please consider the charities that have benefited from their hard work. We hope that they will be allowed to use their beautiful home and gardens as they see fit. Sincerely, Mrs. Louise Waite Major Haines Waite, U.S.M.C. Ret. 12941 Eveningside Drive Santa Ana, CA 92705 rw IN E .: -0 '-;()MMUN1-r( I)EVELOPMENT OEPT August 17, 2012 To whom it may concern: We are both over 80 years old and have lived in the Tustin area over 50 years. We serve as docents at the Wilcox Manor as often as we can. We receive no pay or gas money for our time. In all of our years, we have never encountered anyone, at any time, who has given so much of themselves and their time. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz have sacrificed their privacy and generously opened their home to the community. So many of the positive changes in the Tustin Area are due to these two very caring and kind men. Please consider the charities that have benefited from their hard work. We hope that they will be allowed to use their beautiful home and gardens as they see fit. Sincerely, Mrs. Louise Waite Major Haines Waite, U.S.M.C. Ret. 12941 Eveningside Drive Santa Ana, CA 92705 rw F 'D : -�bumst 19. 2012 A01 6 3 2 ;G'MMUNP_Y!DEVELOPMENT DEP71 To whom it may concert,- We reside at 265 South Pasadena Avenue, Tustin. CA 92781), We are writing this letter in support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a Conditional Use Permit to hold %veddinas and other similar events at this historical property in Old Town Tustin. We have lived directly across from 310 South Pasadena Avenue (Wilcox Manor) since June 2010 and have watched Michael Demoratz and Lindburgh McPherson painstakingiv restore tills property to its former grandeur. They have proven that they are passionate about sharing WlicoN vlanor's history with every guest that has had the privilege of touring their home as well as for .-nsuriniz that the community will be able to celebrate Wilcox Manor's contribution to Tustin's 'qistory for years to come. In addition, they have demonstrated their commitment to the community by providing their property free of charge to local charities, which has greativ increased the amount of money going directly to the charity. Old Town Tustin is a better piac', because of Michael and Lindburgh's generosity and dedication to their community `fie greatly appreciate that Michael and Lindburgh have made us feet a part of the CUP apptication process by keeping us informed of their intentions, by encouraging us to openly share our concerns regarding parking and traffic flow, and by following up with us to share their proposed conditions to alleviate our concerns. As a result, we believe that their proposed conditions to shuttle event patrons (when the guest list is more than 75 people) to and from the off-site parking facility at the Tustin Chamber of Commerce will alleviate the impact of parking ,ind maintain safe traffic flow. Additionally, signage will discourage patrons from parking along 13asadena Avenue and direct them back to the parking location- On August 19, 2012, Michael and Lindburgh performed a trial run of these proposed conditions during a charity event. We were happy to witness that we would not have been able to tell that an event was being heid across the street. By executing these proposed conditions- we believe the residential character (i.e., parking, foot traffic. noise) of Pasadena Avenue is maintained. _n closing, our neighbors on Pasadena Avenue are like members of our extended family. We were able to have our wedding ceremony and reception at Wilcox Manor that included our surrounding neighbors in attendance. As such, we agree that this historical property is the perfect setting to celebrate a momentous occasion. Today we have a stronger sense of community on Pasadena Avenue thanks to Michael and Lindburgh. Thus, we fully endorse and support 'their application and trust that they will continue to be responsible neighbors and stewards of the property. Sincerely, —Aw-a f NM4ichelle Wong Richard Leon '������������ /x������v ��� �U� �� 7O1^ """ �~ �u'� August 17,2O12 �OMMUNWYOEVEUOPMEMTDEPT RE: Conditional Use Permit Wilcox Manor Dear Planning Commissioners and Tustin City Council, I am writing this letter in full support of a Conditional Use Permit for Wilcox Manor and the request to hold weddings and similar events at31OS. Pasadena Avenue inTustin. Since hosting their first charity event in2O0Q Undburoh McPherson and Michael Demonatz have helped non-profit groups raise in excess of $350,000. Tustin Area non-profit organizations, such as the Tustin Community Foundation, Tustin Preservation Conservancy, Tustin Area Council for the Fine Arts and the Tustin Historical Society have all benefited from events held at the Wilcox Manor. Their annual Holiday parties have been fundraisers for Spencer Hospice Foundation, the Arcadia Methodist Hospital Foundation, the Jack and Jill Guild Children's Hospital of Orange County and the Coalition for Compassionate Care of California. Countless other organizations and individuals have had the honor and privilege of attending an event at Wilcox Manor. in addition to the use of this beautiful historic home, Lindburgh and Michael have provided the rental equipment, tables and glassware, labor and set up, at their own cost. They have been generous with their home, time, and funds for the benefit of so many of our community. Approval of the Conditional Use Permit will enable Lindburgh and Michael to offset some of the costs that they have incurred and allow them to continue with these wonderful events. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz have been committed to helping Tustin for many years. I support their application for the Conditional Use Permit without hesitation. Sincerely, Donna Marsh Peery 13982 Malena Drive Tustin, CA 92780 Subject: FW: Letter of Support for Wilcox Manor From: Linda Jennings Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 11:55 PM To: beCk2gOmez;BinSOdk Elizabeth; br8ntferdig; Jeff Thompson; Steve Kozak Subject: FW: Letter of Support for Wilcox Manor Nice, huh? This ia concerning Dollars for Scholars, u group that raises money for scholarships for local students. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Patricia Machado" < > Date: Aug 29,2O129:42PM Letter of Support for Wilcox Manor To: "Dr. Charles & Celine Osborn" <ciosborn(a)cox.net> Ceine Are you aware Of the request ho write a letter of support for Wilcox Manor's application bo offer weddings etc at their home? We are quoted as not supportive of this application therefore will not be welcome to the Manor for future activities. Please advise. Sent from myiPhOne Patricia Machado, Ed.D. 1 Subject FVV Pasadena CUP Attachments: Tustin Manor.pdf ----- Original Message----- From: Jeff Q Cherie [ ] Sent: Friday, September 21, 201I 2:12 PM To: Blnsack, Elizabeth Subject: Fwd: Pasadena [UP Elizabeth - I received this as an expression of concern regarding the referenced [UP. I presume this is no longer being conducted? It should also be addressed in the background for the presentation. Thanks, Jeff Thompson Tustin Manor `Social Caterin6 & tvent.Planuin6 TUSTIN MANOR The historical Tustin Manor was built in 1880, once a hotel and served as a stagecoach stop until 1895. Tustin anor has been completely restored and is now available for special events. The front of the home is beautifully trained with 200-year-old Sycamore trees and can accommodate 200 seated guests for a wedding ceremony. Tustin Manor features beautiful rose gardens, statues and a wedding gazebo. The gardens can accommodate 400 guests for a wide range of gatherings from small intimate affairs to large dinner parties with seating for 200 guests, Inside the Waterford Crystal Dining Room is available for intimate dinners and can accommodate 12 to 14 guests. The Carriage Cottage Honeymoon Suite is also available for overnight stay, 'rake a step back in time and enjoy this exquisite vintage style venue, See why the Tustin Manor was featured in Victorian Homes. For more information call Larry Anders at Anders Catering 949 -295- 3646 Page I of 2 http:,e'/aiiderscatering.coni/AbdersWI12.htm 9/18/2012 Tustin , Manor Page 2 of AF�out :: Services :: Menus :., Testimonials :: Catering the Arts :: In Your Nome :: Contact &12032-2,11, Ali Right , Reserved, Larry Andsrs http://aiiderscatering.com/AbdersWil2.htm 91/18/2012 Subject: FW: Wilcox ----- Original Message ----- From: Linda Jennings Sent: Thursday, August 16,3012O:33PK4 To: 8insack,Elizabeth Subject: Wilcox Thought you might find this web site interesting. Got the tip from Brent. Www.ocspecialeventvenues.com/locations/Wilcox-manor.com So the horse may already be out of the barn!! Sent from Linda's iPad LOCATION MAP ADDRESS: 310 PASASDENA AVE. v+.in Nw I N•s r �{ q S R� ..•• SITE i•(4 ui - 1aut .. _ ar .,.._�..— ._.._..— _.,.....� I�' 3p0�w..._.._ _ .... l ypett}...N ^�4 .. v ow se •^ s•o• it � [ � • Miry n. � • �i : 8a• ._ ,. "�kAik%, iN �1 .� �.- 1. � o•• oo aeo ^oeO .. r „�. � dl iW. IN aa• y,. w� e� w* I ! y www�w�w I ..i I ATTACHMENT C TUSTIN HISTORICAL SURVEY EXCERPTS 0 ADDRESS, 3 10 -8 PASADENA AVE (S.) DATE: 1880 STYLE. VICT. - ffALLANA:TE SOURCE: RATING, a B ALTERATIONS. s HISTORICAL DISTRICT: yo COMMENT. CAPWAGE HOUSE mzmzmm= C-r,ry' PF TUSTIN HISTOWCAL SURVay SIGNIIWANCE: Pagel of 1 *NRHP Status Code: 4S2 *Resource Name or # (100): 310 A Pasadena Avenue (S) Bl. Historic Name: B2. Common Name: B3. Original Use: Residential B4. Present Use: Residential *B5. Architectural Style: Craftsman Bungalow *B6. Construction History: (Constriction date, alterations, and date of alterations) This building was originally constructed in 1880 and relocated to its current location. The two - storied Craftsman building has been altered over the years. *B7. Moved? X No ❑Yes OUnknown Date: Original Location: *B8. Related Features: B9a. Architect: unknown b. Builder: unknown *B10. Significance: Theme: Residential Architecture Area: Santa Ana- Tustin, CA Period of Significance: 1870 -1899 Property Type: Residential Applicable Criteria: C (Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address integrity.) This building is significant as an example of Craftsman Bungalow style in Tustin, though alterations impact the integrity of the building. The property is landscaped with mature trees and plantings. The building's character defining features include, but are not limited to: side facing gables with a front facing gable at the second level • hipped roof with a front facing dormer with narrow, framed windows and sidelights entry with arched arcade columns and a balcony above landscape with mature trees and plantings B11. Additional Resource Attributes: (HP2}— Single Family Property *B12. References: City of Tustin Historical Survey, thirtieth street architects, inc., June, 1990; Tustin: A City of Trees, Carol H. Jordan, Heritage Media Corp. 1996. B13. Remarks This building requires additional information and research to assess fully, its significance. *B14. Evaluator: TBAW, C. Jordan *Date of Evaluation: Oct 2002 (This space reserved for official comments.) DPR 5238 (1195) *Required information Page 1 of 2 BI. Historic Name: B2. Common Name: B3. Original Use: Residential B4. Present Use: Residential *B5. Architectural Style: Victorian- Italianate *B6. Construction History: (Construction date, alterations, and date of alterations) This building was constructed in 1880. *NRHP Status Code: 4S7 *Resource Name or # (139): 310 -B Pasadena Ave. S *B7. Moved? X No ❑Yes ❑Unknown Date: Original Location: *B8. Related Features: B9a. Architect: unknown b. Builder: unknown *B10. Significance: Theme: Residential Architecture, Agriculture Area: Santa Ana- Tustin, CA Period of Significance: 1870 -1888 Property Type: Residential Applicable Criteria: B, C (Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address integrity.) This property may be eligible for National Register listing if alterations are reversed. This building is significant as an example of the Italianate style and its association with early Tustin residents. The original use of this property was probably a stage stop during the horse drawn era of the 1800s. More recent records indicate that Charles Wheaton Wilcox, early Tustin pioneer, bought a three story hotel, removed one story, and used the remaining building as a residence called "The Villa ". Mr. Wilcox had a large collection of books at the Villa in a eucalyptus wood - paneled library, one of the earliest uses of this wood in the US. Mr. Wilcox was a founder and director of the First National Bank of Tustin. He planted concord grapes on his property at Tustin Avenue and First Street and was an orchardist and amateur horticulturist who was one of the first to graft five varieties of citrus onto one root. With Dr. Wall, W. Wilcox started a packinghouse, the fast in the area, and later formed the Santiago Fruit Growers Association in Change. Other accomplishments include starting the Episcopal Church of Tustin, director of the Santa Ana Abstract Company and receiver of the old Seibert Bank in Santa Ana. The family owned this property from 1893 to 1920 but did not reside at this site since. 1916. Renters occupied the building until John Rinard purchased the home in 1920. Rinard, owner through 1946, converted the house into apartments. The original carriage door has been replaced with aluminum sliding glass doors. BI 1. Additional Resource Attributes: (HP2) -- Single Family Property *B12. References: City of Tustin Historical Survey, thirtieth street architects, inc., June, 1990; Tustin: A City of Trees, Carol H. Jordan, Heritage Media Gorp. 1996. B13. Remarks *B14. Evaluator: TBAW, C. Jordan *Date of Evaluation: Oct 2002 (This space reserved for official comments.) DPR 5238 (1195) *Required information Page 2 of 2 *Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder) (139) 310-B Pasadena Ave S Recorded by: TBA West, C. ordan Date: November 2002 F-I Continuation " Update This building's character defining features include, but are not limited to: flat roof, with an enclosed cornice and exterior clad in stucco double hung windows, typical of those used in the 1870s and 1880s, found throughout the building; two are centered in the front facade, second floor small single paned window on the north side, near the eaves DPR 523L •Required information o �� ��t ~` �/ VED 7OY7 �w/� Supportive Narrative for Conditional Use Permit Application -"OMMUNITYD&V LOpMENTDEpT The following support document will hopefully address many of the items that are contained in the application for a "Conditional use permit" of the propert/located aL 31O South Pasadena Ave., O��D C�\9278ODovvr / � ' , .' ' orUnnoDy DovvoaSVVUcox 925Z' CULTURAL RESOURCE DISTRICT /CRl a. Purpose Tustin has played avit3/ rn/c in the history ofOrange County and has retained a rich � and unique cultural heritage. |tia hereby declared aoonaLtoro/pUb|icpoiicytbaL ihcrecogniUon,preaeyvati,n,protccbnUaudusc/fcu\tural{ysigniOcaDtotrUctUrcu " Oatura]baabures,siLcoaudDcighborhoodav|thiDthcCih~o[7UsbDisrcqUirrdiuthc iutc[esto[the health, safety, prosperity, social and cultural cur{chDcntaod general welfare of City residents. The purpose of Cultural Resource District is to: I. Safeguard the heritage oF the City by preserving Dei��borhoods,`trDc\oroa siLeaandfeab/rrsvvhichrcflccLeierneotmoftheCi'` rV|LUraL'-^ arUs�c,aeuthc�c,po1i|bca|,aooiaLnatural and engineering heritage. architectural, 2. Encourage public kDom//cdgc^understanding and apprcciaboo~cCity's paot �� -- 3. Strengthen civic and neighborhood pride and 8 sense of identity based oDthe recognition and use o[ cultural resources ' A�� 4. Promote the private and public enjoyment, use and preservation ofculturally significant neighborhoods, structures and sites appropriate for the education and recreation of the citizens of Tustin and visitors t0 the Cib� S. Enhance the visual and aeathcUcchoracte�diversitVo[arc�i'- ~ �c���a|s�Y/ea and acotheUcappcalo[thaCiLn ' 6. Enhance property values and �increase economic and financial benefits tothe City and its inhabitants, 7. Assure that new construction and subdivision nf lots iD the Cultural Resource District are compatible with the character o[ the district. 8. Identify as early aa possible and resolve conflicts between preservation of historic and cultural resources and alternative land uses. We are seeking approval for a conditional use permit for our HbtorcRou�eto8Unvv Usto hold celebratory events UkevveddiDg�birthday padicsand si~i!aro»en�;and be able to charge for Lhezn. \0e are seeking perD/isoioDto hold no~~^rc than a Dmaxi00DDmof twenty-four /24lpaid events per year. '''- Ve would like ho provide you some background on the property in question DaDd respond in advance to some concerns that are typically associated vithan application for conditional use iDa Cultural Resource DiStictaUchaoold7nvD We purchased this home in November 2007, it was the top of the real estate market and prices were beginning to depress. The previous owner had passed away in 2005 and it was deteriorating into disrepair. We viewed it as a diamond in the rough and knew fully what we were going to have to do with the property to make it our own. Still we were given a shock on the day escrow closed that we were advised that our homeowner's insurance policy would not insure us unless we committed to upgrading the electrical panel and rewired the entire property within 30 days. This required completely refinishing every surface in the interior of the property. The landscaping was virtually non-existent except for dead grass and weeds covering the entire property. Non-functioning irrigation systems had to be repaired and replaced. There were several historic trees on the property suffering from lack of water including 2 approximately 150 year old Fuerte'Avocado trees that were near death since rainwater was the only water the property received for many years All major systems needed to be replaced - the plumbing was installed in 1920. The gravity heating system was original to the home and had two temperatures "on sweltering Hot or off freezing cold". We know clearly why the property remained vacant for as long as it did. We performed the overwhelming majority of the physical labor-utilizing professionals for the technical expertise We feel however, the end result essentially speaks for itself, it has been a labor of love that we freely share with our neighbors and community since it is one way that we can fully appreciate what we have accomplished. 1. Safeguard the heritage of the City by preserving neighborhoods, structures, sites and features which reflect elements of the City's cultural, architectural, artistic, aesthetic, political, social, natural and engineering heritage. In May 2009, with the majority of the work complete, we allowed the house its first showing to the community. We participated in as one of the featured homes on the Tustin Historical Society's Promenade of Homes approximately 750 people toured the home that day. 2.Encourage public knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the City's past. Many residents of the City of Tustin, had never seen the inside of this home, let alone knew of its very existence. Its location on the portion of Pasadena Avenue that is uniquely a double cul-de-sac makes it hard to find unless you know where you are going. We fully recognize that along with a home of this importance comes an immense responsibility to safeguard and preserve a home like this for the cultural and architectural heritage of the City of Tustin. Following this event, we invited many of our new found friends and those who appreciate this home's past to become docents for our home. There are approximately 20 individuals who make- up the Wilcox Manor Docent Guild, each having been trained on the nuances of the historic nature of the home, its contents and the grounds, they take turns telling the story of the home to our guests at charitable events. 3. Strengthen civic and neighborhood pride and a sense of identity based on the recognition and use of cultural resources. We have hosted and fully funded numerous charitable events for many of the City's charitable organizations with a specific focus of strengthening civic and neighborhood pride and instilling a sense of identity based on the recognition and use of our cultural resources. We believe this has encouraged the general public's knowledge, understanding and appreciation of our City's historic past and appreciation of the cultural resource that Wilcox manor has become. In the nearly 5 years that we have owned this property, approximately 20,000 people have come to tour its fully restored interiors and walked the constantly evolving landscaped gardens. 4.Promote the private and public enjoyment, use and preservation of culturally significant neighborhoods, structures and sites appropriate for the education and recreation of the citizens of Tustin and visitors to the City. Of the two of us, Lindburgh McPherson has been more involved as a board member v in numerous organizations in the City of Tustin than 1, including the Tustin Area Historical Society, Tustin Preservation Conservancy, Tustin Council for Fine Arts and the Tustin Community Foundation and has become intimately involved in the promotion of the cultural heritage of our community. We have worked tirelessly not only to promote our home for private and public enjoyment, but we believe we have are inspiring and encouraging others to follow our example to use and preserve culturally significant homes in City for the ongoing education and recreation of the citizens of Tustin and visitors to the City. We know that many visitors might never have come to Tustin, let alone Wilcox Manor because of our professions and work in other parts of California. We have had many visitors from outside of California at least a dozen countries as well. 5. Enhance the visual and aesthetic character, diversity of architectural styles and aesthetic appeal of the City. Owning a historic residence under Mills Act Contract requires on-going renovation and restoration to continue enhancing the visual and aesthetic character. As we do this we know that we are supporting the diversity of Wilcox Manor's architectural style and the aesthetic appeal of the City of Tustin. 7. Assure that new construction and subdivision of lots in the Cultural Resource District are compatible with the character of the district Ever mindful of the responsibility, we added a two-car garage as new construction in 2009. We worked with our architect to match the garage design to that of the house. This was done so effectively that most people are unaware that it is new construction. As we reside in a historic home, we have worked closely with the City of Tustin to resolve the lack of permits from previous owners and address safety and code violations of this home for the long term by bringing structures up to code and participating in the Mills Act program thus strengthening the ties to this City's cultural and architectural heritage and increasing the value of the property as well. 6. Enhance property values and increase economic and financial benefits to the City and its inhabitants. The real estate market literally crashed the month following the purchase of this home, making it more of a challenge and financial risk to us as we have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into the restoration and upkeep of Wilcox Manor. Thankfully, we are aware from recent appraisal data that we have greatly enhanced the property's value and feel strongly that this has impacted our neighbors' home values as well. We believe this is far-reaching and the potential economic and financial benefit translates to the greater City of Tustin and its inhabitants. A Our philanthropic activities predate ownership of this property by many years. So we are not new to the importance of sharing what one has to benefit others. From the start, we have shared our home as a location for charities to benefit by hosting an event or fundraiser. We know that it is very costly to put on an event in a hotel or other similar venue. The cost of a unique venue is really just one aspect; we always include tables, chairs, linens, table and glassware as well as all of the serving stations. We know that on average this has saved each organization from $3-5000. By including all of the rental items it has enabled them to maximize the funds they raise. Please refer to Exhibit C for a more detailed overview and impact of our charitable activity over the past 4 years. Our goal of having a conditional use permit approved for Wilcox Manor is to allow us to continue our philanthropic activities at the same time allow us to charge for groups wishing to hold a wedding, birthday party, corporate event at Wilcox Manor. We are seeking approval of this conditional use permit to allow us the ability to hold 24 paid events per year. These will consist of weddings or similar celebratory events. This conditional use permit is not seeking permission for food preparation or for us to be licensed to serve alcoholic beverages. Any groups will engage and pay separately for caterers with proper licenses and approved offsite-cooking facilities directly. For the comfort and enjoyment of our guests the maximum guest accommodation is 200 persons with out a dance floor or 150 persons with a dance floor. We currently have plans in the queue for approval to allow us to increase the number and type of restroom facilities on the property to accommodate both the volume as well as anyone attending who may have special needs. A Identify as early as possible and resolve conflicts between preservation of historic and cultural resources and alternative land uses. Over the almost 5 years that we have owned this wonderful property, we have sought ways to share it with others in our community. We have held several Royal High Teas, hosted chamber musicians, classical voice performers and an entire symphony orchestra, a magician and other types of entertainment to draw guests in for the purposes of raising funds for the community. Each time that we have opened this home to the community we are conscious of the fact that we are mere caretakers of the property until this property passes along to the next caretaker. We have taken very specific steps over the years to ensure that this property will always be used for the benefit of the community as a cultural and historical heritage. For purposes of this conditional use permit application, it is important to proactively addressed any and all possible impact to the surrounding neighbors and greater community by the following: Parking and traffic flow concerns are addressed in "Exhibit A" with offsite parking, guests receiving instruction with their mailed invitation, Posting of signs on the day of events and the provision of courtesy shuttles. Our noise minimization plan is reflected in attachment "Exhibit B". Charitable events and the twenty-four (24) paid events will follow the same rules regarding the size of event allowed and the need to follow the parking and traffic flow plans. We have addressed the areas that could potentially negatively impact the community while making it possible for the community to enjoy the Cultural Resource District and the unique appeal and attraction of a historic residence like Wilcox Manor. 6 i 1 Wilcox Ntanor "Conditional Use Permit" Parking & Traffic Flow Plan As with any large gathering of people, parking may be a primary concern for residents of a neighborhood. Alleviating the impact of parking and maintaining safe traffic flow is a primary concern for the Wilcox Manor as well. Wilcox Manor, through an agreement with ACCESS East County PAR has arranged for event parking to be off-site at a parking lot located � 621 West First Street, Tustin, CA 92780 (see attached photo of the parking lot location). The location is just 3 short blocks from the event site. Most events are typically held during ng non-business hours on weekends from Friday to Sunday night. Guests Of Wilcox Manor will be provided with 2 continuously running courtesy shuttle vans provided by a contracted agreement with PPS Parking & Transportation to transport them to and from the event. Approved parking stacked standards allow the parking lot to accommodate up to 100 vehicles, which adequately cover an event of up to 200 people. Guests of any event will be advised of this parking arrangement through their invitation to the event. Any Guests bypassing this parking location will be redirected back to the site by a large sign posted at the event site (see attached sign). Advising of the location of the lot, the courtesy shuttle and to be respectful of our neighbors and not park on the street. This parking arrangement will be put into place for any event held at Wilcox Manor, Charitable events will be treated the same as a wedding or similar vent in this situation and ua ion be required to have this set-up in advance. The goal will be for our neighbors to have little knowledge or impact of an event held at Wilcox Manor beyond seeing a courtesy van dropping off and picking up guests. This plan will be continually monitored and adjusted to ensure and alleviate any impact to the residents of the community. These arrangements can be confirmed by contacting: (Please also refer to the attached agreements) PPS Parking & Transportation, Inc. 1800 E. Garry Ave. # 107 Santa Ana, CA. 92705 Phone: (949) 223-8707 'Mlfltv L)Poartalerlr -"ducafilon ACCESS/East County PAR 621 West First Street Tustin, CA 92780 Janeen Antonelh Pro,,ram Administrator -6680 Phone: (714) 245 ACCESS/East County PAR 1 1) '15 6680 Re,.,ional ofric, Wilcox Manor Is located in a Residential Neighborhood Parking for this event has been arranged for you 621 West First Street. (Comer of First and Yorba} "A A Courtesy Shuttle will transport you to Wilcox Manor. Please DO NOT park on the street. Thank You Directions Traveling from Los Angeles: (Do not use the Carpool lanes once in Orange County you'll miss your exit) Take 5 South, You will pass 710, 605. 91 & 57 Freeways. 'Exit First & Fourth St. (if you reach the 55 you've gone too far) The exit actually becomes Mabury St, continue across over Fourth do not turn, till you reach First St, once there turn left. and proceed you will pass Tustin Ave, the next street is Myrtle Ave., DO NOT turn on Myrtle ,the parking lot is on the comer of First and Yorba( On your left just before Yorba), 621 West First Street. A Courtesy Shuttle will then transport you to Wilcox Manor which is only 2 short blocks away. Traveling from Pasadena area: Take 210 East to 57 South- do not use the carpool lane transition to the 5 South, you will miss your exit, take 5 South Exit at First & Fourth The exit actually becomes Mabury St, continue across over Fourth do not turn, till you reach First St, once there turn left and Proceed you will pass Tustin Ave, the next street is Myrtle Ave., DO NOT turn on Myrtle ,the parking lot is on the corner of First and Yorba( On Your left just before Yorba). 621 West First Street, Courtesy Shuttle will then transport you to Wilcox Manor which is only 2 short blocks away. Traveling from the Inland Empire: 'Fake 91 west to 55 South, exit 4th & Irvine Blvd, turn left, cross over the 55, then turn right on Yorba Street, turn right on First Street the parking lot is on the corner of First and Yorba( On your right just after Yorba), 621 West First Street. A Courtesy Shuttle will then transport you to Wilcox Manor which is only 2 short blocks away. Traveling from South oC: Take 5 North, to 55 North, don't get on the 55 instead you must immediately exit at 4th & Irvine, turn right on Irvine Blvd, Turn tight on Yorba , turn right on First Street the parking lot is on the comer of First and Yorba( On your right just after Yorba). 621 West First Street, A Courtesy Shuttle will then transport you to Wilcox Manor which is only 2 short blocks away. 40 J, 8/20/2012 h1ki A Lindburgh McPherson Wilcox Manner 310 South Pasadena Ave Tustin CA ;C'MNfljNffY OEVE L0QMFNT DEPT Re: Parking and Courtesy Shuttle Agreement with PPS Parking, Inc. Dear Lindburgh This Agreement pertains to all events held at Wilcox Manner. PPS Parking Inc. shall provide two parking lot attendants who will be stationed at the parking lot located at 700 west I't street, Tustin, CA 92780. PPS Parking Inc shall also provide continuous shuttle service to and from Wilcox Manner & 700 West I'a Street parking lot. Sincerely ,Paul, a [is ka Paul Paliska Senior Vice President PPS Parking Inc. (949) 2213-8710 Direct (714) 328-7935 Cell I P.Q. Box 16635 Irvine, CA. 92623 Tele [9491223.8710 Fax [949) 223.8715 F-mail: fla-L-1111f,""it'aOf corn Exhibit B: AUG 1-1 3 2110112 PAWEN'rfli- T MMUNI-ryL)EVE W " Wilcox Manor " onditional Use Permit" Noise Impact Minimization Plan An event at Wilcox Manor may have any of the following: amplified voice presentations, live musicians with vocalists and/or instrumentation, and DJ's playing recorded music. The location Of Wilcox Manor is unique in that the rear property line Is is the 55 Freeway CalTrans wall. Additionally, the building structures of Wilcox Manor provide a physical sound barrier to the front and the right side of the property. Additionally the freeway noise emanating from the freeway itself has a similar effect as white noise in the masking of other sounds. Based upon our measurements, it is important to also note that the freeway generally exceeds the noise standards below by 10 -15 dB. The noise standard for residential areas of the City of Tustin is as follows:(taken directly from the Tustin Code of Ordinances) 01SE S" RANI),I.R '-S (a)The following noise standards, unless otherwise specifically Indicated, shall apply to all property within a designated noise zone: EXTERIOR NOISE STANDARDS ----TNoise Level period Noise Level AM Noise Zone I (residential areas) 1 55 dB(A) 17:00 a.m.-10:0o p.m. 50 dB(A) 17:00a.m. 10:00 p.m. 4620 - NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENT CRITERIA Any noise level measurements made pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter shall be performed using a sound level meter as defined in Section iii) I The location selected for measuring exterior noise levels shall be at any point on the affected property. (Ord. jVo. 828, It will be the goal of any and all events held at Wilcox Manor to be within and or exceed the expectations of the communities Published standards for noise. dB 10, a readily available application for iPhone and iPad, will be on hand at all times to ensure that the decibel limits are never exceeded. Therefore, any live, recorded music or voice amplification generated on the property will never begin prior to 11:00 AM and be discontinued by or before 10:00 PM on Friday, Saturday or Sunday Evenings, If, in the unlikely circumstance, an event is held during the time period of Monday to Thursday the Wilcox Manor standard will be to discontinue any creation of music and or voice amplification by 9:00 PM. 1A REC-Ivp[) C , 2 3 281? Exhibit C Ty DEVELOPMENT DEPT Charitable Benefits to the Cultural Resource District Tustin Community Foundation Volunteer of the Year Awards Luncheon Annual Event (4 years running) High Tea Tustin Area Historical Society Featured home 2009 Promenade High Tea Tustin Dollars for Scholars High Tea Wine Tasting at Wilcox Manor 2010 Magic at the Manor 2011 Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts Annual Gala - times 2 Cast party 2011 Tustin Preservation Conservancy High Tea Community BBQ 2008 Orange County School of the Arts Featured Charity 2010 Wilcox Manor Holiday Party Britannia Concert and fundraiser to support the students trip to London Family Promise of Orange County First ever fundraiser Orange County Vital Link - First Annual Golden Link Awards Gala Arcadia Methodist Hospital Foundation Featured Charity Wilcox Manor Holiday Party 2009 Assistance League of Santa Ana High Tea Jack and Jill Guild Children's Hospital of Orange County 2011 Featured home for the annual holiday home tour South Coast Symphony Annual Gala Fundraiser Coalition for Compassionate Care of California Holiday Party and Fundraiser Spencer Hospice Foundation Chinese New Year Party and Fundraiser Dolores Mission School and Shelter Dancing under the Stars fundraiser We conservatively estimate that since the first charity event was held in 2008, we have assisted in directly raising in excess of $350,000 for charity. If including the in-kind donations made of the venue, all rentals and labor costs that we have made you can assume approximately $3500/event or at minimum for the approximately 25 charitable events held add an additional $87,500. (Please note these are costs that typically are passed on to a charity in other settings) Live and Silent Auction item dinners for charity in the Crystal Dining Room @ Wilcox Manor - these are dinner for a maximum of 14 guests Approximately 30 have been completed over the last 4 years. Charities receive the entire proceeds of the auction. The cost of the 5-7 course meal, all wine and beverages, set-up, clean-up and labor are completely covered by Wilcox Manor. Average cost for these events is $600 or approximately $18,000. In addition to the charitable events we have hosted numerous personal parties for the sole enjoyment benefit of our community, drawing many more to the Cultural Resource District of the City of Tustin. We estimate that we have had more than 20,000 individuals in attendance over the years; these are often people who might never have come to this part of Orange County let alone the City of Tustin. Frequently, they are drawn here to be able to tour a historic home. By extension this has not only exposed them to the unique architectural features of this home, but of the heritage and cultural resources of the City of Tustin. f UST I N Milz OMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT DEPT MICHAE'It DE:MORATz 310 S. Pasadena Avenue On the occasion of your property being designat6d as an Outstanding Old Town Property Dated thl-3 day of Aprilt 2009 k - N a "I't, lo -4�1 go ,cups " throw . Vrty "r"r- Vwvw pm' .. Affien m FW"*r Milz OMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT DEPT MICHAE'It DE:MORATz 310 S. Pasadena Avenue On the occasion of your property being designat6d as an Outstanding Old Town Property Dated thl-3 day of Aprilt 2009 k - N TmE CITY OF TuSTIN REGENF="E� ,j A! tG 2 JJ C"CRA 0) � WUNITY' FEVELOPMEN r DEPT TUSTIN COMMUNrrY PRICE COMMITrEZ The Wilcox Manor 310 South Pasadena Street w-c-v n rry, wr- -w 0 Odi ciVd 9tr 9d BZ Ng 'V4* F,4 -9 Et-5-SOb :NdV OW6 V3'ul4sny s r I � °anv euapesed 06£ Dance Floor Fountain Guest House UALUIMPLOM Fountain Wilcox Manor Site Plan with Tables and Dance Floor 310 South Pasadena Ave Walkway 74- I +'ice <�'�j, .:�, a" � �" -a }. � Y i�-,�• -{�� IIJ IA It IF fit AW Rr { t � r�< f !} 1 a ti. t � x; I T=�l P. II �A a _, Abe fit, IAW ............ . -1, Avow 17;1t, n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W�_r ,I,wt ' I , ►: ,«'"'"h Vii`` Its y ":V ..t• -. : . e.`, :..SS �k a `t. _.•. INW lop x460 I a . i EMs 'a if �" - SO 11 AIR ,. 1� a� Z w > 2N bi A nk Z I.. Ca UJ LU Z A�l LU luu X z yy E., LM UJ W CC uj cc Lb ca LU CD cn z L4 Lu dc 2 W �I.c C3 W z z CD Z I.. Ca UJ LU Z A�l LU luu X z yy E., LM UJ W CC uj cc Lb V I Z � 1 9'. Al _a Rai a�\ =' - ■ A ATTACHMENT E W W W W W W The Planning Commission does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application for Conditional Use Permit 2012-10 was filed by Mr. Michael Demoratz and Mr. Lindburgh McPherson requesting authorization for a maximum of 24 paid outdoor events per year at the existing single family residence at 310 S. Pasadena Avenue. B. That the site is located in the Single Family Residential District (R1) and Cultural Resource District (CR), and has a Low Density Residential General Plan land use designation. C. That the Low Density Residential land use designation provides for residential uses and a variety of public, institutional, and other uses which are determined to be compatible with, and oriented toward the needs of these neighborhoods. In addition, the project has been reviewed for consistency with the Air Quality Sub-element of the City of Tustin General Plan and has been determined to be consistent with the Air Quality Sub-element. D. That Conditional Use Permit 2012-10 is consistent with, and implements, the following General Plan Land Use Element goals and policies: a. Policy 5.5: Encourage the restoration and rehabilitation of properties in Tustin eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places according to the rehabilitation guidelines and tax incentives of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. b. Policy 6.5: Preserve historically significant structures and sites, and encourage the conservation and rehabilitation of older buildings, sites and neighborhoods that contribute to the City's historic character. c. Policy 6.11: Encourage the establishment of unique identity in the City's neighborhoods. d. Policy 7.1: Broaden the City's tax base by attracting businesses which will contribute to the City's economic growth and employment opportunities while ensuring compatibility with other General Plan goals and policies. Resolution No. 4207 Page 2 e. Goal 10: Improve and strengthen the Tustin Old Town/First Street area with a unique pedestrian environment and diverse mix of goods, services, and uses. f. Policy 10.11: Improve the Old Town District's identity as the City's historical and architectural focus and its contribution to the City's economic base. E. That the purposes of the CR District are as follows: a. Safeguard the heritage of the City by preserving neighborhoods, structures, sites and features which reflect elements of the City's cultural, architectural, artistic, aesthetic, political, social, natural and engineering heritage. b. Encourage public knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the City's past. c. Strengthen civic and neighborhood pride and a sense of identity based on the recognition and use of cultural resources. d. Provide the private and public enjoyment, use and preservation of culturally significant neighborhoods, structures and sites appropriate for the education and recreation of the citizens of Tustin and visitors to the City. e. Enhance the visual and aesthetic character, diversity of architectural styles and aesthetic appeal of the City. f. Enhance property values and increase economic and financial benefits to the City and its inhabitants. g. Assure that new construction and subdivision of lots in the Cultural Resource District are compatible with the character of the district. h. Identify as early as possible and resolve conflicts between preservation of historic and cultural resources and alternative land uses. F. That the proposed outdoor event use, which is a nonlisted use in the CR District, supports the purposes of the CR District and is consistent with and implements Policies 5.5, 6.5, 6.11, 7. 1, and 10.1 and Goal 10 of the Land Use Element of the General Plan in that: a. The proposed use would introduce many first-time Old Town Tustin visitors to Tustin's historic resources which would foster knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of Tustin's past. Resolution No. 4207 Page 3 b. The proposed use would complement and bring recognition to a historic resource, which would promote the identity of Old Town Tustin. c. The proposed use would allow for the enjoyment and use of a locally significant historic property by Tustin citizens and visitors. d. The proposed use has the potential to directly and indirectly generate additional revenue for the City in the form of business license taxes, sales tax, and transient occupancy tax. e. The proposed use could be conditioned to avoid potential conflicts between the events and the surrounding Cultural Resource District. G. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held for Conditional Use Permit 2012-10 on October 9, 2012, by the Planning Commission. H. That the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the proposed use will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood, nor be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, or to the general welfare of the City of Tustin in that: 1) The proposed use is authorized pursuant to Section 9252j2(a)(2) of the Tustin City Code with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Tustin City Council, which may consider a proposed nonlisted use of a property within the CR District when the use supports the purposes of the CR District, following a public hearing and recommendation by the Planning Commission. 2) The proposal is consistent with the Single Family Residential (R1) zoning district standards in that other assembly uses such as churches, schools, parks and playgrounds also are subject to conditional use permit approval. The proposed use is appropriate under the General Plan Land Use Element Low Density Residential designation in that similar assembly uses such as churches and schools are allowed when determined to be compatible with the neighborhood. 3) The proposed use is consistent with other private gatherings such as charity events and weddings and with other public gatherings such as home tours and promenades which have occurred on a regular basis without significant disruption in the Cultural Resource District. Resolution No. 4207 Page 4 4) As conditioned, Conditional Use Permit 2012-10 may be reviewed as often as necessary, by the Community Development Director. If the use is not operated in accordance with Conditional Use Permit 2012-10 or is found to be a nuisance or negative impacts are affecting the surrounding uses, the Community Development Director would have the authority to impose additional conditions to eliminate the nuisance or negative impacts or may initiate proceedings to revoke the Conditional Use Permit. 5) The proposed paid outdoor events would be managed by the property owners who have experience hosting many outdoor charity events at 310 S. Pasadena Avenue. The City will rely on the property owners to fulfill the conditions of approval and comply with all Building/Safety Codes. 6) The implementation/application of the proposed conditions would ensure compatibility of the proposed use with the surrounding uses and the Tustin City Code. 7) The proposed paid outdoor events would be ancillary to the existing single family residence at 310 S. Pasadena Avenue and are not anticipated to result in parking impacts since an adequate number of parking spaces will be required to be provided at an approved off- site parking lot to accommodate parking needs. 8) The Tustin Police Department has reviewed the application and has no immediate concerns. That this project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Sections 15301, Class 1 (Existing Facilities) and 15303, Class 3 (New Small Facilities) of Title 14, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations (Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act. 11. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve Conditional Use Permit 2012-10 authorizing a maximum of 24 paid outdoor events per year at 310 S. Pasadena Avenue, subject to the conditions contained within Exhibit A attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting on the 9th day of October, 2012. STEVE KOZAK Chairperson ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary Resolution No. 4207 Page 5 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN 1, Elizabeth A. Binsack, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 4207 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the gth day of October, 2012. ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 4207 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2012-10 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted plans for the project date stamped _, on file with the Community Development Department, as herein modified, or as modified by the Director of Community Development in accordance with this Exhibit. The Director of Community Development may also approve subsequent minor modifications to plans during plan check if such modifications are consistent with provisions of the Tustin City Code. (1) 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this Exhibit shall be complied with as specified, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1) 1.3 This approval shall become null and void unless the first paid event takes place within twelve (12) months of the date of this Exhibit. Time extensions may be granted if a written request is received by the Community Development Department within thirty (30) days prior to expiration. (1) 1.4 Approval of Conditional Use Permit 2012-10 is contingent upon the applicant and property owner signing and returning to the Community Development Department a notarized "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form and the property owner signing and recording with the County Clerk- Recorder a notarized "Notice of Discretionary Permit Approval and Conditions of Approval" form. The forms shall be established by the Director of Community Development, and evidence of recordation shall be provided to the Community Development Department. (1) 1.5 This condition shall serve as a precitation and to inform the responsible person(s) and property owner(s) of the compliance requirements pursuant to the Tustin City Code (TCC) and/or other applicable codes, laws, and conditions. Failure to comply with the conditions of approval set forth herein shall result in the issuance of an administrative citation pursuant to TCC 1162(a). The City may also take further legal action including issuing the responsible person(s) a citation and/or abating the violation(s) with the cost of such abatement and/or prosecution assessed against the responsible person(s), the property owner(s), and/or the property as a lien. SOURCE CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITION (6) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT (2) CEQA MITIGATION (6) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/S (7) PC/CC POLICY (4) DESIGN REVIEW *** EXCEPTION Exhibit A Resolution No. 4207 CUP 2012-10 Page 2 (1) 1.6 Conditional Use Permit 2012-10 may be reviewed as often as necessary by the Community Development Director on the Community Development Director's own initiative or in consultation with the Police Chief or the Director of Public Works, to ensure compatibility with the area and compliance with the conditions of approval contained in this Resolution and related Exhibits ("conditions of approval"). If the Community Development Director, either on the Director's own initiative or after consulting with the Police Chief and/or the Director of Public Works, determines that there is evidence that the use is being operated in a manner inconsistent with the conditions of approval or is creating a nuisance or otherwise negatively or detrimentally affecting surrounding uses, the Community Development Director may impose additional conditions to eliminate the nuisance or negative impacts, or may set the matter for hearing before the Planning Commission and the City Council as provided under Tustin City Code Section 9293. At the conclusion of such hearing, the City Council may either revoke the permit or impose additional conditions as the City Council may reasonably determine necessary or convenient to eliminate any nuisance or minimize any negative impacts. (1) 1.7 If in the future the City's Community Development Director, Police Chief, and/or Public Works Department determine that a parking, traffic, or noise problem exists on the site or in the vicinity as a result of the facility, the Community Development Director, Police Chief, and/or Public Works Department may require that the applicant prepare a parking demand analysis, traffic study, or noise analysis and the applicant shall bear all associated costs. If said study indicates that there is inadequate parking or a traffic or noise problem, the applicant shall be required to provide mitigation measures to be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department, Police Chief, and/or Public Works Department. Said mitigation measures may include, but are not limited to, the following: (a) Adjust days and/or hours of operation. (b) Reduce the maximum attendance at events. (c) Provide additional or alternative parking. (d) Eliminate live entertainment. (e) Require additional on-site security personnel. (f) Provide sound attenuation. Exhibit A Resolution No. 4207 CUP 2012-10 Page 3 (1) 1.8 As a condition of approval of Conditional Use Permit 2012-10, the applicant shall agree, at its sole cost and expense, to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees, agents, and consultants, from any claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party against the City, its officers, agents, and employees, which seeks to attack, set aside, challenge, void, or annul an approval of the City Council, the Planning Commission, or any other decision-making body, including staff, concerning this project. The City agrees to promptly notify the applicant of any such claim or action filed against the City and to fully cooperate in the defense of any such action. The City may, at its sole cost and expense, elect to participate in the defense of any such action under this condition, (1) 1.9 The applicant shall be responsible for costs associated with any necessary code enforcement action, including attorney's fees, subject to the applicable notice, hearing, and appeal process as established by the City Council by ordinance. (1) 1.10 A paid event may be required to cease operating at any time, at the discretion of the Tustin Police Department Watch Commander or Community Development Director or designee, in response to complaints received during the event from the surrounding community regarding disturbances of the peace, or for violations of the conditions of approval contained herein or the Tustin City Code. 1.11 If a paid event requires extra planned or unplanned City services such as police, code enforcement, or public works services, the applicant shall reimburse the City for any costs associated with the planned or unplanned City services. USE RESTRICTIONS 2.1 All paid events shall take place entirely within the outdoor areas of the residence. 2.2 A maximum of 24 paid outdoor events shall be allowed per calendar year. A maximum of five (5) paid outdoor events shall be allowed per calendar month. 2.3 The maximum attendance at each paid outdoor event shall not exceed 200 people, including service providers, such as caterers, musicians, photographers, etc. Exhibit A Resolution No. 4207 CUP 2012-10 Page 4 2.4 Events, including set up activities, shall take place only between 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. 2.5 Based on the maximum allowable attendance of 200 and a parking requirement of one space per 3 guests, the approved off-site parking lot or lots shall accommodate a minimum of 67 vehicles in marked parking stalls and/or through valet parking, as approved by the Director of Community Development. 2.6 There shall be no event parking on Pasadena Avenue or any other street. All guests and service providers shall park their vehicles on the property at 310 S. Pasadena Avenue, or at an off-site parking lot approved by the Director of Community Development. The applicant and/or property owner shall post signage, as approved by the Director of Community Development, at the front of 310 S. Pasadena Avenue identifying the location of the approved off-site parking lot and indicating that no guest parking is permitted on Pasadena Avenue or any other street. 2.7 The applicant and/or property owner shall submit a parking and traffic management plan for the off-site parking lot and the surrounding neighborhood street system to Public Works Department for review and approval a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days prior to the first paid outdoor event that utilizes the approved off -site parking lot. The parking and traffic management plan shall be prepared by a registered Traffic Engineer or a registered Civil Engineer with experience in preparing a parking and traffic management plan. The parking and traffic management plan must emphasize measures that will provide assurance that event attendees will not be parking in the surrounding neighborhood. The applicant and/or property owner shall retain a bonded/licensed traffic management company to implement the provisions of the parking and traffic management plan including set-up/break-down and removal of all traffic control devices at the conclusion of each event. 2.8 The applicant and/or property owner shall provide to the Director of Community Development a written shared parking agreement between the property owners of 310 S. Pasadena and the off-site parking lot a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days prior to the first paid outdoor event that utilizes the approved off- site parking lot. If the agreement is terminated, paid events shall be discontinued until an alternate parking lot is approved for off-site parking by the Director of Community Development. Exhibit A Resolution No. 4207 CUP 2012-10 Page 5 (1) 2.9 The approved off-site parking lot shall not operate in such a manner that would impact any traffic lanes, cause back up (queuing) of vehicles into the public right-of-way, or create any unsafe conditions. 2.10 Paid outdoor events shall not be held during business hours of the businesses that utilize the approved off-site parking lot. 2.11 The applicant and/or property owner shall provide evidence of a written contract for event shuttle services to the Director of Community Development a minimum of ten (10) calendar days prior to the first paid event that utilizes the shuttle service. The form and content of this agreement shall require approval by the Director of Community Development. 2.12 A shuttle van or bus shall provide continuous shuttle service to and from 310 S. Pasadena Avenue beginning no later than one hour prior to the event and ending once all guests and service providers have vacated the property at 310 S. Pasadena Avenue. For paid events with 100 guests or more, a minimum of two shuttle vans or buses shall provide continuous shuttle service, unless approved otherwise by the Director of Community Development. 2.13 A minimum of one parking lot attendant or valet shall be present at the approved off-site parking lot beginning no later than one hour prior to the event and ending once all vehicles have vacated the approved off-site parking lot. Duties of the attendant or valet shall include directing guests, limiting noise, discouraging loitering, and reporting any unusual activities to the applicant, property owner, and/or designated event coordinator. 2.14 All service providers for the events, such as caterers, equipment rental employees, photographers, musicians, florists, etc. shall park their vehicles on the property when making deliveries and retrieving items. All boxes, carts, and equipment shall be placed out of view from the public right of way. 2.15 A minimum of one event attendant shall be stationed at the front of 310 S. Pasadena Avenue beginning one hour prior to the paid event and until all guests and service providers have vacated the premises. Duties of the event attendant shall include directing guests, monitoring on-street parking, limiting noise, discouraging loitering, and reporting any unusual activities to the applicant, property owner, and/or designated event coordinator. Exhibit A Resolution No. 4207 CUP 2012-10 Page 6 2.16 All paid events shall be by invitation only. Invitations addressed to event guests may not include the venue's address and shall include parking instructions to the off -site parking location and clearly state that parking for the event shall be prohibited on Pasadena Avenue, 2nd Street, Myrtle Avenue, and any other street, and that the hosts of the event may be fined for each violation of this requirement. 2.17 Shuttles providing transportation to and from the event site shall not idle for more than three (3) minutes and shall only park on-site or on the street directly in front of 310 S. Pasadena Avenue or on the street adjacent to the approved off-site parking lot. 2.18 No refrigerated trucks or trucks with generators shall be allowed to park at 310 S. Pasadena Avenue during paid outdoor events. (1) 2.19 Any litter on-site or within the public right-of-way attributable to the outdoor paid event shall be removed within one hour of the conclusion of the event. The applicant and property owner shall assume full responsibility for clean-up of litter, refuse, and debris attributable to the event on or within 100 feet of the property. (1) 2.20 No outdoor storage of event chairs, tables, canopies, or other event items shall be permitted, except as approved by the Director of Community Development. (1) 2.21 The existing garage shall be available for the parking of vehicles. Storage may occur in the garage only to the extent that such storage does not impede vehicle parking nor reduce the number or required minimum size of the required garage space, which is 20 feet by 20 feet. (1) 2.22 The paid outdoor event use shall remain ancillary to the single family residential use of the property. At such time the residential use is discontinued or no longer the primary use of the property, the use permit shall be deemed null and void. (1) 2.23 The types of live entertainment permitted includes single performers, duos, disc jockeys, karaoke singers, the use of a piano, organ, keyboard, radio, record, tape, compact disc player juke box, television receiver, or similar device. Any change to the type of live entertainment other than authorized by this Conditional Use Permit shall be authorized by the Director of Community Development. (1) 2.24 The ambient noise levels resulting from the paid outdoor events shall not exceed the standards of the City of Tustin Noise Ordinance. Exhibit A Resolution No. 4207 CUP 2012-10 Page 7 (1) 2.25 No loitering, public drunkenness, informal gathering, or other activities by guests or service providers shall occur on the public right of way, at the approved off-site parking lot, or on any private residential property in the vicinity of 310 S. Pasadena Avenue or the approved off-site parking lot. (1) 2.26 All amplified sound and music shall cease by 10:00 p.m. (1) 2.27 Tables, chairs, tents, and other equipment associated with the event shall not be removed from the site between 11:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. 2.28 The applicant and/or property owner shall notify the Tustin Police Department Watch Commander (by electronic mail) of the date and time of each paid outdoor event, and the phone number and email address of the designated event coordinator (if applicable) at least 72 hours prior to the event. 2.29 The applicant, property owner, or designated event coordinator shall be present on-site during the entirety of each paid outdoor event, including set-up and clean-up. The applicant, property owner, or designated event coordinator shall be accessible by mobile telephone and e-mail during the event to address any issues or complaints from community members. 2.30 The service and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises during any paid outdoor event may occur only in accordance with all regulations and requirements of the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. (1) 2.31 Persons who appear obviously intoxicated prior to the event shall not be admitted into the premises for the duration of the paid outdoor event. (1) 2.32 Patrons who become obviously intoxicated during the event shall not be served any additional alcoholic beverages. 2.33 All service providers, including caterers, musicians, photographers, and florists shall be selected from a list of approved service providers maintained by the applicant and/or property owner. 2.34 Prior to the first paid outdoor event, the proposed restroom facilities shall be approved and inspected by the City of Tustin. (1) 2.35 There shall be no special events sponsored by or involving an outside promoter or any other person other than the applicant and/or property owner. The building may not be sublet to a separate business or promoter or person other than the applicant and/or property owner. Exhibit A Resolution No. 4207 CUP 2012-10 Page 8 (1) 2.36 All businesses that will be operating within the City of Tustin as a result of this conditional use permit, including event setup and clearing, shall be required to obtain a valid City of Tustin Business License. (1) 2.37 A Certificate of Appropriateness shall be approved prior to the issuance of permits for any exterior improvements requiring a building permit. (1) 2.38 Lighting shall not produce light, glare, or have a negative impact on adjacent properties. Details of all proposed lighting fixtures and a photometric study showing the location and anticipated pattern of light distribution of all proposed fixtures shall be provided at plan check. All new light fixtures shall be consistent with the architecture of the building and all exterior lighting shall be designed and arranged as not to direct light or glare onto adjacent properties, including the adjacent streets. Wall- mounted fixtures shall be directed at a 90-degree angle directly toward the ground. 2.39 Cooking and/or food preparation for paid outdoor events shall not occur inside any building on the property. (1) 2.40 Fire and Police access and passage shall be permitted at all times. All activities including parking and equipment shall not block parking areas, access, or passage for disabled persons or emergency response vehicles. (1) 2.41 The proposed restroom addition shall be a minimum of 10 feet from the existing gazebo or it shall be attached to the existing gazebo. (1) 3.1 An Accessible Route of Travel continuous from the street to the accessible bathrooms is required for the use of persons with disabilities as required by California Building Code. These facilities located at private residences shall have accessible elements leading to the accessible bathrooms, including homeowner's front sidewalk, ramps, gates, etc. Chapter 11 B, Sections 1101B6, 1102B, and 1133B. Directional and informational signs, gate access and hardscape walks are required. Sections 11 17B.5, and 1133B. 3.2 Based on the CUP request, the public is permitted only to the outdoor facilities and the rear bathrooms, and therefore not to residences, including family room(s) as these structures are not accessible to persons with disabilities. Exhibit A Resolution No. 4207 CUP 2012-10 Page 9 (1) 3.3 At the time of building permit application, the plans shall comply with the 2010 Edition State and the City of Tustin adopted codes: California Building Code, California Electrical Code, California Plumbing Code, City Ordinances, and State and Federal laws and regulations. FEES (1,5) 4.1 Prior to issuance of a City of Tustin Business License and/or commencement of an event, whichever occurs first, the applicant shall provide written approval from the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) with regards to fees for the proposed restroom and outdoor use to the City of Tustin. (1) 4.2 Prior to issuance of a City of Tustin Building Permit and/or commencement of an event, whichever occurs first, the applicant shall provide written approval from the Transportation Corridor Agency (TCA) with regards to fees for the proposed restroom and outdoor use to the City of Tustin. (1) 4.3 Within forty-eight (48) hours of approval of the subject project, the applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, a cashier's check payable to the COUNTY CLERK in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) to enable the City to file the appropriate environmental documentation for the project. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period the applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department the above-noted check, the statute of limitations for any interested party to challenge the environmental determination under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act could be significantly lengthened.