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Item 03 Letter of Opposition
October 8, 2012 Martin & Tina Blenz 270 S. Pasadena Ave. Tustin, CA 92780 City of Tustin Planning Commission 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 RECEIVED OCT �, 32012 COMMUNPTY DEVELOPME1 BY: Re: Conditional Use Permit Application for Michael Demoratz and Lindburgh McPherson at 310 S. Pasadena Ave., Tustin To Whom It May Concern, We live next door to 310 S. Pasadena Ave, on the northern side. We are between 310 Pasadena and the Pasadena Well. Please accept this as an opposition letter to the above application. It is with mixed emotions that we write this letter. Here are the reasons why we oppose the Conditional Use Permit: Comments 1.) Most weddings occur on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, which is when most people in the neighborhood would be home. 2.) They have been holding large charitable events and weddings without a conditional use permit. They stated they work with many charities. They should have been well aware of the need for a conditional use permit for larger events. 3.) Parking has been a major issue for us and other residents when they hold these large events? The shuttle service has just started in the last month or so. We don't like seeing buses going back and forth on the street when it's usually quiet. Our section of Pasadena is one way in with a double cul-de-sac. The street narrows in front of 310 S. Pasadena Ave. Our driveway and the street get blocked when they have these large events. The neighbors on the Main St. side can't get down the street sometimes. The homes on the First St. side don't have driveways on the street. They have alley parking with very limited parking. So their guests have to park farther away if the parking is taken up in front of their homes. Just last week on September 24, there was a fire behind 320 Pasadena Ave. There was a baby napping in one of the apartments at the time. If the fire trucks couldn't get in, no telling what could have happened. 4.) The noise ordinance has not always been adhered to. On August 25, they had an event and live drums were played at 11:45pm. Many weddings go late into the night. 5.) Trash has been left in our yard and the street. The first time they had a large event, we had to pick up a broken wine glass from our driveway. 6.) They have been planning this for some time. We have endured the construction of their garage and remodel of their home. Construction hours were not always adhered to. The winds blow from the ocean in the afternoon toward our property. The dust and dirt was blown into our property 7.) Alcohol is served at many of their current functions. If they are approved, there will be a greater safety issue due to more drunk drivers in the neighborhood. Is the Tustin Police Department going to be on hand to ticket the drunk drivers? Myrtle and Second would be a good spot as people always blow the stop sign there. If they are serving and selling alcohol, wouldn't this subject them to the state licensing requirements? 8.) Zoning is still residential here except for the water well. We are mixed with single family and multi- family dwellings. The City of Tustin Zoning Map shows R3 next to the well. We should be zoned R1. This should have been taken care of when we purchased the house. The houses on the eastern side of Pasadena are zoned R1, per the map. A commercial interest like a wedding venue is not compatible with the existing nature of the neighborhood. It would destroy the ambience of the neighborhood due to the additional people, traffic and noise. 9.) The security of the water well has been compromised. Several months back there was a hazardous material alarm that did not go to fire or police dispatch. Tina had to call. If it had been a real emergency, and vehicles were blocking access to the well, fire trucks and emergency crews would not be able to get through to the well. Evacuation of the street would have been greatly hampered. 10.) Security of the neighborhood is now more of an issue. Our section of Pasadena is fairly secluded. Tina has shooed away people that have been drinking, smoking dope, etc. More public access means more problems. Alot happens in the daytime when our street is fairly quiet and residents aren't home. 11.) We have been here since 1993. Other residents have been here much longer. One even saw the 55 freeway being built! We have been through the 55 freeway widening, rebuilding of the First St. bridge over the 55, reconstruction of the transition flyover, and the building of the Pasadena Water well. It's time our small section of Pasadena had some peace and quiet. 12.) We were given a letter of support from Michael and Lindburgh. Since it was not written by us, we refused to sign. We have included a copy. The other letters show the same type font, date, and format as ours. 13.) A simple internet search shows their property listed as a wedding venue on several sites. Questions 1.) Use Restriction 2.2: Are the twenty-four (24) paid events in addition to the existing number of charity events they are currently having without the conditional use permit? 2.) Use Restriction 2.2 and 2.3: People are free to park on our street. The parking signs that have been posted for these events do not cite the civic code. People or kids or the wind has knocked them down. The signs are just plain ignored. When parked, how will the police department determine who belongs at these events or people visiting other residents who live on our street? 3.) Use Restriction 2.2: It says there is a maximum of five (5) paid events per month. What is the total number including charity or private large events that will impact the neighborhood? 4.) Use restriction 2.6: The signs for event parking are not legal signage. Is there a civic code that makes these signs enforceable? 5.) Use Restriction 2.16: It states that paid invitations shall not include the venue address. It must include parking instructions. There is no requirement that the city or police will be notified of these paid events. How will the invitations for paid events be verified as complying with this restriction? 6.) Use restriction 2.19: It states that clean-up of litter refuse and debris attributable to the event only within 100 feet of their property. Many times Tina and other neighbors have had to clean up trash after their events past 100 feet of their property. How will this been enforced? 7.) Use restriction 2.21: The existing garage shall be available for the parking of vehicles. They do not currently store vehicles in their garage. How can this be enforced? 8.) Use restriction 2.30: States any service and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises during any paid event shall be subject to the California state licensing requirement. Will the license be posted in a conspicuous place? 9.) Use Restriction 2.35: States there shall not be any subletting of the property to a separate business. How will this be enforced? 10.) Use Restriction 2.36: Says all business in the City of Tustin needs a business license. Has this requirement been met? 11.) Use Restriction 2.39 and 2.1: States cooking and food preparation for paid outdoor events shall not occur inside any building on the property. Most weddings have food being served. How will this be enforced? Food ends up on the ground which cannot be adequately cleaned. We have seen an increase in rodents and vermin in our area. Tina has seen rats running along a fence at night. How will this be remedied as poison baits can harm pets, birds and other wildlife? 12.) Requirement 2.40: States Fire and Police access and passage shall be permitted at all times. All activities including parking and equipment shall not block parking, access or passage for disabled persons. Wouldn't they be subject to the federal Americans with Disabilities Act requirements? 13.) Requirement 4.2: They want to build additional bathrooms in the rear of the property. There is a one foot easement along the sound wall of the freeway. Construction close to the wall may damage the footings. Has Cal -Trans been notified of this? Whether rich or poor your home is supposed to be a respite from the world. It should be a place of comfort and peace. Lately, our neighborhood has been anything but that. We do not like a traffic jam in front of our home or drums being played late at night or trash being left in our yard. Doing what is right is not always easy. In this case, the conditional use permit should be deBkd. Sincerely, Martin and Tina Blenz A Better than ever. ==-- E_--- .:a: :ARS DE -,-s . _ - _- - _s - . .. = - 5 a - -.—S M _:x —a-,31 //�� ,� Page I of.' (.� `!Z Free srupping. fres t5 -l1 :. wlcox manor SEARCH SURF REPORTICAMS j WEATHER f LIVE TRAFFIC Web a Site Records: Wilcox Manor =a'anase of all Manoes In the Country, Search Now. --- -'--„_ES SLOGS PHOTOS VIDECS RELEVANCE NEWEST OLDEST ALLRESULTS LAST 2 DAYS LAST NE`K LAST MCN7H 41 items found. RELATED SEARCHES Wilcox manor 310 historic Wilcox high lea Wilcox Wilcox manor manor manor tustin english high tea tea Wilcox manor 3 Wilcox manor 3 pm 30 w+Icox manor Wilcox 3 10 1. Tustin clubs: Help for homeless families ' tustin 'nformation ... support local homeless families More than 130 people attended the event at the historic Wilcox Manor. FPOC Is a non-profit... NEWS] 'i 2: 2. Tust+n Council nominations end Wednesday j tustin, coui Assoc. and Wilcox Manor Trust, He recelved a contribution of food and beverages from YOB the Tustin Ranch Golf Club. Nielsen ... qW 3. Tust n Clubs: MADD event raises S1 63,000- Broadway in the ... The second annual Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts Gala was held at the historic Wilcox :{ Manor, originally a hotel built between 1865 and 1875.... ' + t vtwsl . 4. Letters to the Editor Tustin News I tustin, community, nonprofit ... For instance, TCF has for the past three years sponsored their annual "High Tea" in the beautiful gardens of the Wilcox Manor here in Tustin where ... RrrMn:.R-- NEWS .. _ &Tustin volunteers honored with superhero medals i tustin. high ... + About 200 people attended the event, which honored "Superheroes of Tustin," in the gardens at Wilcox Manor In Tusfin.... w:_wsi 6.Tustin volunteers honored with superhero medals tust n high ... About 200 people attended the event, which honored "Superheroes of Tustin,' in the gardens at Wilcox Manor in Tusfin.... NEWSI ": 2 7. Man and Woman of the Year awards dinner slated I tustin ... Commurllty Foundation's Volunteer Recognition Luncheon on May 4. The event will take place at 1030 am at Wilcox Manor, 310 S. Pasadena Ave ... '.EWS1 - - _ - 8.'Superheroes' theme of Tustin Community Foundation Rate our new page RF/MW PREMIER REALTY uni o Top Searches Ruaries fair stal cathedral juvenile hall harvest crusade brea police http:!/www.ocregister.com/search/?q--wilcox-manor&csort ,newest&x-0&y=0 10/7/20'.2 tiffi I .L f;.r : . r: ,: ze Lountti icegtster v __ • - w y�•S -E,,, _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ , _ SiGti- WSIGN-UP SUBSCRIBE E•REG'S-ER CUSTCMEP. SERVICE wilcox manor SURF REPORTICAMS I WEATHER I LIVE TRAFFIC SEARCH Web a Site Wilcox Manor v::51i; Records Found For Wilcox Manor. Search Now. manor = coals-coml __ - -- ..-=S SLOGS PHOTOS VIDEOS RELEVANCE %E'A'EST OLDEST ALL RESULTS LAST 2 DAYS LAST AFEK LAST MCV-'-' 41 items found - RELATED SEARCHES %-Alcox manor 310 historic Wilcox high tea Wilcox Wilcox manor manor manor tustin english high tea tea Wilcox manor 3 Wilcox manor 3 pm 30 Wilcox manor Wilcox 310 21. High Tea recalls the glamorous 1880s j tustin, home, tea ... An English High Tea held In the gardens at the Wilcox Manor on Saturday. June 12 at 3 pm The event wig relive the 1880s and benefit the Tustin ... 9 NEWSI -- = -- - 22. Leach: Countdown to Chili Cook -off I tustin. community chili ... The Tustin Community FouridaUon will host an English High Tea at Wilcox Manor at 3 pm on June 12 to benefit the Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts ... '.E.YSI 23. Foothills Preschool to offer summer camp i tustin- big, foothills ... The Tustin Community Foundation will host an English High Tea at Wilcox Manor at 3 pm on June 12 to benefit the Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts ... NEWSI : , . . 24, Cliih News n P ')';can Women meeting I tustin ... $30. Tuesday '0 30 am (714) 393-8506 or tustinoommunityfoundadon.org] HTMUevents/05-vo!unteer- iunch_him. Wilcox Manor, 310 S. Pasadena,.... 25. Leach: Nominee< ^ in for man and woman of the year ... great odds to w:n a Min' Cooper, or $10.000, at the Tustin Community Foundation's Volunteer Recogntw Luncheon on May 4 at Wilcox Manor.... NEWSI : 26. Leach: Tustin Library invites kids for Mexican folk songs. crafts ... The Tustin Community Foundation vAl host its annual Community Volunteer Recognition Luncheon at 1030 am May 4 at Wilcox Manor, 310 South ... LRNDEFI _ , __ _ 27. Tustin home on list of historic properties ' r , st'n 'st . The owner of Wilcox Manor at 310 S. Pasadena Ave.... Wilcox Manor ertrarceway is a preview to the opulence that awaits guests.... 28. Things to do: ,lazzercise, Bike MS Fundraiser I tustin. viAvw ... p.... $25. Saturday 1:30 pm (714) 731-2380 or http:lAvww.preservetustin. org.Wilcox Manor. 3'0 South Pasadena, Tustin.... NEWSI.. . _7 __ 29. Scene and Heard. Who are all those volunteers` 'istin Preservation Conservancy wilt host a Royal High Tea and Old Town Tustin Motor Tour from 1:30 to 4 pm June 13 at the historic Wilcox Manor.... Rata our new page Top Searches obituaries juvenile half oc fair harvest crusade crystal cathedral brea police http://www.ocregister.com/search/?q=wilcox—manor&site=ocregister&f stype=&csort=ne... 10/7/2012 wi,cox manor S,=cF Rc=ORT CAMS F I WEAT`iER -R. =- SEARCH ' _ •- - Web , Site Rate our new page s =o 'ld o Wi:cox Manor Search yew -TK • - ^3 'c CO with Wilcox Items, A RESClTS _ .- - - _ - - -- _ 36 items found RELATED SEARCHES Preserva. on Conservancy will host a Roya: -41gh Tea and Old Towr Tustlr Motor Tour from 1;30 to 4 pm Manor,... 32. widget_html. The Orange County Register. The Tustin Community Foundation held its Volunteer Recogn.t'on Luncheort at Wilcox Manor, _.. t . za"c^.s s:-_; t�e� le eve -it. he.o in the gardens of the historic Wilcox Manor in Old Town, was held to recogn4e and create awareness of the legions of volunteers .._ 34. - _ -s = St. •Ttte Yntage Lady garden behind the shop at 434 E Cam no Rea. -Wilcox Manor at 310 S. Pasadena Ave. and the... ilr r - 35. :z3 n-i:anthropic activities. The venue wilt be the garden at Wilcox Manor on South Pasadena Avenue Cost or t^e uncheon Is 525.... 36..._ a ohrfanthropic activities. The venue will be the garden at Wilcox Manor on South Pasadena Avenue. Cost of :he luncheon is S25 -.- RESULT PAGE 25.._ RESULTPAGE - 4 w cox manor Web Sue WHAT'svoR YOUR KIDS ®`ECSSTUME'7 $100 gift card Top Searches ory.:.,arles t:. �:ar'•a -a. oc `.a:r harvest --,:side crystal cathedrl Brea oe' ce http:, «i\-\\-.ocregister.com/search/?q=wilcox+manor&site=ocregister&fistype=&csort=ne... 10/7/2012 -.. --- . • ____-_-•_�.., . „ — — . - , u3i,.i Luca wuncit ror rine Ara • TUSTIN AREA COUNCIL FOR FINE ARTS This event has passed. Event: 2nd Annual Gala at Venue: Wilcox Manor Address: Start: mune 29, 2012 6:00 pm End: June 29, 2012 9:00 pm Updated: April 14, 2012 Wiicox Manor 310 Pasadena Avenue, tustin, CA, 92780, United States Yage I of 3 The historic Wilcox Manor will be the scene for the Second Annual Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts Gaza scheduled for Friday, June 29h. Wilcox Manor was originally a hotel on the El Camino Real stagecoach run, built between 1865 and 1875 and lovingly restored by the current owners. The property includes a number of historic trees and 250 rose bushes. The evening will begin at 6 p.m. with a cocktail hour followed by entertainment and dinner. TheX5 rice er erson includes two drinks, di mer, •des rt and wine at each table. There will be a live auction following dinner." Sponsorship opportunities include The Rembrandt Level for VIP seating $1500 for a table of ten) and the Warho' Level ($1,000 for a table of ten). All sponsors will be ac ow e Dress will be semi -for ai wrul rtraeK tie op nal. Seating is limited to 200. nal. Complimentary valet service will be provided. Proceeds from the Gala will be used for a Community Enrichment Program. The event is swen to the public. For reservations, contact Lynda Bjoin at 714/832-9009 or b'oin'�i SLeM a . et. �ttp:H,acfa.org/event/2nd-annua:-gala-at-wi :cox -manor/ 10/7/20', 2 C,e /)I fhe,^I- *3 Pictures taken from across the street facing 270 Pasadena Ave. Y' M max•�� T '' '"`4 ,kms` •q� M .j .'•� • r r . COM in E -Ari- ORk' �g .�MYRTLE_AV u n PACIR 'ao a August 1, 2012 To whom it may concern: C)of eo PY OOMmewrlj�t 6 r,, -,v yv v 'D 0 Y -rn 6M We reside at 270 South Pasadena Avenue, Tus,m CA 92780. I am i _ i -L rg this letter in support of Wilcox ?Manor obtaining a "Ci::a:tional use permit' to hold weddings and other similar events at this histcirica: property in Old Toi%W.,j�stin. We have live e property next door to 310 S(rafi Pasadena Avenue (Wilcox Manor) for many ye nd watched the own.& painstakingly restore this property to its former grandeur. ave greatly ;*riproved not only its value and curb appeal but of our entire neighbo pd. > We have ,,witnessed them hostinVeimeroaritable events over the passed 4 years raising funds in support/J�organizations the City of Tustin and surrounding community. We" have attended man these events and know the value the charities have ;- eived and the thrill many h .s experienced in seeing a restored historical pr erty. �-Ve recognize and appreciate V.. it attention to every detail insuring that �bise levers and parldng issues are address6 efore ever becoming a prom. Lindburgh cPherson and N'ichael Demoratz, the owners of Wilcox Manor have demons ted their commitment to our community by providing their property free of ch a to local charities greatly increasing the amount of money going directly to Our family fully endorses and supports their application and trust they will continue to be responsible neighbors and stewards of the property. Tin enz Ma 'enz A Ln:;z _ - - - -- = - _ mai --oncern: .-e -a_ . a a-"740 West 2nd Street, Tustin, CA 92780. RECCNEID AUG 2 3 2012 'OMMUNiTY OEVELOPMENT DEPT - , ung this letter in support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a "Conditional use 'ET -::r, co hold weddings and other similar events at this historical property in Old ":) :-,-n Tustin. ,IVe live on the corner or 2nd and Pasadena just a block away from the property at 310 South Pasadena Avenue (Wilcox Manor) and have then witnessed the owner's restore this property to its former grandeur. They have greatly improved not only :ts value and curb appeal but of our entire community. We have witnessed them hosting numerous charitable events over the passed 4 years raising needed funds in support of organizations for the City of Tustin and surrounding community. We are volunteer members of several of the charities that have benefitted and know directly the impact on the charity of their support. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz, the owners of Wilcox Manor have demonstrated their commitment to the community by providing their property free of charge to local charities greatly increasing the amount of money going directly to the charity. Our family fully endorses and supports their application and trust they will continue to be responsible neighbors and stewards of the property. Doug King Karen KIng f,�-,xyi6,► 6 August 1, 2012 To whom it may concern: We reside at 255 South Pasadena Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780. -AUG 2 3 0. "OMMUNIr( DEVELOPMEN I am writing this letter in support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a "Conditional use permit" to hold weddings and other similar events at this historical property in Old Town Tustin. We have lived several houses down from 310 South Pasadena Avenue (Wilcox Manor) for almost 60 years and knew the previous owner of the property and sadly watched as the property deteriorated and then witnessed the new owners restore this property to its former grandeur. They have greatly improved not only its value and curb appeal but of our entire neighborhood. We have witnessed them hosting numerous charitable events over the passed 4 years raising needed funds in support of organizations for the City of Tustin and surrounding community. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz, the owners Of Wilcox Manor have demonstrated their commitment to the community by providing their property free of charge to local charities greatly increasing the amount of money going directly to the charity. Our family fully endorses and supports their application and trust they will continue to be responsible neighbors and stewards of the property. Buster Graves Margaret Graves f,,AIVI&T C-,, �cCE = - August 1, 2012 _ aUG ? _ To whom it may concern: CO IAMUNITY OEVEL,j - We reside at 275 South Pasadena Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780. I am writing this letter in support of Wilcox Manor obtaining a "Conditional use permit to hold weddings and other similar events at this historical property in Old Town Tustin. We have lived directly across from 310 South Pasadena Avenue (Wilcox Manor have watched them painstakingly restore this property to its former grandeur.) and have greatly improved not only its value and curb appeal but of our entire They neighborhood and the Old Town Tustin community. We have witnessed them hosting numerous charitable events over the passed 4 years raising needed funds in support of organizations for the City of Tustin and surrounding community. Lindburgh McPherson and Michael Demoratz, the owners Of Wilcox Manor have demonstrated their commitment to the community b providing their property free of charge to local charities greatly increasing he amount of money going directly to the charity. Our family fully endorses and supports their application and trust they will conti to be responsible neighbors and stewards of the property. nue Patricia De Perez �� Jos r Perez Wilcox Manor -asaie-a .Ave_, Tustin, CA, 92780 62e- 422-5820 - Venue Website - stoc Home Venue Type: Historic r - CDM P -)l feAir Location & Nearby Info Show nearby: Restaurants Hotels m m Bars 0 del To -mate 0.6 mi Q © Nana Jean'; 0.6 mi �. '°rx� ✓ ©Quinn's Old Town Gr... 0.7 mi la 0 Pizzelles Bistro 1.2 mi A" ® Zov's Bistro 1.2 mi Santa A Tropika Malaysian & Thai Cuisine 1.2 mi _ �`'�� �__,s�g Shabu Shabu Bar 1.2 mi 0 The Lost Bean Coffee Hou!- 1.5 mi Map data 020 2 Goo90 0 Christaki's Greek Cuisine 1.6 mi Fu-' I ma and direct onsD a Original Mike's 2.4 mi http://events.ocregister.com/tustin ca/venues/show/1119869-wilcox-mano0print—true 10/7/20:2 �wm: Aprii /-.j-Ly (prow -ler at sycamore Glen Homes) block, avenue, burglary - ... Page 3 of 5 2200 block _ ndsey Co :rt bkrg ay a an- 7 3- a T 2900 bock 3a este-os -a-e -es certa bk.rg ary, 7;35 a m. 14'0C b oak %ewoor, Ativr.:e. CA Rooter anc P u-nb b_rg ay a arm - 47 a.m. '59C- b ock Ars n: -g. JCS= Re; :-a -a r Cer:er. ourg'ary a arm 9.23 a.m. 9??_ b cu =cH a%e--e Sem ce Vas!e•, b:rgiary alar. '0:20 a.m. x,c Red = .. ?ver.:e Sa :are Realty, graffit. +2:38 a.m. / h'� � ` J ..ak-bcrce a': c Carr•nc Rea '-affic co 7sion with n,ury, 3:58 p.m 3:C t ccx Pasacera A.en.:e_ party'muslc disturbance, 7.08 p.m. , � ��, ((! q 5 v / N O e 1 /e t' it' w e C(V// ��� V l 28X a oak E Carr -o Rea'. O'd Wavy, dog in veh:ce, 7:21 p.m '92X bock Newpo- Avenue, Albertsons, dog In veh:cle, 7:43 p.m 1: J /+,r) / 4 -VL vv 1 TL) �. f -e ®� t�� �y� �✓`� "9507 block Cana Way, party/music disturbance. 7:45 p.m. 25% b ock E Cam no Real, Sears, shop lfter, 7:55 p.m. 2800 b ock Park Avenue, Rig7: Start, burglary a:ann, 8:03 p.m. 2400 block .rnne Boulevard, Rancho Santa Fe, party/music dsturbance, 8 08 p.m. '7000 block Kenyon Drive, Kenyon Street Apartments, drunk in public, 9:20 p.m. 14200 block Newport Avenue, drunk :n public, 9:39 p.m. 14300 block Red Hi Avenue. Ava:ons, party/music dslurbance, 10:21 p.m. 15600 b ock Williams. Alders, theft, 10:50 p m. 14300 bock Shadybrook Drive, party/music disturbance, 10:51 p.m. .:00 block Pasadena Avenue. party/music d'sturbance, "1 54 p.m. April 25 14200 bock Fembrook Drive, shots heard, 1:16 a.m. 2800 block Dow Avenue, Bodywise 'n:emationa., burg;ary a'ar. 3:06 a.m. 2800 block Keller Drive, Mandevil:as, suspicious circumstance. 3.24 a.m. 1600 b'ock Mitchell Avenue, Windsor Gardens, susp:aous person 3.43 a m. 1500 block Mitchell Avenue, Brighton Terrace, suspicious c rcumstance 5:51 a.m. 14000 block Newport Avenue, Ro y's Bakery, burg ary a arm. 5:59 a m 2900 block Humeston Avenue Sedona Homes. burg ary a arm. 6:23 a m. Red Hill and First Street. large tras` tem , 6 2' a m. 1400 block Madison Street Co umb-s Square community burg.ary report, 7:40 a.rr. Red H'll and First Street, wh'te goods. 7 48 a.m. 14700 block Bridgeport Road b.:rg ary a arm 9 a.m. 2800 block P oneer Way burg ary alarm, 9:29 a.m. 500 block W. Ma'n Street bike theft, 10'5 a.m. First Street and Centennia , ass:st Drug Enforcement Agency,10,40 a.m. Bryan a -,d Tus'n Ranch, traffic hazard, 10:44 a.m. 15500 b ock Pasadena Avenue. Trinidads, auto theft, 1;17 p.m. 2400 block Park Avenue, J.T Schmid's, dog in a vehicle, 1:22 p.m. 2800 block Park Avenue, T.J. Maxx, assautt/baftery, 1:57 p.m. '3800 Red FrM Avenue, Big Lots, fight, 2:56 p.m. '3400 block Porta burglary alarm. 3:57 p.m. 100 block El Camino Real, Skin Therapies, burglary alar, 4.2' p.m. 17200 block nine Boulevard, Sylvester and Kasten, 422 p m !7400 block Via Lindo, Park -ust dentlty theft, 4:45 p.m. 10600 b'ock Emerson Bend, Emerson -comes. vanca. sm, 4:47 p '8'00 block 'rvine Boulevard, Vervyn's, theft, 5.29 p.m. Trabuco and Culver, accident, 6:47 p.m. Barranca and Jamboree accident with injuries. 9:17 p.m. 2800 block Walnut Avenue, Del Mar Lighting, burglary alarm, 9:49 p m '0200 block Pioneer Road, Pioneer Road Park, party/music disturbance, 1010 p m 12800 b:ock Robinson Drive, Tustin Sports Park, reckless d,v ng, "I p M. 2900 block EI Camino ReaT, Interior Surrounding, burglary alar, 11-27 p.m ' 5800 b ock Pasadena Avenue, Regency West, party/music disturbance, 11:34 p.m. April 24 1600 block Edinger Avenue, Gateway MW Storage 'oud subjects, 12:14 a.m. http://www.ocregister.com/articles/block-169528-avenue-burg:ary.html 10/7/2012 .a runce ii.aus: Hpn1 1-)-1y (prowler at Sycamore Glen Homes) 'block, avenue, burglary - Apri! 28 c:: t cu A' - rs. Slree:. vandalism, 12:08 a.m- 'W .m.'WC b ocK Bel Avenie, burg ary alarm, 4 25 a m. 24C9 bock Park Avenue, burglary alarm. 6:16 a.m '5500 block Orch'd Avenue, burg.ary alarm, 7:25 a.m. 3000 bock Dow Avenue, Sunstar abs, structure fire, 9'08 a.m 600 biock W. Main Street. Tustin Acres auto theft, 9.41 a.m. 100 block Centerria, Way, drunk ;ri pub:.c, 9:41 a.m. 200 block Robinson Drive, Rancho Monterrey .heft, 9-57 a.m 18'00 bock iry ne Bou;evard, Mervyn's, shop''fter, 3.39 p m. 15100 block Moir Court, Briarcliff, vandal sm 3.53 p.m. 14300 Red Hi.' Avenue, Avalons, ident,ty theft, 4.56 p m. 2700 block M'chel,e Drive. Schick Moving and Storage, burg ary alarm 5 59 p - 100 block Fashion Lane, BC Energy Management System, theft, 6 p m 2800 block Kesler Drive, vanda'lsm. 7 07 p m 130 block Nissan Road, Tustin Gardens, vandalism. 7-32 p m 1100 block Warner Avenue, Ricoh Electronics, burglary a'arm 9 3_ o rr 15500 bock Sonora Street, Co:umbus Grove, burg.ary a'arm 9'4' p m 1700 bock San Jua^ Veeh School, 'oud guitar 1':14 p.m 200 b ock Edinger Avenue, burg ary alarm, 111:47 p.m. April 27 1300 block San Juan musiclparty disturbance, 1201 a.m. 2600 block Walnut Avenue, AAA Quality Self Storage, burglary a.'arrn,'.2 57 a.m. 300 block Flyers Lane, 'us[n F aid 1, party/music disturbance, 2:02 a.m. 2100 block Sweetbriar Road, party/music d'sturbance, 2 12 a.m. 1600 bock Nissan Road, Westchester Park oud talking, 2:46 a.m. 700 b ock E Ca -no Real, Sh'rley's Market, burglary alarm, 4:46 a.m. 1300 block Bell Avenue. Balboa Instruments burg ary alarm 4-57 a m. 14800 block 'oil Avenue Don Jose's, burg'ary alarm, 5:49 a m 2800 block Keller Drive, Mandevillas, auto theft. 5:53 a.m. 1100 block Bell Avenue, Ricoh Electronics, burglary alarm, 6:30 a.m. 17500 block Linda Lane vandalism, 7:16 a.m. :3100 block Jamboree Road, Rite Aid, burglary alarm, 9 14 a.m. 200 block Olwyn Drive.:ndeceit exposure 9:54 a m 2400 bock Park Avenue Biuewater Grill, burg'ary alarm, 10.47 a.m. 2800 block Keller Dive. Mandevil-as, vandalism 10:54 a m. '5700 block Williams, Valencia Gardens, burg,ary alarm, 1110 a.m. 3000 block Dow Avenue CW Bearing, burglary alarm, 12:08 p.m. J':a'nut and Cherrywood, vandalism, 12:14 p.m. "4500 block Red Hill Avenue, Scherer Tire, vanda'rsm, 2:55 p.m 2200 block Sisk Tree Drive, theft, 3:59 p m case BT00020598 17500 biock 17th Street, Sunwest Bark, burg ary a ami, 4:20 p m. '000 block Andrews, vanda'!sm. 6:02 p.m. 13200 bock Newport Aven4e, Pointe Newport assau't/battery, 616 p.m. 3200 block Carrotwood Drive, Columbus Grove, burglary alarm_ 6 45 p m 13200 biock Jamboree Road Burger King, vanda:lsm. 6-54 p.m. 13800 block Karen Way, vehicle ,heft, 6:55 p.m Red H II Avenue and ,-5, accident, 8:12 p m. 13300 block Diamond Head Drive. vehicle Theft, 8:15 p.m. 13700 block Newport Avenue, Aaron Brothers, burglary alarm, 9:02 p m. April 26 T h U IT 5 d_" 15500 block Tustin Vitiage Way, TV 7ownhomes :, music. 12'37 a m- 1100 block Mi:che - Avenue, Villa Vallento. trespass, ':15 a m- 1500 bock Parkway Loop, burglary alarm, 2 23 a m 500 block E' Camino Real. Beach PA BBQ, commercia burg.ary 638 a.m http://www.ocreg.ster.com/articlesiblock-169528-avenue-burglary.html THE BEST OF ORANGE COUNTY • Din ng _nleCainmen: • Ou'doors • Places • De's • Shoopir.; & se -v xs 0/7/2012