HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOWERPOINT PRESENTATION -STRATEGIC PLANTUSTIN Agenda Item #11 BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST ■In March, 2012, the City Council initiated a strategic planning process to create a multi-year plan for the future. ■Management Partners, Inc. was contracted to design and facilitate the process. ■A strategic plan provides a framework for linking priorities to the budget process, capital improvement program, important policy considerations, economic development initiatives, and the organization's desire for continuous improvement. ■The collaborative process began with an analysis of the strengths, limitations, opportunities and threats (SLOT). ■Interviews with the the City Council. ■Two focus groups level and line level). City Manager and members of with employees (management ■A focus group with Community Stakeholders. ■An environmental scan. ■Two workshops with the Executive Team. ■One workshop with the City Council and Team. Executive ■What: The "content" of our strategic plan •Our Mission and Vision •Our Goals and direction for the future ■How: How we'll work together to achieve the goals in the strategic plan •Our Values •Our Strategies •Our Implementation Action Plan STRATEGIES IMPLEMENT, The City's vision sets focus for the future. It is a statement of where the organization is going. Tustin's Vision Statement Tustin will continue to be a vibrant, hometown to live, work and play. innovative The City's mission is a statement of the purpose of the organization. It fundamentally defines what the organization stands for and what it will do. Tustin's Mission Statement Tustin's mission is to provide effective, high-quality services that foster safety, quality of life., and economic vitality throughout our community. Values provide the basis for how an organization and its members will work to achieve the mission and vision. •Leadership •Integrity •Fiscal Stewardship •Consistent, High -Quality Service •Transparency •Respect Five strategic goals have been identified *Goal A: Economic and Neighborhood Development *Goal B: Public Safety and Protection of Assets *Goal C: Financial Strength *Goal D: Strong Community and Regional Relationships *Goal E: Organizational Excellence and Customer Services Economic and Neighborhood Development Enable business opportunities and job development and enhance the vibrancy and quality of life in all neighborhoods and areas of the community. •M cl Public Safety and Protection of Assets � Ensure Tustin is an attractive, safe and well maintained community in which people feel pride. Financial Strength Sustain long-term financial strength reserves and enhanced capacity sustainable level of City services. 91! 2 with adequate to provide a Strong Community and Regional Relationships Foster strong relationships within the community and to provide leadership within the region. Organizational Excellence and Customer Service Be a high performance organization, with effective customer workforce. service provided by a professional Our Implementation Action Plan (IAP) provides a mechanism for ensuring accountability and progress toward achieving the goals and strategies in the Tustin Strategic Plan 2012 — 2017. Regular reporting on the timelines and success indicators indentified in the IAP will keep the City Council and community informed of progress and provide an opportunity to consider adjustments or course corrections as needed. January/February: City Council reviews progress it goals and priorities, makes adjustments to goals, tasks, milestones, and success indicators as necessary. achieving strategies, , February — June: City Manager and Executive Team modify IAP based on City Council direction and incorporate strategic priorities into proposed budget and CIP. June: City Manager provides written report on progress made toward achievement of goals and strategies, including success indicator measures. TUSTIN Questions? Buumluc Oua FllTGnc HONG0.ING Uua PAST - C