HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 PC Minutes 10-09-12
ITEM # 1
OCTOBER 9, 2012
7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER:
Commissioner Eckman
John Nielsen
Chair Kozak
Chair Pro Tem Thompson
Commissioners Altowaiji, Eckman, and Moore
Staff Present Elizabeth A. Binsack, Director of Community Development
M. Lois Bobak, Assistant City Attorney
Dana L. Ogdon, Assistant Director of Community Development
Justina Willkom, Principal Planner
Scott Reekstin, Senior Planner
Amy Stonich, Senior Planner
Adrianne DiLeva, Recording Secretary
Chair Pro Tem Thompson stated Chair Kozak, himself, and his
fellow Commissioners, would like to take a moment to formally
recognize three staff members of the Public Works Department
who will be retiring and have assisted the Planning Commission on
many items in the past; Doug Anderson, Dana Kasdan, and Terry
A brief biography on each of the employee’s professional histories
was read, and they were presented with a historic book on the City
of Tustin.
Chair Kozak and Chair Pro Tem Thompson thanked them for all
their hard work.
That the Planning Commission approve the minutes of the
September 25, 2012, meeting as provided.
Motion: It was moved by Eckman, seconded by Thompson, to move the
Consent Calendar. Motion carried 4-1. Commissioner Altowaiji
Adopted Resolution 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 2012-10.
No. 4207 as amended,
recommending approval The request is for Planning Commission recommendation
to the City Council of approval of CUP 2012-10 to the City Council to allow a
maximum of 24 paid outdoor events per year at the
existing single family residence at 310 S. Pasadena
PROPERTY OWNERS: Wilcox Manor Trust
Michael J. Demoratz, Trustee
Lindburgh M. McPherson,
Trustee, 310 S. Pasadena
Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780
PROJECT LOCATION: 310 S. Pasadena Avenue
This project is categorically exempt (Class 1 – existing
facilities, and Class 3 – small new facilities) pursuant to
Sections 15301 and 15303 of the California
Environmental Quality Act.
Pursuant to Tustin City Code Sections 9252c and
9252j2(a)(2), the Planning Commission serves in an
advisory capacity to the City Council on all matters
relating to the Cultural Resource (CR) District and on all
conditional use permits for non-listed uses which
support the purposes of the CR District. As such, the
following is a recommendation and/or alternatives
Minutes – Planning Commission October 9, 2012 – Page 2 of 11
Adopt Resolution No. 4207 recommending that the City
Council approve Conditional Use Permit 2012-10
determining that the proposed project supports the
purposes of the CR District and authorizing a maximum
of 24 paid outdoor events per year at the existing single
family residence at 310 S. Pasadena Avenue; or
In the alternative the Commission may take one of the
following actions:
Direct staff to prepare a resolution recommending that
the City Council deny Conditional Use Permit 2012-10,
with findings that the use does not support the purposes
of the CR District and findings for the denial of a
conditional use permit.
Direct staff to evaluate the merits of initiating a General
Plan Amendment and Zone Change to change the
General Plan Land Use Designation and zoning
designation of the property at 310 S. Pasadena from
Low Density Residential and Single Family Residential
(R1) to High Density Residential and Multiple Family
Residential (R3); and determine that the proposed use is
similar to social halls, lodges, clubs, etc. which are
conditionally permitted uses in the R3 District.
Commissioner Altowaiji recused himself from the public hearing
due to owning property within 500 feet of the proposed project. He
then left the dais.
Gave a presentation of the item.
Commission questions generally included: signs for off-site
parking; db(A) limit at 10:00 p.m.; alternative off-site parking
during business hours of the desired off-site lot; details of the
shuttle-service to and from the off-site parking; events being
limited to Friday, Saturday, and Sunday; agreement for off-site
parking and distance of the parking from the residence; design for
the proposed restrooms; use of the property prior to the CUP
approval; possibility of the CUP being terminated if the property
ownership changes; how the City would gather revenue if the
project is approved; the option of a zone change; how the 200
person limit and the limit of five events per month were
established; the application of the fire code since the events are
outdoors and why indoor events are not proposed; ADA
requirements on the property; the French Estate in Orange’s
similarities to the proposed project; and the number of non-paid
events the applicants are currently hosting.
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The public hearing opened at 7:52 p.m.
The following members of the public spoke in favor of the
proposed project:
Lindburgh McPherson, applicant
Michael Demoratz, applicant
Libby Pankey
Jody Wedret
Ruth Harrell
Chad Ortlieb
Robin Fry
Gretchen Whisler
Melody Mosley
Rosemary Pinedo
Moses Perez
Donna Marsh Peery
Cherrill Cady
Cathy Michaels
Sarah Pearson
Raad Ghantous
Comments of support generally included: how the use
would enhance the character of the community and
introduce guests to the history of Tustin; sound from the
backyard is not audible from the front; the applicants are a
vital asset and generous in donating to non-profits,
therefore the paid events would help recover those costs;
the applicants are professional and respectful towards
their neighborhood when running events; and enrichment
of the City and economy through networking and referring
guests to local businesses.
The following members of the public spoke in opposition to
the proposed project:
Brent Ferdig
Linda Jennings
Martin Blenz
Teresa O’Toole
Comments of concern generally included: regulation of on-
site parking/traffic congestion and noise caused by cars
and shuttle busses; setting a precedent throughout the
City; incompatibility of establishing a high-volume
commercial use in a residential neighborhood; alcohol
being consumed at events; inconsistency with Tustin’s
Minutes – Planning Commission October 9, 2012 – Page 4 of 11
General Plan; nuisance of the directional signs and
negative impact on property values; the historic home is
not open to guests during these paid events, therefore it is
not being used to introduce guests to Tustin’s history;
trash clean-up after events; subletting; and pest control.
The public hearing closed at 9:04 p.m.
The Commission entered into deliberation of the item
recommending amendments to the Resolution and conditions of
approval noting that the conditions should be onerous to ensure
there is a balance between the neighborhood and proposed use.
The Commission’s amendments are as follows:
Globally change “24 paid outdoor events” to “24 outdoor
Delete Resolution No. 4207 Finding I.D.c.
Delete Resolution No. 4207 Finding I.E.e.
Add the Public Works Department to Resolution No. 4207
Finding I.H.8.
Condition 1.5 – Add provision that revocation would be
considered after third infraction/citation within one year.
Condition 1.11 – Add “as determined by the Community
Development Director.”
Condition 2.3 – Specify that the maximum of 200 people is
a total per event.
Conditions 2.4, 2.26, and 2.27 – Adjust the hours of
operation to no later than 10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday
and 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, with equipment
removal up to one hour later.
Condition 2.6 – Prohibit on-site signage.
Condition 2.7 – Require attendees to present proof of
shuttle use.
Condition 2.12 – Require shuttle vans to be non-diesel,
have a maximum passenger capacity of twelve, not use
horns or bells, be ADA compliant, and not idle for more
than three minutes.
Condition 2.13 – Require guests to use the shuttle service
rather than walk.
Condition 2.19 – Require litter removal, with no specified
distance from the property.
Condition 2.22 – Tie CUP 2012-10 to the applicants.
Condition 2.29 – Require a schedule of events and
information on the applicants’ website 30 days prior to an
Condition 2.36 – Require all businesses servicing events
to obtain all required permits.
Minutes – Planning Commission October 9, 2012 – Page 5 of 11
Condition 2.42 – Add condition requiring residential solid
waste collection services.
Condition 4.1 – Require the sewer lateral to be upsized if
The Commission reached a consensus to recommend the
proposed project to the City Council with the abovementioned
Motion: It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Moore, to adopt
Resolution No. 4207 as amended recommending the item to City
Council. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner Altowaiji was recused
from the vote.
The Planning Commission recessed at 10:00 p.m. and
readjourned at 10:10 p.m.
Adopted Resolution 4. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DA) 2012-002,
No. 4205 recommending CONCEPT PLAN (CP) 2012-003, DESIGN REVIEW (DR)
approval to the City Council 2012-005, DENSITY TRANSFER, DENSITY BONUS,
The request is for DA 2012-002, CP 2012-003, DR 2012-
005, Density Transfer, Density Bonus, and concessions or
incentives authorized under Tustin City Code Section 9123
related to the provision of affordable housing units in
compliance with California Government Code Section
65915(1) required for proposed development of Tustin
Legacy Disposition Package 1A-North which includes 225
affordable multi-family residential apartment homes.
APPLICANT: St. Anton Partners, LLC
4630 Campus Drive, Suite 111
Newport Beach, CA 92660
OWNER: City of Tustin
LOCATION: Tustin Legacy Disposition Package 1A-
North bounded by future Tustin Ranch
Road on the east, future Legacy Road
on the north, future Park Avenue on the
west, and a vacant parcel to the south.
Minutes – Planning Commission October 9, 2012 – Page 6 of 11
The Program Final Environmental Impact
Statement/Environmental Impact Report (FEIS/EIR) for the
reuse and disposal of MCAS Tustin along with its
supplemental and addendum considered the potential
environmental impacts associated with development on the
former Marine Corps Air Station, Tustin. An environmental
checklist was prepared for the proposed project that
concluded no additional environmental impacts would occur
from approval of the project.
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4205
recommending that the Tustin City Council approve
Development Agreement (DA) 2012-002, Concept
Plan (CP) 2012-003, Design Review (DR) 2012-005,
Transfer, Density Bonus, and Concessions or Incentives
authorized under Tustin City Code Section 9123 related
to the provision of 225 affordable residential apartment
housing units in compliance with California Government
Code Section 65915(1) required for the proposed
development of Tustin Legacy Disposition Package 1A-
Ogdon Gave a presentation of the item.
Planning Commission questions generally included: clarification
on the exchange of affordable versus market-rate units from The
Irvine Company to St. Anton; the provision for compact parking
spaces in the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan; discrepancy with the
setback requirement; whether the increase in housing creates the
need for a revaluation of the EIR; requirements for affordable
housing; number of incentives and concessions being proposed;
parking management/implementation plans; cost limitation on the
proposed park; master association fees; necessity of the
completion of the Tustin Ranch Road extension; clarity of the
surrounding land uses planned for the future; parks private or
public; and whether or not gated communities are allowed within
the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan.
The public hearing opened at 11:03 p.m.
Steve Eggert stepped forward representing St. Anton
Partners. Mr. Eggert gave a brief presentation of the
project proposal and stated what a positive addition it
would be to the City of Tustin.
Minutes – Planning Commission October 9, 2012 – Page 7 of 11
The public hearing closed at 11:11 p.m.
The Planning Commission entered discussion of the item.
Stated his design-related questions were answered by Mr.
Altowaiji Had no additional comments at this point.
Loves the project and the amenities. Approves of the design.
Eckman Would like to move the approval of the item.
Thompson Stated his concerns were adequately addressed by the applicant.
Supports the transfer of affordable units as well as the project
design. Would recommend approval of the project to the City
Kozak Council.
Moore Requested clarification on the development agreement.
Motion: It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Altowaiji, to adopt
Resolution No. 4205 recommending approval to the City Council.
Motion carried 5-0.
Adopted Resolution 5. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DA) 2012-001, DESIGN
No. 4206 recommending REVIEW (DR) 2012-004, CONCEPT PLAN (CP) 2012-
approval to the City Council 002, DENSITY TRANSFER, DENSITY BONUS,
The request is for DA 2012-001, CP 2012-002, DR 2012-
004, Density Transfer, Density Bonus, concessions or
incentives authorized under Tustin City Code Section 9123
related to the provision of affordable housing units in
compliance with California Government Code Section
65915(1), and PM 2012-136, required for proposed
development of Tustin Legacy Disposition Package 2A
which includes 37 moderate income units and 496 market
rate units for a total of 533 residential apartment units.
APPLICANT: The Irvine Company, LLC
550 Newport Center Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Minutes – Planning Commission October 9, 2012 – Page 8 of 11
OWNER: City of Tustin
LOCATION: Tustin Legacy Disposition Package 2A
bounded by future Warner Avenue on
the north, future Park Avenue on the
south, and existing Tustin Ranch
Road on the east.
The Program Final Environmental Impact
Statement/Environmental Impact Report (FEIS/EIR) for the
reuse and disposal of MCAS Tustin along with its
supplemental and addendum considered the potential
environmental impacts associated with development on the
former Marine Corps Air Station, Tustin. An environmental
checklist was prepared for the proposed project that
concluded no additional environmental impacts would occur
from approval of the project.
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No.4206
recommending that the Tustin City Council approve
Development Agreement (DA) 2012-001, Concept Plan
(CP) 2012-002, Design Review (DR) 2012-004, Density
Transfer, Density Bonus, Concessions or Incentives
authorized under Tustin City Code Section 9123 related
to the provision of affordable housing units in compliance
with California Government Code Section 65915(1), and
Parcel Map (PM) 2012-136, required for the proposed
development of 533 apartment units (including 37
affordable units) at Tustin Legacy Disposition Package 2A.
Ogdon Gave a presentation of the item.
Planning Commission questions generally included: affordable or
moderate-income housing in the development; open-space
requirements; and building height limitations.
The public hearing opened at 11:42 p.m.
Bryan Austin spoke representing The Irvine Company.
Mr. Austin provided a brief presentation on the project
proposal. Stated The Irvine Company is excited to be part
of Tustin Legacy.
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The public hearing closed at 11:50 p.m.
The Planning Commission entered discussion of the item.
Altowaiji Stated this is a great project proposal similar to St. Anton’s and
would support staff’s recommendation of approval.
Moore Stated he understood staff’s clarification of the open-space
Eckman Stated it is a great project and that he supports it.
Thompson Would move forward with approval of the project. His questions
were addressed.
Kozak Echoed his fellow Commissioner’s comments. Stated the St.
Anton and The Irvine Company projects will complement each
other well.
Motion: It was moved by Kozak, seconded by Thompson, to adopt
Resolution No. 4206 recommending approval to City Council.
Motion carried 4-1. Commissioner Moore abstained.
Attended Tustin Tiller Days in which the Parks and
Recreation Department did a wonderful job of coordinating.
Hoped many nonprofit organizations benefited that day.
Thanked City Council for his appointment as Planning
Commissioner. Stated he looks forward to working with his
fellow Commissioners to accomplish the goals of the City.
Welcomed Commissioner Altowaiji;
Requested an update on recent project approvals in Old
Town, and the congregate care facility on Red Hill.
Stated Tiller Days was well-done once again;
Congratulated Commissioner Altowaiji on his appointment;
Requested to be kept updated on projects/development
agreements for disposition packages within Tustin Legacy.
Minutes – Planning Commission October 9, 2012 – Page 10 of 11
Thanked staff for their hard work this evening;
Congratulated the Parks and Recreation Department on a
successful Tustin Tiller Days event;
Participated in a recent CEQA webinar;
Stated City Council approved the Red Hill Lutheran project
and denied the appeal of the Goodwill Industries Project,
thus approving it as well;
Welcomed Commissioner Altowaiji and stated it was good to
have him on board.
11:58 p.m. ADJOURNMENT:
The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is
scheduled for Tuesday, October 23, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. in the City
Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way.
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