HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA MINUTES 1982 09 20 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA T~ ~ ~ ~, ~FO~IA September 20, 1982 1. CALL TO ORDER ~e meeting was called to order by ~ai~n Edgar at 4:48 p.m. in the City Co~cil Cheers, 300 Centennial Way, T~tin, California. ~ 2. ROLL CALL ~ge~cy H~e~S ~se~: ~o~e O~he~s ~ese~: ~es G. ~o~ke~ C~y ~o:~ey H~ke ~o~em~le~ C~y Develogme~ D~ec~o~ 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ~oy Gong~les~ ~e~so~Gel D~ec~o: 9o~ ~e~e~ecke~ D~ec~o: ~ w~s move~ ~ ~t~ seco~e~ by Hoes~e~ey~ ~o ~he Se~e~e~ 7 ~ 1982 ~ mee~&n9- C~e~ 3-0 ~ ~e~e~y abstaining ~ 4. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS~ ~ It was moved b~ Hoesterey, seconded b~ Grei~e, to approve General Demands for ~e month of July, 1982, in the ~o~t of $~8~,039.71 as recomended by ~e Director of Finance. Motion carried 5-0. 81 5. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM P~suant to the Director of P~lic Works' reco~ndation contained in his report ~ted September ~3, ~982, it was ~ved b~ Hoesterse, seconded by Kenned~, to not accelerate the Prospect Avenue ~lief Drain into the c~- rent fiscal year Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Program. Car- ried 5~0 · It was then moved by Edgar, seconded b~ Hoesterey, to appropriate $55,000 from ~e Redevelopment Fund ~l~ce for the si~l improvement project at the corner of Prospect Avenue and First Street. ~e Director of P~lic Works clarified what sisal improvMents are needed. The motion carried 5-0. 81 6. REAPPROPRIATION OF CARRY OVER FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY As reckended in the re~rt dated Sept~er 15, 1982, prepared by the Finance Director, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Hoesterse, to reappropriate $825,245 for the ~expended appropriations from Fiscal Year 1981-82. Carried 5-0. 29 7. AUTHORIZATION TO RETAIN MUDGE, ROSE, GUTHRIE & ALEXANDER AND ROURKE & WOODRUFF AS BOND COUNSEL. Following consideration of the re~rt dated Sept~er 15, 1982, pre~red by the Executive Director, it was moved bX Saltarelli, seconded by Hoesterey, to authorize retention of Mudge, Rose, Guthrie & Alexander and Ro~ke & Woodr~f as ~e Ag~cy' s bnd co~sel in connection with ~e issuance of ~x allocation bnds by ~e Agency. Motion carried 5-0. 45 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES Page 2, 9-20-82 8. AUTHORIZATION TO RETAIN MILLER & SCHROEDER MUNICIPALS, INC., AS BOND FINANCIAL CONSULTANT PUrsuant to the recommendation contained in the report dated September 17, 1982, prepared by the Executive Director, it was moved by Saltarelli, sec- onded by Hoesterey, to authorize the Chairman to execute an agreement with Miller & Schroeder Municipals, Inc., to serve as the Agency's financial consultant in connection with the issuance of tax' allocation bonds and to provide technical assistance to the Agency's bend counsel. The motion carried 5-0. 81 9. PROJECT PRIORITIES Following lengthy Agency/staff discussion and a question-and-answer period regarding the ability to change priorities at a later date, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Hoesterey, to adopt the following project priorities: 1. Land Acquisition $1,800,000 2. Senior Citizen Housing 200,000 3. Columbus Tustin Park/Community Center 1,000,000 4. Undergrounding of Utilities (area bounded by Holt/Irvine Boulevard/Newport Avenue) 750,000 5. Parking Structure 1,000,000 6. Water System Improvements (within the Town Center Project Area) 500,000 7. Repayment of General FUnd Loan 1,125,000 TOTAL $6,375,000 The motion carried 5-0. 81 ~0, AUTHORIZATION TO PUBLISH NOTICES OF SALE OF TAX ALLOCATION BONDS The Executive Director presented the staff report and recommendation. Mr. Saltarelli raised questions pertaining to insUrance, ratings, and cost. The City Attorney provided information on Proposition 4 require- ments. FUrther Agency/staff discussion followed. It was then moved Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to authorize and direct the Executive Director to publish notices of sale of tax allocation bends by the Agency.~ In response to Mr. Saltarelli's concern re issuing bends at an 11% inter- est rate in an Unfavorable market, the Executive Director stated ~hat it could very well be that when bids are awarded, the rate will be well Under 11%.' If not, the Agency has the option to reject bids at that time. The motion carried 5-0. 81 11. AGENCY CONCERNS a. E1 Camino Real/Main Street Improvements Project - Mr. Greinkeropened discussion regarding complaints from merchants in the downtown area on the E1 Cemino Real/Main Street Improvements Project and stressed that the City should require the contractor to provide temporary tramps for easier access into the businesses. The Director of Public Works responded to the complaints and provided a status report on the proj- ect's progress. Jeffrey McElderry, 10351 Mira Vista, Santa Ana, representing Tustin Chamber of Commerce, requested the City's assistance to merchants in letting the public know that they are open dUring construction. The Agency felt Mr. McElderry's suggestion to place signs to this effect was excellent. The Executive Director added that staff has advised any merchant who has called in that they do not have to Worry about sign permits, as long as the temporary sign is safe. The Director of Public Works suggested that the Chamber provide the propor wording for the signs to be placed by the City at both ends of the construction area so that they are uniform in size and wording. Agency concUrred. The Chairman requested that the City Attorney provide legal coUnsel on what the Agency can do financially to assist the merchants impacted by the street construction downtown. 81 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES Page 3, 9-20-82 b. Site Development Informational Signs - Mr. Hoesterey suggested that staff investigate the possibility of requiring informational signs at development sites to enhance people's awareness of what is happening in the City. c. E1 Camino Real/Main Street Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony - It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, that staff plan a ribbon-cutting ceremony, to include a plaque presentation to the TNT Committee~ upon completion of the E1 Camino Real/Main Street project. Carried 5-0. 81 9o ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, to adjourn at 5:39 p.m. to the next regular meeting on October 4, 1982. Carried 5-0. RECO~ SECPZT Y~