August 17, 1981
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pro Tempore Hoesterey at 3:47
p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California.
Agency Members Present: Edgar, H0esterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli
Agency Members Absent: Sharp
Others Present: James G. Rourke, City Attorney
Charles Thayer, Interim City Manager
Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk
Mike Brotemarkle, Comm. Dev. Director
Dale Wick, Assistant City Engineer
Roy Gonzales, Personnel Director
Ronald Nault, Finance Director
Royleen White, Community Services Director
Nancy Miller, Administrative Aide
Approximately 15 in the audience
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - August 3, 1981.
It was moved by Edgar~ seconded by Saltare]l~, to approve the minutes of
the August 3, 1981, meeting. Carried 3-0, Kennedy abstained, Sharp
The Community Development Director provided the staff report and recommen-
dations, and reported that on August 11 a meeting was held with several
businesspersons of the immediate area (Messrs. Lindquist, Gailbreth, John
and Tom Prescott, Sy Nozick, Walt Fredrickson, and Margaret Pottinger)
along with representatives from Tustin News and Gfeller Development Com-
pany to discuss the proposed plaza improvements on "C" Street, where it
was the consensus that the parking structure development is a forward-
moving project. One businessman did state concerns re closing off the
block as it will deter large trucks from using the route into the indus-
trial area. In response to Mrs. Kennedy, the Community Development Direc-
tor reported that only those property owners adjacent to the project area
("C" Street from Main to Sixth) which will be directly affected were
invited to the meeting.
Walter Flaherty, 190 E1 Camino Real, stated his objections to the proposed
project and closure of "C" street. The Community Development Director
responded to Mr. Flaherty's request for information on the cost of the
Bill Moses, Editor of Tustin News, spoke in opposition to the closure of
"C" Street. He requested a traffic count on "C" Street, but the Interim
City Manager indicated that with the absence of the City Engineer, the
information was not available.
Howard Jamieson, St. Minister of Tustin Presbyterian Church, expressed
concerns on the closure of "C" Street as it would affect the traffic flow
on Main Street at the intersections of "B" and "C" Streets.
Doug.Gfeller, Gfeller Development Company, responded to comments made by
speakers in opposition to the project and/or closure of "C" Street. He
apologized for the appearance of the construction site and indicated that
the only modifications being made to the Stevens House are to remove any
remodeling and restore it to original design. The plans for "C" Street
actually call for realignment and still provide for public ingress/egress,
but those wanting to travel on a through route would probably utilize
another street. The traffic count information has been quoted previously
by staff with extensive discussions on the amount of traffic In par-
ticular, through concern over traffic on Main and "C" Streets, the
realignment of "C" Street and a joint parking structure were suggested by
page 2, 8-17-81
City staff. Mr. Gfeller stated that his office has never received any
inquiries or requests, other than favorable, for plans or information from
persons with concerns on the matter.
Mr. Gfeller continued that it has been his experience that where a devel-
opment provides joint benefits to the public and private sector, there is
frequently a sharing of cost. The City's contribution was arrived at on
the basis that if "C" Street were not realigned, there would ultimately be
a need for a traffic signal on "C" and Main which would cost the city.
approximately $50,000. Through the redesign of "C" Street, City staff
felt the need for a signal would not materialize and, therefore, could
contribute that amount to the redesign effort. The project will provide
an opportunity for extraperking and a plaza in that location for weekend
and after-hour usage with absolutely no conflict.
A question-and-answer/discussion period followed regarding traffic move-
ment, notification to and participation of area merchants, historical
background of the project, and availability of information to the public.
Ginny Flaherty inquired on the availability of funds for redevelopment at
the entrance into downtown on North E1 Camino Real. Councilman Edgar
assured Ms. Flaherty that redevelol~nent funding would be available for
other downtown areas, although the projects may not be identical since the
needs will differ
It was then moved b~ Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to continue th? matter to
the next meeting, with aninvitation extended to area residents/merchants
to attend an open workshop on the matter.
Mr. Gfeller suggested that staff prepar~ a written report to .Council in
response to any questions raised at subject workshop, and relayed problems
he is facing with delays on the project. The Interim City Manager sug-
gested that staff could notify all those persons within the old town proj-
ect area; that questions would be taken from the tapes on specific
questions/comments with staff response prepared for the workshop; that
said workshop be held the first week in September to allow two weeks to
prepare the information and notice the workshop prior to the September 8
Council meeting.
Mr. Saltarelli stated he was agreeable to the continuance but nothing
beyond t he three weeks, and Mr. Gfeller ~ncurred.
Motion carried 4-0, Sharp absent. 81
As suggested by Mr. Gfeller, and with the City Attorney's concurrence, it
was moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to direct staff to prepare
proper notice of intention to vacate with clarification that the matter is
only under consideration at this point and that the matter will come up
for a hearing before the City Council at the earliest meeting legally pes-
sible to make a determination of the street vacation.
Following Council/staff discussion regarding the street vacation legal
process, motion carried 4-0, Sharp absent.
Council concurred to schedule the workshop to be held Monday, August 31,
198~, at 7:30 p.m., in the City Council Chambers. 8~
It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to adjourn at 5:0~ p.m. to the
evening joint public hearing, thence to a 7:30 p.m. workshop to be held on
August 3~, ~98~, in the Council Chambers, and thence to the next regular
meeting on Tuesday, September 8, 198~. Carried 4-0, Sharp absent.