Agenda Item
City Manager
Finance Director
City Council approved funding for fiscal year 2012 -2013 to upgrade the City's computer
network infrastructure which includes installing Category 6 cabling infrastructure in all
City facilities to improve speed and efficiency of information between the computer
workstations and the data center.
It is recommended that City Council approve the agreement between the City and
Vertex Communications Inc. for the installation of Category 6 cabling infrastructure in all
City facilities.
Total funds appropriated in the Equipment Replacement Fund for the City's computer
network upgrade for fiscal year 2012 -2013 were $950,000. The Category 6 cabling
project is not to exceed $255,252.
Currently the City's network infrastructure consists of equipment that has served its
useful life, a configuration that is not relevant to the changes in technology over the past
ten years and cabling that does not provide the bandwidth needed to accommodate the
increase in the City's usage /reliance of information technology to meet its daily
operations. To resolve this issue, staff brought to the City Council during the fiscal year
2012 -2013 budget process the request for funds to upgrade the City's computer
network infrastructure. The request included installing Category 6 cabling infrastructure
in all City facilities and the replacement of the seventeen year old Nortel telephone
system that is no longer supported by the manufacturer, with a Voice Over Internet
Protocol system (VOIP).
To complete the total upgrade of the City's information technology staff has
recommended a three phase project. The first phase is the installation of Category 6
December 4, 2012 page 2 of 3
cabling infrastructure; the second phase is the computer network design /equipment
upgrade; and the third phase is the installation of the VOIP. Each phase will overlap and
the estimated completion date of the project will be June 30, 2013.
Installing Category 6 cabling is important for the upgrade to the City's computer network
because it will increase the speed and efficiency of data between the computer
workstations and the data center. Staff developed a Request for Bid (RFB) for the
Category 6 cabling infrastructure project and mailed it to 18 local cabling vendors
selected through Google search and posted the RFB on the City's website October 9,
2012. A walk through of the City's facilities was conducted for interested vendors
October 24, 2012 and RFB's were due October 29, 2012.
Seven cabling vendors submitted a response to the RFB. The RFBs were reviewed by
a committee of six employees. The criteria for selection were:
1. Vendor's availability to provide high quality service.
2. Completeness of vendor's response and requested information to the RFB.
3. Vendors' ability to meet the time constraints and proposed installation schedule.
4. Experience with installing network cabling in old and new construction. Municipal
government experience was highly desirable.
5. Experience connecting multiple offices that are geographically dispersed.
6. Project Team: Qualification, education, and experience of the firm, and key team
7. Project Management: Firm's capabilities in project planning, coordination,
execution, cost control, quality control, and completing projects on schedule.
Experience /PMP Certified staff was highly desirable.
8. Cost.
Criteria 1 through 7 represented 65% of the overall total weighted scores. Each
criterion was rated 5 to 1, with 5 representing excellent and 1 representing poor.
Criteria 8, Cost, represented 35% of the overall total weighted score. The committee
reviewed each vendor and scored criteria 1 through 7 without the knowledge of the cost
submitted by each vendor. Cost was included after all scores were submitted.
The scale on "cost" was 7 lowest to 1 highest. To determine the total cost of the bid
vendors were instructed to provide a price per cable drop. It was determined there were
a total of 956 cable drops for this project. The bids submitted for this project ranged
from $167,300 to $361,746.
The total weighted scores for the vendors ranged from 10.75 to 21.95. Vertex
Communications Inc. (Vertex) had the highest score with 21.95 followed by Veterans
Communication Services, Inc. (Veterans) with a score of 20.65. The committee
commented that both vendors provided a thorough and complete response to the RFB
and each vendor has the requisite experience needed to complete the project
competently and in a timely manner. Vertex's total cost of $255,252 was lower than
Veterans of $266,695 therefore the firm received the highest score.
December 4, 2012 page 3 of 3
The consensus of the committee is that Vertex would be a good choice for the City
based on their qualifications, experience, and cost. It should be noted that the City has
prior experience with Vertex and their prior work was completed competently and in a
timely manner.
The scoring sheets for the other vendors who submitted a response to the RFBs are
available on request.
Pamela Arends -King
Finance Director
Attachments: Request for Bid, Category 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure including
Sample agreement
Vertex Communications, Inc. Bid Response
Final Vendor Weighted Scores
October 9, 2012
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
Request for Bid (RFB)
Category 6 City Wide Cabling
(RFB) —CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
1.0 RFB Submission Information ............................................................ ..............................3
2.0 Key Dates ........................................................................................... ............................... 6
3.0 Submission Format and Content Requirements .............................. ............................... 7
4.0 Implementation and Technical Requirements ................................. ..............................8
Appendix E - Station /End User Labeling ............................................. ............................... 26
AppendixF- Sample Contract ............................................................. .............................27
5.0 Payment Schedule ............................................................................ .............................13
6.0 Terms and Conditions ........................................................................ .............................14
Appendix A - Proposed Pricing - Bidders Price Quote Form ............... .............................19
Appendix B - Voice and Data Cabling & Patch Cable Requirements ............................22
Appendix C - Modular Jack Inserts for Data/ Voice ........................... ...............................
Appendix D - Modular Jack Possible Configurations ......................... ...............................
Appendix E - Station /End User Labeling ............................................. ............................... 26
AppendixF- Sample Contract ............................................................. .............................27
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
A. Direct questions regarding this RFB, in writing or via email, no later than S:OOPM on
Thursday, October 18, 2012 to the following:
The City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Attn: Finance Department
Parends- king @tustinco.org
B. News Release- News releases pertaining to this RFB or to the award of a
contract shall not be made without prior written approval of the City.
C. Disclaimer - This RFB does not commit the City to award a contract, or to pay
any costs incurred in the preparation of the bid. The City reserves the right to
extend the due date for the bid, to accept or reject any or all bids received as a
result of this request, to negotiate with any qualified firm, or to cancel this RFB in
part or in its entirety. The city may require the Selected Firm to participate in
negotiations and to submit such technical, fee, or other revisions of their
proposals as may result from negotiations.
D. Standard Form of Aareement - The selected firm will enter into an agreement
with the City based upon the contents of the RFB and the selected firm's
proposal. The City's standard form of agreement is included as Appendix F. The
selected firm shall carefully review the agreement, and include with the proposal
a description of any exceptions requested to the standard contract. If there are
no exceptions, a statement to that effect shall be included in the proposal.
E. Assigned representatives - The City will assign a responsible representative to
administer the contract, and to assist the Selected Firm in obtaining information.
The Selected Firm also shall assign a responsible representative (project
manager) and an alternate, who shall be identified in the proposal. The
Selected Firm's representative will remain in responsible charge of the Selected
Firm's duties through project completion. If the Selected Firm's primary
representative should be unable to continue with the project, then the alternate
representative identified in the proposal shall become the project manager. The
City's representative shall first approve any substitution of representatives
identified in the RFB in writing. The City reserves the right to review and
approve /disapprove all key staff or removal, and may consider such changes
not approved to be a breach of contract.
—CAT 6 Citv Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
F. City Business License - A city business license will be required of the Selected Firm
and any subcontractors they may use.
G. Length of Submission - The maximum length of the RFB submission shall be 35
pages, manuals, marketing material and other exhibits excluded.
Response Submission - Three copies of each submission are required along with
one electronic copy on CD or DVD. All submissions must be sealed in a package
showing the following information on the outside and addressed to:
City of Tustin
Attn: City Clerk
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Request for Bid No. 12 -RFB- CAB -2012
RFB Title: Cat 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure
Vendor's Name and Address
The submission package must be mailed or delivered to the above
address prior to the deadline for receipts of submission. All
respondents who mail or ship their submissions must allow sufficient
delivery time to ensure receipt of their submissions at the above
address by the time specified. Late submissions will not be accepted
for consideration.
Deadline for Receipt of Submissions - All submissions must be received by the
City Clerk, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 by 5:OOPM on
Monday, October 29, 2012.
J. The City of Tustin's Rights to RFBs - All RFB's, upon submission to the City of Tustin
shall become its property for use as deemed appropriate. By submitting a RFB,
the offer covenants not to make any claim for or have any right to damages
because of any misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the specification, or
because of any misinformation or lack of information. The City of Tustin has the
following prerogatives with regard to RFBs submitted:
- to accept or reject any or all proposals;
- to correct any arithmetic errors in any or all proposals submitted;
- to change the RFB's due date upon appropriate notification;
- to adopt any or all of an offeror's RFB; and
- to negotiate modifications to the scope and fee with selected offeror
prior to contract award.
K. Selection Criteria -All submissions will be evaluated against the following criteria:
(RFS) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
1. Vendors availability to provide high quality service.
2. Completeness of vendor's response and requested information to the RFB.
3. Vendors ability to meet the time constraints and proposed installation
4. Experience with installing network cabling in old and new construction.
Municipal government experience is highly desirable.
5. Experience connecting multiple offices that are geographically dispersed.
6. Project Team: Qualifications, education, and experience of the Firm, and key
team members.
7. Project Management: Firm's capabilities in project planning, coordination,
execution, cost control, quality control, and completing projects on schedule.
Ex erience /PMP Certified staff is highly desirable.
8. Cost
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
The key dates driving this Cabling Project procurement are provided below:
October 9, 2012 Issuance of Request for Bids
October 18, 2012 Deadline for written questions.
October 24, 2012 Walk through buildings 8:30 A.M.
October 29, 2012 RFBs due at Tustin City Hall by 5:00 P.M.
November 20, 2012 City Council Approval of Project Contract (est. date)
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
A. Provide a brief statement indicating an overall understanding of the project
and submit a project plan describing each phase of the project describing
what work will be completed and timeline for completion.
B. Provide your firm's qualifications that pertain to this cabling project.
C. Price - Each vendor must submit the price as "cost per drop" excluding taxes
and including their prices with any additional hardware, discounts by
commercial components, installation labor, maintenance, and any other
prices, and complete the Bidder's Price Quote form shown in Appendix A.
D. References - Each vendor shall provide three business references.
E. Proposed Payment Schedule -The City of Tustin proposes the Payment
Schedule shown in Section 5.0
One Bid - No person, firm, or corporation shall be allowed to make, or file, or
be interested in more than one Bid for the some work. If it appears that the
same person, firm or corporation is interested in more than one Bid, all such
Bids shall be rejected.
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
Cable replacement will start with the "core" at the data center, and progress floor by
floor in each of the following sites:
City of Tustin / Tustin Police Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Field Services
1472 Service Rd
Tustin, CA 92780
Tustin Area Senior Center
200 S C St
Tustin, CA 92780
Columbus Tustin Activity Center (Gym)
17522 Beneta Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Tustin Family & Youth Center
14722 Newport Ave
Tustin, CA 92780
Tustin Sports Park
12850 Robinson Dr
Tustin, CA 92782
Patch panels will be labeled and new cabinets and wall jacks will be installed as
needed. All connections will be tapped straight to the core system, with the core (Data
Center) as the first install site.
Existing Cabling Infrastructure
City of Tustin is currently using Chatsworth Cabinets, Cabling Management and other
related accessories to support the cabling infrastructure. It is highly recommended to
use the some vendor for compatibility between the old and the new infrastructure.
Backbone Cabling Requirements
Fiber cables will be Plenum rated, laser optimized single mode indoor /outdoor cable
with LC /PC type single -mode fiber optic termination connectors and must be
compatible with industry standard SFP 1000BASE -SX module (GLC -SX -MM (SFP)). Cable
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
must meet bend - insensitive specifications of the specification ITU -T G.657 and IEC
60793 -2 -50.
24 strand fiber- A single plenum rated cable consisting of 24 strands of fiber is to be
installed between the 2 MDF locations. Each strand will be terminated in a LC style
connector patch panel. Labeling of the cross connect will comprise of the prefix "12F-
"and a two digit sequential number starting from Ol .
Patch Panels
All patch panels will be installed starting at the top of a rack and working down.
Wall Racks
All racks located next to a wall (parallel to the wall and no more than 12" from the wall)
shall be standard 2 post racks, 84 ". An example of this type of rack is the ICC model
ICCMSR1984 (http: / /www.iccproducts.com /catalog /model_ICCMSRI984.htm)
Wire Management
2U horizontal wire management (D -Ring, 3' /z ") shall be installed between every 48 ports
and at the top of a rack. An example of the style of horizontal cable management
required is the ICC model ICCMSCMP52
(http: / /www.iccproducts.com /catalog/ search. htm ?sid= 837E74EOEA78BFBA39FDB6EOA9
5A69B9 &fs= ICCMSCM P5) .
Vertical wire managers (dual finger) shall be installed on both sides of racks to extend
the full height of the rack. An example of this is the ICC model ICCMSCMA82
((http: / /www.iccproducts.com/ catalog /search.htm ?sid= 837E74EOEA78B FBA39FDB6EOA
95A69B9 &fs= ICCMSCMA82). Each rack must have a left and right vertical manager
dedicated to it, even if next to another rack of the same type.
Ladder Racks
Appropriate vertical ladder racks should extend from the top of the rack to the ceiling
mounted ladder racks and anchored to the wall. An example of the ladder rack to be
used is the ICC model ICCMSLST05
(http: / /vvww.iccproducts.com /catalog /search.htm ?sid= 837E74EOEA78BFBA39 FDB6EOA9
5A69B9 &fs =1CCMS LST05) .
Ladder racks are required in some areas. An example of the 90 degree radius turn
ladder is the ICC model ICCMSLFT90
(http: / /www.iccproducts.com /catalog /search.htm ?sid =837 E74EOEA 78BF BA39 F DB6EOA9
5A69B9 &fs= ICCMSLFT90) and an example of the straight ladder rack is the ICC model
(http: / /www.iccproducts.com /catalog /search.hfm ?sid= 837E74EOEA78BFBA39FDB6EOA9
5A69B9 &fs= ICCMSLSTI O) an example of the interior radius ladder rack is the ICC model
(http: / /www.iccproducts.com /catalog /search.htm ?sid= 837E74EOEA78BFBA39FDB6EOA9
5A69B9 &fs= ICCMSLIR90). The vendor is to supply all mounting and hanging hardware
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
Wiring Cabinets
All cabinets for wiring purposes will be stand -alone cabinets approximately 80" tall with
side mesh panels, a rear locking door, a front locking door, width to accommodate
vertical wire managers and rails on which to mount standard 19" equipment. An
example specification is Dell PowerEdge 4220W (Wide) Rack Enclosure standard width
and depth with wheels and standard power distribution. Reference link:
http //www.dell.com/us/business/ip/ipoweredge-4220/rpd
MDF Wiring Cabinets
All cables terminating at the MDF will terminate in "Wiring Cabinets" as previously
defined. The number of these racks will be determined by the vendor based on the
wiring configuration. We currently expect there to be only 1 cabinet based on the
LDF Wiring Cabinets
All cables terminating at the LDF will terminate in "Wall Racks" as previously defined. The
number of these racks will be determined by the vendor based on the wiring
Installation Requirements
1. In order for unshielded twisted -pair cabling infrastructure to deliver high -speed
performance, it is manufactured to very tight specifications. Consequently, to
maintain the unshielded twisted -pair cabling system performance proper
installation practices must be followed. Listed below are some requirements that
shall be followed:
2. In the MDF, OF and computer rooms and plenum applications, no nylon cable
ties shall be allowed. Instead all ties should be plenum rated Velcro.
3. The cable jacket on UTP shall only be stripped back the minimum required to
terminate to connecting hardware.
4. Cable management panels shall be used when terminating cable.
5. Maximum cable lengths shall not exceed industry standards.
6. All horizontal runs, moves, adds, and changes must be documented. Permanent
link test results must be provided.
7. Any undocumented penetrations must be pre- approved by the City. Any
penetrating item (i.e., riser slots and sleeves, cables, conduit, cable tray, and
raceways, etc.) shall be properly fire stopped.
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
8. The vendor shall provide the City with As -Built drawings of all installations and are
9. Grounding shall meet the requirements of the NEC and additionally grounding
bonding shall conform to ANSI /TIA /EIA -607. Any additional Ground bars and
Plates not in current plans will be the responsibility of the awarded cabling
contractor to meet the requirements of this document.
Voice, Data and Fiber Termination's
Voice termination's are to be made on standard single RJ -45 jacks with a
minimum of 50 micro inches of gold surface plating on the contact wires and
2. Data termination's are to be made on standard single Category 6 RJ -45 8
position jack with a minimum of 50 micro inches of gold surface plating on the
contact wires and plugs. The City is looking to employ Leviton or similar Quick
Port Snap Modules. Wiring standard for Category 6 wiring termination is T568B.
3. Equipment room MDF and IDF terminations for voice applications are to be
made on standard 110 type termination blocks and associated mounting
brackets and hardware specifically designed for the purpose. The use and or
combination of cable trays, backboards, wall frames, and stand -alone frames
are expected to be utilized in providing a logical and proper layout to
equipment spaces and OF locations
Voice Cable and Distribution Cable Technical Specification
The installation of all premises, distribution, cross connect, patch, backbone and
horizontal wiring are to comply with all local code authority and the following
EIA /TIA and ANSI specifications and or standards: ANSI /TIA 568 -A Standard,
Commercial Building Telecommunications Wiring Standard EIA /TIA 569 Standard,
Commercial Building Standards for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces.
ANSI /ICEA 5 -83- 596 -1988, Standard For Fiber Optic Premises Distribution Cable
ANSI /TIA -C.2 Category 6
2. All premises wiring required to complete installation of the services requested in
this document will be the responsibility of the Contractor. Premises wiring are
defined as intra and inter building data and voice wiring necessary for the
project. This includes fiber patches and data patch connections.
3. All cabling must be designed for the purpose as outlined in article 800 of the NEC
code. Contractor is to determine the proper use of either PVC or Teflon
conductor insulation depending on the air handling requirements of the building
or as applicable wiring and building codes require. All voice and data wiring
must be band striped with the color of the mating insulated conductor of the
— CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
assemble pair. Telephone industry standard 10 basic color codes are to be used.
Conductors will be twisted into pairs and assembled into a cylindrical core.
Cables having more than 25 pairs will be coded into industry standard 25 pair
color groups being bound with a unique color binder.
4. All wiring and termination materials employed in the installation of this system
must fully comply with all applicable requirements under FCC Part 68 subpart J
and be recognized or listed by a national recognized testing laboratory (NRTL).
All new wiring in common areas or office environments must be enclosed in
metal raceway (i.e., wire mold) when locations are not provided or served via
already provided in wall voice & data conduit and electrical boxes.
(RFB) —CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
The City of Tustin proposes the following payment schedule for the
contract that is anticipated to arise from this RFB:
Project Phase
Payment Amount
Signing of Contract
15% of Contract Value
Delivery/ Installation of Cabling
25% of non -PD itemized
Infrastructure @ City of Tustin City
hardware and software costs (to
Hall and Tustin Police
be specified)
Department, 300 Centennial
Way Tustin, CA 92780
Delivery/ Installation of Cabling
25% of PD itemized hardware
Infrastructure @ Field Services,
and software costs (to be
1472 Service Rd, Tustin, CA
Delivery/ Installation of Cabling
10% of Contract Value
Infrastructure @ Tustin Area
Senior Center, 200 S C St. Tustin,
CA 92780
Delivery/ Installation of Cabling
5% of Contract Value
Infrastructure @ Columbus Tustin
Activity Center (Gym) , 17522
Beneto Way, Tustin, CA 92780
Delivery/ Installation of Cabling
5% of Contract Value
Infrastructure @ Tustin Family &
Youth Center, 14722 Newport
Ave, Tustin, CA 92780
Delivery/ Installation of Cabling
5% of Contract Value
Infrastructure @ Tustin Sports
Park, 12850 Robinson Dr, Tustin,
CA 92782
10% of Contract Value
(RFB) —CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
Certain other terms and conditions will apply to this RFB:
1. Addendum and Supplements to the RFB - If it becomes necessary to
revise any part of this RFB, an addendum or revision will be transmitted
to all prospective vendors by email.
2. Award of Contract - The City reserves the right to reject any and all
Bids. A formal contract award is anticipated for the best overall
vendor as determined by the Evaluaiton Committee and approved by
City Council as a result of this RFB.
3. False or Misleading Statements - Any submittals containing, in the
opinion of the City, false or misleading statements will be rejected.
4. Prospective Vendor Costs - Costs for developing submittals are entirely
the responsibility of the vendor and shall not be chargeable in any
manner to the City.
5. Evaluation Process -The City will form an Evaluation Committee to
review all submittals received by the deadline. Any submittal failing to
meet any of the qualifications documented in this RFB may be
The purpose for the committee is to recommend which vendor is best
able to complete the City's cabling project, to the City's requirements,
and within the City's budget. A submission in response to this RFB
indicates your acceptance of the City's evaluation criteria.
6. Clarification of Bids - The City reserves the right to obtain clarification
information of any point in any vendor's submittal or to obtain
additional related information necessary to properly evaluate the
submittal. Failure of a vendor to respond to a request for more
information may result in the Bid being rejected.
7. Disclosure of Bid Information - All Bids become a matter of public
record in accordance with disclosure requirements of the California
Public Records Act (Cal. Government Code Section 6250, et sec.).
8. Prevailing Wage Reauirement - The City Council of the City of Tustin
has obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations the general
prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for
legal holiday and overtime work in the localities in which the work is to
be performed for each craft or type of work needed and a copy of
(RFB) —CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
the same is on file in the office of the City Engineer. Not less than said
prevailing rates shall be paid the workers employed on this contract
considered "public work" as it is paid by public funds as required by
Labor Code Sections 1771 and 1774 of the State of California.
Attention is directed to the Federal minimum wage rate requirements
in these Special Provisions. If there is a difference between the
minimum wage rates predetermined by the Secretary of Labor and
the general prevailing wage rates determined by the Director of the
California Department of Industrial Relations for similar classifications of
labor, the Contractor and subcontractor shall pay not less than the
higher wage rate. The City will not accept lower State wage rates not
specifically included in the Federal minimum wage determinations.
This includes "helper" (or other classifications based on hours of
experience) or any other classification not appearing in the Federal
wage determinations. Where Federal wage determinations do not
contain the State wage rate determination otherwise available for use
by the Contractor and subcontractors, the Contractor and
subcontractors shall pay not less than the Federal minimum wage rate
which most closely approximates the duties of the employees in
9. City Use of RFB Ideas - The City reserves the right to use any or all
service and product ideas presented from prospective vendors.
Selection or rejection of a vendor does not affect this right.
10. Copyrights and Patents - The Vendor shall hold the City of Tustin, its
officers, agents, servants, and employees harmless from liability of any
nature or kind because of any copyrighted information, secret
process, patented or unpatented invention, disclosed or used in
response to this RFB, and agrees to defend, at its own expense, any
and all actions brought against the City of Tustin or the Vendor
alleging or arising from unauthorized use of such information.
11. Reliance on Information - VENDORS MAY RELY ONLY UPON WRITTEN
Any city response to a request for clarification by a vendor will be
made in the form of an addendum to the RFB, which will be sent via
email to all parties to whom the RFB has been issued not later than five
(5) business days prior to the due date for receipt of the Bid and will
become part of the RFB. Vendors should await responses to inquiries
prior to delivering their Bid.
— CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
12. Use of Subcontractors - Various vendors may wish to combine
resources in responding to the RFB. In such instances, the City requires
the designation of a prime vendor, accountable for the entire turnkey
system Bid including the contract that may result from there. Vendors
should discuss the work any subcontractors are to perform and provide
references for previous projects where the Vendor /Subcontractor
relationship was the some as proposed for this project.
13. Replacement of Incompatible Staff - The City reserves the right to
request and receive a replacement for any vendor staff member who
the City, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines is not working
effectively with the City's staff assigned to the cabling project.
14. Itemized List of Responsibility - Each vendor shall provide a list of
project responsibilities and the assigned staff member's name, as well
as the name of the person who will act as backup. The list of
responsibilities must match the tasks and responsibilities shown in the
project plan submitted by the Vendor. Replacement of key vendor
resources assigned to this project must be mutually agreed upon, in
writing, by both the City and the Vendor.
15. Itemized List of Capabilities - Each vendor shall provide an itemized list
of capabilities for the cabling project included in its Bid. The City shall
use this list as basis for comparison between the products offered by
the RFB finalists. Manufacturer's production specifications, features list,
and similar literature are acceptable.
16. Proiect Plan - Vendor response must include a draft project plan for
the cabling project specifying project milestones and payment
demarks. The project plan is to include, but is not limited to, the
following elements:
• Design
• Implementation
17. Police Department Access: Security Check - All vendor personnel who
will need to have access to the City Police Department are required to
pass a security background check before they will be given
admittance to the Police Department facility. Your Bid should
acknowledge this fact, and your project timeline should reflect this
18. Scope Changes - In your Bid clearly identify the communication
process associated with any requested scope changes during the
course of the execution of the cabling project you propose.
(RFB) —CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
19. Issue Escalation Process - In your Bid state your issue escalation process
that your Project Manager will use when managing this cabling
20. Work Hours for Cablina Installation - All work installing cables needs to
be completed during off work hours to prevent disruption of city
employee's work. The Police Department is open 24/7 therefore
vendor must be flexible in scheduling when the cabling will take place
in the Police Department.
21. Insurance Requirements - The Selected Firm shall furnish with the RFB
proof of the following minimum insurance coverage. These minimum
levels of coverage are required to be maintained for the duration of
the project:
A. General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverage - $1,000,000
per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. If
Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a
general limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall
apply separately to this project /location or the general
aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit.
B. Professional Liability Coverage - $1,000,000 per occurrence
C. Worker's Compensation Coverage - State statutory limits.
Deductibles, Self- Insurance Retentions, or Similar Forms of Coverage
Limitations or Modifications, must be declared to and approved by the
City of Tustin. The Selected Firm is encouraged to contact it's insurance
carriers during the bid stage to ensure that the insurance requirements
can be met if selected for negotiation of a contact agreement. The City
shall be named as Additional Insured and no policy may be modified or
cancelled prior to thirty (30) days written notice. Certificates of insurance
and insurer endorsements evidencing the required insurance shall be
(RFB) —CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
Request for Bid (RFB)
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
Please use the following form to quote the price per port:
Rack Space
Multiple Cable
City of Tustin
/City Hall, 300
Rack Space
City Hall - 2nd
available in City Hall
Multiple Patch
Way, Tustin,
Floor - Data
- 2nd Floor - Data
Panels - 24/48
CA 92780
City of Tustin
/ Tustin
Multiple Cable
Rack Space
availab Ci
Accessories -
City PD
- 1st Floor -
Multiple Patch
Way, Tustin,
Panels - 24/48
CA 92780
Room - 1st Floor
City of Tustin
/City Hail,
Multiple Cable
City Clerk
Office, 300
Rack Space
Accessories -
City Hall - 2nd
available in City Hall
Multiple Patch
Way, Tustin,
Floor - Data
- 2nd Floor - Data
Panels - 24/48
CA 92780
City of Tustin
/City Hall,
Multiple Cable
Office, 300
Rack Space
Accessories -
City Hall - 2nd
available in City Hall
Multiple Patch
Way, Tustin,
Floor - Data
- 2nd Floor - Data
Panels - 24/48
CA 92780
(RFB) —CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
Wall Mountable
Racks - 19"W x
38.5 "H x 18 "D,
21U -QTY 1 -
Multiple Cable
1472 Service
Field Services,
Existing space to be
Multiple Patch
Rd, Tustin,
1472 Service Rd,
used or new space
Panels - 24/48
CA 92780
Tustin, CA 92780
to be allocated
Wall Mountable
Racks - 19"W x
24.5 "H x 12 "D,
13U - CITY 1-
Multiple Cable
Tustin Area
Tustin Area Senior
Accessories -
Center, 200 S
Center, 200 S C
Existing space to be
Multiple Patch
C St, Tustin,
St, Tustin, CA
used or new space
Panels - 24/48
CA 92780
to be allocated
Wall Mountable
Racks -19"W x
Columbus v
24.5 "H x 12 "D,
13 U - QTY 1 -
Multiple Cable
Columbus Tustin
(Gym), 17522
Activity Center
Accessories -
Beneta Way,
(Gym), 17522.
Existing space to be
Multiple Patch
Tustin, CA
Beneta Way,
used or new space
Panels - 24/48
Tustin, CA 92780
to be allocated
1 1
Where.- - -
Rack Space,
Terminated ?
Re uirements�
Tustin Family
& Youth
Center, 14722
Newport Ave,
Tustin, CA
Tustin Sports
Park, 12850
Robinson Dr,
Tustin, CA
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
(RFS) —CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
All new cabling and patch cords installed for voice and data to be category 6
rated cable. Manufacturer specs to include the following:
Category 6 plenum cable 4 pair unshielded twisted pair able to support current
and next generation applications utilizing 250 MHz bandwidth. Cable to meet or
exceed proposed TIA /EIA -568 category 6 requirements to 600 MHz. Cables to be
constructed with four highly balanced pairs locked in position by a central
spacer. Each pair to consist of two precision engineered 23 AWG conductors
(horizontal cable) or 24 AWG stranded conductors (patch cable) to ensure low
loss, high balance and minimum crosstalk performance. The core is to be
enclosed with a highly flexible PVC jacket. (Additional Manufacturer Spec
sheets available upon request)
(RFB) —CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
All new modular jack inserts for Voice and Data to be category 6 rated.
Manufacturer specs to to meet the following requirements (unless otherwise
1. Cat 6 Module:
(Additional spec sheets information available upon request)
(M) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
There are 6 configurations that will be utilized for station cabling as follows:
Configuration A - This will be 4 individual CAT6 cables with 4 CAT6 jacks mounted
in a single gang plate. The number and location of these drops is defined on the
Low Voltage Schedule. These drops will be wall mounted in existing low voltage
mounting bracket. These locations may already have pull strings through the
walls from above the drop ceiling.
2. Configuration B - This will be 2 individual CAT6 cables with 2 CAT6 jacks mounted
in a single gang plate. The number and location of these drops is defined on the
Low Voltage Schedule. These drops will be wall mounted in existing low voltage
mounting bracket. These locations may already have pull strings through the
walls from above the drop ceiling.
3. Configuration C - This will be 1 individual CAT6 cable with 1 CAT6 jack mounted
in a single gang plate. The number and location of these drops is defined on the
Low Voltage Schedule. These drops will be wall mounted in existing low voltage
mounting bracket. These locations may already have pull strings through the
walls from above the drop ceiling.
4. Configuration D - This will be 1 individual CAT6 cable with 1 CAT6 jack mounted in
a single gang plate. These will be wall mounted in a vendor installed low voltage
mounting bracket approximately 4 to 6 inches below the drop ceiling. The
vendor is responsible for cutting in the drywall, installing the plate and fishing the
cable(s) through the bracket from above the drop ceiling.
5. Configuration E - The base configuration will be 1 individual CAT6 cable with 1
CAT6 jack mounted in a single gang plate. These will be mounted inside a
supplier provided normal depth single gang metal box above the ceiling for use
with exterior mounted cameras. The box must be properly mounted to the
structure near the junction box that leads outside in a location agreed to by the
customer. The box must have an appropriate fitting so that there is no chafing by
the metal box on the cable. The vendor is also required to pull a patch cable of
sufficient length through the exterior conduit and patch into the installed jack
such that there is at least 2' of slack cable after a camera is attached. Due to
the unique location of these jacks, there may be some that are combined into a
single box based to be determined by the customer. The number and location
of the exterior camera drops are defined on the Low Voltage Schedule.
6. Configuration F - This will be 1 individual CAT6 cable with 1 CAT6 jack mounted in
a single gang plate. These will be mounted inside a supplier provided normal
depth single gang metal box above the ceiling for use with WiFi access points
mounted above the ceiling. The box must be properly mounted to the structure
in a location agreed to by the customer. The box must have an appropriate
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
fitting so that there is no chafing by the metal box on the cable. The number and
location of these drops is defined on the Low Voltage Schedule.
—CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
1. All workstation jacks will be labeled with the following information: Room
Number, Plate Number, and Jack Numberjsj.
2. Patch Panel numbers will be sequential starting with "I" for the LDFI /MDFI, "2"
for the LDF2 /MDF2 and "M" for the LDF- M /MDF -M. This will be followed by a letter
representing the panel location in that location. For example, the 3rd patch
panel in the first floor server room would be labeled as IA.
3. Room numbers will be taken from the 911 space plan provided by the customer.
4. Plate number- vendor will number the plates in a given room starting with the
first plate to the left of the main entrance door and proceeding clockwise
around the room. Plate numbers in each room will start with the number 1.
5. Jack Number - vendor will number the individual jacks on a given plate starting
with the top left location being 1, then proceeding down the first column and
starting again at the top of the second column.
(RFB) —CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
Category 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure
This Professional Services Agreement ( "Agreement ") is made and entered into this _
day of , 2012 ( "Effective Date "), by and between the City of Tustin, a government
entity organized under the laws of the State of California ( "City "), and
( "Contractor"). Contractor and City are
sometimes hereinafter individually referred to as "party" and are hereinafter collectively referred
to as the "parties."
A. City requires the services of a contractor for the Category 6 City Wide Cabling
Infrastructure Project ( "Project "), as set forth in the City's Request for Bid (RFB), dated
October 9, 2012; and
B. Contractor has submitted to City a responsive and responsible proposal to perform
such services; and
C. Contractor is qualified by virtue of experience, training, education and expertise to
accomplish such services.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual agreements
contained herein, City agrees to employ and does hereby employ Contractor and
Contractor agrees to provide professional services as follows:
1.1 Scope of Services. Contractor shall provide the services set forth and identified in
the Request for Bid ( "RFB ") dated and in its proposal to the City of
Tustin ( "Proposal ") dated . The RFB and Proposal are attached hereto
as Exhibits "A" and "B" respectively and by this reference are made a part hereof
(hereinafter referred to as the "Services" or "Work "). In the event of any conflict
between the provisions of this Agreement and /or Attachments A and /or B, the terms
of this Agreement, then Attachment A, and then Attachment B shall govern, in that
1.2 Familiarity with Work. By executing this Agreement, Contractor warrants that it
has thoroughly investigated and considered the work to be performed, and has
carefully considered how the work should be performed. Should Contractor
discover any latent or unknown conditions materially differing from those inherent in
the work or as represented by City, Contractor shall immediately inform City of such
fact and shall not proceed with any work except at Contractor's risk until written
instructions are received from City.
—CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
1.3 Performance Standards. Contractor warrants that all services shall be performed
in a competent and satisfactory manner in accordance with professional standards
prevalent in the industry.
1.4 Additional Services. City shall have the right to order extra work or alter or deduct
from said work. No such change shall be effective unless Contractor receives a
written order approved by City that adjusts the pricing and /or time to perform this
Agreement. Said adjustments are subject to the written approval of Contractor,
which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
1.5 Warranty Support. [TBD)
2.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement.
The time for completion of the services to be performed by Contractor is an
essential condition of this Agreement. Contractor shall prosecute regularly and
diligently the Work of this Agreement according to the agreed upon Schedule of
Performance (Exhibit "C ").
2.2 Schedule of Performance. Contractor shall commence the Services pursuant to
this Agreement upon receipt of a written notice to proceed and shall perform all
Services within the time period(s) established in the Schedule of Performance,
which is attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and is incorporated herein by reference.
When requested by Contractor, extensions to the time period(s) specified in the
Schedule of Performance may be approved in writing by the Contract Officer, but
such extensions shall not exceed ninety (90) days cumulatively; however, the City
shall not be obligated to grant such an extension.
2.3 Force Majeure. The time period(s) specified in the Schedule of Performance for
performance of the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be extended
because of any delays due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without
the fault or negligence of the Contractor (financial inability excepted), including, but
not limited to, acts of God or of the public enemy, unusually severe weather, fires,
earthquakes, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight
embargoes, wars, and /or acts of any governmental agency, including the City, if
Contractor, within ten (10) days of the commencement of such delay, notifies the
City Manager in writing of the causes of the delay. The City Manager shall ascertain
the facts and the extent of delay, and extend the time for performing the Services for
the period of the enforced delay when and if in the judgment of the City Manager
such delay is justified. The City Manager's determination shall be final and
conclusive upon the Parties to this Agreement. In no event shall Contractor be
entitled to recover damages against the City for any delay in the performance of this
Agreement, however caused, Contractor's sole remedy being extension of the
Agreement pursuant to this section.
2.4 Term. Unless earlier terminated as provided elsewhere in this Agreement, this
Agreement shall commence upon the Effective Date and shall continue in full force
and effect until completion of the Services but not exceeding two (2) years from the
date hereof, unless extended by mutual written agreement of the Parties.
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
3.1 Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall be such person as may be designated
by the City Manager of City, and is subject to change by the City Manager. It shall
be the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that the Contract Officer is kept fully
informed of the progress of the performance of the Services, and the Contractor
shall refer any decisions which must be made by City to the Contract Officer.
Unless otherwise specified herein, any approval of City required hereunder shall
mean the approval of the Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall have authority
to sign all documents on behalf of the City required hereunder to carry out the terms
of this Agreement.
3.2 Subcontracting. The experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of
Contractor, its principals and employees, were a substantial inducement for City to
enter into this Agreement. Therefore, Contractor shall not contract with any other
entity to perform in whole or in part the services required hereunder without the
express written approval of City.
3.3 Assignment. Neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be assigned or
transferred by either party, voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written
approval of the other party.
3.4 Personnel. Contractor agrees that the following person(s) shall perform the
Services required by this Agreement. No changes of personnel shall be made for
the duration of this Agreement without the prior approval of City, unless the
individual becomes unavailable to perform because of death, illness, disability,
termination of his or her employment relationship with Contractor.
Table 1: Personnel
3.5 City Request for Change of Personnel. Contractor shall assign its personnel to
perform the Services under this agreement. If City has any objections to any of the
Personnel assigned hereunder during the performance of Services for City, City may
give written notice of any such objections to Contractor and, within five (5) days of
receipt thereof, the parties will confer regarding City's concerns. If the matter cannot
be resolved to City's reasonable satisfaction, Contractor shall remove the identified
Personnel and assign new Personnel as soon as practicable to replace the identified
3.6 Verification of Background. Contractor agrees that any employee, agent,
subcontractor or Contractor having access to the City Police Department are
required to pass a security check before they are given admittance to the Police
Department Facility. Such persons shall be required to provide his or her name,
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
date of birth and driver's license number and, at City's expense, shall submit to
fingerprinting and an automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS) search in
order to verify the person's status and fitness to perform under this Agreement. The
City's Contract Officer will have sole discretion on whether to approve or disapprove
any contractor employee. Delays associated with the subjective rejection of a
Contractor employee will constitute an excusable contractor delay. Delays
associated with the rejection of a Contractor employee related to the identification of
active warrants, investigative warrants, or probation and /or parole mandates will
constitute a Contractor caused delay. Approved employees or agents of Contractor
agree to notify City immediately in writing should they be arrested, detained,
investigated or convicted of any crime during the term of this Agreement.
4.1 It is understood and agreed that Contractor (including Contractor's employees) is an
independent contractor and that no relationship of employer - employee exists
between the parties hereto. Contractor's assigned personnel shall not be entitled to
any benefits payable to employees of City. City is not required to make any
deductions or withholdings from the compensation payable to Contractor under the
provisions of this Agreement; and as an independent entity, Contractor hereby
indemnifies and holds City harmless from any and all claims that may be made
against City based upon any contention by any third party that an employer -
employee relationship exists by reason of this Agreement.
4.2 It is further understood and agreed by the parties hereto that Contractor, in the
performance of its obligation hereunder, is subject to the control or direction of City
as to the designation of tasks to be performed under the scope of this Agreement to
be accomplished and the services hereunder agreed to be rendered and performed,
and not the means, methods, or sequence used by Contractor for accomplishing the
4.3 If, in the performance of this Agreement, any third persons are employed by
Contractor, such person shall be entirely and exclusively under the direction,
supervision, and control of Contractor. All terms of employment, including hours,
wages, working conditions, discipline, hiring, and discharging, or any other terms of
employment or requirements of law, shall be determined by Contractor, and City
shall have no right or authority over such persons or the terms of such employment.
4.4 It is further understood and agreed that as an independent contractor and not an
employee of City, neither Contractor nor Contractor's assigned personnel shall have
any entitlement as a City employee, right to act on behalf of City in any capacity
whatsoever as agent, nor to bind City to any obligation whatsoever. Contractor
shall not be covered by worker's compensation; nor shall Contractor be entitled to
compensated sick leave, vacation leave, retirement entitlement, participation in
group health, dental, life and other insurance programs, or entitled to other fringe
benefits payable by City to employees of City.
5.1 Amount. Total compensation for the scope of services for this project shall not
exceed ($ ).
(RFB) —CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
5.2 Payment. Contractor shall bill City, and receive payment in accordance with the
terms of the Payment Schedule, which is attached hereto as Exhibit "D" and is
incorporated herein by reference. Upon receipt of Contractor's notification and
request for payment, City will review the deliverable provided by Contractor. If said
deliverable is determined by City to be acceptable under the terms and conditions of
this Agreement, City shall, within 30 days of that date, execute payment according
to the Payment Schedule.
5.3 Extra Work. No claims for payment for extra work will be allowed unless the same
shall have been previously agreed to by City in a written change order entered into
pursuant to Section 1.4 hereof.
6.1 Required Coverage. Contractor shall take out and maintain during the term of this
Agreement, commercial general liability, automobile liability and workers'
compensation insurance. Single limit coverage applying to both bodily and personal
injury liability and property damage shall not be less than one million dollars
6.2 The following insurer endorsements are required if not part of the policy:
6.2.1 The City of Tustin, its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and
employees named as additional insureds in the policy as to the work
being performed under the contract;
6.2.2 The coverage is primary and no other insurance carried by the City of
Tustin will be called upon to contribute to a loss under this coverage;
6.2.3 The policy covers blanket contractual liability;
6.2.4 The policy limits or liability are provided on an occurrence basis;
6.2.5 The policy covers broad form property damage liability;
6.2.6 The policy covers personal injury as well as bodily injury liability;
6.2.7 The policy covers explosion, collapse, and underground hazards;
6.2.8 The policy covers products and completed operations;
6.2.9 The policy covers use of non -owned automobiles; and
6.2.10 The coverage shall not be cancelled or terminated unless thirty (30) days'
written notice is first given to the City of Tustin.
6.3 Insurers shall be authorized to do business in the State by the Department of
Insurance and shall meet the following qualifications:
(RFB) —CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
A.M. Best's Rating of Grade A and Class VII (seven) (if an admitted Insurer), and
Grade A- or better and Class X (ten) or better (if offered by a Surplus Line Broker)
is acceptable. Workers' compensation insurance rated Grade B- or better and
Class VII (seven) or better, or offered by the State Compensation Fund, is
6.4 The workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance policies shall contain
a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City.
6.5 Verification of Coverage. Contractor shall furnish City original certificates of
insurance and endorsements, including additional insured endorsements, in a form
acceptable to the City, affecting all of the coverages required by this section. The
endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind
coverage on its behalf. Contractor shall provide to City all certificates and
endorsements required by this section before commencing any work under this
6.6 Subcontractors. Contractor agrees to ensure that subcontractors, if any, and any
other parties involved with the Project who are brought onto or involved in the
project by Contractor, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of
Contractor. Contractor agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and
assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity
with the requirements of this section. Contractor agrees that upon request, all
agreements with subcontractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted
to the City for review.
7.1 To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor shall indemnify, defend (at
Contractor's sole cost and expense), protect and hold harmless City and its officers,
council members, officials, employees, agents and volunteers (individually
"Indemnified Party "; collectively "Indemnified Parties ") against any and all liabilities,
claims, judgments, arbitration awards, settlements, costs, demands, orders, and
penalties (collectively "Claims'), including but not limited to Claims arising from
injuries or death of persons (Contractor's employees included) and damage to
property, which Claims, including alleged Claims, arise out of, pertain to, or are
related to the negligent acts or omissions, recklessness, or willful misconduct of
Contractor, its agents, employees, or subcontractors, or arise from Contractor's
negligent, reckless, or willful performance of or failure to perform any term,
provision, covenant, or condition of this Agreement ( "Indemnified Claims "), but
Contractor's liability for Indemnified Claims shall be reduced to the extent such
Claims arise from the willful misconduct or gross negligence of the City, its officers,
council members, officials, or employees.
Contractor shall reimburse the Indemnified Parties for any reasonable expenditures,
including reasonable attorneys' fees, expert fees, litigation costs, and expenses that
each Indemnified Party may incur by reason of Indemnified Claims. Upon request
by an Indemnified Party, Contractor shall defend with legal counsel reasonably
acceptable to the Indemnified Party all Claims against the Indemnified Party that
may arise out of, pertain to, or relate to Indemnified Claims, whether or not
Contractor is named as a party to the Claim proceeding. The determination whether
(RFB) —CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
a Claim "may arise out of, pertain to, or relate to Indemnified Claims" shall be based
on the allegations made in the Claim and the facts known or subsequently
discovered by the Parties. In the event a final judgment, arbitration award, order,
settlement, or other final resolution expressly determines that Claims did not arise
out of, pertain to, nor relate to the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of
Contractor to any extent, then City shall reimburse Contractor for the reasonable
costs of defending the Indemnified Parties against such Claims, except City shall
not reimburse Contractor for attorneys' fees, expert fees, litigation costs, and
expenses that were incurred defending Contractor or any parties other than
Indemnified Parties against such Claims.
Contractor's indemnification obligation hereunder shall survive the expiration or
earlier termination of this Agreement until all actions against the Indemnified Parties
for such matters indemnified hereunder are fully and finally barred by the applicable
statute of limitations or, if an action is timely filed, until such action is final. This
provision is intended for the benefit of third party Indemnified Parties not otherwise a
party to this Agreement.
8.1 California Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted
both as to validity and as to performance of the Parties in accordance with the laws
of the State of California. Legal actions concerning any dispute, claim, or matter
arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court
of the County of Orange, State of California, or any other appropriate court in such
County, and Contractor covenants and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction
of such court in the event of such action.
negotiation between the Parties. Accordingly, any rule of construction of contracts
(including, without limitation, California Civil Code Section 1654) that ambiguities are
to be construed against the drafting party, shall not be employed in the interpretation
of this Agreement. The caption headings of the various sections and paragraphs of
this Agreement are for convenience and identification purposes only and shall not
be deemed to limit, expand, or define the contents of the respective sections or
8.3 Termination by City Prior to Expiration of Term. City reserves the right to
terminate this Agreement for its convenience at any time, without cause, in whole or
in part, upon giving Contractor thirty (30) days written notice, except that where
failure to terminate constitutes an immediate danger to health, safety or general
welfare, the period of notice shall be such shorter time as may be appropriate. Upon
receipt of such notice, Contractor shall immediately cease all work under this
Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. Thereafter, Contractor shall have
no further claims against the City under this Agreement. Contractor shall be entitled
to compensation for all services rendered up to the date of termination.
8.4 Default of Contractor.
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
8.4.1 Contractor's failure to comply with any provision of this Agreement shall
constitute a default.
8.4.2 If the City Manager, or his designee, determines that Contractor is in
default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this
Agreement, he shall notify Contractor in writing of such default.
Contractor shall have ten (10) days, or such longer period as City may
designate, to cure the default by rendering satisfactory performance. In
the event Contractor fails to cure its default within such period of time,
City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this
Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without
prejudice of any remedy to which City may be entitled at law, in equity, or
under this Agreement. Contractor shall be liable for any and all
reasonable costs incurred by City as a result of such default. Compliance
with the provisions of this section shall not constitute a waiver of any City
right to take legal action in the event that the dispute is not cured,
provided that nothing herein shall limit City's right to terminate this
Agreement without cause pursuant to Section 8.3.
8.4.3 If termination is due to the failure of the Contractor to fulfill its obligations
under this Agreement, City may, after compliance with the provisions of
Section 8.4.2, take over the work and prosecute the same to completion
by contract or otherwise, and the Contractor shall be liable to the extent
that the total cost for completion of the Services required hereunder
exceeds the Maximum Contract Amount (provided that the City shall use
reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold any
payments to the Contractor for the purpose of set -off or partial payment of
the amounts owed the City as previously stated. The withholding or
failure to withhold payments to Contractor shall not limit Contractor's
liability for completion of the Services as provided herein.
8.5 Waiver. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless in
writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the Party against whom
enforcement of a waiver is sought. Any waiver by the Parties of any default or
breach of any covenant, condition, or term contained in this Agreement, shall not be
construed to be a waiver of any subsequent or other default or breach, nor shall
failure by the Parties to require exact, full, and complete compliance with any of the
covenants, conditions, or terms contained in this Agreement be construed as
changing the terms of this Agreement in any manner or preventing the Parties from
enforcing the full provisions hereof.
8.6 Rights and Remedies Cumulative. Except with respect to rights and remedies
expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the
Parties are cumulative and the exercise by either Party of one or more of such rights
or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of
any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other
8.7 Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either Party may take
legal action, in law or in equity, to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover
damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Agreement, to
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
obtain declaratory or injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with
the purposes of this Agreement.
8.8 Attorneys' Fees. In the event any dispute between the Parties with respect to this
Agreement results in litigation or any non - judicial proceeding, the prevailing Party
shall be entitled, in addition to such other relief as may be granted, to recover from
the non - prevailing Party all reasonable costs and expenses, including but not limited
to reasonable attorneys' fees, expert Contractor fees, court costs and all fees, costs,
and expenses incurred in any appeal or in collection of any judgment entered in
such proceeding. To the extent authorized by law, in the event of a dismissal by the
plaintiff or petitioner of the litigation or non - judicial proceeding within thirty (30) days
of the date set for trial or hearing, the other Party shall be deemed to be the
prevailing Party in such litigation or proceeding.
9.1 Non - liability of City Officers and Employees. No officer or employee of the City
shall be personally liable to the Contractor, or any successor -in- interest, in the event
of any default or breach by the City or for any amount which may become due to the
Contractor or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this
9.2 Conflict of Interest. No officer or employee of the City shall have any financial
interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement nor shall any such officer or employee
participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which effects his financial
interest or the financial interest of any corporation, partnership, or association in
which he is, directly or indirectly, interested in violation of any state statute or
regulation. Contractor warrants that it has not paid or given and will not pay or give
any third party any money or other consideration in exchange for obtaining this
9.3 Covenant Against Discrimination. In connection with its performance under this
Agreement, Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment because of race, religion, color, sex, age, marital status, ancestry, or
national origin. Contractor shall ensure that applicants are employed, and that
employees are treated during their employment, without regard to their race,
religion, color, sex, age, marital status, ancestry, or national origin. Such actions
shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion
or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay
or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship.
10.1.1 To the fullest extent permissible under law, and in lieu of any other
warranty by City or Contractor against patent or copyright infringement,
statutory or otherwise, it is agreed that Contractor shall defend at its
expense any claim or suit against City on account of any allegation that
any item furnished under this Agreement, or the normal use or sale
thereof arising out of the performance of this Agreement, infringes upon
any presently existing U.S. letters patent or copyright and Contractor shall
pay all costs and damages finally awarded in any such suit or claim,
(RFB) - CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
provided that Contractor is promptly notified in writing of the suit or claim
and given authority, information and assistance at Contractor's expense
for the defense of same, and provided such suit or claim arises out of,
pertains to, or is related to the negligence, recklessness or willful
misconduct of Contractor. However, Contractor will not indemnify City if
the suit or claim results from: (1) City's alteration of a deliverable, such
that City's alteration of such deliverable created the infringement upon
any presently existing U.S. letters patent or copyright; or (2) the use of a
deliverable in combination with other material not provided by Contractor
when it is such use in combination which infringes upon an existing U.S.
letters patent or copyright.
10.1.2 Contractor shall have sole control of the defense of any such claim or suit
and all negotiations for settlement thereof, Contractor shall not be
obligated to indemnify City under any settlement made without
Contractor's consent or in the event City fails to cooperate in the defense
of any suit or claim, provided, however, that such defense shall be at
Contractor's expense. If the use or sale of such item is enjoined as a
result of the suit or claim, Contractor, at no expense to City, shall obtain
for City the right to use and sell the item, or shall substitute an equivalent
item acceptable to City and extend this patent and copyright indemnity
10.2 Notices. All notices or other communications required or permitted hereunder shall
be in writing, and shall be personally delivered, sent by registered or certified mail,
postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or delivered or sent by facsimile with
attached evidence of completed transmission, and shall be deemed received upon
the earlier of (i) the date of delivery to the address of the person to receive such
notice if delivered personally or by messenger or overnight courier; (ii) five (5)
business days after the date of posting by the United States Post Office if by mail; or
(iii) when sent if given by facsimile. Any notice, request, demand, direction, or other
communication sent by facsimile must be confirmed within forty -eight (48) hours by
letter mailed or delivered. Other forms of electronic transmission such as e- mails,
text messages, or instant messages are not acceptable manners of notice required
hereunder. Notices or other communications shall be addressed as follows:
To City: City of Tustin
Attention: City Manager
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92780
Telephone: (714) 573 -3000
Facsimile: (714) 832 -0825
To Contractor: (Company Name_
10.3 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the
Parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, arrangements, agreements,
(RFB) — CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
representations, and understandings, if any, made by or among the Parties with
respect to the subject matter hereof. No amendments or other modifications of this
Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing by both Parties hereto, or
their respective successors, assigns, or grantees.
10.4 Severability. Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be
interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if
any provision of this Agreement shall be determined to be invalid by a final judgment
or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be ineffective only
to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the reminder of that
provision, or the remaining provisions of this Agreement unless the invalid provision
is so material that its invalidity deprives either Party of the basic benefit of their
bargain or renders this Agreement meaningless.
10.5 Successors in Interest. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of the Parties' successors and assignees.
10.7 Corporate Authority. Each of the undersigned represents and warrants that (i) the
Party for which he is executing this Agreement is duly authorized and existing, (ii) he
is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the Party for
which he is signing, (iii) by so executing this Agreement, the Party for which he is
signing is formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement, and (iv) the entering
into this Agreement does not violate any provision of any other Agreement to which
the Party for which he is signing is bound.
Category 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure Project — RFB No. 12 -RFB -CAB -2012
October 22, 2012
Page 8, 4.0 Implementation & Technical Requirements -- The project is described generally as a "cable
replacement" project. There is no discussion in the scope of work regarding the demolition / removal of
existing cabling or plan to allow minor service outages as may be required. Please describe the
expectations of the City with regard to this topic.
Answer: The City of Tustin is not expecting the existing cable to be removed. The new cabling
infrastructure is being built for the new network and we are expecting both of the networks to be
running in parallel for some time to migrate the old to the new
Page 11, Installation Requirements Item 8 —The City requires As Built Drawings upon completion. As
referenced elsewhere within the RFB, jack configurations /jack numbering plan will need to comply with
the existing City 911 Space Plan Room Numbering plan. Can we be provided with hardcopy drawings or
(preferably) electronic drawing copies that we can use for purposes of estimating and preparation of the
final As Built Drawings?
Answer: The drawings can be made available in hard copies only on request to the successful bidder.
Page 11, Installation Requirements Item 9 — Do standards compliant grounding systems exist within
each Equipment Room (ER) that can be extended, or will the contractor be required to complete /
deploy a complete compliant system where none exists?
Answer: Grounding systems exist in each equipment room. The cabling provider is not expected to
provide the grounding system in case it's not there. City of Tustin Public Works /External Electrical
Contractors will help deploy if required.
Page 11, Technical Specifications Item 1— Several references to compliance standards are not current.
Please confirm the City's requirement to adhere to the current / applicable referenced standards.
Answer: Standards are for reference only. City of Tustin is expecting the contractor to be fully aware of
new standards and the standards implementation by the contractor is expected to be reported in the
Page 12, Technical Specifications Item 3 —The Contractor has not been provided with a determination
of where cablingjacket types must meet either Riser (CMR) or Plenum (CMP). Please identify the City's
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) over that interpretation so that we can seek proper clarification.
Answer: City of Tustin requires Plenum rated cables to be used for this project.
Page 12, Technical Specifications Item 5 — Where new wiring would otherwise be exposed and not
enclosed within existing conduits / boxes, the Contractor has been directed to use metal surface
raceways. Please clarify if non - metallic surface raceway systems (UL listed for communications cabling)
would be an acceptable alternative.
Category 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure Project — RFB No. 12- RFB - CAB -2012
October 22, 2012
Answer: A non - metallic surface raceways system is an acceptable installation.
Page 14, Prevailing Wage Requirement Item 8 — RFB states that prevailing wage rates apply, but there is
no discussion of any requirement to provide certified payroll reports to the City. Please clarify the
procedural expectations to reporting / auditing for certified payrolls.
Answer: In case the City requires these reports for any purpose during or after the completion of the
project, the successful bidder should be able to provide the reports.
Page 17, Work Hours For Cabling Installation — Please provide the times / days when work cannot be
performed that might otherwise disrupt normal city operations.
Answer: This project is expected to be done in the non - working hours (Off hours - 6:00 PM TO 6:00 AM).
The Police Department is open 24/7 so the installation of cable will be determined based on the Police
Department's preferences.
Page 28, Proposed Agreement, Performance Standards Item 1.3 — Can the City clarify which version of
NFPA 70 (National Electric Code) applies for this project (current 2011 version, or some prior version)?
Answer: In all standards, current versions apply.
General - Project Funding — Does the City of Tustin have funding in place for this project and, if so, is
there an engineer's estimate of the project value that is available?
Answer: City of Tustin has already budgeted the funding for this project. When a vendor is selected for
the project the approval for the vendor and cost will be approved by the City Council. There is no
engineer estimate.
Category 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure Project — RFB No. 12 -RFB- CAB -2012
October 25, 2012
The following items /questions were addressed during the facilities walk- through the
morning of October 24, 2012.
1. The Vendor is advised to use ceiling pole drops where applicable.
2. "Rack Space Requirements" for the Police Department Telecommunications
Room (page 19) shall be revised to read "the installation of one new 42U open
telecom rack, provided by contractor ".
3. "Equipment Requirements" for the Tustin Family Youth Center (page 20) shall be
revised to read "two foot wall mountable rack ".
4. The City will provide power outlets near wall mounts when needed.
5. The City requires CAT6 certification print -outs for all of the facilities when the job
is completed.
6. "Equipment Requirements" for Tustin Sports Park (page 20) shall be revised to
read "installation of a new wall mounted patch panel with two shelves ".
7. "Data Ports" & "Voice Ports" for Columbus Tustin Activity Center (Gym) (page 20)
shall be revised to be 8 and 6, respectively.
8. The City requires two different colored cables for data connection and VOIP.
9. The total number of Buffer Drops (page 21) shall be revised to be 45 instead of
10. The total number of drops (page 21) shall be revised to be 956 instead of 932.
11. The new due date for the RFB submission to the Tustin City Hall is October 31,
2012 by 5:00 p.m.
12.As -built for City Hall, which includes the City Council Chambers /Community
Center, are attached to this document.
City Wide Cabling Infrastructure
Bid PResponse
B No, 12-RUB-CAB-2012
' CQMIIWpCf770Mi. l/k.
Submission Format and Content Requirements:
Pricing Includes Addendum's 1 and 2
Understanding of the Request for Quote: Scope of Work:
Vertex and Semetra will provide an overview of the entire scope of work as listed in 3.0 page 7 of
the bid documents:
Semetra will describe the installation process for each section of the bid documents in order based
on Appendix A Pricing Bid Form for basic work flow. This does not mean that we will be working
in this order as we will be flexible to work areas and locations that work best for the City Locations
in general.
Section 1: City Hall
City Hall is comprised of 3 different sections listed with detailed drop or cable counts by area. All
of these sections will be cabled with the following cabling types: Cat6 for Voice and Cat6 for Data
utilizing two different colors for distinction. All new cabling will be installed along side the
existing cabling as to not disturb the existing network but ready for future migration of systems and
All these locations will terminate in the second floor server room of the City Hall or also know as
the Data Center. Currently the floor cores are full and the additional cables will require (2) new 4"
Cores with Conduit Sleeves to meet industry stander fill ratios. Once the cabling has been installed
these sleeves will be Fire Stopped to meet local and Federal code.
We estimate this section of work can be completed within 4 weeks. Please see detailed project gnat
chart for further detail on all areas at the end of this section.
Section 2: Police Department
Our staff will be flexible for working hours in the PD location, as we are familiar with this facility
and working conditions based on past installations. There is a total of approximately 252 cables
installed in this area. We also identified that some modular workstations will require the installation
of power poles for the distribution of the new cabling as the current floor cores and conduit size is
not adequate. One new free standing rack with vertical wire organizers to terminate the new
cabling on. This rack will be floating until migration is started. All patch panels in all sections will
be installed below and above each patch panel.
410 E. Priceland Ct. #2, Corona, CA 92879 Office 951- 272 -2650 Fax 951- 272 -2653
Fiber Optic Cabling Police Department:
Installation of (1) 24 Strand MM Fiber Cable from 2°d Floor Server Room to the PD server room. Install
new Fiber Termination Unit and LC connectors. Test bi- directional with an OTDR for submittal results.
Provide Fire Stop as needed for all opened risers conduits and fire rated walls.
We estimate a three week installation timeline for this section.
Field Services:
Field Services has two building that require cabling. The primary building will require the
installation of a new swing cabinet in the termination closet. All office cables routing to
workstations will require the installation of surface mount raceway to conceal the cabling ruining
down the walls. The new raceway will be installed next to the old until migration.
The second building or repair /service shop will require a new swing rack in place of the existing
location. Provide conduit from IDF location to roof line for warehouse drops. There were 2
locations identified in this area at the site walk. A scissor lift will be required for this installation
and coordination of removal of vehicles or open working access will be crucial to a safe working
We estimated One week for complete installation.
Senior Center:
The senior center will require one new swing rack, the relocation of the termination location is
recommended however we cannot provide this information until award of project and we have the
opportunity to engineer a proper location that makes sense for the City. No major issues were noted
at the site walk and we expect this site to be fairly straight forward.
We estimated Four days for completion.
Columbus Activity Center:
The activity center will require a new swing rack with a total number of cables to be installed at 14.
We identified a printer location that backs to a block wall, we plan to install conduit down the wall
to conceal the cabling. Currently the existing cabling is simply dangling down the wall from the
We estimate One days for completion.
410 E. Priceland Ct. 42, Corona, CA 92879 Office 951 -272 -2650 Fax 951 -272 -2653
Tustin Family Youth Center:
This location will require the installation of a new swing rack for all new terminations. Thee are
approximately 37 cables being installed with no real construction issues to make note of. District
will need to extend power to the new IDF/Rack location for switching equipment.
We estimate Three days for completion.
Tustin Sports Park:
This location is the smallest location and only requires 3 cables to the office from the Electrical
Room. It is understood that a wall mount patch panel and 2 wall mount shelves will be installed to
support the network.
We estimate One day for completion.
410 E. Priceland Ct. 42, Corona, CA 92879 Office 951 -272 -2650 Fax 951- 272 -2653
VERTEX QuaaUkations:
Vertex Communications, INC has over fifty years of combined experience in structured cabling
and business telecommunication design. Vertex has experience in vertical and horizontal
connectivity projects spanning a wide variety of industrial and commercial network cabling
applications, as well as expertise in all aspects of network topologies and LAN solutions such as:
Cat 5e, Cat 6 and Fiber Optic network design. Also, a Vertex design incorporates important aspects
like cross talk, bandwidth consideration, cable conformance, calculation of transmission error rates
and important details often overlooked such as fire stopping and cable management. We focus on
business requirements not selling specific vendor platforms.
Vertex Communications is also a premier subcontractor for large nationwide telecommunication
contractors, part of being a premier subcontractor we have been a part of their large nationwide
rollouts that include new store construction, store moves and store remodels of their voice, data and
telecom equipment as well as adds moves and changes. These nationwide companies trust that
Vertex will provide their customers with the customer service and expertise they expect. We always
get the job done efficiently, and in a timely manner making Vertex Communications and our
telecommunications contractors look good.
Vertex Communications has been servicing the City of Tustin's telephone system equipment and
network cabling needs for the past 12 years. The Roldan Brothers, as technicians have serviced the
city of Tustin for 5 years prior through a previous employer. With this time under its belt Vertex is
very familiar with the city buildings, which includes the ins and outs of the cabling pathways. No
job is too large or too small; however from time to time Vertex has found it beneficial to our
customers for us to enlist the help of another contractor due to scheduling and/or time constraints.
In doing so Vertex has formed a trusted working relationship with Semetra, Inc. and has completed
several jobs with great success. In turn, Vertex has assisted Semetra with its customers, performing
service on telephone systems. Vertex and Semetra have worked together on several occasions over
the past several years. Semetra has been instrumental to Vertex in completing several projects for
the City Of Tustin.
410 E. Priceland Ct. #2, COMM, CA 92879 Office 951- 272 -2650 Fax 951- 272 -2653
�R Pro
Semetra Qualifications:
Semetra was established in 2001 for the purpose of focusing on high technology and electrical
installations. We are privately field and operated. Semetra is quickly becoming one of the fastest
growing installation firms in the California. Semetra corporate office is located in Corona
California, however, covers installations throughout the entire state.
Semetra Q fers
A- Project Management
,4- Hardware Installation and Maintenance
A. Equipment Installation and Relocation Services
Electrical Installation
Conduit Design and Installation including OS.P
A Structured Cabling Installations
Audiovisual Installation
Signage Systems
A Paging Systems
.a. Surveillance Systems
A Access Control
-. Wireless
Structured Prem &es Wiring and Cabling Services
Semetra is one of the leading structured premises wiring installers in California. Our extensive
engineering and technical background, combined with years of experience, allows us to provide our
clients with an unsurpassed level of service and support. Each cabling installation is tested and
certified by trained quality assurance engineers and technicians. Final test results are documented
and submitted to clients after project completion.
Media Tykes:
Fiber Optics (Air - Blown, and Conventional Fiber)
Coax Video Applications
Unshielded Twisted Pair UTP- CAT5E, CAT6, CAT7
Shielded Twisted Pair -STP
High Pair Count, Riser and OSP Applications
Security Cabling, Intrusion & Surveillance
Access Control Cabling
A Voice and Paging Systems
- Signage and Professional Video
� Pro Audi
410 E. ;Priceland Ct. #2, Corona, CA 92879 Office 951- 272 -2650 Fax 951- 272 -2653
Louie Roldan Bio
Louie's construction related background includes being a Licensed C -7 Contractor since 2006.
Louie has been in the Telecommunications industry for 1.9 years. He possesses excellent project
management skills that allows him to communicate well with other trades and customers. He is
well versed in all voice /data and video cabling as well as installing and servicing telephone systems.
Louie has completed and training certified on Nortel Networks Norstar & BCM, Avaya Partner and
IP Office, Panasonic and NEC phone systems as well as Nordx/CDT cabling products. This unique
training of Data and Voice systems lends itself perfect for structured cabling systems that requires
an understanding of voice systems as well as data systems.
Andy Roldan Bio
Andy is a licensed C -7 contractor that has been in the telecommunications industry for 17 years
starting out as a warehouse manager for a large telecom company in charge of product placement
and delivery. He advanced into the technical field installing voice /data and video cabling as well as
installing and servicing telephone systems. Andy has completed and training certified on Nortel
Networks Norstar & BCM, Avaya Partner and IP Office, Mitel phone systems as well as Nordx/
CDT cabling products.
Eddie Roldan Bio
Eddie has been in the telecommunications industry for the last 17 years, he has been a lead tech and
project manager for several cabling projects. Eddie has been responsible for designing several
MDF/IDF rooms and closets. With his extensive experience in cabling and being creative to "make
it work" makes him an asset to the Vertex team. Eddie has been trained and certified on Nortel
Networks Norstar, Telrad and Avaya Partner phone systems as well as Nordx/CDT cabling
410 E. Priceland Ct. #2, Corona, CA 92879 Office 951 -272 -2650 Fax 951 -272 -2653
Lead Foreman: Tony Rininger
Mr. Rininger will be responsible for the overall successful completion of installation of structured premise
cabling for the project. Tony's background includes the following:
➢ Knowledge of BICSI TDMM ( Telecommunications Distribution Methods. Manual)
➢ Member of BICSI
➢ Extensive experience with structured cabling installations, conduit and electrical experience.
Extensive product knowledge with Fiber, Copper and all manufactures products and installation
➢ Tony has a total of l4 years experience in the Telecommunications Field and a Total of 6 years
experience in the electrical field.
➢ Mr. Rininger has completed and certified training from the following manufactures throughout his
carried Leviton, Ortronics, Panduit, Siemons, Molex, Siecor, Nordx/CDT, Berk -Tek, General Cable Air -
Blown Fiber to name a few.
Fred Heithans, RCDD, CFOT
Mr. Heithaus has a total of 28 years experience in the Telecommunications field Fred and has a strong
background in the design, installation and project management of Structured Cabling Systems for Data and
Voice Networks including both intra - building premise and inter - building backbone infrastructure. He
credentials include:
➢ The ability to assess client physical infrastructure needs and provide industry - standard, custom and
situation- specific product and service solutions
➢ The ability to communicate and clarify technology to both technical and non - technical groups and
➢ Major projects /clients include: IBM Science Center, Jet Propulsion Lab, Hughes Aircraft, McDonnell
Douglas, Rockwell International, FMC, TransAmerica, Security Pacific Bank, FHP, Bank of Hawaii,
Amfac, Norris Industries, Mattel.
Secondary Project Manager: Mondo Marshall, President, BICSI Member
Mr. Marshall has a total of 22 years experience in the Telecommunications field. He also has 5 years
experience in the electrical field and currently holds a C 10 Electrical license. He has strong design and
project management skills allowing him to engineer and provide as an additional resource to aid in overall
management to this project.
Mr. Marshall has worked on some of the largest projects in America including: J Paul Getty Museum,
Pentagon, AT &T Wireless, VERIZON, SBC, Roth Capital Partners, Mc Donalds, TRW, Kaiser, Loma Linda
Medical Center, Riverside County Hospital and many others.
Mr. Marshall has direct experience with structured cabling installations, he has completed most
Manufactures installations courses including: AMP/Tyco, Panduit, Ortronics, Siemons, Leviton, Nordx CDT,
Nelson Fire Systems, Sumitomo ABF, TRT, Molex, Wiremold, General Cable `Blow -Lite" and many others.
410 E. Priceland Ct. #2, Corona, CA 92879 Office 951 -272 -2650 Fax 951- 272 -2653
VERTEX References:
City of Tustin
Contact: Jon Gossard (City wide) 714 -904 -5043
Lisa Polley Tustin (Police Department) 714573 -3222
City Hall Reception and Finance Dept. remodel voice and data cabling
Fiber Cabling from City Hall to Council Chambers assisted by Semetra
Fiber from Council Chambers to Library assisted by Semetra
Ongoing Adds, Moves and Changes to cabling and phone equipment at City Hall, Police
Dept. and Field Services, just to name a few
Vertex Communications has been servicing the City of Tustin's telephone system equipment and
network cabling needs for the past 12 years. The Roldan Brothers, as technicians have serviced the
city of Tustin for 5 years prior through a previous employer. With this time under its belt Vertex is
very familiar with the city buildings, which includes the ins and outs of the cabling pathways.
City of El Segundo
Contact: Steve Robinson 310-524-2' )75
Data cabling and floor monument coring for Library computer lab
Voice and data cabling for council chambers
' Phone system and cabling adds, moves and changes for City Hall, Police Department and
other City facilities.
Pulte Homes
Contact: Omer Miller 951 -741 -4918
' Voice and data cabling for various construction and sales offices
Voice and data cabling for community centers as well as phone system installation and
service enlisted the assistance of Semetra for the cabling
Phone system and cabling adds, moves and changes.
410 E. Priceland Ct. #2, Corona, CA 92879 Office 951- 272 -2650 Fax 951 - 272 -2653
Semetra References:
City of Los Angeles
Contact: Dana Scott
323 - 267 -3152
dascott laisd. -mg
Semetra has completed 9 projects with Dana Scott covering multi buildings for the City of Los
Angeles. Most of these projects were more than 4000 and up to 9000 cables with construction cost
from 750K to 1.8M in range. For detailed information regarding any of these projects please call
Dana direct for information. Semetra has been working with Los Angeles for the past 10 years and
have a great reputation for excellent craftsmanship and always bringing in projects on time no
matter what the schedule is.
Montebello Unified School District
Bob Geiger
Director of Technology
323- 887 -0186
Semetra has worked with MUSD for the past two years and now have completed more than 2
Million in construction. We have installed entire campus fiber optic that includes underground
conduit work with trenching and directional boring. Thousands of feet of Fiber Optic Cabling.
More than 3000 data cables currently installed through 6 locations.
Motive Energy
Pete Lopez
umlopez. (motive -energy corn
562- 244 -4620
Semetra and Vertex completed an 6 building upgrade for Motive Energy that spanned 4 different
states. All new cabling consisted of Cat6 cabling and all new fiber upgrades for approximately 800
cables in total. Semetra completed this with all our own technicians from our corporate location
located in Corona CA. Vertex implemented a New Avaya V61P system that integrated all their
locations, created extension list, dial and call routing, provided training and maintenance contract.
City of Tustin: Semetra has teamed with Vertex in the past years to provide joint contracting
services for the City of Tustin. Semetra installed the Fiber to the Library as well as the councils
410 E. Priceland Ct. #2, Corona, CA 92879 Office 951 - 272 -2650 Fax 951- 272 -2653
Escalation Chart:
Vertex Corporate Office
Emergency Hotline
951- 272 -2650 x500
Louie Roldan Mondo Marshall
Lead Project Manager Support Project Manager
714- 715 -2024 Celt 951- 258 -1705 Cell f
Eddie Roldan
Tony Rininger
Installer Lead Forman
Andy Roldan i Ricardo Rubio
Installer Lead Installer
Carlos Garcia
Kevin Ochoa
Vertex has created a special extension within the WIP Phone system that has the ability to send voice
mail to email and provide priority routing of calls to the specific individuals listed within this hierarchy
chart. This extension is for the strict use of this project and dedicated for the City Use. We also have the
ability to forward these messages to other team members within the hierarchy. This provides expedited
response to everyday questions or needs. Because we have the ability to customise our phone system to
maximize response time for each team leader and other members ensures that the City of Tustin will always
be just a phone call away for reaching a team member within the hierarchy. This system has proven
successful in a recent installation at Motive Energy that required a similar escalation process.
410 E. Priceland Ct. 42, Corona, CA 92879
Office 951- 272 -2650 Fax 951- 272 -2653
! Am _r
Vertex and Semetra agree to the City of Tustin 6.0 Terms and Conditions and take no exceptions to these
pages 14 through 17.
Sub- Contractor Clarification/Understanding:
In section 12 of page 16 it requests the designation of a prime contractor that will be responsible for the
turnkey of the project. Due to the long standing relationship with Vertex and the City of Tustin it has been
agreed that Vertex will act as the Prime Vendor /Contractor for this project. Both Vertex and Semetra are
capable of being a prime contractor for this project. However, we feel with our combined resources and past
experience working with the City's locations will allow us to competitive while providing exceptional
Section 14: Itemized List of Responsibility:
The following is our List of Responsibility that will describe how Vertex and Semetra will successfully work
in conjunction with one another to meet the City's requirements.
The Following List of Personnel that will be involved on this project:
Michelle Roldan : VERTEX
Michelle will be the direct point of contact for scheduling and receiving calls during
normal working hours for the City. Since our staff will be working off hours and may be
sleeping or not readily available, Michelle will provide a single source contact to route
messages or issues to our team.
Louie Roldan: VERTEX
Louie will be the primary project manager for this project. His responsibility will consist
of over seeing Quality Control, Coordinating installation phases within City's locations
tracking hardware and labor allocation. Additionally, Louie will be onsite during the entire
installation process. Louie will provide tracking reports indicating weekly progress
installation time -line and verify we are on schedule. Responsible for close out package
and as-built documentation.
Mondo Marshall: SEMETRA
Mondo will be the the backup to Louie and serve as the secondary project manager. His
responsibilities will mirror the primary function while managing a joint installation crew
that will be working in conjunction with Vertex.
Tony Rininger: SEMETRA
Tony will be the primary foreman for this project. His extensive knowledge with
construction and working on many city and municipalities with similar construction will
lend itself to a smooth installation. Tony will be responsible for managing construction
concerns, directing installation crews to effectively adhere to local and state codes.
Ricardo Rubio: SEMETRA
Ricardo will be the backup for Tony. Ricardo will be the lead technician working hand
in hand with all the installers. He will provide direction, coordinate cabling configuration
numbering plans and give overall guidance
410 E. Priceland Ct. #2, Corona, CA 92879
Office 951 -272 -2650 Fax 951 -272 -2653
Vertex and Semetra have provided a project plan that we intend to follow as a means of installation
scheduling. This plan will consist of the following: Site Location, Site Scope in Summary, Duration and
allocated manpower.
* City Hall: The first installation phase for the City Hall will consist of the entire team combined to
install an estimated 313 cables in various configurations. We plan on arriving at 5pm to organize
the installation area for that evening. We will work with the City prior to starting to confirm that the
work areas are available for each week. This phase is estimated to take approximately 4 weeks for
completion. We have provided a Gnat chart for a rough installation time frame.
*Police Department: We understand that the PD phase will not be a regular scheduled phase
approach. We will be flexible to work all necessary hours for completion. Our first phase of
installation will be the installation of the Fiber Optic Backbone. This will be accomplished on the
first day, while the second crew is installing copper station cabling. It's our understanding that
the Booking and Records departments will need flexible installation hours, which could result in
more than one trip to complete certain areas. We have estimated this phase would take 3 weeks.
*City Hall Planning: Planning will be the second phase of installation. It is our understanding that
there are approximately 68 cables required for this phase. We will provide exact dates for each area
of cubicles that will need to have boxes and files removed for access to install cabling. We estimate
five working days for completion of this phase.
*City Hall City Managers: We understand this area for cabling is mostly office space and can be
cabled after hours and no major issues indicated. We estimate this phase of work to be done and
co- inside with Counsel Chambers. Two separate crews will accomplish this during the 5 day
project timeline.
*Field Services: This facility has a mixed construction environment that requires some furniture
relocation to install the raceway from the ceiling to each workstation location. We will then install
the swing rack to terminate all the new cabling on. While this work is in progress we will also
install the new swing and cabling in the service station. The service station will require
coordination to move out of service police vehicles in order to install conduit in the service bay.
We estimated 4 days to complete this facility with a 1 day buffer for scheduling.
*Senior Center: First order of business is to indicate where the new termination /IDF location will
be at. This must be done prior to the installation of any cabling. Once we instal the swing rack
and patch panels we can then start cabling the facility. We estimated a total 3 days for completion.
*Columbus Activity Center: This location has a total of 14 cables throughout the facility. We will
install the swing rack at the termination location and install the cabling. A small conduit is
necessary for the routing of a printer location in kiosk information booth. This will allow for a
clean an neat appearance. We feel this location can be completed in 1 business day.
*Tustin Family Youth Center: The swing rack location has been identified during the site walk,
which will be installed first. Then the installation for cabling will take place for the 37 designated
cables and be completed within 3 days per our project plan.
*Sports Park: This facility will require the installation of one total compliment of 3 cables. The
installation of 2 wall mount shelves for city equipment and a wall patch panel at the termination
end. We feel confident this location can be completed within 1 day.
410 E. Priceland Ct. #2, Corona, CA 92879 Office 951- 272 -2650 Fax 951- 272 -2653
Task Name
W49 W50 W51 W52 Wl
W2 W3
W4 WS W6 W7
S M T W T F 5 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S
City Hall Cabling Phase 1
20 d?
Progress Payment Phase 1
0.7 d?
City Hall Cabling Phase 2
4 d?
Progress Payement Phase 2
1 d?
City Hall Cabling Phsase 3
5 d?
Progress Payement Phase 3
1 d?
Police Department
Progress Payment Police
1 d?
Field Servi ces
4 d
Progress Payement F.S.
1.13 d?
Senior Center
3 d
Progess Payement S.C.
1 d?
1 d?
Progress Payement Columbus
1 d?
Tustin Faltly Youth Ceneter
3 d
Progrm Payment Y.C.
1 d?
Sports Park
1 d?
Final Progress Payement
1 d?
For a period of one (1) year after acceptance, Vertex and Semetra warrants the system against defective parts
and workmanship and will repair or replace such defects at no charge to Customer. In no event shall Vertex
and Semetra be liable for any special or consequential damages or commercial loss. The equipment
warranty coverage is from the date of installation and concurrent with the manufacturer's warranty.
The Warranty does not entitle the holder to Limited Acts of God. Coverage does not extend to damage
due to wind, fire, flood, terrorism and earthquake. The agreement does not cover software failure,
power surge, misuse or abuse, routine service or preventative maintenance. Should any equipment
installed at the Customer of the Sales Agreement by Vertex and Semetra for services, altered or damaged in
any way by anyone other than a Vertex or Semetra technicians, all equipment warranties described herein
shall become null and void.
B. Payment Terms
Vertex and Semetra agrees to the City of Tustin Payment Terms and Schedule.
Customer Acceptance: Date
Contractor Acceptance: Date
410 E. Priceland Ct. #2, Corona, CA 92879 Office 951 -272 -2650 Fax 951- 272 -2653
Warranty Level
Coverage: Product and Performance for the
Life of the Installation. Includes the cost of
labor for product replacement or repair.
Explanation: This limited warranty is issued in
Limited Lifetime
conjunction with contractor program certified
Product Warranty
contractor installations when Mohawk/CDT or
Performance Warranty
Superior Essex cables and approved Leviton
Network Solutions structured cabling products
are used. Lifetime warranty coverage also
applies to Leviton Network Solutions
manufactured pre- terminated copper and fiber
optic cable assemblies, harnesses, and trunk
Coverage: Product and Performance for 15
years. Excludes labor costs
Limited 15 Year
Explanation: This limited warranty is issued in
Product Warranty
conjunction with contractor program certified
Performance Warranty
contractor installations only when Berk -Tek,
Belden, Hitachi, Commscope, General cables
and approved Leviton Network Solutions
structured cabling products are used.
Coverage: Product only for 1 year from time of
Basic Product Warranty
Explanation: This warranty is the standard
Out of Box Warranty
product warranty that end users receive when
they purchase a Leviton Network Solutions
manufactured products through retail,
distribution or direct.
The limited warranties listed above describe the levels of warranty offered for a certified
contractor installation with respect to the approved cable manufacturers.
It is Leviton Network Solutions objective to support the majority of installations today, and the
aforementioned cable manufactures have been selected into each warranty level based on their
capacity to aid us in achieving this objective.
NOTES: 1) In this context, the Leviton Network Solutions Structured Cabling System consists of
workstation jacks and connectors patch panels, patch cords, cable assemblies, and Power
Quality products. 2) Only passing test results for each drop of the installation (per the original
test results submitted by the contractor to Leviton Network Solutions) will be covered under the
Leviton Network Solutions contractor program warranty.
Rev. 1.1.2012
Da#aGain@ Czy11 ory A-6,1
+ ■■r■
DataGain "cable provides the best value in Category 6+ cables
on the market today. The innovative design, which utilizes a tape
separator, yields exceptional performance that exceeds TIA/EIA
CAT 6 specifications. DataGain easily surpasses the performance
of other cost- competitive CAT 6 cables.
Solid Annealed
Copper Conductor
• 10BASE -T through 1000BASE -T Ethernet
Tape Separator
Thermoplastic Insulation
Power over Ethernet (PoE) - IEEE 802.3af
PoE + -IEEE 802.3at Type 1 and 2
ATM and token ring
Flame Retardant PVC Jacket
r Guaranteed electrical Greater assurance of exceptional
performance to 400 MHz overall channel performance at
a great value
• Guaranteed 4 dB margin "Future- proofs"
in ACR and PSACR the cable installation
Pair Count 4
• Tested to 550 MHz Assures ample
(a: m,: for Solid annealed copper
bandwidth headroom
AWG (mm) 23 (0.57)
• Round design with tape Reduces installation time
Insul,rfo, CMR: Polyolefin
• Warranted with numerous Offers flexibility in selection
Pair 1: ColorTip light Blue, Blue
connectivity manufacturers of connectivity solutions
Insulation Colors Pair 2: Colorllp Light Orange, Orange
- Pair 3: ColorTip Light Green, Green
BrakeBox "' payout Adjustable tension control
Pair 4: ColorTip Light Brown, Brown
control system on reel prevents over spin
- Separator Tape
and entangling of cable
CMR: Flame retardant (FR) PVC
CablelDI'r alpha numeric code Allows both ends of a cable run
Jacket CMP: FR, low smoke PVC
printed every 2 feet to be easily identifiable without
Characteristic Impedance (Ohms) 100,15
the need to seperately label or
tone the cable
Nominal Velocity of Propagation (%) CMR: 70
M. CMP' 73 3
QuickCount`" marking system Provides remaining length
in feet and meters of cable on reel
ul 444
CSA C22.2 No. 214 -08
ColorTip"* circuit Easily identifiable conductor
UL 1666
identification system mates even in low -fight
Performance Compliance NFPA 262
ANSIle 800, NEC 2
Article 800, NEC (NFPA 70)
Color coded box labels Easily identifies jacket colors
RoHS- compliant
- -� - --
UL Verified CAT 6
NRTL Programs Ut, c(UL) Listed CMR
UL, c(UU Listed CMP
Nominal Diameter
Approx. Weight
Listing Part Number' in (mm)
Ibs /kft (kg/km) Package Packages per Pallet
CMR 66- 246 -xA 0.22 (5.5)
24 (36) 1,000' Brake Box
CMR 66- 272 -xA 0,22 (5.5)
24 (36) 1,0(]0' Plywood reel 16
CMR 66- 240 -xA 0.22 (5.5)
24 (36) 1,000' POP`" box ell
CMP 66- 246 -xB 0.22 (5.5)
26 (39) 1,000' BrakeBox 27
CMP 66- 272 -xB 0 22 (5 5)
26 (39) 1,000' Plywood reel 16
CMP 66- 240-x8 0.22 (5.5)
26 (39) 1,000' POP box 20
'Replace 'Y with: Whrte 4 Yellow = 6 • •
~ suPERro�
ar•ESSEX To;l Free 800.551.8948 ' Fax 770.657.68071 SuperiorEssex.com /Comm A ;,
61110 -Rx6
eXtremeO 6+ GAT 6 Connector
Leviton's eXtreme°, 6+ Connector is designed is be used
with all Leviton QuickPort" compatible products. The
connectors include Leviton's patented Retention Force
Technology which promotes consistent performance over
the life of the system Includes unique pair separation
towers allowing for quicker and easier terminations.
The connector is configured in a 180° configuration
such that the punch field is in the back, allowing for rear
The modular connector shall meet or exceed the require-
ments for channel and component -level performance
described in TIA- 568 -C.2 Cateory 6 standards. The
modular connector shall be individual snap -in style. The
connectors shall also be in compliance with all National
Electrical Codes; compliant with FCC Part 68; LJL listed;
and independently verified. in addition to Category 6
compliance, the connector shall have the ability to sup-
port high megabit and shared - sheath applications. All
plastics used in construction of the connector bodies shall
be fire- retardant with a LJL flammability rating of 94V -0
Termination of all connectors shall be 110 -type insulation
displacement connectors (IDC). The connector shall pro-
vide a ledge directly adjacent to the 110 -style termination
against which the wires can be terminated and cut in one
action by the installation craftsperson. Connector wiring is
universal and will accommodate installation color codes
for 'l "568A and T568B wiring schemes. The termination
field shall be in the rear for easy access. The modular
connector shall fit all other installed te'ecommunications
wailplates, outlets and field- configurable patch pane's
and patch blocks,
• Terminates 26 -22 AVVG so id conductors
Capable of multiple reterminations
Gas -tight IDC connectors prevent corrosion
Dual -layer T5688fI568A wiring label simplifies punchdown
Patented Retention Force Technology protects tines from
damage from 4- or 6 -pin plugs
• Pair Separation Tower design facilitates separation of
• Complies with TIA- 568 -C.2 requirements
• TIA channel performance limits total length of patching
and equipment cords to 32 feet (10 meters) per TIA - 568 -C.2
• 14 colors for color-coding or organization
eXtreme 6+ system components meet or exceed the requirements
for channel and component -level performance for TIA Category 6,
cLILus Listed, NOM and ACA.
Dimensions: " .64 "H x .64 "W x 1.21 "D
Materials: Connector body is high - impact, fire - retardant
plastic rated UL. 94V -0. Spring wire contacts
are high quality copper -based alloy, plated
with 50 micro- inches of gold over 100 micro -
inches of nickel for lowest contact resistance,
maximum life.
All components in a structured cabling system, including
connectors, patch panels, patch cords, and cable are
warranted by a single manufacturer. For a copy of Leviton
product warranties, visit www.leviton.com.
Page 1 of 2
Leviton NetworkSoJutionS Asia /Pacific Canada Caribbean China Co'ombia
2222 -222nd ;3t. SE T +1 631.812.6228 T +1.514.954'840 T +1,954.593.1896 T +852.2774.9878 T +57.1.743.6045
Bothell, WA 98021 -4416 E in`oasean @'eWton corn E pesery "ce @'evilon.cor, E inforar'bbean @leviton.com E infoch na @leviton.com E infocoiombia @leviton.com
tell -800- 824 -3005
tet +1-425 - 486-,2222 Europe India! SAARC tdex[co N,iddle East & Africa South Korea
appeng6leviton.com T +33.6.8869.1380 T +91.80.4322 5678 T +52,55.5082.1040 T +971.4 886.4722 T +82.2.3273.9983
www.]Oviton.com E infoeurope @levdon.com E infoindia @lev ;ton.com E Isamarkeling @lev €Ion. com E ,memlo @lev ton com E infokorea @leviton.com
Copyright 0 2011 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.
Co Reu a ensare
TIA- 568 -C.2 CAT 6 Parameter equfram�tts
inser8on Loss (IL)
@ 1OLWHz
@ 250MHz
Near -end Crosstalk (NEXT)
Far -end Crosstalk (FEXT)
Return Loss (RL)
Transverse Conversion Loss (TCL)
Transverse Conversion Transfer Loss (TCTL)
*A0 requirements are minimum allowable except IL requirements are maximum
allowable. Connecting hardware shall meet requirements of all parameters from
1 -250 MHz. Values in above table are only at specific frequencies and are for
references only.
Description Part No.
eXtreme 6+ Connector 61110 -Rx6
x-- Color choices: (W) White, (1) Ivory, (T) Light Almond, (A) Almond, (G) Grey, (E) Black,
(0) Orange, (L) Blue, (C) Crimson Red, (Y) Yellow, (V) Green, (P) Purple, (B) Brown, (R) Dark Red.
Page 2 of 2
Leviton Network Solutions
Asia f Pacific
2222 -222nd St. SE
T +1.631- 8126228
T +1.514.954.1840
T +1.954.593.1896
T +852.2774.9876
T +57.1743.6045
Bothell, WA 98021-4416
E tnfoasean @ieviton wm
E peservice @teviton.com
E infocaribbean @Ieviton.com
E infochina @leviton.com
E infocolombta @leviton,com
tel 1- 800 -824 -3005
- lei +1-425- 485 -2222 -
India / SAARC
Middle East 8 Africa
South Korea
- appeng@leviton:Com
T +33. 6.8869.1380
T +91.80.43225678
T +52.55.5082.1040
T +971.4.886.4722
T +8223273.9963
E infoeurope@teviton:com
E infoindia @leviton,com
E Issmarketing @levitort com
E Imeinfo @ievilon.com
E infokorea @leviton.com
Copyright 0 2011 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.
eXtreme 6+ Angled Patch Panel
Leviton's eXtreme 6+ Angled Patch Panels are designed to
increase rack dersity on �rdustry standard 19" racks and
cabinets The snlcue 128' shape easily routes cables into
vertical cable managers, minimizing the need for additional
horizonta; cable management.-his system promotes long term
cable management and attractive cabling installations and
inc:udes Leviton's patented "Retention Force Technology" which
promotes consistent performance over the life of the system.
Leviton's eXtreme 6+ systems are designed for use in high
,megabit app;ications such as Gigabit Ethernet.
9 Includes Retention Force Technology
b Craft- Friendly Installation
® Universal T568A and T568B wiring cards for 110 -style
IDC terminations
Features a 128° angled design
Grounding standoff top optional earthing /grounding
`tTAL' PAM,M C rf6PL,tANXP_-
Meets or exceeds the Category 6 /Class E requirements for
charnel /component level performance perTIA /EIA - 568 -B.2 -1
and ISO /IEC 11801 -B
Components certified per cULus, NOM and ACA requirements
or TPA /E1A -606 -A compliance, must use LabelWare" labels
Dimensions: See page 2
Czpacity: 48 -port
Mater'ais: 16 gauge steel, painted black; PCB and plastic
components are rated per UL 94V -0
D -11 2, t 1 S17 FjFe,1 A WN18
Co',or coded front window Zabel #ng for easy port identification
n Mounts on 19° equipment racks
Panel offered in 48 -port configuration
0 Corrector modules are in groups of six
eem. =.rFSSn
For a copy of Leviton product warranties, visit
The angled patch panel shall meet or exceed the requirements
for Category 6 described in TIA /EIA- 568 -B.2 -1 as well as the
Class E requirements described in ISOAEC 11801 -8. The panels
sha!I feature both T568A and T568B wiring configurations, white
IDC 110- punchdown modules, mounting standoffs for cable
management bars, color -coded front window labeling, and a
termination standoff for earth grounding. The panels shat have
universal T568A and T568B wiring card for termination. The
panels shall be made of 16 gauge steel, and shall have a black
painted finish with white silk - screening. The plastic elements
shall be fire - retardant with a UL flammability ratir:g of 94V -0.
The panel shall be offered in a 48 -port configuration. The panel
shall have 128° angle to promote improved cable management.
The patch panei shall be configured with six port modules. The
110 termination on the rear of the panel shall follow normal
installation color sequence (blue, orange, green, brown) from
left to right.
ELLE�Cui,� M FE Es
For CAD flies, Typical S?ecs, or Dimensional Line Art (9X�,
.DIA'G, IVES- DOS.eps or.TXT), visit www.levito,-.voiceda,a.com.
for Techehetl Support Nff 1.425. 435. 4288; is USA call 1.849. 824 -3901.'
Spec sheetsond updates are also a,aaNabie at L�ex . ^r,ie4Jltonvalcac8ata,ra�r,
2222 - 222nd St. SE a Bothe:t, WA 98021 JSA
Tet_t- 800.722 -2082 / 1- 425-485.4288 > Fax: 1. 425-483 -5270 o Int'I Fax: 1-425-485,9170 o GSA Schedule Available
7 6 Al
.1 : ✓1
Building zi Connoctad World
eXtiethe 6+ Angled
1 .7 7,11
=717— �M--
Dentyption Pad Nit
eXtreme" 6+ Angled Patch Panel, 48-Port 69 58 -1.148 1
Ps:iI Number
For Technical Support Calf 1. 425-485-408; 7n USA call 1.800-PA-3o06
LEV=nSpec sheets and updates are also avaUffle g1www.levillonvoicadataxont.
. 2222 — 222nd St. SE • Bothell, WA 98021 USA 4 Tel: 1-800-722-2082 / 1-425-485-4288 # Fax 1-425-483-5270 # frit'l Fax 1-425-485-9170
SaIlditig a Connected World
2006 Levilon.Vanufacturing Co., Inc. Ail Kghts Reserved 16 184 E
Wall -Mount Racks and Cabinets
In traditional networks, each user is connected to the main network by a minimum of two cables
from their workspace. Generally, the cables from each workspace consolidate in a central utility
Closet --°� the telecommunications room.
Ideally, the telecommunications room is dedicated to telecommunications equipment with the size of
the room being proportional to the floor space (number of connections) being served. In reality, the
telecommunications room may not be very large, or the room may be a shared storage space. in any
case, using wall space to store equipment is always a good plan.
Placing distribution equipment on the wall saves floor space for larger computer and data storage
equipment. Wall- mounted racks and cabinets create a space for 19" EIA rack -mount equipment like patch
panels and network switches. CPI offers several styles of Wail -Mount Racks and Cabinets.
se a - ount Racks to the telecommunications room to provide easy access to cables and
equipment. There are two basic styles of rack: fixed and swing gate. Fixed Wall -Mount Racks can hold more weight, but swing gate Wall -Mount Racks pivot open
to provide easier access to the rear of equipment. Each model holds a different amount of weight and are available in various sizes.
CPI Wall -Mount Cabinets provide additional physical security for equipment and can be used inside or outside of the telecommunications room. The ThinLine'"" If
Wall -Mount Cabinets allow network switches to hang vertically so that the cabinet remains close to the wall. A hinged door and lift off top panel provide access to
equipment. The CUBE-)T PLLISTM' Cabinet Systems are deeper, allowing equipment to attach to vertical mounting rails inside the cabinet body. The cabinet body
swings open to provide access to the rear of equipment. Equipment can also be mounted in the rear panel with accessory brackets.
ThfnLineTm 11 Wall -Mount Cabinet
Equipment hangs vertically in this wall -mount
cabinet that provides a choice of 2 RMU, 4 RMU
or 6 AMU mounting rails. ThinLine II will hold 100
lb (45.4 kg) of equipment. A fan is available as a
separate accessory. Other colors are available.
CUBE-7 PLUS- Wall -Mount Cabinet
CUBE -T PLUS Wall -Mount Cabinet swings open
for easy access to the rear of equipment.
Available in three heights and four depths,
CUBE -iT PLUS is UL Listed to support 200 lb
(903 kg) of equipment A fan is available as a
separate accessory. Other sizes, colors and door
options are also available.
GUtft -tl PLUS- Floor - Supported Cabinet
CUBE -iT PLUS Floor- Supported Cabinets are
available in two heights and three depths, and
will support 1,000 lb (453.6 kg) of equipment. A
fan is available as a separate accessory. Other
colors and door options are also available.
ThinLine II elf -Mount Cabinet
Part Number
Descri ion
Shi ping Weight
26 "H x 26'W x 5 "D, 2 RMU
(660 mm x 660 mm x 190 mm)
4J lb (21.3 L91
13050 -712
2611 x 26'W x 6.5'57 4 RMU
(660 mm X660 mm x 216 mm)
54 lb (24.5 kg)
13050 -713
26 "H x 26'W x 12 "D, 6 RMU
(660 mm x 660 mm x 300 mm)
60 Ib (27.2 kg)
36'H x 26'W x 5 "D, 2 RMU
(910 mm x 660 mm x 130 mm)
60 lb (27 2 kg)
36'H x 26 "W x 115'0; 4 RMU
(910 mmx660mmx216mm)
68 Ib (3e8 kg)
36'H x 26 "W x 12'0, 6 RMU
(910 mm x 660 mm x 300 mm)
76 lb (34.5 kg)
CUBE -iT PLUS Wall -Mount Cabinet
Part Number
Shi ing Weight
11901 -724
24'H x 24'W x 10'9, 12 RMU
(610 mmx610mmx460mm)
751b (34A kg)
11900 -724
24'H x 24'W x 24"D, 12 RMU
(610 mm x 610 mm x 610 mm)
84 1b (381 k 91
12419 -724
24"H x 24 VV x 30'7, 12 RMU
1610 mm x 610 mm x 760 mm)
94 Ib (426 kg)
11901 -736
36 "H x 247W x 18"5, 18 RMU
1910 mm x 610 mm x 460 mm)
g3 Ili (42 2 kg)
11900 -736
36'H x 24V x 24'D, 18 RMU
;910 mmx610mmx610mm)
105 lb {47.6 kg)
12419 -736
36'H x 24V x 30'D,18 AMU
'910 mm x 610 wn x 760 mm)
118 Ib (53S kgl
11901 -748
4811 x 24'W x 18 "D, 26 AMU
(1220 mm x 610 mm x 460 mm)
114 Ib (51.7 kg)
48'H x 24'VV x 24'D, 26 RMU
(1220 mm x 6i0 mm x 610 mm)
128 Ib (581 kg)
12419 -748
48'H x 24"W x 30"5, 26 RMU
(1220 mm x M mm x 760 mm)
143 Ib (64.9 kg)
CUBE -iT PLUS Floor-Supported Cabinet
Part Number
Shipping Weight
6011 x7TW x i8"D, 33 RMU
(1520 mm x 6.43 mm x 460 mm)
102 (b (07.1 kgl
6020 x 2TW x 24"Q, 33 flMU
11520 mm x 693 mm x 610 mm)
212 Ib (96.2 kg)
13496 -763
6D" x 27 -W x 30'0, 33 RMU
('520 mm x693 mm x 760 mm)
236 Ib (107.0 kg)
72 "Hx2TWx -8"0,40P
11830 mm x 693 mm x 462 mm)
72 *H 27- Wx24 "0, 40 RMU
(1833 nun x 693 m m x 610 mm)
235fb (iGfi6 kg)
'3496 -772
72'4 x 27'Wx 30'D, 4G RMU
083D mm x 693 mm x 760 mm)
262 tb (118.8 kg)
• Material:
Aluminum extrusion
• Construction:
- Bolted assembly
1' (21 n) Beek Shaven
e t��
Pan Number
55053 -XD3
• Open Iloor -mount two -post rack supports 19" EIA
31 lb f14.1 kg}
wide rack -mount equipment
314b (16.6 kg)
55053 -X06
9'H (27 m) x 19 "W, 56U
• For indoor use only, in environmentally controlled
areas; may not be used outdoors, in industrial or
harsh environments, or in plenum spaces
• Available sizes:
Heights 84" (2.1 m), 96'(2.4 m), 108 ", (2.7 m)
Width: 20.3" (516.1 mm)
Depth: 15" (381 mm)
• Equipment space:
Heights: 45U, 51U, 56U
Width: 19" EIA (17 -3/4" clearance)
Depth: 20 "D (508 mm)
Note: Dauble•sided shelves for 26 "D (660.4 mm)
equipment are available. UseOuadraRack "4 -Post Frame
when rack -mount equipment exceeds 2D D. /508 mm)
• Equipment Support:
1 pair Gshaped equipment mounting channels
fixed in place
19"IN, EIA-310 -D compliant
Universal hole pattern, 5/8 "- 5/13" -1/2" (15.9 mm
x 15.9 mm x 12.7 mm) vertical hole spacing
Threaded d12 -24 equipment mounting holes
Includes 50 each #12 -24 equipment mounting
• Cable Management
Use vertical and horizontal cable managers, sold
as accessories
• Load capacity:
1,000 ib (453.6 kg) of equipment
• Certifications:
EIA- 31()Dcompliant
UL and cLIL Listed as a communications circuit
• Material:
Aluminum extrusion
• Construction:
- Bolted assembly
1' (21 n) Beek Shaven
e t��
Pan Number
Sbippiag weigh
55053 -XD3
TH (21 m) x 19"W, 45U
31 lb f14.1 kg}
a'H (2 4 in) x 19"W, 51 U
314b (16.6 kg)
55053 -X06
9'H (27 m) x 19 "W, 56U
40 h (13.1 kg)
- anips unassembled X—for. gray, 2 C -puter Whita 5=Clear 7 -81ack
• finish:
Clear grained aluminum or Epoxy - poiyester
hybrid powder coat paint
Available in black, gray or computer white
u 4ninFI Chatswer^ F -3&mts ine All rghts •am -ftd. CP'.:PI zssW Coobrg, Vegat'rame. S3'•T•Orap, Seisne
I7 /I r t1f [, A [) Ct PRODUCTS, (1 t1 } t f� T (+ r INC. fwre. Vrnframe. "uaF ante. 6. aba'Frer% Cube -7 Plcq Ewtut,on. On1r3c. 0,adrraFack and Ueh>Gry are;
vrrn MYOR H f-RUUU4{rl NC iRdara! iyragreteredisawvwAsa ' ChatmKhProdws, Inc- S. mplyElfirt ftisatrademwkn`Ctntsumrn
ftducts, Inc Al oft 1radama4s be,ong to thei respec•.ive cwnpz es_ Bay.5' 115 IvAr BIM317
• Supports 18" EIA rack -mount equipment designed
for two-post panel mounting tike patch panels and
network switches.
• Easy positioning of equipment with marked and
numbered rack-mount spaces.
• Quick attachment of equipment with threaded
equipment mounting holes and included equipment -
mounting screws.
• 0elivers unassembled in a single carton —quick
and easy bolt- together assembly takes less than 10
• Lightweight aluminum construction for easy
transport and positioning during installation.
• Quickly attach any CPI vertical cable manager to the
side of the rack through pre - punched web channel
• floor -mount holes on the base angles make it easy
to secure the rack to the floor with a concrete,
wood or raised floor installation kit j
c 1X
• Use Standard Rack with vertical and horizontal
cable managers to support interconnect and
network equipment in telecommunications rooms,
equipment morns and data centers. The Standard Rack is a high quality, cost-effective storage solution for patch panels and network switches
• Use with shelves to support other equipment that uses less floor space than a cabinet or a four -post rack. The small 20.3 "W x 15 "0 (516.1 mm x 381
mm) footprint makes Standard Rack the best choice in many telecommunications and equipment rooms,
especially where floor space is limited.
USE WITH The Standard Rack meets project specifications, will hold 1,000 lb (453.1 kg) of equipment and is UL
• Rack and Cable Management Listed as a communications circuit accessory. Support 19" EIA wide rack -mount equipment or shelves with
• Rack and Frame installation Kit r'/• PP
• Raised Floor Rack Support For 3" (80 mm( Channel the Standard Rack which is available in three heights. Equipment attaches to the front or rear of the 3"
deep (80 mm) vertical mounting channels with screws. Mounting positions are marked and numbered
making it easy to position and install equipment or shelves.
RELATED ACCESSORIES Racks deliver unassembled in a compact carton, and are easy to assemble. Components bolttogether with
• 3" (80 mm) Channel Rack -To- Runway Mounting included hardware; assembly takes approximately 10 minutes. Two -post racks must be secured to building
Plate structure. The Standard Rack has pre- punched base angles making it easy to attach the rack to the floor
• Vertical POUs for Racks using a CPI installation kit for wood, slab or raised floors.
• Rack Shelves
Because most Standard Rack applications require cable management, CPI's vertical cable managers attach
directly to the side of the Standard Rack. Vertical cable managers organize cables by rack -mount space
simplifying future moves, adds and changes to the network. The best solution includes horizontal
managers in between patch panels and network switches to fan patch cords into individual port
See reverse for product selection. Contact CPI Technical Support for cG iguration assistance.
+1 -800-834 -4969
Fixed Wall -Mount Equipment Rack
Part Number
Shipping Weight
24 5 "H N 6 "D, 13 RMU, (622 mm x 150 rnm)
9 lb (4 1 kg)
1196D -712
24.5 "H x 12'D,13 RMU, 1622 mm x 300 mm)
12 lb T5-4 kg)
24.5'H x 18'D, 13 RMU. (622 mm x 450 mm)
13 lb (5 11 kg)
11961 -706
38.5'H x 6"D, 21 RMU, (978 mm x 150 mm)
10 lb 74Z–';)
383 "H x 12 "0, 21 RMU, (978 mm x 300 mm)
13 lb (5.91g)
3B5 "H x WD, 21 RMU, 1978 mm x 460 mm)
15 lb (6,8 kg)
11962 -706
73.5'4 x 6'D, 41 RMU, (1867 mm x 150 mm)
15 lb (6.8 kg)
11962 -712
733'H x 12 "D, 41 RMU, (1867 mm x 300 mm)
16 lb 173 kg)
MTH x 18 "0, 41 RMU, (1867 mm x 460 mm)
19 lb i8.6 kg)
Heavy -Duty Wall -Mount Equipment Rack
Part Number
Shipping Weight
385"H x 18"0,20 RMU, (978 mm x 460 mm)
22 lb (10.0 kg)
98514 x 24 "D, 20 RMU, 1978 mm x 610 mm)
29 lb (112 kg)
15321 -718
73,5'H x 1B "D. 40 RMU, 11867 mm x 460 mm)
28 lb (127 kg)
15321 -724
735 "H x 24'D, 40 RMU, (1867 mm x 610 mm►
34 lb (15.4 kg)
EasySwing Wall -Mount Rack
Pon Mumbar
Shipping Weight
13602 -708
24.64 x B'D,11 RMU, (622 mm x 200 mm)
22 lb 110.0 kg)
24.5 "H x 12 "D, 11 RMU, (622 mm x 300 mm)
24 lb (10.9 kg)
13602 -718
24.5"H x iB'D,11 RMU, (622 mm x 480 mm)
28 lb 112.7 kg)
13602 -725
24.5 "H x 25 "D, 11 RMU, 622 mm x 540 mm)
341b (15,4 kg)
13604 708
38.5 "H x 8 "D, 19 RMU, (978 mm x200 mm)
27 Ib (12.2 kg)
38.5 "H x 12 "D, 19 RMU (978 mm x 300 mm)
29 lb (132 kg)
38 5 "H x 18 "D, 19 RMU, (978 mm x 460 mm)
33 lb (15.0 kg)
13694 -725
38.5 "H x 25 "D, 19 RMU, (978 mm x 640 mm)
38 lb 117.2 kg)
13608 -712
51.5'H x 12 "0, 26 RMU, 11308 mm x 300 mm)
33 lb (15.0 kg)
13608 -118
51.5'H x 18 "D, 26 RMU 11308 mm x 460 mm)
37 Ib 116.8 kg)
Standard Swing Gate Walt Rack
Part Number
Shipping Weight
11790 -712
24.5 "H x 12 "D, 13 RMU. (622 mm x 300 mfr)
22 lb (10.0 kg)
24 5 "H x 18 "0, 13 RMU, (622 mm x 460 mm)
24 lb (10.910
11790 -725
24.5 "H x 25"D, 13 RMU, (622 mm x 640 mm)
42 lb (Ml kg)
38.5 "H x 12 "D, 21 RMU, (978 mm x 300 mm)
24 lb 110.9 kg)
385"H x 18 "0, 21 RMU. 1978 mm x 460 mm)
26 lb (119 kg)
383'H x 25 "D, 21 RMU, (978 mm x 640 mm)
46 lb 12(19 kg)
11807 -712
49"H x 12 "D, 27 RMU, 11245 mm x 30D mm)
25 lb 01.3 kg)
11807 -718
49 "H x 18 "D, 27 RMU, 11245 mm x 460 mrn)
26 lb (11.8 kg)
11807 -725
49"H x 25'0, 27 RMU, 11245 mm x 640 mm)
50 lb 1227 k0)
11792 - 712
73.5 "H x 12 "D, 41 RMU, (1867 mm x 800 mm)
31 lb 114.1 kg)
11792 -718
735'4 x 18 "D, 41 RMU, 11867 mm x 460 mm)
33 lb 115.0 kg)
11792- 725
73.5 H x 25 "D, 41 RMU, (1867 mm x 640 mm)
60 lb 127.2 kg►
Heavy Duty SvOrg Gate Kit
4 lb (1.8 kg)
Universal Swing Gate Rack
Part Number
Shipping Weight
11347 -719
35 "H x 12 "D, 20 RMU, ►890 mm x3D0 mm;
24 )b (17.9 kg
11348 -719
35"H x 18 "D, 2D RMU, (890 mm x 46D mm)
29 lb, (13 2 kg)
are Fiber &
R;�a ri y
(RFB) —CAT 6 City wide Cabling infrastructure for the City of Tustin
'A?, Sx,7o,]l1 F )AJ- /I? u ],\I7 Fa' n OJS.Sti5 lo- m."a, A],'cu
This Professional Services Agreement ( "Agreement ") is made and entered into this 30
day of October ' 2012 ( "Effective Date "), by and between the City of Tustin, a government
entity organized under the laws of the State of California ( "City "), and
_Vertex Comm Tni .atiom Tn ( "Contractor "). Contractor and City are
sometimes hereinafter individually referred to as "party" and are hereinafter collectively referred
to as the "parties."
A. City requires the services of a contractor for the Category 6 City Wide Cabling
Infrastructure Project ( "Project "), as set forth in the City's Request for Bid (RFB), dated
October 9, 2012; and
B. Contractor has submitted to City a responsive and responsible proposal to perform
such services; and
C. Contractor is qualified by virtue of experience, training, education and expertise to
accomplish such services.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual agreements
contained herein, City agrees to employ and does hereby employ Contractor and
Contractor agrees to provide professional services as follows:
1.1 Scope of Serykas. Contractor shall provide the services set forth and identified in
the Request for Bid ( "RFB ") dated 10/30/2012 and in its proposal to the City of
Tustin ( "Proposal ") dated Mo /2012 . The RFB and Proposal are attached hereto
as Exhibits "A" and "B" respectively and by this reference are made a part hereof
(hereinafter referred to as the "Services" or "Work "). In the event of any conflict
between the provisions of this Agreement and /or Attachments A and /or B, the terms
of this Agreement, then Attachment A, and then Attachment B shall govern, in that
1.2 Familiarity with Fork. By executing this Agreement, Contractor warrants that it
has thoroughly investigated and considered the work to be performed, and has
carefully considered how the work should be performed. Should Contractor
discover any latent or unknown conditions materially differing from those inherent in
the work or as represented by City, Contractor shall immediately inform City of such
fact and shall not proceed with any work except at Contractor's risk until written
instructions are received from City.
(RI=B) - CAT 6 City Wide Cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
� CVW7FC1 GfRicar. The Contract Officer shall be such person as may be designated
by the City Manager of City, and is subject to change by the City Manager. It shall
be the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that the Contract Officer is kept fully
informed of the progress of the performance of the Services, and the Contractor
shall refer any decisions which must be made by City to the Contract Officer.
Unless otherwise specified herein, any approval of City required hereunder shall
mean the approval of the Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall have authority
to sign all documents on behalf of the City required hereunder to carry out the terms
of this Agreement.
3.2 Subcontracting. The experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of
Contractor, its principals and employees, were a substantial inducement for City to
enter into this Agreement. Therefore, Contractor shall not contract with any other
entity to perform in whole or in part the services required hereunder without the
express written approval of City.
3.3 Assignment. Neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be assigned or
transferred by either party, voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written
approval of the other party.
A Personnel. Contractor agrees that the following person(s) shall perform the
Services required by this Agreement. No changes of personnel shall be made for
the duration of this Agreement without the prior approval of City, unless the
individual becomes unavailable to perform because of death, illness, disability,
termination of his or her employment relationship with Contractor.
Table 1: Personnel
Lead Project Manager I Louie Roldan
Support Project Manager Mondo Marshall
Lead Forman Tony Ringer
0 5 City bequest for Change of Personnel. Contractor shall assign its personnel to
perform the Services under this agreement. If City has any objections to any of the
Personnel assigned hereunder during the performance of Services for City, City may
give written notice of any such objections to Contractor and, within five (5) days of
receipt thereof, the parties will confer regarding City's concerns. If the matter cannot
be resolved to City's reasonable satisfaction, Contractor shall remove the identified
Personnel and assign new Personnel as soon as practicable to replace the identified
3.6 Verification of Background. Contractor agrees that any employee, agent,
subcontractor or Contractor having access to the City Police Department are
required to pass a security check before they are given admittance to the Police
Department Facility. Such persons shall be required to provide his or her name,
(RFB) — CATS City Wide (a h Ing Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
------ — — -----------
Please use the following form to quote the price per port:
Where Rack Sp�a�
Equipment Data
LOC;aiioll e t
Requirements Ports
City of Tustin
/City Hall, 300 Rack Space
Accessories -
Centennial City Hall - 2nd available i n City Hall
Multiple Patch
Way, Tustin, Floor - Data - 2nd Floor - Data
Panels - 24/48
CA 92780 Center Center
orts 175
City of Tustin
/ Tustin
Multiple Cable
Department, Rack Space
300 available in City PD
Accessories -
Centennial City PD - 1st Floor-
Multiple Patch
Way, Tustin, Telecommurati,)n Telecommunication
"r' 1 1: 111 , I ; 1, , l:, . 11
Panels - 24/48
1 6,
'Lll�i VI I Uitha I
/City Hall,
Multiple Cable
City Clerk
Office, 300 Rack Space
Accessories -
Centennial City Hall - 2nd available in City Hall
Multiple Patch
Way, Tustin, R"Or - Data - 2nd Floor - Data
Panels - 24/48
CA 9', F of) Center
City of Tustin
/City Hall,
Multiple Cable
Office, 300 Rack Space
Accessories -
Centennial City Hall - 2nd available in City Hall
Multiple Patch
Way, Tustin. Floor - Data 2nd Floor - Data
Panels - 24/48
Y �j I I LAI
po is
1472 Service
Rd, Tustin,
CA 92780
Field Services,
1472 Service Rd
Tustin. CA 9278
Tustin Area
Tustin Area Senior
Center, 200 S
Center, 200 S C
C St, Tustin,
St, Tustin, CA
CA 92780
(RFe)- cA*r 6 Clty Wide cabling Infrastructure for the City of Tustin
Wall Mountable
Racks - 19 "W x
38.5 "H x 18 "D,
21U -QTY 1 -
Multiple Cable
Accessories -
Existing space to be Multiple Patch
used or , =w space Panels - 24/48
to be '� :, vied ports
Ha3ka - I �V x
24.5 "H x 12 "D,
13U - QTY 1-
Multiple Cable
Accessories -
Existing space to be Multiple Patch
used or new space Panels - 24/48
to be allocated Dorts
7F 1 ,7
19 1 18
Tustin Family
& Youth
Center, 14722
Newport Ave,
Tustin, CA
()')7An - I 20 17
T_.. __ .
Wall Mountable
Racks - 19 "W x
24.5 "H x 12 "D,
13 U - QTY 1 -
Multiple Cable
Columbus Tustin
(Gym), 17522
Activity Center
Accessories -
Beneta Way,
(Gym), 17522
Existing space to be
Multiple Patch
Tustin, CA
Beneta Way,
used or new space
Panels - 24/48
Tustin, CA 92780
to be allocated
Rack Space !
Location I
- - -._. -.-
- -- —_..
Tustin Family
& Youth
Center, 14722
Newport Ave,
Tustin, CA
()')7An - I 20 17
T_.. __ .
—CAT 6 City Wide Cabling info aStrklCtLire ff)r the City of Tustin
Drops (45)
Cost Per Drop
Committee Members
Sean Tran
Timothy Perez
Jason Churchill
Carol Kilgore
David Cole
Jenny Leisz
Weighted Total Score
Average Weighted Total Score
Cablelan s, Inc.