HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 AWARD CONTRACT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL BBS INSTALLATIONS & TSC EQUIPMENT UPGRADES/REPLACEMENTS• Agenda Item 9 AGENDA REPORT Reviewed City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 4, 2012 TO: JEFFREY C. PARKER, CITY MANAGER FROM: DOUGLAS S. STACK, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS /CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: AWARD CONTRACT FOR THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL BATTERY BACKUP SYSTEM INSTALLATIONS — PHASE 2 CIP 40079 AND THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLER EQUIPMENT UPGRADES /REPLACEMENTS — PHASE 2 CIP 40080 SUMMARY Staff is requesting that the City Council award the construction contract for the Traffic Signal Battery Backup System (BBS) Installations, Phase 2 CIP 40079, and the Traffic Signal Controller (TSC) Equipment Upgrades /Replacements, Phase 2 CIP 40080 to the lowest responsive /responsible bidder. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council award the construction contract for the Battery Backup System Installations - Phase 2 CIP 40079 and the Traffic Signal Controller Equipment Upgrades /Replacements - Phase 2 CIP 40080 to the lowest responsive /responsible bidder, Pelagic Engineering, in the amount of $265,000, and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the contract documents on behalf of the City. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient funds have been budgeted and appropriated in this fiscal year's Capital Improvement Program utilizing Measure M2 — Fair Share (Fund 139) in the amount $380,000 for the BBS and TSC upgrades, CIP 40079 & 40080 respectively. DISCUSSION AND BACKGROUND The installation of Battery Backup Systems (BBS's) at traffic signals is desired in order to maintain safe, normal vehicular operations when planned or unplanned electrical interruptions occur. Although BBS's are currently being installed at all new traffic signals, there is a need to install them at older traffic signals through a retrofit process. The program currently shown in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes four phases spread over four (4) successive fiscal years, thereby ensuring that all City- maintained traffic signals have operational battery backup systems. Phase 1 of the program is currently under construction with BBS installations at sixteen (16) intersections, after which BBS's will be operational at all City traffic signals on Irvine Boulevard and on Tustin Ranch Road (TRR), except for the traffic signal on TRR at Walnut Avenue which will receive a BBS as part of the TRR Extension Project. As shown on the attached location map, the project under consideration for Phase 2 of CIP 40079 consists of the installation of thirteen (13) new BBS's at all City traffic signals along Newport Avenue from Old Irvine Boulevard to Valencia Avenue, excluding Newport Avenue at Irvine Boulevard which will have a BBS after Phase 1 is complete. Phase 2 also includes installation of three (3) new BBS's Battery Backup Installations and Traffic Signal Controller Upgrades December 4, 2012 Page 2 on Edinger Avenue and one new BBS on Seventeenth Street, after which all City traffic signals on those two streets will have BBS protection. CIP 40080 consists of three phases of upgrades or replacements of existing traffic signal controller equipment spread over three (3) successive fiscal years due to the aging inventory. Phase 1, which is currently under construction, will provide controller upgrades or replacements at seventeen (17) traffic signals along Irvine Boulevard, Tustin Ranch Road and Jamboree Road. As shown on the attached location map, the project under consideration for Phase 2 will provide new controller upgrades or replacements at fifteen (15) intersections along Red Hill Avenue, Newport Avenue, Bryan Avenue, Walnut Avenue and Edinger Avenue. Phase 2 of CIP's 40079 and 40080 were bid together because the work in each project is similar in nature and can be performed more efficiently by the same contractor. Formal bids were publicly opened on November 20, 2012. The engineer's estimate was $380,000. The unit prices were conservatively high in Phase 2 based upon results from Phase I. Fortunately, Phase 2 represents a more competitive market and a broader flexibility in the project specifications for battery backup equipment. There were seven (7) bids received and the results are summarized below by order of least dollar amount as follows: • Pelagic Engineering .................. ............................... ....................$265,000.00 • Sully - Miller Contracting Company ................ ............................... $265,800.00 • KDC, Inc. DBA Dynalectric ........ ............................... ....................$269,020.00 • Aegis ITS, Inc .......................... ............................... ....................$271,996.28 • Unique Performance Construction, Inc ..................... ....................$290,400.00 • PTM General Engineering Services, Inc ................... ....................$313,333.00 • Pro Tech Engineering Corporation ........................ ....................$317,198.00 The State Contractor's License, bid bond and professional references for Pelagic Engineering have been verified and are appropriate for the project. Stack, P.E. Public Works /City Engineer Location Maps (2) S: \City Council Items\2012 Council Items\Award of Contract for BBS Installations(CIP 40079) -Phase 2 & Signal Controller Upgrades(CIP 40080) -Phase 2 docx TRAFFIC SIGNAL BATTERY BACKUP SYSTEM CIP NO. 40079 (PHASE 2) LOCATION MAP ,X=2 SIGNAL CABINET ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTS & SIGNAL EQUIPMENT UPGRADES CIP NO. 40080 (PHASE 2) LOCATION MAP „ Xmz