HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 PARCEL MAP 99-197 01-17-00DATE: JANUARY 17, 2000 Inter- lqO. 14 01-17-00 Com '- ..'_s TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FINAL PARCEL MAP 99-197 (WENDY'S) SUMMARY: Tentative Parcel Map 99,197was a request to COmbine the two lots located 13922 Red HillAvenue into one lot for the purpose of developing a 3,322 Square foot fast food restauran~ On October 18, 1999, the City Council apprOved Tentative Parcel Map 99-197. Upon fuifillment of specified conditiOns, the Final Parcel Map may. be recorded with the Orange County ReCOrder's office. Applicant: ConsolidatedRestaurants of California, Inc. Owner: Ed Pankey Trust RECOMMENDATION That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 00-5 approving Final Parcel Map 99-197 subject to the conditions of approval identified in Exhibit A of Resolution No. 00-5 to the satisfaction of the Community Development and Public Works Departments and the City Attorney prior to recordation. FISCAL IMPACT The Final Parcel Map is an applicant initiated project. The applicant has paid applicable fees for the processing of this map. ENVIRONMENTAL Final Parcel Map 99-197 is Categorically Exempt (Class 15, Section 15315) from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. DISCUSSION On October 11, 1999, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 3694 recommending that the City Council approve Tentative Parcel Map 99-197. The City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 99-197 on October 18, 1999, by adopting Resolution No. 99-88. These approvals included numerous conditions to be met prior to approval of the Final Parcel Map. City Council Report Final Parcel Map 99-197 January 17, 2000 Page 2 The applicant has substantially conformed with the Tentative Parcel Map approvals, the City's Zoning Code and Subdivision Code, and the State Subdivision Map Act. Based upon this conformance, staff recommends that the City Council approve Final Parcel Map 99-197, subject to fulfilling the conditions of approval of Resolution No. 00-5 to the satisfaction of the Community Development and Public Works Departments and the City Attorney prior to recordation. 7~. Bradley J. Evanson Assistant Planner Elizabeth A. Binsack Community Development Director Attachments: A - Location Map B - Final Parcel Map 99-197 C - Resolution No. 00-5 CCreports\BE\fpm99197ccreport.doc ATTACHMENT A LOCATION MAP LOCATION MAP?, j~r i ) k'-- I ..... 13802 DEL TA£O 13~52 -~MPO'r~IUtZ 13802 TUSTIN WOODS SAN JUAN 13921 TUSTIN EAST VILLAOE EL CAMINO REAL 8 Ch'URCH ~ JESUS CHF( LA I'IER D, SA/N I'S PAGiFIB POINTE 1~881 13922 CALIFB 15901 (I-5) SANTA ANA FREEWAY ATTACHMENT B FINAL PARCEL MAP 99-197 SHEET I DF 3 SHEETS ] PARCEL .0757 ACRES (ALL 0? TENATIYE PARCEL HAP NO gO-lC7 BLOCK 5752 MODULE 45 " IN THE CITY OF T,UST.IN, CD~,I'Y r~F BR~NGE, S!nAT~E DF CALIFDRNIA. ~ING A PORTION 0F LOT 30 IN BLOCK 12 OF 1RV]NE'S SUBDIVISION. IN THE CITY [~- TUSTIN. COUNTY OF ORANGE, SLATE OF CALI&-Oi~NIA, AS PER I,~ RECORDED IN BOOK 1 PAGE ~4~ 0[' MI~CELLANEDUS RECORDS NAPS, IN THE [~'FICE DF THE C(]UNTY I~ECO¢2'D[R OF SAID COUNTY. U[SH~ J. NULLEN AND ASSOCIATES, £IVIL Eh~Gff~EERS AND LAND SURVEYORS, JOHN J ~ULLEN, R.C.E. 15822 DATE DF SURVEy: MAY. 1999 G;~NE~ CERTIFICATE, THE U~RS[C_~D, ~(~]~ ~L P~T]ES ~Yl~ ~NY RECTO TITLE INTEREST IN THE L~D CDVE~D ~y THIS ~, ~ ~Jy C~SENT TO T~ P~P~AT]DN AND RECORDATION SAID ~, ACCEPTED Ar,~ FIzED AT THE PEQUEST Dr DATE TJMF FEE $ INSTRUMENT ~ Ga~Y L. GI2~VILLE COUNTY-CLER4< RECORDER DEPUTY ENGINEER'S STATEMENT, THIS MAP ~AS PREPARED BY HE DR UNDER MY DIRECTION AND IS BASED UPON A FIELD SURVEY IN CGNFORMANCE ~ITH THE REQUIREMENTS DF THE SUBD]VIS{93N MAP ACT AND LOCAL ORDINANCES AT THE REQUEST DF ~DNSDLIDATED RESTAURANTS DF CALIFORNIA. INC. ON OCTOBER ~0. 1999. I HEREBY S~ATE THAI ALL MONUMENTS ARE SUFFICIEN1 TO ENABLE THE SURVEY TD BE RETRACED. I HEREBY STATE THAT 1HIS PARCEL MAP SUBSTANTIALLY CONFORMS TD THE APPROVED OR CONDITIONALLY APPROVED TENATIVE NAP. EDGA~ E. PANKEY, TRUSTEE UNDER DECLARATION DF TRUST DATED EDGAR E. PANKEY NOTARY ACKNBVLEDGEMENT, STATE ~c CALIFORNIA) )SS ~.0UNTY Dr OR~ ) OR , BEF[]~ I~ A NOTARY ImU~LIC IN ~ FOR SAID STATE. P~RS~NALLY ~E~ED Evil,E) TO ~ T~ ~R~ ~ ~ IS ~SCR~ED TO T~ ~ZT~ ~STR~NT ~ ~[~D TO ~ T~T ~ [xECUI[D T~ S~ ]N HIS ~T~IZE~ C~AC]TY, ~F ~ ~H]CH T~ PERS~ ~TED, EXECUTED T~ ]NSTR~NT. ~IT~SS mY ~, ¢SIGN~T~) A NOIARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID SLATE (NA~4E PRINTED) JOHN j. NULLEN R.CmE NO. ]5822 EXPIRATION DATE: 6/~0/01 CITY ENGINEERS STATEMENT, I HEREBY STATE ~HAT I HAVE EX~INED THIS NAP AND H~VE FOUND IT T0 ~E SUBSTANTIALLY IN CONFORMANCE ¥1TH T~ TE~TJVE ~. JF ~tRE~. AS FILED ~IT~ ~N~D ~O ~PROVED BY T~ CITY PL~I~ C~ISSIDN; THAT ALL PROVISI~S ~ THE SUBDIVISI~ ~ ~l ~O CITY SU~D]VISIDN REGULATIONS ~vE BEEN C~PLIED VITH AND T~ ~ IS TEC~ICALLY CORRECT IN ALL RE$PE~T~ NOT S~ATED TO ~Y ~ C~T S~VEY~. DATED THIS ))AY DF TIN I1 SERLET, R.C.E. 2~73~ EXPIRATION DATE: 9/30/08 CITY CLEleK'S CERTIFICATE, I HEREBY CERT]FY THAT THIS MAP VAS PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL 0F TUSTI~ AT A REGULAR MEETING 1HEREOF HELD DN THE DAY OF AND THAT THEREUPON SAID COUNCIL DID, DY AN BEDE DULY PASSED AND ENTERED, APPROVED SAID HAP AND DiD ACCE~T DN BEHALF OF THE PUBLIC, THC DEDICATION FOR STREET PURPOSES DF, DATED THIS~DAY DF PAMELLA STDKER. CITY CLERK CITY DF TUSTIN COUNTY ~i~EASURER-TAX CDLLECTDRS'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA) )SS COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAI ACCDRDING TD THE RECORDS DF MY OFFICE IMERE ARE ND LIENS AGAINST THE LAND COVERED BY THIS MAP DR ANY PARD THEREOF FOP UNPAID STATE. COUNTI, MUNICIPAL OR LOCAL TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS COLLECT£U AS TAXES. EXCEPT TAXES OR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS COLLECTED AS TAXES NOT YET PAYABLE. THIS IS A REVERSION TD ACREAGE~ ND 1AX BOND IS REQUIRED UNDER SECTION 664gg.20 OF THE SUBDIVISION NAP DATED THIS~DAy Or ~ N.Y. I~L~CH C~TY TREASU~EP-TAX CDLLECTD~ ~Y ~PUTY TR~ASURER-TA) CDLL£STDR COUNTY SURVEYORS STATEMENT . ] H~I~-_BY STATE THAT I HAVE EXAMIHED THIS MaP AN~r HAVE FOUND 1HAT ALL M~4~PIN~ PROVISIONS DF T~ SUBDIVISI~J ~ ACT ~AVE BEEN COMPlieD J[N, CANA~ COUNTY SURVEYD~ SHEET 2 0F 3 SHEETS SCALE, 1° = 30' I PARCEL 0.9G3 ACRES CAI_L OF T£NAT!VE PARCEL NAP Ng 99-197~ BLOCK 575~ MODULE a5 D~ ~HE CITY ~ TUSTII~ COUNTY DF DR~F.~, STATE DF CALIFORNIA, JD~ J, MULLEN ~D ASSOCIATES, CIVIL ENGINEERS AN~ L~D SURVEYORS, INC, JDH~ J. MULLER, R.C.E. 15822 ~ATE OF SUPVEY: MA~ [999 9ATUN STATENENT~ COORDINATES SHOWN ARE BASED ON THE CALIFORNIA COD~DINA1E SYSTEM (CCSB3, ZONE V].I99!.35 EPOCH ADJUSINEN~). ALL DI[TANCES SHOWN ARE GROUND U~LESS OTHERWISE N~TED TD 0~TA[N GRID HULTIPLY ~y 999~78.~ ~ASIS Df- BE~INGS~ TH~ BEARINGS SHO~,.'N H~R'EL'~ ~RE BASED ~ T~ BEAR]~ ~ETWEEN O.C,S. ~RIZ~TAL C~NTRDL STATION ~ ND. 65~5 AN~ STAT]~ N~, ~:~ 6526 BEING N 40' 41' 23' E PER RECORDS DN FILE DF THE 0RA~E CDUNIY SURVEYQR. MONUMENT NOTES [~ )) INOICATE~ PER CAL' TR~S NAP ~ ~ / / ~ &-a ~. /~h~ ,~- ' ' [ ) INDICATES PER CAL TRANS MAP ND. +/ ~.~ ~ x~ I BOUNDARY CONTROL MAP ~ /_" . ,' ~ ~ ~'~ DC ~ALK / I 198.03q / ACCEPTED AS r~, / / eCL 1 ~ -~'~. o / ,~,. '~ , ' '~' , (N 4~' 40' 5~' ~. 5~.36', --/ ~' N 40' 40' 46' _. 50.36' rD PF NAL p~c ~,, ~A',_ T~ANS MAC N~ rlgB2-2 & SN[? 2 0r 3 SHE[TS S£ALE :° = 80' 0.903 ASPES (ALL 0? TENATIVE BLOCK 5752 NODULE ~5 DN T, WE CITY IF' TLtSTIN, COUNTY ~ I~R~hlGE, STATE DF' CALIFD~]A, _;D~ J. NULLEN AND ASSOCIATES, CIVIL ENGINEERS ~D L~D SURVEYORS, INC, JOHN J. MULLEN, R.C.E "5822 DATE DF SURVEY: HAY 1999 ,gl, TUN STATENENT, SYSTE~ (~S83. Z~ V[.]~.J~ E~H A~JUS~NT) ALL ~IST~CES S~N ~E ~D ~ESS DT~¥ISE ~IED TO T~ ~JNOS S~WN ~eEON ~E 8ASED ~ 7~ BERING ~T~EEN ~C.S. ~[Z~TAL CONTROL STATION ~S NO. 6~25 AND STAT]~ ~ T~ DR~N~ COUNTY SURVEYOR. ~ENT NOTES, O JNDI~TES SET 2' l~. TA~D RCE ISB22 · INDICATES rD. NOTHING SE~ NOTH~NC )) INDICATES PER CAL TRANS ~ NO. ?198-~ & OR DEED ' ) ~ND]~ATES PER CAL TRANS ~p N~. INDICATES MEAS~ D. DETAIL SHEET k 4='t~'??7. ;472' 12.58' ! 472' Ii~.0/..I.i BLi~. l]6~.59' ~' i ~. t ATTACHMENT C RESOLUTION NO. 00-5 ]0 14 20 22 24 25 26 27 29 RESOLUTION NO. 00-5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING FINAL PARCEL MAP 99-197 TO COMBINE TWO LOTS LOCATED AT 13922 RED HILL AVENUE AND 1542 EL CAMINO REAL INTO ONE LOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF'DEVELOPING A 3,322 SQUARE FOOT FAST FOOD RESTAURANT. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: The City Council finds and determines as follows: Ao That Final Parcel Map 99-197 to combine one 19,616 square foot parcel and one 19,707 square foot parcel located at 13922 Red Hill Avenue and 1542 El Camino Real into one lot for the purpose of developing a 3,322 square foot fast food restaurant, was submitted by Consolidated Restaurants of California on behalf of the Ed Pankey Trust for consideration; Bo That the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve Tentative Parcel Map 99-197 on October 11, 1999, and the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 99-197 on October 18, 1999; Co That Final Parcel Map 99-197 was considered by the City Council on January 17, 2000; Do That, as conditioned, the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan, Tustin Zoning Code, State Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Code; E. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; F. That. the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development; Go That Final Parcel Map 99-197 is Categorically Exempt (Class 15) from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15315; Ho That the design of the proposed improvements is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and 'avoidably injure fish or wildlife in their habitat; l0 ]3 14 20 24 25 26 2? City Council Resolution No. 00-5 Final Parcel Map 99-197 January 17, 2000 Page 2 I. That the type of improvements proposed will not conflict with easements acquired by the public, for access through or use of the property within the project site; J. That the types of improvements proposed are not likely to cause serious public health problems; Ko That a Traffic Impact Analysis was prepared for this project and it has been determined that dedications of right-of-way to accommodate expansion of Red Hill Avenue and El Camino Real are necessary to mitigate the traffic impacts identified in the Traffic Impact Analysis; Lo That the project has been reviewed for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and it has been determined that dedications of right-of-way to accommodate a four (4) foot wide sidewalk behind the drive aprons are necessary, for compliance with the requirements of ADA; M, That the proposed project has been reviewed for conformity with the provisions of the Orange County Congestion Management Program, and it has been determined that the additional traffic generated by. the proposed project onto the CMP Highway System does not cause the system to exceed established level of service standards (LOS); No That the City has reviewed the status of the school facilities and the Tustin. Unified School District for the impact of Final Parcel Map 99-197. No impacts associated with this approval on School District facilities have been determined; and, Oo That the project has been reviewed for consistency with the Air Quality Sub-Element of the City of Tustin General Plan and has been determined to be consistent or has been conditioned to be consistent with the Air Quality Sub-Element. II. The City Council hereby approves Final Parcel Map 99-197 combining one 19,616 square foot parcel and.one 19,707 square foot parcel located at 13922 Red Hill Avenue and 1542 El Camino Real into one lot for the purpose of developing a 3,322 square foot fast food restaurant, subject to the conditions of approval within Exhibit A, attached hereto, to the satisfaction of the Community Development and Public Works Departments and the City Attorney prior to recordation. ]0 l? 2O 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 City Council Resolution No. 00-5 Final Parcel Map 99-197 January 17, 2000 Page 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, hbld on the 17th day of January, 2000. TRACY WILLS WORLEY MAYOR PAMELA STOKER CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS I, Pamela Stoker, City Clerk and ex-offici° Clerk of the City Council of the City of · Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 99-64 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 17th day of January, 2000, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: 'COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNClLMEMBER ABSENT: PAMELA STOKER CITY CLERK (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (5) EXHIBIT A FINAL PARCEL MAP 99-197 RESOLUTION NO. 00-5 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL GENERAL 1.1 Prior to issuance of building permits, the Subdivider shall record with appropriate agencies, Final Parcel Map 99-197 prepared in accordance with subdivision requirements of the Tustin Municipal Code, the State Subdivision Map Act, and applicable conditions contained herein, within twenty-four months of the date of this approval. 1.2 Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall comply with all Conditions of Approval identified in Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 3681 and 3694 and City Council Resolution No. 99-88. 1.3 The map shall not be considered to be in "recordable form" until it is in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City of Tustin Subdivision Manual subject to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 1.4 Approval of Final Parcel Map 99-197 is contingent upon-the applicant and property owners signing and returning an "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form as established by the Community Development Department. 1.5 The applicant shall hold harmless and defend the City of Tustin from all claims and liabilities arising, out of a challenge of the City's approval of this project. MAP SUBMITTAL 2.1 The applicant shall revise the final map in accordance with the following corrections to the satisfaction of the Community Development and Public Works Departments and the City Attorney prior to recordation of the map. The Final Parcel Map and Title Sheet shall be prepared, stamped and signed by a California Registered Civil Engineer. a) The "Ownership Certificate" seCtion of the Title Sheet shall be completed. (1) (2) (3) (4) SOURCE CODES STANDARD CONDITION CEQA MITIGATION UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/S DESIGN REVIEW EXCEPTION (5) (6) (7) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENTS LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES PC/CC POLICY Exhibit A City Council Resolution No. 00-5 Final Parcel Map 99-197 January 17, 2000 Page 2 (1) 2.2 (5) 2.3 b) The "City Clerk's Certificate" section of the Title Sheet shall be completed. c) All spelling errors identified on the check prints shall be corrected. d) A copy of the County of Orange map review and approval letter shall be provided. e) Cost estimates for public improvements and monumentation shall be provided so that bonds and agreements can be prepared. f) All signature omissions shall be verified. g) The two (2) record points on El Camino Real used to establish the centerline shall be identified on the map sheets. h). All centerline tie references shall, be indicated on the map sheets. The method(s) used to determine the location and establishment of the centerline intersection point for El Camino Real and Red Hill Avenue shall be provided. The "Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate" area identified on the map sheets shall be redesignated as an area of future dedication. k) The size of the text on Sheet Three shall be revised to meet the 0.1" minimum required. All redline comments noted on the individual map sheets shall be addressed and incorporated into the respective map sheets. Prior to recordation of the final map, the subdivider shall conform to all applicable requirements of the State Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. Prior to recordation, of the final map, subdivider shall execute a subdivision and monumentation agreement and furnish the improvement and monumentation bonds as required by the City Engineer. Exhibit A City Council Resolution No. 00-5 Final Parcel Map 99-197 January 17, 2000 Page 3 (1) 2.5 (1) 2.6 In addition to Condition No. 4.15 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3681 and Condition No. 2.3 of City Council Resolution No. 99-88, the applicant shall comply with the following requirements prior to recordation of the final map: · The property owner shall dedicate twelve (12) feet of additional street right-of-way along El Camino Real from the ultimate end curb return (ECR) at the southeast corner of Red Hill Avenue and El Camino Real to the easterly boundary of the subject property. The ultimate curb return shall have a radius of thirty-five (35) feet and the ECR shall be located 32.00 feet southwesterly from the centerline of El Camino Real. This parcel shall be in the form of an irrevocable offer of dedication. · An additional parcel shall be dedicated to accommodate the appropriate corner cut-off from the ultimate begin curb return (BCR) to the ultimate ECR. The ultimate BCR' will be located sixty-one (61) feet southeasterly from the centerline of Red Hill Avenue. The corner cut-off will intersect the ultimate right-of-way line of Red Hill Avenue (70 feet from the centerline) and the ultimate right-of-way line of El Camino Real (40 feet from the centerline). · Legal descriptions and sketches as prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer or California Licensed Land Surveyor shall be provided. These legal descriptions and sketches shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for review and approval prior to issuance of.building permits. · All dedications and/or offers of dedication shall state that the City of Tustin shall be permitted to obtain, at no cost, a right-of-entry for all on-site joins when the ultimate street improvements are constructed. The right-of-entry shall terminate on the date that the Notice of Completion of Public Improvements is recorded at the Orange County Recorder's Office. Prior to any work in the public right-of-way, an Encroachment Permit must be obtained from and applicable fees paid to the Public Works Department. The developer shall be responsible for any traffic signing and/or striping along El Camino Real and Red Hill Avenue required as a result of development. Exhibit A City Council Resolution No. 00-5 Final Parcel Map 99-197 January 17, 2000 Page 4 (1) 2.7 (1) 2.8 FEES (5) 3.1 Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancY, current Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements shall be met at the drive aprons and shown on the street improvement plans. This will require construction of a minimum four- (4) foot wide sidewalk behind the drive apron. The maximum cross slope of the sidewalk shall be two percent and the maximum ramp slope of the drive apron shall be ten- percent. Dedication of additional right-of-way to accommodate the sidewalk construction may be required. Prior t° issuance of building permits, a legal description and sketch of the dedication area, as prepared by a CA Registered Civil Engineer and/or CA Licensed Land Surveyor, shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for review and approval. This development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the City of Tustin Water Quality Ordinance and all Federal, State and Regional Water Quality Control Board rules and regulations. Within forty-eight (48) hours of approval of the subject project by the City Council, the apPlicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, a cashier's check payable to the COUNTY CLERK in the amount of $38.00 (thirty-eight dollars) to enable the City to file the appropriate environmental documentation for the project. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period that applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department the above-noted check, the statute of limitations for any interested party to challenge the environmental determination under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act could be significantly lengthened.