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12 99-00 MIDYR BUD RVW 02-22-00
DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2000 lnter-Com NO. 12 02-22-00 moi FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER RONALD A. NAULT, FINANCE DIRECTOR 1999-2000 MIDYEAR BUDGET REVIEW RECOMMENDATION: , Approve amended General Fund Appropriations for fiscal year 1999-2000 of $33,067,052 as recommended by the City Manager to include a. Authorization to transfer $2.0 million from the projected Unappropriated Reserves of the General Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund to accumulate reserves for the proposed Seven Year Capital Improvement Program. bo Authorization to transfer $700,000 from the projected Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Fund to the Park Development Fund. DISCUSSION: The attached Midyear Budget Review follows the format of the proposed 1999-2000 fiscal year budget. Each department has reviewed their respective areas of responsibility and has provided the projections that are presented in the body of the report. The 99/00 Current Budget column reflects actions taken by the City Council since the budget adoption as well as current recommendations made by the City Manager that are a result of this review process. The details of adjustments made to the Budget since its adoption are on page 6, Transfers and Adjustments. The beginning Fund Balance that appears on Page 1 has been. adjuSted to reflect audited balances as of 6-30-99. The 6-30-00 Projected Fund Balance is 15.7% of projected expenses, The following discussion will focus on the significant changes that have an impact on the various funds of the City. -1- General Fund The ending fund balance at 6-30-99 was $6,413,085, which is $1,648,712 over the projected number used for the 1999-2000 budget preparation. Actual revenues for 1998-99 were approximately $1.7 million greater than originally estimated. Significant increases were realized in Building Permits-East Tustin, $142,313; Plan Checks-East Tustin, $108,730; Interest Income, $173,169; Motor Vehicle In-Lieu Fees, $255,244; and "All Other Sources" which include State Revenue from Abandoned Vehicles and Recovery of Expenses, $965,594. Property Tax and Sales Tax were 1.8% short of projection, but still reflect an increase of $617,935 from 97-98fy. These increased revenues were offset by an increase in actual operating expenditures of $1,299,687. The net result of these changes was an increase in the General Fund balance of $1.1 million at 6-30-99. 1999-2000 Revenues Projected General Fund Revenues for the year are $31,845,506. This is $595,006 more than the current budget estimate. Property Tax income is projected to be $410,000 over the original estimate and income from Fines and Forfeitures is projected to come in at $119,000 above our original estimate. There are less significant adjustments in other revenue sources that are slightly above or below adopted budget projections, but overall General Fund Revenues are within 1.3% of the original budget. The City Council has discussed the impact that Sales Tax income has on total General Fund Revenues, when they reviewed the Audit Committee's report on the City's Reserve Policy. Projected 1999-2000 Sales Tax revenues are fifty two percent of total projected General Fund Revenues. The 1998-99 Actual Sales Tax Revenues were forty nine percent of total General Fund Revenues. There is much discussion in Sacramento regarding the distribution of Sales Tax dollars that may result in changes to future allocation methods. Staff will continue to monitor and contribute comments when appropriate. As legislation becomes fully developed, staff will prepare recommendations to the City Council that will address proposed changes. 1999-2000 Expenditures Projected General Fund Expenditures are $33,067,052, which is $1,558,668 below the current budget of $34,625,720. This projection is within 4.5 percent of the budget and very consistent with prior years' expenditures. We have been within three to five percent of budgeted expenditures for over 10 years. The budgets and projections contained in this report reflect the City Manager's recommendations made at the beginning, of the report. Salary and benefit savings from every department make up the majority of the projected savings. Vacant positions as well as some retirements existed for various periods during the year in Finance, Planning, Public Works, Police, and Parks and Recreation Services. The Police Department is projecting the largest projected savings of $754,425. -2- One key area in which expenditure projections will be higher than originally budgeted is technology support, in Y2K and financial management software consulting. Within the amended budget, the City Manager is requesting an additional $169,000 to meet projected expenditures in this area. Capital Projects Fund The Combined Fund Balance for the Capital Projects Fund at year-end is projected to be $9,798,186. Construction in Progress is $1.5 mil and Reserved but Undesignated is $8.3 mil. The City Manager's recommendation is to transfer an additional $2 million to this fund. The Undesignated Reserve is meant to address the capital improvement needs as detailed in the Seven Year Plan. Alternative funding resources will need to be secured in order to meet the goals of the plan but the City is expecting to have to provide a significant level of matching funds. We are also expected to meet current Maintenance of Effort requirements for our Measure "M" allocations from this fund. Community Development Block Grants The revenue detail shoWs projected CDBG revenues of $702,609, $232,653 less than 1998-99 actual figures :of $935,262. Note that the current budget shows a difference of $889,628 from the adopted budget. This was due to the transfer of reimbursable expenses to the Gas Tax Fund. This issue could be more clarified by reviewing the CIP portion of the attached report. The receipt of CDBG funds is based on reimbursement. The variance is merely timing as opposed to a loss of funds, and balances in current year allocation are carried over in future years. Measure "M" Funds Measure "M" Funds include both the annual Turnback Revenues and Competitive Funds. These two funds are projected to have the most CIP activity with over $1.7 mil in estimated expenditures. Significant Measure "M" projects continued during the current fiscal year include the new Commuter Rail Station and the grade separation at Jamboree and Edinger. Once construction of the Rail Project begins, the City will be receiving significant Measure "M" revenues from various participating agencies. The Jamb°ree/Edinger Project is nearing completion and the City has received a majority of its proportionate share of OCTA Smart Streets Grant. Park Development Fund The City Manager has recommended a transfer of $700,000 in addition to the $245,000 previously budgeted to the Park Development Fund for future park development. -3- Water Enterprise The Water Enterprise Operating Fund balance is within the City Council's policy of six months' reserves. Water Capital Improvements have focused on improvements to the distribution system with several projects currently underway at the Main Street site. The projected reserves of $6.9 million will provide sufficient resources to the Enterprise Fund to complete several projects in the Capital Improvement Plan without requiring the issuance of new bonds. The enterprise has adequate operating reserves and its capital reserves.are sufficient to complete the Main Street Reservoir project. We will not be seeking a rate increase during the coming fiscal year. Risk Management Funds The City is a member of the Orange County Cities Risk Management Authority, a risk sharing pool made up of thirteen. Orange County Cities. The Authority has established a minimum Liability Reserve Policy of three times each City's self-insured retention ($750,000 for Tustin). This policy was established based on actuarial analysis, underwriter input and fiscal, modeling. The Risk Management Fund as represented in this report is a summary of the Liability, Worker's Compensation and Unemployment Funds. The City is self insured for the first $250,000 of each Liability claim (this is referred to as a self insured retention) and the first $275,000 of each Worker's Compensation claim. The City is fully self insured for all Unemployment. claims. While the Worker's Compensation and Unemployment Funds have generally carried adequate reserves, the City's Liability Fund has required additional transfers over the past years to maintain sufficient reserves. Our claims activity has required an amount of claims management and legal review which has been in excess of our transfers. We transferred significant funds last year and are transferring an additional $500,000 from the General Fund this year to bring our reserves to appropriate levels. Conclusion The overall financial condition of the City is healthy. Reserve Policies for the General and Water Enterprise Funds are being met and we are transferring excess reserves to Capital Improvement Funds. The Seven Year Capital Improvement Plan for the City totals $120 million. Alternative financing sources will need to be secured if we hope to complete all projects listed. The City must also be cognizant of our annual Measure "M" Maintenance of Effort requirement of $1.2 million. These and other issues will be kept in mind as we prepare future budgets and prioritize the City's goals and objectives. We also need to be mindful of potential actions by the State that could have a negative impact on the City's financial condition in the future. R~Nault ' ~eh~ ~'~~~/.~~gement Analyst- Attachment B U D~.~& CAFR:MidYe ~- R~v~200OSmfl~epo~t doc -4- City of Tustin Program and Financial Plan Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Mid-Year Budget Review · February 2000 City of Tustin City Council Tracy Wills Worley, Mayor Jeffery M. Thomas, Mayor Pro Tern Mike Doyle, Councilmember Jim Potts, Councilmember Thomas R. Saltarelli, Councilmember Management Staff William A. Huston, City Manager Christine A. Shingleton, Assistant City Manager Elizabeth A. Binsack, Director of CommUnity Development Lois E. Jeffrey, City Attorney Steve Foster, Chief of Police Pamela Stoker, City Clerk G. W. Jeffries, Treasurer Tim D. Serlet, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Patrick Sanchez, Director of Parks and Recreation Services Ronald A. Nault, Director of Finance Table of Contents · Fund .Balance Projections Page 4 Transfers and Adjustments 5-6 Revenue Summaries 7-8 Expenditure Summaries Department Expenses Legislation Administration Community Development Public Works Police Fire Parks & Recreation Services Non-Departmental CDBG Redevelopment Agency Water Services 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18-19 20-22 23 Capital Improvement Summary 24-29 Mid-Year Fund Balance Projections 98/99 Actual Bal* 06/30/1999 01 General Fund 6,413,085 02 Capital Projects Fund--ClP 2,591,611 02 Capital Projects Fund--Reserved 4,997,664 03 SCAQMD 485,298 04 Asset Forfeiture 614,577 05 Public Safety Augmentation 92,853 08 Measure "M"- Competitive 426,510 09 Measure "M". Turnback 1,614,580 10 Gas Tax 2,659,806 11 Park Development 2,793,792 16 Supplemental Law Enforcement 0 17 Marine Base Closure 0 20-29 CDBG 0 30-32 Reassessment District 95-1 3,736,919 41 Tustin Landscape/Lighting District 276,892 42 Tustin Street Lighting District 2,323,238 Redevelopment Agency 51 South Central Debt Service 2,673,912 52 South Central RDA 9,739,625 53 · South Central Set Aside 3,150,732 54 Marine Base Debt Service 0 55 Marine Base RDA 75,361 56 Marine Base Set Aside 0 57 Town Center Debt Service 3,732,774 58 Town Center RDA 2,690,929 59 Town Center Set Aside 1,953,933 Water Enterprise 70 Operations 4,203,114 72 Water Corporation 73 Water CIP 10,156,715 74 Water Fixed Assets 81-83 Risk Management 1,854,214 84 Equipment Replacement 2,239,425 99/00 99/00 · 99/001 . Mid-Year Proj Mid-Year Proj Mid-Year ProjJ Revenues Expenditures BalanceJ 31,845,506 33,067,052 5,191,539 0 1,052,500 1,539,111 3,261,411 0 8,259,075 80,000 133,333 431,965 50,000 393,500 271,077 182,000 203,000 71,853 602,000 577,000 451,510 920,000 1,170,600 1,363,980 1,362,500 456,200 3,566,106 1,254,094 21,000 4,026,886 155,000 155,000 0 262,000 315,980 (53,980) 702,609 702,609 0 100,000 10,000 3,826,919 438,000 406,000 308,892 500,000 200,000 2,623,238 1,927,200 1,149,000 3,452,112 615,000 2,070,575 8,284,050 621,000 1,240,052 2,531,680 0 0 0 25,000 366,870 · (266,509) 0 0 0 2,217,160 2,615,000 3,334,934 145,000 463,922 2,372,007 794,825 863,034 1,885,724 9,166,100 11,739,278 1,629,936 956,700 0 956,700 3,950,000 3,009,190 11,097,525 0 0 0 991,000 605,000 2,240,214 490,000 94,000 2,635,425 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 71,497,558 77,576,505 77,576,505 72,031,968 '1999-2000fy Program and Financial Plan projected balance was $69,718,986 Mid.Year Fund Balance Proj City of Tustin--Februan/2000 Page 4 of 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~-- oO 1999.2000fy Fund Maintenance (Carryovers, Adjustments, and Supplementary Approvals) Expenditure Adopted Budget (7/1/99) Prior Period Adjustments (Items approved by City Council prior to Mid-Year Process) Mid-Year Adjustment Request Interfund Transfers CIP/Carryover Reconciliation Supplemental Request* Current Expenditure Budget 79,228,813 1,309,148 2,700,000 1,929,932 169,100 $ 85,336,993 *Supplemental Request Details Increased Financial Software Support Y2K Technology Related Requirements Other Technology Expenses Additional Departmental Requests 75,000 62,000 23,100 9,000 $ 169,100 Adjustments City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 6 of 29 IRevenue Summary 96/97 97/98 (By Fund) Actual Actual 98/99 99/00 99/00 99100I Actual Adopted Cur. Bud ProjectedI 01 General Fund 28,350,855 29,869,718 02 ClP 5,052,048 6,883,759 03 SCAQMD 362,343 367,951 04 Asset Forfeiture 173,230 97,655 05 Public Safety Augmentation 174,290 198,321 08 Measure M.Competitive 710,277 24,975 09 Measure MTurnback 714,339 797,651 10 Gas Tax 1,223,154 1,289,823 11 Park Development 499,352 1,313,106 16 Supplemental Law Enforcem 151,112 150,742 17 Marine Base Closure 274,930 672,337 2x CDBG 792,109 553,986 30 95-1 Construction 461,374 212,630 31 95-1 Debt Service 7,607,304 4,155,875 32 95-2 Debt Service 0 (1,770,469) 41 Tustin LLD 383,375 391,553 42 Tustin SLD 391,896 403,234 51 South Central Debt Svs 3,812,613 1,624,847 52 South Central RDA 4,204,415 638,816 53 South Central Set Aside 481,987 540,487 54 Marine Base Debt Service 0 ..0 55 Marine Base RDA 0 31,251 57 Town Center Debt Service 1,860,942 1,892,768 58 Town Center RDA 156,678 138,239 59 Town Center. Set Aside 544,428 591,503 70 Water Fund 9,236,975 8,491,183 71 Water Debt Service 0 0 72 Water Corporation 1,044,861 865,741 73 Water ClP 4,757,518 4,889,355 74 Water Fixed Assets 2,288,777. 2,367,108 81 Workers Compensation 358,789 412,065 82 Liability 799,916 1,012,728 83 Unemployment 318,264 55,532 84 Replacement Fund 447,817 468,066 32,695,772 31,250,500 31,250,500 31,845,506 3,268,706 1,000,000 3,000,000 3,261,411 96,968 80,000 80,000 80,000 194,419 75,000 75,000 50,000 218,107 203,000 203,000 182,000 5,929,316 5,944,487 5,944,487 602,000 833,337 1,462,300 1,462,300 920,000 1,375,753 1,388,500 1,388,500 1,362,500 840,609 350,000 1,050,000 1,254,094 170,630 157,500 157,500 155,000 423,537 253,000 253,000 262,000 935,262 2,421,112 1,531,484 702,609 251,454 150,000 150,000 100,000 11,665,262 0 0 0 6,511,911 0 0 0 398,573 411,000 411,000 438,000 432,775 407,000 407,000 500,000 1,580,537 1,640,000 1,640,000 1,927,200 566,762 615,000 615,000 615,000 525,005 549,130 549,130 621,000 0 0 0 0 3,022 3,000 3,000 25,000 22,795,208 2,043,160 2,043,160 2,217,160 163,411 145,000 145,000 145,000 606,402 616,000 616,000 794,825 9,261,984 8,865,500 8,865,500 9,132,600 0 0 0 33,500 964,129 0 0 956,700 1,707,074 4,329,000 4,329,000 3,950,000 3,241,590 0 0 0 406,315 485,000 485,000 481,000 550,802 450,000 450,000 450,000 58,023 62,000 62,000 60,000 465,077 490,!31 490,131 490,000 TOTAL 77,635,968 69,632,536 109,137,733 65,846,320 67,656,692 63,614,105 Revenue Summaries City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 7 of 29 IRevenue Summary (By Fund) 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 99/00 99100I Adopted Cur. Bud ProjectedI 01 General Fund Actual Actual Actual Property Taxes Franchise Fees Sales and Use Tax Transient Occupancy Tax Business License Fees Real Property Transfer Tax New Construction Tax Building Permits-E. Tustin Plan Check Fees-E. Tustin New Construction Tax-E. Tustil Licenses and Permits Fines and Forfeitures Interest InCome Use of property Motor Vehicle In-Lieu Fees Revenue from Other Agencies State Grants County Grants Federal Grants Sports Fees Class Fees Other Recreation Fees Current Service Charges Transfers In from Other Funds All Other Sources 3,583,553 988,273 1~831,926 115,725 245,851 203,180 26,785 828,591 487 950 305 000 538 278 458 262 222138 90,989 2,507,501 117641 12,885 82,327 148,855 223,523 251,178 45,395 422,549 2,349,611 262,889 3,738,682 997,444 15,713,052 130 309 270~304 294,824 1 108 930 158 545 262 188 091 433 6O7 429,925 221,534 70,345 2,724,552 149,380 27,141 79,469 (30,424) 261,224 187,886 95,952 248,118 2,OO7,473 154,302 4,077,263 1,174,063 15,992,406 131 429 284 412 323,323 22 179 961 017 583 481 144 278 486 925 741 603 273,169 87,314 2,959,244 190,863 49,629 79,359 21,593 298,328 189,184 115,844 213,898 2,785,662 5O9,307 4,457,000 4,457,000 4,867,000 1,074,600 1,074,600 1,082,500 16,635,000 16,635,000 16,635,000 120,000 120,000 136,000 260,000 260,000 260,000 275,000 275,000 300,000 14,000 14,000 1,050 207,000 ' 207,000 259,000 145,000 145,000 134,000 45,000 45,000 44,000 420,100 420,100 . 402,743 591,000 591,000 710,000 120,000 120,000 200,000 205,000 205,000 82,600 2,959,000 2,959,000 2,990,000 174,000 174,000 176,000 0 0 40,278 80,000 80,000 76,900 0 0 0 263,000 263,000 280,000 211,000 211,000 215,000 130,000 130,000 102,485 202,000 202,000 190,850 2,626,800 2,626,800 2,626,800 36,000 36,000 33,300 01 General Fund Total 28,350,855 29,869,718 32,695,772 31,250,500 31,250,500 31,845,506 Revenue Summaries City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 8 of 29 Expenditure Summary (By Fund) 96/97 97~98 98/99 99/00 99/00 99~00 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Cur. Bud Projected 01 General Fund Legislation 600,678 643,707 587,427 687,340 685,840 678,781 Administration 1,315,764 1,505,458 1,975,169 2,146,702 2,305,802 2,187,286 Community Development 1,740,541 1,798,360 1,916,951 2,041,961 2,094,046 1,922,629 Public Works 5,637,565 5,474,567 5,730,106 6,260,529 6,250,529 5,792,923 Police Services 10,724,035 11,365,322 11,80i,694 11,996,665 12,164,995 11,410,570 Fire Services 3,408,841 3,494,062 3,614,074 3,722,496 3,722,496 3,722,496 Parks and Recreation 1,351,760 1,422,033 1,622,397 1,849,349 1,849,349 1,806,628 Non-Departmental, Other 2,511,828 4,564,890 4,320,269 2,772,930 5,552,663 5,545,740 01 General Fund Total 27,291,012 30,268,399 31,568,086 31,477,972 34,625,720 33,067,052 02 CIP 3,540,820 4,402,296 3,836,962 2,723,430 2,591,611 1,052,500 03 SCAQMD 137,708 1,758 230 251,270 384,603 133,333 04 Asset Forfeiture 272,614 17,129 547,032 393,500 393,500 393,500 05 Public Safety Augmentation 175,000 256,191 245,200 203,000 203,000 203,000 08 Measure M.Competitive 0 1,124,550 5,502,807 5,951,837 5,321,695 577,000 09 Measure M Turnback 338,019 815,049 354,428 2,310,568 2,322,479 1,170,600 10 Gas Tax 682,824 543,143. 580,027 969,000 2,369,000 456,200 11 Park Development 70,000 2,678,408 51,042 - 659,000 919,000 21,000 16 Suppl. Law Enforcement 151,112 0 321,372 150,000 150,000 155,000 17 Marine Base Closure 274,930 240,250 423,537 0 370,580 315,980 2X CDBG 792,108 553,991 935,262 2,421,112 1,531,484 702,609 30 E. Tustin Assessment Distric 165,982 33,115 .10,302 1,050,000 325,000 10,000 31 95-1 Debt Service 3,708,389 5,831,448 12,290,746 0 0 0 32 95-2 Debt Service 1,865,871 4,766,152 5,693,670 0 ' 0 0 41 Tustin LLD 499,022 339,437 . 362,003 406,509 406,509 406,000 42 Tustin SLD 211,403 299,997 205,355 203,700 203,700 200,000 51 South Central Debt Svs 4,216,964 213,976 233,519 1,597,000 1,597,000 1,149,000 52 South Central RDA 3,775,864 656,244 940,051 3,282,043 3,274,785 2,070,575 53 South Central SetAside 1,276,553 189,321 213,539 588,283 1,303,283 1,240,052 54 Marine Base Debt Service 0 5,482 (5,482) 0 0 0 55 Marine Base RDA 0 45,403 64,231 526,870 526,870 366,870 57 Town Center Debt Service 1,892,843 1,958,975 21,866,584 1,856,353 1,856,353 2,615,000 58 Town Center RDA 166,522 178,137 341,968 696,742 759,506 463,922 59 Town Center Set Aside 66,738 63,512 1,635,038 1,235,596 2,074,077 863,034 70 Water Fund 10,420,721 9,383,820 6,576,598 10,693,820 10,704,320 10,374,570 70 Water Fund Debt Svs (70-453 0 1,799,066 1,792,900 0 1,364,708 1,364,708 72 Water Corporation 973,950 970,250 964,500 956,700 956,700 0 73 Water ClP 1,828,481 1,114,251 1,951,290 7,057,550 7,234,552 3,009,190 74 Water Fixed Assets 681,195 1,095,371 1,133,565 0 0 0 81 Workers Compensation 314,494 544,622 277,898 337,000 337,000 335,000 82 Liability 909,622 488,194 364,264 393,000 393,000 270,000 83 Unemployment 19,913 9,987 2,422 5,000 5,000 0 84 Replacement Fund 428,994 478,144 373,847 831,958 831,958 94,000 TOTAL 67,149,668 71,366,068 101,654,789 79,228,813 85,336,993 63,079,695 Expenditure Summaries City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 9 of 29 IExpenditure Summary (By Fund) 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 99/00 99100I Actual Actual Actual Adopted Cur. Bud ProiectedI I Legislation City Council Personnel 57,923 60,455 64,856 62,255 62,255 62,255 Operations 22,468 24,790 18,760 36,650 36,650 30,700 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-101 80,391 85,245 83,615 98,905 98,905 92,955 City Clerk Personnel 241,969 232,878 239,509 234,185 234,185 234,185 (3perations 20,151 37,913 40,125 33,450 33,450 32,341 Capital 0 5,826 8,957 85,500 84,000 84,000 01-102 262,120 276,617 288,591 353,135 351,635 350,526 City Attorney Personnel Operations Capital 01.103 lation Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 258,167 281,845 215,220 235,300 235,300 235,300- 0 0 0 0 0 0 258,167 281,845 215,220 235,300 235,300 235,300 600,678 643,707 587,427 687,340 685,840 678,781 Expenditure Summaries City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 10 of 29 Expenditure Summary (By Fund) 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 99/00 99~00 Proiected Administration Actual Actual Actual Adopted Cur. Bud City Manager Personnel 381,714 416,556 417,729 432,905 432,905 432,905 Operations 20,519 29,301 30,391 48,114 48,114 42,929 Capital 409 138 749 4,140 4,140 5,140 01-201 402,642 445,995 448,869 485,159 485,159 480,974 Finance Personnel 506,379 485,964 536,894 597,000 597,000 579,769 Operations 87,860 98,506 160,560 199,900 274,900 282,000 Capital 0 140,838 163,247 159,000 159,000 140,000 01.202 594,239 725,308 860,701 955,900 1,030,900 1,001,769 Personnel Services Personnel Operations Capital 01-203 MIS Personnel Operations Capital 01-204 Administration Total 220,996 238,541 233,282 287,493 97,887 95,614 85,069 76,550 0 0 0 0 318,883 287,493 76,550 0 287,493 83,550 0 334,155 318,351 364,043 364,043 371,043 0 0 0 102,000 102,000 0 0 0 116,191 93,100 160,700 160,000 0 0 231,056 146,500 163,000 173,500 0 0 347,247 341,600 425,700 333,500 1,315,764 1,505,458 1,975,169 2,146,702 2,305,802 2,187,286 City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 11 of 29 Expenditure Summaries I Expenditure Summary Fund) 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 99/00 99100I Actual Actual Actual Adopted Cur. Bud ProiectedI Community Development Planning Personnel 878,711 951,607 1,009,507 1,147,246 1,147,246 1,072,623 Operations 146,279 118,845 133,321 144,903 142,903 108,003 Capital 10,897 15,007 16,160 20,000 59,085 60,080 01-301 1,035,887 1,085,459 1,158,989 1,312,149 1,349,234 1,240,706 Building Personnel Operations Capital '01-302 Community Development Total 515,690 518,205 499,428 520,096 520,096 520,096 185,266 194,696 258,535 189,716 189,716 126,827 3,698 0 0 20,000 35,000 35,000 704,654 712,901 757,962 729,812 744,812 681,923 1,740,541 1,798,360 1,916,951 2,041,961 2,094,046 1,922,629 Expenditure Summaries City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 12 of 29 IExpenditure summary (By Fund) 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 99/00 99100I Actual Actual Actual Adopted Cur. Bud ProiectedI Public Works 'Administration Personnel 234,402 248,357 257,536 260,558 260,558 260,508 Operations 61,157 68,452 96,040 239,300 239,300 229,900 Capital 6,613 5,739 107 6,000 0 0 01.401 302,172 322,548 353,683 505,858 499,858 490,408 Engineering Personnel 797,745 776,300 761,349 837,851 837,851 740,000 Operations 1,087,806 1,113,002 1,180,864 1,156,816 1,156,816 1,112,766 Capital 6,239 2,946 0 0 0 0 01-402 1,891,790 1,892,248 1,942,213 1,994,667 1,994,667 1,852,766 Streets Personnel 454,622 467,662 450,142 425,102 425,102 350,500 Operations 421,484 230,637 319,480 361,598 361,598 356,598 Capital 8,093 13,491 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 01-403 884,199 711,790 769,622 791,700 791,700 712,098 Landscape Personnel 585,138 573,256 646,664 797,997 797,997 614,500 Operations .752,533 734,382 756,089 794,689 794,689 795,689 Capital 23,666 3,922 18,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 01.404 1,361,337 1,311,560 1,420,753 1,604,686 1,602,686 1,420,189 Vehicles Personnel 306,065 322,918 325,433 315,774 315,774 316,275 Operations 185,704 204,189 209,946 246,500 244,500 264,000 Capital 6,424 6,546 9,618 7,095 7,095 2,095 01-406 498,193 533,653 544,996 569,369 567,369 582,370 Facilities Personnel 114,634 109,393 102,975 155,369 155,369 95,000 Operations 527,607 529,428 537,622 578,420 578,420 574,820 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-407 642,241 638,821 640,598 733,789 733,789 669,820 · Emergency Services Personnel Operations Capital 01-410 45,457 47,691 46,792 46,710 46,710 46,560 12,094 12,908 11,449 13,750 13,750 18,712 0 3,348 .0 0 0 0 57,551 63,947 58,241 60,460 60,460 65,272 5,637,565 5,474,567 5,730,106 6,260,529 6,250,529 5,792,923 Public Works Total Expenditure Summaries City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 13 of 29 IExpenditure Summary (By Fund) 96197 97/98 98/99 99/00 99/00 99100I Actual Actual Actual Adopted Cur. Bud ProjectedI Police Administration Personnel Operations Capital 01.501 Operations Personnel Operations Capital 01.502 498,677 492,924 526,655 532,230 532,230 497,889 28,682 37,237 46,896 37,364 37,364 38,614 0 0 0 0 0 0 527,359 530,161 573,551 569,594 569,594 536,503 5,833,223 6,182,660 6,330,799 6,377,339 6,363,489 5,893,243 521,906 513,168 495,919 503,584 517,434 525,112 0 78,507 90,765 ° 45,000 213,330 216,743 6,355,129 6,774,335 6,917,483 6,925,923 7,094,253 6,635,098 Investigations Personnel 1,401,391 1,510,398 1,546,513 1,536,761 1,536,761 1,362,597 Operations 99,281 111,695 116,745 130,732 130,732 138,900 Capital 2,435 1,774 0 0 0 0 01-503 1,503,107 1,623,867 1,663,258 1,667,493 1,667,493 1,501,497 Services Pemonnel Operations Capital 01-504 Police Services Total 1,980,742 2,093,560 2,241,922 2,435,632 2,435,632 2,333,692 348,937 340,197 380,081 398,023 398,023 403,779 8,761 3,202 25,399 0 0 0 2,338,440 2,436,959 2,647,402 2,833,655 2,833,655 2,737,471 10,724,035 11,365,322 11,801,694 11,996,665 12,164,995 11,410,570 Expenditure Summaries City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 14 of 29 I Expenditure Summary Fund) 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 99/00 99100I Actual Actual Actual Adopted Cur. Bud ProjectedI Fire Services Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 3,408,841 3,494,062 3,614,074 3,722,496 3,722,496 3,722,496 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fire Services Total 3,408,841 3,494,062 3,614,074 3,722,496 3,722,496 3,722,496 Expenditure Summaries City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 15 of 29 IExpenditure Summary (By Fund) Parks and Recreation Services 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 99/00 99100 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Cur. Bud Proiected Administration Personnel 237,517 194,937 251,674 259,465 259,465 262,448 Operations 35,838 44,614 37,833 44,151. 44,151 42,385 Capital 4,984 0 1,506 6,800 6,800 3,800 01-701 278,339 239,551 291,013 310,416 310,416 308,633 Sports Personnel 208,402 219,569 255,648 309,949 309,949 312,090 Operations 108,633 102,005 158,199 169,008 169,008 177,295 Capital 0 2,236 5,168 6,000 6,000 6,000 01-702 317,035 323,810 419,015 484,957 484,957 495,385 Classes/Cultural Services Personnel 80,021 103,906 i18,319 159,423 159,423 155,846 Operations 190,025 189,426 181,328 197,785 197,785 210,744 Capital. 0 8,251 534 2,795 2,795 2,795 01-703 270,046 301,583 300,180 360,003 360,003 369,385 Youth Services Personnel 0 0 2,428 0 0 0 Operations 919 0 332 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 01.704 919 0 2,760 0 0 0 Senior Citizens Personnel Operations Capital 01-705 t44,065 92,962 0 237,027 166,987 191,164 204,430 204,430 161,905 83,788 106,991 105,872 105,872 105,970 0 1,068 1,000 1,000 1,000 250,775 299,223 311,302 311,302 268,875 Support Services Personnel 177,777 179,369 173,231 197,375 197,375 184,330 Operations 11,742 8,325 6,330 10,965 10,965 7,400 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-706 189,519 187,694 179,561 208,340 208,340 191,730 Tustin Youth Center Personnel 10,705 65,656 76,300 112,200 112,200 111,618 Operations 31,460 51,703 54,344 61,331 61,331 60,201 Capital 16,710 1,261 0 800 800 800 01.707 58,875 118,620 130,645 174,331 174,331 172,619 Parks and Recreation Services Tol 1,351,760 1,422,033 1,622,397 1,849,349 1,849,349 1~06,628 Expenditure Summaries City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 16 of 29 IEXpenditure Summary (By Fund) 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 99/00 99100I Actual Actual Actual Adopted Cur. Bud ProiectedI Non. Departmental Personnel Operations Capital Non. Departmental Total 27,246 33,356 42,094 40,000 48,000 48,000 2,423,140 4,258,049 4,226,349 2,709,930 5,481,663 5,474,740 12,359 271,548 32,017 23,000 23,000 23,000 2,462,745 4,562,953 4,300,460 2,772,930 5,552,663 5,545,740 City of Tustin~February 2000 Page 17 of 29 Exn ditu__ren___re Summaries : IExpenditure Summary (By Fund) 96/97 97/98 98~99 99/00 99~00 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Cur. Bud CDBG Funds CDBG 99-00fy, Admin Personnel Operations Capital 20.305 0 294,033 0 294,033 0 203,036 26,290 229,326 991oor ProiectedI 0 110,600 115,600 84,000 0 142,780 142,780 140,280 0 0 10,000 10,000 0 . 253,380 268,380 234,280 CDBG 99-00fy, CIP Personnel Operations Capital 20-999 0 498,075 0 498,075 0 0 0 0 0 364,418 0 0 0 134,231 2,165,732 448,620 0 498,649 2,165,732 448,620 CDBG 91-92fy, Admin Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 22-305 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 CDBG 94-95fy, Admin Personnel 0 4,676 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 . 1,643 31,619 0 1,000 1,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 25-305 0 6,319 31,619 0 1,000 1,000 CDBG 95.96fy, Admin Personnel 0 10,302 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 8,436 38,838 0 14,321 14,321 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 26.305 0 18,738 38,838 0 14,321 14,321 CDBG 95.96fy, ClP Personnel 0 0 '0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 6,541 0 26-999 0 0 0 0 6,541 0 CDBG 96.97fy, Admin Personnel 0 9,030 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 40,216 37,678 0 27,082 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 27-305 0 49,246 37,678 0 27,082 0 Expenditure Summaries City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 18 of 29 IExpenditure Summary (By Fund) 96/97 97~98 98/99 99~00 99/00 99100 Proiected CDBG 96-97fy, CIP Personnel Operations Capital 27.999 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Cur. Bud 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,127 0 0 2,127 0 CDBG 97-98fy, Admin Personnel Operations Capital 28-305 0 130,553 23,767 0 119,809 37,218 0 0 21,356 0 250,362 82,341 0 0 0 0 22,557 22,557 0 0 0 0 22,557 22,557 CDBG 97-98fy, ClP Personnel 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 28-999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 314,300 314,300 0 20,000 0 0 334,300 314,300 CDBG 98-99fy, Admin Personnel 0 0 84,839 Operations 0 0 82,166 Capital 0 0 38,163 29.305 0 0 205,168 0 18,080 18,080 0 22,371 2,371 0 0 0 0 40,451 20,451 CDBG 98-99fy, Non-Dept Personnel 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 40,968 Capital 0 0 0 29.801 0 0 40,968 CDBG 98-99fy, ClP Personnel 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 29-999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 186,105 95,700 0 180,000 0 0 366,105 95,700 2x CDBG Total 792,108 553,991 935,262 2,421,112 1,531,484 702,609 Expenditure Summaries City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 19 of 29 IExpenditure Summary (By Fund) 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 99/00 99100I ProjectedI Actual Actual Actual Adopted Cur. Bud Redevelopment Agency East Tustin Assess, ClP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 2,393 8,915 8,881 0 0 0 Capital 163,589 24,200 1,421 1,050,000 325,000 10,000 30 EastTustin Total 165,982 33,115 10,302 1,050,000 325,000 10,000 95-1 Debt Svs, Non Dept Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 3,708,389 5,831,448 12,290,746 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 95-1 Debt Svs Total 3,708,389 5,831,448 12,290,746 0 0 0 95-2 Debt Svs, Non Dept Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 1,865,871 4,766,152 5,693,670 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 95-2 Debt Svs Total 1,865,871 4,766,152 5,693,670 0 0 0 Tusfin LLD, Non-Dept Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 6,475 6,691 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 41-801 0 6,475 6,691 0 0 0 Tustin LLD, Special District Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 499,022 332,962 355,312 406,509 406,509 406,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 41-805 499,022 332,962 355,312 406,509 406,509 406,000 41 Tustin LLD Total 499,022 339,437 362,003 406,509 406,509 406,000 Tustin SLD, Special District Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 211,403 299,997 201,863 203,700 203,700 200,000 Capital 0 0 3,492 0 0 0 42 Tustin SLD Total 211,403 299,997 205,355 203,700 203,700 2.00,000 Expenditure Summaries City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 20 of 29 IExpenditure Summary (By Fund) I 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 99/00 . 99100j Actual Actual Actual Adopted Cur. Bud ProjectedI SC Debt Svs Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 4,216,964 213,976 233,519 1,597,000 1,597,000 1,149,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 SC Debt Svs Total 4,216,964 213,976 233,519 1,597,000 1,597,000 1,149,000 SC RDA, Admin Personnel 27,638 20,710 26,204 27,382 27,382 Operations 2,582,679 161,569 142,154 229,410 229,410 Capital 764 11,659 5,177 0 0 52-600 2,611,081 193,938 173,535 256,792 256,792 22,937 222,138 0 245,075 SC RDA, CIP Personnel 61,960 Operations 0 Capital 1,102,823 52.999 1,164,783 0 0 0 0 0 44,089 413,308 0 0 0 418,217 353,209 3,025,251 3,017,993 1,825,500 462,306 766,516 3,025,251 3,017,993 1,825,500 52 SC RDA Total 3,775,864 656,244 940,051 3,282,043 3,274,785 2,070,575 SC Set-Aside, Admin Personnel 85,400 86,264 95,972 97,583 97,583 104,062 Operations 1,172,770 91,965 117,567 490,700 490,700 420,990 Capital 18,383 11,092 0 0 715,000 715,000 53 SC Set. Aside Total 1,276,553 189,321 213,539 588,283 1,303,283 1,240,052 Marine Base Debt Svs, Admin Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 5,482 (5,482) 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 Marine Base Debt Total 0 5,482 (5,482) 0 0 0 Marine Base RDA, Admin Personnel Operations Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37,846 64,231 526,870 526,870 366,870 0 7,557 0 0 0 0 55 Marine Base RDA Total 0 45,403 64,231 526,870 526,870 366,870 Expenditure Summaries City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 21 of 29 IExpenditure Summary (By Fund) 96~97 97~98 98~99 99~00 99~00 99100I Actual Actual Actual Adopted Cur. Bud Proiectedj Town Center Debt Svs, RDA Personnel 0 7,330 19,874,028 0 0 0 Operations 1,892,843 1,951,645 1,992,556 1,856,353 1,856,353 2,615,000 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 Town Center Debt Total 1,892,843 1,958,975 21,866,584 1,856,353 1,856,353 2,615,000 Town Center RDA, RDA Personnel 27,638 20,710 26,204 27,382 27,382 22,782 Operations 113,383 142,882 143,711 254,360 274,360 217,040 Capital 764 11,825 '5,587 0 0 4,100 58-600 141,785 175,417 175,502 281,742 301,742 243,922 Town Center RDA, ClP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 24,737 2,720 140,918 165,000 190,000 190,000 Capital 0 0 25,548 250,000 267,764 30,000 58-999 24,737 2,720 166,466 415,000 457,764 - 220,000 58 Town Center RDA Total 166,522 178,137 341,968 696,742 759,506 463,922 Town Center Set Aside, RDA Personnel 46,032 41,475 48,526 49,596 49,596 52,664 Operations 18,950 17,769 639,003 1,1'86,000 309,300 296,688 Capital 1,756 4,268 0 0 0 0 59.600 66,738 63,512 687,530 1,235,596 358,896 349,352 Town Center Set Aside, ClP Personnel 0 Operations 0 Capital 0 59-999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 947,508 0 1,715,181 513,682 0 0 0 0 0 0 947,508 0 1,715,181 513,682 59 Town Center Set Aside Total 66,738 63,512 1,635,038 1,235,596 2,074,077 863,034 Expenditure Summaries City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 22 of 29 Expenditure Summary (By' Fund) Water Services Water, Service Billing Personnel Operations Capital 70.451 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 99/00 Actual Actual Actual Adopted Cur. Bud 991ooI ProiectedI 178,260 187,719 118,067 133,000 133,000 133,500 4,819,604 5,024,501 2,038,352 4,385,100 4,385,100 4,373,444 0 24,156 11,303 105,000 115,500 115,400 4,997,864 '5,236,376 2,167,722 4,623,100 4,633,600 4,622,344 Water, Operations Pemonnel 829,557 781,752 832,565 959,675 959,675 Operations 2,795,113 2,384,331 2,508,746 2,610,366 2,610,366 Capital (22,047) 494 (69) 376,400 376,400 70-452 3,602,623 3,166,577 3,341,242 3,946,441 3,946,441 818,000 2,556,955 376,400 3,751,355 Water Fund, Debt Svs Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 1,023,183 1,799,066 1,792,900 0 1,364,708 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 70-453 1,023,183 1,799,066 1,792,900 0 1,364,708 0 1,364,708 0 1,364,708 Ionization Personnel 20,589 21,000 9,919 33,672 33,672 Operations 88,643 98,018 19,996 150,900 150,900 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 70-456 109,232 119,018 29,915 184,572 184,572 15,000 101,036 0 116,036 Reverse Osmosis Personnel 20,639 20,354 33,821 33,672 33,672 Operations 125,198 112,165 168,595 248,900 248,900 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 70.457 145,837 132,519 202,416 282,572 282,572 15,000 218,400 0 233,400 17th Street Desalter Pemonnel 57,096 76,314 93,937 69,900 69,900 Operations 468,886 653,016 741,366 807,000 807,000 Capital 16,000 0 0 780,235 780,235 70-458 541,982 729,330 835,304 1,657,135 1,657,135 58,000 813,200 780,235 1,651,435 70 Water Utility Fund Total 10,420,721 11,182,886 8,369,498 10,693,820 12,069,028 11,739,278 Expenditure Summaries City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 23 of 29 ICapital Improvement Program By fund 99~00 99/00 99~00 99/00 Adopted Sup Approp Sup Approp Current FUND Budget Prior-Period* Mid-Year** Budget 02-CIP 2,723,430 15,000 -146,819 2,591,611 03-SCAQMD 251,270 0 133,333 384,603 08-Measure M Competitive 5,951,837 0 -630,142 5,321,695 09-Measure M Turnback 2,260,568 0 11,911 2,272,479 10-Gas Tax 400,000 0 1,400,000 1,800,000 11-Park Bevelopment 659,000 285,000 -25,000 919,000 17-Marine Base Closure 0 0 0 0 20-CDBG 99-00fy 2,165,732 0 -1,006,708 448,620 26-CDBG 95-96fy 0 0 6,541 6,541 27-CDBG 96-97fy 0 0 2,127 2,127 28-CDBG 97-98fy 0 0 407,638 334,300 29-CDBG 98-99fy 0 0 407,638 366,105 30-RAD 95-1 1,050,000 0 -725,000 325,000 42-Tustin Lighting Distdct 0 0 0 0 52-S Central RDA 3,025,251 0 -7,258 3,017,993 58-Town Ctr RDA 415,000 5,000 37,764 457,764 59-Town Ctr RDA Set-Aside 838,481 0 876,700 1,715,181 73-Water ClP 7,057,550 0 177,002 7,234,552 99/00 Projected Expenditure 1,052,500 133,333 577,000 1,120,600 186,200 21,000 0 0 0 0 314,300 95,700 10,000 0 1,825,500 220,000 513,682 3,009,190 26,798,119 305,000 919,727 27,197,571 9,079,005 *Prior Period Appropriations are items approved by City Council prior to Mid-Year Process **Mid-Year AppropriatiOns are carryover adjustments between last year actuals and projections 99/00 Cur-Proj Variance (1,539,111) (251,270) (4,744,695) (1,151,879) (1,613,800) (898,ooo) o (448,620) (6,541) (2,127) (2o,ooo) (270,405) (315,000) 0 (1,192,493) (237,764) (1,201,499) (4,225,362) (18,118,566) ClP Summary City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 24 of 29 ICapital Improvement Program By fund 02-Capital Improvement Fund Pr~ect 1032 1033 1036 1037 1538 2039 2044 4057 7001 7100 7156 7157 7158 7159 7160 7161 Description Major Building maint Fuel Tank R & R Street Sweeper Canopy Administration Modular Workst; Jamboree Rd. Irrigation Magnolia Tr/Pepper Tr Pk Rst I Grant-(Revenue) Pioneer Middle Sch-Sports Ligl Traffic Signal Mods McFadden, Major Street Maint. Tustin Rch Rd Extension Redhill Underground Pasadena Reconstruct 2nd St Reconstruct E. Tustin Landscape R/R Irvine Bird Rehab-Btwn 55/Pro LSTP (Rev) Prospect Rehab-Btwn lst/4th LSTP (Rev) 99/00 Adopted Budget 90,000 50,000 135,000 25,000 80,000 180,000 100,000 175 000 7650 600 000 233 650 20 000 213 500 75 000 10 000 310 000 18§ 709 130,000 98,921 2,723,43O 99/00 SupApprop Prior-Period 15,000 99/00 99~00' 99/00 99~00 Sup Approp Current Proje~ed Proiected Mid-Year Budget Expenditure Variance -90,000 0 0 Completed -50,000 0 0 Completed 135,000 12,000 (123,000) 25,000 25,000 Completed -80,000 0 0 Completed 0 195,000 15,000 (180,000) 100,000 0 ¢00,00~ 25,000 200,000 0 (200,o00) 7,650 7,000 (650) 600,000 600,000 0 28,660 262,310 30,000 (232,310) 12,000 32,000 32,000 0 13,315 226,815 170,000 (56,815) 4,206 79,206 54,000 (25,206) -10,000 0 0 Completed 310,000 57,500 (252,500) 189709 0 (189,70~ 130,000 50,000 (80,000) 98,921 0 ¢8,921) 15,000 -146,819 2,591,611 1,052,500 (1,539,111) 03-SCAQMD SB 2766 Project # Description 7138 Rail station 99/00 99/00 99/00 99/00 99/00 Adopted Sup Approp Sup Approp Current Projected Budget Prior-Period Mid-Year Budget Expenditure 251,270 133,333 384,603 133,333 251,270 0 133,333 384,603 133,333 99/00 Cur-Proj Variance (251,270) 08-Measure "M" Competitive Project # Description 4057 Traffic Signal Mods McFadden, 7118 Irvine / Newport 7138 Rail Station GMA-7 (Revenue) GMA-8 (Revenue) M-Rail (Revenue) TClP (Revenue) 7154 Jamboree Grade Seperation 99/00 Adopted Budget 7,350 · 1,200,000 100,000 575,000 250,000 62L145 2,28Z500 909,842 5,951,837 99100 Sup Approp Prior-Period 99/00 Sup Approp Mid-Year -12,800 -617,342 -630,142 99/00 Cu~ent Budget 7,350 1,200,000 100,000 57~000 254000 614,345 2,282,500 292,500 5,321,695 99~00 Proje~ed Expenditure 7,000 0 100,000 0 254000 20,000 0 200,000 577,000 99/00 Cur-Proj Variance (35O) (1,200,000) 0 (575,000) 0 (594,345) ¢,282,500) (92,500) (4,744,695) ClP Summary City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 25 of 29 ICapital Improvement Program By fund 09-Measure "M" Turnback Project # Description 99/O0 Adopted Budget 99/00 Sup Approp Prior-Period 99/00 Sup Approp Mid-Year 99/O0 Current Budget 99/00 Projected Expenditure 99/00 Cur-Proj Variance 4058 1st @ Prospect Signal Modific~ 7116 EICaminoWidening 7118 Irvine/Newport 7124 Redhill Rehab LSTP (Revenue) 7125 Walnut Rehab 7132 Edinger Widen 7133 Redhill Widen TSIA (Revenue) 7154 Jamboree grade Seperation 7155 Jamboree-Edingerto Barranca 130,000 60,000 760,600 482,675 362,239 55,000 128,849 36,000 160,000 47,000 38,205 2,260,568 7,493 -L259 5,000 16,024 -12,185 712 2,126 11,911 130,000 60,000 760,600 490,168 354,980 60,000 128,849 52,024 14~815 47,712 40,331 2,272,479 114,000 43,000 60,000 388,100 33&000 30,000 88,000 25,000 20,000 10,000 7,500 1,120,600 (16,ooo) (17,ooo) (700,600) (lO2,O68) (19.98o) (3o,ooo) (40,849) (27,024) (127,815) (37,712) (32,831) (1,151,879) 10-Gas Tax Project # 4059 7118 7139 Description Traffic Control Devices Invento Irvine/Newport Enhancements Valencia Loops Econ. Dev. Admin (Revenue) Trade/Commerce Grant (Rev Office of Econ. Adjust. (Rev) 99/00 Adopted Budget 100,000 150,000 150,000 0 0 0 400,000 99/00 Sup Approp Prior-Period 99/00 Sup Approp Mid-Year 1,100, 000 300,000 0 99/00 Current Budget 100,000 150,000 150,000 1,100,000 300,000 0 99/00 Projected Expenditure 35,000 101,200 50,000 0 0 0 1,400,000 1,800,000 186,200 99/00 Cur-Proj Variance (65,000) (48,8OO) (100,000) (1,100, O00) (300,000) o 11-Park Development Project # Description 2019 Laurel Glen Park 2039 Magnolia TdPepper Tr Pk Rst 2043 MCAS Park Master Plan 2044 Pioneer Middle Sch Sports Ligt 2045 Tustin HS Basket Ball Courts 2046 Lemon Tree Park 2048 ColumbusoTustin Ballfield Ren( 99/00 99/00 99/00 99/00 Adopted Sup Approp Sup Approp Current Budget Prior-Period Mid-Year Budget 0 24,000 24,000 4,000 216,000 220,000 40,000 40,000 225,000 -25,000 200,000 15,000 15,000 0 45,000 45,000 375,000 375,000 99/00 Pr~emed Expenditure 0 6,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 99/00 Cur-Proj Vadance (24,000) (214,000) (40,000) (200,000) 0 (45,ooo) (375,000) 659,000 285,000 -25,000 919,000 21,000 (898,000) 17-Marine Base Closure Project # Description 99/00 99/00 99/00 99/00 99/00 Adopted Sup Approp Sup Approp Current Projected Budget Prior-Period Mid-Year Budget Expenditure 0 0 0 0 .0 99/00 Cu>Proj Variance 0 CIP Summary City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 26 of 29 ICapital Improvement Program By fund 20 CDBG 99-00fy Project # 2043 7139 99~OO Adopted Description Budget MCAS Park Master Plan 0 Valencia Loops 702,766 CDBG Reallocation 62,966 Econ. Dev. Admin (Revenue) 1,100, 000 Trade/Commerce Grant (Rev 300,000 Office of Econ. Adjust. (Rev) 0 2,165,732 99/00 Sup Approp Prior-Period 99/O0 Sup Approp Mid-Year 48,620 4O7,638 -62,966 -1,100,000 -300,000 0 -1,006,708 99/00 Current Budget 48,620 400,000 0 0 0 0 448,620 99~00 Projected Expenditure 0 0 0 0 0 0 99/00 Cur-Proj Variance (48,620) (400,000) 0 0 0 0 (448,620) 26 CDBG 95-96fy 99/00 Adopted Project # Description Budget 1532 Mitchell Ave 0 99/00 Sup Approp Prior-Period 0 99/00 Sup Approp Mid-Year 6,541 99/00 Current Budget 6,541 99/00 Projected Expenditure 0 99/00 Cur-Proj Variance (6,541) 27 CDBG 96-97fy 99/00 Adopted Project# Description Budget 1532 Mitchell Ave 0 99/00 Sup Approp Prior-Period 0 99~O0 Sup Approp Mid-Year 2,127 99~0 Cu~ent Budget 2,127 99/00 Projected Expenditure 0 99/00 Cur-Proj Vadance (2,127) 28 CDBG 97.98fy 99/00 Adopted Project # Description Budget 7139 Valencia Loops 0 99/00 Sup Approp Prior-Period 0 99/00 Sup Approp Mid-Year 407,638 99/OO Current Budget 334,300 99/00 Projected Expenditure 314,300 99/00 Cur-Proj Variance (20,000) 29 CDBG 98-99fy 99/00 Adopted Project # Description Budget 7139 Valencia Loops 0 99/00 Sup Approp Prior-Period 0 99/00 Sup Approp Mid-Year 4O7,638 99/00 Cu~ent Budget 366,105 99/00 Projected Expenditure 95,700 99/00 Cur-Proj Variance (270,405) 30- Reassessment District 95-1 99~00 Adopted Project # Description Budget 7052 Tustin Ranch Road 725,000 7085 Regional Trail 250,000 7096 Incidental Project Costs 75,000 1,050,000 99/00 Sup Approp Prior-Period 99/00 Sup Approp Mid-Year -725,000 q25,000 99/00 Current Budget 0 250,000 75,0O0 325,000 99/00 Projected Expenditure 0 0 10,000 10,000 99/00 Cur-Proj Variance Completed (250,000) (65,000) (315,000) CIP Summary City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 27 of 29 Capital Improvement Program By fund 42-Tustin Lighting District Project # Description 7149 Sycamore Ave. 99/OO Adopted Budget 0 99/00 Sup Approp Prior-Period 0 99/OO Sup Approp Mid-Year 0 99/00 Current Budget 0 99~00 Projected Expenditure 0 99/00 Cur-Proj Variance 0 52-South Central RDA Project # Description 7130 Newpod Ave-SR55 North Developer Share (Revenue) 7131 Newport Extension Developer Share (Revenue) 7147 Edinger Widen 99/OO Adopted Budget 351,251 450,000 2,141,000 0 83,000 3,025,251 99/00 Sup Approp Prior-Period 0 99/00 Sup Approp Mid-Year -69,840 53,432 9,150 -7,258 99/00 Current Budget 281,411 450,000 2,194,432 0 92,150 3,017,993 99/O0 Projected Expenditure 279,500 0 1,500,000 0 46,000 1,825,500 99/OO Cur-Proj Variance (1,911) (45o,ooo) (694,432) 0 (46,150) (1,192,493) 58-Town Center RDA Project #Description 2039 Magnolia Tr/Pepper Tr Pk Rst I 3054 DDA-Warmington 6th Street Pr 5024 h'vine Blvd-Holt To 55 99/00 Adopted Budget 235,000 165,000 15,000 99/00 Sup Approp Prior-Period 5,000 99/00 Sup Approp Mid-Year 25,000 12,764 99~O0 Current Budget 240,000 190,000 27,764 99/00 Projected Expenditure 5,000 190,000 25,000 415,000 5,000 37,764 457,764 220,000 99/00 Cur-Proj Variance (235,000) 0 (2,764) (237,764) 59.Town Center, RDA Set. A. Side Project # Description 3054 DDA-Warmington 6th Street Pr 99/00 99/00 99/00 99/00 99/00 Adopted Sup Approp Sup Approp Current Projected Budget Prior-Period Mid-Year Budget Expenditure 838,481 0 876,700 1,715,181 513,682 99/00 Cur-Proj Variance (1,201,499) ClP Summary City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 28 of 29 ICapital Improvement Program By fund 73-Water Capital Improvement Prograr 99/00 Adopted Project # Description Budget 99/00 Sup Approp Prior-Period 99/00 Sup Approp Mid-Year 99/00 Current Budget 99/00 Projected Expenditure 99/00 Cur-Proj Variance 6077 Automatic Chlorination Equip. 6087 Newport Main RJR 6103 Wells @ 245 Main St. OCWD Conjuctive Loan 6106 Misc Water mains 6108 Main Street Reservoir 6113 Foothill reservoir 6115 Zone 2 Bosster Station 6129 Simon Booster Station 6130 Well @ Pasadena So. of 1st. 6134 ClPManagement 6140 Portable Generator 6141 ProSpect Ave. main RJR 6142 17th Street main RJR 6143 Maintenance Yard remodel 6145 Water Main Replace-Various 6146 Well & Main RjR-Ponderosa 6147 EdingerMain RJR 986,000 333,000 0 328,975 44,775 1,324,300 466,000 491,000 738,000 710,000 30 000 135 000 383 000 296 000 229 500 300 000 196 000 66 000 7,057,550 -3,436 18,942 0 188,934 0 80,575 17,958 -156,634 34,379 -800 6,081 0 1,934 3,000 -2,771 -11,161 177,002 982,564 351,942 0 51~909 44,775 1,404,875 483,958 334,366 772,379 709,200 36,081 135,000 384,934 299,000 229,500 300,000 193,229 54,839 7,234,552 693,995 290,900 0 26~000 24,775 252,125 75,000 334 366 185 000 140 000 20 000 15 000 270.000 225.000 75.000 84,500 22,000 34,529 3,009,190 (288,569) (61,042) 0 (250,909) (2o,ooo) (1,152,750) (408,958) 0 (587,379) (569,200) (16,081) (120,000) (114,934) (74,000) (154,500) (215,500) (171,229) (20,310) (4,225,362) ClP Summary City of Tustin--February 2000 Page 29 of 29