HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 096 (1955),ORDINANCE NO. 96
The City Council of the City of Tustin does ordain as
Whenever in this Ordinance the following terms are used
they shall be deemed and construed to have the meaning ascribed'
to them in this Section unless it is apparent from the context
thereof that some other meaning is intended.
ANIMAL 'CONTROL MAN shall mean the employee of the City
whb is charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this
Ordinance and his regularly appointed deputies.
DOG shall mean any male, female or neuter dog over the
age of three (3) months.
OWNER shall mean any person having title to, keeping,
or harboring any dog for a period of seven (7) ` consecutive days,
except a duly licensed veterinarian having custody for the pur-
pose of treatment or boarding.
QUARANTNE'shall mean the isolation of a dog or puppy
under three (3) months of age, in a substantial enclosure so
that said animal cannot be subject to contact with other animals
or unauthorized 'persons.
STRAY"DOG shall mean any dog which is subject to being
impounded by the Animal Control Man pursuant to the provisions,
of this Ordinance.
UNLICENSED'DOd"shall mean any dog for which the license
tax has not been paid for the current calander year, or any dog
to which a current license tag is not attached as provided for
in this Ordinance.
VACCINATION shall mean the inoculation of a dog with a
vaccine approved by the Health Officer of the City of Tustin.
VICIOUS DOG shall mean any dog which is known to have
bitten any person.
The Animal Control Man may order any dog which has
bitten any person to be kept securely tied in the rear of the
owner's premises for a perios of fourteen (14) days from date
of bite.
A license tax is hereby levied on all dogs over the
age of three (3) months, owned, kept, harbored, or in the cus-
tody or under the control of any person within the City, at the
rate of Two ($2.00) Dollars for each dog for each calendar year,
from January l of each calendar year to December 31, payable in
advance for the whole year. Any owner who fails or refuses to
pay said license tax on or before the first day of February of
the year is guilty of a misdemeanor. Such license tax shall be
deemed a debtdue the City -from the owner and, in addition to the
criminal penalties.of this Ordinance provided for, such debt may
be collected in the name of the City as any other debt may be
collected. The foregoing license tax shall not apply to any dog
while kept or `maintained in a duly licensed kennel nor to any
seeing eye dogs properly trained to assist blind persons when
such dogs are actually being used by blind persons for the pur-
pose of aiding them in going from place to place.
Upon payment of the license fee , the City Treasurer or
the Animal Control Man shall issue to the owner, a license cer-
tificate and a metallic tag for each dogsolicensed. The shape
of the tagshall be changed every calendar year and shall have
stamped thereon the year designation and an identifying humber.
Every owner shall be required to provide each dog, not kept in
a kennel, with a collar to which the license tag must be perman-
ently affixed and shall see that the collar and tag are contin-
uously worn by said dog. In case a dog tag is lost or destroyed,
a duplicate will be issued by the City Treasurer upon presenta-
tion of the receipt showing payment of.the license fee for the
calendar year and upon payment of"the fee fixed for the issuance
of such duplicate tag. No* owner shall transfer any dog tag from
one dog to another and no person shall place.a dog tag upon any
49g except the dog for which it was issued. The dog collar or
harness worn by the animal shall have the name and address of the
owner inscribed thereon.
The City Treasurer and the Animal Control Man shall keep
a record of the license tags -issued which record shall contain a
brief description and the name of the dog and the name and address
of the owner*
No owner shall permit any dog to run at large while said
dog is not wearing''the collar'and license tag in this Ordinance
required and no owner shall,permit any vicious dog to run at large.
No, owner shall permit ,. any ',unspayed female dog to run at large or
to be lead or tied In any unfenced place while such female dog is
in heat or breeding condition or to harbor or keep such female
dog so as to attract or-:,.deeoy male dogs,, thus causing a public
nuisance or disturbance in'the neighborhood.
Section 7. "IMPOUNDING.
It shall be'the duty of every Police Officer and every
Animal Control Man to apprehend' and: capture any dog found run-
ning at large contrary toth6 provisions of this Section and to
impound such dog in,the.,Oran9p County Pound as provided -for by
contract with the County of Orange. A complet.e.record shall be
furnished to and kept, by the.,.Animal Control Man, of any dog so
impounded,, showing the breed' color, sex of such dog and infor-
mation regarding license if such dog be wearing a tag. If liven
sed, the owner shall be notified of" such impounding and -licensed
dogs shall be kept separately from unlicensed dogs.
In order to redeem or buy any dog that has been im-
ounded, a fee of One D611ail�,for the taking up and One Dollar
for redemption# plus twenty-five cents for each day the dog is
held, to cover feeding and care of the same shall be paid. All
moneys collected by the Pound shall be credited to the City of
Tustin. No dog suffering from rabies or other dangerous disease
shall be released or sold and no vicious dog shall be sold.
I The Animal Control Man, upon receipt of an Affidavit
from any personwhohas been bitten by,a dog, or any person who
has witnessed such occurrence, shall notify the owner of such
dog., in writing.,to keep such dog at all times., on the property
or premises of said owner, inside fenced inelosure and so con-.
trolled that said dog cannot escape. All entrances.to the prop-
erty shall have a written notice or sign in letters at least one
inch in height bearing the words, "beware of dog." No. vicious
dog shall be allowed to run at large and shall not be taken upon
the streets of the City except when securely controlled on a
No person shall hold or retain possession of any dog
or other animal for a period of longer than twenty-four (24)
hours unless he,holds title to such animal or has the consent
of the owner thoreof,_unless such person,shall have reported
the fact of such possession, the manner of acquiring the same.,
a true description of the animal, and the name,,address and
telephone number of such person holding or retaining possession
to the Police Department or the Animal Control Man.
No owner or person having control'of any dog shall
allow the same to be at large and unrestrained or unconfined in
any park, auto park or trailer court within the City and no such
person shall allow such dog to run at large at any place within
the City if such dog has been declared to be a public nuisance or
at any time between the declaration of a special emergency re-
quiring muzzles, issued by the Mayor, and the termination of
such emergency periodo unless such dog is wearing a securely
fastened., wire muzzle so placed over its mouth as to prevent
the dog from biting any person or animal. During such period of
emergency, any dog found,running at large without such muzzle,,
may be summarily destroyed.
(a) When written complaint has been made by any person
to the Animal Control Man, that any, dog is, -.a nuisance by reason
of barking, howling, growling, running or charging at or after
any person or vehicle, or biting any person, or molesting or
destroying any property, such dog may be declared to be a public
nuisance,by the Animal Control Man. Such written complaint shall
give the name and address of the owner of the dog and the time
and place where the act or acts complained of occurred. The
Animal Control Man shall serve written notice of such complaint
and alleged facts on the person owning such -,dog by delivery to
him or to some person over the age of eighteen years at the ad-
dress of the owner, or if no such person can be found, by affix-
ing such written notice securely to the door of the building at
such address and; by sending a copy _thereof by snail to said ad-
dress. After service of' such notice, the owner shall thereafter
keep said dog securely tied, within an adequate enclosure, or
on leash and if the complaint be barking or,howling, the owner
shall keep said dog securely muzzled in a manner to prevent such
barking or howling. Any dog kept in violation of this Section
may be seized and destroyed.
Upon. impounding of a,. dog, _ the Animal Control Man
shall notify the owner thereof., if the same can be ascertained,
by telephone and ;written ,notice. If'" the owner, of the dog does
not redeem said dog within ninety-two (92) hours from the date
such notice is,posted by the Animal Control Man, the Animal
Control Man may dispose of' -'the dog by having it destroyed or
by sale thereof upon payment of impounding and redeeming charges.
All moneys collected shall be paid to the City Treasurer of the
City of Tustin.
(a) Every person who ovines or harbors any dog or
dogs shall have such dog or dogs vaccinated by:a duly licensed
veterinarian. Such vaccination shall be at intervals of not
greater than two years.
(b)- Every duly licensed veterinarian after vaccinat-
ing,any dog, shall sign a certificate in triplicate containing
the following information:
(1) The name and address of the owner or
harborer of the vaccinated dog.
(2) The kind of vaccine used and the date
of the vaccination.
(3) The year and serial number of the dog
license tag,'or in the event that the
dog has not previously been licensed.,
a notation to that effect,
(4) The breed, age, color and sex of the
vaccinated dog. He shall immediately
present the original certificate to
the owner or harborer of the dog, the
duplicate copy of the certificate to
the Animal Control Man, and the trip-
licate shall be retained by the vet-
(e) A dog may be licensed prior to -vaccination, pro-
vided, howeverp that such dog shall be vaccinated within not
more than thirty (30) days from and after the date of the issu-
ance of the license. If the dog be not vaccinated within said
thirty (30) day period of time, the license shall immediately
become null and void., unless such dog shall have been vacein-
ated by a duly licensed veterinarian within one (1) year prior
to the date of the issuance of the license and the owner or
harborer of such dog displays upon demand a certificate showing
the fact of such vaccination by an approved.veterinarian and
containing the information set forth in Subsection (b) hereof
signed by a duly licensed veterinarian.
(d) The Animal Control Man shall file and register
the copy of the certificate. He shall reatin and file the same
as the official registry of all dogs licensed.
(e) No person who ownes,or harbors any dog shall
-fail or refuse to exhibit the certificate required by this
Section upon demand of any person charged with the enforcement
of this Ordinance*
(f) The original certificate of vaccination shall be
retained by the owner or harborer of the vaccinated dog for in-
spection by any person charged with the enforcement of this
(g) No unauthorized person shall remove from any dog
any collar or harness or other device to which is attached a
license for the current year or remove such tag from any dog.
(h) Any dog brought into the City, which has not
been vaccinated within twelve (12) months prior to the importa-
tion, shall be vaccinated within seven (7) days from and after
its arrival in the City.
If the imported dog -remains in the City for more than
seven (7) dayst the dog shall,be licensed in accordance with the -
provisions of this Ordinance. A certificate of vaccination issued
by a duly licensed veterinarian from any other jurisdiction for
the specific dog establishing vaccination with an approved vac-
cinei may be accepted by the Animal Control Man as evidence of
vaccination, providing it be within the interval prescribed by
this Seetton.
(i) No person'shall make use of `or have in his pos-
session or underhis control a stolen., counterfeit,,.or forged
vaccination certificate or' license tag,
(J) In furtherance of the program of the County of,
Orange for vaccination of dogs against rabies, the City Health
Officer is hereby authorizedand directed to:
(1) Approve of such vaccine or vaccines as he may
find suitable for such use, promulgate his findings and ap-
provalp and file a statement of his findings and approval:in
the Office of the County Health Officer as -.'a public record.
(2) Change such findings and approval when as a
result,of'experience, research, practice or tests he finds
that a new or different vaceine.or vaccines are suitable for
such use,, and file a statement of his findings.and approval in
the Office of the County Health Officer as a public record.
(3) Negotiate with duly licensedveterinarians in
order to establish a reasonable fee for the professional veter-
inary services vdid.rabies vaccination for the dogs of residents
of the City, and present a'`'draft.of such proposed Agreement to
the City'Couneil for their consideration and execution. -
(4) Prescribe,the-form of certificate to be used by
dull licensed veterinarians under the provisions hereof and to
distribute such fdrmof certificate to duly,lieensed veterinar-
ians practicing in Orange County upon reques-t*
(5) Distribute to every owner or harborer of any dog
within the City,the names, addresses,, and.telephone numbers of
all duly licensed veterinarians who have agreed to vaccinate the
dogs of such residents for not more than the'sum of Two ($2,00)
Dollars, which is to be paid to them as hereinafter provided.
(k) There shall be added to and collected with the
license fee provided by other' sections of this Ordinance the sum
of Two 02.00) Dollars for each dog- owned or harbored by such
Applicant for a license unless applicant exhibits to the Animal
Control Man a certificate complying with the requirements of See -
tion (b) hereof signed by a duly licensed.veterinarian certifying
that the dog has been vaccinated withanapproved vaccine within
the preceeding twelve (12) months. Said sum of Two ($29'00) Dollars
so collected shall be deposited with the City Treasurer at such
times and manner as license fees are so 'deposited.
The Animal Control'Man shall report monthly to the City
Treasurer the names and addresses of the duly licensed veterinar-
ians who have within the proceeding month vaccinated dogs for
which the additional fee of Two ($2.00) Dollars has been collected
at the time of the issuance of the license and who have returned
to the Animal. Control Man a completed certificate of vaccination
as required by Subsection (b) hereof,, and the number of such vae-
cinations by each such,duly licensed vererinarian
(1) Promptly upon receipt of such report, the City
Treasurer shall draw his draft on the City General Fund in favor
of eachsuch vererinarian in payment of the amount of Two ($2.00)
Dollars for each such vaccination as he shall have made -as shown
by such report,
Section 14. VALIDITY.
If any paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this
Ordinance for any reason is held to be 'unconstitutional or in-
valid, such shall not affect the remaining portions of this Or-
dinance, and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed
each paragraph, sentence, clause and phrase thereof irrespective
of the fact that any one or more than one sentence, clause, or
phrase thereof be .declared unconstitutional or invalid.
Section 15 REPEALS
That Ordinance No. 5 entitled "An Ordinance Establishing
a Public Pound, Imposing an Annual Tax upon Dogs in the City of
Tustin, Providing for the Impounding of Stray Animals and Defin-
ing the Duties of the Pound Keeper" is hereby repealed and all
other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances to the extent that the
same conflict herewith are to that extent hereby repealed.
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this
Ordinance, or: any person who resists or obstructs the Animal
Control Man in the discharge of his duties, is guilty of a mis-
demeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a
fine not exceeding Five hundred ($500:00) Dollars or by imprison -
went in the County Jail not exceeding six (6)_ months,- or by both
such fine and imprisonment.
This Ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure
necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace,
health and safety and shall become effective immediately upon
its passage. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
The County of Orange has been quarantined by the State Department
of Public Health; three persons have been bitten by dogs recently
and are already,.undergoing Pasteur treatment. There have been
five positive cases of rabies infection and two clinical indica-
tions of positive rabies infection recently. The City of Tustin
is in the middle of anarea where said infected dogs have been
found. The situation has developed to a point where this City
must take immediate action.
Section 18. `PUBLICATION:
Prior to the expiration of'fifteen (15) -days after the
passage thereof, this Ordinance, together with the names of the
members of the C3 ty Gouncil voting for and against the same, shall
be published once in the -Tustin News, a newspaper printed and pub-
lished in the City of Tustin, State of California.
PASSED`AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of
Tustin at its regular meeting held on the 27th day of December,
City Cl
I, S. C. PENINGTON, City Clerk and ex -officio Clerk of
City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify
that at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Tustin held on the 27th day of December, 1955, the foregoing
Ordinance containing 18 Sections was upon motion duly made,
seconded and unanimously carried, read in fulls and the further
reading of said Ordinance prior to its enactment was waived by
unanimous vote of the Councilmen present, and that said Ordin-
ance was then passed and adopted as a whole by the following
AYES Councilmen. Kidd, Tadlock, Park, Bacon.
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: Byrd.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and af-
fixed the official seal of the City of Tustin this 27th day of
December, 1955•
City C rk.