HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 094 (1955)ORDINANCE NO. 94
The City Council of the City of Tustin does ordain as
f ollowss *$
Section 100 .TITLE
This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the
't Tustin Trailer Park -Ord nanee.ft"
Section 101 - DEFINITIONS
As used in this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise.
(1) "APPROVED", when used in conjunction with any mater-
ial, appliance or type of construction, shall mean. (T). meeting
the approval of the Orange County Building Department as the result
of investigations or tests conducted by a nationally recognized
testing agency; •
a y, or (2) by reason of accepted principles and star -
dards established by national authorities, technical, health, or
scientific organizations or agencies.
(2) "AWNING" meaning any shade structure of approved
material Installed, erected, or used adjbining,or adjacent to a
trailer coach. Awning does not include a window awning.
(3) "BUILDING"' as used in this Ord -inane -e, means a single
or multiple family dwelling, public toilets, publis baths and
laundry rooms or other structures and a compartment containing a
toilet or bath, or both, constructed for the exclusive use of an
occupant of a trailer site,
(4) `t"BUILDING INSPECTOR"s means the City Building
Inspector or any other person or official -or deputy designated by
Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin to enforce the
provisions of this Ordinance as set forth' in Article 'II`, Section 200.
(5) "CABANA:" means any portable, demountable, or per-
manent cabin, small house, room, enclosure, or other building
erected, constructed or placed on any trailer site within six (61).
feet of any trailer coach on the same site in a trailer park.
Cabana does not include awning,
(6) "CABANA - PERMANENT" means any cabana which in
designed so as to be not readily disassembled., moved or reassembled,
fabricated cabana which is designed to be readily assembledand.
disassembled and adapted to ready transportation from place to
(8) "CARPORT'" -means an awning or shade structure for an
automobile located on a trailer site, -
ment or device whereby water or other liquids, mixtures, or sub-
stances may enter distribution pipes of'.,a safe and potable water
supply from any source or sources other than its intended source.
means an arrangement or device to prevent backflow into the potable
water system*
(11) "BRANCH SERVI'CE'LINE" means that portion of the water
or gas distribution system extended from the park service main to
a trailer site and includes connections, devices, and appurtenances
(12) "DEPENDENT TRAILER COACH" means atrailer coach not
equipped with a water closet'
(1:3) "FIXTURES ('Plumbing) means a receptacle which re-
ceives water, liquid, or waste and discharges_it.into a drainage system.
(14) "HEALTH OFFICER" means the City Health Officer or
his deputy or any person or deputy authorized to,act as City Health
Officer by Resolution of the City Gouncil.
.(15) "HORIZONTAL PIPE" means any pipe or fitting which
is installed in a horizontal position or which makes an angle of
less than forty-five (45) degrees with the horizontal,
(16) "GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM" means all,,of the gas supply
piping within a trailer park extending from,the main public supply,
or other source of supply to, but., not including the trailer
service system, and shall include branch service lines, devices
and appurtenances thereto.
(17) "INDEPENDENT -TRAILER COACH" means a trailer coach
equipped with a water closet,
(18) "NUISANCE" in a trailer park includes any of the
(a) Any public nuisance known at common law or in
equity jurisprudence.
(b) Whatever is dangerous to human life or is
detrimental to health.
(c')The overcrowding of any room with occupants.
(d) Insufficient ventilation_ or illumination of
any room. z
(a) Inadequate or insanitary 'sewage or plumbing
(f)_Whatever renders air, food, or drink unwhole-
some, or detrimental"to the health of'human beings.
(19) ""LIQUEFIED'PETRDLEUM GAS" means petroleum hydrocarbons
or mixtures thereof, in liquid or gaseous, state, having a vapor.
pressure- in excess of 26 psi at a temperature of 100 degrees F.
Whenever the symbol LPG is used it shall mean..liquefied petroleum
(2C) "OCCUPIED AREA"'means, the total area of a trailer
site that is occupied by any building, cabana,_ ramad:a, trailer coach,
carport, awning, storage cabinet, or structure.
(21) ePARK,DRAINAGE SYSTEM" means the entire system of
drainage piping used to convey sewage or other wastes from the
trailer drain connection at its connection 'doe. "the trailer site
trap to a public smwer or private sewage disposal system.
(.23) "PLUMBING*.. means the practice, materials, and
fixtures used in the installations maintenance, extension, and
alteration of all piping, fixtures, appliances., and' appurtenances
in connection with any of the following: sanitary drainage
facilities, the venting system, and the public -or private water
supply systems, within or adjacent to any buildings structure,
or: conveyance; also the practice and materials used in the installa-
r tion, maintenance, extension, or alteration..of the liquid waste
or sewerage and the water supply systems of` any premises `to
their connections.with any,point of public sever or other disposal
('22) ` "PA.RK WATER . MAIN" means that portion of the water
distributing system which extends from the street main, water meter,
or other source of supply to the branch service lines.
(24) "RAMADA" means any roof., or shade structure installed,
erected, or used above a trailer coach and -site.. -or, any.portion thereof.
(25) "SERVICE CONNECTION" means that portion of the water
distributing, system which extends from the termination of'the park
branch service line to the inlet fitting at the trailer.
(26) "'SEWER LATERAWt mean that portion of the park
drainage system extending to a trailer site and includes the "P"
.(27-) "SHALL"is mandatory, and "MAY" Is permissive.
(28)' "SOIL'PIPE" means any drainage collection line re-
eeiving the drainage of -water closets, with -or without discharge
from other fixtures,,.and conveying such discharge to a disposal
('29') "STRUCTURE" means that which-is.builty or constructed,
an edifice or building of any kinds or any piece, of` work artifi-
cially built up or composed of'parts joined together in some
definite manner.. "Structural' does not include a trailer coach as
defined herein*
(30) "TOTLET""includes water closet.
(31) YTRAI'LER'COACH'!' as used in this -Ordinance means any
camp car, trailer, or other vehicles with or without motive powers
designeff, constructed, and maintained to travel on the public
thoroughfares at the maximum allowable speed limit and in accordance
with the provisions of the Vehicle 'Code. of the State of California,
and designed, used, and maintained for human habitation,
that removable extensions part of which shall be flexible, connect-
ing the trailer drainage system from the trailer outlet to the trap
inlet on the trailer site.
(33) "TRAILER -DRAINAGE SYSTEM"`` means that portion of
drainage piping within or permanently attached to the trailer
including the venting systems the trailer drain connections and
receiving the discharge from any fixture or water closeto
(34) "TgAjtpft_ PARK"* as used in this .',Ordinanee, means any
area or tract of land,- ivhere space is rented.. -or leld out for rent
to two or more owners"6'r users of trailer coaches, or where free
camping is permitted owners or users of trailer coaches for the
purpose of securing theirtrade.
( 35) "TRAILER` :'SERVI09' STEM' means that portion of
the water or gas piping within or permanently attached to the
trailer and shall include the service connection.
(36) "TRAILER SITE" means that portion of -a trailer park
' designated and designed for the occupancy of a trailer coach, and
includes any area that is set aside or used for automobile parking,
carport, storage, awning, cabana, ramada or other structure.
Trailer site also includes site.
(371 "TRAP" means a fitting or device designed and con-
structed to provide when properly vented, a liquid trap seal which
prevents -back passage of gas or air or siphonage of"its contents
without materially affecting flow through it.
(38 ) `+ FYI`- Fa.R. , AN_ HABI'TATIDN OR OCCUPANCY", as applied
to cabana or other structures, means any cabana.or structure which
is dangerous to human life or detrimental to he.al.th through either
lack of maintenance, or repair generally, or because of unsafe or
improper construction or installation, and includes but is not
limited to cabanas or structures in which any of the following
conditions exist:
Exterior walls, supporting structure, doors, windows,
floors, roofs, appliances, or equipment are,so deteriorated,
broken, or damaged as to be hazardous to the occupants, or the
walls, roof, floor, doors, or windows are in such condition as not
to adequately protect the occupants from the elements.
(39) "UNIFORM BUILDING CODE" means the building code
adopted by the City Council of the.City of Tustin for the City of
Tustin, including amendments thereto from time to time.
(40) "VENT" means a pipe or piping system which provides
a flow of air to or from a drainage system to prevent the loss
or lowering of trap seals by siphonage or back pressure.
(41) "VERTICAL PIPE" means any pipe or fitting which is
installed in a vertical position or which makes an angle of not
r more than forty-five y- (45) degrees with the vertical.
(42) "WASTE PIPE" means any line receiving the discharge
of fixtures other than toilets, and conveying such discharge to a
soil pipe or to disposal system.
(43) "WATER DISTRIBUTING SYSTEM" means all of the water
supply piping within a trailer park extending from the main public
supply, or other source of supply to, but not including the trailer
service system, and shall include branch service lines, fixtures,
devices, and appurtenances thereto.
(44) "WINDBREAK" means any protective fence, wall,
structure, or shelter from the wind and which exceeds forty-two
(42") inches in height.
(45) "WINDOW AWNING" means any awning which does not
project more thirty (30") inches from the body of the trailer
and which does not extend more than six inches (611) on either side
of the window it is designed to serve.
Section 102 - NUMBER
The singular number includes the plural and the plural
includes the singular.
Section 103 - VALIDITY
If any paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this
Ordinance for any reason is held to be unconstitutional or invalid,
such shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance,
and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed each
paragraph, sentence, clause and phrase thereof irrespective of the
fact that any one or more than one sentence, clause or phrase
thereof be declared unconstitutional or invalid.
Section 104 - REPEALS
That Ordinances Nos, 4, 52, 66 and 69 are hereby
repealed and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances to the
extent that the same conflict herewith are to that extent hereby
That Section. 10.41 of Ordinance No. 87 of the C i ty of
Tustin is hereby amended to read as follows:
10.41 Vehicles.
Passenger trailer parks and camps;
Annually Three ($3.00) Dollars per trailer site in
trailer park.
Truck yard
Selling or delivering by vehicle, goods, baggage,
freight and household goods, wares or merchandise,
including food or rawn
' ,materials per vehicle, un-
less owned and operated by a person, firm or
corporation having a regularly established place
of business in the City of Tustin 10.00-s
Section 200 -'ENFORCEMENT
The City Police shall enforce the provisions of Section
403. The Building 'Inspector shall enforce every other provision
of -this Ordinance; provided, however, that the Health Officer
shall enforce such sections hereof as pertain to sanitation. The
officers or agents of the Building Inspector or the Health
Officer may.
(a) Enter public or private property to determine whether
there exists any trailer park to which this part applies.
(b) Enter and inspect all trailer parks, wherever
situated, and inspect all accommodations,, equipmentor paraphernalia
used in connection therewith, including the right to examine any
registers of"occupants maintained therein in order to secure the
enforcement of the provisions of this part.
In any section or proceeding to abate a nuisance in a
trailer park, proof of the following facts is sufficient for a
judgment or order for the abatement of the operation of the trailer
(a) Previous conviction of the owner or operator of the
trailer park of a violation of this Ordinance which constitutes a
.(b) Failure on the part of the owner or operator to
correct the violation after .the conviction.
(c) The violation is the basis for the proceeding.
For the purpose of securing the enforcement of this part
the officers or agents of .the Health.Officer and the Building
Inspector shall.have the authority of peace officers as may be
necessary to secure enforcement of this part.
(a) The provisions of this Ordinance are not intended
to prevent the use of any material, appliance, installation,
device, arrangement, or .method of construction not specifically
prescribed by this Ordinance, provided such alternate has been
(b) The Building Inspector may approve any such alternate
if he finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and the
material, appliance, installation, device, arrangements method, or
work offered is, for the purposes intended, at least the equivalent
of that prescribed in this Ordinance in quality, strength,.effective- -
ness, durability, safety, and for the protection of life and health.
(c) The Building Inspector may require that sufficient
evidence or proof be submitted to substantiate any claims that may
be Made regarding the use of any such alternate.
(d) Wherever there is evidence that any material,
appliance, installation, device, arrangement, or method of con-
struction does not conform to the requirements of this Ordinance,
or in order to substantiate claims for an alternate, the Building
Inspector may require tests by an approved agency, as proof of
compliance to be made at'the expense of the trailer park operator,
trailer coach owners manufacturer, contractor, or agent.
It is unlawful for any person to do any construction of,
or in, a trailer park unless he first makes application in writing
on the form provided by, and to the Building Inspector and obtains
a permit therefor.
It is unlawful for any person to operate, rent, lease,
sub -lease, let, or hire out for occupancy any space in a trailer
park without having first obtained a permit as required herein.
Each application for a permit required by Section 301
of this Ordinance shall be accompanied by a fee of Twenty -Five
025.00) Dollars, which fee shall be exclusive of and in addition
to any construction fees required to be paid by the Uniform
Building Code, as amended, provided that applications for permits
to operate trailer parks existing and lawfully operating on the
effective date of this Ordinance, shall be filed, with the fee
herein required, within thirty (30) days from and after the
effective date of this Ordinance.
In addition to the fees required to be paid by Section 302
of this Ordinance, the owner or operator of"each_trailer park shall
pay annually in advance a fee equAl to Three ($30-00) Dollars for
each trailer site within his trailer park, provided that the fees
required by this section to be paid for trailer sites in trailer
parks existing and lawfully operating on the effective date of
this Ordinance shall be paid within thirty (30) days from and after
thea effective date ofthisOrdinance.
An application for a permit for additional trailer sites
in an existing park shall be accompanied by a fee of'"Two ($2.00)
Dollars for each - new and additional trailer site; provided, however,
that no fee greater than Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars shall be
charged for any one additional application.
Section 305 - OTHER FEES
In addition to the.fees provided to be paid under Sections
302., 303, .and 304 of this Ordinance, Ipermits for building, electrical,
heating, sewer and plumbing shall require�fiaes in.accordance with
the fee schedules as provided by the Uhiform.Building Code,, Ordi-
nance Nos, 57, 78, 79,, and 81,, as amended.
.. Section 306 -,PERMIT PROCEDURE
Within ten (10) days after the application, descriptions,,
plans and specifications, and required fee, if any, are filed and
paid, an Inspector of the Building Department, shall inspect the
grounds upon which the applicant proposes to do the work for which
he seeks a permii. The Building Inspector shall issue a written
permit to the applicant if in his opiniont
(a) The grounds are satisfactory for the work proposed.
(b) The description and plans and specifications filed
indicate that the work proposed will meet the requirements of this
The Building Inspector shall be notified by the owner or
operator of any trailer park,of any change in the name of or the
ownership or possession thereof. Said notice shall be in written
form and shall be furnished within fifteen (15) days from and after
any such change in name or transfer -of ownershipor possession. The
notice shall be accompanied by a transfer fee of Ten ($10.00)
Permits for construction, installation and operation
shall be posted in a -conspicuous place.
Section 309 EXPIRATION
All permits as required in this Ordinance for installa-
tion, construction or reconstruction of' a trailer- park shall expire
six (6) months from the date of the issuance thereof` in those cases
where the construction, installation or reconstruction has not been
completed within said period; provided, however, that the Building
Inspector may extend the expiration date of said permit for a .
reasonable time.
In the event that any person holding a permit issued by
the Building Inspector under the provisions.of`this Ordinance,
violates any of' the provisions of -the said permit, the permit may
be subject to suspension as provided in this section.
"The Building Inspector shall issue and serve upon the
permittee a notice setting forth in what respect the .provisions
of the permit and/or of this Ordinance have been violated, and
shall notify him that unless these provisions have been complied
with within thirty (30) days after the date of notice, the permit
shall be subject to suspension.
The notice shall be served by posting at least one copy
in a conspicuous place on the premises described in the said permit,
and by sending another copy by registered mail, postage prepaid,
return receipt requested, to the person to whom the,permit was
issued at the address therein given.
Section 313 - SUSPENSION
If the requirements of the said -notice have not been
complied with on or before the expiration of thirty (30) days after
the mailing and posting of the notice, the Building Inspector may
suspend the permit. P
Section 314 - RESTORATION
this Ordinance and of said notice, and submission of proof thereof
to the Building Inspector, the Building Inspector shall reinstate
the permit*
No.trailer park owner or operator., or any other person.,
shall erect,, construct,, reconstruct., relocate, alter, maintain,, or
occupy or permit the erection, cons=truction., reconstruction,
relocation,, conversion, alteration, maintenance, or occupancy of
any cabana or structure within a trailer park within six (6) feet
of any trailer coach or any such cabana or structure that is de-
signed to be used withi=n six (6) feet of any trailer coach unless
he has first made an application in writing and,obtained a permit
to do so from the Building Inspector, Fences or windbreaks less
than six (6) feet in height and conforming.awningsas defined and
specified herein may be erected and used without a -permit* No.
person shall erect, place, maintain., or occupy a cabana or
structure in a trailer park without the written consent of the
owner or operator of the trailer park.
`Every -trailer park owner or operator required to obtain
a permit under the provisions of Section 315 of this Ordinance
shall file an application therefor upon forms furnished by the
Building Inspector; provided, however, that applications may be
filed jointly by trailer park owners and trailer coach owners
and construction permits may be issued jointly to trailer park
owners and trailer coach'ownersbut provided further that the
trailer park owner shall be responsible for compliance with pro-
visions of this Ordinance. All applications shall be in duplicate
and accompanied by. -
(1) Plans. Two (2) sets of plans and specifications of
the work to be performed. Prefabricated or demountable cabanas
may be erected or installed in accordance with the manufacturerts
instructions without submission of plans 'and specifications where
the prefabricated assembly and instructions have had prior approval
of the Building Inspector.
(Z) Plot Plan. A plot plan of the trailer site showing
the lot lines of the site and the location of the trailer and
cabana or structure with respect to any other structure or trailer
on adjacent si7tes,
(3) Engineering Analysis. Copy.'of engineering analysis
when required by provisions of this ordinance.
Sections 300 to 311, inclusive of this Ordinance pertain-
ing to construction and operation permits shall apply to structures
regulated by this ordinance.
(1) Any permittee receiving,a,.suspension notice may re-
quest . and shall be granted a hearing on the matter before a
representative of the Building Inspector designated by the
Building Inspector to hold such,he ari,ng, The permittee shall
file in the office of the Building Inspector a written petition
requesting such hearing and setting forth a brief statement of
the grounds therefor within ten (10) days of the date of mailing
of such notice*
(2) Upon receipt of such petition the Building Inspector
shall set a time and a place for such hearing and shall give the
petitioner written notice thereof. At such hearing the petitioner
shall be given an opportunity to be heard -.and to show cause, if
anyt why such notice should be modified or withdrawn.
(3) Such hearing shall be commenced not later than ten
(10) days after the day on which such petition was . filed; provided
that upon application of the petitioner the Building Inspector
may postpone the date, of such hearing for a reasonable time beyond
such ten (10) day periodo if,in his judgment the petitioner has
submitted a good and sufficient reason for such postponement4
(4) After such hearing the Building Inspector shall
sustain, modify, or withdraw the notice., depending upon his
findings as to whether the provisions of the Ordinance have been,
complied with,
It shall be unlawful for any person in a trailer park to
use or cause., or permit to be used for occupancy*
(a) Any trailer coach fromwhichany tire or wheel has
been removed therefrom, except for the purpose of making temporary
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repairs or placing it iia"dead' sto+age
(b) Any trailer coach to which are attached any rigid
water, gas or sewer pipes; provided, however, that metal tubing
not to exceed one-half (1/2) inch inside diameter may be used for
water and that.metal tubing not less than three-quarter (3/4)
inch inside diameter nor more than. fifteen (15) feet in length may
be used for a gas connector from the branch service riser to the
service connecter.
(c) Any trailer coach which is permanently attached with
underpinning or foundation to the ground.
(d) Any trailer coach which does not conform to the
requirements of the California State Vehicle Code governing the
use of trailers on public highways.
. (e) Any trailer coach which does not carry a current yearly
license issued by any State or -foreign vehicle department.
(f) Any trailer coach in an unsanitary condition.
(g) Any trailer coach ,which is structurally unsound
and does not protect i.ts occupants against the elements.
Section 401 UNLAWFUL USE
It is unlawf4l for any person to use, occupy or maintain
any trailer coach, upon any area or tract of land for a period of
more than. seven (7) days during any one three (3) . months period
of time without the written permission of the owner or person
legally in charge of the land.
Section 402 UNLAWFUL RENT'
It shall be unlawful for any -person to rent or hold out
for rent any trailer coach in a trailer park which is owned by or
in the possession or control of -the owner or operator of the
trailer park or his agent. The rental paid for any such trailer
coach shall -also be deemed to be rental for the space it occupies.
Section 403 - PARKING
It is unlawful to ,park a trailer coach over, night upon
any public highway includingthe right of way. This provision
shall not apply where atrailer coach is parked for the purpose of
making emergency repairs.
Section 404 - CABANA RENTAL
No structure nor cabana -on any, trailer site may be
occupied unless the site is tenanted by a trailer and no structure
nor cabana may be occupied; by any occupants other than those
occupants occupying, the trailer tenanting the site.
Section 445 - CARETAKER
It is unlawful for any person to operate or maintain, or
cause or permit to be operated or maintained, any trailer park,
unless' there is a caretaker in the park at all times. The caretaker
shall" enforce within the park provisions of this Ordinance governing
the operation and maintenance of trailer parks.
Section 446 - SI-Z
Each trailer: site in a trailer park- shall be not less
than one thousand (1,000") square feet in area. The corners of said
area shall be clearly and distinctly marked,
The provisions of,this section shall not apply to trailer
sites in trailer: parks in existence and lawfully operating upon the
effee,tive date of" this Ordinance..
Section 40fi-'- LOCATION -OF TRAILER
No trailer coach shall be located closer than ten (10) feet
from any building or another trailer coach; provided, however, that
this does not apply to a compartment containing solelya private
toilet or bath, or both, constructed for the exclusive use of an
occupant of a.trailer site designed for the occupancy of one
trailer coach. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to.
trailer parks in existence and operating upon the effective date
of this Ordinance# provided that In such trailer parks no trailer
coach shall be located closer than six (6) feet from any building
or another trailer coach.
Section 408 LOT LINE
No trailer coach and no building shall be located closer
than five (5) feet from a property dine or a trailer site lot line.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to trailer
parks in existence and operating upon the effective date of this.
Ordinance, provided that in such trailer parks no trailer coach and
no building shall. be located closer than three (3) feet from any
property line or a trailer site lot line.
Section. 409 - DRIVEWAY
No driveway shall be less than fifteen (15) feet in clear
and unobstructed width.No driveway shall be less than twenty-two
(22) feet in width if parking is to be provided on one side of the
driveway and not less than, thirtq .,t3Q), feet in width if' parking is
to be provided on both sides of the driveway. All driveways shall
have clear and unobstructed access to public thoroughfare.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to trailer
parks in existence and operating upon the effective date of this
Ordinance provided that in such trailer parks -no -driveway shall be
less than fifteen (15) :feet in clear and unobstructed width.
Section 410 -'CAMPING
A trailer park shall not accommodate any camping parties.
No structures except those authorized_,by this Ordinance
shall be erected, constructed, placed, maintained,. or occupied on
any trailer site.
Every structure shall be constructed and maintained in a
safe, approved and substantial manner.
Section 413 ,- SITE --AREA
In no event shall the occupied area of a trailer site
exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of the total site area.
Section 414 - SIS .BOUNDARIES_
The boundaries of each trailer site shall be clearly,
distinctly, and permanently outlined.
No structure nor portion nor projection thereof shall be
located less than five (5) feet from the trailer park boundary
or the trailer site lot line.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to trailer
parks in existence and operating upon the effective date of this
Ordinance provided that in such trailer parks no structure or
portion or projection thereof shall be located less than three (3)
feet from a trailer park boundary or the trailer site lot line.
No structure nor portion nor projection thereof including
an approved awning shall be located closer than ten (10) feet from
any trailer coach, cabana or awning on an adjacent trailer site;
provided, however, that a windbreak may be located on lot lines
provided it is at least five (5) feet from a trailer, awning or
Provisions of'this section shall not apply to trailer
parks in existence and operating upon the effective date of this
Ordinance, providedthatin such trailer parks no structure or
portion or projection thereof, except an approved awnings shall be
located closer than six (6) feet from any, trailer coach., cabana., or
awning on an adjacent trailer site; provided, however, that a.wind-
break may be located on lot lines provided it is at least three (3)
feet from a trailer, awning or cabana.
To prevent obstruction of natural light and ventilation,
no cabana, awnings ramadas building, or windbreak or combination
thereof shall be erected, placed, or maintained on more than one
side or one end of any trailer coach, except as may be authorized
in Section 418 of this Ordinance.
Section 418 - CARPORT
A free-standing awning or shade structure serving exclu-
sively as a carport may be erected, placed or maintained on the
opposite side of a trailer coach, provided,the carport is entirely
open on at least two (2) sides. If more than two (2) sides are
enclosed, the carport shall be located not less than three. (3) 1
feet from any cabana or trailer coach. Every carport shall conform
to Article V of this Ordinance*
When it is evident that there exists, or may exists a
violation of service facilities rules and regulations, the owner,
operator, lessees person in charge of the parks or any other person
causing a violation shall cause to be corrected immediately or
disconnect the service connection and trailer drain connection
from the respective park branch service lines and sewer lateral.
Section 420 - MAINTENANCE
All devices or safeguards required by this Ordinance
shall be maintained In good working order. The owners operator,
or lessee of the trailer park or his designated agent shall be
responsible for their maintenance*
Section 421 - MAINTENANCE
The owner or operator of a trailer park shall be
responsible for securing the maintenance of all structures and their
Section 422 - MAINTENANCE
Every structure shall be maintained in an approved, safe
and sanitary condition and in a state of approved repair.
Section 423 - MAINTENANCE
All devices, installations, and safeguards required by
this Ordinance shall be maintained in approved working order.
No structure shall be so erected, placed or maintained as
to obstruct a required opening in a cabana or awning, a required
open space on a site,, or prevent inspection of electrical or sani-
tary facilities or trailer equipment. Approved storage cabinets
may be used on a trailer site.
Section 425 - SITE SURFACE
If the Building Inspector considers it necessary for the
protection of the health of the occupants of a structure or for
proper sanitation, he may require that a site be graveled, or pro-
perly paved and surfaced with concrete, asphalt, grass, or similar
No obstruction of any kind shall be erected, placed, or
maintained on or about the trailer site that would impede the move-
ment of a trailer from a site to a driveway or prevent inspection
of plumbing and electrical facilities and related trailer equipment.
Section 427 - PLOT PLAN IN PARK
The owner or operator of every trailer park containing
cabanas shall maintain in a conspicuous location a copy of an
approved plot of the trailer park. The plot plan shall show in
detail the site layouts, the location of cabanas and trailers,, and
each site.shall be designated.by number or by other means of identifi-
A,cabana may be erected, constructed, occupied and main-
tained only on a trailer site on which a trailer coach is located.
A cabana may be erected, constructed, occupiedp and maintained only
as an accessory to a trailer coach.
No liquefied petroleum gas cylinder shall be charged
within twenty-five (25) feet of any structure.
Chapter 1 - Cabanas
Section 500 -LOCATION
Every cabana shall be designed and erected as a free-
standing structure, and shall not be permanently attached to or
become a permanent part of any trailer coach. Trailer coaches
shall not be a physical part of any cabana* Cabanas may be attached
to a trailer with appropriate flashing or sealing materials to
provide a weather seal. No cabana shall -be constructedv placed, or
maintained on more than one side of a trailer coach. As used
herein side includes end.
Every cabana shall be so constructed and maintained as to
provide shelter to the occupants against the elements and to
e . xclude dampness In inclement weather. The materials used in
the construction of a cabana shall be of substantial and approved
took. Every cabana shall have an approved floor of wood, masonry,
or concrete. Schedules of weights of materials, safe allowable unit
stresses,, and formulas for computing stresses shall be of standard
recognized practice.
Section 502-- DESIGNS
(a) Portable design Prefabricated portable or -demount-
able cabanas deviating from standard stud frame construction or
designed and constructed of materials deviating in any manner from
standard stud frame construction shall admit of a rational analysis
in accordance with established principles of mechanics.
(b) Permanent Design - The construction of permanent
cabanas shall adhere to standard practices and materials of appro-
priate wood frame or.masonry types of construction. Any design
and construction not consistent with provisions of this part may
be approved if it can be demonstrated that such deviations are
equivalent to the construction requirements of this Ordinance,
Section 503 - HEIGHT
The height of a cabana shall not exceed one story in
height nor thirteen (13) feet at the highest point above the actual
adjoin.ing ground level. No architectural appurtenances shall
extend more than thirty (30) inches above or beyond the building
at any point.
Section 504 AREA
A cabana shall consist of only one room having a super-
ficial area of not less than eighty ( 80) square feet excluding a
private toilet or bath compartment. No cabana shall exceed twelve
(12) feet in width and shall be no greater in length than the
trailer coach it serves. 'No part of such room shall be enclosed
or subdivided wholly or in part by a curtain, fixed or movable
partition, or other contrivance or device for any purpose con-
trary, to the provisions of this Ordinance.
A permanent cabana shall have a clear ceiling height of
eight (8) feet from the finished floor to the finished ceiling, or
if there is no finished ceiling, to the roof; provided, however,
that if the ceiling roof is sloped, the minimum ceiling height
is required in only one-half (1/2) of the sloping ceiling area.
At no point shall the ceiling height be less than seven (7) feet
in any portion of the room.
A portable or demountable cabana may have -a minimum clear
ceiling height of seven (7) feet six (6) inches from the finished
floor to the finished ceiling, or if there is no finished ceiling,
to the roof; provided, howevgr, that if the ceiling or roof is
sloped, the minimum ceiling height is required in only one-half
(1/2) of the sloping ceiling area; provided further that the minimum
superficial floor area shall be not less than ninety (90) square
feet. At no point shall the ceiling height be less than six (6)
feet six (6) inches in any portion of the room,
Section 507 - ROOM WIDTH
No area or portion of the room measuring less than seven
(7) feet in width shall be included in the computation of the
minimum required floor area.
Section 508 - WINDOW AREA
Every, cabana shall be provided with one (1) or more win -
doves having an aggregate area of not less than one-fourth (1/4) of
the floor area. Windows shall be so arranged as to properly light
all portions of the room; at least one-half (1/2) of the required
window area shall be arranged to open. No required window shall be
less than six (6) square feet in area. Toilet or bath compartment
windows shall comply with the provisions of Section 624 and 627 of
this Ordinance.
Section 509 - DOOR
At least one (1) door opening shall be provided which
shall be not less than thirty (30) inches in width nor less than
six (6) feet two (2) inches in height.
Section 510 - SCREENS
All openings shall be protected with approved open -mesh,
flytight screening if the division considers it necessary for the
protection of health.
Cabanas shall be used for living purposes only. Cooking
within cabanas shall not be permitted. Cooking appliances, including
hot plates, shall not be installed in cabanas.
Section 512 - PLANS
An approved set of plans and a copy of the permit shall
be kept on the site until the Building Inspector has made a final
Mood studs shall be not less than two (2) inches by four
(4) inches spaced sixteen (16) inches on centers or equivalent to
carry wall and roof loads.
Section 514 - ANGLE BRACING
Each wooden stud wall shall be thoroughly and effectively
anglebraced at each corner except that diagonal sheathing or other
membrane of comparable strength and rigidity may be used for angle -
If wooden floor joists are used they shall be not less than
two (2) inch by six (6) inch material, spaced at not more than
sixteen (16) inches on centers. Every span of wooden floor joists
shall be cross -bridged with cross -bridging of not less than two (2)
inch by three (3) inch material at intervals of not more than eight
(8) feet apart. A bearing partition, wall, girder, or other support
under the joists that is blocked solid over its top between the
joists and blocked not less than two (2) inches thick, the full
depth of the joists, shall take the place of cross -bridging. Wood
floors supported by joists shall have a clear air space of eighteen
(18) inches measured from the ground beneath up to the bottom of the
joists. The area under the floor shall be kept clean,and free of
debris or rubbish. The area shall be enclosed and provided with
sufficient screened openings to assure adequate cross ventilations,
The minimum total area of ventilating openings shall be proportioned
on the basis of two ( 2) square feet for each twenty-five (25) linear
feet or major fraction thereof of exterior wall. A wood floor may
be laid directly on moisture proof masonry slabs.
If concrete floors are used, they shall: have a thickness
of not less than three and one-half (3*) inches.
Section 517 - FOUNDATIONS
(a) Every cabana shall be bolted with one-half (1/2)
inch by ten (10) inch bolta at six (6) feet on centers or otherwise
securely anchored.to a continuous concrete foundation. Sills shall
be of foundation grade redwood or pressure -treated lumber of not
less than two (2) inches nominal thickness.
(b) Concrete or masonry foundationsand footings for all
cabanas shall be designed to adequately support the weight ilposed
on them in accordance with :standard engineering practice. 'Concrete
foundations shall be set in undisturbed soil, but in no event less
than twelve (12) inches below grade. Footings shall be not less
than twelve (12) inches wide. Foundation walls shall be not less
than six (6) inches in width and not 'less than six (6) inches above
grade. Foundations supporting masonry walls shall be designed
Section 518 - MASONRY.FALLS
Masonry walls shall be:
(_a) Not less than eight (8) inches in width.
(b) Laid up in cement mortar,
(c) Reinforced with appropriate steel and -tied with
properly designed bond beams,
(d) So designed and constructed as to withstand vertical
live and dead loads imposed.upon them and>to withstand_a horizontal
force from any direction of fifteen (15) pounds per square foist of
wind pressure on a vertical projection of the exposed surface of the
(e) Walls described above shall be so designed as to admit
of a rational analysis in accordance with established principles of
Chapter 2 - Awnings
Awnings shall be made of metal or of otherapproved.
material; provided'$ howevers that neither canvas nor similar
fabric material may be used unless it is approved by the Fire.
Section 520 - ROOF MATERIALS
Metal roofing materials shall be of corrugated or
similarly reinforced sheet metals not less than 26 gauge- and shall
be securely anchored to the framework.
Section 521 - SUPPORT
Framework for awnings shall be of standard metal pipe
not less than one-half (1/2) inch in diameter. Uprights of
framework may be of any approved material of equal or greater
strength. Metal or other rigid awnings may have supporting frame-
work of similar or other approved materials, provided, howevers
that weight of awning is adequately supported. All joints of
metal pipe framework shall be securely fastened with standard
screw -pipe or pipe connected fittings. Welded joints may be used.
Awnings shall be free-standing except that one side may be attached
to an approved awning tract on the .trailer coach*.
-"Section 522 - OPENING REQUIRED
Awnings shall have at least one (1).side entirely open
at all times. Only canvas or bamboo drops may be used providing
they are not permanently anchored.
..Cooking shall not be permitted within any awning nor
shall any heating or cooking appliance be installed or used within
any awning.
Awning location and spacingo except window awnings shall
be subject to the requirements as provided in Sections 415 and 416
of this Ordinance*
No awning shall be erected or maintained over, or enclose,
` co
s y pr;.
wholly or in p art an rivets tolet.or bath compartment*
Chepter 3 - Ramadas
A ramada or roof over a trailer or any portion thereof
shall be designed and erected as a free-standing self-supporting
structure to:
(a) Withstand vertical live and dead loads imposed upon
It and to withstand a vertical uplift ora horizontal force from
any direction of fifteen (15) pounds per square foot wind pressure
on a vertical projection of' exposed surface of the structure, and
(b) Be securely bolted or anchored to the ground, and
(c) Constructed of approved one-hour fire resistive
materials or of approved slow -burning material.
A ramada or any portion thereof shall have a clearance
of not less than eighteen (18) inches in a vertical direction and
not less than six (b) inches in.a horizontal direction from a
trailer coach. Cross braces or structural ties shall not obstruct
movement of any trailer coach. The supporting structural members
of a ramada shall not extend more than twelve (12) feet horizontally
beyond either side of a trailer coach nor shall any roof or eave
projection extend more than thirty (30) inches beyond the supporting
structural members.
Section 528 - PROHIBITIONS
No portion of a ramada shall be attached to any trailer
coach. No side or end of a ramada shall be enclosed or form a
partial enclosure except that the roof of s ramada may be used as a
part of a cabana, awning, or carport and such enclosed area conforms
to the requirements set forth herein.
Cooking within a ramada shall not:be.permitted nor shall
any cooking or heating appliance:be installed there., No.toilet or
bathroom shall be installed or used within a ramada unless the roam
is so designed and arranged as to meet all of the -provisions of
this Ordinance. Facilities within.a trailer coach are exempt from
the , provi si oris of this >sec tion.
Section 530 - VENTS AND DUCTS
All vents and _ducts projecting °from a trailer coach
through the roof of a ram,ada shall be of an approved fire -resistive
slip -joint or an approved quick disconnect type.
Chapter 4 Windbreaks
Section 531 - DESIGN
A windbreak shall: be designed, erected and maintained as
a free-standing structure. No portion of "a windbreak shall be
attached to or become a part of any trailer coach or cabana.
Section 5i2 - STABILITY"
Windbreaks in excess of seventy-two (72) inche's in height
shall be designed to withstand vertical live and dead loads imposed
upon them and to withstand a horizontal force from any direction
of fifteen (15) pounds per square foot wind pressure on the
vertical projection of exposed surface of the structure and shall
require a building permit therefore.
A windbreak shall be erected and maintained so that
neither of the ends nor any other portion shall be returned to form
an enclosure or cabana. No windbreak shall support a roof or awn.-
Chapter 5 - Other Structures
All buildings or structures other than those mentioned
in Chapters 1 to 4, both inclusive, of this Article shall be con-
structed in accordance with the Uniform' Building Code.
Section. 600 - TRAILER SITES
(a) Independent trailers -shall not be parked in any
trailer park unless th.ere�are provided plumbing and sanitation
facilities installed and maintained in conformity with this
Ordinance. Every trailer site shall provide a gas and water -tight
connection -for sewage 'disposal which shall be connected into an
underground sewage collection -system discharging into a public
sewer or private disposal system.
(b) in the event the owner or' operator of a trailer
park elects to construct, reconstruct, alter, or convert only a
portion or portions of a trailer park in conformity with this
Ordinance, those sections of the park shall be clearly set aside
and designated for the use and accommodation of independent
(e) No dependent trailer shall be parked at any time
in a space designed and designated for an independent trailer coach
unless public toilet and bath facilities are available within two
hundred feet (2001) of the dependent trailer.
(a) Every plumbing fixture shall be of an approved
type made with smooth impervious surfaces, free from defects and
concealed fouling surfaces, and made of materials capable of
resisting road shock and vibration, Toilets in trailer.coaches
shall be designed, manufactured, and installed in accordance with
National Bureau of Standards CS 20-49, and equipped with a water -
flushing device capable of adequately flushing -.and cleansing the
(b) Water closet flush tanks shall be equipped with an
approved antisiphon ball cock inst.alled,and maintained In such a
manner as to preclude any possibility of backflow. The bottom of
the water supply In -let shall be at least one inch (l") above the
full opening of the overflow pipe* All tanks or flushing valves
shall have a water flushing capacity to adequately cleanse the
bowl at each operation .of thewater flushing mechanism. On all
other types of water closets an approved vacuum breaker or back-
flow device shall be Installed and maintained on the discharge
side of a toilet -flushing valve in the water supply line and
located not less than six inches (611) above the flood level of
the water closet..
(e) Water supply inlets shall be at least one inch (1")
above the flood level of the fixture they serve,
.(&) The drainage outlet of the trailer drainage system
shall lie horizontally and terminate In therear third quarter
section of the trailer on the left (road) side -at a distance of
not more than eighteen inches (18") from.the.outside wall of the
trailer* The drainage outlet shall direct its discharge toward
the left rear portion of the.trailer in any direction within*an
angle of ninety (90).dogrees formed between the longitudinal center
line and the.left-hand side of the trailer. Drainage outlets
and couplers shall be provided with clearances of not less than
three inches (319 in any direction, and not less than eighteen
inches (18") directly,,in front of the drainageoutletto provide
unrestricted clearance for the trailer drain connection. The
drainage piping may project below the maim channel of the chassis
frame, but shall not project more than is required to clear the
main channel.
(b) The drainage outlet of the trailer drainage system
shallterminate with an approved standard coupler not less than
three inches (3") in diameter.i Such couplers shall be of a quick
disconnect screw or clamp type not requiring any special tools or
knowledge to uncouple the trailer drainage connection. Outlets
shall be equipped with an approved water -tight cap or plug match-
ing the drainage outlet when not connected to the park drainage
system. The cap or plug shall be permanently attached to the body
of the trailer by means of a chain or similar device.
(c) Piping used in the vent and drainage system shall
be standard weight steel pipe, 'tSchedule 40"; however, copper
tubing may be used but in no event shall the weight be less than
Type "M". No aluminum pipe shall be used in the trailer drainage
(d) All piping in the drainage and vent system shall be
rigidly attached to the trailer structure by means of clamps or
(e) Fittings in the drainage system shall be of iron,
brass, or copper having smooth and uniform interior waterways of
the same diameter as the piping served and all -such fittings shall
conform to the type of pipe used.
(1) 'Changes in direction of drainage piping shall be
made by the appropriate use of approved -fittings,,. and shall be of
the angles presented by twenty-two and one-half (22*) degrees, or
sixty (60); degrees, or other approved fittings, or combination
of fittings having equivalent sweep.
(2) Horizontal drainage lines, connecting with a
vertical stack shall enter through forty-five (45) degree "Y"
branches, combination "Y" and one-eighth (1/8) bend branches,
sanitary tee or sanitary tapped tee branches, or other approved
fittings or combination of fittings having equivalent sweep. No
fitting having more than one branch at the same level shall be
used unless such fitting Is constructed so that the discharge
From any one branch eonnot readily enter any other branch,
(3) Horizontal drainage lines connecting with other
horizontal drainage lines shall enter through forty five (45)
de -gree "Y" branches, combination "Y" and one -eighth -(1/8) bend
brWheso or other approved fittings or combination of fittings
having equivalent' sweep*
(4) Vertical drainage lines connecting with horizontal
drainage lines shall enter through'forty-five (45) degree "Y"
branches, combination "Y" and one-eighth (1/8)_ bend branchess or.
other approved fittings or combination of, fittings having equiva-
lent sweep,
(f) Steel and iron pipe and fittings shall have screw
connections only. Fittings shall be tapped so as to allow one-
fourth (1/4") inch per foot grade. Fittings shall be of recessed
drainage type only. Steel and iron pipe. -and -fittings shall conform
to Federal Specifications WW -P-406 (1944) and WW -P-491 (a) (1945)
respectively. Copper tubing 'shall conform to Federal Specifications
WW -T-799 (8) (1943)• Copper tubing and fittings shall be joined
with solder only.
(g) There shall be installed in every drainage system
as amain vent at least one vent stack not less than one and one-
half (11") inches in diameter extending vertically from such drain
and terminating not less than three inches (311) above the roof.
Additional vents as may be required to,serve other fixtures shall
be not less than one And one-half inches (1*") in diameter for
the drainage pipe it serves. No vent pipe shall extend horizon-
tally more than one-third of its total,length,
W All waste fixtures shall be connected with 11P11
traps having a minimum two inch (211) water seal. All traps shall
be set true with their seal. In no event shall any trap be larger
than the waste pipe serving it. No sealing compound shall be used,,.,.
Traps shall be of standard weight cast irons brass$ or drawn brass
tubing. Tubing traps shall be beaded and be not less than No. 20
(Brown and Sharpe Gauge) in thickness. Traps shall have smooth
and uniform interior waterways* All traps shall be accessible.
W Allwaste fixture traps shall be,not less than one
and one-half inches (1*11) in diameter. Closet bends or other
equivalent fittings receiving the discharge from a toilet shall
be not less thanthree inch No fixture..trap shall extend
more than four feet six inches (41 6") from a vent. In all cases
the vent pipe shall be as close to the trap it serves as structural
conditions permit. The vent pipe opening from a soil or waste
pipe shall not be below the level of the. trap,
(j-) Toilets shall -be bolted to brass or iron flanges
screwed to the drainage pipe and fastened solidly on the floor.
The toilet bowl shall be. setwithan approved gasket or setting
compound between the bowl and the connection.
(k) Any fitting or connection which has an enlargement,
chamber,, recess with a ledge,* shoulder or reduction of pipe area
so as to offer an obstructi.on to flow, or any fitting, trap, or
connection which offers,an obstruction to flow through a soil or
waste drain is not permitted.
(1). Each trailer shall.,be subjected to,a static water
test upon completion. All fixtures .shall ,be in place or their
.outlets capped and the entire plumbing system shall be filled with
water to the level of the highest fixture; after all trapped air
has been releasedo the test shall beheldfor five (5) minutes.
All joints and connections shall be visible during test.
(a) The water supply piping of the trailer service
systems shall be not less than one-half (1/2) inch Q.D. tubing
with 030 inch wall thickness if copper. Coppe,r.branch lines to
individual fixtures shall be not less than three-eighths (3/8")
inch O.D. tubing with 030 inch wall thickness. Standard w6light
galvanized pipe and fittings may be used together in corresponding
pipe sizes. In no event shall the diameter of a branch line
serving a fixture be less in size than the pipe size specified or
recommended by the manufacturer;of the fixture. No used materials
shall, be permitted,
(b) Trailers shall be equipped with a,three-quarter inch
(3/4") swivel.female hose inlet coupling located on the left
(road)side-in approximately the center of the trailer coach. A
cap and chain shall be provided to cap the inlet fitting when not
in use; the chain shall be securely anchored to the body of the
trailer coach.
(c) Fittings for copper tubing shall be copper or
brass of standard sweat, flare, or compression type. Solder
shall be used on all sweat joints.
'(d) All galvanized pipe and fittings shall be connected
with standard pipe size taper threads, All ends shall be reamed
to size of bore. Nontoxic insoluble pipe compound shall be used
on male threads only.
(`e) Joints from copper tubing to threaded pipe shall be
made by the use of' brass adapter fittings.
('f) All piping shall be rigidly clamped or anchored
to the trailer structure.
(g) All piping and fittings in the trailer service system
shall be subject to a pressure test before covering or concealing;
such a..test shall consist of air or water of loo pounds per
square -inch pressure for fifteen (15) minutes without loss . of
(h) Every gas fired water heater, wall heater or space
heater installed in a trailer shall be vented -to outside air at
top of trailer by an approved vent.
Section 6o4 - MATERIALS
(a) All piping materials installed prior to the effective
date of this Ordinance in the park drainage system and conforming
otherwise to these requirements shall be acceptable.
(b) All material installed in the park drainage system
hereafter, shall be of service weight cast iron, vitrified clay,
bituminous fibre drainage type Joints shall be sealed water-
tight by caulking or cementing in an approved manner, No bitumi-
nous fibre pipe hereafter installed shall be less than.thirty
inches (3011) below grade in any area where a trailer is parked or
a motor vehicle may be driven.
(c) All traps and extensions to grade shall be cast
iron. No galvanized pipe shall be exposed below grade in the park
drainage system. Water piping and fittings in the water distri-
bution system may be any approved type. Ferrous pipe and fittings
shall be galvanized. Used materials are prohibited.
(d) Drainage fittings in the park drainage piping shall
have smooth and uniform interior waterways of the same diameter
as the piping served and all such fittings shall conform to the
type of pipe used.
(1) Changes in direction of drainage piping shall be
made by the appropriate use of . approved fittings,9 and shall.be
of -'the angles presented by one -sixteenth (1/16) bend., one-eighth
(1/8) bend, or other approved fittings,, or combination of fittings
having equivalent sweep.
(2) Horizontal drainage lines, connecting with a verticle
stack shall enter through forty-five,.(45) degree "Y" branches,
combination "Y" and one-eighth (1/8) bend brandhest orother
approved fittings or combination of fittings having equivalent
sweep. No fitting having more than one branch at the same level
shall be used unless such fitting is constructed so that the dis-
chargefrom any one branch cannot readily enter,,any other branch.
(3) Horizontal drainage lines connecting with other
horizontal drainage lines shall enter through forty-five (45) degree
"Y" branchess, combination "Y" and one-eighth (1/8) bend branches.,
or other approved fittings or combinations of fittings having
equivalent sweep,
(4) vertical drainage lines connecting with horizontal
drainage lines shall enter through forty-five (45) degree "Y"
branches, combination "Y." and.one-eighth (1/8) bend branches, or
other approved fittingsor combination of fittings having equiv-
alent sweep*
Soil pipe shall -be installed in a separate trench not
less than twelve inches.(1211) from the park water service system,
The Park water service system may be installed on a shelf in the
same trench as the soil pipe provided it is not less than twelve
inches (1211) above.
Size of Soil Pipe Max, No of Trailers
Individually vented
4" 20
511 50
6" 100
811 400
10" l..00O
(1) Each trailer coach shall be considered as six (6)
fixture units in determining discharge requirements in design of
sewage disposal systems.
(2) Branch lines or sewer laterals to Individual
trailer sites shall not be less than four. inches (4") in diameter.
3) (a) Individually vented traps shall be vented
with a vent not less in size than two inches (211) provided the
individual line does not extend more than twenty-five feet (25V)
from the main drainage line or branch drainage lateral. In event
the individual line extends more than twenty-five feet (251) a
four inch (41) vent shall be required,
(b) A four inch (4") vent shall be required on last trap
installed on end of main drainage line or branch drainage lateral.
(c) The first three feet ( 3 1 ) of horizontal line from
base of vertical waste and vent at trailer site shall be installed
in cast iron.
(4) No vent shall be less than two inches (211) in diameter.
All vents shall be located at least ten feet (101) from adjoining
property line of the trailer park and shall extend at least ten
feet (101) above ground level. All vents shall be strapped and
supported by at least the equivalent of a 4" x 411 redwood post
securely anchored in the ground.
Pipe Slope per 100 feet
4 :1511
5" 12"
6" 8"
8" 4"
Jolt Att
12" 3"
Sewer Laterals, Outlets, Cleanouts., and Connectors,
a) Each trailer site shall be provided with a sewer
lateral which shall terminate with an effectively vented cast
iron 11P11 trap not less than three inches (3") in diameter., the
inlet of which shall terminate above grade. The trap inlet shall
be provided with an approved fitting so designed and installed
to receive the discharge from the trailer drain connection at
proper grade. The trap or its extension above grade shall be pro-
tected by metal casing or encased with at least four inches (49
of concrete approximately 18" x 18" square.Each 'outlet shall" be
capped gastight when not in use. No trap shall be more than
twenty-four inches (2411) below grade. Traps in unstable soil
shall be supported on a concrete pad. Trap arm shall not exceed
twenty-four inches ( 2411) from center of vent to center of trap
(b) To provide the shortest possible trailer drain
connection between the trailer outlet and trap inlet, all seder
laterals shall terminate"With the trap located with reference
to the location of the trailer on the site; traps shall be located
at least twelve inches (1211) outside the area of the left wheels
and within six feet (6t) of the rear third quarter of the trailer
(c). Cleanouts shall be not less in size than the line
they serve, but in no event need they be larger than four inches
c4tt}. A cleanout shall be provided at the: upper terminal of each
park drainage system, and at intervals of not more than one hundred
feet (1001 ) in straight runs. Cleanouts shall also, be located at
any point in the line where a deviation occurs in excess of forty-
five (45) degrees from a straight line Cleanouts shall be
accessible and brought to grade.
(d) Drain connections shall slope continuously
downward and form no traps. All pipe joints and connections
shall be installed and maintained gas and water -tight.
(e) No sewage, waste grater, orother effluent shall
be allowed to be deposited on the surface of the ground.
(f) Upon completion and before covering, the park
drainage system shall be subjected to a static water test. The
water test shall be applied to the drainage system either in its
entirety or in sections, If applied to the entire system, all
openings in the piping shall be tightly closed, except the highest
opening, and the system filled with water to the overflow. If the
system is tested ire sections, each opening shall be tightly plugged
except the highest of the section under test, and each section
shall be filled with water, but no section shall be tested with
less than a ten foot (101) head of water. In testing successive
sections at least the upper ten feet (10f) of the next preceeding
section shall be tested, so that no joint or pipe in the system
shall have been submitted to a test of less than a ten foot (101)
head of water. The water shall be kept in the system,:or in the
portion under test, for at least fifteen (15) minutes before
inspection starts; the system shall then be tight at all points.
(a) Every trailer site shall be provided with an
individual branch service line delivering safe, pure, and potable
water. The outlet of the branch service lime shall terminate on
the same side of the site as the trailer sewer lateral.
(b) Each trailer park water distributing system shall
be so designed and maintained as to provide a pressure of not
less than. 20 p. s. i. at each trailer site under normal conditions.
(c) The water distributing system shall be designed
as set forth in BMS -66 and BMs -79, issued November 5, 1941, by
the National Bureau of Standards. The quantity of water required
to be supplied to each trailer site shall be as required for five
C5) fixture units. The minimum pipe size in the water.distribut-
ing system shall not be less than one-half inch (1/2") in diameter.
(d). A backflow preventive device shall be installed
on the branch service line to each independent trailer at, or
near, the trailer service connection. Backflow preventive devices
shall be spring loaded check valves or combination shut-off spring
loaded check valve types only. Valves shall have been tested
and approved by -a nationally recognised testing agency certifying
as to compliance and performance outlined herein; valves shall
be designed and maihtained to close driptight at a reduced pressure
of not less than one (1) nor more than five '(5);pounds per square
inch. Springs shall be made of Phosphor bronze:or stainless steel
and installed in such a manner as to preclude fouling or tempering.
Valves shall be made with a ground metal seat in the body of the
valve and a replaceable flat circular rubber washer in the valve
stem. The rubber washer shall be approximately thirty (30) shore
hardness retained by a standard set screw. Valves must be identi-
fied with the manufacturerfs name and model number.'
(e) In all trailer parks heretofore or hereafter con-
structed or converted an approved pressure relief valve shall be
installed in the branch service line on the discharge side of the
backflow preventive device. Pressure relief valves shall be set
to release not in excess of one hundred and twenty-five pounds
(125 lbs,) per square inch. If the valve is more than twelve
inches (1211) above grade, a bleeder or blow -off line shall be
-installed, discharging downward to a point six inches (69 above
grade. Backflow devices and relief valves shall be at least twelve
inches (1 211) above surrounding grade, and if not located in a pro-
tective area shall be equipped with protective guards or a post
placed around or adjacent to the outlet.
(f) The Building Inspector may publish at least once
a year an approved list of check valves'or other safety devices.
required by this ordinance.
(g) A separate service shut-off, valve shall be in-
stalled in each branch service line on the supply side of the back-
flow protective device or combination shut -.off and check valve
(h) The service connection shall be not less than
one-half inch (1/2t1) in diameter; no rigid pipe may be used.
Flexible metal tubing is -permitted, Fittings at either -end shall
be of a quick disconnect type not requiring any special tools or
knowledge to install or remove.
(i) The owner or operator of every trailer park
accommodating independent trailer coaches shall have all backflow
protective devices and pressure relief valves inspected and tested
at least once in each twelve (12) month period by a representative
of a utility company, of a local enforcement agency, or by a duly
licensed plumber to ensure that such devices are in good working
order. A permanent record of such inspections, signed by the
inspector, shall be maintained by the park owner or operator.
(a) Every trailer shall be provided with an individual
branch service line delivering gas at not to exceed 8" water column
pressure. The outlet shall terminate on the same side of the site
as the trailer sewer, lateral.
(b) The gas distribution system and branch service
lines shall be designed as set forth in Chapter Nine of the
Plumbing Code of Orange County. For calculating piping sizes for
the distribution system and branch lines a demand of one hundred
including 25 trailers. Seventy percent (70%)-of°this demand may
be used f rom twenty-five (25) to fifty (50) trailers. All over
fifty (50) trailers may be based upon a fifty percent (50%) demand.
(c) The gas branch line riser at -trailer site shall
not extend more than twelve inches (12t1`) above grade. In the riser
shall be installed a gas service cock or shutoff cock (lever
handle cock not permitted). At the top of the riser install an
elbow. There shall'be no horizontal piping installed from the
elbow at the top of the riser. This excepts the tubing connector
to the trailer.
(d) The connee'tor from the branch service riser to
the service connector shall be one-half inch (1/211) -copper tubing
using flared connections. The connector shall not exceed fifteen
feet (151) in length.
( a) When it is evident that thereexists, or may exist
a violation of this Ordinance, the owner, operator, lessee, person
rte` in charge of the park, or any other'person causing a violation
shall cause to be corrected immediately or disconnect the service
connection and trailer drain connection from respective park branch
service line and sewer lateral.`
(b) Trailer drain-conneetions shall be of approved
semirigid or flexible reinforce hose having smooth interior sur-
faces'and not less than three inches (3 9 inside diameter. Drain
connections shall be equipped with a standard quick disconnect screw
or clamp type fitting, not less in size than the trailer outlet.
Drain connections shall be gas-tight and no longer than necessary
to make the connection between the trailer coabh outlet and: the
trap inlet _on the site. `
Section 609 - MAINTENANCE
All devices or -safeguards required by this Ordinance
shall be maintained in good working order. The owner, operator,
or lessee of the trailer park or his designated agent shall be
responsible for their maintenance.
Section 610 - TRAP
In. every building each plumbing fixture shall be
connected to a sanitary drainage system, and shall be provided
cc 472
with a water sealed trap.
Section 611 - VENTS
The trap shall be separately and effectively vented
by means of a connection to a vent pipe extending to the outer
air above the roof. The vent pipe shall be so installed and\
maintained. that no drainage or sewage from any fixture may be
deposited in or conveyed through it.
Plumbing vent pipes installed in any building shall
not terminate at a point adjacent to any window or other opening
in the building intended or used for ventilation purposes.
Section 613 CLEANOUTS
Suitable and readily accessible cleanouts shall be
placed at a convenient point in the plumbing system of every
Section 614 TOILET
For dependent trailers there shall be not less than
two water closets in separate compartments for ,each sex for the
first ten. (10) trailer sites or fractional part thereof not provided -.
with a private water closet. There shall be one additional water
closet for each sex in a separate compartment for every ten (10)
additional trailer sites or fractional part thereof. In no event
shall there be less than two (2) toilets.for each sex in any trailer
park. The Building Inspector, when conditions warrant, may approve
the installation and use of other types of toilet facilities. For
independent trailers there shall not be less than one water closet
for each sex for every fifteen (15) trailer sites or fractional
part thereof..
Baths _
10 spaces
15 spaces
20 spaces
25 spaces
30 spaces
35 spaces
Spaces Dependent Trailers Independent Trailers
Toilets Baths Toilets Baths
36 to 40 spaces 8 6 6 6
41 to 45 spaces 10 6 6 6
46 to 50 spaces 10 8 8 8
51 to 55 spaces 12 8 8 8
56 to 60 spaces 12 8 8 8
61 to 65 spaces 14 10 10 10
66 to 70 spaces 14 10 10 10
71 to 75 spaces 16 10 10 10
76 to 80 spaces 16 12 12 12
81 to 85 spaces 18 12 12 12
86 to 90 spaces 18 12 12 12
91 to 95 spaces 20 14 14 14
96 to 100 spaces 20 14 14 14
101 to 105 spaces 22 14 14 14
In each instance one-half (1/2) of the number of toilets and
baths required. are for men and one-half (1/2) are for women.
Section 615 - LOCATION
All toilet facilities for dependent trailers shall not be
farther th=an two hundred feet (2001) from each trailer site. All
toilet facilities for independent trailers shall not be farther
than five hundred feet (500') from each trailer site.
Section 616 - EXCLUSIVE USE
Each toilet shall be for the exclusive use of the occupants
of, the trailer sites in the trailer parks.
Section 617 - WIDTH
Every water closet compartment in any buildin in a trailer
park shall be at least thirty inches (30") in clear width.
The public toilets shall be maintained readily accessible to
all the tenants at all times.
Section 619 - SIGNS
In every trailer park water closets for men shall be distinctly
marked: "For Men", and water closets for women shall be distinctly
marked: "For Women". In addition, the location of water closets
shall be plainly indicated by signs.
The floor of every water closed compartment shall be
constructed and shall be maintained in a waterproof condition
by use of cement concrete, or other approved waterproof material.
The waterproof material shall be applied upward on the interior
walls of the water compartment, to a height of not less than
twelve inches.(12") above the floor.
It is unlawful for any person to use, or permit the use of
any toilet in any trailer coach located within any trailer park,
unless such toilet meets the requirements of this Ordinance.
Section 622 - BATHS
In every trailer park, shower baths or other bathing
facilities with hot and cold running water shall be installed in
separate compartments for every fifteen (15), or fractional part
of fifteen (15) trailer sites for each sex. However, in no event
shall there be less than two (2) shower stalls for each sex.
Every compartment shall be provided with a self-closing door
or otherwise equipped with a waterproof draw curtain. All
shower baths or other bathing facilities provided herein shall
not be farther than two hundred feet (2001) from each trailer site
for dependent trailers and not farther than five hundred feet
(500') for independent trailers.
The floor of every shower bath compartment shall be
constructed and shall be mAintai.ned in a waterproof condition by
the use of cement, concrete, or other approved waterproof
material. The waterproof material shall be applied upward on
the interior walls of the compartment to.a height of not less
than six feet (61) above the floor.
Section 624 - WINDOWS
Every water closet compartment or compartments containing
bathing facilities shall be provided with one (1) or more windows
having an aggregate area of not less than six square feet
(6 sq. ft. ). However, if the room contains more than --one (1)
water closet, bath or ur1n&;, the total window area shall be
equivalent to three square feet (3 sq, ft.) for each water closet,
bath or urinal, but need not exceed one-fourth (1/4) of the super-
ficial floor area of the room.
Section 625 - LAUNDRY
There shall be constructed in every trailer park a
laundry compartment with not less than 'two (2) laundry trays.
The floors and at least twelve (12") inches on the
walls from the ground shall be constructed of approved waterproof
masonry composition.
Section 627 - WINDOWS
Each laundry compartment shall have window area equal
to at least one-eighth (1/8) of the floor area, and in no case
shall it be less than nine square feet (9 sq. ft.).
Section 628 - HOT AND COLD WATER
The laundry trays shall be supplied with hot and cold
Section 629 - LAVATORIES
There shall be not less than one (1) lavatory for
each sex installed in every building in a trailer park containing
public toilets.
Section 630 - PLUMBING
All plumbing fixtures in every building in a trailer
park which affects its sanitary drainage system shall be installed
and maintained as provided in this Ordinance.
Section 631 - WATER
There shall be in every trailer park an adequate supply
of pure water for all the requirements of the park. The water
shall be obtainable from faucets installed within one hundred feet
(1001 ) of each part of the park,
Section 632 - WATER DISPOSAL
It shall be unlawful to permit any waste water or
material from sinks or other plumbing fixtures in a trailer coach
to be deposited upon the surface of the ground, and all such
fixtures, when in use, must be connected to a sewer system or
covered cesspool or septic tank.
No cylinder shall be located within a building enclosed
on four sides, nor within any trailer coach, nor within five feet
(51) of a source of ignitions nor below ground., nor below ground
away from
level, nor with the Outlet less than five feet (.51)
any building which is below the level of such Outlet- Cylinder
supply trailer coach shall be mounted upon the trailer.
Section 634 - VENTING
The discharge from safety valves shall be vented in
such a manner as to prevent any impingement of escaping LPG upon
the vessel, and such discharge point shall .,not be less than five,
feet (51)s measured horizontally from any building opening which
is below such discharge.
Section 635 - LOCATION OF TANK
Each tank shall be located with respect to the nearest
sources of ignition or line of property adjoining,, which may be
built in accordance with the following table*' Vessels and first -
stage regulating equipment carrying more than twenty (20) p-s-li.
pressure shall be located outside the buildings, or*trailer
coaches except as hereinafter provided. Each individual vessel
shall be located with respect to the nearest important building
or group of buildings or line of property adjoining, which may be
built upon, in accordance with the following table:
Volumetric capacity of vessels
(in U.S. Gallons)
Not -more than '500 U.S. Gallons
501 to 1,200 U.S. Gallons
Over 1,200 U.S. Gallons
Minimum Distance
10 feet
25 feet
50, feet
Regulating or filling equipment on tanks filled on
consumerst premises shall not be less than fifteen feet (151) from
any opening into or under a building where such opening is below
the level of the outlet of such regulating or filling equipment*
Readily ignitable material shall not be permitted
within ten (101) feet of any vessel, regulator or vaporizer.
No cylinder shall be charged within twenty-five feet
(251) of any trailer coach in a trailer park.
All gays -burning appliances shall be of an approved
vented type* Gas heaters shall be connected to a flue or vent not
less in size than the, vent collar of the appliance. The flue or
vent shall be of approved incombustible materials and shall be
carried to the outer air. Vent outlets shall terminate with an
approved vent cap not less than twelve inches (1211) above the
highest point of the trailer or. roof" of any building, cabana, or
1 ramada. Every gas -burning appliance shall be connected to the gas
supply piping with approved metal piping and the gas supply outlet
shall be equipped with a shut-off valve and each appliance shall
be equipped with approved automatic shutoff devices which will
shut-off the gas supply to the main burner or burners and pilot
in the event of pilot failure.
Section 700 EQUIPMENT
This article shall apply to all electrical utilization
equipment which operates at more than 25 volts, or which transmits,
transfers, or utilizes more than 50 watts in trailer parks and
trailer coaches in trailer parks, and also applies to the installa-
tion of transformers, service equipment, and other equipment used
for supply or control of electrical energy when such equipment is
installed in such ,places as covered by this Article.
All wiring where not specifically covered by this Ordinance
shall be installed in accordance with the Electrical Safety
Orders of the State of daiifor'nia, General Orders 95 of the State
of California, or any other State laws that may apply to wiring.
All electrical work shall be installed and maintained
in accordance with the electrical requirements for dwellings as
found in the.Orange County Administrative Electrical Code and the
wiring methods as found in the Electrical Safety Orders of the State
of California.
Section 703 - WIRING
All electrical wiring shall be enclosed within the
walls of the building except that surface wiring shall be of
approved types.
Service and feeders shall be determined on 100% demand
on first ten (10) spaces, 80% on second ten (10) spaces, and 50%
for all over'the first twenty (20) spaces. Service and feeders
shall be eAloulated on the basis of 2400 watts (20 amps. 120 volts)
minimum per site up to twenty-five (25) feet in length; 3600 watts
(30 amps. 120 volts) minimum per site for all trailer sites over
twenty-five (25) feet in length. No demand allowed on branch
circuits for individual trailer sites. No demand allowed for other
The maximum size overcurrent protection shall not
exceed the rating of the receptacle at the trailer site, other
sizes of overcurrent protection shall be in accordance with Table
No. 7.
Section 706 - WIRING DEVICES
There shall be a grounded receptable at all sites based
on a minimum of 20 amps. for all sites up to twenty-five (25)
feet in length and 30 amps. minimum for'all sites over twenty-five
(25) feet in length but in no case shall the receptacle le be rated
less than the overload protection used.
Section 707 - WIRE SIZES
For Utility Buildings:
Lighting circuits No, 14 wire with 15 amp. fuse
12 outlets maximum
Appliance circuits . . . No, 12 wire with 20 amp. fuse
General 8 outlets - maximum.'
Appliance circuits No. 12 wire with 20 amp. fuse
laundry room 2 outlets - maximum.
or more motors may be connected to the same branch circuit under
the following conditions:
Two (2) or more motors each not exceeding one (1) horse-
power in rating and each having a full -load rated current not, -
exceeding 6 amps., may be used on a branch circuit protected at not
more than 20 amps. at 125 volts or less, or 15 amps. at 600 volts
or less. Individual running overcurrent protection is not required,��
unless the motor is automatically started or is out of sight of the'
starting location.
(At Lowest Point of Sag)
Nature of Clearance Low -voltages 0-750
Above streets and along streets
is a trailer park 20 feet
Above areas (other than thorough-
fares) where it is possible to
drive vehicles . . lb feet
Above areas accessible to pedestrians
only . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . 12 feet
Above structures . . , . . . o 8 feet
(Trailer shall be considered a structure
when parked on site,)
"THOROUGHFARE". as used in this section, means 'any public
or private highway, avenue, or private highway, avenue, street,
road, alley, or other place generally used for vehicular use.
Size Type R, Type RWO Type RU$ Weatherproof and
Type RH Outside Wiring
A W G Thermo -Plastic
M C M Type T, Type TW
Amperes Amperes
12". 0 0 20 0 0 30
10 . 0 30 35
8 4a... 50
6.. .... 5o... 70
3 . . . . -`. . . . 80. . . . .. .. . . 100.
2 . . . 0 . 90 .0 0 0 0 . . 1.. . . 125
1 0 0 0 . . .` . 0 . 100 . . . . 0 0 0 # 0 . 150
0 , ..:... 9 . . • . •-. . '125 .' . . . . . . - . . . 200:.
00 , . . . . . 0 . . 150.. . . . . . . . 0 225.
000. ......175.. 275
0000 . . 225 o t . . . o , , o 325
Sectiox 710 VOLTAGE DROP
Voltage drop shall not exceed 5% on: distribution
system. (Demand load.)
All outside and overheadwiring shall conform to the
standards of the California Public Utilities "Rules for overhead
Line Construction". All overhead wiring within the park shall be
covered with double braid weatherproof or better.
Section 712 - EXPOSURE
All switches, receptacles and control' `equipment located
outdoors shall be'in a weatherproof or six`'sided enclosure so
constructed or protected that exposure to the weather will not
interfere with its successful operation.
All lights in utility' buildings must be switched. No
pull chains allowed.
All overcurrent protective devices on branch circuits
shall be non-tamperable.
Control equipment shall be located not less than three
(3) feet nor more than six (6) feet six (6) inches above the ground
or with a permanent working platform. Sufficient space shall be
provided and maintained about electrical equipment to permit ready
and safe operation. Where parts require examination, adjustment,
or repair during operation or while live parts are exposed$ adequate
working space shall .,be prQvjdqd.,and,maintqinecj to pqr%it this work
being performed.safely.. This ,work -space shall not be less than two
and one-half (2*) feet.,
Section -716-,ROAD LIGHTING
A minimum .of twq (2) foqt'.candles is required ,for pro-
tective yard lighti4g on 411 roadways and,walkways,.
Section ,717 SITE 4E4VICE SUPPT4Y
Not more than .four (4) trailer sites shall be,serviced
from any one (1) pole ,a4d,all ,receptacles .shall ,bQ grouped in one
(1) enclosure.
Section ,718, -,DIAGRAM
An electrical ,diagr4m.and,complete specifications accept-
able to the enforcing agency shall be submitted with each set of drawings
If underground direct burial cable is to be used,, it
shall be a minimum of two (2) feet in theground and protected
from damage with a covering prior to backfilling the trench,
Covering to be two (2) inch by six (6) inch redwood or equivalent*
Cable shall not be permitted less than one (1), foot radial distance
from water, sewe , r,.or gas lines*
Section 720 - WIRING
In every trailer park, electric wiring, fixtures and
equipment shall be installed in a safe and approved workmanlike
manner, and maintained to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector,
Every cabana shall have not less than one (1) light
circuit and two (2) appliance receptacles installed at convenient
locations. The outlets shall be on a separate branch circuit in-
dependent of any circuit supplying a trailer, or other building
or cabana. Electrical heating equipment shall be served by
separate branch circuits.
Section 722 - AWNINGS
No electrical outlets shall be installed or used within
any awning other than those installed on the exterior of a trailer
Section 723 - ILLUMINATIG
In every trailer park there shall be installed and kept
burning from sunset to sunrise" sufficient artificial light to
adequately illuminate every building containing public toilets
and public showers, and the area or tract of land containing the
trailer park.
Section 724 -: GROUNDING
Exposed noncurrent - carrying metal parts of all trailers
and other equipment shall be 'grounded in one of the following ways:
(a) By means of a grounding conductor run with the
circuit conductors in cable assemblies of the approved outdoor
type or flexible cords, type"5t or equal, provided an approved
multiprong plug or equivalent is Lased, one prong for the purpose
of connecting such grounding conductor to the grounded metal race-
way or cable armor; this conductor may be uninsulated but if an
individual covering is provided for this conductor, it shall be
finished to show a green color. An additional contact shall be
provided in the receptacle for grounding purposes.
(b) Any equipment directly connected to a'grounded
metallic wiring system is acceptable in lieu of the requirements
of subdivision (a) of this section. Exposed noncurrent -carrying
metal parts of motors, generators and control equipment (such as
frames ofmotors and control panels, operating levers, and casings
of controllers, switches, etc.) shall be effectively grounded
under the following conditions;
(1) All motors (whether fixed or portable) regardless
of voltage in all locations where' exposed grounded surfaces (such
as metal frames of other machines, plumbing fixtures, grounded
pipe or conduits and conducting floor or walls) exist within the
reach of persons when touching the metal parts under consideration.
Grounded surfaces within five (5) feet horizontally of the parts
considered and within eight (8) feet vertically of the floor or
working platform are considered as being within reach.
(2') All portable electric tools which are held in the
hand while being operated (regardless of voltage).
(3) When the motor is not otherwise,effectively grounded
and when the voltage exceeds 150 -volts to ground,, a bond will be
required between the motor frame and the rigid conduit or electrical
metallic tubing in cases where the rigid conduit or electrical
metallic tubing does not terminate in a junction box which is
grounded to the motor frame. When the voltage does not exceed
150 volts to ground, the motor frame may be grounded through
flexible metal conduit which Is properly connected to the motor
and to the rigid metal conduit*
All electrical installations shall be made in a workman-
like manner and shall be so designed, constructed, installed and
maintained that the hazard will be reduced, as far as it is
reasonably possible. Installations of new utilization equipment
and conductors, and extensions, repairs and changes in existing
installations shall be made only byz... or under the supervision or
direction of qualified persons*
Whenever any plumbing fixture becomes insanitary, the
Building Inspector or the Health officer may ,require its removal
and replacement by a fixture conforming to the provisions of
this ordinance.
Section 801 - SEPTIC TANK
If it is improactical to connect the plumbing fixtures
affecting the sanitary drainage system with municipal or sanitary
district sewer, sewer or waste may be discharged In a septic tank
constructed and maintained to the satisfaction of the enforcement
No sewage, waste water or any, effluent shall be allowed
to be deposited on the surface of the ground.
Every water closet compartment or compartments containing
bathing facilities shall be:
(a) Kept clean.
(b) Kept free from obnoxious odors, flies, mosquitoes,
or other insects.
Section 804 - SCREENS
Windows shall be screened with not less than sixteen
(16) mesh metal screen.
Section 805 - DRYING YARD
In every trailer park there shall be set aside a space
convenient to laundry 'facilities for the occupants of the trailer
sites to dry clothes. There shall be provided adequate and usable
line. space for.each trailer site andthedrying of clothes on lines
on trailer sites shall not be permitted.
No,dipping ,vessels or cups for common use are permissible
in any trailer park.
Drinking fountains shall be maintained in a sanitary
condition, and shall be of a type approved .by the enforcement
Section. 808 GARBAGE CANS
In every trailer park one (l) or more metal garbage cans
with tight fitting covers, appropriately labeled, shall be provided
for every six (6), or fractional part of ,six (6), trailer coaches
or trailer sites within the park.
Section 809 DISPOSAL
A-. No; person who uses,, occupies, or operates, or maintains
any trailer coach shall deposit or dispose of any garbage, rubbish,
or refuse otherwise than by burning or burying it at a distance
more than fifty, (50) feet from any public -highway or road more than
two hundred (200) feet from any spring, well, stream, lake reservoir,
or other source of water supply.
Sec tion 811 - MAfiNTENANCE
The _area of tract of land upon which. a trailer park is
maintained shall bet
(a) Well drained and graded.
(b) Kept free from dust.
(c) dept clean and free from accumulation of refuse,
garbage, rubbish and debris.
No dogs shall be permitted to run at large in any trailer
park. No barnyard animals or poultry -shall be permitted in any
trailer park.
Section 901 -- EXEMPTION "
This Ordinance does not apply to any supervised public
park, public camp ground, or picnic ground owned, operated, or
maintained by any of the following:
(a) The Federal Government.
(b) The State.
(c) Any agency or politieal subdivision of the State.
Section 902 - EXEMPTION.. _
No provision of this Ordinance shall be construed to
require a structural addition, structural alteration or a structural
change in or on an existing building in a trailer park where addi-
tion, alteration or change is not required by law prior to the
effective date of this Ordinance. -
It shall be unlawful for any person to camp in,. occupy,
or use for living purposes any trailer or house car within the
City of Tustin, except within'a qualified trailer park.
Section 1000 - HYDRANTS - HOSE
In every trailer park or portion -of every trailer park
containing more than ten'(10) cabanas there shall be installed and
maintained approved fire hydrants with mounted hose rack or reel
spaced at such distances as to reach all areas with seventy-five
(75) feet of hose. Each fire hydrant shall be not less than one
and one-half (la) inches in diameter terminating with a.shut-off
valve. Hose racks and reels shall be equipped with seventy-five
(75) feet of one and one-half (li) inch diameter hose with fire
nozzles with one-half (1/2) inch tips. Not less than thirty-five
(35) pounds water pressure shall be supplied, provided that in the
event such water pressure is not available, alternate first-aid
fire -fighting equipment may be substituted upon approval of`the
local fire department having jurisdiction.
Section 1001 - REPORTING FIRES
Every owner or operator or other person in charge of any
trailer park who becomes aware of any fire or smoldering combustion
of an unwarranted or insidious nature which is not confined within
equipment designed for fire and which is a hazard to the cabanas
or structures within trailer parks shall report the matter without
delay to the local fire department having jurisdiction.
There shall be installed and maintained in a conspecusus
and accessible location in every trailer park containing three (3)
or more cabanas at least one (1) approved two and one-half (2a)
gallon portable fire extinguisher or equivalent. Additional
approved extinguishers shall be installed at distances of not more
than two hundred (200) feet apart.
All equipment required by this Article shall meet the
approval of the local fire department having jurisdit tion Alter-
nates to the requirements of this Article may be authorized by
the local fire department having jurisdiction.
Section 1004 - FIRE HAZARDS
Neither any article that is dangerous or detrimental to
life or to the health of the occupants of a structure, nor any
material the fire department determines may create a fire, hazard,
shall be kept, stored, or handled in any part of a structure, or
on the site on which the structure is situated.
Flammable liquids shall not be stored or used in any
structure in quantities in excess of one (1) gallon, and all such
flammable liquids shall be kept in unbreakable and tight or
approved safety -sealed containers when not in actual use.
Section 1100 - PENALTY
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this
Ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall., upon conviction
9 2
thereof,, be punishable by a fine not exceeding Five Hundred
0500:00) Dollars or by imprisonment in the County Jail not
exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Any structure that has become unfit for human habitation
or occupancy as defined herein is hereby declared a nuisance.
The Building Inspector after so determining shall notify the owner
or operator of a trailer park when such structure is found to be
unfit for human occupancy. Such notice shall set forth the
conditions that render the structure .unfit for occupancy and shall
order the correction or abatement thereof either by demolition or
repair within thirty (30) days of such additional time as is
Section 1102 - LEGAL ACTIONS
If any building, cabana, or structure is constructed,
altered, converted, used, or maintained in violation of any
provision of this Ordinance or of any order or notice issued by
the Building Inspector or the Health Officer pursuant to this
Ordinance, or if a nuisance exists in any trailer park or in any
structure or,upon the trailer site on which it is situated, the
Building ,Inspector or the Health Officer may institute any
appropriate action or proceeding to prevent, restrain, correct,
or abate the violation or nuisance.
Section 1103 - EFFECTIVE DATE
This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty
(30) days from and after its passage,, and prior to the expiration
of fifteen. (15) days after the passage thereof, this Ordinance,
together with the names of the members of the City Council voting
for and against the same, shall be published once in the Tustin
News, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published
in the County of Orange, State of California.
PASSED AND ADOPTED.by the City Council of the City of
Tustin, at its regular meeting held.on the 27th day of December,
y er
� x+93
The above and foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly
introduced at a regular adjourned meeting of the City Council.of
the City of Tustin, held on the 19th day of December, 1955, and
was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City
Council held on the 27th day of December, 1955, by the following
AYES: COUNCILMEN: Kidd, Park, Tadlock, Bacon.
City Clerk of the ty
of Tustin