HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOWERPOINT POLICE DEPARTMENTCity Council Workshop January 21, 2013 Police DPe artment Police Department 2013 Objectives • Strategic Plan • Recent Shooting in Connecticut 2013 Challenges 2013 Policy Considerations 2013 Objectives "Serving Our Community" C.E.R.T. Program AB 109 Officer 3. Compstat data -driven model of policing Target harden and develop emergency training for all schools in the City Mock Assessment for Accreditation 2013 Objectives "Serving our People" Develop a Recruitment Team Develop a Workforce Diversity Action Plan Develop a Succession Plan Develop a Sergeants' Training Manual Improve the Performance Evaluation Process 2013 Objectives "Ensuring Resources and Technology" 1. Automated Report Writing System License Plate Reader Trailer 3. Social Media Presence 4. Use asset forfeiture funds to upgrade our equipment: sighting systems for AR -15s, night vision goggles, GPS trackers, tactical vests, Rapid Deployment Vehicle 2013 Challenges We are facing the "Perfect Storm" More repeat offenders due to AB 109 More hardened criminals due to Prop 36 More local offenders due to lack of jail space Injunctions pushing gang members to Tustin Fewer resources to combat these problems We are starting to see the effects in crime and calls for service 1. MURDER 2 1 0 1 1 0 -100.0% % Change Average % Change 17 11 4 9 PART I CRIMES 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 from 2011 2007-2011 from 5 yr Avg 39 1. MURDER 2 1 0 1 1 0 -100.0% 1.0 -100.0% 2. FORCIBLE RAPE 17 11 4 9 1 11 57.1% 9.6 14.6% 3. ROBBERY 64 52 57 56 39 36 -7.7% 53.6 -32.8% 4. AGG ASSAULT 56 44 31 63 49 65 48.6 33.7% 5. BURGLARY 288 210 209 237 243 240 -1.2% 237.4 1.1% 6. LARCENY 1106 1193 1039 1186 1167 1221 .6% 1138.2 7.3% 7. AUTO THEFT 181 152 131 144 103 131 27.2% 142.2 -7.9% 8. ARSON 19 10 8 12 7 7 0.0% 11.2 -37.5% TOTAL PART I CRIMES 2175 1673 1479 1708 1616 1711 5.9% 1730.2 -1.1 CALLS FOR SERVICE 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 % of Change from 2011 Average 2007 - 2011 % Change from 5 year Average CALLS FOR SERVICE 31,290 30,071 28,644 27,931 26,637 28,342 6.0% 28,915 -2.0% OFFICER INITIATED ACTIVITY 30,828 32,445 29,137 26,429 24,468 21,937 -11.5% 28,661 -30.7% EMERGENCY RESPONSE TIME 4:21 4:11 3:55 3:48 3:57 4:09 4.8% 4:02 2.7% 2013 Challenges Current staffing challenges Authorized 70 officers, but only 56 currently working 1. 2 positions frozen 5 positions vacant 2 recruits in the academy 5 officers out injured 2 sergeant vacancies and 1 lieutenant vacancy 2013 Challenges Current civilian staffing challenges 1. 2 Records Specialist vacancies 2 Police Service Officer vacancies, 2 Communications Officer vacancies 1 PSO Supervisor vacancy 2013 Policy Considerations Should we consider a reduction in services? Special Investigations Unit Non -injury traffic accidents Alarm calls School Resource Officer Community outreach programs 2013 Policy Considerations Should we consider alternatives to providing services and funding programs? Contract parking enforcement Cost-sharing for School Resource Officer Should we consider filling frozen positions and developing an over -hire policy? Police Department Questions