HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 70 (1947)ORDT "ANTO E NO. _TT R T T T7 7, 7' 7 OF '17 0, F T177 'IT 7" TE ALPATI0711 El REC T 7 ON, C, 0 3 T RTJ "';T I OIT 7'T.TLA7.-',U C C' T OT IT jT U 0 (1 -T1 Y 1 P TTS',, H 71 71-Irr AR7A 7) A I "':' 7 — PT. 'jTT 1)/01R STRT T (`TTTT�- S T ,'ITANC E OF 2_LL BUILDT"NG OF fjITT;�T T.PRO.7 TD T" 7, 0, R T 77 ISST'A'.7 OF F C _7 `77 T p,T ITa 'r -1, T rp -rr e) ly 0 7,77" 77T� P RC D T77 G R P -7171 T) ILT173D `7CP 71-7 TTIOLAT TONT 1-17?EOF; D`�, CL A 71 G A7 7 -DEALT.. TG CROINANCE C 17 7 'S: Z 79TABLISF-lya FIR yo. OF T7 CITY OF TTJSTIN T T_E_ 71,' r'ITY "I OT 7 CIL C17, 'TT'T. (j'177 OF TT7STI7 DO_'IS ORDAIN AS- � , N , _ - FOLLO".1 IS Section 1. that portion of a, cert-ain. document, three(3) copies of i,,,bich are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Tustin, being marked and desi, nated e,s "Teniform 7�,uilding Code, '1946 tion, published January 1, 1946, by tD 'edition, d-IL pacific'Coast 7uildihg Officials ConferencP., 11 be and the same of Tustin is hereby�­Idopte(_ as the building code of the City construction, enlarzement, altera.- for regulating the erection, tion, r-Dair, moving, remov,-al, dejrolit-.ionj conversion, occupancy) .1 equipment; use, height, area, and maintenance of 1.11 buildings and/or structures in the City of Tustin; providing for issuanceU_ of permits and collection of fe's therefore providing r penalties for violation of such code; and nd establishing fire .1 CD zones; and eacID-1 and all portions of the Tet .Talations, proK.-isions, penalties, conditions, and terms of such "Uniform Building "ode, lo),C) edition, publish T,,,nUa-y 1, 19)!-`, by the Pacific Coast- �L U file in the office of tie fluilding 'Ifficizals Confe-rence, 11 on "itv Clerk and hereby referred to, are hereby z3.doot�d, made a -oa_rt hereof as if -fully set Out in this Ordinance. Section 2. the entire inccrporated area of the ,',j tv of Tustin s hereby declared to be an"'I is heresy est,�-,blished' '; 7ir(, District and. said fire "strict sh.a.11 "'�e '_,-,nC'-,7n and U - - desihated is Fire Tones 1, 2, and 3, Fnd each such zonr-. sh-all include sa c'_-4- t ' r T ..L -,Uory or looTtions of eaid. ci V a, or TP P4 outlined and desicyn,:Lt?d on a cert , -,,,in mcj) on file in the of"fice of the 114-Ity Clerk of the of Tustin bl-i­ as "Fire' 7 4-,e of" „{.f It -,�'vhich 5_,z, ..,ones of ty of Tusti for 'the ._dom,ed ,,,,,s the f Ji 27 e zoni Z) n c - mao o- &-p-n.-lication of the e-�ul,�,;-Lons included , T nif'ormi -Fuildin, "ode, 194' 7ditio,.-I, --rub"?fishedJanuary- 1, YD)'"' 1,i P c j - c Y '�7 0 t ,)-ildin,D), Of- 1cials Confere-ce; scAo. mr. p showingand setting, forth 'he '-7*ritory Or portion of said. City in such fir.- _J s i) U and is a par' hereof c. -d fished con u1rr­.n11ly 111- U a ch- d h eto and, on -Thich is s-.,.o7,n by ,'i!&.r1kim�s t1 --e vaTio-s f4. 4re zones set un, f�st-blished hereby. Section. 3. That the nortions of said Uniform Bui7ding Code so ado,?ted, ^c a-_ folloi;rs: L Section 101 to Section 60011., both sections inclusiv.-I, _,_j , 'Jot 4- f' said 'ode; and. also bein,-, haPter 1, to <n U �h o.- th-J. I a -_I'_ 11 -)1, ^pCtiQi 7n7 u sfct-ion of the Code (c) to S-OtJan. 511rj both sections incliisive; 7abl�-.-, 2,_ i' "in.i,-u-m Fo-anda. tion 7-quir,­nts for Tv -pe 7 Euildin.Vis; Section 2 -1 �_ J. i - _L 4- 1 - a 7"; _7,i,_ht,- of 73uilding 7,,atericls; section 21�11, Tble i'�o. ")7-,, ' - lection 252', Ter—nofieP-To-�.' 70-rizontal 7orce 74r,,,utors; - risions, Seclu-ion 2417, ", sonry Of '1Tnb1.,,rn(-,1 Untts. Section L". Thpa,t said un—for'm Duilding "ode, 1946 di tion, as ad.o-nted b-,7 this ordina ce is h rebs amended. in the follo,,,ying paxt-L c ul er s : Th,, -:.It Section pora;-ra h 2, is hereby amended so �,s 4. 1,0 reac r_s follo""m: 11-,'.ny person, fil-11 or corporation Violating any of, the, P r o visions of t1nis ,n ll shall ve a nn.- isd^T.Pa,nor, and uy)on conviction thereof shall be punished by r fine not e x c e -d i n -P and by imnrisonment of 'olllnt 77 the C T,-,il for a 0, period of not exceeding days, or " oth such fine and. i �7rison- ment. Tach and -very day of the contim-1ince of anv violation of tllnis Ordinance shall be deemed to be a separate off?_se,.11 That -)ection 303 is hereby ami_ended by adding ne,.r,, sub, - section delno-zriinatecl (e) to r- -,ad, �,,s In addition to the fore-oing1jees, and applicant sbLall pay the following fees for plastering: Or all plastering from tui�ienty square yaTcls (20 sq, ID 7 to one hundred aquar- yards (1nO sq. yds.): bot'fi incl-. i sive, �^z n !Mn)m, fee shall be 7,oT alp_ 1,,'�lasterilng n died one 11U v r d - for S ve-r i,,.11 plastering o three thousand squlafe yaT,'- ,` sq - ydc.- one- pwart ar cent per square yard. azldinc, a ne-,! sub - on 303 is hereby annend ed_ by S�ec-1 section to be, deniominated subsection (f) and to reg:,-. as JE, 0 110 -05's Mi-a.t 'oc.-Eorp any building '[3eerr-lit isosued ''.here '-a).st be d e' --)c r, i t ed -i t'h 'Uh e, i s sui ncr o f f J. c i al an addi t i- C. nal f e e 10 cover the cost of 4-nspections reqlli-f��d fGT th!- nrope- cor-.-,-oletI-I.on of -'U'Ine constTuct-on a,,,.,.-IU-hc-ize.d by S&Iid per -m -'I -t, said fer;deposit, in - the (,,Os, o, ' -!-.,c, 1 --milds pe - U -4c , sh,-,,ll in no ev,..nt be less S �) f IUI-j- tX12 00 and -'U-h�,,Ij ifc' after the r-eqitired in 3C j U.1o n. 4-1 C- I e of �'12.00 sh-L,11 not lb, -en used to defray the cot;d of npno ec t. ion til- ic �,,nt shall be e nt- i tl to a refund of that ai.iibunt -,,--,,aA-d Of the COSt of the buildin-:, per -.,it and t)Ine co,,:'u of ins-pections for said lbuild--ng, if any. Section '.Iection is hereby by ^inc,, a n`'-,, subsecl_on to be demominated sub -sect -ion and to -.ead as 1oollo"7,!S: uuny str-,,Ic tare shallInI U -1 Lb Al-1t7C,- d ia be free froiii fun,, -us, dry rot, mile IbI.-Irns; teT--,-.-;-"U-s and all OtI-IeT d1 s e a ss e o r T 0,t'7. t,, de - �j e j t&l to lumber. T o. titled "An "I"hat Or(finance J. en tj J - Section J. 5 Of the I"it- of T,3stin adontin,,g the Uniform 3uiIj-din,- o d, e 19 L, 0 77dil,ion, 7Ze,,,-�,alatinq 4U -!A-.,- -redtiOn, Construction, 7 ni.--, r t Re.(r) -iv e on, T")em-oll tion, U -'c i n Cy , �Ovpl , ol zrsi,, uipment Usei -1it, ,�rea, amd !,adntenance of Bui n -rs , and/or struct,,j-T11 -L U� U ps in se -.id c - '-%7:- Providing for the Iseuance of Fj e rrr,-J- ts and 1-1, ollec t ion of Ve" s there f or ; Dec IE) -cine, and -".stabl i sh- ir e i s t t i c t- Providing Penalties for the 77iol,- tion e r e - of, and 7enpalingp C-Tddinanc� 'To 20,1' is horel-,,v repealed. Section 7- If any sect -ion; subseoll-ion, sentence, cl-e-use, or phrase of tulf?is ordinanc-e is for can -v reason held to be uncon- sti-'U-u-tional, such clecision shall not t�ffed.t the balidit," Of the C) L -oortions of this 0- -,inance. The itv ""ouncil hereby -r - LI _t it would have passed this Ordinance and e&,Ch sectLion, i yds.) and up to one. thou.dF-nd-,tquvJI--'- V, a±as -(,l-jOOO so yds�)�:-,one cant. Squar.e-Y a T H 0 T C, 'PlaSt-C-TIng 07,e -f one squaTO, y 11, d S 1,ono sq yds.) u,to three tho-asand square Yards (3)0 Tr�F�.N 00 sq- o - --half cent on', per c. e s q i, v r d - for S ve-r i,,.11 plastering o three thousand squlafe yaT,'- ,` sq - ydc.- one- pwart ar cent per square yard. azldinc, a ne-,! sub - on 303 is hereby annend ed_ by S�ec-1 section to be, deniominated subsection (f) and to reg:,-. as JE, 0 110 -05's Mi-a.t 'oc.-Eorp any building '[3eerr-lit isosued ''.here '-a).st be d e' --)c r, i t ed -i t'h 'Uh e, i s sui ncr o f f J. c i al an addi t i- C. nal f e e 10 cover the cost of 4-nspections reqlli-f��d fGT th!- nrope- cor-.-,-oletI-I.on of -'U'Ine constTuct-on a,,,.,.-IU-hc-ize.d by S&Iid per -m -'I -t, said fer;deposit, in - the (,,Os, o, ' -!-.,c, 1 --milds pe - U -4c , sh,-,,ll in no ev,..nt be less S �) f IUI-j- tX12 00 and -'U-h�,,Ij ifc' after the r-eqitired in 3C j U.1o n. 4-1 C- I e of �'12.00 sh-L,11 not lb, -en used to defray the cot;d of npno ec t. ion til- ic �,,nt shall be e nt- i tl to a refund of that ai.iibunt -,,--,,aA-d Of the COSt of the buildin-:, per -.,it and t)Ine co,,:'u of ins-pections for said lbuild--ng, if any. Section '.Iection is hereby by ^inc,, a n`'-,, subsecl_on to be demominated sub -sect -ion and to -.ead as 1oollo"7,!S: uuny str-,,Ic tare shallInI U -1 Lb Al-1t7C,- d ia be free froiii fun,, -us, dry rot, mile IbI.-Irns; teT--,-.-;-"U-s and all OtI-IeT d1 s e a ss e o r T 0,t'7. t,, de - �j e j t&l to lumber. T o. titled "An "I"hat Or(finance J. en tj J - Section J. 5 Of the I"it- of T,3stin adontin,,g the Uniform 3uiIj-din,- o d, e 19 L, 0 77dil,ion, 7Ze,,,-�,alatinq 4U -!A-.,- -redtiOn, Construction, 7 ni.--, r t Re.(r) -iv e on, T")em-oll tion, U -'c i n Cy , �Ovpl , ol zrsi,, uipment Usei -1it, ,�rea, amd !,adntenance of Bui n -rs , and/or struct,,j-T11 -L U� U ps in se -.id c - '-%7:- Providing for the Iseuance of Fj e rrr,-J- ts and 1-1, ollec t ion of Ve" s there f or ; Dec IE) -cine, and -".stabl i sh- ir e i s t t i c t- Providing Penalties for the 77iol,- tion e r e - of, and 7enpalingp C-Tddinanc� 'To 20,1' is horel-,,v repealed. Section 7- If any sect -ion; subseoll-ion, sentence, cl-e-use, or phrase of tulf?is ordinanc-e is for can -v reason held to be uncon- sti-'U-u-tional, such clecision shall not t�ffed.t the balidit," Of the C) L -oortions of this 0- -,inance. The itv ""ouncil hereby -r - LI _t it would have passed this Ordinance and e&,Ch sectLion, i subsection, sentence, cl,:,�us):�, or -3hrase t1nereof, -L i-TeS- BC 4 -4Ve Of 'J , ti- e faon=:t that aiy onor riore sect ions, subsections, cl,-.,)j.S es i, -:a phrases bede,,lar,:�d. unconstitutional. Section S*,. -7 .�,Ynerency. This ,-�rdinance is urgently required for the i�,),imediatle L prese:-vation of t'he public health e,, n d sn;,, f e t v of the :7 til of Tustin, emd shall be in ir..,miediate -- Ffec.t on the date of final adoption by the City Council. The following is �i, s , ­)ecific sat - U U ment, sho,,,,rimz the en,�ergency of this ordinance: T 1- itat t2nlee demand for building perl"'li ts ,,.nd e;,p-plic,-,V-ons for ne,,-; constri-I'ction, is extremely great and any ne,.171,7proposed buildings;;i,, and other,,' 00nstructicns' do notmeet witUh'approted,,. ,::!tandards for ad-,qujte fire protection under existing conditions and that public safery health' requirc-,. im-mediate --glalations be imposed to control. en.,nd_ provide minirnum, safe 7-v standards "or U building and constructions in the various areas of t1fle city. Section Q. The City 'le -,-k shall certify to the passage L of this Ordinemce and shall cai.i,se,-I- sc,-',,Trle to published once t in he Tustin np,7-,-S, a weekly newspaper of general ciTcullation, L U printed, published and circuiated in the Oit-y of T-alstin, Cr,, m­ 'ounty -,.nd said Ordinance shall tal:e P. �, --tect and be i-1. full force F-,nd eff=ct immedietely f-2or.-, the date of its final passa,;-e and adoption. PASSE7D ATM A_'_M*_PT7D by the City "ouncil of 15he ^itv of Tustin at. its re7salar r.,Ieeting held on -the 7th day of April, 1947- -7 Eayor Z. i t y 'clerk The above and fore,, -Poing Ordinance 7m,,,s duly and regalarky introduced at a regal ,r rneetin7, of - f the City 'councilf othe Cityof Tustin, held the 17th day of Irarch, iq I 1.47, and -7,.ras duly passed and adopted at rec-PlilaT meeting Oil the dais o f I of the City Council held V r)y 110rrinEZ, vote. AY7,S: C OUNC I L11/7" d7 TIT�C , T L 7 A B 3 , 7w:,- T Y A Clerk of Lie it -V of T - sJ