HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 SOLID WASTE RPT 08-21-00AGENDA NO. 11 RE )RT TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SOLID WASTE SERVICE TRANSITION STATUS REPORT SUMMARY This report provides the City Council with a status report on the efforts of Federal Disposal to effect the transition of solid waste services by October 1, 2000 from Waste Management, Inc. RECOMMENDATION Receive and file. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with this action. BACKGROUND On May 1, 2000, the City Council awarded a seven-year contract for solid waste management services to Federal Disposal Service of Santa Ana. The contract takes effect on October 1, 2000. The first day of service to City residents and businesses will be Monday October 2, 2000. Federal Disposal has undertaken a number of efforts to transition services from the current contractor, Waste Management of Orange County, and has developed a detailed implementation plan which is attached to this report. This report will summarize the more significant efforts of Federal Disposal to effect the service transition.. - The status of the following functional issues will be discussed below: Equipment Acquisition Facility Permitting Customer Service Systems Residential Services Commercial/Business Services Public Information/Education Equipment Acquisition Federal has received several new collection vehicles and will receive the balance of the equipment well before the service start date. 'To date, two residential collection vehicles and two commercial front loader vehicles have been delivered to the Federal Disposal yard in Santa Ana. The vehicles are fitted with the latest safety, pollution control and hydraulic systems and are ready for service immediately. The balance of the 11 collection vehicles will be delivered by the second week in September. Solid Waste Service Transition Status Report August 21,2000 Page 2 In addition, Federal has ordered approximately 2,000 commercial collection bins to service Tustin businesses and multi family units. These bins will be delivered to Federal Disposal beginning in September. Facility Permitting The use of the facility had previously been authorized by the City of Santa Ana..Remaining uses that are ancillary to operations require a variety of separate regulatory approvals. To date, permits for a wash rack and paint booth have been obtained by Federal Disposal and there do not appear to be any obstacles that will prevent full utilization of the facility for all required services. Customer Service Systems Federal Disposal has purchased and installed the necessary telephone and computer hardware/software systems to service all customers. A dedicated customer service phone line has been established at 714-542-0577. Customer service staff has been hired and are being trained to handle a variety of customer service issues. Customer databases and billing systems are being developed and will be fully functional in time for service initiation. As a backup to the Federal Disposal phone system, the Public Works Department has also established a dedicated phone line in the event that customers require City assistance. That number is 714-573-3160. Staff will publicize this number in Federal Disposal media, the City website and in future phone book issues. Residential Services Residential services will be assumed by Federal on Monday, October 2, 2000. Curren_t manual services will continue until February 2000, when automated collection and the curbside recycling program will commence. The major change that single family residents will experience in October is a change in collection days. Currently, all single family collection occurs on Thursday and Friday. A map of the new collection days is attached to this report. Extensive public notification efforts will precede the change in service routes (discussed below). In addition, during the first week of service, Federal Disposal will perform redundant collections on Thursday and Friday and use that opportunity to remind residents of the change in collection days. It is hoped that by phasing in the new routes and recycling programs confusion will be kept to a minimum. In addition, the additional time will give Federal the opportunity to better understand the unique needs of City residents. Solid Waste Service Transition Status Report August 21,2000 Page 3 Commercial/Business Services The logistics of changing service providers is most apparent in the commercial sector. Federal Disposal staff has, for the last two months, been directly contacting businesses and multi family commercial customers to identify current service information and to ascertain future collection and recycling service needs. This information will also allow Federal to develop necessary computer database and billing systems. The change out of collection bins will be the most difficult task of commercial service initiation. In September, Federal Disposal will begin to distribute their collection bins to all customers and at the same time collect and transport Waste Management's bins back to the Waste Management yard in Irvine. Until September 30th, Waste Management will collect commercial waste utilizing Federal Disposal's bins. This effort will require cooperation by both haulers along with an indemnification agreement to indemnify Waste Management in the event of damage to Federal Disposal's property or any incident that may occur while transporting the bins to the Waste Management yard. While the City will not be a party to the agreement, staff will facilitate the development of this agreement. Large roll off bins will also require the cooperation of both haulers. Waste Management will continue to take orders for bin deliveries through the month of September. As customers may not require collection and disposal in September, Waste Management will be permitted to continue collection until the first pick up in October when the customer will be notified that Federal Disposal will provide future service. Commercial recycling services will be immediately available to customers. However, Federal will not emphasize the commercial program until after the implementation of residential _recycling services Public Information/Education With many operational issues discussed above now resolved, Federal Disposal will be turning its attention and focus to public information and education efforts. In the coming weeks and months the initial focus of the efforts will be to inform residents and businesses of the change in service provider and, in the case of single family residents, the change in collection days. To accomplish this goal, a variety of media will be utilized to aggressively distribute necessary information. Current efforts have emphasized commercial customers and Federal Disposal has expended considerable efforts to develop new customer lists, identify service requirements and collection vehicle routes. Letters, and printed flyers introducing Federal Disposal and describing service offerings have been developed and personally delivered to most businesses and multi family unit managers as well as many H©A's and business organizations.. Solid Waste Service Transition Status Report August 21,2000 Page 4 Single family residents will be notified by way of prominent newspaper advertisements, door hangers and displays at various shopping locations. In September, Federal Disposal will directly contact or make presentations to various homeowners' association boards and to groups at the Senior Center. Information will also be provided for inclusion into association newsletters. Staff will utilize the City's cable TV channels (Media One and Cox) to post text messages about services changes and how residents can obtain more information. A variety of giveaway items (magnets, calendars) will be provided to residents contacted at community events. In addition, Federal Disposal has established a web page at www.federaldisposal.com to provide a full listing of services and rates to interested customers. The site will also contain a residential route map. Staff will provide summary information, including the route map, on the City web site, and provide a web link to the Federal site. In the coming months, Federal Disposal will continue to increase its profile in the community by attending various community events and forums. For instance, Federal Disposal will assume a prominent sponsorship role during Tustin Tiller Days. In conclusion, staff is very satisfied with the progress that Federal Disposal is making to effect an orderly transition of service. Staff will continue to monitor Federal's progress and strive to accelerate the public education efforts to ensure that residents and businesses understand the short term and long term changes in waste collection services. Staff will provide another status to the City Council report by the end of the year. Director of Public Works/City Engineer Senkref Management Analyst Public Works Department TDS:JM:ccg:Solid Waste Svcs. Transition Status Rpt.doc Attachments: Federal Disposal Implementation Plan Residential Route Map FEDERAL DISPOSAL SERVICE City of Tustin Proposed Implementation Plan (Reference Proposal 5.g) Integrated Solid Waste Management Services July 31, 2000 Implementation Plan Integrated Solid Waste Management Services City of Tustin TABLE OF CONTENTS ho Bo Co Administrative Staffing Computer, Phone, and Internet Equipment for Customer Service Service Information and Route Data' Development Truck Deliveries Page 3 3 3,4 Oo No Public Information and Education Materials Single Family Collection (Manual) Single Family Collection (Automated) Facility Improvements Recycling Programs Driver Recruitment and Training Commercial Bin Distribution and Transition Additional Reports and Submittals 6 6,7 7 Ko Ho D. 4 E. Bin Deliveries 4 F. Cart Deliveries 4 G. Community Outreach 5 A. Administrative Staffing Federal Disposal Service (Federal) will add the following administrative and customer service positions to support the Tustin contract. (Ref. Proposal 5.g) Name. ,:. ~i: :. ...~ ~: ......... i Position Start Walter Babashoff Fleet Management/Safety May 22 Carol Castillo Telephones May 15 David Komeff Customer Service June Ron Voloff Community Relations July Cloak Din Computer Support June The following administrative and customer service positions will be filled with currently employed personnel: 2 i Dolaald Shubin Jose Prospero Arvizu 3 [ Victor Muniz 5 i Veronica Castillo Howard Chavez Position Contract Compliance Office Manager Single Family Routing Billing Commercial Routing B. Computer, Phone, and Internet Equipment for Billing and Customer Sel~ice Federal will add the following computer, phone, and refuse-industry soRware to perform customer service, billing, and contract reporting tasks. WAM Software Billing, Customer Service Records, Reports July Mirror Server Back-up in case of a unit failure July Phone Lines A total of 20 incoming/outgoing lines July E Mail and Web Site Cornrnunic~_tions and Public Information Aug C. Semrice Information and Route Data Development Federal will develop service information from scratch, including door-to-door information gathering. The Business License list will be used to cross check information. Single Family routes will be coordinated with street sweeping schedule. (Ref. Proposal 5.h, Contract 5.1,5.2,) 1 Single Family Routes ,Week 1-3 2 Multi Family Week 1-3 3 Business and Retail Week 2-4 Week 1-4 Week 1-4 4 Confirm Accuracy of Week 1-4 Week 1-4 Information D. Truck Deliveries Eleven (11) new tracks will be ordered for the Tustin Contract. Carmenita Truck Cemer will provide Chassis's and Amrep has committed to manufacturing the bodies. Two (2) units will be used fi'om Federals existing fleet. (Ref. Proposal Attachment 4) 1 Automated Trucks (4) One by 1 st, three end of month 2 Frontloader Trucks (6) Two by end of month 4 before 2n~ Week 3 Roll offTmck (1) Week 1 4 Bin Truck (1) End of momh 5 Swing Track (1) End of momh 6 Scout Track (1) End of month E. Bin Deliveries New bins will be ordered and distributed to all Commercial and Multi-Family properties in the City. ~?.!? i:i¢? S~~/i!~:??~ September Quantity 1 2 cubic yarders 2-4* week 119 2 3 cubic yarders 2-4* week 1500 3 4 cubic yarders 2-4* week 323 4 40 cubic yard roll-off 2-4* week 50 F. Cart Deliveries Manual can service will commence on Oct 1. Automated cart service, which includes recycling, will commence in February. (Ref contract 4.6) f~mp:,¢;~:t Place Order February March April 1 Carts November Distribute 50% Distribute 40% Distribute Balance G. Community Outreach Federal will reach out to mainstream community organizations to communicate information and solicit input concerning services of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Franchise. (Ref. Contract 5.3) They include, but not limited to: 1 TEAM X X 2 IAC X 3 OC Apartment Owners X X 4 Newspapers, Company Profile X _ 5 Newspapers, Change of Days X X 6 Other Community Organi?ations X X X 7 Chamber of Commerce X 8 Concert in the Park? X 9 Other Events? X X X 10 Tiller Days 13,14 _ H. Public Information and Education Material Federal will produce the following Information and Education Materials. (Ref. Contract 5.1.1, 5.3) 1 Multi-Family Introduction Letter la wk 2 Commercial Serxdce A~eement Ia wk 3 Bin Service Spec Sheet 2no wk 4 Web Site 2~a wk 5 Single Family Service Spec Sheet' 1 6 S Family Refrig. Magnet-Change/Days la Wk 7 Single Family Refrig~ Magnet-Recycling X 8 Recycling Sig~age at Enclosures As Req. 1a wk 9 Wallet Calend_ars or other give away 10 Block Change-of-clay signs 4 wk 11 Si_ngle Family Change-of-Day hand-out 3-4 wk 12 Corrective Action Notice-Manual Service 2-3 wk 13 Annual Brochure Explaining Recycling X 14 Automated/Recycling Video X X 15 Corrective Action Notice-Automated X 16 "Thank you ' Hand-out 4 wk I. Single Family Collection (Manual) Federal will perform manual can collection at Single-Family residents starting Oct. I through implememation of the Automated cart service. (Ref. Contract 4.6) Driver Field Training 3~d and 4th week Commence collections from new routs. At "no Oct. 2 and £~rst week sM-outs" leave change-of-day notice. At "set- outs" leave thank you notices. Make contact when possible and assist "no set-outs" Perform service at old routes and leave change- Oct. 5 & 6 of-_c!~y notice, daylight permitting. Leave change-of-day notice on old route Oct. 12 & 13 "Call-Ins" Perform Same Day J. Single Family Collections (Automated) To avoid implememation of the Automated system during the peak volume period of Christmas and New Years, Automated service will not commence until February. (Ref. Contract 4.6, Proposal 5.g) ?~-~~:~ February March April Ph~e In 50% 40% Balance K. Facility Improvements Federal will perform the following improvements to its 1661 E Palm Street operating facility, as required. (Ref Proposal 5.f) f~ Permit Obtained Construction Wash Rack June September/October Paint Booth July September/October L. Recycling Programs Optional recycling programs will be implemented according to the following schedule. (Ref. Contract 4.2, 4.3, Attachment 4 March 6th Submittal) I Multi Family Green Waste X 2 Office Paper Route X ... 3 Single Family 3 Can 50% 40% 10% 4 Roll-Off XX 5 A/B Routing As Required 6 Blue Bag As Required 7 Corn. and M-F Commingle As Required M. Driver Recruitment and Training Federal will recruit and begin driver training accordingly: ;Positio ~i~i':~?~ti:' Quantity Hire Date Start Date Tustin Field Training Residemial 4 Aug 1 st Aug. 15 Sept. 15 Commercial 9 Aug 1 s~ Aug. 15 Sept. 1 ~ N. Commercial Bin Distribution and Transition WM reports less than 2,000 commercial sites in the City that have bins. The following transition plan provides Federal picking up (switching out) WM bins at the same time of distributing its own bins. This plan requires little coordination between the haulers and will insure that no customer is without a bin. (Ref. Proposal 5.g.) "Just-in-time" delivery from manufacturers to Federal yard Federal will begin distribution of its Bins to Industrial projects. Federal will pick up WM bin and store them in its yard. WM will service Federal Bins until the end of September. WM will pick up its Bins from Federal yard daily. Switch-out of Bins to occur at commercial and retail sites. Switch-out of Bins to occur at Multi Family Projects Roll- Off Bin Distribution to Regular Service Accounts September Sept. 11 thru end of month Week of Sept 11 t~ Week of Sept. 18 Week of Sept. 25t~ Week of September 11, thru end of Month O. Additional Reports or Submittals RESIOEHTIAL TRASH COLLECTION SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 2eoe MoFADD EN F IILII~AY