NO. 12
At the August 21, 2000, City Council Meeting, the Council requested a follow-up report
on the status of recreation and sports programming for Heideman and Beswick Schools.
A presentation was made by representatives of the United States Youth Athletic
Network (USYAN), along with principals from the local schools, seeking City support for
the continuance of an after school program for soccer instruction at Heideman and
Beswick Schools.
The Parks and Recreation Department is recommending after school-programs
continue at Heideman and Beswick Schools utilizing skilled instructors and recreation
leaders. Partnerships will be formed with our local AYSO and Skyhawks programs to
provide local leadership for fall, winter and spring programs. These programs will
commence with the fall session and be completed within existing department fiscal
In the spring of 1999, the Department of Parks and Recreation was approached by Mr.
Ron Beaulac, of USYAN. The United States Youth Athletic Network was based in Long
Beach, California. The organization intended to provide youth soccer events to help
raise monies for local organizations and special events. Mr. Beaulac indicated he could
provide children's after school recreation programs that would help raise monies for
other department-wide programs through the assistance of USYAN.
In order to begin the fundraising programs, however, Mr. Beaulac indicated he would
provide soccer instruction and clinics for children at Heideman School. The instruction
and clinics were to be taught by experienced, collegiate and national players. Mr
Beaulac indicated that some administrative costs and instructional services fees were
required to begin the program so that a base of community support could be generated
to create funds for additional programs.
Additional sponsorship was sought from the Tustin Community Foundation. This
support was to provide additional administrative costs and direct labor payments to
instruction for the start up program. The Tustin Community Foundation did provide an
initial sponsorship of $3,000 to USYAN. Since the inception of the program, additional
scholarships have been provided.'
The first session of the program began on July 5, 1999, and lasted until August 13,
1999. Additional quarterly sessions were then contracted with Mr. Beaulac to provide
programming for sessions from September 27, 1999 to November 25, 1999; January
10, 2000 to February 17, 2000; and April 14, 2000 through May 13, 2000; and the fifth
session from June 13, 2000 through July 22, 2000.
The first three sessions had programs solely at Heideman School. The fourth and fifth
sessions expanded the program to include both Heideman and Beswick Schools. The
total number of registered children in the first session was 31. The total in the second
session was 61;in the third session, 52. The combined registrants for session four was
91, and for session five, 89.
Children paid a fee directly to USYAN to participate in these six-week programs. The
fee for the first three sessions was $12 per child. Beginning with session four, the fee
was raised to $15 per child. Children who could not afford to pay to participate in the
sessions were offered scholarship opportunities through the Tustin Community
Foundation. These scholarships were then reimbursed to USYAN. The total amount to
date is $512 in scholarship allotments.
The amount of the contract services to USYAN for administrative and instructional costs
per session involved direct payments from Parks and Recreation Services to Mr.
Beaulac as follows:
· Session I $5,366
· Session II $3,874
· Session III $3,874
· Session IV $5,200
· Session V $6,000
The total amount of contracted dollars provided $23,314 in direct payment.
Parks and Recreation Services did not collect revenues from the registration fees for the
program. The registration fees for the program were collected by USYAN as follows:
· Session I $732
· Session II $960
· Session III $1,210
· Session IV $1,550
· Session V $1,485
Registration revenue collected for the five sessions totaled $5,937.
The total amount of revenue generated by USYAN included $23,314 in contractual
payments, $5,937 in registration revenue, $512 in scholarships, and $3,000 in a Tustin
Community Foundation entitlement. The grand total of revenue generated for the five-
session program by USYAN was $32,763.
The number of hours of supervised instruction included Monday and Wednesday, 'from
3-5pm in Sessions I, II, & III for a total of four hours per week. In sessions IV & V, it
increased to Monday and Wednesday from 3-5pm at two locations for a total of eight
hours per week.
Parks and Recreation Services continually evaluates program services to ensure the
maximum number of children are receiving quality instruction. Program evaluation
considers criteria such as number of hours of service; training of instructors;
student/teacher ratio; quantity of participation; cost vs. values offered; affordability; and
proximity to residents.
Following a criteria evaluation our department feels that improvements in the number of
hours of service; cost per child; and total expenditures needed further review and
refinement. During the fourth session of our contract with USYAN, we reviewed our
concerns about additional community partners, reducing the cost per child, and finding
additional service hours for the program.
Focus has been placed on providing important after school activities in the southwest
area of Tustin. During our review of the program we found that between $64 and $68
per child had been spent on leadership and supervision for 24 hours of supervision
during each quarter. Our department has explored other options for providing this
much-needed service and has worked closely with school district principals to ensure
that we continue to deliver some after school sports activity and supervision at
Heideman and Beswick Schools.
Commencing the first week of October, partnership with Skyhawks Sports Instruction,
recreation leaders and AYSO will be providing an after school program at both
locations. We will enter into an agreement to ensure that additional hours of
supervision and a reduction in cost to participants provides the best possible after
school program. We will continue to form community partnerships to include school
principals and parents to provide after school programs.
The representative of USYAN has been notified of our intent to redirect this program.
Scot Proud, the President of the Tustin Community Foundation, along with Bob Kiley,
the Executive Director of the Foundation, have reviewed our approach to the program
and will continue to provide scholarship support to those students who cannot afford the
reduced fee.
The Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed the program and expressed the
only concern that the number of service hours continues at the two school locations with
the possibility of expanding to a third location when funds may become available.
Continue to direct Parks and Recreation Services Department to .provide after school
programs at both Heideman and Beswick Schools in cooperation with the school
Respectfully Submitted
Patrick Sanchez
Director, Parks and Recreation Services
cc: Gary Magill, Recreation Superintendent
sh/sc/staff reports/city council staff reports/9-5-00 - USYAN.doc