HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 59 (1942)ORDINANCE NO. 59
WHEREAS# On May 288 194o, the president of the United
States created a Council of National Defense and an Advisory
`- Commission thereto for the purpose of assisting in the doordina-
ation of the various governmental, industrial, agricultural. eco_
normo, and other activities essential to preparing for the defense
of the United States; and
WHEREAS, The City of.:Tustin desires to assist in the
,4Drd` ram of National Defense by coordinating all of its
public and
private facilities, resources and activities with the program'
aforesaid; now, therefore,.
The city council of the City of Tustin does ordain as
Seeti6nn1.There is hereby created the Tustin Defense
Section 2. The defense council shall be composed of the
mayor, who shall be ex officio dhairman'of the council, and'
such other local officials and citizens, not exceeding ten in
number, as may be appointed thereto by the city council. The
defense council shall, vubjeolt to the approval of the city council,
appoint from among its members a vice-chairman, who shall preside
at all meetings of said council iii the absence of the mayor, and
a secretary. The secretary, subject to the mayor's direction,
shall be responsible for coordinating its activities, keeping its
records, conducting its correspondence and preforming such"other
duties as the said council may from time to time require of him.
Section 3. The members, of said defense council shall
serve for a term of one year and until their successors are ,ap_
pointed and qualified. Afour-fifths vote of all the members of,
the city council will be required to remove any member of said
defence council from office prior to the expiration of his term
of office: Vacancies on the defense council shall be filled by
appointment by the mayor, with the approval of the city council,
Section 4. It shall be the duty and responsibility of the
defense council to coordinate the activi$ies within the City of.
governmental and private agencies, and of individuals, cooperating
In the defense effort; to stimulate public interest and partici—
pation in defense activities; to consider and recommend to appro—
� priate governmental authorities plans for the public safety,
health and welfare; ,;to plan a major disaster program, capable of
Ilj functioning in a defense emergency; and to reform such other ad—
visory functions as may be requested of.it by officials of the
j' city, county, State, and Federal agencies engaged in the defense
Said council shall receive, acknowledge,and;appraise
III proffers of facilities, services and ideas originating within the
community and make appropriate disposition of the same; clear infotmar-
i tion concerning defense programs and"objeetivies among cooperating
agencies; recommend adjustmenta or arrangements, necessary for
jprompt assimilation of government programs for defense to the ap
If propriate officers, department's or agencies; receive requests for
assistance from the State Council of Defense and "From Federal%d:e
fense authorities and transmit these requests to the proper city
authorities or agencies; accumulate oras)6ist in the accumulation
of information regarding local governmer-tal,.finanoialp economic,
industrial ,and humanfacilities and resources and, transmit any such
facts, as well as,;other necessary information, to the State Council
of Defense and to Federal .Aef ense authorities,
Every department, commission,"offic.ex4,And employee of
the City of Tustin shall, Cooperate wLth,.assist the defense:
council soas to enable the council to accomplish the objectives,
of; this ordinance. , The defense council shall cooperate with the,
county Corznc,il of,;; defense for thepurpose of coordinating defense
act ivities'bstwsen the city and the -.council.,
Section 5.- There',is hereby created as permanent com—
mittees of the'defense' Councils (1) committee on civil protection,
which -shall consider 11 defense matters relating to the public safety,
the protection of civil'liberties and the maintenance of law and
order, including the 1. p=epara�,tlon of a disaster preparedness plan;
(2) committee' on"human "resources and skills,"which shall assist
in the re4istrat on of'persou for defense work of all kinds, Co—
operate with governmental agencies in making plans for defense
training of skilled workers and other persons engaged in defense
work requiring special -training, and analyze and report to the de-
fense council on all proffers of assistance from private,persons
and organizations; (3) Committee on health, welfare, and consumer
interest, which shall consider activities designed to contribute
directly to the social,,physical and economic well—being of the
individual andthefamily, protection from want, protection against
' unwarranted rise in prices; (4) Committee on transportation, hous—
ing, works and facilities, which shall consider provisions for
•defense housing, buildings and structures, works for water supply
and transportation, highways, airports and 'Other transportation
facilities; (5) committee on public ingozAation, which shall serve
all committees of the council as a medium through which to ingorm
the public of defense activities, develop plans for the use of newspapers,
radio, and other means,of public ipgormation, and attract and sustain
citizen interest and participation in defence work.
The city council by resolution shall create such other
Permanent and such.temporaryr committees of the defense council as
the city council deems necessary) shall define their duties with—
in the purpose of this ordinance and may abolish sny such corpmi—
ttee. The chairman of the permanent committees of the defense
council shall be designated by the defense council chairman from
among the members of the defense council appointed as provided in
section 2 of this ordinance. Members of permenent committees
other than the chairman and all members of temporary committees
shall be appointed by the chairman ofthe defense council and need
not by members of the defense council.
Section 6. This ordinance is hereby* declared to be an
emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the
Public peace, healthand safety and shall take effect and -be in
force from and after its passage and publication as required by
law. The following is a specific statement showing the urgency of this orad,,
An emergency exists in the United States and in this
State in providing adequate National and local defense, it is
necessary that all ingprmation be gathered relating to the National
defense and to provide for the proper cooperation and coordination
of public and private agenoies so that adequate local defense may
be provided for at as early a date as possible.
Section 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage
and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause -the same to be
published once in 'THE TUSTIN NEWS$$ a newspaper of general cir—
culation printed, published and circulated weekly in said City of
Tustin, and immediately after its passage and adoption, this being
an emergency Ordinance, the same shall take effect.and be in force.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin
this 3rd day of AR • v 194.2./
City Cl rk Mayor
The above and foregoing Ordinance was duly introduced
at a reqular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day
of July: 1942s and was regularly passed and adopted at a tegular
meeting of the City Council held on the 3rd day of August, 1942,
by the following vote:
Councilmen,;�,',Kidd'.-Rawlings. Farney
Councilmen:Li None
councilmen: Bixler
`L l
�Oity Clerk of th G�0�f Tustin