HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 DSGN TR RD EXT. 11-20-00 AGENDA RI ~OR T NO. 08 11-20-00 MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 20, 2000 FROM: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION TO: SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF TWO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION AND FOR DESIGN OF TUSTIN RANCH ROAD EXTENSION, WALNUT AVENUE TO FUTURE VALENCIA NORTH LOOP ROAD (C.I.P. NO. 7100) SUMMARY Staff is recommending approval of two Consultant Service Agreements related to the proposed future extension of Tustin Ranch Road between Walnut Avenue and future Valencia North Loop Road. The Consultant Services Agreement with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers is for preparation of improvement plans, specifications, and construction estimates for the final design. The Consultant Services Agreement with Michael Brandman Associates is for environmental evaluation and analysis required for preparing a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the Consultant Services Agreements with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers for design services of Tustin Ranch Road Extension in the not-to-exceed amount of $537,863 and with Michael Brandman Associates for environmental documentation in the not-to- exceed amount of $76,845. Further, it is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Consultant Services Agreements on behalf of the City subject to approval by the City Attorney. FISCAL IMPACT A combination of Capital Improvement Program Funds, and Gas Tax Funds have been budgeted in the FY 2000-2001 CIP budget for this work. BACKGROUND Moffatt & Nichol Engineers (M&N) entered into an agreement with the City of Tustin on May 21, 1990 for engineering services and environmental documentation for the Tustin Ranèh Road extension from Walnut Avenue southerly on to the MCAS Base which included a bridge spanning the railroad tracks,. flood channel and Edinger Avenue. Within this 1990 contract, Michael Brandman Associates was a subconsultant for providing environmental services. A comprehensive Project Report was submitted to the City that reviewed eight design alternatives. To date, the Preliminary Engineering phase has been substantially completed. Attachment I is a map that depicts the current single loop design which was selected as the preferred alternative because it provided the best coordination with the MCAS-Tustin Reuse Plan. ....._~-_.._.._.-Y--' .....- Approval of Two Consultant Services Agreements for Environmental Documentation and for Design of Tustin Ranch Road Extension, Walnut Avenue to Future Valencia North Loop Road November 20, 2000 Page 2 In 1992, the decision by the Federal Government to close MCAS-Tustin resulted in suspension of the work on this contract since the southerly terminus of the project was affected by the anticipated Base closure. Since that time, the preliminary engineering design studies were completed but the processing of the base closure prevented the completion and approval of any environmental documentation and approval. The 1990 Contract with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers is now closed. . DISCUSSION The proposed Tustin Ranch Road Extension which includes the Tustin Ranch Road Interchange at Edinger Avenue is a critical north-south access that was originally required as a condition of approval for the Irvine Business Complex. The proposed improvements have been identified in the Tustin General Plan and the interchange and extension south to Valencia North Loop Road are required improvements in the MCAS Tustin Reuse Plan /Specific Plan. Given the importance and effort of planning and design work for this project, Moffatt & Nichol Engineers has been asked to submit an updated proposal for completing the remaining final engineering and Michael Brandman Associates has been asked to submit an updated proposal for completing the environmental phase. Attached are new contracts with each firm that have been reviewed by the City Attorney's office. Staff has evaluated the proposals and considered the option of continuing the design and environmental work using Moffatt & Nichol Enginee~s versus the option of issuing a new Request for Proposals and reviewing other engineering proposals. An independent engineering firm was utilized for a detailed review of the proposed scope and cost of the proposals. It was determined from this review and the analysis by staff, that the cost proposals in the new proposals are fair and justified. A common comparison for engineering services is to use a percentage of overall construction costs. Using the current value of construction of $15 million, the amended cost for final engineering and environmental is about 40/0 of construction. This would generally be considered, a low value with 6-8% being a normal range. This can also be compared to the similar bridge project in Tustin, the Newport Avenue Extension North (CIP 7131). For this project, the engineering services contract is about 7% of the estimated construction value. Another important factor beside the cost is the experience of Moffatt & Nichol Engineers and Michael Brandman Associates. The firms have proposed a team that is largely the same as proposed in 1990. Richard Neill, P.E. remains as the Engineering Project Manager. Michael Houlihan, ACIP of Michael Brandman Associates remains as the environmental lead. Many of the subconsultants have remained the same although the geotechnical and landscape firms have been changed. The continuity and experience of this team with the Tustin Ranch Road Extension Project is a very important consideration for the City. Approval of Two Consultant Services Agreements for Environmental Documentation and for Design of Tustin Ranch Road Extension, Walnut Avenue to Future Valencia North Loop Road November 20, 2000 . Page 3 It is recommended that the City Council approve the Consultant Services Agreements with Moffatt & Nichol Engineers for design services of Tustin Ranch Road and with Michael Brandman Associates for environmental documentation. --¡;;;zv,/!! /~cLv ,F;,eTim D. Serlet Director of Public Works/City Engineer ~/f! Dana R. Kasdan Engineering Services Manager Attachments: Attachment I , Project Map CSA Moffatt & Nichol Engineers CSA Michael Brandman Associates S:\City Council Items\OO City Council Items\App CSA Environ TRR-Walnutdoc . . ----ì!'"""" I[ ji i iiii July 19, 2000 I MOFFATT & NICHOL City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 TUSTIN PUBliC WORKS DEPT Attn: Mr. Ron Schultz, Program Coordinator Subj: Tustin Ranch Road Proposal for PS&E Engineering Services M&N File: 20326 Dear Mr. Schultz Reference is made to our meeting of July 10, 2000, at which time you requested that Moffatt & Nichol Engineers prepare a proposal for engineering services for the Tustin Ranch Road Extension Grade Separation and Interchange with Edinger A venue. Moffatt & Nichol Engineers has been a part of the Tustin Ranch Road Project since 1990 and the MCAS, Tustin, reuse development. We have essentially the same team members and personnel that have been involved with the project over the last ten years. We have developed a proposal that defines the Scope of services, project methodology, schedule and the associated fees. We are pleased to present five (5) copies of this proposal for your consideration and look forward to the completion of this major arterial roadway. If you have any questions or comment or need additional information, please contact me. Very truly yours, MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS )jt~{l//Jif¿Y H. Richard Neill HRN/pjs 20326do Urn9 Enclosure: 5 copies proposal ~ PROPOSAL FOR THE PlEPIIIIII. IF PS&E FII TIStI....IIIM _8 & 11111 SEP8I1I1. r- . .... .... SUBMITTED BY r- NICHOL E E R S ,.... July 2000 ~ I. II. PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF PS&E FOR TUSTIN RANCH ROAD EXTENSION & GRADE SEPARATION Tdble of Contents PROJECT UNDERSTANDING PROJECT ORGANIZATION III. SCOPE OF PROJECT IV. PROJECT TASKS, METHODOLOGY AND SCHEDULE v. PROPOSED FEE APPENDICES A. B, c. Resumes Scope ot Work Traffic Survey & Right-ot-Way Landscaping Geotechnical Team Members ATTACHMENTS . I, II, 11/, IV, V EXHIBITS . 0-1 . F1-F6 .......-.-....-..... ---...-. .............. -- -..................-.---....-...... ....._-_..................._---.-......... Moffatt & Nichol Engineers 8 PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF PS&E FOR TUSTIN RANCH ROAD EXTENSION & GRADE SEPARATION Project VHber6SHbiH5 The City of Tustin is now in North position to develop final plans for Tustin Ranch Road Extension from Walnut Avenue to Valencia Loop Road, which incorporates a grade separation overhead structure at Edinger Avenue and the OCTA Southem Califomia Regional Rail Authority Railway and an interchange with Edinger Avenue. Moffatt & Nichol Engineers in 1990 proposed and was selected to develop environmental documents, preliminary engineering, Phase I, and final plans, specifications and estimates, Phase II, for the Tustin Ranch Road - Walnut Avenue - Edinger Avenue Extension. As a part of the Phase I preliminary alternative intersections at Edinger Avenue were studied and a loop alternative selected. In the mid "90's" the MCAS Tustin was scheduled for realignment and closure, In that time period Moffatt & Nichol Engineers (M&N) developed several alternatives in conjunction with the MCAS closure and reuse program and the Edinger Avenue Widening. A comprehensive report of eight (8) alternatives was presented to your offices in October 1997. An edited version was again presented in early 1998 recommending adoption of Alternative 8, the Loop Road Connection. As discussed with your staff it is now essential to develop a complete scope of work for the development of the PS&E for the extension of Tustin Ranch Road into the MCAS consistent with the base reuse development and the recommended Altemative 8, single loop connection to Edinger Avenue. The Moffatt & Nichol Engineers team has developed a proposal to complete the PS&E based on Alternative 8 of the intersection study as presented in 1998 to your offices. The development of the proposed tasks and costs for the engineering services is consistent with the basic tasks of Phase II, of the Final Design, of the original contract. The significant elements that are different from the original scope of work, as you are well aware, is the extension of the Tustin Ranch Road southerly to the Valencia North Loop Road and the developments of the intersection. In addition, Edinger Avenue has been shifted to the south with plans for the widening to six lanes developed by RBF Engineers. We have been coordinating with Boyle Engineers who have developed plans for Valencia North Loop Road and RBF Engineers to assure compatibility of their projects with Tustin Ranch Road. Our work will involve modifications to Edinger Avenue for the intersection of the loop road and construction traffic control at the Grade Separation structure. Moffatt & Nichol Engineers has been a part of the Tustin Ranch Road project since 1990 and has been a part of it's development as part of the MCAS' realignment and reuse. We look forward to the development of the construction documents for this very important Arterial Highway project in the City of Tustin. Moffatt & Nichol Engineers .......-. _...m._.........-.......-..........-... ..-....--.........-...............--. 20,.. 8 . PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF PS&E FOR TUSTIN RANCH ROAD EXTENSION & GRADE SEPARATION Project °T5dl1lutfOl1 The Moffatt & Nichol Engineers team consists of essentially the same staff members as the original 1990 team with the exception of the Geotechnical engineer and Landscape Architect. As you are aware, the original Geotechnical Engineer, Schaefer-Dixon is no longer in business as a geotechnical engineer. We have in tum asked the firm of Agra Earth & Environmental, the former Moore & Taber group to assist us in completing the work that will be necessary in the project extension and to review the original Schaefer-Dixon work. The IS2 Group headed by Karen Rauch Carter who is located in the Tustin area will provide the landscaping design. The Moffatt & Nichol Engineers team Project Organization is depicted on the following exhibit. The basic responsibilities are: . Moffatt & Nichol Engineers - Project Management, Agreement and Permits, Roadway Design, Structures, Retaining Walls, Construction Phasing and Staging . Kimley - Horn & Associates - Traffic Signals, Striping and Signing, Lighting, Traffic Control . Derek McGregor, Inc" (OMc) - Survey, Right of Way, Hydrology and Hydraulics . 152, Landscaping . AGRA Earth & Environmental- Geotechnical and Foundations It is important to recognize that this team has followed the development of the project for nearly ten years and are particularly aware of the many problems associated with the Railroad Requirements, MCAS redevelopment, local and area wide drainage, the traffic issues associated with MCAS redevelopment and the Tustin Ranch Road extension and the Edinger Avenue Widening. Profiles of the member firms follow: MOFFATT & NICHOL, EN.INI!I!.. Moffatt & Nichol, Engineers is a multi-discipline engineering design firm based in southem Califomia that has successfully assumed the design responsibility for single projects with construction costs in excess of $100 million. Moffatt & Nichol, Engineers has provided engineering services in Califomia in support of the transportation industry since the 1950s when it was responsible for the design of a number of interchanges along what is now the 1-710 Freeway, and has achieved national recognition in the form of design awards for major highway projects. Within the last 40 years, the firm has prepared construction documents for more than 250 highway and bridge projects within Califomia, Over 100 of these projects have been reviewed and approved by Caltrans. The firm has designed over 50 projects incorporating third party agreements and over 500 projects requiring Federal Agency permits. .-....... ..-..................-.-.........-. Moffatt & Nichol Engineers 2032' I I . -, TUSTIN RANCH EXTENTION AND GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT ORGANIZATION DMC ROADWAY, SURVEY, HYDROLOGY DEREK MeGREGOR,P,E, . RlgItf4».Way . Slttvey . TOfIOf1IIIf hy . Hydro/agy . Geon1e/rlCS . Roadway I Sf,", Des/gIIs . 0IIJInBgt . TI'IIIfIc Control . B1f4øe Type SeIIIcflon . B1f4øe Døfgn . SoundwaI/ . RIItaIn/ng Walls AGRA GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS DOUG BEI.L,P.E, IS2 LANDSCAPING KAREN CARTER, L,A, ~~~~ . FoundaIIon 1n~1oII . 1latetf81 Rèþort . PaV81/18ll1 DesIgns . LI/IItISCIIt»Døfgn . Irrigation MO""" & "CHOL . , " , . , " , . TItItIk S/gJIaIs . SImt Ugbflng . TI'IIIfIc Mgmt . SIgnIng I StrIpIng 8 PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF PS&E FOR TUSTIN RANCH ROAD EXTENSION & GRADE SEPARATION The firm is pleased to have contributed to progressive Southern California growth for a number of years, dating back to the civil engineering design of the UCI campus and Huntington Harbour in the 60s, to the more recent replacement design of the Huntington Beach Pier and John Wayne Airport freeway access and elevated terminal roadway and the EI Toro "Y" Interchange structures. Our highways and structure design groups have produced all Moffatt & Nichol work efforts for recent Transportation Corridor Agency toll road projects which represent a total of $40 million in construction costs. The professional design staff consists of more than 40 California licensed civil and structural engineers, many of whom have more than 25 years of experience in the design of highway facilities, This group of registered professionals leads a total highway/freeway design group of more than 60 individuals. The firm has proven excellence and success in FHW A, Caltrans and local agency approved highway projects, as well as projects that require multi-agency participation and coordination accelerated design schedules, and budget constraints. The firm is especially noted for its rare capabilities in the design of highway structures and is extremely proud of the working relationship and mutual respect that it enjoys with: . Cities of Tustin, Irvine, Santa Ana, Costa Mesa, Carlsbad, Oxnard and Anaheim . Caltrans Division of Structures . Caltrans Districts 07, 08, 11, and 12 . Orange County Transportation Authority . Local Orange County Agencies . Joining with Moffatt & Nichol, Engineers are the fol/owing teams of highly qualified subconsultants. AGRA EARTH AND ENVIItONMINTAL INC. AGRA, Inc.'s staff of licensed engineers, geologist and environmental scientists have experienced in geotechnical and civil design studies in Southern Califomia spanning several decades. Their projects have included major Caltrans road and bridge projects in Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bemardino Counties. AGRA has conducted geotechnical, geologic, geophysics, seismic, soil/groundwater and contaminant investigation programs for projects ranging in construction cost from a new thousand dollars to billion of dollars, Foundation investigations routinely include evaluation of soil bearing capacity, settlement, soil expansion, pile capacity, pile driveability embankment and excavation, slope stability, site grading specifications, probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard evaluations and liquefaction potential studies. They provide monitoring services during construction including earthwork observation, field density testing for compaction control, pile driving inspection, pile load tests, dynamic pile driving analyzer measurements, inclinometer installations to monitor pore pressures, and settlement measurements for a variety of projects. n..- .-..- --... Moffatt & Nichol Engineers 2°'" 8 PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF PS&E FOR TUSTIN RANCH ROAD EXTENSION & GRADE SEPARATION 182 IS2 is a firm specializing in landscape architecture, land planning, and urban design. Since 1987, the firm has been involved with several projects throughout California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii, Kentucky, and Florida. These projects are in the public as well as the private sector, and urban renewal to civic and park design in the public sector. IS2's philosophy is to be team and service oriented. They focus on creating the right environment for producing the optimal solutions for each project. There is one specific team designated at the beginning of each project and is kept in tact throughout it's construction. Since service is another focus, they have strict in-house quality control measures that prove invaluable throughout the timeline of the job. They are committed to bringing the client the most effective solutions in the most effective way available. IS2's design philosophy highlighting anthropometric relationships is retained throughout the entire design process. KIMLIY-HORN & AsaOCIATn Since 1967, has been one of the nation's leading transportation planning, engineering, and design firms. Kimley-Horn has long been recognized for excellence in engineering and attention to client concerns. The firm's Orange County Office provides transportation planning and engineering services to a rapidly expanding market. Kimley-Horn has served more than 250 municipalities, counties, state departments of transportation and other public agencies. Below is a sampling of recent local projects. . Foothill Corridor Phasing Project (FCPP) Phase 2 Improvements - Santa Ana, CA . Traffic Impact Study Standardization - Orange County, CA . Jamboree Road Widening @ 1405 - City of Irvine . Tustin Ranch Road Extension Traffic Analysis - City of Tustin DI!RI!K MCGRI!GOII, INC. (DMC) DMc will perform the surveys, right-of-way and hydrology. DMc Engineering is a civil engineering design firm located in Irvine, California. The firm provides a wide spectrum of surveying and civil design for public and private sector clients engaged in site development and other public works projects. Specifically, at the Tustin Air Station, DMc performed a complete Hydrologic and Hydraulics analysis for the entire station. This particular assignment included the interaction and impact of Orange County Flood Control Channel, F-10, which parallels at the A T&SF Railway and Edinger Avenue in the Tustin Ranch Road Extension Project area. Results of that analysis will be part of the flood control and drainage considerations for this project. Resumes for each of the members of the team are included in Appendix A. Additional detailed Team Profiles are included in Appendix C. -...--..........-.......-....--........ . ... ....-......--........... Moffatt & Nichol Engineers 20,.. 8 PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF PS&E FOR TUSTIN RANCH ROAD EXTENSION & GRADE SEPARATION Scope Of Project The general scope of the project is shown on ATTACHMENTS I, II and Ill, Tustin Ranch Road, Alternative 8, Single-Loop. Tustin Ranch Road will be extended from Walnut Avenue southerly to Valencia North Loop Road a distance of about 4,000 feet. The project will include the intersection designs and/or modifications at Walnut Avenue, Valencia North Loop Road and the Edinger Avenue/Ramp Road Intersection. Edinger Avenue is currently under design to be widened to six (6) lanes including a center median. This project will modify the Edinger Avenue stripping and traffic signals to add right turn and left turn lanes at the Ramp/Road intersection. Traffic control will be required on Edinger Avenue to accommodate the erection of falsework and accommodate four (4) lanes of traffic through the completed falsework. It is expected that to accommodate the overhead structure construction and traffic control an extensive portion of the median will require removal and reconstruction including any landscaping. Provisions are planned for an access road to the inner portion of the Ramp Road Loop. This will be south and parallel to, but separate from Edinger Avenue. The overhead structure is recommended to be a concrete box girder, which will be a continuous structure with spans over the OCFD Channel, railroad trackage, Edinger Avenue, and the access road to the inner Loop Road area. Landscaping will be designed for all slopes and the medians. It is presently assumed that the inner loop road area will be graded and erosion control provided, but landscaping will not be provided. The present embankment area north of the railroad will be raised to accommodate the higher vertical clearance requirements over the SCRRA railroad tracks as noted on ATTACHMENT II. A retaining wall is planned at the easterly side of the present embankment to accommodate this raising. This will require construction easements and modification of drainage easements. Roadway and slope drainage will be designed consistent with the existing drainage pattern and OCFD channel. It is assumed that storm drain systems designed for the Edinger Avenue widening will accommodate the Tustin Ranch Road drainage areas. It is assumed that an area wide hydrology analysis is not required and further that the Santa Fe - Santa Ana Channel is considered adequate. Street lighting will be provided on Tustin Ranch Road and the Loop Road. It is assumed that for the Edinger Avenue Widening Project, Street Lighting will be designed to accommodate the overhead structure. Provisions will be made to allow for soffitt lights in the structure at Edinger Avenue if desired or required. It is assumed that the Edinger Avenue Widening will be constructed either prior to or concurrently with the Tustin Ranch Road project. Therefore the design plans for Edinger Avenue Widening are the assumed "existing conditions" for the area between the West and East Connector Roads. The development of the scope of the project assumes that the project will use English units and the applicable Caltrans Standard Plans and Specifications can be referenced either in English or metric units. ......... -'~.. ..................--..-.. Moffatt & Nichol Engineers "13" / ~I g tJ ." ~ ~~ ~ In gj. . <1~ t' !'~ ,g' p ~ ¡h '.~ ê d OJ' !~. ... ¡ ~ h¡.~ '. .' II] .j: ~~ I!:. 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PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF PS&E FOR TUSTIN RANCH ROAD EXTENSION & GRADE SEPARATION As part of the scope of work, Moffatt & Nichol Engineers will assist the City in the preparation of the Construction/Maintenance Agreement with OCTA for the grade separation and the Public Utilities "Order to Construct". We will assist the City in obtaining the necessary permits to cross the Orange County Flood Control Channel right-of-way. Moffatt & Nichol Engineers will provide construction management services as requested by the City, which is again consistent with the services proposed in 1990. The City may request these services in whole or in part of the Engineer. . Construction Inspection: Provide registered engineer and full time inspectors. . Material Testing: Provide coordination and seNices of testing firm to assure compliance. . Construction Survey: Provide construction survey and coordination thereat . Shop Drawings: Review construction drawings and contractor submittals. . Construction Administration: Provide resident engineer to administer the contract, The environmental documentation for the Tustin Ranch Road project has not been completed to date. Under a separate contract with the City of Tustin, Michael Brandman Associates (MBA) will provide these services. Moffatt & Nichol Engineers as part of the final design will assist MBA in providing engineering support, attending meetings, public hearings, review of documents and to provide four (4) visual- graphics representing the as-constructed final project. The detailed tasks involved to accomplish the scope of work and the responsible team members are shown on ATTACHMENT V. .".n. . .---.. .. .... Moffatt & Nichol Engineers ...---- ---. 8 PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF PS&E FOR TUSTIN RANCH ROAD EXTENSION & GRADE SEPARATION Project TMks, Meth"z,olOSJl AnÞ ScheÞ",le The required tasks are described on ATTACHMENT V as part of the proposed fee portion with the associated team member noted. Based on these tasks we have prepared a schedule for final design. The proposed schedule attached as ATTACHMENT IV is based on a completion that allows bidding and advertising to commence in 2001. This is in accordance with our discussions with Mr. Ron Schultz. The environmental process is a controlling element in that a CEQA document is planned to be prepared for the Tustin Ranch Road supplementing and using the environmental document for the MCAS base closure as a reference. Our design schedule is premised on completing as much of the preliminary engineering work as is feasible, concurrently with the completion of the environmental document prior to the preparation of final design documents. The environmental process is premised on the base closure EIR being completed and approved in late 2000. The preparation of the environmental document will be accomplished by MBA under separate contract to the City of Tustin. It is noted at this point for coordination and scheduling purposes in completing the design documents. The general tasks would be the Notice to Proceed, preparation of the environmental documents, the preliminary engineering and the final design engineering. The initial task will be the environmental documents, including the traffic studies that are necessary for the Tustin Ranch Road environmental document, both before and after year 2020, and also the intermediate year 2005. Public hearings and/or availability of public hearings are planned in the environmental process. The draft environmental document is estimated to be ready for review by the City approximately 16 weeks after NTP. It is assumed that within 20 to 21 weeks that the environmental document could be ready for presentation to the City Council. Concurrently with the environmental process would be the supplemental preliminary engineering consisting of geotechnical investigations, additional survey to include the extension onto the base, the development of the bridge type selection, the right of way survey to tie the Walnut Avenue to the record of survey for the base, and of course, Edinger Avenue. The review and coordination with the Edinger Avenue development and the Valencia North Loop Road development will be essentially done in this phase, although this coordination would be on going throughout the entire development of the project. As part of this preliminary engineering process and to be considered to be part of the environmental process could be the development of the staging and traffic control plans for construction of the bridge. After completion of the type selection of the bridge the railroad agreement process can begin. This process, based on past experience, is taking in the order of six months minimum in order to get a final agreement. This will require the development of a easement across the railroad right of way which will be handled through OCT A while SCRRA will review the engineering aspects of the agreement in regards to railroad operations. It is important for this agreement process to be started as early as practical, after we have the bridge type selection, in order to minimize any impacts on this schedule if there are unforeseen circumstances that may develop with the railroad or OCTA. .... ... ..... ........ .- ...... .-.... Moffatt & Nichol Engineers ~ PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF PS&E FOR TUSTIN RANCH ROAD EXTENSION & GRADE SEPARATION A necessary process is also the development of the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) "Order to Construct", which is necessary to allow construction of the grade separation. A pennit for encroachment on the Orange County Flood Control Channel will be required. This process will be started with approval of the CEQA environmental document. It would be considered that the landscape conceptual plan would be developed for review by the City as an early task as this could be an environmental issue. Completion of the final design plans will be an extension of the preliminary engineering aspects following the completion of the environmental document. Much of the background work will have been developed in the preliminary engineering tasks and this should allow a relatively rapid and smooth process in completion of the final design. The preparation of the final design contract documents is noted by the basic tasks involved. This includes the roadway and civil design, the drainage stonn drain design, landscaping, the bridge structure design, retaining walls, traffic signals, traffic signing, stripping and street lighting, and project specifications and estimates. It is anticipated at this time that there would be 90%, 100% and final submittal, although for purposes of checking and review by the City a 65% or in progress can be provided if desired. It is anticipated then that the project would be ready for advertising essentially by October 2001. This schedule has been developed around our understanding of when the environmental documents for the project can be done, and completed by February 2001, and the SCRAA agreements, and OCFCD permits are obtained in a timely matter. A thirty- (30) day float time has been incorporated into the schedule to allow any for EIR, agreement and pennit delays. ......-.. ............ ........... ..................... .....-.. Moffatt & Nichol Engineers ! ~ I /[ I ï ¡ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ITJfUHiJ[¡]EJITJ m~lm~êJ!!! . w CIS ;§ CI ~ o::~ 13&5 ! ZZ ~~ ~ zw ¡;;~ . ~~ .. ¡¡: ~ ¡¡ . I:....;;.:,' ;1 1.'..1'. 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MOM =w= = = ã ã u; ~ ¡¡; ~ ~~æ 8"'1 l 8 8 PROPOSAL FOR PREPARATION OF PS&E FOR TUSTIN RANCH ROAD EXTENSION & GRADE SEPARATION PropO6eb Fee The proposed efforts and the associated fees for the providing the services as denoted in the Scope Of Work and Project Methodology have been determined and are summarized on the EXHIBIT F 1. The estimated total hours are 4800, with a total of 122 sheets of drawings and the total fee is proposed at $537,863.00. The fee summary on EXHIBIT F 1 (attached) is based on each of the individual discipline and/or subdivision of the work. The overall project summary is also shown on EXHIBIT F 2, primarily indicating how the total costs were derived and the efforts associated with the major tasks. The more detailed breakdowns for the roadway design, structure design and related tasks are shown on EXHIBITS F 3 through F6. A drawing list for the project is included as EXHIBIT 0-1. The detailed tasks and responsible team members are shown on ATTACHMENT V. These exhibits define these major portions of the engineering work. The more detailed breakdown of the Subconsultant efforts for the traffic, geotechnical, landscaping, and the survey and right of way portions are contained in APPENDIX B. It is understood that the services and fees for construction management are difficult to estimate at this time. Fees and scope of services will be determined by the City and negotiated upon completion of the PS&E. ..-............ -...'.."-. ......- -.- .... Moffatt & Nichol Engineers EXHIBIT D1 TUSTIN RANCH ROAD DRAWING LIST ROADWAY SHEET Tl Title 1 T2 Notes I T3 Legends, Vicinity Map, Location 1 T4 Typical Sections 1 PI-P3 Construction Phasing 3 Ll-lA Layout Sheets, Plan & Profile Tustin Ranch Road 4 L5-L6 Layout Sheets, Plan & Profile, Ramp Road 2 L7-LlO Layout Sheets, Plan & Profile, Edinger Avenue 4 Access Road CI, C3 Detail Plan, C4 Intersection and Access Ramp 3 CSI-CS4 Cross-Sections Edinger Avenue and Access Road 4 CS5-CS6 Cross Section Tustin Ranch Road 4 CS7-CS8 Cross Section Ramp Road 1 RW-RW4 Retaining Wall- TRR, N/O Edinger 4 SWI-SW2 Screen Walls - Structural Details 2 SW3-SW4 Screen Walls - Layout Plan - Elevation 2 SDl-SD4 Storm Drain Plans Tustin Ranch Road 4 SD5-SD8 Storm Drain Plans - Edinger and Ramp 4 GPI.GP4 Grading Plans Tustin Ranch Road 4 GP5-GP8 Grading Plans Ramp, Access Road, Edinger 4 G9 Grading Plan along Railroad Right-of-Way 1 Ul-U4 Utility Plans 4 Subtotal Roadway 58 TRAFFIC El-E3 Street Lighting 40 scale 3 SSI-SS8 Traffic Signing and Striping 8 TS1.TS4 Traffic Signals (4 intersections) 4 TC-I-TC7 Traffic Control Plans 7 Subtotal Traffic 22 ROAOW A Y LANDSCAPING Ll-LA L5-L7 L8-L9 LlO-Ll3 Ll4-Ll6 Ll7-Ll8 Ll9 L20-L22 Planting Tustin Ranch Road Planting Edinger A venue/Access Planting Ramp Road Irrigation Tustin Ranch Road Irrigation Edinger A venue/Access Irrigation Ramp Road Planting LegendINotes Irrigation Details Subtotal Landscape 4 3 2 4 3 2 I 3 22 OVERHEAOSTRUCTURE BRI BR2 BR3 BR4 BR5 BR6 BR7 BR8 BR9 BRlO BRll BR12 BR13 BRI4 BR15 BR16 BR17 BRI8 *BRI9 *BR20 General Plan Foundation Plan Deck Contour And General Notes Abutment 1 Abutment 6 Abutment and Wingwall Details Bent 2,3 Bents 4, 5 Bent Details Typical Deck Section and Details Girder Framing Plans Girder Frame, Details Approach Slab Details Joint Seal Details "4" Scale Deck Grading Bridge Staging Details Log of Test Borings (Supplemental) Log of Test Borings (Supplemental) 1992 Log of Test Borings 1992 Log of Test Borings Subtotal Overhead Structure 20 *These are from original Schaefer-Dixon Report TOTAL ORA WINGS 122 20326IEXHIBITDI SHEET EXHIBIT F-l TUSTIN RANCH ROAD - FINAL PS&E PROPOSED FEE SUMMARY Approx, Sheets Fee Hours Roadway Design 1940 50 196,934 Overhead Structure Design 1375 16 139,571 Retaining Wall 181 4 17,874 Project Management (11 Mos. 45 weeks @ 4) 240 29,040 Environmental Support 108.0 ---- 11,714 Geotechnical (Agra) 2 15,341 Landscaping (IS2) 180 22 16,235 Traffic Signals, Striping, Lighting and Traffic 500 22 55,450 Control (K-H) Utilities (DMc) 45 4 5,000 Hydrology (DMc) 65 7,300 Survey and Topographic Mapping (DMc) 150 15,500 Right of Way (DMc) 120 12,000 Subtotal Consultants 126,826 Administrative Costs (10%) 12,557 Reprographics 3,270 TOTAL 4,791 120 537,863 J:\/trlhm\20326FigF/.doc MOFFATr & NICHdl ENGINE~RS Fee Proposal PROJECT Tuslin Ra )~ Road.- Submittal Date: 7/1100 ---...--.- - CLIENT Ci.IY...oIJus,",----- -- Project EXHIBITF2 Project No. ___.20326 - Proj. Oes. J'jnaiPS&E: Summa'L...-- Subconsultanl: DIRECT lABOR Exhibit No. Subtask Description Summary ~I.a. ssiflcalio~ Principal ~ Supervisory I senio~ Engineer \ E..ngin;+er DeSigne.r. .~rafter ...f Word .f Graphics I Sublask Engineer Engineer Engineer iii \I CAOD Processor Labor-Hrs. - ¡¡at. --$1'75- -$j4-Ž-- ~1 ~ - $106 .-$100u.,. $75- ~- ----¡¡n-- Sublask labor Cost F3 ¡Roadway -~- Structure. Overliead -. 194 144 +;~t-~.F 0 600 68 0 $196,934 ~ ~ ¡~1-f=r=-~-j . . t -~i- ~~-'~~'I --.- ~_n_- --_J~ -+- -t----== - ~._- --_..~! --- --. _~~~tainingW~._.__._.-! F6 Project Management -;; Iõ¡,"":.onmental s~pr""----. -1-.- - ,-- _._~--- -¡-. -- 0 $0 $86,123 $19,650 $75,684 $14,700 1229 ...... $92,175 -+------1-.' I.. .. .......$0 _9- -- H-. .. ~ 0.- _n_~ 0 $0 1,906 30 -.- -=j==t==t~ =t= +---+---f--- Task Subtotal.Costs 0 .. $0 606.5 150 821 ....... $96,057 714 147 148 ...... $8,S84 $2,160 $395,133 Task subtotal.Hrs. :'SUPPlEiAENTAlINFORMATION ..-- ¡subcontractors. Cost M&N Admin. ---"l'õ¡¡¡¡- Cost (10%) DIREÇT COSTS (EXCEPT lABOR) LandSCaPePS&E(IS2)--~,235 $1,62~17,859' ~rãitiC (Kiffiley.Hornj . $55,450--¡¡s:5;¡:S-----¡¡6õ.~ Geotechiiical (A9;a)-------¡¡~-¡¡¡:SS4---,¡:¡¡¡;B75 ~~¡:¡ŸdrOIOgY(PMC) $39,800. $3,980 $43,780 Travel $0 Communications (Postage, Teleplione, etc---¡¡O Reproduction $3,22C Subcontractors -¡¡139,509 Subtotal $142,730 -- I $142,730 1 - . TotaisfOr Task $126,826 $12,683 $139,509 ,.-.-- Reproduction PS&E EIR $2,600.00 $621.00__._. TOTAL TASK COST I $537,863 I --- Rev. Date 7/13/00 Total for Reproduction $3,221.00 203~ ~.e ProposaLxls MOFFAlT & NICHOL ENGINEERS Fee Proposal PROJECT .:ru."'irlBanch Road- Submittal Date: 7/1/00 CLIENT CityofTustin ---- Project EXHIBIT F2 Project No. 20326 Proj. Des. Final PS~Summa",-----__._._- Subconsultant: DIRECT LABOR - Exhibit Subtask Description ¡ClassitICatl=- Principal Supervisory Senior Engineer Engineer Oesigner Drafter Word Graphics Subtask Subtask No. Summary Engineer ~1~f"'-- ~~1~leer $11~17- -$j\\¡¡- CADD Processor Labor.Hrs. Labor Cost Rate ~7¡¡-- $joo $75 $58 .-$72- F3 F!°adw",,-.~_.-._--- - 1------- 1---194 -- ~ ~34 -- ~. 0 6Q()- f--~ 0 -.. --- ___-.J196,9~4c F4 Structure. Overhead - -...- e--1~ 6 534 14 128 533 8 .~ 1375 $139,571 _.~ R,,-mining Walls .~_. .~- 0 ~- -~ .~- ~-- ~- e--~ 181 ... .. J17,874 [----- .---£6_- Project Management .180_- +-----,,-. 0 0 ..- 0 0 60 0 240 --- $29,O:IQ. _.FL- Environmental Support .-~ 48.5 0 13_- -- 0 ~ 6 12 30 ~9,5 _~I..z.t.4c _.--- - --~--- _.~.- .- -~--- --- _JQ. -.--.- --- -... .- ----- 0 _._~ --. --~.._-_.- -- -- -.- .- .- -. __0__- ----~ --- -.- -.------ 1--. .-.-- _.0 -- - -----.JQ. _.-- -- ._- -- --. 0 $0 .--- e---.-.~_.--_.- ~-- e--.- 1-- -- --. .~-_.- -_.-- -.JQ. --- I---.~~. .-- ----. -. -- e--- 1--- I--.()_. ._~ 0 $0 Task Subtotal.Hrs. 0 606.5 150 821 714 147 1229 148 30~ Task Subtotal.Costs $0 $86,123 $19,650 $96,057 $75,684 $14,700 $92,175 $8,584 $2,160 $395,133 ~ENTAL INFORMATION ....- ~C--'_..~._---_._. . Subcontractors Cost M&N Admin. Total --. Cost (10%) i.and~l"'.f'S&E (IS2) $16,235 .~624~17,8~~ Traffic JI<~mley.H_orn) $55,450 $5,545 $60,995 G~I~~L- -' $15,341 $1,534 $16,875 Survey, ROW, Hydrology (PMC $39,800 $3,980 $43,780 -.- ... --.--. Totals for Task $126,826 '~¡¡ã3:-- $139,509 -. Reproduction .-- .----- - PS&E $2,600.00 EIR $621.00 # Total for Reproduction $3,221.00 DIRECT COSTS (EXCEPT LABOR) Travel $0 Communications (Postage, Telephone, etc ---$0 Reproduction - $3,22( Subtotal -$139,509 $142,730 ~ I $142,730 I Subcontractors TOTAL TASK COST I _~5:!7',863J Rev Date 7/13100 20326 Fee Proposal.xls ""u)FAll a ".bHOl ~,.u,\.¡EEh~ Fee Proposal PROJECT I""tin Ranch..R~.- Submittal Oate: _._7/1/[)0....- CLIENT CiIY<>fTustin~~~ Project EXHIBIT F3 Project No. ___2()3.~ Proj. Des. Phase II Oesign . Roadway Subconsultan\: DIRECT lABOf!. Subtask Subtask Description Classilication Principal ~uperviSOry se.nior Engineer Eng.ineer Oesigner Drafter.. Word Graphics Subtask Subtask No. Summary - ~~~. ~~ineer --- Iõr1gineer.~ ~gÌl1~er III -. ~- ~- CAD[). Processor labor.Hrs. Labor Cost Rate $175 $142 $131 $117 $106 $100 $75 - ~.. $58 .~.$72~.. -~ .!ustinRan."l1_~__~_._._..- _.._--~ ..... --- ._---_.-~~~~-----~ --~ ~ Street lmprovem~~"'--___- 40 100 200 200 6 ~--_--..!i~ -~~~~~ -~- R~""f1ingWalis 4..._- --~- 16 40- 20 ._~_~_--...1~,180 - ~,,~~ Edinger Avenu~_.-~- ~.-~ ..----'L.- ....._._2 j 60 40 1 -- ..~ _1?~.~~-----.11~~ 3d Screen Walls _.-'§ - --.. 24 60 80 - -----'..82..... --.... $17,440 ~4 St~rmOrëÌll.Plans~~__~._~- ~8 24 16 ~f3[)---~-~-- -.- .~~-~_.__.....J.18,512. 5b Bridge Ptans 24 24 ..--- ~4 . 4 .. __7§_- --- $7,720 .~_.. Tustin Ranch Road.T,¡¡ftic Con""!.._. -. 2 4___~ 8 ~- ~.~-~~.___~1,308 ........6IJ... Ejinger AverJ~",ffic Control- --' 2 4 8 -- ~14.- _.._.!1,~[)8 ~~.Waln~tAvenu~_:TralficCon'-""------.___. 2 _8 _..___..10. --~?. 6A.a Bn.d~eCo"';truction____- --~. ~..-~._8 ----_.~--"'---~___~l?. ~'Ô:,,-~~. f:"trnp~f<>nstru~_._._- .- - 2 8 ~--- . 10 __----.!.8.12- 6A.c Construction Phases 20 20 40 80 $8,180 Task Subtotal.Hrs. 0 100 48 196 458 0 524 11 0 -- .............. Task Subtotal.Costs $0 $14,200 $6,288 $22,932 $48,548 $0 $39,300 $638 $0 "SUPPlEMENT!I"-INFORM!II~.. Sub C 0 nt r a Ci 0"- --.... - - --------COSt~M&NAd¡¡¡iri:-.~1 Cost~ DIRECT COSTS (EXCEPT LABOR) .. -, --~~ --, Travel Communications (Postage, Telephone, etc.~-- Reproduction . _...~- -----~ ~---~.~~- .- - $0 $0 ..- - - ~- ~~--:-. --'---1õ-.:-:------16---...- Subcontractors ~._$O- Subtotal ~ - I ~Qj -=---=~===~== TotaiSior Task ... ~ ~.::.. $O~. - $Õ TOTAL TASK COST IN""TPA~ Rev Date 7/13/00 Mu.~A1T '" ",JHOl ~"",NEER" Fee Proposal PROJECT Tustin Ranch Road ~_...---_.- SubmittalOate: 7/1/00 -...- CLIENT CityoITustin__.- Project EXHIBIT F3 cont. Projec, No. 20326 Pro). Des. Phase II Design_,-Roadway Subconsullanl: --.---- DIRECT lABOR Subtask Subtask Description No. Summary ~la.ssifiCatiOn I Principal j.superviSOry.psenior ~E.ng.ineer hng;neer I. Oesigner I Drafter Engineer Engineer Engineer III II CAOD ~ ~$1~ --$142- $1~ "$nc¡- $1¡¡¡¡- --¡;1õü--m Word 1 GraPh.iCS I Subtask Process-",- -.- Labor.Hrs. $58 $72. SlIblask labor Cost Task SlIblolal.Hrs. .-.-... -.. 2 __..8.___-.~-_. _'0___- $812 ~ - I Tf"~ " . ~---~~~-: -~~f~ê 40 160 30 --- -....":J()-- ---- $23,940 _....1.§ 30 ___4Q. -..--. -1------ -- 8~ .._---..19,904 -- -.-- ..0_.-- _.---19 (J- $0 ----........J;D.. $0 -~- .-- .,.-. _~ð:<L_Ii;>elollr Ro~.& Si.9"". 7 Landscap"!""",,.._. _..13_.- Iramc Si9flal Plan,,----____.~ ..' 9 MCAS,RR,UtiliIYCoOl:<linaticJrJ......_-I---. ----'.<J'ò._- Rillh,:OI.Way_Requfrements. _l1g Coor(jinalion.- ~--- A:¡eemble P~a",,--. _-.'3_b ___I§.PeciliCati~"" --~- Q<>st_E<>tin1i",,~ -- --- Task Subtotal.Costs 0 "" $0 ~1~1~ ~ -...2..._-!~. $13,348 $12,576 $4,446 $25,652 $0 $5,700 ,:§!JPPlEMENTAl INFORMATION -.----.--1 SlIbco",mciors Cosl M&N Admin. -.Cost (5%\, Totai DIRECT COSTS (EXCEPT LAaOR) - ---.--..---..- $0 ~.__. _._--_.._.'------~¡¡--'._.$¡¡--' .._._~..- $0 -$0 $¡¡---$O Travel Communications (Postage, Telephone, etc.) Reproduction ._.__~2,00o.. -. Subcontractors $0 Subtolal ~ - I $2,000 I .:::====---=-=::::.T~ta¡sÎor Task $0 $0 $0 1- TOTAL TASK COST 1__$198,934J Rev. Date 7/13100 PROJECT Tustin R~ch RoalJ... CLIENT CityofTustin - .-...-.- Proj. Des. Phase II Design. Bridge Overhead -.--~_. DIRECT ~A¡¡QB Subtask ¡Subtask Description No. Summary I Classification I princiPal~ Supe~sory j Senior Engineer Engineer ~ Engineer Rate -- ----¡¡¡75- --$142- -$131 -~ .5a~_- E!ridg~e~Type..seleCtiOn - ~b Bridg"-~".5'g"-- --~- _Dratting - 40 60 -.--, EstimatinIL___. .-..-- 2 Independent Review I -+ 40 ==1.ln~n~ent EStirnale;~~~ --== =-~~..JQ~ -- -- . - ----+-- Task Subtotal.Hrs. 0 152 Task Subtotal.Costs $0 $21,584 ~'SUPPLEME~T~'oIl'lFOR~TION ._--~. Subconlracto"-.----COS¡-.M&Ñ Adnlin:--.Toiãi- ====~~~---~-Cost¡5%j --- ---- : --=:=-:.-=---=====-:.=--=- i~-i~=---====I -.-.-.----....---....- - -¡¡¡¡----.-.-ro.----- _u -~= ::----1'ol.iS 'iOff ãSk~ -¡¡¡¡-----W --- --$0-- 6 Fee Proposal Project EXHIBIT F4 Engineer III $117 30 384 120 .. . Engineer~ OeSign.er II $106 --$100 Orafter CAOO $75 40 52 ..u~FATl .. N,bHOL ~"li.hEEFt" Word Processor $5S. Graphics $72 -~--_.. 493 :li_J 44=1 =r-.:_i._+----- 32 +- --+---- ~I~I~." - $786 $62,478 20326 Fee Prop' "I.xls 128 533 ....... $39,975 $1,484 $12,800 4 8 0 , :-, $0 $464 DtRECT COSTS (EXCEPT LABO!!) Travel Comlnunications (Postage, Telephone, etc.) ---- Reproduction ~----16(J()- Subcontractors Submiltal Date: ---.I/lIOQ._- - Project No. --...?~~~ Subconsullan!: ----~- Subtask Labor.Hrs. Subtask Labor Cost 110.- --_.!g!9SU 4!J6___. _!~,648 ! 493..._~_~-!36,975 , .~ --_--E,,~6. _"io...... . - $19,720 46 _n_!4,!!~.2- . -----.JQ.. ~ ~ ~ .!9. ~._.....1o. $0 -_._-~ $139,571 --$0 Sublotal ---¡¡¡¡oo ~ ~- $6QO I TOTAL TASK COST L $140,171 I Rev. Date 7/13/00 Mu.ÞATT.. NIJHOL ~N"'~EERS Fee Proposal PROJECT .!lJ~tI'èf1anch Road ---.. CLIENT CilY_lJfTusti~----- Project EXHIBIT F5 Submitlal Date: - 7/1/00- Project No. ~0326.._.- Proj. Oes. £1etaining W~I~- --- Subconsullan!: ---- -- DIRECT LABOR Subtask Subtask Description Classification Principal Supervismy Senior Engineer I Engineer Oesigner Drafter Wmd Graphics Sublask Subtask No. Summary Engineer Engineer Engineer ill II CADD proc.e..-"",- -.----..- Labm.Hrs. Labor Coal -Ããi;;- $175 $t42 $131 $117 $106 --$Tû¡¡-' --$75 $58 $72 ~.- Re~ningW",~. 32 40 19 90 -.--- _11!'-- __.u.~I:'t'~ --.--.---.--..-- ___0__- u- -.-Æ> .-_. 0 ---~ --.---- - u__. _2____.~2.. --------.--- ----~ - - .--.----..-- -.- 2- --_.~- ------_._-~-~-- 0 - .-------- $0 .----- ---. .---- ------ .---- -- -~ --~ - -_.~- ---- ---.. - ------.--- ----- -- - ----Q--- .-.._-~ --- ----_u_--- -. ___no __no .n- .--.------ --2..-- ---~ ---.---.. .__.nnm_..___-..Q....__._-_.~ -----. --.- _...__._---~-_._~ -.-.-.-.. .------ ..---- 0 $0 ---- --- 0 $0 Task Subtolal.Hrs. 0 32 0 40 0 19 90 0 0 ~.- ..............,--""""'"'"'" Task Subtotal.Costs $0 $4,544 $0 $4,680 $0 $1,900 $6,750 $0 $0 "SUPPI,Iõ.MENTAL INFORMATION Subcontractors -------- Cost M&N Admin. --.--.- ---_.- --- -Cost (s%¡ Total .------.. DIRECT COSI§lfXCE~T !.ABQR) ----------....-- $0 $0 $¡¡-----W $O.---W---- $0 $0 Travel $0 Communications (Postage, Telephone, etc -----¡;û- Reproduction --- - ~2- ------------..-.. -.-...-.-- - .--- -------.-...... -------- .----- Subcontractors --$0 Subtotal ~ - L.. $0 I -~====---TolaiSÎórtask ~ $0 $0 TOTAL TASK COST ~7,8741 Rev- Date 7/13/00 20326 Fee Proposal.xls I I MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS Fee Proposal PROJECT Justin RancI1Ro~d,_____. Submittal Date: 7/1/00 CLIENT ~ity.of1iJstin_______.,~ Project EXHIBIT F6 Project No. 20326 Proj. Oes. Project ManagerTiell'-.141\- ------ Subconsultant: DIRECT LABOR Sublask Subtask Description Classificallon Principal Supervisory Senior Engineer Engineer Oesigner Drafter Word Graphics Subtask Subtask No. Summary Engineer Engineer Engineer III II CAOO Processor Labor-Hrs. labor Cost Rate--- ---$17S-- -.$142-.. $131 $117 $106 $100 $75 $58 $72 14A u- Prolect_M_ana!!."rTient_- -.---. ~ 60 --~ -~- ~___~2,9,040 --.,---. .u~.,.. o ~ .--.- --~_..~- --------- --.c_.n____-!"- --" ---------- --,.-._---------- - .J>..- ----_u.J"- -_.----- - . ----. --------- _O._. - ---- m_!"- ----.--'---- ---- -_._~.- -------~"- ---.. -----,._---' .-.----,--------_-.m - o JO ---...---. .------ -~ o ------ .$tJ.. ---- ,---- ._.-,_.__._~~-- o ---$Q -,.----. -- .---..-.-- -.- nO_.__-......!"- --- ..---- ---~ -~ -.---..---'- -.. ,-_Ou__.JO.. o $0 Task Subtolal.Hrs. o 180 o o o o o 60 Task Subtotal.Costs $0 $25,560 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,480 $0 ~: ::~ ~: :t~~: LI: ~ :~~----CO"-.M&NAdm¡n~-- - ~: ¡srl ,---...-----... 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Des. ~nvir()nmental Support Task,16.......____,-- - DlAECT LABOA Subtask ¡Subtask Description No. Summary !Classifi:atiOn Aate 1 jAtlend Meetings -.--"- -- Review Traflic.s.tudL__. ,_L~.~stheti"-'-. 4.vis~alchecks 3 JiI.ttend P~blirn~"tings Principal Engineer $175 Fee Proposal Prolect EXHIBIT F7 Supervisory ~s.eni.or ~ng_in;:+er Engineer Designer E"!J~"'- En~ir1~"'-- _.1Ii --~ -- $142 $131 $117 $106 $100 7 .-+ -2. 2 4 - 5:-j~~~: ~~P=------'----I=-..=t~; ___~IM&N/MBAJoint ---- 7b Review Oralt EIR / Comments -0-.-- ~ ,-IReview oralt Commen~_.._- r,- . 9b ~~~-_. -----"'i>__J"eview Findings &_.c:onsiderations -f2I>- J Review.Comments -.-- --- 12b Meetin!!s (5) Task Subtotal.Hrs, Task Subtotal.Costs "SUPPLEMENTAL IN£9AM~:rION. ¡¡¡¡bcontractors ------. , Cost ., ,-.-, f---------_.---$O -------------.-$0 ------'-----w ---_.-- $0 r-- ..----- To.aisforTask $0 -- 0 $0 M&N Admin. Cost (5%) $0 $0 $0 $0 4 4 4 0.5 2 2 13 48.5 $6,887 Total -- -- $0 ------SÕ- -. ----,...-"--. --~_..!...- -,. ---;- -t---- ---+-- - 3 1 ..=r--¡~~~t---- .---2...--+-- 0 ... $0 13 ..... $1,521 ~:;.:;;'i' "ee ProposaL xis 0 ... $0 $0 0.5 4.5 $597 ~ =--= __3 -_-~:_J4841 1 -~--_.. $317 ' -~'..-J-_1 -_IJ.........._-~ ~----,... ---"---- -_.__--$743 ;-----;~-- --- ::: I .1-'--- -- --- :1-,. -..,-.., ..3_- $342 1 - --~ $576 2 15 $1,952 12 30 $696 $2,160 Dralter CAOD $75 0 6 - $450 ~,_. ..ITT & ...-. .bL EL..,JEAS Submittal Oate: _._7~ Project No. -~~- Subconsultant: Word Processor $58 1 Subtask Labor.Hrs. Subtask Labor Cost Graphics $72 8 2.5 $1,052 --- $311.1 0.5 6 30 42 I _!~.6.2.. DIA.f.CT COSTS (EXCEPT LABOR) Travel $0 Communications (Postage, Telephone, etc '-----'-$0-- Reproduction ==~621- Subcontractors $0 Subtotal ~ ~ L_n $6211 TOTAL TASK COST I $12,33S I Aev. Date 7/18/00 MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS H, RICHARD NEILL Structural Engineer REGISTRATION Civil Engineer, State of California, CE 12590 Structural Engineer, State of California, SE 1342 Civil Engineer, State of Arizona, 19997 Structural Engineer, State of Arizona, 20073 Professional Engineer, Structural Branch, State of Hawaii, 04293 EDUCATION B.S., Mathematics, California State Polytechnic College, 1956 B.S., Engineering, California State Polytechnic College, 1957 Management Practice for Engineering Professional, UCI, 1995 EXPERIENCE Mr. Neill has been involved in railroad grade separation since joining Moffatt & Nichol Engineers in 1957. He was involved in the first two projects that eliminated at-grade crossing under the P.U.C. Grade Separation Priority History Program in 1957-1958. He has been actively involved in this on-going program and grade separation projects over the past 35 years. Mr. Neill has currently prepared and monitored the application for the P.U.C. Grade Separation Priority List Program for several agencies and represented these agencies before the biennial P.u.c. administrative hearings. He is involved with the preparation of joint railroad/agency construction and maintenance agreements, and P.U.C. application for "authority to construct" and delivering railroad requirements. He has been involved in over 40 railroad grade separation projects over the past 40 years. At present, he is involved in seven grade separation projects as project manager, project engineer or independent reviewer. Some of these projects include: Tustin Ranch Road, SCRRA, Tustin, CA Artesia Boulevard, Union Pacific Railroad, Long Beach, CA Jamboree Road, SCRRA, Tustin, CA South Street, Union Pacific Railroad, Long Beach, CA Cook Street Interchange/I-] 0, Southern Pacific Company, Palm Drive, CA Niblick Road, Southern Pacific Co., Paso Robles, CA REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS Consolidated Transportation Corridor, Los Angeles, California Managed the preliminary structure design for the Consolidated Transportation Corridor Project. Working for a Joint Powers Authority, which included the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, and seven corridor cities, was responsible for the structures for roadway and railroad improvements planning project for an 18 mile industrial corridor. Developed alternative solutions, value engineered the designs and snpervised the preparation of the structural construction estimates for the alternatives. These alternatives included 18 roadway/railroad grade separation locations along the project corridor. MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS H, RICHARD NEILL Structural Engineer Page 2 South Street and Artesia Street Grade Separations, Long Beach, California Structural Engineer for the design of a railroad bridge, approach fill retaining walls, a pump station, sound wall and retaining walls. Stage and lengthily construction schedule was required for conventional approach fill retaining walls due to tight right-of-way. Innovative design utilized Mechanical Stabilized Earth (MSE) wall construction and eliminated stage construction of the approaches and the bridge. This resulted in shorter construction schedule and considerable cost saving. Del Amo Grade Separation, Carson, California Project Engineer providing structural design of a grade separation structure over Alameda Street and the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks at Del Amo Boulevard. The project includes geometric design of alternative alignments, design of an urban interchange configuration for traffic handling, local street realignment and railroad relocation. Grove Avenue/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation, Ontario, California Project Manager responsible for the design of a railroad bridge, street realignment, traffic handling detours, railroad shoofly, utility relocation, major stonn drain relocation and intersection modifications. Environmental issues included housing and relocation, hazardous waste materials, and noise studies This project was designed to meet Caltrans standards. Lincoln Avenue Grade Separation, Anaheim, California Project Engineer responsible for developing the concept which upon approval of the City and railroads developed contract documents. The superstructure is multiple precast-prestressed concrete box girders resting on solid wall piers supported on cast-in-drilled hole piling. Crenshaw Avenue Grade Separation, Torrance, California Project Engineer responsible for the design ofthe structural portions of a single track railroad bridge over Crenshaw Boulevard. Grades were achieved by raising of the railroad and lowering the Crenshaw Boulevard grades to accommodate right.of-way, access and drainage. Pier G Avenue, Port of Long Beach, California As Structural Design Engineer provided the structural planning and design of a new transportation corridor (roadway and rail) and a major grade separation within the Port of Long Beach's facility. Mt. Vernon Grade Separation, Colton, California Project Engineer responsible for the structural design which provides a crossing of multiple tracks of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company. The overhead structure is four lanes and 34 feet wide. Western Avenue Grade Separation Highway Structure, Glendale, California Project Engineer responsible for the design of a four lane, I2-span highway structure with pedestrian walkway over the mainline tracks of the Southem Pacific Transportation Company railway. The total length is 748 feet. MEMBERSHIPS American Society of Civil Engineers Structural Engineers Association of Southern California American Concrete Institute, and the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. Society of Military Engineers Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS LLOYD H. JENKINS, P,E, Civil Engineer REGISTRATION Civil Engineer, State of California, C25234 EDUCATION B.S., Civil Engineering, Missouri School of Mines, 1956 EXPERIENCE The focus of Mr. Jenkins' 42 years of civil engineering career has been on public works projects. His background is well rounded in the areas of design and construction management of a wide variety of project types. In design, Mr. Jenkins has managed the design or supervised the design of numerous street and highway projects, airport improvements, grade separations and bridge rehabilitation projects, parking lots, recreation facilities and other infrastructure improvements. In construction, Mr. Jenkins has coordinated the construction of public works and capital improvement projects including airport, highway, park, marine and public building projects. Through this experience he developed expertise in the areas of inspection, surveying, land development and construction management. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS Rose Avenue/101 Interchange Project, Oxnard California Project Engineer for the design of a major highway/freeway grade separation. Design will provide for highway realignment, roadway construction, overcrossing and ramps, grading utility relocation and other elements of work. Madera Road/State Route 118, Simi Valley, California Design Engineer for the freeway ramp design and ramp modifications, surface street modifications, drainage and other civil elements for the interchange improvements. Barranca Parkway Interchange at State Route 133, Irvine, California Design Engineer responsible for design or review of civil elements of this major highway grade separation. Design responsibility also included construction phasing, construction traffic control, freeway striping and guide signs and sign modifications. Queensway Bay Development - Conceptual, Long Beach, California Project Engineer for the civil engineering input in the preparation of proposed shoreline/harbor recreational, commercial development. Work required included the feasibility review of conceptual drawings, translation of the concepts into accurate horizontal, vertical and geometric drawings utilizing our extensive project area data base. TIle project was reviewed for impact upon existing infrastructure. Estimates were provided for all proposed water and landside improvements. Queensway Bay Roadway Improvements, Long Beach, California Project Manager for a roadway project with extensive demolition of roadways, ramp structures and surface improvement and new improvements consisting of roadways, ramps, bridge structure, utilities, drainage and lighting facilities. Included with this work was the preparation of plans and specifications for the relocation of major water mains to accommodate the proposed Queensway Bay Development, removal of existing water facilities and the installation of new mains to serve the immediate and near future developments in the Downtown Shoreline area. "hmo""",,! MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS LLOYD H, JENKINS, P.E. Civil Engineer Page 2 Shoreline Drive Realignment, Long Beach, California Project Engineer for the civil design of a major arterial highway realignment with ramps and structures providing access to downtown Long Beach and major developments. The project includes construction traffic handling, detours and phasing, utility relocation, grading and other major elements of construction. Sepulveda Bonlevard/ Alameda Street to East City Limits, City of Carson, California Project Manager for the design of the street widening and widening of the bridge over Dominquez Channel. The project includes street and bridge widening, utility relocation, retaining wall, drainage, street lighting and other elements of work. Perimeter Roadway Projects, Ventura County Fairgronnds, California Project Engineer for roadway design in conjunction with the Fairgrounds improvement, Surfers' Point and train platform. Downtown Transportation Project, Long Beach, California Previous experience includes involvement in the planning, design and construction of the multi-year transportation project which included the replacement and relocation of all utilities in and around a 12 block downtown area; reconstruction of all the streets and intersections; installation of landscaping and street furniture, bus stops, and total replacement of all traffic signal systems and safety lighting systems. Grove Avenue-Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation, Ontario, California Project Engineer for project which included local street realignment and traffic handling detours, temporary track relocation and utility adjustments, major storm drain design, utility relocation and railroad bridge. South Street and Artesia Street Grade Separations, Long Beach, California Project Manager/Engineer for a combined traffic mitigation project which required a comprehensive study for each of the grade separations requiring close coordination with City Departments and public meetings for presentations and citizen input. Following selection of a preferred alternate, final plans, specifications and estimates were prepared for the grade separation at South Street. The project included extensive utility relocation, concrete railroad structure, mechanically stabilized retaining walls, storm drainage pump station and retention basin, as well as street reconstruction, shoofly and mainline railroad design and spur reconstruction. Downtown Area Streets Program, City of Santa Barbara, California Project Engineer for the project which includes design and construction services for the construction of Phases I & II street improvements and bridge widenings for portions of Carrillo, Haley/Gutierrez, Mission and Garden Streets. Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project, Carls bad, California As Supervisory Engineer, directed the civil engineering design aspects of this multi. facet project. Major project elements included extensive dredging and grading with unique methods of disposal of material, bridge replacements and the roadway realignments, utility relocations and other elements of work . 0,""""." MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS JOSEPH R. JOHNSON, P,E, Senior Civil Engineer / Project Manager REGISTRATION Civil Engineering, California, 52412,1993 Civil Engineering, Utah, 97-348018-2202,1997 Civil Engineering, Arizona, 33898, 1999 Civil Engineering, Colorado, 33706, 1999 Civil Engineering, Oregon, 61225,1999 Civil Engineering, Nevada, 014317,1999 National Council Examiner for Engineer and Survey (NCEES), 17535, 1999 EDUCATION BS, Civil Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, 1987 EXPERIENCE Mr. Johnson has over 13 years experience working in the public and private sectors managing and designing public works. His experience includes transportation program management, design project management, highway, stonn drain and sewer design, freeway interchange geometrics, state freeway design, domestic water line design, site grading and paving plans. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS Route 30, SANBAG, San Bernardino, California Project Manager for Mainline design project. Directed a team of engineers and drafters to complete the design of the Route 30 segment 3 plan, specification and estimate package. Included in Mr. Johnson's design package were all of the plans necessary to construct over 2.5 miles of new fTeeway through Rancho Cucamonga. Segment 3 design included 2 major interchanges with seven additional grade separated crossings. The PS&E package contains the layout sheets, profile sheets, grading plans, drainage plans and profiles, edge drain plans, utility plans, pavement delineation plans, signing plans, retaining wall plans for 6,400 lineal feet of retaining wall construction, soundwall plans for 22,000 lineal feet of soundwall construction, planting and irrigation plans, a traffic signal, lighting and electrical plans, bridge structure plans, and a log of the test boring plans. Responsible for assisting with the actual design on the CADD station, as well as preparing the hydrology report. Newport Avenue/I-215 Interchange, Riverside County, California Project Manager responsible for preparation of the Project Report and final PS&E for reconstruction improvements of the Newport Beach/I-215 Interchange. This work was part of a cooperative agreement between Caltrans and the Riverside County Transportation Department. The project consists of widening Newport Road over 1-215 and realigning the interchange ramps to accommodate future loop ramp construction. The project included all structure and roadway design including bridges, grading, drainage, utility, construction staging and traffic control. All PS&E were prepared to Caltrans standards with their oversight. Development of Civil Infrastructure Project - State Fairgrounds, Lancaster, California Project Manager for the civil improvements of a California State Fairgrounds. Directed staff and assisted in designing the civil improvements of two separate sets of construction bid packages that totaled more than 4.1 million dollars in construction. The design plans contained over 4000 ft of new street, striping, and electrical street lighting design. In addition to the street plans, the fairgrounds design also included 2000 ft of dbl 48-inch CIP storm drain, 140 acres of rough grading, 5000 ft of 16-inch water main, 3500 ft of sewer trunkline, and 2200 ft of 20 wide concrete channel with 5 bridge crossings. The street plans also contained the signalization of one new major intersection. He also assisted with program management services for the City while acquiring project funds from three different federal agencies. .'<>",m.' ,'," MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS JOSEPH R. JOHNSON, P,E. Senior Civil Engineer / Project Manager Page 2 Pomerado Road Rehabilitation Design, Poway, California Project Manager for the rehabilitation project included 10,000 lineal feet of pavement rehabilitation, 2500 ft of street widening with new curb, catch basins, intersections, and sidewalks. The plans also included 2000 ft of new sonndwall, 1100 ft of new retaining walls and 2000 ft of slope regrading. The project required 14 large storm drain cross-culverts to be hydraulically analyzed and reconstructed as part of the rehab/widening project. The total construction is estimated to be 4.0 million dollars. Interchange 1-15 / I-8O, SaIt Lake City, Utah Section Manager for more than 5 kilometers of reconstruction of the 1-15 / 1-80 Interchange. Managed the final geometric design for the revised 1-15/1-80 multilevel interchange based on preliminary geometries provided by UDOT. Corridor Design Manager for the 234 retaining walls and 57 soundwalls project wide. Prepared all of the standard drawings used in designing all of the walls corridor-wide, reviewed and submitted the plans to the design/build contractor. Managed and updated of daily schedules to present man-hour loaded schedules to contractor on a regular basis to demonstrate personnel resources required to meet aggressive submittal schedules for the five design finns. Eastern Transportation Corridor (ETC), Irvine, California Section Manager for 4.4 miles of new toll road design in an accelerated design.build contract. Managed and oversaw design staff for highway, structure overcrossings, arterials, toll collection plazas, drainage, permits, and utility location plans. Highway design plans included sophisticated toll collection facilities and corridor operating systems. Toll road design also consisted of completed noise, aesthetic, groundwater, and geometric studies. Coordinated the freeway design, design schednles, permit schedules and Request for Information (RFIs) responses. Prepared Value Engineering Studies with the Construction Segment Manager. Measure D - Freeway Improvement Program - Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG), Santa Barbara, California Project Engineer for the program management and construction management of six of fifteen highway improvement projects on the Measure D Highway Program with a construction value of $140 million. Four of the six projects included major interchange reconstruction over Highway 101 and SPRR Tracks. Monitored agencies and consultants through preliminary project development, environmental clearance, design engineering and construction. Provided review and oversight for Caltrans preliminary engineering and environmental documents, consultant engineering contracts, PS&E packages and contractor construction projects. Provided construction management for all SBCAG construction projects. Los Angeles and Orange County Highway and Drainage Improvement Projects, California Civil Engineer for highway and street design, roadway widening, flood control projects and grading plans. Bridge widening and sewer plans for Orange County Department of Public Works. Projects were designed using the Cogo PC, AutoCAD computer software, Super Project Expert and Primavera Management scheduling software. He also designed the storm drain plans for Academy Road in Sanger, California, freeway interchange geometrics for the 55/73 freeway interchange for Caltrans, and grading plans for many residential sites in the City of Anaheim. Prepared numerous transportation reports. Conducted a traffic impact study for the City of Westlake and a circulation element for the Environmental Impact Report for the City of Grand Terrace in San Bernardino County. Designed numerous traffic signals in the counties of Los Angeles and Orange using AutoCAD. MEMBERSHIPS American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) American Public Works Association (APW A) ".""",", MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS ARUN K. JAIN, S,E. Structural Engineer REGISTRATION Structural Engineer, State of California, No. S2299 Civil Engineer, State of California, No. 26247 EDUCATION M.S., Civil Engineering, University of California, Davis, 1971 B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Jodhpur, India, 1969 EXPERIENCE Mr. Jain performs in the capacity of Project Manager/Engineer, Structural Engineer and Design Engineer on many of the finns bridge and grade separation projects where he directs the project's daily activity and participates in the design. He is experienced in the design of all types of bridges including: steel, concrete bridges (rigid frames or box), prestressed concrete bridges (pretensioned or post-tensioned); simple spans or continuous; and precast or cast. in-place, straight or curved. From 1971 until 1977, he was employed by both engineering and construction finns on the design of a wide range of structures including residential, commercial and military buildings, high-rise structures, highway bridges, aircraft maintenance docks, tall guy towers and pile foundations. His experience includes numerous projects for Caltrans, various cities, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Air Force and Navy. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS SR-55/ SR-I Interchange Improvement Project Engineer responsible for the structural design of the Newport Channel Bridge widening and replacement ofthe SR55/SRI separation. Newport Channel Bridge was widened by using precast prestressed voided units with cast-in-place coveTable slabs. The superstructure is supported by precast prestressed concrete piling. The SR55/SRI separation structure was replaced by a two-span cast-in- place, post-tensioned box girder bridge supported on concrete piling. While currently under construction, Mr. Jain is also providing construction support service for the structure components of the project. His responsibilities include attending meetings, respond to RFI's, and make revisions as necessary to suit field conditions. Rose Avenue / SR 101 Interchange Improvements Responsible for the design of a 200 meter long Type-1 retaining wall supported on piles and an alternative Mechanically Stabilized Earth wall (MSE wall). The project also includes replacements of existing Rose Avenue / SR 101 separation and new ramps and is currently under construction. Mr. Jain is providing construction support service for the structure components of the project. His responsibility include attend meetings as needed, respond to RFI's and make revisions as necessary to suit field conditions. South Street and Artesia Street Grade Separations, Long Beach, California Structural Engineer for the design of a railroad bridge, approach fill retaining walls, a pump station, soundwall and retaining walls. Stage and lengthily construction schedule was required for conventional approach fill retaining walls due to tight right-of-way. Innovative design utilized Mechanical Stabilized Earth (MSE) wall construction and eliminated stage construction of the approaches and the bridge. This resulted in shorter construction schedule and considerable cost saving. u"'""", MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS ARUN K. JAIN, S,E Structural Engineer Page 2 Grove Avenue-Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation, Ontario, California Responsible for the design of the bridge and approximately 250 feet of reinforced concrete single and double box culvert. The project included local street realignment and traffic handling detours, temporary track relocation and utility adjustments, major storm drain design, utility relocation and railroad bridge. State Route 55, 17th Street to State Route 22, Orange County, California Project Engineer responsible for the structural design for the widening of SR55. Project includes replacement of three overcrossings and approximately 7200 feet of sound walls, adding mixed flow and auxiliary lanes, and widening HaY buffer. Pacific Coast Highway Widening, Orange County, California Project Engineer responsible for the design, including preparation ofPS&E for widening Pacific Coast Highway (Route I) between Orange and Brookhurst Streets in Huntington Beach. The project included replacement of the Santa Ana River Bridge and a new bridge over the Greenville-Banning Channels. Washiugton Street Bridge Widening, Colton, California Structural Engineer responsible for the design of adding one lane to each side of a four lane, 300-foot, four span, cast-in-place with reinforced concrete "T" beam bridge. Design upgrades are to new seismic design standards. State Route 55 Interchange/John Wayne Airport, Orange County, California Structural Engineer responsible for the structures to the existing 1-405/55 Freeway Interchange to provide direct access to the airport. An overcrossing of the I O-lane 1.405 Freeway, new local roadway systems and structures connecting the Costa Mesa Freeway to John Wayne Airport were critical elements oftbe project. Bake Parkway/I-5 Interchange Improvements, California Design Engineer responsible for the structural design of the 1-5/1-405 and Bake Parkway 1.5 Interchanges. Project work includes design oftbe Bake Parkway Overcrossing, Route 405/5 separation, Bake Parkway offramp overcrossing, Irvine Center Drive offramp overcrossing and HaY ramp overcrossing. PS&E were prepared to Caltrans Standards and Specifications with review and approval from aCTA, Caltrans DOS, and Caltrans District 12. The superstructure is a cast-in-place post-tensioned box girder supported on bigh single column bents. Barranca Parkway Interchange and Alton Parkway Overcrossing, Irvine, California Structural Engineer responsible for the preliminary engineering and preparation of final plans, specifications and cost estimates for the Barranca Parkway Interchange and Alton Parkway Overcrossing on Route 133 in Irvine. Project included geometric design of a modified partial cloverleaf intercbange (tbree diamond, one loop and two book ramps), and design of three freeway overcrossing structures. Haven Avenue Interchange, Ontario, California Project Engineer responsible for the design and preparation ofPS&E to modify the existing partial cloverleaf interchange on Interstate 10 at Haven Avenue. The project included revising the ramp configuration and adding a new overcrossing structure adjacent to the existing overcrossing. Tbe new overcrossing structure is a separate four-lane bridge designed to carry northbound Haven Avenue traffic and span the ultimate ten-lane freeway on Route 10. MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS WEI-KUNG HSIA, P,E, Structural Engineer REGISTRATION Civil Engineer, State of California, C502l0 Civil Engineer, State of Arizona, 25316 Civil Engineer, State of Nevada, 11633 Civil Engineer, State of New Mexico, 12946 EDUCATION M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Arizona, 1986 B.S., Civil Engineering, Tamkang University, 1981 EXPERIENCE Mr. Hsia's professional career includes more than 13 years of experience as a structural engineer. He serves in the capacity of chief structural engineer on many of the firms bridge and highway projects. His duties include project coordination and management design, and Quality Assurance and/ Quality Control. REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE SR231 Transportation Corridors, Orange Connty, California Senior Structural Engineer for the Eastern Transportation Corridor - a Design-Build tollway. The requirements for this project included reviewing the structure design according to tbe Transportation Corridor Agency (TCA) Two-Level Seismic and Caltrans Criteria; Material Report; constructibility; and coordinating design requirements per Cities and Railroads. In order to control bridge impairment and displacement under lower level seismic event, Mr. Hsia provided direction and review of Base Isolation Design. Structures included post-tensioned box girder bridges, MSE wall, steel arch culvert, toll plaza and utility tunnel. US 6O/Loop 101 Traffic Interchange, Tempe, Arizona Chief Structure Engineer for a four level, fully directional freeway-to-fTeeway traffic interchange which includes four miles of new freeway and six miles of new ramps, 20 bridge structures, three storm water pumping stations, two 1,200-foot-long road tunnels and noise/retaining walls. Responsibilities included utility coordination, QC final PS&E of phase II & III packages, PS&E of additional five bridges due to tunnel realignment, alternative alignment cost estimate, and preparing public meetings. Mr. Hsia was also involved in construction staging and support. Addition ofHOV Lanes to 1-405, Los Angeles Connty, California Design Engineer for PS&E bridge documents for construction ofHOV lanes on the 1-405 from 1-710 to I- 110 for Caltrans. This project involved the construction of six miles of HOV lanes, including a CHP enforcement area, analysis and design of the freeway-to-freeway connectors, soundwalllayout, eight bridge widening and modifications to existing on- and off-ramps in Los Angeles County for Caltrans, District 7. Duties include QC, supervising engineers and CADD technicians for the final PS&E, and preparing project files for field engineer. Bridge superstructure types include cast-in-place concrete, precast concrete slabs and "I" girders, and steel composite plate girders. While preparing PS&E for the widening, all bridges were also being seismically retrofitted to conform with Caltrans' most recent seismic standards. """',,,} MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS WEI-KUNG HSIA, P.E. Structural Engineer Page 2 SR91/57 Interchange Modification, Orange County, California Independent checker for the nO-foot-long HOV viaduct, connecting the SR 91 and SR 57 HOV lanes. He was also responsible for the ] 800-foot-long retaining wall design and layout. This $68-million Measure M project involved seven bridges, soundwalls and retaining walls, and staged construction. Addition of "Express Toll Lanes" and HOV Lanes to SR91, Orange County, California Project Engineer for the Design.Build and Construction Support of a private toll road in Orange County, California on State Route 9]. Duties include the final PS&E of three structure design and construction services. Bridge types include post-tensioned box girder, staged rigid frame, and temporary steel bridge. Plans were prepared on an accelerated schedule, requiring the cooperation between Caltrans, OCT A, and the city of Anaheim. Construction support includes reviewing offalsework and shop drawings; preparing change orders; investigating of H-pile and concrete pile driving failure; inspection of soil nail wall, tieback wall, and filter fabric MSE wall; inspection and approval of yard stock material before erection. Mr. Hsia performed all the coordination and communications between the contractor (Granite Construction), CPTC and Caltrans DOS. 1-880 (Cypress) Reconstruction Project, Oakland, California Project Engineer for the seismic design and construction of three viaducts connecting the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Bridge to I.880, a major transportation link to the East Bay and the surrounding cities. Seven segments were involved in this project including two Caltrans divisions and five separate consulting firms. This $695-million project called for re-building of3.8 miles ofI-880 along a route west of the original freeway, from Martin Luther King Jr. Way to 1.80 north of the Bay Bridge as well as a 1.3- mile I.880 connector to the Bay Bridge, enabling traffic traveling in the opposite directions between East Bay and San Francisco to be separate. Widening ofI-5 Transitway, Orange County, California Structural Engineer responsible for the 3-D finite element analysis of a 900-foot-long, l30.foot-wide, highly skewed, post-tensioned box girder bridge. The exterior girders were designed to supported two ramp bridge ends. Design procedures follow Caltrans' design guidelines. Duties included leading a team of engineers and technicians in the timely completion of this accelerated project as well as providing 3D bridge geometric layout. PUBLICATIONS "Double Angle Connection Moments", M.S. Thesis, The Department of Civil Engineering, University of Arizona, 1986. "Moment Rotation Curve of Double Framing Angles ", Material and Member Behavior Proceedings of August 1987. "Derived Moment Rotation Curves for Double Framing Angles ", Proceeding of the Third International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing of September, ] 987. ",,",',," MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS WALLACE SCOTT WHIPPLE Construction Specifier EDUCATION Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Apprentice School, 1956 Specifications Seminars/Courses of CSI and ITS, 1988 Construction Documents Technologist Certificate, CSI, 1987 EXPERIENCE Mr. Whipple serves Moffatt & Nichol Engineers as Construction Specifier, developing or assisting with the development of, material take-offs and estimates; editing of client standard specifications and the development of project unique specifications, which often require blending various client and agency Standards to produce specifications for multi-agency projects. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS ~ John Wayne Airport SR-55 ramps and elevated roadway for parking and departure access; Orange County, California+ ~ Batiquitos Wetlands Restoration, including replacement of two concrete bridges+; Carlsbad, California ~ Repair Wooden Pier and Life Guard Tower; Seal Beach, California ~ Gerald Desmond Bridge seismic retrofit, widening, and repainting; Port of Long Beach, Califomia ~ Lake dredging and restoration, Orange County Environmental Management Agency; Orange County, California ~ Bridge and roadway widening projects (15) + ~ Storm Drain Pump Station projects (5) ~ Railroad crossing grade separations (4) + ~ Bridge construction with roadway improvements (II) + ~ Seismic retrofit of existing bridges: + California Department of Transportation (23) Los Angeles County, Department of Public Works (7) City of San Bernardino City of Pasadena MEMBERSHIPS Construction Specifications Institute + Specifications to Caltrans Standards MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS RALPH G, HANSON Cost/Schedule Eugiueer EDUCATION B.S., Civil Engineering, 1968, Louisiana Polytechnic Institute EXPERIENCE Mr. Hanson joined Moffatt & Nichol Engineers in 1991 bringing over twenty years of experience in the construction industry. Mr. Hanson's responsibilities have included cost estimating, cost and schedule control, assistant superintendent, field engineer, and project manager for a variety of projects ranging in value from I million to over 1 billion dollars. His project experience inclndes pump stations, commercial and institutional buildings, petrochemical facilities, and mining projects. Throughout Mr. Hanson's responsibilities in the construction and engineering disciplines, construction management best describes his overall experience. Early field work on construction projects introduced sound business practices with his engineering background. The need to constantly be reminded of the dollar impact to any decision has prompted a keen desire to control costs, budget and resources for both internal and external clients. Mr. Hanson is currently supporting civil, coastal and public works projects utilizing automated estimating and project control techniques including Microsoft Project, Primavera, and other internal accounting systems. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS Mr. Hanson has been responsible for project estimating, scheduling, project control, and construction support services as required for numerous projects including the following: + Queensway Bay Development Plan, + Long Beach Retail Center, Long Beach, Long Beach, California California + Pier A Site Development, Port of Long + Alameda Consolidated Transportation Beach, California Corridor, LA County, California + Doris Coast Pump Station, Redondo, + Ventura Pier, Ventura, California California + Guam Breakwater, Guam + Pump Station No. 9037, Long Beach, + Pier J Breakwater, Port of Long Beach, California California + Sepulveda Blvd. Widening, Carson, + Batiquitos Lagoon Restoration, Calsbad, California California + Del Amo Blvd. Grade Separation, Carson, + Bolsa Chica Wetlands, Huntington Beach, California California North Slope Oil Project, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska Cost control for project support services of field and main office, approximate value $500 million of a $1.6 billion project. Hughes EDSG Facility - EI Segundo, California Budget, cost and schedule control for $300 million manufacturing/laboratory/office building complex. Accomplishments included designing and implementing a budget reporting system to handle a complicated project from conceptual plans to build out which included specialized tenant improvement facilities. West Coast Operations, Los Angeles, California Supervisor of Cost Engineering Department of major general contractor, annual volume of work in place over $100 million. MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS GEE L. LIM, P,E, Civil Engineer REGISTRATION Civil Engineer, California, C464 10, 1990 EDUCATION MSCE, Civil Engineering, Texas Tech University, 1986 BSCE, Civil Engineering, Texas Tech University, 1984 EXPERIENCE Mr. Lim has over 13 years of civil design experience and has been performing in the capacity of civil engineer for Moffatt & Nichol Engineers since 1990. His responsibilities include hydraulic analysis, demolition plan, grading plan, street plan, geometry configuration of interchange altematives, project study reports, project reports and right-of-way analysis. Other responsibilities include dredging plan layout, dredge volumes and areas analysis, wetland mitigation plan and hydrographic surveys analysis. REPRESENT A TIVE PROJECTS Rolling Oaks Drive Extension Study, Thousand Oaks, California Project Engineer responsible for preparing the plan and profile configurations of six alternatives for a roadway extension through hilly terrain on an expedited time schedule. The study required analysis of environmental impacts, traffic projection, right-of-way, safety and cost estimates. Queensway Bay Improvement Plans, Long Beach California Civil Engineer responsible for the civil design of the major highway realignment of Queensway, Shoreline Drive, ramps and structures for downtown Long Beach. Design responsibilities included roadway improvement, demolition, grading, traffic handling detours, construction staging, storm drain, sewer, hydrology and hydraulic analysis. Jamboree RoadtRoute 405, City ofIrvine, California Civil Engineer for the Jamboree Road overcrossing widening at Route 405 in the City of Irvine. He is responsible for preparation of geometric approval drawing, utility layout, construction staging plan, and right.of.wayanalysis Artesia Boulevard/UPRR Grade Separation, City of Long Beach, California Civil Engineer responsible for the geometry configurations for different alternatives, construction staging plans, traffic detour plans, utility relocation plans, temporary and permanent UPRR track relocation plans. Sepulveda Boulevard Widening, City of Carson, California Civil Engineer responsible for the street improvement plans and utility layout. South StreetJUPRR Grade Separation, City of Long Beach, California Civil Engineer for the civil design of local street realignment and improvement plan. Design responsibilities included roadway design, traffic handling detours, utility relocation plans, construction staging, temporary and permanent UPRR track relocation. Route 10ltRose Avenue Interchange, City of San Buenaventura, California Perfonned in the capacity of Civil Engineer for Route 10 I /Rose Avenue Interchange in the City of San Buenaventura. His responsibilities included geometry configuration of interchange alternatives, Project Study Report, Project Report, geometric approval drawing and fact sheet. Route 101/Rice AvenuelHighway I Interchange, City of Oxnard, California Civil Engineer for Route IOI/Rice Avenue/Highway 1 Interchange in the City of Oxnard. Mr. Lim's responsibilities included geometry configurations for interchange alternatives, right-of-way analysis and Project Study Report. Pier G Avenue Overhead, Port of Long Beach, California Civil Engineer responsible for the utility plan for Pier G Avenue Overhead project in the Port of Long Beach. DOUGLAS R, BELL Principal Engineer Geotechnical Engineering Earthquake Engineering EDUCATION McGill University, BSCE, 1980 REGISTRATION: California Civil Engineer No. C40516 California Geotechnical Engineer No. GE2140 Employer TIN 91-1641772 REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE Geotechnical Engineering Mr. Bell has been involved with the geotechnicai engineering of numerous projects involving heavy civil construction, commercial and industrial development, roadways, bridges, water reservoirs, pipelines, and hydraulic structures. His work has included detailed settlement analysis, development of recommendations for shallow and deep foundation systems, slope stability analysis, and evaluation of lateral earth pressures for shoring and permanent wall structures. Mr. Bell has also been involved with analysis of steady state and transient seepage conditions for dams and flood control levees. His work has also included forensic study of foundation distress of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. Earthquake Engineering Mr. Bell's experience in earthquake engineering includes several seismic studies for hospitals and other critical facilities prepared for review by the California Office of State Architect. His experience also includes numerous seismic risk studies for commercial and industrial developments, and transportation facilities. Earthquake analyses carried out for these studies include evaluation of peak and probable earthquake motions, formulation of site specific response spectra, detailed liquefaction analysis, and risk assessment. ~ AGRA @ R"yd,d P'p" Douglas R. Bell Transportation/Rail Transportation/Rail Mr. Bell has conducted numerous geotechnical studies for transportation projects conducted for state, county, and city agencies. These studies have included all geologic, seismic, and geotechnical data and recommendations necessary for foundation design in accordance with State of California Department of Transportation (Caitrans) procedures. A partial list of representative projects on which Mr. Bell has served as Project Engineer or Project Manager is presented below. Highland Avenue Grade Separation - Fullerton, California: Geotechnical design recommendations for the Highland Avenue/BNSF Railroad Grade Separation. Proposed improvements consisted of depressing the existing Highland Avenue roadway about 20 feet and constructing a single-span bridge. Cantilever and tie-back retaining walls were required to accommodate proposed grade changes and protection of existing improvements. Proposed construction also included a pump station for storm water drainage and a temporary shoofly. South Street and Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation - Long Beach, California: A foundation study was performed for an 100 foot long, two-span bridge to carry railroad traffic over South Street. This grade separation was accomplished by raising the existing grade at the bridge structure to a height of about 17 feet and by lowering existing South Street by a depth of approximately 6 feet. In addition to foundations, the scope of work included mechanically stabilized embankment (MSE) and cast-in-place (ClP) retaining walls. Recommendations were also provided for a pump station at the northeast comer of the South StreetlUPRR Grade Separation for temporary storage of drainage water. Other design considerations included local seismicity of the site. Victoria Avenue Undercrossing Replacement - State Route 101 - San Buenaventura, California: Foundation and Materials Report for replacement of the Victoria Avenue undercrossing of State Route 101 and improvements to the existing interchange. The project included construction of a two-span bridge structure, realignment of on and off ramps, widening of Victoria Avenue, and construction of retaining walls. Recommendations were provided for driven concrete and cast-in-steel-shell piles for bridge and retaining wall foundations. Recommendations were also provided for fill embankment surcharge and settlement periods, and pavement design. State Route 138 Widening - Phase 2 - San Bernardino County, California: Geotechnical Design Report for the widening and realignment of a portion of State Route 138 east of Interstate 15. The project included replacement of the existing two lane roadway with a four lane alignment. The proposed roadway grading involved cut slopes up to 160 feet in height and fill slopes up to 70 feet In height. Recommendations were provided for slope grading which addressed gross, surficial, and dynamic stability of cut and fill slopes. The report also addressed excavation rippability, shrinkage factors, soil corrosivity, and culvert foundation conditions. {t AGRA W.""'",",C.CC"^,W'."'C", @ Recy"'d P'pee Douglas R. Bell Transportation/Rail Transportation/Rail San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor - Orange County, California: Completion of foundation studies as part of the Design/Build contract for a 17 mile tollway in southern Orange County. The project included a total of over 70 bridge structures and 65 retaining walls, and involved review of existing data, field exploration, analysis and design of foundations, and liaison with designers and review agencies (Caltrans, Corridor Design Management Group). State Route 91/State Route 57 Interchange Improvements - Anaheim/Placentia, California: Foundations and Materials Reports forthe construction of a HOV Viaduct Connector, replacement of five bridges and widening of one undercrossing. The project also included freeway widening and construction of 31 retaining and/or soundwalls. Upper Oso Reservoir Bridge, Foothill Transportation Corridor - Orange County, California: Foundation study for twin bridges, approximately 1540 feet in length, at the downstream toe of the Upper Oso Dam. The project included slope stability analysis of weak siltstone bedding below approach fills, analysis and remedial design for downdrag forces on deep pile foundations, and evaluation of pile driving effects on the existing Upper Oso Dam. Avenida de las Banderas Interchange, Foothill Transportation Corridor - Orange County, California: Geotechnical study of approximately 6,000 feet of the Foothill Transportation Corridor through hilly terrain in south Orange County, California. Work included slope stability analysis of proposed cut and fill slopes up to approximately 180 feet in height and foundation recommendations for the Avenida de las Banderas Overcrossing. Interstate 5 - Route 55 Interchange - Orange County, California: Foundation studies for four bridge structures up to 1830 feet in length. The assignment included settlement analysis of bridge approach fills and pile groups. Pacific Coast Highway (Route 1) overthe Santa Ana River - Orange County, California: Work included off shore drilling exploration, recommendations for cofferdam construction, and evaluation of historic scour conditions within the Santa Ana River and adjacent drainage channels. John Wayne Airport and Route 55 Access Bridges - Orange County, California: Geotechnical study for airport access ramps and bridges. The work included evaluation of slope stability of approach fills during construction, recommendations for staging of grading construction, and design of deep foundations and soil anchors. South E Street Bridge over the Santa Ana River - San Bernardino, California: Foundation investigation for eight span bridge over the Santa Ana River including detailed seismic and liquefaction analysis. 0 AGRA @ R"y,'ed Pepe' DOUGLAS R, BELL Continuing Education Employment Record CONTINUING EDUCATION California State Polytechnic University at Pomona Slope Stability Course, 1988 Texas A&M University, Pile Driving Analysis and Shaft Integrity Testing, 1987 University of Southern California, Liquefaction Analysis, 1991 EMPLOYMENT RECORD 1985 - present 1981 - 1985 AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. (formerly Moore & Taber) BBT Consultants Ltd. ~ AGRA * Recycled P'pe, KAREN J. RAUCH PRINCIPAL EDUCATION B.S. Landscape Architecture, University of Kentucky Registered Landscape Architect - 1983 Licensed in California, Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, Kentucky, Nevada PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Themed Entertainment Association EOS Institute, Member International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions Women in Design, Los Angeles HONORS AlA Merit Award for Davis Residence, 1987 FNGA Award for Loxahatchee Club Model Facility, 1985 ASLA, Texas Chapter Merit Award, 1992 RESPONSIBILITIES AND QUALIFICATIONS As a principal with the firm, Ms. Rauch has over seventeen years of professional experience managing a wide range of landscape architectural, land planning, and urban design projects. The scale, complexity, and diversity of these projects has provided a broad range of experience and expertise designing mixed use developments, transportation projects, country club and equestrian facilities, residential community plans, office developments, office parks, retail centers, health care facilities, and entertainment and leisure facilities. These projects have included renovating existing sites as well as designing new sites. Geographically, Ms. Rauch has been involved with projects ranging throughout the world and is licensed to practice landscape architecture in California, Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, Nevada and Kentucky. Specific projects that Ms. Rauch has managed or provided significant contribution include: 'Bob Hope, Frank Sinatra, Dinah Shore, and Monterey Ave. Medians, Rancho Mirage, CA 'Highway 111 Widening and Median Improvements, Rancho Mirage, CA .Firestone Boulevard Improvements, Norwalk, CA .Jamboree Road Widening Improvements at I 405, Irvine, CA -Mainstreet Revitalization, San Bernardino, CA -Mainstreet Revitalization, Yuma, Parker, Show Low, Apachee Junction, AZ 'Pan Western Aviation Center and Hangar, Orange County Airport, CA -General Aviation Center, Torrance Airport, Torrance, CA 'Torrance Airport Park, Torrance, CA -Back Bay Gardens Restoration, Costa Mesa, CA -U.S. Navy Building 14 and Site Renovation, Port Hueneme, CA 'Building 630 Renovation, Miramar Naval Air Station, San Diego, CA 'U.S. Naval Construction Battalion Center, Port Hueneme, CA -Sorrento Office/Industrial Complex, San Diego, CA -Shell Oil Companies, Site Renovation, Throughout CA -Unocal Oil Companies, Site Renovation, Throughout Hawaii and California -Ethan Allen Store Renovation, Throughout California -Mall of Orange Renovation, Orange, CA 'V A Hospital Radiation Therapy Addition, Long Beach, CA -V A Medical Center Laboratory Addition, Sepulveda, CA -Center for Regenerative Studies, California Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA -Harry S. Truman Middle School, Fontana, CA -Norwalk Social Services Center, Norwalk, CA 'Sheikh Coast Resort, Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt 'Renaissance Center, Victorville, CA -Stewart Plaza, Upland, CA -San Bernardino Auto Plaza, San Bernardino, CA -Islander Resort, Erikub, Marshall Islands 'Riviere D'Azur, Bull Head City, AZ -Rainberry of West Boca, Master Planned Community, Boca Raton, FL -The Delray Psychiatric Hospital, Delray Beach, FL The landscape has changed f I 1252 Foothill Blvd Santa Ana, CJ\ 92705 714.508.9080 fax.714.508.9937 ~!=~ Kimley.Horn and Associates, Inc. Herman Basmaciyan, P.E. Herman Basmaciyan, a Vice President ofKimley-Hom, is a senior transit, transportation, and traffic planner/engineer with more than 35 years of experience in multimodal transportation systems. He has managed and contributed to a broad range of projects involving transit operations and planning, demand modeling and forecasting, project planning and prioritization, economic/financial analysis, traffic engineering, and transportation/land use interrelationships. Education - Master ofScÌence in Civil Engineering, University of Virginia, 1962 - Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Robert College, 1960 - Numerous Short Courses in Transportation and Tmffic Engineering Previous Experience - Principal, Basmaciyan-Damell, Inc., Irvine, CA 1978-1992 - Principal, Herman Basmaciyan and Associates, Newport Beach, CA 1976-1978 - Senior Associate, VfN Corporation, Irvine, CA, "nd Bellevue, WA 1971-1976 - Senior Transportation Planning Engineer, DeLeuw, Cather and Company, San Francisco, CA 1970-1971 - Advisory Analyst, Service Bureau Corporation (then a subsidiary of IBM), Palo Alto, CA 1967-1970 - Director, Puget Sound Regional Transportation Study, Seattle, WA 1962-1967 - Research Assistant, Virginia Council of Highway Research, Charlottesville, VA 1960-1962 Registration - Professional Engineer in California (civil and traffic), Arizona, Florida, and Washington Professional Organizations - Institute of Transportation Engineers - American Society of Civil Engineers . RESUMES AND QUALIFICATIONS OF PROJECT PERSONNEL !Derek J. McGregor, P.E., P.L.S~ Professional Registration: Civil Engineer, State of California Land Surveyor, State of California Civil Engineer, State of Nevada Land Surveyor, State of Nevada Education; Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering Southern Illinois University Associate in Applied Science, Construction Technology Lincoln Land College Affiliations: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) American Public Works Association (APWA) Future Scientists & Engineers (FSAE) Civil Engineers & Land Surveyors ofCalifomia (CELSOC) American Water Works Association (A WW A) Friends ofUCr Civil Engineering Calitòmia Land Surveyors Associa~ion (CLSA) Experience: Mr. McGregor has twenty (20) years of public works e":perience. He is very knowledgeable of building and construction standards, and has extensive experience in assisting public agency in the planning, design and development of public works. He has overseen local agency contracts with the County of Orange, Rancho Santa Margarita Water District and the Trabuco Canyon Water District. He is a ten-year local resident Md current director with SAMLARC. DMc ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING, SURVEYING AND PLANNING SERVICES AppeJ11)ix D Scope of W Of' 1t 0+ T,.~ffl~ 0+ S14r'V~11 / '0,. ~¡"~5~ 0+ la"bs~~1'~ 0+ G~øt~~J1"¡~~l TRAFFIC 04/];\/99 lTE 09:46 FAX ï149389488 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOC. [i!J ()O2 EXHIBIT "B" KIMLEY-HOR.."J SCOPE OF SERVICES The fonowing proposed scope of services addresses three general traffic engineering aspects of the design project: I. 2. 3. 4. Street lighting plans; Traffic signing/striping plans; Signal design plans; and Traffic control plans. Task 1 - Street Li!!:htine: Using base maps to be prepared by Moffatt & Nichol showing proposed street improvements and utilities, Kimley-Horn will prepare street lighting design plans including the fol1owing featmes: pole and foundation location/details; conduit and pull box layout; and service feed points and cable sizing. Street lighting plans will be prepared under City standards for applying City-selected light fixtures. Design of street lighting assumes that Southern California Edison (SCE), through its franchise agreement with the City of Tustin, will prepare appropriate conductor sizes and schedules. Kimley-Horn will utilize this circuitry information to be provided by SCE to size conduit and pun boxes for street light fixtures. Utility information on base mapping to be provided to Kimley-Horn is expected to show electrical vaults to be used as service drop points. This proposal assumes that the City will document fixture and pole type, mounting height, and luminaire/lens requirements. Given 1" = 20' scale requirements, street light plans for approximately 4,000 feet of new ro¡¡.dway on Tustin Ranch Road and 1,200 feet of Loop Road approach win require six (6) 24" x 36" plan sheets using over-and-under plan sheet layout. No street lighting work will be required on Edinger, . While the Scope of Services for the preparation of Moffatt & Nichol and Kimley-Hom do not include the preparation of street lighting plans on Edinger A venue, it may be decided during the course of the design that soffit lights under Tustin Ranch Road Bridge should be provided. If soffit lights are needed under the bridge, Kimley-Horn will assist Moffatt & Nichol in the preparation of soffit lighting plans, Task 2 - Traffic Silffiin!!/Stripin!!: Using similar base mapping as to be prepared for Task 1 by Moffatt & Nichol, traffic control devices and pavement markings will be designed by Kimley-Hom for this project. Caltrans and Orang~ county EMA standards will be utilized in the preparation of these designs v.'Ìth items to be shown to include: . pavement markings (lanes, arrows, crosswalks); '. 04/1:\/9Ð TUE 09:4ï FAX ï149389488 KBILEY /lORN AND ASSOC. I4J 00.1 Given I" = 20' scale requirements, traffic signing and striping plans for 4,000 feet of new roadway and 3,600 feet of Edinger and Walnut approaches will require eight (8) 24" x 36" plan sheets using over-and-under plan sheet layout. Task 3 - SÍ!!Dal Desie:n Using thc same base mapping as to be provided by Moffatt & Nichol in Tasks I and 2, Kimley- Horn will prepare traffic signal design plans for: Tustin Ranch Road/loop ramp (new signal) Tustin Ranch RoadlWalnut (modification) Tustin Ranch RoadN alencia (new signal) Edinger/loop ramp (new signal) Design plans wi1\ be prepared at 1" = 20' scale using Caltrans and City of Tustin standards and format. Redesign of the Tustin Ranch Road/Walnut signal is on the assumption that the City wi1\ supply base mapping and as-builts of the existing design to Kimley-Hom. Field verification of existing wlderground equipment is not anticipated as part of redesign efforts. Controller timing is not included in this proposal. Task 4 - Traffic Control Using similar base mapping as to be prepared for Task I by Moffatt & Nichol, traffic control plans will be prepared by Ki1111ey-Horn for this project. Caltrans standards will be utilized in the preparation of these designs with items shown to include: . Temporary pavement markings Temporary signing (regulatory, warning); and information/directional as appropriate, Up to seven (7) 24" x 36" plan sheets will be prepared using I" = 40' for the preparation of the traffic control plans, We anticipate the following: Phase 1: Temporarily reduce traffic to one lane in each direction on either the eastbound or westbound directions on Edinger Avenue to erect the false work beams (2 stages). Phase 2: Reduce traffic to two (2) lanes in each direction on Edinger Avenue to make room for false work (I stage). . Traffic control plans on Tustin Ranch and Walnut Avenue for the construction of new leg on Tustin Ranch road south of Walnut Avenue, 04/13/99 TUE 09:47 FAX 7149389488 KBILEY HORN AND ASSOC. ~()()~ --. Task 5 - Miscellaneous Activities Kimley-Hom wi\! prepare special provisions for items designed in Tasks 1,2 and 3 as determined necessary by Kimley-Hom. The special provisions wi1l include bid tabs for items designed in Tasks 1,2, and 3. Kimley-Horn will prepare a list of quantities and an estimate of prob¡¡ble construction costs in support ofthe total bid package prepared by Moffatt & Nichol. Draft Special Provisions will be submitted with 60%, 90%, and final design submittals for the entire project. Kimley-Hom wi\! attend up to five (5) project meetings with City staff and/or design team staff during the course of this project. KlMLEY-HORN SCHEDULE Kimlcy-Horn ",ill complete efforts in Tasks 1,2, and 3 based upon the follo",ing submittal schcdule: 30% design- Completed within 30 working days of receipt of "'.Titten notice-to- proceed together with prescribed base mapping 60% design - Completed within 20 working days of receipt of resolved comments on 30% submittal 90% design- Completed within 15 working days of receipt ofresolved comments on 60% submittal 100% design- special provisions Completed within 15 working days of receipt of resolved comments on 90% submittal KIMLEY -HORN DELIVERABLES Kimley-Horn will provide one set of reproducible originals for each submittal to Moffatt & Nichol for reproduction of the entire package as deemed appropriate by Moffatt & Nichol. 04/13/99 TliE 09:48 FAX 7149389488 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOC. @003 --.-,,----.' Exhibit C KlMLEY-HORN COST ESTIMATE Task 1 $8,200 Task 2 $11,000 Task 3 $19,000 Task 4 $12,250 Task 5 $5,000 Total $55,450 .'" '., EXHIBIT "C" BILLING RATE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1999 Princioal $ 170/hr Suoervisorv Professional $ 155/hr Senior Professional $ 135/hr Senior Engineer $ 125/hr Professional $ 115/hr Engineer/Planner $ 100/hr Designer $ 95/hr Analvst $ 90/hr Technical Staff $ 80/hr Suooort Staff $ 63/hr Note: Billing Rates are reviewed peri()dically and are adjusted as necessary. proposal insertlblrt32.sch THE CLIENT NAME 1234 STREET ADDRESS ANYTOWN, USA 12345 NAME OF PROJECT, LOCATION PLEASE REPLY TO: 2100 W. ORANGEWOOD AV. SUITE 140 ORANGE, CA 92868 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH 00100100 TOTAL FEE AUTHORIZED ATTACHMENT A PERCENT COMPLETE AS OF 00100/00 PRQPOSAUSAMPLUMP.INV FEE EARNED TO DATE LESS PREVIOUS BILLINGS SAMPLE INVOICE LUMP SUM JOB PERIOD END: 00/00/00 INVOICE #: 123456 PROJECT #: 8765.43 CLIENT REF: PROJ. MGR: $00,000.00 00.00% $00,000.00 00,000,00 AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $00,000.00 SURVEY R/W HYDROLOGY II DMc Engineering -.,.--,....-..-.--..----...-..'---... Civii . Surve'l¡':~"':" Piar,nmg -..,..-------:......--- April 7, 1999 IN 98-245-1 2nd Revised Mr. Dick Neill Moffatt & Nichol 250 W. Wardlow Road Long Beach, CA 90807 SUBJECT: Engineering Services Tustin Ranch Road Dear Dick: Per your phone call on 4/7/99 and based on your letter dated 3/25/99 and our subsequent conversation, the firm ofDMc Engineering is p1eased to submit this second revised proposal to provide engineering services for the reactivated and expanded Tustin Ranch Road project. These revised services are a result of the following: l. 2. New services not a part of the original or subject work effort Reactivation and review of terminated work Expanded project work limits 3. Upon acceptance, it is our understanding you will forward your standard contract for signature. Should you have any questions in the interim, please do not hesitate to call. . Sincerely, DMC Engineering ~~ Derek 1. McGr.egor, P.E., P.LS. Principal DJM:lg Enclosure 18 Technology Drive, Suire 100, Irvine, California 92618 . (949) 753-9393 . F.AJ:: (949) 753,9322 Offices in California and Nevada SECOND REVISED EXIDBIT A SCOPE OF WORK ENGINEERING SERVICES TUSTIN RAi"\!CH ROAD Client (Moffatt & Nichol) and Consultant (DMC Engineering) for mutual consideration hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: Consultant agrees to perform the following services: A. Engineerin¡¡ Services 1. 2. 3. Establish New Horizontal and Vertical Control throughout the project per the County's latest and updated horizontal and vertical datums. Perform a Field Topographic Survey of the subject site based on the new horizontal and vertical control and expanded project limits. This does not include surveying of Edinger Avenue. Set and locate twelve (12) Aerial Targets. 4. Prepare one (1) Aerial Topographic Map of the subject site based on the above survey at a scale o£1" = 40'. This includes I-foot contours with spot elevations. The limits of the aerial are along the project alignment northerly of the railroad. 5. Perform Research to ascertain new and re-verify existing utility drawings obtained for the subject project. 6. Perform Research to verify the previously established right-of-way for the subject project. 7. Compile the above Right-of-Way and Utilities onto the new aerial topographic map. This includes the compilation of record improvement plans for Edinger prepared by others onto the above map. 8. Perform a Preliminary Hydrology and Hydraulics Analysis to determine the effects the project will have on the existing drainage channels and facilities. 9. Prepare Preliminary Easement Documents for acquisition of temporary construction easements. 10. Prepare a Final Hydrological and Hydraulics Analysis to support the Moffatt & Nichol design and preparation of the storm drain improvement plans. This includes assessment of joins to the proposed system in Edinger by others. 11. 12. SECOND REVISED EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK (Continued) ENGINEERING SERVICES TUSTIN RANCH ROAD Prepare Final Easement Documents for Slope and Temporary Construction Easements. Attend a total of eight (8) project meetings. SECOND REVISED EXHIBIT C ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT ENGJNEERING SERVICES TUSTIN RANCH ROAD This contract agreement is based on the following conditions and/or receipt of the following items: 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. Record Utility Plans provided from the jurisdictional agencies Subject property's boundary monumentation being in place Updated County of Orange Vertical and Horizontal Control The limits of the design work effort for the tasks herein extend 1,700' southerly of Edinger to Walnut along Tustin Ranch Road. The limits of the aerial map will be extended northerly from the railroad to Walnut. Additional services that are excluded* from this contract agreement but could be completed for an additional fee, include: 1. 2. 3. Record of Survey. Construction Staking Surveying and/or Cross Sectioning of Edinger " Exclusions are not limited to the above items. , . EXHIBIT D HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 1999 thru December 31,1999 OFFICE PERSONNFI, Principal (PR) $ 110.00 Project Manager (PM) $ 90.00 Project Engineer (PE) $ 85.00 Senior Engineer (SE) $ 75.00 Associate Engineer (AE) $ 65,00 CAD Operator (CAD) $ 55.00 Specification Typist $ 35.00 FIET,D PERSONNEL 3 Person Survey Crew $ 160.00 2 Person Survey Crew $ 140.00 Project Surveyor (PS) $ 75.00 Survey Calculator (SC) $ 65.00 NOTE: Blueprinting, reproductions, computer plotting, messenger services and other direct expenses will be charged at cost plus 10%. No additional charges for mileage, supplies or telephone expenses will be included. LANDSCAPE March 31, 1999 Mr. Richard Neill Moffatt & Nichol Engineers P.O. Box 7707 Long Beach, CA 90807 RE: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Dear Mr. Neill: We are very pleased to have the opportunity to provide you with this proposal for Tustin Ranch Road. Based upon our conversation, we have reviewed the documents you provided and have prepared a scope of work based on the following assumptions: 1. We will be given accurate base information in CADD format and appropriate environmental documents in a timely manner. ~ Phase I - CONCEPTUAL DESIGN Based on direction to proceed, IS2 will provide: 1 . Program and prior concept review with Engineer. 2. Meet with City officials as necessary 13 meetings maximum) 3. Site visit and documentation of neighborhood context. 4. Conceptual planting design plans including plant palette for median, parkways, slope for Tustin Ranch Road and the loop road connection to Edingèr Avenue. 5. Descriptive sections as required to clarify design intent including right-of-way and bridge sections. 6. 2 review/coordination meetings. Phase II - CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Based on approval of conceptual design plans, IS2 will provide: 1 . Irrigation Plan and Details - detailed irrigation plan indicating location and type of backflow preventors, mainlines, laterals, heads, valves, quick couplers, and automatic controllers. EXHIBIT "A" The landscape has changed. I 1252 Foothill Blvd. Sama Ana, CA 92705 7I4.508.90BO Fax.714.50B.99J7 2. Planting Plan and Details - detailed plant call outs and planting details. 3. Technical specifications for irrigation and planting installation in 152 format. 4, 3 review/coordination meetings. Phase III - BIDDING AND AWARD OF CONTRACT During the bidding of the construction documents, 152 will: 1. Assist in preparation of bid documents. 2. Answer questions from contractors. 3. Attend pre.construction conference as necessary. '" FEES We propose to undertake this work for a lump sum fee as follows: Phase I Phase II Phase III Conceptual Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,695.00 Construction Documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,500.00 Bidding and Contract Negotiation. . . . . . . . $2,040.00 .. Hourly at the rate of $85.00/hour upon authorization from architect or client. Any additional services required will be billed on an hourly basis at the rate of $85.00. I.E.B.M..S. Costs which are reimbursable include, but are not limited to: Blueprinting, photocopying, long' distance telephone charges, postage, messenger charges, mileage and travel expenses, and will be billed at 20% over cost. Invoices shall be submitted on a monthly basis and are due and payable within 30 days. Payments are to made based on the amount of work completed monthly or upon completion of the project if less than one month. Accounts exceeding 60 days without prior approval will be charged 1.5% per month late charge. In the event it becomes necessary to resort to legal processes, Client agrees to pay 152's legal expenses, including reasonable attorney fees. The parties hereto acknowledge that 152 assures the effectiveness of its design only. It is expressly understood that any claims arising under this agreement shall be limited to the amount of the contract price herein. The proposed project fees, terms and conditions of compensation, methods of payment, and scope of services provided by IS2 are a negotiable offer and shall remain open and in full force and effect for a period of 60 days. In order for us to commence on the above described scope of work, we will require a 15% retainer for each fixed fee phase to be credited on the final biliing of each phase, and a written notice indicating agreement to these conditions. Please sign and return a copy of this letter indicating agreement. We will then negotiate a contract. Once this proposal is executed, should more than 90 days elapse with lack of progress on this project, IS2 reserves the right to renegotiate this contract on the basis of current billing rates. Landscape Architects are regulated by the State of California. Any questions concerning a landscape architect may be referred to the landscape architects technical committee at: Landscape Architects Technica/ Committee 400 R Street, Suite 4000 Sacramento, CA 95874 (976)445.4954 If you have any questions regarding this proposal or the scope of work, please do not hesitate to cali me. We will be happy to discuss the project in greater detail at your convenience. Sincerely, 152 APPROVED: ~ CH,", Principal Date GEOTECHNICAL ~AGRA ENGlN"",NG GLOSAL SOLUTIONS AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. 1290 North Hancock Street P.O. Box 19079 Anaheim, CA 92817 Tel (714) 779,2591 Fax (714) 779,8377 December 17, 1997 (Revised April 6, 1999) Proposal No, A97-434 Moffatt & Nichol Engineers 250 West Wardlow Road Long Beach, California 90807 Attention: Mr, H. Richard Neill Re: Proposal For Geotechnical Services Tustin Ranch Road Extension Between Walnut Avenue And Proposed Valencia Drive Tustin, California 1,0 INTRODUCTION As requested, AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. (AGRA) is pleased to present the following proposal to provide geotechnical services for the proposed Tustin Ranch Road Extension in the City of Tustin, California. During the course of preparation of this proposal, we have reviewed the Geotechnical Investigation Report (dated June 28, 1991), the Phase II Environmental Sampling Report (dated September 20, 1990), both prepared by Schaefer Dixon Associates; and the proposed Tustin Ranch Road Site Plan for Alternative 8, A brief site visit was also made to evaluate existing surface conditions in relation to drill rig access. This proposal was originally submitted on December 17, 1997, As requested by Mr. H. Richard Neill of Moffatt & Nichol, it has been reviewed and updated. No change in the proposed scope is considered necessary; however, fees have been revised on the basis of our current schedule, 2,0 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Based upon the site plan and discussion with Moffatt & Nichol, it is AGRA's understanding that proposed construction will consist of extending Tustin Ranch Road from the current terminus at Walnut Avenue southerly to the proposed Valencia Drive, a distance of approximately 3,900 feet, Access from Tustin Ranch Road to Edinger Avenue will be provided by a loop ramp, Extension of the roadway will require a bridge structure over Edinger Avenue, an OCFDC channel and railroad right-of-way. This structure is to be four-span with @ Rec!,,'ed P'pee EXHIBIT "A" Moffatt & Nichol Engineers Proposal No. A97-434 Attention: Mr. H. Richard Neill December 17, 1997 IRevised April 6, 1999) Proposal For Geotechnical Services - Tustin Ranch Road Extension Page 2 a total length of about 400 feet. The majority of the approach fill for the northerly bridge abutment has been in place since 1978 (SDA -1991 report); however, current plans will necessitate raising the current elevation by about 8 feet, Due to right-of-way restrictions, this will require a retaining wall along the eastern right-of-way to accommodate the proposed increase in grade, Construction of the southerly abutment and loop ramp will require up to about 40 feet of fill material with embankment gradients of 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). It is understood that construction of Valencia Drive and associated connector streets is not a part of the proposed project, 3,0 SCOPE OF WORK AGRA will provide geotechnical data and recommendations to update the SDA 1991 report to reflect the currently proposed project design. This will include supplemental field exploration and laboratory testing for the proposed retaining wall along the east side of the northerly embankment and the proposed embankment between Edinger Avenue and Valencia Drive, an update of the seismic design recommendations for use with ATC-32; and a review of pile tip elevations in regard to any pile cap elevation changes since the SDA 1991 report was prepared. The geotechnical study will focus on selected physical properties of the subsurface soils and will not include sampling, testing or assessment of any toxic or hazardous substances. If during the performance of the planned subsurface exploration, visually foreign or odoriferous materials are encountered, drilling will be terminated at that location and the client will be notified of the condition, This proposal does not include observation and/or testing services which may be required by the geotechnical engineer during construction of the project, 3,1 FIELD ACTIVITIES In preparation of this proposal allowance has been made for field activities related to the subsurface exploration program. These include the layout of test borings and meeting with utility locators. The portion of the site north of Edinger Avenue is fenced with a locked gate. In addition, the majority of the site south of Edinger Avenue is located on agricultural land within the Tustin Marine Corps Air Base. It has been assumed that access to these locations will be permissible and that any right-of-access or encroachment permits would be provided/coordinated by others. In addition, it has been assumed that boring locations would be surveyed by Moffatt & Nichol prior to field exploration. 3,2 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION The subsurface exploration will consist of drilling 7 supplemental rotary wash borings to depths ranging from 30 to 50 feet to obtain soil samples and enable evaluation of subsurface ~ AGRA """""" ",." """", @ Ro'yolod Papa. @ Recycl," p,p" Moffatt & Nichol Engineers Proposal No. A97-434 Attention: Mr. H. Richard Neill December 17, 1997 (Revised April 6, 1999) Proposal For Geotechnical Services. Tustin Ranch Road Extension Page 3 conditions. This includes 3 borings for the proposed retaining wall and 4 borings for the southerly approach embankment and loop ramp, Sampling will be conducted at about five- foot intervals and will consist of obtaining relatively undisturbed ring samples and/or standard penetration tests and bulk samples, All field operations will be conducted under the supervision of an experienced engineer, 3,3 LABORATORY TESTING Engineering properties of the subsurface materials will be determined by the field and laboratory tests, Samples will be obtained from the borings for subsequent examination and laboratory testing, Earth materials will be visually classified in the field in general conformance with local geologic practice and/or the Unified Soil Classification System, The field classification will be verified in the laboratory by visu'al observation and confirming tests where necessary, We presently anticipated the following laboratory tests will be performed, . . In-Situ Moisture-Density Shear Strength Consolidation Fines Content Atterberg Limits . . . 3.4 ANALYSES AND PREPARATION OF A WRITTEN REPORT Based upon a review of the SDA 1991 report, the soils evaluation from the field study, and engineering analysis of both laboratory and field data, a supplemental report will be prepared. It has been assumed that the City of Tustin has previously reviewed the project and SDA Reports and that AGRA responses to any review would be limited to the changes in project concept, The specific content of the report will be as follows. . Description of the proposed project. . Update seismicity recommendations within the SDA 1991 report for use with the current A TC-32 and Maulchin (1996). . Review of recommended pile tip elevations within the SDA 1991 report in regards to any proposed pile cap elevation changes, . Evaluation of settlement and stability of the proposed southerly embankment and recommendations for special grading or foundation improvement, if necessary, . Recommendations for the proposed retaining wall and sliver fill to be located along the east side of the existing northerly embankment. ~AGRA ""'H"" """' ;OW"", Moffatt & Nichol Engineers Proposal No. A97.434 Attention: Mr. H. Richard Neill December t 7. 1997 (Revised April 6. '9991 Proposal For Geotechnical Services. Tustin Ranch Road Extension Page 4 4,0 ESTIMATED MANHOURS AND FEES Based upon the above assumptions, the estimated manhours and fees for the outlined study are presented on Tables 1 and 2. The estimated fees will not be exceeded unless unusual site conditions are encountered or the design criteria are modified, In any event, we will not exceed the estimated costs unless we obtain your prior authorization for additional expenditures. Actual charges will be invoiced on the basis of the attached fee schedule. 5,0 ESTIMATED TIME SCHEDULE With favorable weather and ground conditions, we estimate that approximately five to six weeks will be required to complete the supplemental report after receiving a signed proposal, all required permits and any right-of-entry, This includes one to two weeks for scheduling and completion of the field work, two weeks for laboratory testing and two weeks for analysis and report preparation. The allowances within this proposal have been based on the specific field work outlined previously. 6,0 CLOSURE If you will approve and return a signed copy of this proposal, it will constitute our contract for professional services, Carefully read the terms on the reverse side of the signature page, and in particular Clause 8) LIMITATION OF LIABILITY, as they are an integral part of this proposal. By initialing Clause 8) on the reverse side, CLIENT acknowledges that this clause was expressly negotiated and agreed upon. If you desire to use your own agreement, this proposal should be incorporated as part of the agreement and should be attached as an Exhibit, ~ AGRA """"'" ","^""",m,, @ R"yo'od p,p" Moffatt & Nichol Engineers Proposal No. A97.434 Attention: Mr. H. Richard Neill December 17, 1997 (Revised April 6, 1999) Proposal For Geotechnical Services. Tustin Ranch Road Extension Page 5 We appreciate the opportunity to be of professional service and look forward to working with you on this project, If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc, £ÞÞ- Brian Constant Vice President BDC/ljo (s-If) APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: MOFFATT & NicHOL ENGINEERS Enc!.: Fee Schedule EW Table 1 - Estimated Fees Table 2 - Direct Expenses By: Title: c: Mr. H. Richard Neill, Addressee (2) Date: PROPSIA97.434.REVl4-6-99 ~AGRA """'"'" """""'"'"' @ P"y"'. P,p" ENCLOSURES. @AGRA ENGINEERING GLOBAL SOLUTIONS 1290 N. Hancoc:k Street P.O. Box 19079 Anaheim. CA 92817 Tel (714) 779.2591 Fax (714) 779-8377 4201 Santa Ana Street Suite F Ontario. CA 91761 Tel (90g) 605-8500 Fax (909) 605-8502 16760 W. Bemardo Drive San Diego, CA 92127 Tel (619) 487.2113 Fax (619) 487.2357 FEE SCHEDULE - GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PERSONNEL CHARGES Staff Engineer/Staff GeologisUStaff Environmental Specialist. . . . . Sr. Staff Engineer/Sr. Staff GeologisUSr. Staff Environmental Specialist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Engineer/Project Engineering GeologisUProject Environmental Specialist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sr. Project Engineer/Sr. Project Engineering Geologist /Sr. Project Environmental Specialist, . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Engineer/Senior Engineering Geologist/Environmental Project Mgr/Health & Safety Officer. . . . . . . . . . Supervising Engineer/Supervising Engineering Geologist/Environmental Mgr.lCertified Industrial Hygienist. . Principal EngineerlPrincipal Engineering Geologist/Principal Environmental Scientist. . . . . . . . . . . . Field Technician I .......... Field Technician II/Environmental Technician. Senior Field Technician I......... ........ Senior Field Technician II/Senior Environmental Technician. Field Services Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . ............... ................ ............ Laboratory Technician I . . . . . Laboratory Technician II .... Senior Labor<3tory Technicjan ..... .. . . . . . Laboratory Manager/Environmental Laboratory Supervisor. Geotechnical/Environmental Draftsperson I Geotechnical/Environmental Draftsperson II .. . . Senior Geotechnical/Environmental Draftsperson. ............. ............. GeotechnicallEnvironmental Clerk.Typist ... Word Processor ......................... Senior Word Processor ....................................... .................. Depositions and Court Testimony (minimum charge of two hours) ........... Overtime Premium is 30% of PERSONNEL CHARGE ~ Vehicle Use for Field Services (added to appropriate 'PERSONNEL CHARGE") . Per Diem for Living Expenses.............. ........... Postage, Reproduction, Long Distance Telephone, and Miscellaneous Supplies. . . . Outside Services (Consultants, Surveys, Chemical Lab Tests, etc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relmbursables (Travel Expenses,Maps, Photos, Permits, Expendable Supplies, etc.) . . Personnel Protective Equipment (daily charge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. ........... EQUIPMENT CHARGES BATPermeameter ...,........,.......... CADD ...........,.... ............... . ....... .... Concrete/AsphaItCoreDrill.............................. Exploratory Equipment Rental (Drill Rig, Backhoe, etc.) ........ Ground Penetrating Radar. . . . . . . . . . Groundwater Transducer and Dataloggers ....... HNU(PhotoionizationMeter)............................................. Monitoring Equipment Rental (Air, Water, Hazardous Materials, etc.)........ ...... ...... ..... ....... OVA (Organic Vapor Analyzer) ......................... ............ Penetrometer-Dynamic.................... . Penetrometer-Pneumatic ................................... ........... Single-GhanneISeismicorResistivityEquipment......................... ........... Slopelndicator(lncjinometer)..................... ................................ 'Reduced rates will apply to extended usage ............ ................... .. $12.DO/core plus ............... Rate Schedule EW (Geotechnical) Rate Schedule EX (Environmental) (Continued on Reverse) $ aO.OOlhour 90.00lhour 95.00/hour 105.00lhour 115.00/hour 125.00lhour 139.00/hour $ 50.00/hour BO.OO/hour 70.00 /hour 75.00/hour aO.OO/hour $ 55.00/hour 50.00/hour 75.00lhour a5.00lhour S 50.00/hour 55.00/hour 55.00/hour S 45.00/hour 50.00/hour 55.00/hour S275.00/hour S 7.00/hour '05.00/pers 5% of Labor Cost + 15% Cost + 15% S130.00/pers S135.00/day 10.00/hour 22.00/hour Cost + 15% 500.00 /day '32.00/hour 100.00 /day Cost + 15% 125.00 /day 27.00lhour 39.00lhour 21.00lhour 27.00/hour Effective 02.01.99 TABLE 1 ESTIMATED FEES GEOTECHNICAL STUDY TUSTIN RANCH ROAD Field Exploration 20 20 I $3,400 I $100 $5,355 $2,576 $2,691 $2,388 2 I $3,183 $599 Laboratory Testing Engineering Analysis 4 14 4 2 Report Preparation 4 5 10 2 6 6 3. POST.REPORT CONSULTATION & RESPONSE TO REVIEWS 4 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 DR WP C STAFF ENGINEER/GEOLOGIST PROJECT ENGINEER/GEOLOGIST SENIOR ENGINEER/GEOLOGIST SUPERVISING ENGINEER/GEOLOGIST PRINCIPAL ENGINEER/GEOLOGIST DRAFTSPERSON WORD PROCESSOR CLERICAL SUB TOTAL LABOR: DIRECT COSTS: TOTAL ESTIMATE: $ 8.940 $ 6,401 $15.341 ~ AGRA Earth & Environmental Prop(i\SlcN€!i"A,g7-434 - April 6. 1999 "'m""" """ ","n"", TABLE 2 - DIRECT EXPENSES GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION TUSTIN RANCH ROAD No, of Soil Ave, Boring Depth No, of Hours Borin sITest Pits (ft) 4 50 14 3 30 6 Traffic Control Not Re uired Hourly Rate Cost ($) 170 170 $2,380 1,020 Grout, bits, rotary mud 0 100 T e of Test No. of Tests Unit Price Moisture 29 29 10 20 Cost ($) 290 Moisture/Densi Consolidation 6 4 130 100 580 0 Maximum Densi Time Rates Direct Shear (3 oints) 3 2 50 162 600 200 % Passin .200 Sieve 4 110 50 486 220 Atterber Limits Ex ansion Index 130 95 200 0 Sieve R-Value 199 70 0 0 Sand E uivalent Corrosivit (Sui hates & Chlorides) 93 79 0 0 Resistivi 0 Permits - Not Included Travel Ex enses Shipping, Communication and Re roduction 150 $6,226 TOTAL DIRECT EXPENSES Proposal No, A97-434 - April 6, 1999 ~AGRA """""'" "'"""'""'"' @ R.'r".- P,po< I Appet1bix C T e~ m 1',. ofil es Public Works !o "elee " I" deLIIII;' liCllCdll1e "lid Ilwlge H,,;hweyôlldWiJlt:rwa Defining the Discipline M ::::,i::(II~~ :'I¡liCbOIII::I~i~II""':' Ikwh, (",1Iiforlll", hili heeOllie" mlllli.dll,cipllll"r\, "I"!'" ill III civil. ,!mellll"l. owe!lIIlllclll. "'celliclIl, COil'.lill dllli eJlellillIIIWII!¡¡1 DulCieil '.III'.IIII.,.,illl' pill'liell!;lIly III the ollllil,lic IIIIII'II""!"I""I. pllhlic 1'"111<"111",1) 1IIIIIIIIIwilime '.'I,,'III,",',illl' nlllhle', II' I" pn,wel llleilldill" l'ICI1I, icder!!III!1i1 cOlllnllilllC'IIC We [¡¡Ive '."111<,,1 II 111I'11I1'IIOllld ICIIIILlllolIl!l,.xcellcIlIIIlIPillIIlCllliC' p,olc""IIII:;II'. èJ¡¡"y Ihelinll.' ,'"iIiOrelli!lllecr,¡ Site h"ve ¡'lIilled Ibell cxperic'IICT in public Mnll"11 &. Nichol EIlp.lIlcenl Clill de'lil'IIII1!' holh lIew p"j)IJC Ilieili!ie.', ill"lredevelopnlell! plolects. I'n""de complete ::ile deeelopme"t They hnvc 1""1, lied illio Ihe linn the ,nYlces. combining our expenlse In civil, Sllllctur,," rncclwníc:iI Inld sensitiVity andslJeci,iI ",.eds of Ille "'eelrlcal englnccllng. We IISC soplii\tlcllted son ware to perfIlI'm '."glneerinp. dc'll?n, crellte c.ost '."lm;;II,",. cilld sehlld,dll:, lor lI""illlUIll dTiciellcv clud b'ldr'llllIIY cnll,lrclIlll.<:. UUI prni"'1.<: arll 10 :llilluniz,' Oil.:} IIi "I'. opnlllioocdll"",I', CIO(jIIlCIIIJI,'lIlIlilT Our "xperi"ll'" iu providillg eolJ1prllhemive plcllmillg cllld design s(n,ce" fol colliplex Inllls JOJti.tlioll .;y::telWc give" liS wide rilligilig ellpablhlies. frolll lo,al ::Ireet improvements 10 maior lilierchangcs "'1(1 freeways, Illclliding seismic rctrufilcmaly::is. Many IIf the projects designed by Moffall & Nichol inclnde Iraffi, ellgineering, involving truffi, ~;~ttë~~~~~'i~;;þ~tail ~~~¡i~~,¡~~f)~~~~~~, I sigllal!: and lighlmg. sigllillg cmd ';[npillg, eollstmcllOIl slclging. and Ir:dTi, mainlellalln. dllring eon'clrllelllili. Environmental Moffall & Nlcl",1 J.III'IIUW.:l provides elivi 1011 II Il" I It:.d forlherb.igIlOf!JIlllli,ipldwuil"l. w:l:cle wain IJlld ',ol,,¡ pro;e"-I:: nil' linn cdsn C'. K'J]'IICc. ill hyrhwdicllc IJII<I hydrolo,:'y. :,edi,IH:IIICllioIICll1d'CCliI1¡ Iliid n"od ("onliol I1liIIlCII',.,II(111. rIlÌilr¡lI~ MollcIII,~ Nichol I III' I IIccr.: 1'111" henl I"¡Toi'llin.d CI: " 1'.lId,., III 1IIlIrililile lIllIl Icilld ,',cl;lIlI;lIiol1 ClIgil1("cTilig. Ollr pmycI', h"vc Iliciuded pl,llillill!'. lIlid "I bo"rdwcd!.'1 cHId 1I1l1I.iIlC(":. ,he coustcd ellgille,c of ¡ccord for 1IIIIIIcrOIl:, w,,"'rflOlll "!lI1l1l1l1l1iIIC.S who Jook to lI: 10 resolve i:"Clles 01 shoreline prolc,:tiol1, wellclllci ,"iligalion alld marille wain qllcllily. Public Works MalIan & Nichol Engine','fS IS CollllTI;ned to providillg quality prolessional services needed to solve the engineering and collstruction challenges a.',sociated wilh public works projcclS. Our public works comlilling""viccs 'If" inlegr,ued 10 range 1;-0111 inilial reconllais\;lI1Ce alHI feasibilily ::tudies. plOwet plalliung. dc:,;gll.11I"pa""ion ai"conslrnction plans, "Iweil;eati"ns and c""l I"d cv'1I":IIion. 10 enginel,riu",- dllrillp (OIl'.I"lI"li",1. IllhaliWalIJlhnll1 IJIJveil,,"r""11 QlEamy Attention Service Mollall & Nichol Engineering Services Puhlic Works/Infrastructure Design Site SelectIOn Municipal Snildlngs 'lid Plants Maintenance FaCilltles RedfOvelopment Projects Transpoltatlnn/C"enlation Grading alld Paving Orumage New and Relocated Utilil"'s Stormwoter Management Compot"r Modeling SiollllatilJlI ConceptlJal FlIgII"'ering Infrastroctllre Planning Engi""erl1lg Fconomics CIvil FII(lilleOlill(¡ M""hanical Engmeering Marino Fngliloelllig EmfllrJIIll1elltal Fligineerllig Utilrly Cnordination and []r)siÇJII Slrllellllal Fngiooeling Ltr;¡:tncal Coa::!iJl CIIS! EstlllliJtlllO Cllntract Specil""tions Streets and Highways fJridç¡es and Viaducts Sei:;mic fletnlTit Perlestllan []vmro"iln(p ';treet PavinH and RrmllvatliJO Tmflic Ellç¡i¡werin[j SiqnHls alld LiHhtlllH Grarle Sepillülions Voloe bl( i",wring Pm¡¡r:m¡ ManiJ¡]f:munt Icllml5II: El1ijll"""ing P,Olccl Sclredillilig C""',lorelloll NliHlil!WIIII,nt [nvlllllnrllililal Plan"IIllj Pi"rs nrrcrr!iJtllJllal Uoat lIiJrlrnrs Mao"" Shordl"e Wutland billilllcrmJeo! [Jwr!uinu dlld I anti RecliHniJlilin Walel:3y:;iUl1!éI l'umpinq/[I¡"llibu!IlIll quVViJge Coile,,"un Hycltolngy Studio" Slurrnwator Collection Flood Control Structure:; [Jotenlion Filcilil"" CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 250 West Wardlow Road Post Office Box 7707 Long Beach. CalitÙrnia 90807 Phone: (310) 426.955 I Fax: (310) 424.741\9 Additional otTices throughout Ibe United Stales. & N E E R s ~ AGRA "G'NOf","O Ge08" 50,""'0"' AGRA EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS TUSTIN RANCH ROAD EXTENSION TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. 1290 North Hancock Stcaat P.O. Box 19079 Anaheim, CA 92817 Tel (714) 779,2591 Fax (714) 779,8377 The Firm AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. (AGRA) is a multi-national firm with 1,200 employees and 50 offices. The operations in Califomia (formerly Moore & Taber) began in 1954 under the leadership of ex-Caltrans personnel forthe expressed purpose of providing geotechnical services on bridges and transportation projects administered by cities and counties. AGRA has conducted investigations for more than 800 bridge structures in the State of California, which is more than any other entity except Caltrans. Over the years, AGRA has developed into a full service geotechnicai and environmental firm. In California, AGRA has 100 employees operating out of offices in Anaheim, San Diego, Glendale and Ontario. Related Experience AGRA has provided complete geotechnical services for infrastructure improvements (including bridges, roadways, drainage facilities and utilities) in Southern and Central California. Most of these projects have been subject to either independent or Agency review and approval. Over a period of 46 years, AGRA has been able to successfully and economically provide reliable information and desirable geotechnical solutions for design and construction of municipal improvement projects, ranging from minor pavement rehabilitation to major development. On each of these projects AGRA has aiways kept in mind the needs and objectives of the client. Summaries for several projects which demonstrate AGRA's qualifications to effectively contribute to the design of this project are provided on subsequent pages. In addition to extensive experience with the design of bridge structures and related roadway improvements, AGRA's familiarity with the conditions in the project vicinity is expected to be an asset. Relevant projects for which AGRA has recently performed geotechnical services are attached Personnel AGRA offers a team of seasonal geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists with broad professional training and long experience with California engineering and geology. Familiarity with bridge design practice and standards is expected to be a particular asset for this project. The background and experience of key personnel who will be designated for this project on a priority basis are presented on the attached resumes. This project will be under the direction of Mr. Douglas R. Bell, G.E. Principal Engineer and Mr. Douglas Dahncke, G.E., Senior Engineer. These engineers have over 25 years of combined experience directly related to geotechnical design and construction services for infrastructure. PROPS/A97-434 Project Name: Location: Description: Reference: Phone: Project Name: Location: Description: Reference: Phone: PROPS/A97.434 MURRIETA CREEK BRIDGE AND ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Temecula, California AGRA provided geotechnical services for the design of a two-span bridge over Murrieta Creek. This project aiso included 1,600 feet of new roadway and the reconstruction of existing roadways and intersections. Additional improvements included culverts, storm drains and retaining walls. Foundation conditions consisted of bedrock, colluvium, loose and dense alluvium. and existing fill. Work included slope stability analysis for bridge abutments and roadway embankments, foundation recommendations for the proposed improvements, pavement design, liquefaction studies, historical scour analysis, grading recommendations and construction recommendations. Mr. Jack Norris Norris-Repke (909) 676-5816 CULVER BOULEVARD UNDERCROSSING Los Angeles, California AGRA is in the final stages of geotechnical design for the extension of Route 90. Currently, Route 90 terminates at Culver Boulevard. Proposed construction will consist of widening the existing portion of the roadway and extending Route 90 past Culver Boulevard. Improvements required to facilitate this extension consist of a three-span bridge structure over Culver Boulevard, improvements to adjacent streets, new soundwalls, improved drainage consisting of box culverts and RCP, replacement of existing pavement and construction of new pavement, and retaining walls. Design of the bridge structure was influenced by liquefiable soils, deep compressible soils, right-of-way restrictions, and conflicts with existing utilities. Mr. Michaei A. Kraman Moffatt & Nichol Engineers (714) 979-2055 ~ AGRA """"""',""'""' ",""""' Project Name: Location: Description: Reference: Phone: PROPS/A97-434 HIGHLAND AVENUE GRADE SEPARATION Fullerton, California This project is in the final stages of construction. In order to reduce vehicular and pedestrian conflicts with a major freight railline and at grade roadway crossing, the City of Fullerton elected to depress HighlandAvenue at the BNSF Railroad Crossing. Project design was influenced by limited right-of-way and major existing improvements within close proximity. The existing Highland Avenue roadway was depressed about 20 feet and a singie span bridge was constructed to provide for the railroad crossing. Both cantilever and tie-back retaining walls were utilized to accommodate the grade changes and protect existing improvements. Construction also consisted of a pump station for storm water drainage, a temporary shoofly and improvements to adjacent streets. Geotechnical recommendations were influenced by deep collapsible soils and frozen ground conditions beneath an adjacent cold storage building. Mr. Patrick L. Somerville Holmes & Narver (714) 567-2755 0 AGRA '"""""'"" ","","",no", Oven,iew of KÎm/ey-HoTII and Assoc:iates, Inc. Kimley-I-Iol11 and Associates, Inc, was founded more than 30 years ago by specialists in transportation engineering, a practice that remains the comer stone of the fJrm's practice. Kimley-Hom is a full-service consulting firm offering comprehensive and innovative transportation and land use planning, civil engineering, and other engincering services, Today, Nationwide, Kimley-Horn employs about 1,200 professional, technical, and support personnel in 40 offices, With four of those offices in California, the [¡rID is able to maintain a strong local presence supported by staff resources throughout the United States. Kimley-Rom's grO\vth and stability is a direct result of a commitment to providing quality services, professional integrity, aIld client satistàc1Ïon. Although not a compmhensive list of all services we provide, the following highlight areas of our expertise, specifically pertaining to the analysis of the traffic impacts of the Tustin Ranch Road project in the City of Tustin: . Traffic impact studies in numerous locations throughout Califomia Demand forecasts for multi-modal systems Corridor and route location studies Freeway capacity, operational, and weaving analyses Transit system planning and operations Traffic operations and analysis Roadway and interchange design Land Use Planning and Urban Design Major Investment Studies (MIS) Smart corridor implementation plans Parking and pedestrian studies Neighborhood impacts Multi-and inter-jurisdictional coordination pnblîc outreach and coordination . . . . . . . . . CAPSULE RESUMES Herman Basmaciyan, P.E. Project Manager Hennan Basmaciyan, a Regìstered Civil and TratIic Engineer in the State of California, has more than 35 years of experience in traffic and transportation planning and analysis ofJand use / transportation system interrelationships. I-lis broad range of project management experience includi:)s the preparation of traffic impact studies, parking studies, regional corridor studies, transit system operations and planning, regional circulation system planning, transportation system management programs, and transportation demand programs. As a consultant for over 30 ycars, Herm¡m has directed numerous small- and large-scale projects in California, Nevada, Arizona. and the Pacific Northwest. Helman has extensive experience in traffic studies 1'01: residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and other developments throughout Southern Califomia. During the course ofbis career, Herman has been involved in numerous development and roadway traffic impact analyses in Orange County. Currently, he is the Project Manager for the Santa Ana River Crossings Cooperative Study, a joint effort of the OCT A, the City of Costa Mesa, the City of Newport Beach, the City of Huntington Beach, the City of Fountain Valley, and the County of Orange. Serine Ciandella, AICP Project Planner Serine Ciandella is a senior transportation planner and project manager with more than thirteen years of experience in traffic modeling, traftìc impact analysis, transit planning, transportation demand management, and environmental impact projects. Ms. Ciandella has extensive experience in organizing and supervising large data collection and analysis efforts, and coordinating the evaluation and presentation of that data. Such efforts include the traffic analysis for the Santa Ana River Crossings Cooperative Study, the City of Irvine General Plan Update, the City of Cypress General Plan Update, the Bolsa Chic" Coastal Land Use Plan development, and the South Orange County Traffic Operations Center Feasibility Study. Each of these projects entailed scheduJing, coordinating, and supervising hundreds of hours of data collection and evaluation effons. With a commw1ications background, Ms. Ciandella is also very comfortable in public speaking roles, and community interaction opportm1Ìties. Ms. Susan Rosner Transportation Planner Susan Rosner has over ten years of experience in transportation planning and analysis projects. She has participated in many of the firm's transportation plamúng projects, including the preparation of Circulation Elements and Traffic Impact Analyses, She is very experienced at organizing large amounts of data, and in reporting the results of analysis efforts. She is pro!ìcient in developing spreadsheets to facilitate analysis eHerts, as well as in traffic analysis softwar~ programs, including HCS, Traffix, Tranplan, Minutp, Crossroads Collision Database, Fazweave, and Synchro. REFERENCES Lisa Mills, Chief Executive Officer Orange County Tnu1sportation Authority (714) 560-6282 Mr. Rich Edmonston, Transportation and Traffic Engineer Newport Beach, CA (714) 644-3344 Ms. Nada Borsa, Campus Planning Oftìce UCSD (858) 534-4624 MY. Ignacio Ochoa County of Orange (714) 834-3484 Mr. Philip Bettencourt Rossmoor Partners (949) 720-0970 Examples of Major Traffic Impact Analysis (TIAI Projects North County Square !J Vista, California Kimley-Hom staff perfonned the traffic impact analy.is for the Environmental Impact Report (ErR) for thi. 1,000,000.square-foot mixed-use center in the City of Vista. The center was comprised of multi-story office, retail, restaurant, and theater uses, as we1l as auto sales and industria! office park uses. Significant a;;pects of the project impact analysis included before-and-after analyses of the adjacent fTeeway interchange upgrade, and realignment and widening of the adjacent winding two.lane local roadway ITom which the project would takc access. TraffiC impact Analy.yiç for Palm Promenade In rhe Otay Mesa Communlly Plan Area U Sail Diego, CalifornIa Palm Promenade is a conm1erciallretail development of approximately 600,000 sq.ft., with a Wal-Mart store and Sam's Club as two of the major tenants. Other uses include a supermarket, fast food and quaJity restaurants, frnancial instirutions, service station, and a variety of other retail uses. Kimley- Horn services include thc traftìc impact analysis, the Congestion Manag(:ment Plan (CMP) compliance analysis, estimate of the fair share of improvement fees to be paid by the developer, coordination with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to identify improvements needed at the int","change of Imerstat~ 805 and Palm Avenue, design of traffic signals and pleparation of signing/striping plans on adjoining streets, assistance in the approval process, and participation in the preparation of the mitigation monitoring progrrun as required by the California Environmental QuaJity Act (CEQA). Subsequent to the approval of the project, KimJcy-Horn prepared traffic signal and signing and striping plans for improvements at the interchange of 1-805/Palm A venue under a Caltrans encroachment permit. Traffic ImpllCl Analysis for Padjlc Coast Plaza 1.1 Oceallslde, California Pacific Coast Plaza is a commercial/retail development of approximately 425,000. square.feet, with a Wal-Mart slore as a major tenant. Other uses include a supermarket, fast food and quality restaurants, financial instirutioll5, sell/ice station and a variety of other retail uses. Kimley-Horn services include the traffic impact analysis, the Congestion Management Plan compliance (CMP) analysis, coordination with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to identify interim and ultimate in,provements needed at the interchange of State Route 78 and Jefferson Street, coordination with the planning process of the adjoining City of Carlsbad, participation in community meetings, and public meetings/presentations. Traffic Impact Analy.';.\Ior Town Cellter North n Oceallside, Califtlrnia Town Center North is a commerciallretail development of appn1ximately 300,000 sq.ft., with a Wal. Mart store as a major tenant. Other uses include a supennarkct, fast food and quality restauranTs, fmaneial in,tltutions, service station and a variety of other retail uses. Kim1<y-Hom services include participation in the preparation of the traffic impact analysis, an analysis of the opportunities for ph...ing roadway improvemcnts during the process of dcveloping the retail center, coordination with the California Department of Transportation (Ca.ltrans) for the provision of interim and ultinlate access on State Route 76 (two-lane road to be improved to expressway), communit;i meetings, design of traffic signals and preparation of signing/striping plans, coordination with the adjoining residential development for the phasing of improvements, public meetings/presentations. Introduction and Philosophy IS2 is a firm specializing in landscape architecture, land planning, environmental and urban design, Since 1987, the firm has been invoived with projects worldwide. Project types range from commercial, residential, recreational and entertainment development in the private sector, to urban renewal and civic and park design in the public sector. IS2's primary directive .is be team and service oriented. The firm's focus is on creating the right environment for producing the optimai solutions for each project. One specific and tailored team is designated at the beginning of each project and is kept in tact through the project's completion. Since service is another focus, the firm has strict in-house quality control measures that prove invaluabie throughout the time line of the job. 152 is committed to bringing the client the most effective solutions using the most efficient methods available. Particular attention is paid to bringing the project in on schedule and on budget. IS2's design philosophy, highlighting anthropometric relationships, is retained throughout the entire design process. Simply stated: Once we become aware of our 'self'in psychological and physical measurement terms, we can begin the process of designing with responsibility to the user, This obligation of understanding the end user is mandatory to achieve sound design. Landscape architects have the unique opportunity to design for humans. Understanding them, and how they relate to the objects and spaces that surround them, becomes the key ingredient to developing a design that functions properly, The philosophy of /52 is to develop designs that not only fit the clients aesthetic and budget requirements, but also responds to the user's psychological and physical requirements in a functional space. The landscape has changed 'fi I ] 252 Foothill Blvd. Santa Ana. CA 92705 714.508.90BO Fax.7145089937 DMc ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING, SURVEYING AND PLANNING SERVICES Prepared for: MOFFAT & NICHOL ENGINEERS Prepared by: DMc Engineering 18 Technology Drive, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92618 TABLE OF CONTElIlTS 1.0 COMPANY PROFILE 1.1 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 1.2 RESUMES AND QUALIFICATIONS OF PROJECT PERSONNEL 2.0 AREAS OF WORK 2,1 SURVEYING 2,2 GR4DlNGlEARTHWORK 2.3 DRAINAGE DESIGN 2.4 PLANCHECKlNG 3.0 PARTL4L LIST OF PROJECTS PAGE 1 2 3 9 .9 .9 9 10 12 1.0 COMPANY PROFILE DMc Engineering is an Irvine-based engineering, planning and surveying firm with extensive experience and a strong record of success in public works engineering since the founding of the firm in 1987. The DMc staff consists of nine licensed professional engineers and surveyors (including two licensed general engineering contractors and one licensed h3zardous waste removal and remediation engineer), ten teclmical personnel and four administrative persormeL Through this staff, DMc has demonstrated, convincingly, the capability as a firm, to deliver top quality engineering and surveying servic<¡s to a wide range of public sector clients. These capabilities have been proven consistently in each undertaking of the firm and its perfon:oance on every job reinforces the commitment to excellence of the DMc SUitT. We take great pride in our services to our clients. We strive to achieve mutually beneficial partners.hips with our clients, and we constantly seek ways to make it convenient for our clients to have most their needs met at one source. This is why we have structured our services to include not only surveying, site planning, and easement acquisitions, but also development of site grading and preparation plans, design of civil structures, and the sizing and location of sanitary sewer and storm water drainage facilities, and water supply systems. DMc performs Plan Checking for a number of cities and public agencies.. In perfon:oance of this. function. we enforce strict quality controls on designs for various types of site improvements. We apply the same high standards to our own designs, and we extend these capabilities to construction management and contract administration We have also assisted cities and other public agencies in perfomring the following services: . development of standards for public works constructiOJJ~ . development of engineering specifications and other contract documents; . assistance with community and city council matters that require expcrience in handling delicate public interest issues; and .. representation in public forums on matters ranging from planning, budgeting, engineering, mapping to operational issues. 1.1 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART The following is a chart depicting the organizatiön ofDMc Engineering: ORGANIZATIONAL. CHART Uza Okereke, Ph.D., P .E. Principal QAlQC AGENCY SERVICES Mostafa M. Kamaee, P .E. Farzin Farah, P.E. DESIGN SERVICES Harvey D. Kuehl, P.E. Barry Bender, PEo Eric Mawlawi, EIT SURVEYING SERVICES Stefan C. Lanthier, PE, P.LS. Mike Benedict, P.LS. I Gordon D. Edwards, P.L.S. 1.2 RESUMES AND QUALIFICATIONS OF PROJECT PERSONNEL The staff we will assign to the Recreational Center Playing Fields project are listed below. Their unique qua\ífica1ion in providing the services the UnÌversity is seeking is also noted. In addition to the staff listed below, DMc will provide other technical personnel from our staff to meet the needs of the project or schedule. !Derek J. McGregor, P,E., P.L.S~ Professional Registration: Civil Engineer, State of California Land Surveyor, State of California Civil Engineer, State of Nevada Land Surveyor, State of Nevada Education; Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering Southern Illinois University i\.ssociate in Applied Science, Construction Technology Lincoln Land College Affiliations: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASeE) American Public Works Association (APW A) Future Scientists & Engineers (FSAE) Civil Engineers & Land Surveyors of California (CELSOC) American Water Works Association (A WWA) Friends ofUCI Civil Engineering California Land Surveyors Association (CLSA) Experience: Mr. McGregor has twenty (20) years of public works e"l'erience. He is very knowledgeable of building and construction standards, and has extensive experience in assisting public agency in the planning, design and development of public works. He has overseen local agency contracts with the County of Orange, Rancho Santa Margarita Water District and the Trabuco Canyon Water District. He is a ten-year local resident and current director with SAMLARC, Uzo Okereke. Ph.D. P.E.! Professional Registration: Civil Engineer, State ofCalifurnia Hazardous Substances Removal and Remediation Contractor, State of California General Engineering Contractor, State ofCalifomia., State of Arizona (RME) Commercial Building Contractor, State of Arizona (RME) Specialty Contractor, State of Nevada (RME) Education: Ph,D. Civil Engineering, University California Los Angeles Master of Science Civil Engineering, University California Los Angeles Ma~ter of Science Applied Hydrology, Stanford University Bachelors of Science Geology, UrriversityofNigeria Affiliations: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Experience: Dr. Okereke will provide quality control and quality assurance services. He is an expert in evaluating administration and operational procedures related to civil and environmental engineering. He has overseen several public sector and private sector projects, and maintains good rapport with agencies as Ii Principal at DMc and previously at Okerenson Corporation, Fluor Daniel Cor¡XJration, and IT Corporation. He is a registered general engineering and hazardous waste removal and remediation contractor, Dr, Okereke has the experience and background to perform Capitál Improvement Project functions including civil and enviro!1DWntal engineering design, design reviews, specification preparation, estimating, and contract document preparation, He will also be an excellent mentor on environmental compliance issues related to the planning, design and construction ofthis project. 1.0 AREAS OF WORK 2.1 SURVEYING Site Investigation, Surveying and Mapping: Our strong expertise in this area is applied in helping our clients develop master plans and site improvement plans. We perform topographic and boundary surveying, 1and use planning, layout ofinfi'astructure and utilities, and the design of site drainage, erosion control, and landscaping for highways and residential subdivisions. DMC researches and verifies existing monuments in the vicinity of the new development to locate monuments to be used as horizontal and vertical controls in the establishment of ground relief and the project boundaries. DMC conducts a survey of the site to gather necessary field and other pertinent data for the preparation of the site layout design, and for construction planning. We conduct utility search and supplement that with field verifications. We conclude this preliminary phase by providing our clients finished products in the form of: . Topographic Maps . Utility Maps . Sewer Improvement Drawings . Water Supply DTawings . Site Plan, . Profiles and Cross Sections, and . Cost Estimates for Site Work. During the construction phase, DMc stakes the site in gen.-'"fal as well as the building comers, and performs construction inspection. Easement Acquisition:. DMc assists clients in the preparation of documentation required for the acquisition of prospective easement locations. We assist with the preparation oftitle reports, grant deeds, and property recordation. 2.2 GRA.DINGÆ4RTHWORK DMC maintains project continuity by applying the survey data in the development of grading plan for the project. The plan shows areas of cuts and fills relative to finished grade, and estimates of soil in1ports and/or exports. The plan will also show areas of unsuitable soi] removals and replacements. 2.3 DRAINAGE DESIGN Water and Sewer: By performing plan checks for a number of cities and public agencies (see Plan Checking below), we assist in enforcing strict quality control on designs for roadway and residential subdivision Ì1nprovements. We apply the same high standards to our own engineering designs. Some =mbers of our engineering staffhave seveTaI years of c>"'þerience working in public agency plan c.hecking departments. They help in fucilitatiog the design of sewer and water systems for both existing and new land developments. Our expertise in this area includes the layout and sizing of water distributions and flow/pressurtJ control systel115, and sanitary sewtJrs and storm water drainage and retention systel115, DMc also designs the locations and sizes of hydraulic structurtJS and appurtenances such as: . Building Connections . Street Inlets . Manholes . CatchBasms . Junction and Transition Systems . Drops and Energy Dissipators, and . Overflow and Diversion Structures . Subsurface Drainage Systel115 (including French Drains, Dry Wells and Leach Fields) . Pump Stations . Culverts Best Management Practices (BMPs)/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)/NPDES: We assist our clients in conforming with the requirements of AB 403 by helping to select and únplemellt best management practices for reducing pollutants in storm water discbarge.s ITom construction activities, and in obtaining the NPDES Permit. 2.4 PLAN CHECKING DMc performs plan checks to assess the construct ability of the project, and to check for flaws in the design that would undennine the viability of the proJect. Listed below are the main areas of our plan checking capabilities. Drainage Plans: DMc checks drainage plans to ensure tbat water is kept from standing on or washing over the roads and that the side slopes are protected from erosion. Our review also focuses on the design provisions fur the natural flow of water in the project area, including the size, configurations, capacities, and stability of the system of slopes, ditche-s and channels, pipes, and culverts for ensuring proper discharge of -water. We also ensure that adequate sizes and proper alignment are used for the specific energy condition and volumetric discharge at the project location. Street Plans and Profile Sheets: DMc checks these plans for conformance with standards and practices of street plan and profiles, including: stationing, bearings, scales, elevations, and curve aligmnents. In checking the 5tJ:eet construction plan view, we ,vill look for the following features: 1. Pavement edges, curbs and gutters, median curbs, barrier curbs, traffic separators, sidewalks, retaining walls, steps, bridges, approach slabs, etc. 2, Station of return points, with grade elevations of gutters or pavement edges at these points. 3. Station of radius points of traffic separators or median curbs at media.! openings. 4, Stations of end of curbs and gutters at side street intersections. 5. Limits of grading at side street intersections. 6, Control radii for traffic turns when these set median nose locations. 7, Proposed drainage. 8, Construction linûts. The profile views for street construction will be checked for: 1. Scales 2. Vertical elevations including existing ground line, proposed profile grade, vertkal curve elevations, high water elevations, station equations, exceptions, reference. points, and benchmark notes 3. Project limits 4. Location of underground utilities including all water and gas mains, and all sanitary sewers and ducts. 5. Clarity of utility lines when a nunlber of various kinds are present. 6, Gutter profile grades. 7. Gutter grades at street intersections. 8. Stonn sewer drains. Earthwork: DMc checks earthwork pJan to help the client ensure that the scope of the cut and fill operations is sufficient to meet the requirements of the roadway or land development construction. We also ensure that the proposed type of earthwork suits the location and purpose ofilie project.