HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 1999-00 ANNUAL RPT 12-18-00 1 ', ~ 12-18-00 ' . /.' i,'. DECEMBER 18, 2000 WII_LiAM A. HUS'FON, CITY MANAGER FROM: REDEVELOPIV!ENT AGENCY STAFF ~UBJcCI: 1999-2000 ANNUAL REPO'RT SUMMARY Redevelopment Law requires that the Redevelopment Agency submit to the legislative body an annual ,'eport of housing activity for the preceding fiscal year. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the City Council and Community Redevelopment Agency take the foilowing actions: . Peceive and File the Annual Report of Housing ActMty for 1999-2000. 2. Direct a copy of the Annual Report to be filed with the State Controller and State Department of Housing and Community Development. . FISCAL IMPACT , There is no fiscal impact associated with this action, - .. ~ BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION California Health and Safety Code Section 33080.1 requires the preparation and filing of an annual report of housing activity by a'redevel°pment agency with its legislative 'body. A copy of this report must be filed with the State Controller and also with the State Department of Housing and Community Development. The annual report must contain the following information: . An independent financial audit of the previous fiScal year. The audit must include an opini°n'of the Agency's compliance with laws, regulations and administrative requirements governing activities of the Agency. . A fiscal statement containing the following information: a ....The amount of outstanding indebtedness of the Agency, b. The amount of tax increment property tax revenue generated. o 3~ "Ftie amo:.Jr¢.' 3f ;~x increment revenues paid to taxing agencies pursuant to SectiOn d. The required Annual Report of Financial Transactions to the State Controller's Office. Any other fiscal information the Agency believes is useful. A description of the Agency's activities affecting housing and displacement containing the following information: a. The total number of households displaced or moved from their dwelling units as part of a redevelopment project during 1999-2000. bo An estimate of the total number of households that will be displaced during 2000-2001. Co The total number of dwelling units housing persons and families of Iow-to moderate income as a part of a redevelopment project. d. The total number of Agency assisted dwelling Units 'constructed, substantially rehabilitated, acquired or subsidized during 1999-2000 for occupancy at affordable cost by persons and families of Iow to moderate income. e. g. 'The status' and use of the Low to Moderate Income Housing Fund, created pursuant to Section 33334.3. . : Any other information the Agency believes useful to explain its housing program. . Any excess surplus funds which have accumulated in the Low to Moderate Income Housing Funds. E. xcess surplus funds are defined as any unexpended or unencumbered amount in the Housing Fund that exceeds the greater of $1,000,000 or the aggregate amount deposited in the fund in the preceding four (4) fiscal years. Monies are deemed encumbered if committed by a legally enforceable contract or agreement. Any other information the Agency believes is useful to explain its housing program. ': :.:.!':':::i" Fol' :L'300-2(?..'i1i the ;(~¢d~::ve!opment Agency will be continuing with ongoing pro;~';:~ms '!,:., ?r,':;vid;~, ,~'dditiona! opportunities for affordable housing. These prog~'~ms ir~.:.;i;.;.:'ie [~,¢ First Tirne Homebuyers Downpayment Assistance Prog,,~m, ~;..,;g~,? :..,~edit Certificate Program, and 'rehabilitation of dwelling L~P.;t:~; thro~.~.qh the Housing Rehabilitation Program. In addition, the Agency will co~qtinue negotiations with Property Owners and developers i~'~ the Southwest Neighborhood-regarding redevelopment objectives and option, s in the acea in furtherance of the Plar:,qing Study for Housing Opportunities in the South Central Project Area, the City-wide Comprehensive Affordable Housing Strategy and the Second Five-Year Housing Implementation Plan completed during the 1999-2000 reporting period. eo As of June 30, 2000, the accrued balance in the Agency's low to moderate-income housing set-aside fund for the South Central Project Area was $3,438,643. As of June 30, 2000, the accrued balance in the Agency's Iow to moderate-income housing setTaside fund for the Town Center Project Area was $1,731,702. g. As of June 30, 2000, there are excess surplus funds in the Housing Fund' for the c°mbined Project Areas in the amount of $70,199. it is anticipated that the excess surplus funds will be encumbered during FY 2000-2001. · Agency staff will be available to respond to any questiOns at the Agency's meeting of December 18, 2000. ChristineA. Shingleton~_~ ' Assistant City Manager Attachments: J~n DraughoCz~,,/ Senior Project Manager HCD Annual Report of Housing Activity Attachment I. June 30', 2000 Independent Financial Audit And Compliance Audit Attachment II. Annual Report to State Controller TUSTYN COMMUNiT' · REDEVELOPMEN'r AGENCY AkN~I~'UAL REPORT OF HOUSING ACTIVITy'` F~ar Fiscal Year 1999- 2000 December 18, 2000 o . . HOUSING A(" I'. X v'ELOP~v; EN f AU/fiN,..!FS END?.D 6 / 50' 2000 'i . - .. Comity of JL,.nsdiction: "' "~ 'i:.' ' :-'"' ' " '.'fa!i:(im~a !,..... ~,....~. 4;, .-. :;' ~.- mv~,' ,..,::~ ::, ~.,.: ,~::,j '7 :~:!h ,, v C. vd:= ? ': :: c:on .~_ .. c.c'....~ re:i,~h'es agencies to .'t~mually repOrt their housing activities ,and n~ainlc!'~,mcc a,n-i ::'::e vi"t:?~: Low ,'k Mod.:'.,::;::: k:.c"cme E'o:.nv[:,:g Fund (LM'r,!'i}). Pursuam to Sechon 33080.3, a copy of this report must be se:ir to the' S:,r~::s (:c. atrol!er and filed wi~ fi:~:, Dcr:,arrmt.a! c, fHousmg m~d Cormmmity Development (HCD) in order for HCD to compile m~d a'~.ai..~a!iy pabii.t't; a r~epet~ of rec,vc!¢t:'~:r,.:~:~: .:.:i:...,ei:cie:<' Lc. using activities in accordance with Section 33080.6. Please aan~wer ca,'% of the ............ fr,!~-wm =v ~,,~.:,' ,i'",:, .... ..~': m o~'dcr t,:, .2e~.~:; mine which HCD Schedules .... .your agencv, must prepare in order to provide a complete iepor,.', ofhom';ing a.ctiviv a~d i:::~,:,d i;alar, ces R~,r 2, e =eporfing period. 1. Check one of the itew~ below to ident/fy 'd:e A~e~.cy's stares a~ the m~d of the reporting period: ~ New (Agency was formed dur/ng the reporu:,g yea' bat no £mancial transacUons were completed) ir~ Active (Agency completed fmaucial tramacfions during the reporting year) [~ Inactive (~i. gency did not complete ar, ay Lmaucial u'ansacfions during the reporting year) ['_] Dismantled (Agency is dissolved) 'How many adopted project areas did the Agency hai, e during the reporting per/od? 2 If the Agency has one or more project areas, subm/t a separate copy of SCHEDULE HCD-A for each adopted project area. How many project areas were merged during the reporting period? 0 If'&e Agency has no adopted project areas, do not submit Schedule HCD-A. Did the Agency conduct any housing activity outside of adopted redevelopment project arc<ts during the reporting period? [~] 'Yes. Prepare and submit one copy of SCHEDULE HCD-B. 1--] No. Do not submit Schedule HCD-B. Did the Agency have any funds in the Low & Moderate Income Housing Fund during the reporting period? ~] Yes. Prepare and submit one copy of SCHEDULE HCD-C. ["] No. Do not submit Schedule HCD-C. During the reporting period, were housing projects completed within a project area or assisted by the agency outside a project area? ~] Yes. Prepare and submit all applicable HCD Schedules D l-D7 and E 1 for each housing project completed. 1--] No. Do not submit HCD Schedules D1-D7 or HCD Schedule El. California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Cover (TIlllO0) ' HCD-Cover Page 1 of 1 Date ,,,xes contained in the HCD Schedule('~) Si~amre of Authorized Agency .~eprt:sen~tive Y~ance Director Title 714 573-3061 Telephone Number Senior Project Manager Title 714 573-3121 Telephone Number California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Cover (7/11/00) HCD-Cover Page 1 of 1 ANNUAL ¥~.,_,~.,:.~''~)~'*'v. ,~,.. :'r_, OF H OU SIN G'- :k CTIVITY For Fiscal Year 1999- 2000 SCHEDULE HCD-A .;......:.-..? ,,,-4'{~DULE HCD-A · :fi0_~e ~oject Area Acfivit5 ",.'., :~,.::;:I Yom' Endecl 6 / 30/2000 Name: TusOn Co;.,.:ma~fi~, Recle,':loon?r t Agency Preparer's Nme, Title: Jim Drau al~o~, S,:r~gr~r2iec~ Managsr Preparer's Telephone No:(714.) 573-3121 ProJect Area Name: SOUTH CENTRAL Preparer's E-Mail Address: jdraughon~tustinca.org_ Preparer's Facsimile No: (714) 573-3113 General InformatiOn '!. a year that plan for project areawas adopted: 1983 Current expiration ofredeveiopment plan: b. If project area name has changed, give previous name(s) or number: . c. YEar(s) project areas merged: n.a, , , Project areas merged: n.a. 7/'15 / 2015 n.a. mo day yr 'd. Year(s) project area plan was amended and real property was: (1) added: 1985 (2) removed: n.a ...... Project areas adopted, and areas added by amendment, after 12/31/75 are subject to section 33413. All other project areas are subject to Section 33413(a), effective 1/1/96, with respect to hOusing activity specified in Section 33413(d). An agency may elect to make all or part of SeCtion 33413 aPply to a project area for Which a plan was adopted before 1/1/76. If the redevelopment plan for the subject project area was adopted before 1/1/76 and the agency has..elected to apply all or part of Section 33413, provide the date and scope of the resolutiOn. Date: / /__; Scope: mo day yr NOTE: Expenditures for debt service should be reported on Schedule HCD-C, Line 4c. _ Dollar amounts for items HCD-A lines 3a.-3f. and 3i. (where an italicized line number is noted in parentheses) can be taken directly from that line number on the State Controller Office's (SCO) Annual Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies, Project Area Income Statement, except for the reclassifying of Transfers-In from Internal Funds and the reporting of Other Sources as discussed below. Transfers-In from other internal funds: The specific sources of transferred funds must be reported in items HCD-A lines 3a.-j. For example: transfers into the Housing Fund from the Debt Service Fund for the deposit of the 20% set- aside should be reported on Line 3a(3). Other Sources: Non-GAAP (_G_enerally Acceptable Accounting Principles) revenues such as land sales for those agencies using the Land Held for Resale method to record land sales should be reported on HCD-A Line 3d. Money received for the repayment of loan principal to the Housing Fund should be included on HCD-A Line 3h. California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-00 Sch A (7/1/00) HCD-A Page 1 of 6 j~ct Area Name: $.,'.' UTH :". ;': .; ' :: :: . :.' '-'::~ ........ r.:,. _-~ ~;~.;~ :, this project aren which ~c, cn~cd ',.o the lq?~osing Fund over the reportiv~, , . :, '~ ~'.::r?'_t't¢.. ~: ~. :' i :0, ,_~,.r-.)-,.~:,.~) a ~',OU:;,mg I~cated outs/cie thc. prr:.~c::t <.a'ca(s) shoulzl be reported ,,s "Otb,,-,' ........... c~ ...... . ,5 ............ ~, if' :.his 'cr,~ect area is named :~s beneficiaiv m the authorizing rcso~ut~.>a.' ' '* Any ,:':,t.:!~.:: rc~'sm~e source,;,,, ,', r,,~ ,-,.~:~.:..,.. ....... ,~..'~ .. .... ~. J." .'~' i;,,-3!., should also be rt:ported on Lin: 3j. ~.,~ ~i'..~!~ ;~i.fll 1 ...,t~:,o O~[: ~.ro:;; ']i'::~t-~,'~.'.';'.,~'~' :~:.~.~: ~:~!.n,~ale~j (pIiol to ally pass thm,'.~,gh and dedaction tbr ~cs) on Line .....:,~.~_.,~-- '20% r_,£...o.r~;~.~,3 ~'~':~ x. ~':rc':~::'~:~.~:.n~ ~,-i ~n:~:r ,'he amount on line 3a(2). Next, report the amount' of Tax Increment se~- :'-'.s',.,k:. i~':b',~? ,~.~y ex e~.r~pfio.,'.~ ,;u~'c~r ~eJ~'.r~)~ ('~t' hmo~mt set-aside is less than 20°,/o. explain the difference,).' If any amount ~'.:".~' '~'~-~× ~.~-'~ ~.ment w~ exempted c~r de£e:~ efl~ i.r~ addition to completin~ lines 3ar_(24~ .a. nd/or 3a~5)~c_0mplote Line 4 and/or !~..iC~.~.:.5. ~'.!'~ det~k~e ~,~.' ~m'mt ,.~l'T,a. x ~'~:.mme.~.t deposited to the Housing Fund ~1_ ine 3a(6)], subtract allowable ex~:~.~.?te.~t ~Line 3~(zl)] or deaden'ed [Lm~ 3a~5).] amounts from the Tax Increment Aliocated to Housing Fund ~Line Tax J_n:rernenr: (1) 1¢0% of Gross (SCOLine iE): $ 1,961,305 £?0_ Mirfimum Dq:~osit to Hmuing Fund (LS~e 3a(1) x 20%): $ .... 392,260 · (.3) 'Fax Increment Allocated to Hoasing lhmd $ . 392,790 * · if less than 20% of the Gross Tax Increment (see 3a(2) above) is being set-aside in this project area in accordaJ:ce with Section 33334.3(i), identify the project area(s) contributing .he difference. Explain any other reason(s): b, f. g. h. i. j. ko (4) Amount Exempte,.l [Health & Safety Code section 33334.2] (ffthere is a:-, amount exempted, also complete question ~4 (HCD-A): ($ (5) Amount Deferred [Health & Safety Code section 33334.6] (if there is an amount deferred, also complete question #5 (HCD-A): ' ($ (6) Tax Increment Deposited to Homing Fund (actual amount deposited) [Lines 3a (3) - (4) - (5)] Interest Income (SCO Lne 5 ): Rental/Lease Income (SCO lines 6 + 7 ): Sale of Real Estate (SCO Line 8 ): Grants ($C0 lines 9 + 10 ): Bond Administrative Fees (SCO Line 11 ): Deferral Repayments (also complete Line 5c on the next page): Loan RePayments: [. ._ Debt Proceeds ($C0 Line 39 ): Other Revenue(s) [Explain and identify amount(s)]: ??? $ 12,165 Total Housing Fund Deposits for this Project Area (add lines 3a(6): through 3j.):' ,. California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch A (7/1/00) ) ) $ 392,790 $ 157,943 $ $ 12,165 $ 562,898 HCD-A Page 2 of 6 .'.'.'.'::::i ":.j:._.'.i..;/ 21:' ':'? ' .- "....;:,;,: ,-;, .... :., ,.- .... ._. .......... :. ~,. ....... ;,: :hzn the re:~:.;~;'ed arnetmt, complete tSe following informahon: t,. ..... , .... ,,: ;:; ..... ,,,t:sc ;::;~.. a ~.~,~ ,,. _ ......... /__ ; Date Resolution with facts sent to HCD: / :no day yr mo, day . _ ........ ec~,:~, b~!c,w providing a basLs for the exemp!io~,: [--.J section 33354..?(a)(1): No nee~ in ...... '"~'~'-,~r:.,um:,' ,'"v l,.)' i~crease/improve supply of lower or moderate income housing2 [] Ss:'fion ...... , ',c..,,'~, · ~-~-~-~',--' ,,aA.;-}: Less than 2c5°,,~ set-~.st,.]e is sufficient to meet the need. [-] Sect/on 33334.2{~)(3): Co.rr.,mm~/b~ ~ mal. Sng substantial effort equivalent in value to 20% set-aside and has s~ecific contractual ob]i~adons Jncuzred before May ), 199] requiting continued use of this funding. iNote: ?ursuant to Section 33334.2(a)(3)(C), this exemption expired on June 30, 1993. I [ Contracts entered into ur~or to M~y 1. I~91 ma)' not be subject to the exemption sunset. I Date inifia! finding was adopted: __/ __/ Resolution mo day yr [-']' Other:. Specify code section and reason: ': ~::,:c~ ,~rea Name: SOUTH CENTR~ Date sent to HCD / / mo day yr Deferral(s) 5. a. I/you are deferring the set-aside, indicale the reason. Check only one of the below Health and Safety Code Section boxes: ~. Section 33334.6(d): Prqiect was approved before 1986 and tax increments are needed to meet existing obligations. j Note: The previous allowable deferral under Section 33334.6(e) expired. It was only[ allowable in each fiscal year prior to July 1, 1996 with certain restrictim;s. Date initial finding was adopted: __/ / Resolution # __ Date sent t° HCD · / :' / ,: mo day. yr .... mo day- yr [-] Other:' SPeCify code ~ecfion and reason: ..... b. When was current vear finding adopted for any deferral claimed in 5.a.? __/ / mo day yr Identify Resolution # Date Resolutioh sent to HCD: / / mo day yr c.'. A deferred set'aside pursuant to Section 33334.6(d) constitutes an indebtedness to the Housing Fund equal t0 the amount of the set-aside being deferred. Summarize the amount(s) of set-aside deferred during this fiscal Year and cumulatively: Fiscal Year Amount DeFerred Amount'of Prior FY Cumulative Amount This Reporting FY Deferrals Repaid Deferred (Nei of Any During Reporting FY Amount(s) Repaid) 99/00 $ 0 $ 0 $ *0' * The cumulative amount set-aside should also be shown Schedule Line 6b. J of deferred c, on If the FY 98/99 cumulative deferral shown above differs from what was reported on the last HCD report, indicate the 'amount of difference and the reason: Difference: $ n.a. Reason: California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch A (7/1/00) HCD-A Page 3 of 6 .. ,, ~e.c':...rca Name: SOLq'H CdNTR .,L · iC.~ c'.:,':-n: ~:cbasmes to a6,:',::t a ?'/:": v:, ,t.h;m','mte ~e deiici',: in subsequent years. Jr':' ':' ~d:mfi_~/.Kesotup, c,n # Dar,.-, R cscl::don sent. ~.o HCD Ya;'hen was the last a'inended "~-" " ' ' .... ~:i .... ~, m'c fl~e c:atmed deferral? !dCnti~- Resolution # O ,-~:~ l:~'.cszi.'::ti" n sent to HCD B-ousing Units I,ost and t[,~usehohls DJsE~&c2~d- 6 a. bo / / rno d%, yr / / day yr / mo day yr / / mo day yr / / mo day yr Pm-suant to Sections 33080.4(a)(17 va~.d (:~)(3), ~eport the nunfl)er of dwelling units axid bedrooms destroYed or removed fi.om this Fcoject area as a result ofredevt:iopment activities; the numbe~' of above moderate units or bedrooms the agency is not required to replace; and the income category and t.3~: ofhouseholds permanently displaced fi.om the project area during the fiscal year. Number of Households/Units/Bedrooms 'income Level VL L M AM Total Households Permanently Displaced-Elderly 0 ~o'useholds Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly 0 Households Permanently Displaced- Total 0 Units Lost (P, emoved or Destroyed, and Required to be Replaced) ~ 0 Bedrooms Lost (Ramoved or Destroyed, and Required to be Replaced) mm Above Moderate Units Lost That Agency is Not Required to Replace Above Moderate Bedrooms Lost That Agency is Not Required to Replace Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(a)(1) and (a)(3), report the number of households permanently displaced as a result of redevelopment activities other than the destruction or removal' of dwelling tm/ts and bedrOoms fi.om this project area; and the income category and lype of households displaced fi.om the project area during the fiscal year. Number of Households Income Level VL L M AM Total Households Permanently Displaced - Elderly 0 Households Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly -0 Households Permanently Displaced - Total 0 Identify each replacement housing plan adopted that is related to permanent displacement, desnmction or removal of dwelling units or bedrooms: during the fiscal year and identified in paragraphs 6a. and 6b. as follows: Date / /__ Name of Agency Custodian mo day yr Date /__/ Name of Agency Custodian mo day yr Date / /__ Name of Agency Custodian " mo day yr [Please attach a separate sheet of paper listing any additional housing plans adopted. [ '-::'.:5.,'!;,:' California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch A (7/1/00) HCD-A Page 4 of 6 Area Name: SOUTH CENTRAl, _ ype m..l ?'~,, 'nber ofhouscboMs, by income category, to be permax)enfiy . ;~ort/ng peri-d (V?.cal Year 2000-2001): Income' Level .., .Jib ~', ~. ~.Q.[~ ..-'.~ '.J .. ,"l V Households Permanently Disp!3sed - Nor: 2!derly Households Permanently Displ::~ced - Total Number of Households L ,M AM I VL Total i" 0 b. Identify each replacgment housing plmt adopted t3~at is related to permanent displacement, destmcfion or removal ofdwelling m-fits or bedrooms during the next reporting period and identifi;.ed in paragraph 7a. as follows: Date / / mo day yr · Date / / mo day -yr. Date / / mo day yr Name of Agency Custodian Name of Agency Custodian Name of Agency Custodian Please attach a separate sheet of paper.listing any additional housing plans adopted. New or Substantially Rehabilitated DwellinE Units Developed Within This Project Area From Activities of Other Project Area(s) 8. Pursuant to Section 33413Co)(2)(A)(v), agencies may choose one or more project areas to fulfill another project area's requirement to construct new or substantially rehabilitate dwelling units, provided the agency conducts a public heating and finds, based on .-:~.:~!-'.'~ substantial evidence, that the aggregation of dwelling units in one or more project, areas will notcause or exacerbate racial, ethnic, or {;::ii-;i-!!)._,. economic segregation. Were any dwelling units in this Project Area developed to partially or completely satisfy ~nother project area's requirement to constmct, new or substantially rehabilitate dwelling units~. r-]No. , . 1--]. Yes. Date initial finding was adopted? ' / / Resolution # Date sent to HCD: / / ' 'mo day yr - · . -- · mo day yr Number of Dwellin Units Name of Other Project Area(s) .- VL L M AM Total n.a. O · ~ · California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch A (7/1/00) HCD-A Page 5 of 6 ...... ~,,..~uFc. s but is notl~itcd to s~': ~flui~y s~ng ,.~ ~.,..,~, ..... mt,y , .....~ ; :., . '" .'-iol ~o ~e ~ph'~H.:z; re'the ,_ ~ncJ of ~e lin'id use consols established 'b~::.' v ;~gc:nc-/..:"~/Te'r~,~:: .:.; :'x,u.:; c.c;,~,~,~.t s:~ ::r,;::..:~ ..'.s /: t, .. Lz:w an';a Mo4c:~ .,~te i,,:o:r~c Hou.~ing Fund m~d ~t~ ~'ree (3) yearn flora ::. Did '~e ngr~c'~' pernfit *';.: ' ....... "' .'"m--r ......... ~ ....... :-"::: ....... ~" ..... ~:~'- t Number of Units ',ncomeLeve, ~ VL~ L i-M I~umber of Units b. D~d the agency, expend fimds ~ ~:e rcpo~ieg 'v,;3z... :o m~e affi~r{hble an equal number ofm~ sold over ~e last tMee yem? ~]No. ' 1 ~ Yes. [Total L~ Funds Expeuded ]$ ~ Number of Units Jincome Level FY 98-99 Sold Units Equally Made Affordable FY 97-98 Sold Units Equally Made Affordable ~--Y; 96---~'~-~-~a Units Equally Made Affordable VL L M Total ... . Affordable Units to be Constructed Within the Next Two Years 10. Pursuant to Section 33080.4(a)(10), report the number of very low, low, and moderate income units to be financed by any federal, state, local, or private source and constructed inside .the project area, within the next two years. Identify any executed contract or agreement and specify the estimated comnletion date of these future units and the mount 6f funds, finny, that make up Total Encumbrances reported on HCD Schedule C, Line 8b(2). Also, for any unencumbered funds bndgeted and designated on HCD ,~ Schedule C, Line 8b(3)(a) for' intended project use, complete as much information as applicable. ' ' lDO NOT REPORT ANY UNITS SHOWN ON SCHEDULES HCD-B OR HCD-Ds. I Name of Agreement Sch C Amount Sch C Amount' Project and/or Execution Estimated Encumbered Designated Contractor Date Completion Date [Line 8b(2)] [Line 8b(3)(a)] VL L M Total n.a. $ $ 0 $ $ $ $ Please attach a separate sheet of paper to list additional housing plans. California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch A (7/1/00) HCD'A Page 6 of 6 ... . , .. '.'.: :.' 5' ~:igency Name: 'Justin C.o:nrr:t:r.i.~: Redevelopment Agency. Project Area Nmne: TOWN CENTER 1~ reparcr s Name, Title: Jim Drat, ehon, Senior Project Manager Preparm"s E-Mail Address: idrauabon(~.tustinca':orq Preparer's Facsimile No: (?14) 573-3113 Preparer's Telephone No.2_(714~ 5'73-3121 General Information 1. a Year that plan for project area was adopted: 1976 Current expiration of redevelopment plan: b. If project area name has changed, give previous name(s) or number: n.a. !1/ 22 /2016 mo day yr c. Year(s) project areas merged: n.a, Project areas merged: n.a. Year(s) project area plan was amended and real property was: (1) added: n.a .......... (2) removed: n.a.. ,. ...... Project areas adopted, and areas added by amendment, after 12/31/75 are Subject to section 33413. All other project areas are subject to Section 3341.3(a), effective 1/1/96, With respect to housing activity specified in Section 33413(d). , An agency may elect to make all or part of Section 33413 apply to a project area for which a plan was adopted before 1/1/76. If the redevelopment plan for the subject project area was adopted before 1/1/76 and the agency has elected to apply all or part of Section 33413, provide the date and scope of the resolution. Date: __/ / .; Scope: mo day yr NOTE: · . Expenditures for debt service should be reported on Schedule ttCD-C, Line 4e. Dollar amounts for items ItCD-A lines 3a.-3f. and 3i. (where an italicized line number is noted in parentheses) can be taken directly from that line number on the State Controller Office's (Sco) Annual Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies, Project Area Income Statement, except for the reclassifying of Transfers-In from Internal Funds and the reporting of Other Sources as discussed below. Transfers-In from other internal funds: The specific sources of transferred funds must be reported in items ItCD-A lines 3a.-j. For example: transfers into the Housing Fund from the Debt Service Fund for the deposit of the 20% set- aside should be reported on Line 3a(3). Other Sources: Non-GAAP (_G_enerally Acceptable Accounting Principles) revenues such as land sales for those agencies using the Land Held for Resale method to record land sales should be reported on HCD-A Line 3d. Money received for the repayment of loan principal to the Housing Fund should be included on HCD-A Line 3h. California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-00 Sch A (7/1~00) - HCD -A Page 1 of 6 .. r · -:ioject Area Name tOWN CEN~ · .: . ,...~; ;,.ii, ex:,":,..;~:., :; a~,~.; '? ']'~,~'.r ;..~_ ...' :: vf f;.: r::~.:; fi'c,'n:: t. hs p~'oject mca which accme~i to me 5'10, ~ m~ Fund over ~, ',,'-::,' :thy m :c r:':.:::, .... ,,.~.,., v, :t~; ::':~ci? a~.si~:~c.,5 h z:,~4,., ~, located out,;/de ~e project ~ea(s) sh.z. ald be .i.~o~ed :~s "O~er ....... ,~:,edmt; A). if'5:fs: r~r~,~ect area i~ named as benefic/a~ ~ ~e aafllm~~~.:!. ..... :., :~'~ver~u~: :i~;~ ::'ci~'~ x2ot r,.7.on~::d cm. line3 ~.~-.41.. ~;~?.ould also be reponcd on L~e 3j. -. ., . ......... ,~o zzt~:.:~ ~or to ~y pass ~ough ~d deduc6on iOr fees) on L~e Sa( C(~m.pute 20% of gross T::.:,;: L::rcment :md enter ~.e amo-~t on l~e 3a(2). Nex~ report ~e m~t ofT~ ~ement set-.. m~frte befbre any exemp~tm m~&'or deferm! (~~[ set-as/de is less than 20%, explain the~ifferenc~), Iffy mo~t of'['~,,: h~c?:ment was exempted or deleted, in ad2t:i~m~ n t~ comple~ lines 3a(4) ancot 3a(5), complete Line 4 ancot [ii.B~5. To Ciete~r~e fl~e amCunt of Tax Increment d~osited to ~e Hous~g F~d ~e 3a(6)], sub,act allowable exempted [Lme 3a(4)] or deign'ed [L~e 3a(5)] amo~m from ~e Tax ~crement Allocated to Hous~g F~d ~e 3a(3)]. ~. Tax Increment: (I) i00% of Gross (SC(])I.h~e IE): £~). ~*~r,Jmum Deposit to Housing Fund (Line gavel) x 20%): · (3) Tax Increment Allocated to Housing F~md $ 2,520,49~2: $ 504,098_ $ 503.982 * * If less than 20% of the Gross Tax Increment (see 3a(2) above) is being set-aside in this project area in accordance with Section 33334.3(i), identify the project area(s) contn'buting the difference. Explain any other reason(s): Sou. th Central Project Area (4) Amount Exempted [Health & Safety Code section 33334.2] (ffthere is an amount exempted, also co..replete question ~f4 (HCD-A): ($ ) (5) Amount Deferred [Health & Safety Code section 33334.6] (fi'there is an amount deferred, also complete question #5 (I-ICD-A): ($ .. ) (6) Tax Increment Deposited to Housing Fund (actual amount deposited) [Lines 3a (3) - (4) - (5)] $ b. Interest Income (SCO Lne 5 ): c. Rental/Lease Income (SCO lines 6 + 7): d. Sale of Real Estate (SCO Line 8 ): e. Grants (SCO lines 9 + 10 ): f. Bond Administrative Fees (SCO Line 11 ): g. Deferral Repayments (also complete Line 5c on the next page): h. Loan Repayments: i. Debt Proceeds (SCO Line 39): j. Other Revenue(s) [Explain and identify amount(s)]: ko $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Housing Fund Deposits for this Project Area (add lines 3a(6). through 3j.): 90.669 594,651 California Redevelopment Agencies- Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch A (7/1/00) HCD-A Page 2 of 6 .. ::':' i'." - ..-.i:-:i ? · - ' i'- _ .~ ,.,t . .... a.~o..~a, complete thc fcllo~xdng ini0rmafic.q: Cm~ent Resolution ~ Resolution ]')at~: / ~ ~ Date Resolution ~d~ fac~ sent to HCD: / mo ~y ~ mo day Chec~< only one of the Hc~I~ a~d Safeg' Code. Secfio~ below provi~ a basf for ~e ~xempfion: ~ Se:tion 33334.2(a)(1): No ne~d in con~m~iW to incre~e/~prove supply of low~ or moderate ~come ho~g. ~ Secdon ._3_ 4.(a)(2): Lesa ~m120% set-aside ~ sufficient to meet ~e need. ~ Section 33334.2(a)(3): Colm~i~ ~ ~g subst:d~ effo~ equivalent ~ v~ue to 20% set-~ide ~d hm ~ecific con~cmaI ob~gafiom ~c~ed before May 1, 1991 req~g con~ued me of ~ ~g. L ot : S :,On t i, em tio. o. ,ne a0. I Contrac~ entered into Prior to M~y 1~ 1991 m~y not be subject to ~e exemption sunse~ I Date bridal ~:a~g was adopted: / /~ Resolution ~ ~ Date sent to HCD /~/~ mo . ~y ~ mo ~y ~ ~ oject Area Name: TOWN CENTER FI Other: sPecify code section and reason: Deferral(s) 5. a. If you are deferring the set-aside, indicate the reason. Check only one of the below Health and Safety Code Section boxes: FI Section 33334.6(d): Project was approved before 1986 and tax increments are needed to meet existing obligations. INote: The prex4oUs allowable deferral under Section 33334.6(e)expired. It was onlyI allowable in each fiscal year prior to July 1, 1996 with certain reStrictions. i ., - , Date inihal finding was adopted: __/ / ' Resolution # · Dat~ sent to HCD '- / /__ ~ mo day yr-- -' ' -~i ': mo daY yr . . [--] Othen Specify code section and reason: - When was current vear finding adopted for any deferral claimed in 5.a.? __/__/__ mo day yr Identify Resolution # Date Resolution sent to HCD: /__/__ mo day A deferred set-aside pursuant to Section 33334.6(d) constitutes an indebtedness to the Housing Fund equal to the amount of the set-aside being deferred. Summarize the amount(s) of set-aside deferred during this fiscal year and cumulatively: Fiscal Year ' Amount Deferred Amount of Prior FY' - Cumulative AmoUntl ' This Reporting FY Deferrals Repaid Deferred (Net of Any During Reporting FY Amount(s) Repaid) 99/00 $ 0 $ 0 $ * 2,216,470' The cumulative amount of deferred set-aside should also be shown on Schedule C, Line 6b. '! If the FY 98/99 cumulative deferral shown above differs from what was reported on the last HCD report, indicate the amount of difference and the reason: Difference: $ 0 Reason: California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch A (7/1/00) HCD-A Page 3 of 6 3,x'fien ?,'-'"" ~'" ,- · 'j'.'.'.'.;'.!.': ,~ ,.7.. ,.... ~e;. :~2l-a~-~dc-s to :.~c, a p~ ~'o e.,:~ate Qfc deficit k~ subsequent year,s. I !f yes, wl.',.:n was ~ ::2.k'i~rLa.! plan z, do.pte(~ for th,::; claimed deferral? / / mo day yr / / ri'lO Ide'~tify ?,.esolufior~ # .............. Date Reso!ution sent to HCD / Wh::n was the last amended plan adopted for the claimed deferral? I&mfify R.esohzdon # Date R:solut~on sent [o HCD Units Lest and Households Displaced_ b. day yr / mo day yr / / mo day yr / / mo day yr Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(a)(1) and (a)(3), report the number of dwelling units and bedrooms destroyed or removed fi.om this project area as a result of redevelopment acfivide4 the number of above moderate tm/ts or bedroOms the agency is not required to r~Iace; and the income category and type of households permanently displaced fi.om the project area during the fis----cal year. Number of Households/Units/Bedrooms ~e Level VL L M AM Total :holds Permanently Displaced -Elderly 0 holds ,Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly 0 holds Permanently Displaced- Total · 0 ~R~~~'~'d--'~quir~d to be Replaced) )ms Lost (Removed or Destroye~~--~ced) I ~~ Agency is Not Required to Replace income Househoi, Househol~ Household~ ~Units Bedroom,, -::5.'!-:::3 Above '" :"::'::' Above Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(a)(1) and (a)(3), report the number of households permanently displaced as a result of redevelopment activities other than the desauction or removal of dwelling units and bedrooms from this project area; and the income category and type of hoUSeholds displaced fi.om the project area during the fiscal year. Number of Households Income Level VL L M AM Total Households Permanently Displaced - Elderly 0 Households Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly .... 0 Households permanently Displaced - Total 0 Identify each replacement housing plan adopted that is related to permanent displacement, desu-uction or removal of dwelling units or bedrooms during the fiscal year and identified in paragraphs 6a. and 6b. as follows: Date __/ /__ Name of Agency Custodian mo day yr ', Date __/ / Name of Agency Custodian mo day yr Date __/ / - Name of Agency Custodian : mo day yr I, Please attach a separate sheet of paper listing any additional housing plans adopted. ! California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch A (7/1/00) HCD-A Page 4 of 6 As required in Section displaced from ',iris project and numbc~, ofhoasr.,holds, by income category, to be permanently dztg ?riod (F;scal Year 2000--2001): Income Level [ VL Households Permanently Dis[~lacuu -.Elderly Number of Households -- 'L .. M AM Total 0 0 0 Househoids Permanently Displaced- hlon ,:~uc.y ~-o~eholds Permanently Displaced -'i'o,'~.! b. Identify each replacement housing plan adopted that ~s relatea to permanent displacement, destruction or removal of dwelhng units or beckooms during the next reporting period ;,'nd identified in paragraph 7a. ss follows: Date / / mo day yr Date / / mo day yr Date / / mo day yr Nume of Agency Custodiar~ Name of Agency Custodian Name of Agency Custodian Please attach a separate sheet of paper hsting any additional housing plans adopted. New Or Substantially Rehabilitated Dweliino. Units Developed Within This Proiect Area From Activities of Other Proiect Area(s) 8. Pursuant to Section 33413Co)(2)(A)(v), agencies may choose one or more project areas to fulfffi another project area's requirement to construct new or substantially rehabilitate dwelling units, provided the agency conducts a public hearing and finds, based on ..'...'.~)~ substantial evidence, that the aggregation of dwelling units in one or more project areas will not cause or exacerbate racial, ethnic, or 'i:;:j~i';:-' economic segregation. Were any dwelling units in this Project Area developed to partially or completely satisfy another project area's requirement to constmct new or substantially rehabilitate dwelling units? I'"] NO. " : E] Yes. Date initial finding was adopted? __/ / Resolution # Date sent to HCD: ' / /__ mo day yr mo day .yr .-- ~umoer o: uwemn~; unns Name of Other Project Area(s) VL L M AM Total n.a. - ..... O . California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch A (7/1/00) HCD-A Page 5 of 6. · -'-,,-ct--f,,-,.' -,:-, :~' ',,'2 ' ~, ;~.ed pr%fa ,;v':;,,h lq;.id0cS bl;t is DOt ~dted to ~ equib :~3c::~c. ies mu'y ,~erc'::~' ~".~ sa:c* /~', .:::,: '.,t. ~,:mr ¢:. ~e exr~,aE..~:~ of~e pefioa o/the land use con~ols es~blished :~gency. Ag~-.;,ci:.:s ;'r~?;: 3t .;-" t ~3,.~ ~ '5, Lc, w ~. I ,.~ed~;atc fncome ;{ous~g F~d ~d wi~n ~ee (3) ye~s ~om th'~' ' &ate ef-~nt :;:~ies, ex,: ;~ od fi~" .L; ia :.~:,~L. , ": ':',.:.::-. xu ~.q u;d n: .:~ber ~.~i' t ni'm at the ;:;,~2 income level as ~e ~its sold. a, Did ~c art,:ncv pcrnfit thc sa'~': r..:i':;-~' 3 ,:::-~:-.c. p,.~-,,~ unJu dm-ing the repomag b. Did ~e agencT/expend ~,c:~ m ,,~ :,':: ........ .. 7e:r to ~.e afro;table = eqa;~.l nm~ber or,ts sold over ~e last ~ee ye~s7 Yes. [Total LMIHF Funds "~$ i Number of Units l~vCOme Level ~Y_ ~-~.~ S~_ LJnits E. qL~ally Made Affordable IFY 97-98 Sold ~ ~,qu--~ Made Affordable IFY 96-97 Sold Units EqU-~ Made Affordable VL L M Total ·., Affordr~ble Units to be Constructed Within the Next Two Years 10. Pursuant to Section 33080.4(a)(10), report the number of very low, low, and moderate income units to be financed by any federal, state, local, er private source and constructed inside the project area, within the next two years. Identify any executed contract or a~eement and specify the estimated completion date of these future tm/ts and the mount of funds, if any, that make up Total Encumbrances reported on HCD Schedule C, Line 8b(2). Also, for any unencumbered funds budgeted and designated on HCD :i.~..'.::\ Schedule C, Line 8b(3)(a) for intended project use, complete as much information as applicable. :7:2-.!:.:- -::..:.::: Name of Agreement Sch C Amount Sch C Amount Project and/or Execution Estimated Encumbered Designated Contractor Date Completion Date [Line 8b(2)] [Line 8b(3)(a)] VL L. M Total n.a. $ $ 0 $ · $ $ Please attach a separate sheet of paper to list additional housing plans. .'. California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch A (7/1/00) HCD-A Page 6 of 6 · .:-.-:. :... :' ANNUAL REPORT OF HOUSING ACTMTY For Fiscal Year 1999 _.~00 SCHEDULE HCD-B Pro?:ui .~'ea Nmne: N.A. N-am< Titl.:: .Tim DrauLho,2.,~Sq.a/?_r 'F.__:,'5'*;c; M:',n~Z:',:'.. Prcpar~:r's E-Mail Address: LC. rau~hon~/,tustinca.org .... 5w" 1'~ ...... -", q Telephone No: (714)_573-3__,::. I ~?,-arer's Facsimile No: (714} 5/.':-. 113 and Households b. P'urauant 'to Sections 33080.4(a)(1) and (a)(3). report the number of dwelling units and bedrooms desu'oyed or removed fi:om ouk;ide the project areas as a result of:redeve!opm:ix activities; the number of above moderate units or bedrooms the agency is _n~_t requh'ed to :replace; and the Nccme category and type ofhousehoifls permanently displaced fi:om outside the project areas dm:lng the fiscal year. Number of Households/Units/Bedrooms Income Level Households Permanently Displaced --Elderly Households Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly Households Permanently Displaced -Total Units Lost (Removed or Destroyed, and Required to be Replaced) Bedrooms Lost (Removed or Destroyed, and Required to be Replaced) 'Above Moderate Units Lost That Agency is Not Required to Replace Above Moderate Bedrooms Lost That Agency is Not Required to Replace Pursuant to Sections 33080.4(a)(1)and (a)(3), report the number of households permanently displaced as a result of redevelopment activities other than the deslruction or removal of dwelling unit; and bedrooms fi.om outside the project areas; and the income category and type of households permanently displaced fi.om outside the project areas during the fiscal year. Number of Households Income Level VL L M AM Total !Households Permanently Displaced - Elderly · 0 Households Permanently Displaced - Non Elderly 0 Households Permanently Displaced - Total 0 Identify each replacement housing plan adopted that is related to permanent displacement, destruction or removal of dwelling units or bedrooms during the fiscal year and identified in paragraphs in la. and lb., as follows: Date / / mo day yr Date / / mo day yr Date / / mo day yr Name of Agency Custodian Name of Agency Custodian Name of Agency Custodian . [Please attach a separate sheet of paper listing any additional housing plans adopted. California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch B (7/1/00) HCD-B Page 1 of 2 '2. .x s ,-::~:i.r.zd :;.n ,'.:~':t'ion '~, ;0~'.~'~; (:~',," "' z:;t/z?.'~:,t? ,,:~: ;)'i"e and nmnt. er .z~f'~:mscnoi5s, by income category, to be permanently · , ...... · ~.~. ,~. /k~l~ .~ ?.575_h)J d_2s ~'crmanenrly Displaced - ?tou~;,,",ho~ds ?c:manently Displaced Non Elderly [:-to,aseh.pld& Pen'nav~ently Disylar, ed -. Total Number of Itouseholds Identify each r.".'pla:ement housing plan adopted that is related ~o pem'.~.~gnt displacement, destruction or removal of dwelling ~znits or bcdroonx5 during thee.next, reporting period and identified in paragraph 2a., as follows: Date / / mo day yr Date / / mo da'.,' yr Date / / m~ day yr Name of Agency Cuqtodian Name of Agency Custodian Narne of Agency Custodian Please attach a separate sheet of paper listing any additional housing plans adopted. I Sales of Owner-Occupied Units Prior to the Expiration of Land Use Controls 3. Section 33413(c)(2)(A) specifies that pursuant to an adopted pro=rotan, which includes but is not limited to an equity sharing program, agencies may permit ~e sales of owner-occupied units prior to the expiration of the period of the land use controls established by the agency. Agencies must deposit sale proceeds into the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund and within three (3) years from the date of unit sales, expend funds to make affordable an equal number of units at the same income level as the units sold. a. Did *,.he agency permit the sale of any owner-occupied units during the reporting year? E]Yes. Total Proceeds of Sales Deposited [$ I Number of Units Numberlnc°me LeVelof Units b. Did the agency expend funds in the reporting year to make affordable an equal number of units sold over the last three years? ~']No. Total LMIHF Funds Expended .[$ [ Number of Units Income Level VL L M Total FY 98-99 Sold Units Equally Made Affordable FY 97-98 Sold Units Equally Made Affordable FY 96-97 Sold Units Equally Made Affordable [-] Yes. Affordable Units to be Constructed Within the Next Two Years 4. Pursuant to Section 33080.4(a)(10), report the mt~ber of very low, low, and moderate income units to be financed by any federal, state, local, or private source and constructed outside the project area(s), within the next two years. Identify any executed contract or agreement and specify the estimated completion date of these future units and the amount of funds, ff any, that make up Total Encumbrances reported on HCD Schedule C, Line 8b(2). Also, for any unencumbered funds budgeted and designated on HCD Schedule C, Line 8b(3)(a) for intended project use, complete as much irrCormafion as applicable. lDO NOT REPORT ANY UNITS SHOWN ON SCItEDULES HCD-A OR HCD-Ds. [ ! I Name of Agreement Sch C Amount Sch C Amount Project and/or Execution Estimated Encumbered Designated Contractor Date Comp,letion Date [Line 8b(2)] [Line 8b(3)(a)] VL L M Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Please a separate of paper to housing plans.1 attach sheet list additional California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 HCD-B' Sch B (7/1/00) Page 2 of 3 California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch B (7/1/00) HCD-B Page 3 of 3 ~.kNN U.x~L REPORT OF HOUSING ACTIVITY For F,.'scal Year 1999- 2000 SCHEDUI_,E HCD-C :.~ .' Yis::al V',-.ar Ended ?;::.,:,.'~:c:,'~ ?,--':r-,.,} :~v~:~ il,k:,' ,' q'?l-';t 21 Preparer's Facsi~rJle No: (714) 573-3113 '-:4~.:.o.~: oa &,.~ ';c~'m:,,s a:~d '~:~s ,::,f"ti~s: a:en., c..vs' L~w :ant! 'Moderate Income Housmg Fund." Most information reported here should be ':~ased r:r,. that r(:pc.m~.d tt~ 5~.e ,¢ta;.e C~'~r,xx':A!r:'r. \V.h,m applicable, use <$> for negative mounts or mounts to be subtracted. !~lilauce OJ:;~; "?ie: 7i~ 'c.~ ~ .... Available" from last year's Line 4 on HCD-C) $. 5,104,664 Balance reqqire, s..3'_a~245_trr_.~::n_.t(21, i_{.en_7~_!k the reason and amount for each adjustment: $ b. Total Adjustment(s) (indicate whether posi. tive or <negative>) c. Adjusted Beginmng Balance [Begiantag Balar).ce plus + or minus <-> To~al Adjustment(s)] $ 0 $ 5,104,664 , Project Area(s) Receipts and Agency Other Revenues a. .M1 Project Areas. Total Housing Fund Deposits [Sum of amount(s) from Line 3k,HCD-A(s)] o Other revenues not reported on Schedule HCD-A(s) [Identify source(s) and amount(s)]: $ $ · c. Total Agency Other Revenues $ 1,157,549 $ $ 6,262,213 3. Total Resources (Line lc. + Line 2a + Line 2c.) NOTES: Many amounts to report as Expenditures and Other Uses (beginning on the next page) shOuld be taken from the Annual Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies that is submitted to the State Controller's Office (SCO). Line items shown on the SCO report (Income Statement-Consolidated) are shown as italicized line numbers within parenthesis (SCO Line #) at the end of apphcable HCD-C line items comprising Expenditures and Other Uses. Transfers-out to other internal funds: Report the specific use of any transferred funds on apphcable HCD-C lines 4a.-k. For example, transfers from the Housing Fund to the Debt Service Fund for the repayment of debt should be reported on the applicable item comprising Line 4c. Any transfers out of the Agency (for example: the transfer of excess surplus funds to a county Housing Authority) should be reported in line 4j(3). Other Uses: Non-GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) recording of expenditures such as land purchases for certain agencies using the Land Held for Resale method to record land purchases should be reported on HCD-C Line 4a(1). Money spent on loans from the Housing Fund should be included in lines 4b., 4f., 4g. and 4h. as appropriate. The statutory cite pertaining to Community Redevelopment Law is provided for preparers to review to determine the appropriateness of Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund (LMIHF) expenditures and other use& HCD does not ' :". '- represent that line items identifying any expenditures and other uses are allowabla CRL is accessible on the Internet ":': ~': :"":: '": ';.". [website: http://www, leqinfo.ca.~ov/(California Law)] beginning with Seca'on 33000 of the Health and Safety Code. '" California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch C (7/1/00) . . HCD-C Page 1 of 8 (1) Lax~d Assets (~oortion of $CO lnc ovm:t Linc ] ?) ' $ (2) Housing Asset~ (portion of SCO lnc Sm;! Line ] 7) * $ 705,300 (3) Acquisition Expense (SCO Line 20) $ <8.806> (4) Operation of Acquired properPa' (SCO Line 21.) (5) Relocation Costs (SCO Line 22) $ 0 (6) Relocation Payments (SCO Line 23) $ 0 (7) Site Clearance Costs (SCO Line 24) $ 0 (8) Disposal Costs (SCO Line 26) $ 0 (9) O~er [Explain and identify mount(s)]: $ 0 (10) Subtotal Acquisition of Property/Building Sites (Sum of Lines 1 - 9) $ 696,194 * SCO lnc Stmt Line 17 includes costs of land and improvements (fixed assets). SCO Balance Sheet separates land (Line 16) and fixed costs (Line J 7) Subsidies from Low and Moderate Income Housint Fund (LMIHF): (1) IN Time HomebUYer Down Payment. Assistance $ 237,823 (2) Rental Subsidies $ (3) Purchase of.AffordabiliV Covenants [33413(b)2(B)] $ (4) Other [Explain and identify amount(s)]: $ $ $ $ (5) Subtotal Subsidies from LMII-IF (Sum of Lines 1 - 4) . $ 237,823 Debt Service [33334.2(e)(9)]~ (1) Debt Principal Payments . (a) . Tax Allocation, Bonds & Notes $ (b) Revenue Bonds & Certificates of Participation $ (c) City/County Advances & Loans $ (d) U. S. State & Other Long-Term Debt $ (2) Interest Expense (SCO Line 29) $ (3) Debt Issuance Costs (SCO Line 31.1) $ (4)' Other [Explain and identify amount(s)]: (5) Subtotal Debt Service (Sum of Lines 1 - 4) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Planning and Administration Costs [33334.3(e)(1)]'. Administration Costs (SCO Line 14c) $150,408 Professional Services' (non project specific) (SCO Line 15c) $118,910 Planning, Survey/Design (non project specific) (Line 16c) $ 15,000 Indirect Nonprofit Costs [33334.3(e)(1 )(B)] Other [Explain and identify amount(s)]: $ $ $. $ (6) Subtotal Planning and Administration (Sum of Lines 1 - 5) $ 54,397 $ 338,715 Califomia Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch C (7/1/00) HCD-C Page 2 of 8 iqot~.[~ R.,zhabilitafion [333':t4 2(c'ff'r':'l ,.'l ',.,-, .77.:) Maintenan-e of Mobilehom: r, .... ..,,-~.~.., .... . Fre;er~,ation el' Al-Risk Units Tn,a~sfers Out of Ag-ency (!) For Use Outside Corotar=riB, [33534. i7) $ (2) For Tra~it Villa,,e =, Development P]azi t,, (3) Excess Smplus [33334.12(a)(l)(A)] (4) O~er (code section att~orNing ~e ~':msS~w ~d ~o~t) A. Section $ . ;B. Sechon~ C. Section $ (5) Subtotal Transfers Out of Agency (SumOfL~es 1 -3 ~d 4A.- 4C.) 559,603 <~i~ %468> $ 0 k. Other EXpenditures and Uses [Explain and identify mount(s)]: $ $ $ Subtotal Other Expenditures and Uses $ 1. Total Expenditures and Other Uses (Sum of lines 4a.-k.) 5. Net Resources Available [End of'Year] [Line 3. (Total Resources) minus Line 4.1. (above)] o b;' C. Other Housing Fund Assets (not included as part of Line 5, above) a. Value of Land Purchased with Housing Funds and Held for Development. of Affordable Housing $ 705,000 Indebtedness fi:om Deferrals of Tax Increment Set-asides (Sec. 33334.6) $ [refer to Line 5c of Sch-A(s)]). Loans Receivable for Housing Activities $ Residual Receipt Loans (structured for periodic and fluctuating payments) $ ERAF Loans Receivable (all years) (Sec. 33681) $ Other Assets [Explain and identify amount(s)]: $ $ g- Total Other Housing Fund Assets (Sum of lines 6a.-f.) '$1,796,867 $ 4,465,346 $ 705,000 TOTAL FUND EQUITY [Line 5 (Net Resources Available) + 6g (Total Other Hsg Fund Assets] $ 5,170,346 Compare Line 7'to the amount below from SCO Line 39c (Balance Sheet of Annual R4-Ort of Financial :...' -...:.> Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies. [Explain differences and identify amount(s)]: $ ENTER AMOUNT FROM LINE 39c FROM THE SCO's BALANCE SHEET California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch C (7/1/00) HCD-C page 3 of 8 /; ::3ency ' ....... :',s '.:..,.,u~; :n ".'.talon 33334.12(g)(1)). Excess surplus exists tbr the ' .::~:~ fL "-::U?.!c HCD-C, Line Sb.(5)] of *he agency's prior year 19~8/99 rep0rt__in£ forms cxc~d.~ the ~,azer c.5: (!) $ :i ,C,90,090 .'.,r (2) L:~e agi~?-ega:e amo~t of m ~crement deposited ~to ~e F~d dumg the prior fo~ fiscal ye~. [See fl;e bel~'.v 'fable ~L~;e "Encugoer" memm cm~g lbnds Var;amqr to: ;egflly efforceable conuact or agreement for e~en&~e for au~or/zed redevelopment housNg activities [Secficm 33334. !2(g)(2)]. h accor~ce ~4~ Section 33334.12(g)(3)(A) ~d ~), ~e ~encmbered baimce mav be adjusted to account for any ren'mgdng revenue added ~om debt procee~ ~d ~e ~ermce be~een ~e sales price of l~d for ~ordable houskug ~d i~ fak ~rket value. 8. Excess Sk~lus: a. Fffi ~ the below ruble to caicalate and ~ck yom agency's excess s~lm mo~t(s) for apphcable fiscal te~s. To*al Tax [ Sum cf Tax FY 99-O0 Arnoant Increment Increment Adjusted Expended/Encumbered Remaining Excess Deposits to Deposits in Balance* Excess Surplus Against Each FY's Surplus for Each Fiscal Housing Housing Fund in as of Balance for Each FY Excess Surplus as of Fiscal 'Year as of ~/ear Fund . Prior Four FYs 7/1/99' ' as of 7/1/99 6/30/00 6/30/00 , 95-96 $ 961,840 ~:~~~r~,, $ $ $ 0 96-97 $1,035,607 _ ~.:~,.~:.~??~v:.:~:~-~,~ ....... $ 1,600,221 $ 2,408,080 $ 0 99-00 ~¢~::~.:~;::Zq~,~:~:. $ 4,260,539 $1,~7,411 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Adjusted Balance at the beginning of FY 99-00 is equal to the amount reported last year on HCD-C, Line 8b(5). [ b. Reporting Year End Unencumbered Balance and EXcess Surplus Determination: (1) Net Resources Available (from Line 5 on previous page): (2) Total Encumbrances (End of Year). See Section 33334.12(g)(2) for a definition. Identify the amount of ' 'Line 8b(1) that was encumbered per agreement or contract by the end of the reporting year): (3) Unencumbered Balance (End of Year) ['Line db(l) minus Line 8b(2)] I Detail of Unencumbered Balance [Line 8b(3)]. No desig'nafion results in all of Line 8b(3) as undesimlated (a) Designated Amount of Line 8b(3). Portion budgeted for intended project use [Refer to item 10 on applicable HCD Sch-A{s) and item 3 on HCD Sch-B [ (b) Undesignated Amount of Line 8b(3). Portion not budgeted and currently available $ $ 4,465,346 $ 134,608 $ 4,330,738 (4) If eligible to adjust the Unencumbered Balance (End of Year) complete the applicable Adjustment(s) below: (a) Debt Proceeds [33334,12(g)(3)(B)]: $ INote: Only include unspent portion of debt proceeds and related income remaining at reporting year end I (5) (b) Land Conveyance [Sale/Grant/Lease loss from fair market value of LMIHF acquired land, if 49% or $ more of built or rehabilitated units are affordable to lower-income households (33334.12(g)(3)(A))]: Adjusted Balance [Line 8b(3) minus 8b(4) and 8b(5)] $ 4,330,738 Note: Adjusted Balance is the 7/1/2000 amount to use in the calculation of next year's excess surplusl 1 b.. If you reported an excess surplus for the current reporting year, briefly summarize the agency's plan (specified in Section 33334.10) for transferring, encumbering, or expending excess surplus: d. If the plan described in 8c. was adopted, enter the date the plan was adopted: / / mo day yr California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch C (7/1/00) HCD-C Page 4 of 8 Hew:choitis Benefitin~ from Einninatio~ of [lealth and Safer3., Hazard Duration of Deed Restriction . 10 l£the age:.',cy is holding land for famre kottsing development (refer to Line 6a), suminarize the acreage (round to tenths, do not r~.'.'pon squm'e footage), zomg, date ofpurch,-~se, and the anticipated start date for the housing development. No. of ! Purchase Estimated Date Site Name/L. ocation* Aeces ]._Zoning Date Available Comments 14741 &51 Newpmt Avenue 0.4 R--3 1/7/2000 .1/2001 Subject to Owner Participation Negotiations , · ~. -:".')..i', .'.-. :.:..~ 11. Please attach a separate sheet of paper listing any additional sites not reported above. Section 33334.13 requires agencies which have used the Housing Fund to assist mortgagors in a homeownership mortgage revenue bond program, or home financing program described in that Section, to provide the following information: · a. Has your agency used the aUthority related to definitions of income or family size adjustment factors provided in Section 33334.13(a)? Yes [-'] No ["] Not Applicable b. Has the agency complied with requirements in Section 33334.13(b) related to assistance for very low-income households equal to twice that provided for above moderate-income households? Yes[-] No [-] Not Applicable ~] Califomia Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch C (7/1/00) HCD-C Page 5 of 8 gency "5ands, for the Federal HOb.5. :.lOPE program during the reporting p~ied~' that were used fbr either HOME or HOPE pro=marn support. }lOPE $ ? <'s'~ :xrit :o S,:cam ~ 3.3 (~/;0..4(a)( 11 ), thc ds:trip don of ~e agency's activities m~t Nclude ~e ~te ~d mo~t of a~ L~ ' ' ~.nn~mx,~o dur:ng ~e rcpo;dng period. To sa~ ~s req~emenL ~e Agency shoed ke~ deposit and M~dmwal 55brmafion on hand to be s~bmirre& u~on reques~ to HCD or ~y member of~e public. iias your agenzy made any deposits to or wihhdrawals from the LMIHF? Yes ~ No [--1 If yes, identify the document(s) describing the ? ' . a_.,ency s deposits and with&'awals by listing for each docUment, the following (am~ch ad.4ifiona! pages of sinfilar irtfmmafion as necessary): Name of document Date of document: Name of Agency Custodian: Custodian telephone number: Where to obtain a copy: Slate Auditor Conl~ollers Report (attached) / / mo day yr Ron Nault Finance Director (714) 573-3061 City of Tustin Finance Department Name of document: Date of document: Name of Agency Custodian: Custodian telephone number: Where to obtain a copy: / / ~no day yr 14. Use of Other Redevelopment Funds for Housing Please briefly describe the use of any non-LMIHF redevelopment funds (i.e., contn'butions from the other 80% of tax increment revenue) to construct, improve, assist, or preserve housing in the community. 15. Suaaestions/Resource Needs Please provide suggestions to simplify and improve future agency reporting and identify any training, information, and/or other resources, etc. that would help your agency to more quickly and effectively use its housing or other funds to increase, improve, and preserve affordable housing? California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch C (7/1/00) HCD-C Page 6 of 8 OR.[ OF HOIJSING ACTIVITY Fiscal Year 1999 -- 2000 . SCHEDULE HCD-D . :.-..'.: ::57.'-.::::::! · · . ,~ ~;,,¥;~rate Schedule HCD-D1 ~HEDULE HCD-D1 ~-r~Oob.,.., .,,, ..3RMA, ' "-dules HOD D2-D7 must .._ ,;:.>mpleted for each Housing Proje~J. .,,,~edevelopment Project Area :.... :... ,j ".'"?.::.'.':.;iousing Project Name: FlanCsr's: Project Address: Street: 15520 Tustin Village Way Owner Name: Total Project Units: # 82 Total Project Bedrooms: # 164 "Outside" .City: ~ ZIP: Tustin 92'780 Restricted Units: # 49 Restricted Bedrooms; # 98 ,: Unrestricted Units: # 33 Unrestricted Bedrooms: # 66 For projects with no Agency assistance, d3 not complete any more of HCD-D1 or any of HCD D2-D6. Only complete HCD-D7. I Was this a federally assisted multi-family rental project [Gov't Code Section 65863.10(a)(2)]? r-] YES [~] NO Number of units occupied by currently ineligible hoUseholds (e.g. ineligible income/~ of residents in unit) # Number:of bedrooms occupied by currently ineligible persons (e.g. ineligible income/# of residents in unit) # Number of units restricted for special needs: (Number must not exceed "Total Project Units") # 8 Number of units restricted that are serving one or more Special Needs: # E~ Check, if data not available '(Note: A unit may serve more than one of the "Special Needs" listed belaw, therefore the sum of ali "Special Needs" can exceed the "Number of Units Restricted for Special Needs") # DISABLED (Physical) FEMALE HEAD OF HOUSHOLD FARMWORKER (Migrant) LARGE FAMILY ?:'..'~'~-.'{:~':';) (4 or more Bedrooms) · ':~..:.: ¢. '1 TRANSITIONAL HOUSING ELDERLY EMERGENCY SHELTERS (aflowable use only. with "Other Housing Units Provided- W'r~hout LMIHF" Sch-D6) Use ~estnct~on uates [enter ap ;~roprla[e aamsF , Replacement ' Inclusionary Housing Units . Other Housing Units Provided Housing Units Inside Project Area Outside Project Area With LMIHF WithOut LMIHF Inception 10 / 1 / 1999 10 / 1 / 1999 10 / 1 / 1999 Termination 7 / 15 / 2015 7 / 15 i 2015 . - 7 / 15 / 2015 Funding Sources: Redevelopment Funds: $ 0 Federal Funds ~ "$ 0 State Funds: $ 0 Other Local Funds: $ 0 Private Funds: . $ 0 Owner's Equityi $ 951,976 TCAC/Federal Award: -~ '$ 0 TCAC/State Award: $ 6,000,000 Total Development/Purchase Cost: - $ 6,951,976 Check .all appropriate form(s) listed below that will be used to identify this Project's Units 9_[ Project Bedrooms: Replacement Housing Units (Sch HCD-D2) Inclusionary Units: . I-'l Inside Project Area (Sch HCD-D3) ~-J Outside Project Area (Sch HCD-D4) Other Housing Units Provided: ~ With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) ~'] Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) ~ Without any Agency Assistance (Sch HCD-D7) California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch D! (7/1/00) HCD-D1 r :.'.,..,-~-r....,~...,. 3r~ty' om:;. :..~' .".'~o~',~, ..... ai:~ai;~, cc,n;,~,~.~,..~." '" ' ' :,~ ;: ~,p;:~;"::'.,,.t~. form for ,)~ch (with another Sch D-l): ~} A~enc:v m:...~..,.,~.~ ~;."~ ~ ~ L-:~',..Ag.',::r~:~ De~'~loped ~,.,,,.~i,.*,, .... k only one,., ..,. If boti~ a~::',7i'V;,, cc~i"~':¢~]~t.';.':, ~ ,;~'~:'¢~l.e, fornl f,:,r each (with another SCh D-l): Ei'~ter the number of r~l~cement [¢~'~it~; alid bedrooms for each applicab~ activity below: A. New Construction Units: Elderly Units lqon Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. ,.t_,..,v~ LOW MOD :TOTAL~ INELG. 1 ~edroom 2 Bedrooms Bedrooms: VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL Bo Total Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAl. INELG. INELG. 3 Bedrooms 4 or more Bedrooms VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL ..L-7-._]I I I 'LI[ I1 INELG. Substantial Rehabilitation Units: Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. TOTAL BEDROOMS VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. Non Elderly Units Total Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. Bedrooms: 1 Bedroom VLOW LOW 2 Bedrooms MOD TOTAL VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. INELG. VLOW LOW 3 Bedrooms 4 or more Bedrooms MOD TOTAL VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. INELG. TOTAL BEDROOMS VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. California Redevelopment Agendes - Fiscal Year 1999-00 Sch D2 (7/]/00) HCD-D2 Page 1 of 2 · H°usw~ ?r?:i me: FLANDERS POINj}'E APARTMEN IS_ C, Non-Substcntial Rehabilitation Units: Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAl_ INELG. I Bedroom VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW 3 Bedrooms VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL VLOW LOW Non Elderly Units · Total'Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. 2 Bedrooms Bedrooms: LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. or-more Bedrooms MOD TOTAL INELG. INELG. TOTAL BEDROOMS VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. -:.':.'.:'.'.:'.'i"OTAL..:.-.:. UNITS (Add only TOT.aL of all "Total Elderly / Non Elderly Units"): I If TOTAL UNITS is less than "Total Project Units" on HCD Sch D1, report the remaining units as instructed below. ] Check all appropriate form{s} listed below that will be used to identify remaining Project Units to be reported: Inclusionary Units Other Housing Units Provided: r-] Inside Project Area (Sch HCD-D3) r"l With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) [~ Outside Project Area (Sch HCD-D4) [~ Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) r-J Without any Agency Assistance (Sch HCD-D7) : Identify the number of Replacement Units which also have been counted as inclusi°nary Units: _ Elderly Units Non Elderly Units Total Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-00 Sch D2 (7/]/00) HCD-D2 - Page 2 of 2 ,, ., SCHEDULE HCD-D4 · !:.i .'~.:!~,, I ."~?,., ~r~:'~'.;iNG UNI'I"S (~!~.J'T_,~I~F_. PROJECT ["~",..,",.-'~'...¢~ ~'mly ~.m~.. ~ both a::¢~)', ;c.m?eta ~; sop;Irate form for each (with anc, tPar Sch-D1): {_ .J .;2,{_~ D~;veioped ~ 12~[.72~ Developed Ch~ck only one. If both apply, ce:re?ere a s,]parate form for each (with another Sch-D1)' [~ Rental i...i Owner-Occupied Check only one. ;f both apply, complete a ~eparate form for each (with another Sch-D1): [~ One-to-One Gredit ~ Tw~to-One Credit Enter the number of units for each applicable activi~ below: A. New Construction Units: B. Co Do Elaerly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. L_L_ 1 L_f-q 7 ..... 1 ' I IF'Ii ! I I III IIF--! Of Total, identify the number aggregated from other project areas (see HCD-A(,), Item 8):II II Substantial Rehabilitation Units (Jan !, 1994 - Dec 31, 2000): Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. Of Total, identify the number aggregated from other project areas (see HCD-A(s), Item 8): II~ Substantial or Other Rehabilitation Units (Jan 1, 1976 - Dec 31, 1993): Elderly Units Nr, n Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL-INELG. Acquisition of Covenants {Only Multi-Family and Other Restrictions): Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VI.OW LOW MOD lOl^k INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD IOTAL INELG. [ ~f rorer u,v~rs is ~ ~.. "rot,,~ ~,,.oj~ct v,,~t,,, o, aca s~,~a,,~ o], ,.~,oo,-t #,~ ,,~.~,i.~ ..~, as instructed below. Check all appropriate form(s) listed below that will be used to identify remaining Project Units to be reported: E~ Replacement Housing Units E~ Inclusionary Units (.Inside Project Area) Other H(~using Units Provided: (Sch HCD-D2) (Sch HCD-D3) I~ With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) [~ Without LMIHF (Sch HCD-D6) I--I Without any Agency Assistance (Sch HCD-D7) Identify the number of inclusionary Units which also have been counted as Replacement Units: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW 'MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. '.. ? ! :':': :.'; California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 SchD4 (7/1/00) , HCD-D4 . ~:'?HEDULE HCD-D6 :-'..;.)...j~:..~c ~r~lopn~r~ Pro~ec~: Ar~a Nam:~, :~ "Oul:=ide": "Outside" ,~::,F~rd~51e Housing P~'oj~ct N~m~: ~'L~NDL:r~o POINTE APARTMENTS G~:~ck only one: [_~ ~nside Project Aren [_~ ~,~tside Project Area [,neck, only one. If both apply, complete ~ seperate form for each (with another sch-D1): ~i A~~ Developed ~ N~n-A~cy Develope~ Che.=k only one. If both apply, compt~e a separate form for each (with another Sch-D1)' ~ Rerlt~l ~ Owner-Occupied Ei~iter the number of units for each applicable activity below: A. New Construction Units: EIderly Units NOn Elderly Uni~ VLOW LOW MOD TOT~ INELG. ~OW LOW MOD TOT~ INELG. VLOW LOW B. Substantial Rehabilitation Units: Elderly Uni~ Non Elderly Uni~ VLOW LOW MOD TOT~ INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW .:.~. Other ~on-Substantial ~ehabilitation ~nits: ~.;;~:~.~:.~'"' ::~ Elderly Un,~' Non Elderly Units - VLOW LOW MOD TOT~ INELG. VLOW LOW' MOD TOTAL INELG. TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units MOD TOTAL INELG. TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units MOD TOTAL INELG. TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. Do Acquisition Only:- Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL Non Elderly Units INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. Eo MobilehOme Owner I Resident: Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. F. Mobilehome Park Owner/Resident: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units VLOW.LOW. MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. TOTAL ElderlY & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. California Redevelopment Agencies- Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch D6 (7/1/00) HCD-D6 Page 1 of 2 E:)using Prqic:i. ., , '~.:L.._A >!.!' , i. RS POINTE APTS Ko , ,e.,~rcanon f,{,..;,S 33 ...... 4zl ~.il, .L '~,,,,= ....... ,f Fh.~blic.Assis[edlSubsidized Rentats Converted to Market): Elderly Units Noa Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD 'roT,~a. INELG. V:.OW LOW MOD TOT,A£ INELG. Preservation i Replacernent' e ~H&o 33334.3q~b.l: Elderly Units Non Elderly th~its VLOW i..O';'¢MO[) "TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. [ZiEZI'---E=,qlF-i Rental Rej31acement (H&S 33334.3(if)iii(A_.): ~ Elderly Units Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG, .... -I. J l -I [Z I,-1, IF-IIl__l Subsid_v_(other than any activit_!y al!~ead¥ reported on this form).: Elderly Units Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. Other Assistance: Elderly Units !-'-I 'lF-ql i Non Elderly Units TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW l.OW MOD TOTAL INELG. _J .... kl---qlfZZZ] · . TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD 'TOTAL INELG. TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. TOTAL Elderly & Non Elderly Units VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL VLOW LOW MOD TOTAL INELG. INELG. INELG. -.-.:.'.::'.;.' .. TOTAL UNITs (Add only TOTAL of all "TOTAL Elderly/Non Elderly units"): [~'~[ If TOTAL UNITS is less than "Total Project Units" shown on HCD Schedule DI, report the remainder as instructed below. Check all aPpropriate form(s) listed below that will be used to identify remaining Project Units to be reported: E~ Replacement Housing Units Inclusionary Units: Other Housing Units Provided:' (Sch HCD-D2) E] Inside Project Area (Sch HCD-D3) E~ With LMIHF (Sch HCD-D5) E~ Outside Project Area (Sch HCD-D4) [-'] Without any Agency Assistance (Sch HCD-DT) o, California Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 HCD-D6 Sch D6 (7/1/00) Page 2 of 2 ANNUAL REPORT OF HOUSING ACTIVITY For F~sca! Year 1999'-.2¢~00 SCHEDULE HCD-E1 ' .C~U.!..= HCD-E1 ' ' ' '"'~" ..... ~t,~ OR.i I.. ~G 'YEAR Agency: T~sth"~ Gomn~;;~i~v r,. - Housing Project Name: ,~r .,"" .' Y?S d"~('..L[.,S IONARY OBLIGATtO, ~:; JNO2E:' ' ' "Ihe' fm~ormaaon" . . ~ on th~s,form: '~A,~.,,,~,d'-' ' · be .a summary of the totals' of all new construction' ' substantial r-habfl~tat~oa, urn'ts. £~'om. forms HCD-D2. . through HCD-D7. which are (a) developed I i agenc~anywhere, by the agen:':y and (b) dev,4o,~ed in a project' area by a person or entity other than the] PART I IH&SC Section 33413(b)(1)] AGENCY DEVELOPED INSIDE OR OUTSH)E OF A PROJECT AREA 1. New Units Developed by the Agency 0 2. Substantially Rehabilitated Units Developed by the Agency 0 3. Subtotal - Baseline of Units Developed by the Agency (add lines 1 & 2) 0 4. Subtotal ofinclusionary Obligation Accrued this Year for Units Developed by the Agency 0 .:?: (Line 3 x 30%) .'::): 5. Subtotal oflnclusionary Obligation'Accrued This Year for Very-Low Income Units Developed 0 by the Agency (Line 4 x 50%) PART II 0 IH&SC Section 33413(b)(2)] NONAGENCY DEVELOPED WITHIN A PROJECT AREA 6. New Units Developed by Any Person or Entity Other Than the Agency 0 7. Substantially Rehabilitated Units Developed by Any Person or Entity Other Than the Agency . 0 8. Subtotal - Baseline of Units Developed by Any Person or Entity Other Than the Agency 0 (add lines 6 & 7) 9. Subtotal of Inclusionary Obligation Accrued this Year for Units Developed by Any Person or "0 Entity Other Than the Agency (Line 8 x 15%) 10. Subtotal of Inclusionary Obligation Accrued This Year for Very-Low Income Units by Any 0 Person or Entity Other Than the Agency (Line 9 x 40%) PART III 0 TOTALS 11. Total Increase in Inclusionary Obligations During This Fiscal Year (add lines 4 and 9) 0II 12. Total Increase in Very-Low Income Units Inclusionary Obligation During This Fiscal Year 0 (add lines 5 and 10) NOTE: LINE 12 IS A SUBSET OF LINE 11 Califomia Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch E1 (7/1/00) HCD-E1 :;',HEnt~l~6 HCD-E1 u~,.~,,:, OF INCaCE,~:-,.~, ~;:-~ AGENCY'S INCLUSIONARY OBLIGATIONS FOR ACT~-~TXES D';J~NG THE ~PORTING ~~ Complete a Schedule HCD-EI for each project Agency: lustin Community Redevelopment Aoency Redevelopment Project Area Name, o._~r "Outside": SOU'FH CENTRAL Housing project Name: NONE NOTE: The information on this form should be a summary of the totals of all new construction or[ substantial rehabilitation units from forms HCD'D2 through HCD-D7 which are (a) developedI an3~here by the agency and (b) developed in a project area by a person or entity other than theI agency. ' PART I.. [H&SC Section 33413(b)(1)] AGENCY DEVELOPED INSIDE OR OUTSIDE OF A PROJECT AREA 1. New Units Developed by the Agency . 2. Substantially Rehabilitated Units Developed by the Agency 3. Subtotal - Baseline of Units Developed by the Agency (add lines 1 & 2) 4. Subtotal of Inclusionary Obligation Accrued this Year for Units Developed by the Agency (Line 3 x 30%) 5. Subtotal of Inclusionary Obligation Accrued This Year for Very'Low Income Units Developed by the Agency (Line 4 x 50%) .... PART II' [H&SC Section 33413(b)(2)1 NONAGENCY DEVELOPED '- · WITHIN A PROJECT AREA 6. New Units Developed by Any Person or Entity Other Than the Agency 7... Substantially Rehabilitated Units Developed by Any Person or Entity Other Than the Agericy 8. Subtotal '- Baseline of UnitS Developed by Any Persor/or Entity Other Than the Agency.. (add lines 6 & 7) 9. Subtotal ofinclusionary Obligation Accrued this Year for Units Developed bY Any person or Entity Other Than the Agency (Line 8 x 15%) 10. Subtotal of lnclusionary Obligation Accrued This Year for Very-Low Income Units byAny · Person or Entity Other Than the Agency (Line 9 x 40%) PART IH TOTALS 11. Total Increase in Inclusionary Obligations During This Fiscal Year (add lines 4 and 9) 12. Total Increase in Very-Low IncOme Units Inclusionary Obligation During This Fiscal Year (add lines 5 and 10) NOTE: LINE 12 ISA SUBSET OF LINE 11 Califomia Redevelopment Agencies - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch E1 (7/1/00) HCD-E1 R~develc~pment Project Area Name, Project Name: NONE [NOTE: The information on this form should be a summary of the totals of all new construction or substantial rehabilitation units fi'om forms HCD-D2 through HCD-D7 which are (a) developed !anywhere by the agency and (b) developed in a project area by a person or entity other than the Lagency PART I IH&SC Section 33413(b)(1)] AGENCY DEVELOPED INSIDE OR OUTSIDE OF A PROJECT AREA 1. New Units Developed by the Agency 0 2. Substantially Rehabilitated Units Developed by the Agency 0 3. Subtotal - Baseline of Units Developed by the Agency (add lines 1 & 2) 0 4. Subtotal oflnclusionary Obligation Accrued this Year for Units Developed by'the Agency 0 (Line 3 x 30%) .-. 5. Subtotal oflnclusionary Obligation Accrue6 This Year for Ve _ry-Low Income Units Developed 0 by the Agency (Line 4 x 50%) PART H 0 [H&SC Section 33413(b)(2)1 · NONAGENCY DEVELOPED WITHIN A PROJECT AREA 6. New Units Developed by Any Person or Entity Other Than the Agency 0 7:. Substantially Rehabilitated Units Developed by Any Person or Entity Other Than the Agency. 0 8. Subtotal - Baseline of Units Developed by Any PersOn or Entity Other Than the Agency 0 (add lines 6 & 7) 9. Subtotal oflnclusionary Obligation Accrued this Year for Units Developed by Any Person or 0 Entity Other Than the Agency (Line 8 x 15%) 10. Subtotal oflnclusionary Obligation Accrued This Year for Very-Low Income Units by Any 0 Person or Entity Other Than the Agency (Line 9 x 40%) - PART III 0 TOTALS 11. Total Increase in Inclusionary Obligations During This Fiscal Year (add lines 4 and 9) 0 12. Total Increase in Very-Low Income Units Inclusionary Obligation During This Fiscal Year 0 (add lines 5 and 10) NOTE: LINE 12 IS A SUBSET OF LINE 11 Califomia Redevelopment Agendes - Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Sch E1 (7/!/00) HCD-E1 ATTACItMENT I June 30, 2000 Independ'ent Financial Audit and Compliance Audit TUSTI?4 COMMU',~WI~ REDE VEI. OPM/ENT AGENCY ~.L.~ERAL PURPOSE FLNANC'IAL STATEMENTS WITH' Rt',PORT ON AUDIT BY INDEPENDENT CER'TI3'.IED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 30, 2000 · CC.~NWTi:,: .: i :'> T?.i ,-Z 05' " x June 30, 2000 LNCY ~.. Page Number Independent Auditors' Report General pUrPose Financial Statements: Combined Balance Sheet- All Fund Types and Account Groups Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - .~1 Governmental Fund Types Notes to Financial Statements 2-3 5-14 .. Supplemental In~%rmation: Combining Balance Sheet- All Debt Service Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, 'Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Ail Debt Service Funds Combining Balance Sheet - All Capital Projects Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Ail Capital Projects Funds Independent Auditors' Report on Compliance and on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance With Government Auditin~ Standards 15-16 17-18 19- 2O 21 - 22 23 - 24 A PAR~4EKSHiP IN~LUD!NG ACCOUN~L'ANCY COKPO~LA'UONS 212!: ALTON PARICYVAY, SUITE 100 IRVINE, CALIFOR.NiA 92606-4906 (.049) 399.4)600 ° FAX (949) 399-061G www. diehlevaL,$.com October 5, 2000 MICHAEL ii. LUDIN, CPA CRAIG W. SPRAKEP. CPA ;~rl nN P. PA~.~, CPA PHILIP H. HOLTKAMP. CPA THOMAS M. PERLOWSK1, CPA HARVEYJ. $CHRCEDER, CPA A PROIr~, ~$IONAL CORIWJRATION INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT The Board of Directors Tustin CommunitT Redevelopment Agency Tustin, Calkbmia We have audited the accompanying general purpose financial statements of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency (the Agency), a component Unit of the City of Tustirg California, as of and for the year ended June 30, 2000, a~ listed in the table of contents. These general purpose financial statements are the responsibility of the Agency's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these general purpose financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards; issued by the Comptroller General of the United State~ 'Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the general purpose financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit inch~des exmnining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the' mounts and discloSUres in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the %counting principles Used and siLmificant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall general purpose financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the general purpose fiimncial statements referred to abov. e Present fairly,' 'in all material respects, the financial position of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency as of June 30, 2000, and the results of its operations for the year then ended in corfformity with generally accepted accounting principles. . ... :..... _. In accordance with Government Auditin~ Standards, we have also issued our report dated October 5, 2000 on our consideration of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency's internal control over financial ~ reporting and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grants. The accompanying combining financial statements liSted as supplemental in the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the general purpose financial statements. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the .general purpose financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects, in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. -1- OTHER OFFICES AT: 2965 ROOSEVELT STREET CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-2389 (760) 729-2343 . FAX (760) 7294234 613 W. VALLEY PARKWAY, SUITE 330 ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92025-2598 (760) 741-3141 ° FAX (760) 741-9890 GROUPS ASSETS AND O'T~-~?.F-:. ..... m :u':d investments (Note 2) lnvesrmeut:; Mth fisc~ ~;ent (Note 2) T~es receivable Interest rr:eeivable Accounts receivable Deposit~ Due fiom CiV often Lo~s receiv~!e ~ote 3) L~d held for res~e Gener~ fixed ~sem ~ote 4) Amount avMlable in debt se~ice [~nds Amount ~o be provided for ~e retirement of general long -- tern debt TOTAL ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS LIABILrrlES, FUND EQUITy AND OTHER CREDITS LIABILITIES: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Due to City of Tustin Bonds payable (Note 5) ~, TOTAL LIABILITIES FUND EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS: Investment in general fixed assets ' Fund Balances: · Reserved: ... DePosits Long - term loans receivable Low income housing Land held for resale Debt service Unreserved: Designated for capital projects Undesignated TOTAL FUND EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS , , TOTAL LIABILITIES, FUND EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS See independent auditors' report and notes to financial statements. Govemm~mtal Fund Types Deb~ Capital ,:, a,-v ~,ce Projects 6.,305,544 1,685,304 55,525 320,562 . 8,366,935 16,317,732 23,373 248,014 301 30,000 188,951 2,905,000 19,713,371 1,362 219,900 221262 '$ 327,614 2,808,160 3,135,774 8,199,353 (53,680)' 8,145,673 $ 8,366,935 30,000 185,951 5,140,345 2,905,000 8,515,479 (202,178) 16,577,597 $ 19,713,371 -2- Account. Groups General Fixed Assets 11,636,847 ,63 6,847 Gene:~l Long ~ Term Debt 8,145,673 11,124,327 $ 19,270,000 Totals (Memorandum Only) 2000 22,623,276 1~,,685,304 78,898 248,014 301 30,000 320,562 188,951 2,905,000 11,636,847 8,145,673 11,124,327 $ 58,987,153 1999 22,372,880 1,677364 144,978 202,182 169 30,000 13,560 2,200,000 11,643,038 6,406,686 I3,623,314 58,314,180 19,270,000 19,270,000 $ 328,976 3,028,060 19~70,000 22,627,036 872,598 1,902,000 20,030,000 22,804,598 11,636,847 11,636,847 $ 11,636,847 $ 19,270,000 11,636,847 30,000 188,951 5,140,345 2,905,000 8,199,353 8,515,479 (255,858) 36,360,117 58,987,153 11,643,038 30,000 13,560 5,074,664 2,200,000 6,406,686 10,216,995 (75,361) 35,509,582 $ 58,314,180 -3- ..' .;.. /~;:: ,.r.,:ed J~me 30, .2..,000 ':;' ::: :. '-,.: ". :, :-..'.:[,: ;; ',,c':-.~ is fol the yea: ended June 30. ] 999 1'axes Other revmmgs TOT.A[.. REVEb~:ES EXPEN ITURES: Current: General government Charges fcr Cit.,' of Tustin Capital outlay Debt service: Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Costs of issuance Advance re~nding escrow TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,5§5,025 .4,051,022 .... 24,122 458,014 760,000 1,o49,899 2,292,035 Capital Projects $ ,~196,772 412,020 631,146 1,939,938 1,567,628 90,000 1,164,571 2,822,199 Totals (Memc, randum Only) 2000 1999 4,481,797 858,017 631,146 5,970,960 4,177,550 1,312,373 47,738 5,537,661 1,591,750 548,014 1,164,571 760,000 1,049,899 5,114,234 1,350,765 596,040 1,880,490 775,000 855,981 522,424 805,500 6,786,200 !7 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 1,738,987 (882,261) 856,726 (1,248,539) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Long - term debt proceeds Paid to refunding escrow agent Operating transfers in Operating transfers out TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) EXCESS OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USE FUND BALANCES AT BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCES AT END OF YEAR $ 1,738,987 6,406,686 8,145,673 (882,261) 17,459,858 $ I6,577,597 856,726 23,866,544 $ 24,723,270 20,744,596 (18,545,159) 5,482 (5,482) 2,199,43 7 950,898 22,915,646 $ 23,866,544 ?' See independent auditors' report and notes to financial statements. t~ -4- June 30, 2000 o S~xRY OF SiGI~FiCANi' ACCOUN"FING POLICIES: Description of Rep_o_~in_g Entiw: The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, a component unit of the City of Tustin, was established October 20, 1976, pursuant to th~ State of California Health and Safety Code, Section 33000, entitled "Community Redevelopment Law". Its purpose is to prepare and carry out plans for improvement, rehabilitation and redevelopment of blighted areas within the territorial limits of the City of Tusfin. The City provides management assistance to the Agency, and the members of the C~,ty Council also act as the governing body of the Agency. In accor&ance with GASB Code Section 2100, "Defining the Reporting Entity", the Agency's financial activities .will be included (blended) with the financial activities of the City of Tustin for reporting purposes. Tax Increment Financing: The Agency's primary source of revenue, other than loans and advances from the City, comes from property taxes. Property taxes allocated-to the Agency are computed in the following manner: (a) The assessed valuation of all property within the project area is determined on the date of adoption of the Redevelopment Plan. (b) Property taxes related to the incremental increase in assessed values after the adoption of the Redevelopment Plan are allocated to the Agency. All taxes on the "frozen" assessed valuation of the property are allocated to the City and other districts. The Agency has no power to levy and collect taxes, and any legislative-PrOperty tax reduction might correspondingly reduce the amount of tax revenues that would otherwise be available to pay the principal of, and interest on, long-term debt. Broadened property tax exemptions could have a similar effect. Conversely, any increase in the tax rate or assessed valuation, or any reduction or elimination of present exemptions would necessarily increase the amount of tax revenues that would be available to pay principal and interest on long-term debt. See independent auditors' report. -5- · ' .. OLI~. l.,..$ {CONTINUED): ........................................... 7 ..... '. ~. : 2~;;Zao T.h,:~: ac.z. omq:&ng records oi':'1b.r:; ,z.,..,~v organized on the basis of fimds and account groups as ib!!o'ws: ....... :~ ...... . are oover~m~:ntal Funds: Debt Service Funds ~e used to account for the currem interest and principal payments on the long-term debt of the .Agency, Ca.~ital Projects Funds are used to account for resources used in developing the project areas as well as the administrative costs incm'red in sustaining Agency activities. Account Groups: The General Fixed Assets Account Group is used to account for capital assets of the Agency which are long-term i~ nature, and which are used in the cperation of the Agency. The General Lone-Term Debt Account Group is used to account for the Agency's outstanding long-term obligations. ' Basis of Accounting: Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurements made, regardless of.the measurement focus applied. The governmental funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. The Agency considers property taxes as available if they are remitted within 60 days after the year end. Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred. An exception to this general rule is principal and interest on general long-term debt which is recognized when due. See independent auditors' report. -6- ' XEDrV!?LOPMENi~. ~. rCL~,.L ST.~'I,E.MENTS 30, 2000. dNC'~ I. SU%~L~Y OF SIGNiFICANt ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CON~D): _B'udgetarv Data: The budgets of the Agency are primarily "'long-term" budgets which emphasize capital outlay plans. extending over one year. Because of the long-term nature of redevelopment projects, "annual" budget Comparisons are not considered meaningful and accordingly, no budgetary information is. included in the' accompanying financial statements. Investments: Investments are stated at fair value (the value at which a financial instrument cOuld be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties, other than a forced or liquidation sale), except for certain investments which have a remaining maturity of less than one year when purchased, which are stated at amortized cost. These investments are short term, highly liquid debt instruments including commercial paper, bankers' acceptances, and U.S. Treasury and Agensy. obligations (See Note 2). General Fixed Assets:. . General fixed assets are recorded as expenditures in the governmental funds 'at the time of purchase. Such assets include buildings and furniture and equipment, and are capitalized at cost in the General Fixed Assets Account Group. No depreciation is provided on general fixed assets. Land Held for Resale: Land held for resale is carried at the lower of cost or estimated realizable value. The Capital Projects · . Fund fund balance is reserved:in an amount equal to the Carrying value 0fland held for resale because such assets are not available to finance the Agency's current operafion~: -' . - "' . Comparative Data: Comparative total data for the prior year has been presented in the accompanying financial statements in order to provide an understanding of changes in 'the Agency's financial position and operations. However, comparative data by fund type has not been presented in each of the statements since their inclusion would make the statements undulY complex and difficult to read. See independent auditors' report. _7¸ ..,,. ..... S.,.\';.. ' i'~dNTS I. Co, umns in the accompar.~,y2,~ ;; .- ' · . ,, ....... nar:c~o} s~atements captioned "Totals (Memorandum Only)" are not necessary fbr a f.ak presentation of the :t'inancial statements m accordance with generally accepted accounting principles., but are '-,~"~ ...... v-~.~-:~,...~,~ additional analytical data. Data in these columns do not present consolidated fmanci~/n:forr:=,ati 2. CASH AND INVESTMENTS- Authorized Inves_tmen_.__~: Under provision of'the Agency's inveslrnent policy, and in accordance with Section 53601 of the California Government Code, the Agency may invest in the following types of investments: · Certificates of Deposit (or Tinge Deposits) p~aces with commercial banks and/or savings and loan associations. Bankers' Acceptances Medium-Term Corporate Notes · Commercial Paper · Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) , · U.S. Treasury Securities with a maturity of five Years or less · Federal agency short-term bonds or notes with a maturity of five years or less · Money market mutual funds The Agency has monies held by trustees Or fiscal agents pledged to' the payment or security of certain bonds. The Califomia Government Code provides that these monies, in the absence of specific statutory provisions governing the issuance of bonds, may be invested in accordance with the ordinance, resolutions or indentures specifying the types of investments its trustees or fiscal agents may make. f7 See independent auditors' report. -8- June 30, 2000 ZNCY 2. (;ASH Al,liD I~(ESTI~ffEN31'S [COt'4 .[~41_ ~D). Poo.teo. D'eoo'~its/Crec~dr RiSk: 2]~e Cv2'ffomia Government Code requires California banks and savings and loan associations to secure an. agency's deposits by Pledging government securities as collateral. The market value of pledged securities m,m~t equal at least 110% of an agency's deposits. California law also allows financial instimtio~m to secure an agency's deposits by pledging first trust deed mortgage notes having a value of 150% of the agency's total deposits. The Agency may waive collateral requirements for deposits which are fully insured up to $100,000 by federal depository insurance. In accordance with GASB Statement No. 3, deposits are classified as to credit risk by three categories as follows: 'Category 1 - Insured or collateralized with securities held by the Agency or by its agent in the Agency's name. Category 2 - Collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution's trust department or agent in the Agency's name. Category 3 - Uncollatemlized. Investments that are represented by specific identifiable investment securities are classified as to credit risk by three categories as follows: : Category 1 - Insured or registered, or securities held by the Agency or its agent in the Agency's name. ~ Category 2 - Uninsured and unregistered, with securities held by the counterparty's trust departmeht or agent in the Agency's name. Category 3 - Uninsured and unregistered, with securities held by the counterparty, or by its trust department or agent but not in the Agency's name. See independent auditors' report. -9- 2000 ,? 1 2 3 'Demand ~'%,CCOUrlt. S (overdrail) $ ' _ . $ _ $ invesunents at June 30, 2000 are categorized as follows: Not Required to be Categorized Bank Carrying Balances Amount -$ - $ (908,171) $(2,934,9~_~) Ca'tegor¥ 1 2 3 State of · Ca!it%nfia Local Agency Investment, Fund $ _ $ . $ Bankers Acceptance 1,169,548 _ Federal Agency Investments: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Notes 1,943,224 - Student Loan Mortgage Association Note 997,656. - - Federal Home Loan Bank Notes 5,000,935 - Freddie Mac Note 993,906 - U.S. Treasury Note 998,000 - Held by fiscal agent: Money Market Mutual - . Investment Agreement - _ Total Investments $ 11,103,269 $ - $ Not Required to be Categorized -$ 14,454,851 55,579 1.629,725 16,140,155 Fair Value $14,454,851 1,1~9,548 1,943,224 997,656 5,000,935 993,906 998,000 55,579 1.629.725 $ 27.243.424 See independent auditors' report. -10- d: r: iCi'i"~ iq :i~ !..:i i..?L.,', ~ "'Y REDEVELOPME2'ii JENCY (CONTINbqED) June 30, 2000 2. CASH AN-D INVESTMENTS (CONTIN2.YED): Cash and invcst~nents at June 30, 2000 were: Demand accounts (overdraft) $ (2,934,944) Petty cash ' -' 100 Investments 27.243,424 $ 24,308,580 Cash and invesUnents in the combined balance sheet at June 30, 2000 are shown as follows: Cash and investments Investments with fiscal agents · $ 22,623,276 1,685,304 $ 24,308.580 The Agency follows the practice ofpooling cash and investments of all funds. Interest income earned on pooled cash and investments is allocated based on the weighted average cash balances in 'each fund receiving interest. In February 2000, the Redevelopment Agency began processing all cash activity in a pooled accOunt with the City of Tustin. Tlae overdm~ of $2,934,944 represents the Agency's share of the pooled account with the City of Tustin. Additional GASB 3 disclosure of the deposits can be obtained from the City of Tustin's financial statements. InVestments Not Subiect to Categorization: ,, Investments in the California Local Agency InVestment Fund (LAIF) are not categorized, as GASB 3 does not require categorization of investment pools managed by another government. , Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF)i .... " The LAIF is a voluntary program created by statute in 1977 as an investment alternative through which local governments maY pool investments. The LA.IF has oversight by the Local Agency Investment Advisory Board, which consists of five members as designated by state statute. Each city may invest up to $30,000,000 each in the Fund for the city and redevelopment agency and may also invest without limitation in special bond proceeds accounts. Investments in LAIF are highly liquid, as deppsits can be converted to cash within twenty-four hours without loss of interest. The Agency's proportionate share of the fair value of its investment in LAIF amounted to $14,454,851. Included in LAIF's investment portfoli° are.certain derivative securities or similar products such as structured notes totaling $1,909,398,000 and asset-backed securities totaling $770,758,000. LAIF's, and the Agency's, exposure to credit, market or legal risk is not available. See independent auditors' report. -11- .. _,:7; { ' ..,,' ,./Y/REDEVE7 '";PME. N' SNCY .. 30, 2000 3'[17t: C tu.'c~' d 'tq,-¥~ e e.- ................. ;...:;..:.2~2:-:~ fz~cluded .ia the City's mves'tment portfolio are $1,989,750 of Federal Agency callable issued, 'which are ..,~,,,~. ~. as stmctu, redr,.o'~e:.~' .... 'rk,.,...,~ ..... notes ~e callable on the qtmrter (within five to ten business days r~:cticc) 'a~roughout the life of the note::. 3. LOANS RECEIVABLE: The Agency has provided a commercial loan program to small businesses for maldu, g improvemems. These loans are non-interest bearing. Due to the long--tem'~ natm'e of the loans, '}'~ c..t. Agency has reserved fund balance. .. 4. GENERAL FIXED ASSE'FS: $ 188,951 The specific fixed assets includea in the General Fixed Assets Account Group at June 30, 2000 are as follows:. Balance Balance ..July 1, 1999.. Additi6ns Deletions June 30, 2000. Building-CivicCenter $11,024,198 $ - $ - $ 11,024,198 Furniture, fixtures and equipment 618,840 15,993 22.184 612.649 Total $11.643.038 $ 15,993 $ 22,184 $ 11.636,847 5~ GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT: The following is a summary of the changes in the General Long-Term Debt Account Group for the year ended June 30, 2000: Balance Balance July 1, 1999. Additions Retirements June 30, 2000 Tax allocationbonds . $20,030,000 $ - $ 760,000 $ 19.270,000. See independent auditors' report. -12- ' ?'2DEVELOPMEN'/ .... ,r'...rI'NI ~'ED) 30, 2000 ENCY 5. GENERAL LONG-TEPO,/I DEBT (CONTIN'UED): Tax Allocation Bonds: On July 1, 1998, the .Tustin Community Redevelopmem Agency issued $20,805,000. Tax Allocation Refimding Bonds to reiimd the Agency's Town Center ' Area Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Refunding BOnds, series '1987 in aggregate principal amount of $5,145,000 and the Agency's TOwn Center Area Redevelopment Project Subordinate Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1991 in aggregate principal mount of $12,880,000. The net proceeds ~ of $20,192,172 (after payment of $552,424 in underwriting fees, insurance, and' other issuance costs) plus an additional $805,500 of 1987 Series sinking fund monies were used to purchase U.S. government securities. Securities for the 1987 and 1991 bonds were deposited in an irrevocable trust with an escrow agent to provide for all future payments when Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1987 and 1991 are called for redemption. As a result, the 1987 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds and 1991 Tax Allocation Bonds have been removed froTM the general long-term debt account group.' As of June 30' 2000, the 1987 bonds have been fully redeemed and $12,775,000 of the dcfeased 1991 bonds are outstanding) Serial bonds 'are payable'in 'annual installments ranging from $775,000 · commencing on December 1, 1998. Interest is payable semiannually on June 1 and December 1, with rates ranging from 3.5% to 5.0% per annurn. The bonds. maturing on or after December 1,' 2009, are subject to redemption prior to maturity as a whole or in part, at the option of the Agency, on any date on or after · December 1, 2008 at prices ran~ng from 100% to 101% of principal. $ 19.270.000 The annual requirements to amortize the tax allocation refunding bonds are as follows: Year Ending June 30. Principal Interest Total 2001 $ 795,000 $. 864,929 $ 1,659,929 2002 825,000 833,537 1,658,537 2003 850,000 800,450 1,650,450 2004 890,000 765,205 1,655,205 2005 920,000 727,640 1,647,640 2006- 2023 14.990,000 4.719.127 19,709,127 Totals $ 19.270,00Q $ 8,710.888 $ 27.980.888 See independent auditors' report. -13- . ~" RFDE'JEL(~* LIN', ~,NCY i~ Dzcmnber 1995, the A..~e:,:c,y ,:n~;~i::~d :i,:~'m:> :m agree~:a em i: ,;~ a developer whereby ~e Agency is to ].o~ ~e developer ~m ;nnount ~::,..ot ~o ~'~' ........ ~ ..... ...... ,~..,,.,..~..~ ~.39 7,183 lin'. *= ' ,.~e development ~d operatiOn of a 145 ~ s~gle-fmmily, owuer,occ,~pied pr(:,.~,~c[, 5n accerd~ce ~ ff~e agreement, ~e mo~ts ~sb~sed sh~l acc~:ue interest at the rate of 7% per ye,~r, compo~ded money, ~om ~e applicable dates of dis'bm'sement. Po~o~ of the prmc. ip~j :md rslated accrued ~tere~ sh~l be forgiven upon ~e close of escrow' of ~e meV-~st mud o,ae htm~ed-~n.~ of ~e ~ts, ~d ~e rem~g p~cip~ ~d accrued ~terest shM1 be for~ven t~pon the close of escrow for ~e 1~ of ~e one h~&ed fo~-five mfiB. P~cipal ~d ~tere~ ~e mpayable o~y UPon developer defa~t ~der te~s of~e a~eement. Due to ~e con,gent repa~ent sched~e, ~e Agency recor~ ~ expendi~e when a poffion of ~e lo~ is made ~d no receiviale is included ~ ~e ~ci~ statements. The bal~ce of ~e Io~ outst~ding at J~e 30, 2000 is $44,932. '. 7. COMMIT~S AND CONTINGENCIES: The California Health and Safety Code requires redevelopmem agencies to set aside 20 percent of their tax incremem fi-om project areas established before 1976 for low and moderate income housing, Between fiscal yem~ 1985-86 and I991-92, the Tustin Community Redevelopment AgenCy deferred a total of $2,776,042 fi-om its low and moderate-income housing obligation. On February 1, 1993, the Agency adopted a plan to eliminate the deficit in subsequent years. REQUIRED INDIVIDUAL FUND DISCLOSURES The Marine Ba~e Debt Service Fund and Capital Projects Fund have deficit fund balances of $53,680 .and $202,178, respectivelY, as of June 30, 2000. The Agency's management intends to eliminate this deficit fund balance fi-om furore revenues or by transferring funds fi-om other City/Agency funds. i. See independent auditors' report. -14- SIo~PPLE1VIE~~ INFORMATION TOTAl, ASSETS ,, 30, 1999 South Central Project Area 3,798,147 11,141 320,562 $ 4,129,850 Town Center Proje:t Area $ 2,507,397 S 1,685,304 44,384 . Marine Base PrOject Area $ 4,237,085 $ - LIABILITIES AND FtlND BALANCES LIABILITIES: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Due to City of Tustin TOTAl. LIABILITIES FUND BALANCES: Reserved for debt service Unreserved and undesignated TOTAL FUND BALANCES (DEFICIT) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES 1,499 $ 1,362 $ - 164,721 53,680 1,499 166,083 53,680 4,128,351 4,128,351 $ 4,129,850 4,071,002 - - (53,680) 4,071,002 (53,680) $ 4,237,085 $ - See independent auditors' report. -15- Tota!s ' 2000 1999 $ 6,305,544 $ 5,006,903 1,685,304 1,677,364 55,525 137,309 320,562 $ 8,366,935 $ 6,821,576 $ 1,362 $ 414,890 219,900 - 221,262 414,890 8,199,353 6,<.06,686 (53,680) - 8, I45,673 6,406,686 $ 8,366,935 $ 6,821,576 -16- zr. drd .n-:/'). :(0O :._ :.'.~:'-;; -: for t~ yea,: c~d.xi Ju.qe 30, 1999 Us:,~ of mone3, mud TOTAL '~V£NUES EXPE~DF[UKES: Current: General government Charges for City of Tustin Debt service: Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Costs cf issuance Advance refunding escr6w TOTAL EXPENDITUKES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Long - term debt proceeds Paid to refunding escrow agent Operating transfers in TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) EXCESS OF REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES FUND BALANCES AT BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCES (DEFICIT) AT END OF YEAR See independent auditors' report. -17- So':.m C::r ~ai Town Center Marine Base Project Area Project Area Project Area $ 1~568,515 $ 2,016,510 205,462 240,535 1,773,977 2,257,045 20,000 4,122 189,438 253,431 - 760,000 110,100 901~64 319,538 1,918,817 1,454,439 338,228 1,454,439 2,673,912 4,128,351 338,228 3,732,774 $ 4,071,002 15,145 38,535 53,680 (53,680) (53,680) $ (53,680) To~l~ 200~ 3,595,025 445,997 3,341,8t8 331,243 4,031,022 3,673,0~1 24,122 458,014 760,000 1,049,899 2~92,035 1,738,987 1,738,987 6,406,686 $ 8,145,673 41,910 596,040 775,000 855,981 522,424 805,500 3,596.855 76,206 20,744,596 (18,545,159) 5,482 2,204,919 2~81,125 4,125,561 $ 6,406,686 -18- '"Y F F DEVELOPMZNT .~ .tun,~ .30, "~or~r',~ totals £or June 130, ] 999 South Central Project Area South Central Low Income Housing Town Center Project Area Ca:;!l md ;i::w~.stme::t: $ 9,354,938 $ 3,430,481 $ 1,287,957 'i'~es r~c~:ivable Iuteres~ roe ~?vab~e ' 2,785 _ Accou:'~ re::eNable ' - 248,014 Depos~ 301 . _ Lo~s receivable - - 15,000 . ' - 188,951 Land held tbr resale 2,050,000 - .855,000 TOTAL ASSETS I.I.ABILiTIES AND FUND B ' ,. LIABILITIES: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Due to City of Tustin TOTAL LIABILITIES FUND BALANCES: Reserved: Deposits Long - term loans receivable Low income housing Land held for resale Unreserved: Designated for capital projects Undesignated -19- TOTAL FUND BALANCES (DEFICIT) $ 11,405,239 $ 237,194 2,000,000 2,237,194 2,050,000 7,118,045 . 9,168,045 $ 11,405,239. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES $ 3,448,266 $ 9,248 375 9,623 15,000 3,423,643 . 3,438,643 3,448,266 See independent auditors' report. $ 2,579,922 $ 31,074 107,463 138,537 188,951 . 855,000 1,397,434 2,441,385 $ 2,579,922 .,, Tov~n Center Low Income Housing $ 1,707,674 I i,095 . . 15,000 $ 1,733,'769 Marine Base Project Area 536,682 9,493 $ 546,175 Totals 2000 1999 16,317,732 $ 17,365,986 23,373 7,669 248,014 202,182 301 169 30,000 30,000 188,95~ 13,560 2,905,000 2,200,000 $ 19,713,371 $ 19,819,566 $ 1,745 322 2,067 15,000 1,716,702 1,731,702 $ 1,733,769 $ 48,353 700,000 $ 327,614 $ 457,708 2,808,160 1,902,000 748,353 3,135,774 2,359,708 30,000 30,000 188,951 13,560 · 5,140345 5,074,664 2,905,000 2,200,000 - 8,515,479 10,216,995 (202,178) (202,178) (75,361) (202,178) 546,175 16,577,597 17,459,858 $ 19,713,371 $ 19,819,566 REDE' ELOPMEN- S~F . :;£',~ ~.,,:I ~.~.. /kPENDITURES AND .... :, CAF' !'7,a /'~.:;r Z,~, '~:,;ar ended June 30, 2030 '~"ith cc.%:.:<5:!:iv~- t:~tals for the year ended J't::' .i0, !999 REVEI',&YES: T2XCS Use of money and property Other rev,.mue TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Current: General government Chmges for City of Tustin Capital outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING USES: Operating transfers out EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES FUND BALANCES (DEFICIT) AT BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCES (DEFICIT) AT END OF YEAR South Cenual Project Area 563,974 563,974 · 202~23 933,232 1,135,555 (571,581) (571,581) 9,739,626. $ 9,168,045 South C~-:.ntral Low Income Housing $ 392,790 157,943 12,165 562,898 274,987 -- . 274,987 287,911 287,911 3,150,732 $ 3,438,643 Town Center' Project Area 163,408 163,408 91,613 90,000 231,339 412,952 (249,544) (249,544) 2,690,929 $ 2,441,385 See independent auditors' report. -21 - Town Center [,ow Income Housing $ 503,982 90,669 594,651 Project Area 55,007 55,007 Totals 2000 1999 896,772 412,020 631,146 835,732 981,130 47,738 1,939,938 1,864,600 816,881 - . 816,881 (222,230) 181,824 181,824 (126,817) r,567,628 90,000 1,164,571 2,822,199 (882,261) 1,308,855 1,880,490 ' 3,189,345 (1,324,745) (5,482) (222~230) 1,953,932 $ 1,731,702 (126,817) ,. (75,361) $ (202, I78) (882,261) 17,459,858 $ 16,577,597 - 22 - (1,330,227) 18,790,085 $ 17,459,858 ., 2 ~ '(TNERSHIff INCLUDING 2i21 AUfON ?ARIONA¥, SUITE IP, V!NE, CALIFORNL& (949) 399-0600 - t-~K (9.+9) 399-06!~, www. diehlevans.com October 5, 2000 MICiiAEI. R,, LUD1N, CPA CRAIG W. S~RAK~iC CPA NITIN E PA~ CP~, PHILIP I-L HOLTKAMR CPA THOMAS M. ?ERLOWSKI, CPA RARVEYJ. SCHROEDER, CPA A ~ROFESSIONAt CORPORATION LNDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT ON COMPL~CE AND ON Pq .TERNAL COb~ROL OVER FIN~CIAL REPORTING BASED ON AN' AUDIT OF FiNANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFO~D IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS To ,the Board of Directors of the Tustin community Redevelopment Agency Tustin, California We have audited the general purpose financial statements of the Tustin Community Redevelopment' Agency, a component unit of the City of Tustin, as of and for the year ended June 30, 2000 and have issued our opmaon report thereon dated October 5, 2000. We conducted our audit in accordance w/th generally accepted auditing standards and the standards applicable' to financial'audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptr-~Her General of the United States." " ' . Compliance -¢ As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the general purpose financial statements of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency are free of material misstatements, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grants, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement mounts. Such provisions include those provisions of laws and regulations identified in the Guidelines For Compliance Audits of California Redevelopment A~encies, issued by the State Controller's Office and as interpreted in the Su~ested Auditing Procedures for Accompanying Cornpl{ance Andits of CMifomia Redevelopment Aeencies, issued by the Governmental Accounting and auditing Committee of the California Society of Certified Public Accountants. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was' not an objective of our audit and, accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed two instances of noncompliance that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. Health and Safety Code Sections 33490 and 33413Co) require redevelopment agencies to produce implementation plans for each project area every five years and have the first plan adopted by December 31, 1994. The second five year implementation plan was' required to be adopted by December 31, 1999. We noted that Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency adopted its implementation plan on March 6, 2000. - 23 - OTHER OFFICES AT: 2965 ROOSEVELT STREET CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-2389 (760) 729.2343 , FAX (760) 729-2234 613 W. VALLEY PARKWAY, SUITE 330 ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92025-2598 (760) 741-3141 , FAX (760) 741-9890 ~ ~': ':~-:iiu mon;,tor the . -' . . ~ . , .'. . 'the S~te Con~'o~er's. . office. TM`, ,:, ,~.,:'.': ""~,::,.~ "'~.,.: .-Agency dces nor requke prope~ o~ms to submit ~ese !nteroal Contre.! "~' ?.,'~ pia~mfiug and peffornfing om' aadit, we considered the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency's Latenn.al control over financial repo:rting in order to detenrtine our auditing procedures for the purpose of ,~;xpressing our opinion on the financial statements and not to provide assan'ance on the internal control over financial reporting. Our consideration cf the internal control ev~ financial reporting'would not necessarily disclose all rr~atters in the internal control over financial reporting that might be material weaknesses. A material 'weakness is a condition in which *,he design or operation of one or more of the internal control components does not reduce to a rela~/vety low. level the risk that misstatements in amounts that would be material in relation to the financial st2ttements being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normaJ, course of performing their assigned functions. We noted no matters involving the internal control over financial reporting and its operation that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, we noted other matters involving internal control over financial reporting that we .have reported to management of the City of Tustin in a separate letter dated October 5, 2000. 'lifts report is intended for the information of the Board of. Directors and management of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency-and the State Controller's Office. However, this report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited. -24- .&TTA.C'~MENT II 1999-2000 Annual Report of Financial Transactions to State Controller's Office The. '1999-2000 Annual Report of Financial Transactions to State Controller's Office is being prepared by the Finance Department.