HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPEAKER FORMS 08-21-00 CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S FORM CITY C(:,,~NCIL AND REDEVELOPMEN, .AGENCY IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS .NOT MANDATORY, BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT SPEAKERS'-NAMES CAN BE ACCURATELY SET' FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PLEASE PRINT: Address' [~ * ~-~ ~ City: '~..~.~ .. ~ ¢ ?-'7 Telephone Number': ~ Regarding SubjeCt or Agenda Item No. Are you speaking in favor / or in opposition Name of company or group you are representing (if applicable): to this matter? Date of City Council/Redevelopment Meeting. ;~ I~.~ [40 CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S FORM CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPI'ETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS NOT MANDATO.RY, BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT SPEAKERS' NAMES CAN BE ACCURATELY SET FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PI'EASE PRINT: Address- ~~..~ Telephone Number: "'~ ~ Regarding Subject or Agenda item No. ~Je-~ 'T~(~<~'t~h~ (~(~ ~0~,~. '~-~~ · Are you speaking in favor or in opposition to this matter? Name of company or group you are representing (if applicable)- o. Date of City Council/Redevelopment Meeting: CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S FORM CITY COONCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IF.YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS NOT MANDATORY, BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT SPEAKERS'. NAMES CAN BE ACCURATELY SET' FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PLEASE PRINT: Address' ///~' / City: :~/J¢~"/~/ / Telephone Number': Subject or Agenda Item No. .,/~/'_~ ~ Regarding · Are you speaking in favor or in opposition Name of company or group you are representing (if applicable}: to this matter7 - Date of City Council/Redevelopr~ent Meeting: CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S FORM CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMEN'f AGENCY IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS NOT MANDATORY, BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT SPEAKERS'. NAMES CAN BE ACCURATELY SET'FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PLEASE PRINT: Telephone Number': '"~ - Regarding Subject or Agenda Item No. '----'~~\ . Are you speaking in favor or in opposition Name of company or group you are representing (if applicable)- to this matter? Date of City Council/Redeveioprhent Meeting: CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S. FORM CITY COdNClL AND REDEVELOPMEN1-AGENCY IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS NOT MANDATORY, BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT SPEAKERS'. NAMES CAN BE ACCURATELY SET' FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PLEASE PRINT: Teleph°neNumber': Regarding Subject or Agenda item No. · Are you speaking in favor ~/' or in opposition Name of company or group you are representing (if applicable)- to this matter? Date of City Council/Redeveloprhent Meeting: CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S FORM CITY COdNCIL AND REDEVELOPMEN'r AGENCY IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS NOT MANDATORY, BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT SPEAKERS'. NAMES CAN BE ACCURATELY SET' FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PLEASE PRINT: Name: ~.~~ Address: ] '"'.), ? to this matter? City: Telephone Number': ~ ¢ Regarding Subject or Agenda item No. FA Are you speaking in favor or ~n opposition Name of company or group you are representing (if applicable): Date of City Council/Redevelopment Meeting: NE,' HBORS ,[ Arts council hosts Musical Evening By JUANITA LOVRET The Tustin News Tunes from popular musi- cals such as Guys & Dolls, Phantom of the Opera, Miss Saigon and Rent as well as arms from several operas will be sung at the Musical Cele- bration featuring five young Tustin performers at the St. Jeanne de Lestonnac Tl~eater, 16791 Main St., 7:30 p.m. Aug. 31. Part of a Meet the Artist se- ries of programs sponsored by the Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts, the evening is planned to spotlight the special talents of each star in the mak- ing. Dawn Davidson, who has sung throughout the Southland, will be featured in several so- los as well as duets with the male members of the group. tara $~wm, whose most re- cent engagement was at the Holders International Music Festival in Barbados, will offer several operatic numbers as well popular selections. Bart ~, who will di- rect Oklahoma for Azusa Pa- cific University in the coming year, will sing show tunes alone and in duet with David- son and Stevens. ~y~ Rob- imon, recently returned from a stint as lead singer on a cruise ship, will offer show tunes in solo and duets with the other performers. ~ Kirby, a pianist/singer, just returned from a national tour as a Dis- ney artist, will accompany the vocalists. All seats for the open seating performance are $10. They may be purchased at the door. Funds raised by the show will help the council to finance scholarships for Foothill and Tustin high graduates as well as the annual Student Art Show and the Meet the Artist series. Eligla Nicoisi and Lomtta Robinson are co-chairs of the committee which includes ~ bara Bemon, Lois Groendyke and David Peay. Kenn Hobson will be sound/light engineer. Robinson is production/stage manager. More information is avail- able by contacting Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts at P.O. Box 145, Tustin, CA 92781-0145, or (714) 518-$519. The council is a nonprofit group devoted to developing, showcasing and supporting the arts in the Tus- DAWN DAVIDSON Dawn is a graduate of Foot- hill High School whore she sang in the choir and received Musicians FROM 14 tival in addition to being named to the Southern California Honor Choir. He attended Chapman University on a full music/academic scholarship and served as vice president of the choirs there. More, he as toured with the U.S and European Choir and has sung at the Moscow Con- servatory. After graduating, Robinson has traveled throughout Eu- rope studying music history, art and architecture/cathe- drals. He also sang in Vienna. LARA S'ffiVENS Lara is a 1987 graduate of Bn/ce Robinson Bart McHenry Dawn Davicison many music/voc~ awards. She also was a standout athlete and softball defensive player of the year. She received softball schol- arships to Utah State Univer- sity, Vanguard University and Concordia University from where she graduated with an education degree. She has sung throughout the Southland for the D.A.R.E. awards program, Target Re- gional parties, celebrity silent - auctions, press receptions, Miss Los Angeles County USA and Miss Los Angeles Teen . USA pageants, churches, wed- Lara Steve~ dings and has been the fea- tured soloist of the national an- while portraying Curly in O/da-'. them at many sporting events homa! and hamming it up for at the California Speedway, four years of Broadway Re- Dodger Stadimn and The Ana- vues. heim Pond. He was voted moat talented in his senior class, awarded GREG KIRBY Best Actor for his many high Greg, a pianist a~ger, school productions and re- returns to Tustin after a ha- ceived the Rotary Club Claasi- tional tour with Disney. A grad- cai Young Singer of the' Year uate of Tustin High School, he award. He holds a bachelor's received a BA in church music degree in fine arts from the from ConcordiaUniversity and University of Southern ~Cali- is currently the director of mu- fornia's Acting Consm'vl~ry sic at Community United Meth- · where ho was forUmat~ to'have odist Church in Huntington a feature role or leadin~each Beach. semester's musical ~:.. i~i~ He grew up in Tustin and at- He went on:;to tended Aldersgate Methodist ter's degree in muaical~ Church where he portrayed from UCI where hoper{~ Amahl.in Amah/and the Night in several productions/md was Visitors and the dragon in The highly praised inthe Reluctant Dragon. He also has F/ederm~__$s for his. mas~r's taught elementary school mu, ~esis. d. ' ~ " sic at Bethany Lutheran School He has performed in and Greg mi'by Umeh at Concordia University cai theater, 0k/ahoma! Bryce is a professional sin,- an ,memive ba~csrou~d in all styles of music, He retur~ to Tustin aftor, traveling the world as lead ~ormer for the a'uise~.~. He ~rew up in Tustin and attended Tustin public sc, hods and Tus- tin Presbyterian Church where ho started choral ~. During the'summers, he studied solo/choral music at UCI, Westminslm' Choir Col- lege at Princeton. Um'versity and Arro~ Music Camp. He's a ~radUa~ of Foothill High School Where he was heavily active in music and theater and portrayed ,Iud Fry in Long Beach and sung with' rected community theater pro- the Pacific Chorale for seven duc'dom throughout Orange years. ' County and is in'hisMxth year Kirby also works as a stage teaching at ~..V,.all~.~. Col. in Oklahoma!; He was presi- manager at Disneyland for the lege whore ~:Caba- dent of the Chamber Choir and Magic Music Days Program ~'eL He also h//~~.at the the Foothill Madrigals in addi- 'including Mickey's Hometown the 'Arts, ~; Co.~ll~ field. . __ Parade and Premiers in 'the BeverlY ~has been~'~~. o,,,,..,. He has wonmany competi- Park . Theal~r tions throughout, the Southland a guest lectUrer.'.~:'~Cal State including the, Rotary. singing BART MOiENRY Fulleno~ UCI and F~mth Coast i contest, Ed Doyle Musi~ award in love with musical theater This year,, McHem'y will Pt~s~ [~l$ graduate from Chap~ UUI- Foothill High where she was named one of the Top Ten Stu- dents by the Orange County Register and awarded, the Bank of America Artistic Ex- cellence me~!lion for' the Southern California region. As a student at Foothill, she portrayed Laurey in OMa- homa, Foothill's first fully pro- duced musical, and also. was named best actress for her por- trayed the mother in Amah/ trayal of Eliza Grant in Look and the Night Visitors, Chap- Homeward Angel. man's first opera performed Along with several of her with a full orchestra. In addi- colleagues in this concert, she fion to her operatic pm'suits, won the top prizes in the she likes big-band mumc and Drama Teacher's Association jazz and was the lead singer of of Southern California Theatre Evan ChristOpher and~the Red competition and the Fullerton Hots, a Southern California Drama Festival. She went on to swing band. Her nmslsr's desree in vocal performance is from the Uni- versity of Sotflllern California. versity with a degree in vocal performance. Sho also was Lara has performed operatic awarded theChapman Musical roles such as Prince Orlofshy won f'n'st place in the'~'~'cal men in Cann/~Sho has per- Arts, Competition for both the_ formed with 'such companies junibr and senior divisions and as the Ling BeaCh Opera and was a finalist in the Opera 100. Opera~ H~r most recent competition, e~,agem~it Was at the Hold- In her senior year, Lam per- ers ~nter~---~ienal Music Fes- tival in Barbados in a produc- tion of The Magic F/ute. Stevens now resides in New York City where she has per- formed with Di Cappo Opera, Riverside Opera and the Bronx Opera In addition to pursuing her singing career, she is a reg- uiar columnist for Classical Singer magazine. ~i~_ ~in Winners After School Prog, August 21, 2000 I just wanted to take a couple of minutes and voice my concern on the City's decision to drop its funding of the Tustin Winners After School Program this coming year. This is the second time the City has unilaterally decided to pull its support. The reasons given are what disturb me more- "not in the budget" and "we need to get more bang for our buck". The program can not support this tremendous growth without the continued support it has received in the past. I am here to ask the council to continue its involvement in this program. In fact, I would like to see the City double its contribution for the coming year. I know you are all aware of the program when it kick off last fall at Heideman Elementary School. It was sponsored in part by the Tustin Parks and Recreation Department, the Tustin Community Foundation and the Tustin Unified School District. The program got a lot of recognition not only from the local press but also from school administrators, parents and more importantly from the children who participated. In less than one year the program has served over 300 children. It has grown from one school to a projected six in two cities starting in September with over 1,000 participants. A large majority of those participating in the program are at risk youth from Iow-income families with over 80% of the children being Hispanic. Sometimes we don't take the time to see what is really going on to the west of this hall, unless it is of a tragic nature. What has been going on at Heideman and Beswick and soon Nelson Elementary School and Curry Middle School is a great experience for all those that participate. Recently a notable "lobbyist" attended both political conventions to convey a compelling message. The message: "At a time of unsurpassed prosperity, one out of five American children lives in poverty. This isn't a Republican or Democratic issue; its an American issue. What can we do for our kids who look into the future and see only gangs, drugs and violence? When we tell them to just say 'no', we have to give them something to say 'yes' to." 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