HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPEAKER FORMS 10-15-01 .-- CITY OF TUSTIN -. 'SPEAKER'S FORM CITY cOb,~CIL AND REDEVELOPMEI~ AGENCY IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS NOT MANDATORY; BUT IS REQUESTED SO TH,AT SPEAKERS'. NAMES CAN BE ACCURATELY SET' FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PLEASE PRINT: Telephone Number': [ ~'~/> ~-~/~/~"~~ ~' Regarding Subject or Agenda Item No. /~ '. Are you speaking in favor or ~n opposition Name of company or group you are representing (if applicable)' to this matter? .o · Date of City Council/Redeveioprhent Meeting: CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S FORM CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT .TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS NOT MANDATORY, BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT SPEAKERS' NAMES .CAN BE ACCURATELY SET FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PLEASE PRINT: Address: Telephone Number: ~'"/.-/~--~' -- ..~.~) ~~n~ Subject or ^~n~a ~em .o. '~Z~ ~ d Are you speaking in favor or in opposition Name of company or group you are representing (if applicable): to this matter?. Date of City Council/Redevelopment Meeting: CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S FORM CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS NOT MANDATORY, BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT SPEAKERS' NAMES CAN BE ACCURATELY SET FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATIONi PLEASE PRINT: Telephone Numl~er: ~ ~ ~ Regarding Subject or Agenda Item No. Are you speaking in favor or in opposition Name of company or group you are representing (if applicable): Date of City Council/Redevelopment Meeting: to this matter? CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S FORM ., CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IF YOU WiSH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THiS FORM IS NOT MANDATORY, BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT .SPEAKERS'. NAMES CAN BE ACCURATELY SET' FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PLEASE PRINT: a e./:, .,. Telephone Number': "~ ('~ ~ ,~'-' ~ ~ ~' Regarding Subject or Agenda Item No. pV b ~) ( ~ ~~/)'~ '-~ Are you speaking in favor or ~n opposition Name of company or group you are representing (if applicable): Date of City Council/Redevelopment Meeting: to this matter? CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S FORM CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO 8PEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS NOT MANDATORY, BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT SPEAKERS' NAMES CAN BE ACCURATELY SET FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PLEASE PRINT: Name: Address: '~ ¢ ///~- City: E'o~-.¢,.,~ ~ Telephone Number: ~, [ , Regarding Subject or Agenda Item No. Are you speaking in favor or in opposition Name of company or group you are representing (if applicable): to this matter?. Date of City Council/Redevelopment Meeting: CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S FORM CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IF .YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS NOT MANDATORY, BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT SPEAKERS' NAMES CAN BE ACCURATELY SET FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PLEASE PRINT: Name: Address: City: Telephone Number: ~- ~,: Regarding Subject or Agenda Item No. p/ Are you speaking in favor or in opposition Name of compan_y or group you are representing (if applicable): to this matter?. Date of City Council/Redevelopment Meeting: O~4', I~ ~.~4)) CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S FORM CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS NOT MANDATORY, BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT SPEAKERS' NAMES CAN BE ACCURATELY SET FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PLEASE PRINT: Address: ~'--?~ / ~/~ ~ City:_ ~~~ ¢~~ Telephone Number: ~ ~ Regarding Subject or Agenda Item No. ~ ~//; ~ ~ Are you speaking in favor or in opposition Name of company or group you are representing (if applicable): Date of City Council/Redevelopment Meeting: /O- /~ O/ to this matter? CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S FORM CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS NOT MANDATORY, BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT SPEAKERS' NAMES CAN · BE ACCURATELY SET FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PLEASE PRINT: Acldress:~ ,/ City: ~/~~ Regarding Subject or Agenda Item No. Are you speaking in favor or in opposition Name of company or g,[oup you are representing (if applicable): Date of City Council/Redevelopment Meeting: .to this matter?. CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S FORM ~D REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY pLEASE IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY cOUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, COMPLETE THIS FORM AND-SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS N_~OT MANDATORY', BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT SPEAKERS' NAMES. CAN BE ACCURATELY SET FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PLEASE PRINT: City:_ Telephone Number: Regarding Subject or Agenda Item No. ~ Are you speaking in favor or in opposition Name of company or grOup you are re.presenting (if applicable): Date of City Council/Redevelopment Meeting: to this matter? CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S FORM CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY' IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS NOT MANDATORY, BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT SPEAKERS' NAMES CAN BE ACCURATELY SET FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATIONi PLEASE PRINT: Address: City: Telephone Number: "~,/,~' ~; '''' '-'~-~ ~ Regarding Subject or Agenda Item No. ~ Are you speaking in favor ,------ or in opposition Name of company or group you are representing (if applicable): Date of City Council/Redevelopment Meeting:". to this matter? CITY OF TUSTIN SPEAKER'S FORM CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO THE CITY COUNCIL OR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO SPEAKING. COMPLETION OF THIS FORM IS NOT MANDATORY, BUT IS REQUESTED SO THAT SPEAKERS' NAMES CAN · BE ACCURATELY SET FORTH IN THE MINUTES. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. PLEASE PRINT: Name: Address: City: Telephone Number: ' / Regarding Subject or Agenda Item No. TIJ~-/-/~l Are you speaking in favor ')~ or in opposition / Name of company or group you are representing (if applicable): Date of City Council/Redevelopment Meeting: to this matter? TO: Harbor Quality Committee FROM: Jack Skinner DATE: April 28, 2001 RE: OCSD's 301(h) waiver I am writing because I have concerns about the re-issuing of the Orange county Sanitation District's 301 (h) waiver. I recently learned that the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) performed a study in the fall of 1996 known as the 20,Meter Study. This study tested ocean water quality on ten different days between September 26, 1996, and November 25, 1996, to determine if the wastewater plume was moving shoreward. There wer, e five sample sites located at the 20-meter depth contour. Three samples were taken at each sample site (at surface, bottom and middle depths). No samples were taken closer to shore than the 20-meter depth at the time of this study with the exception of the .samples taken at ankle depth right at the beach. To the best of my knowledge, this study was never released to the public or included in OCSD's yearly marine monitoring reports. However, this information was available to OCSD before they applied for the renewal of their current waiver, which was issued in June 1998. The study was only discovered by the public in January 2001. The findings of this study are troubling because it appears that, intermittently, the wastewater plume moves toward the beaches. On November 20, 1996; bacterial readings indicate that the plume did reach the beaches in West Newport.. This is shown on the enclosed chart. Note the elevated total coliforms at the Newport Beach shoreline sampling locations and the exceedingly elevated fecal coliform levels taken near the ocean bottom at the 20-meter sampling sites, stretching all the way from off the Huntington Beach power plant to off the Newport pier. Also enclosed is a picture apparently showing a composite of the bacteriological results of the 20-meter fecal coliform study. The ocean bottom fecal coliform samples equaled or exceeded 400 MPN in the area circled in red, showing that the wastewater field comes very close to Newport's beaches. Recently, a more extensive plume study was done on November 27, 2000, by OCSD, the results of which are shown on the enclosure marked Figure 28. Again, it shows that the wastewater plume is coming toward the shore, especially near the power plant in Huntington Beach. Please note how far the plume has moved toward shore from the end of the outfall. Dr. Stanley Grant of UCI has performed an extensive review of the bacteriological data and has concluded that since a bacterial pulse arrives at the beach at station 9N during flood tides before any bacteria has entered the ocean from the Talbert Marsh that this is further evidence of an offshore source of bacterial pollution of the beach. This is because the high tides act as a temporary barrier, preventing the marsh water from entering the ocean. Extensive studies of offshore currents are planned for this summer. Based on the above evidence, I believe that there should not be a renewal of OCSD's 301 (h) waiver. These studies indicate that there is a strong possibility that, intermittently, bacterial contamination from the outfall can reach the shoreline and thereby pose a threat to swimmers. It is for OCSD to prove otherwise. Secondary treatment with activated sludge removes about 95 percent of the viral pathogens. The lower suspended solids present in secondary treated sewage allow chlorination to be more effective should that prove necessary. Perhaps the only safe solution is to treat the entire effluent to the tertiary level to be used for reclamation purposes'and eliminate all ocean discharges. Treating sewage to less than the secondary level becomes a disincentive to reclamation since all reclaimed water must go through the secondary process and beyond. In the past, Nancy and I have opposed the granting of'301 (h) waivers to sanitation districts with short outfalls but until recently, we had not been concerned about the Orange County Sanitation District's discharge four and a half miles off the coast. HoweVer, we have had second thoughts about the safety of OCSD's ocean discharge because of recent evidence that there is shoreward movement of the wastewater plume. Jack Skinner i \ ! // ,' .":1 i; ! 'i To~al ColJJo~n peg frans fomu, d! ~ · 4.oo ~ 4.o0 1,o0 0.~ o.~ 0.oo ~ · o.oo Bottom Contour E. Coil tlog tronsk),wud) Bottom Contour ,c 0.00 . ' / ~' : ., ~:..'-.....~ ':.'!.:-: .:i::i :i.:':.'i .?.~' .' '~i:.,: .' :"i.',.':ii i!;:... ~ /' :.'.~.:;~.~,~.....'..--:.:'.,'-:-::.;.'-~-:-::~,i.t.. ~.~. ~.~.;i:--"!.",~; .-.. ... .~ ~ ~t 'P'~ b L ~ / :..':::'.'.:~'.. ..... ~ 1 ~ ::"'?."'."'"-'-??:'--":~~-'.'".' ' ~~-"/- .... .i........ .. Figure 28. Bottom depth surface planes of Top) Total Coliform (log transformed) and Bottom) E. Coil (log transformed)for November 27, 2000. ie~lth Dangers Adse From Pumping Of Sewage Into Deep Sea rom Ocean Update September 1999 Vol. 4, No. 9 'aul R. Epstein, Center for Health and the Global Environment, larvard Medical School. Tel (617)432-0493 ,n outbreak of cholera on the southem Coast of Bangladesh in 1992 ~ay presage the dsks POsed to developed and less-developed countries like from deep-sea dumping of human sewage, according to some .~searchers. Scientists have noted that the 1992 outbreak was ~ccompanied by an upwelling that brought deep-sea water to the urface near the Bangledeshi coast. In recent years, researchers have liscovered a variety of pathogenic microbes, many usually found only ~ human feces, at unexpected depths of the ocean. Madne scientist ). Jay Gdmes of the University of Southem Mississippi says that a ariety of viruses that infect the human gastrointestinal tract - lcluding poliovirus and rotavirus - have been identified in ocean ~ater samples taken below 1,0000 meters (3,300 feet). In the late 980's, Sagar M. Goyal of the University of Minnesota isolated gut ~actefia from samples obtained as seWage-sludge dumping sites more ban 170 kilometers offshore from New York City, 30 months after the ~ites were closed to dumping. The bacteda were resistant to several Intibiotics, showing that they originated from humans who were taking he drugs. Thursday, Mly 03, ~ A~ Residence: 2221 E 16 Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 Phone: (949) 548-6326 Email: JonV3 ('~_,aol.com OC.$D JAN D. VANDERSLOOT, M.D. Business: 8101 Newman, Suite C Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Phone: (714) 848-0770 Fax: (714) 848-6643 April 5, 2001 Tod Ridgeway, Chairman, and Newport Beach Harbor Quality Committee City of Newport Beach 3300 Newport Blvd Newport Beach, CA 92663 Re: Harbor Quality Meeting this afternoon, April 5, 2001, 3 PM 30 l(h) Waiver, Please Oppose Dear Chairman Ridgeway and Harbor Quality Committee Members, I understand your committee will be discussing the 301(h) waiver this afternoon and whether or not to approve the Orange County Sanitation District's request to approve an extension of this waiver. I request that you not approve an extension of the waiver, and instead, to actively oppose the waiver and ask for early termination of the waiver, perhaps through a revocation procedure. This waiver from clean water standards embodied in the 1977 federal Clean Water Act grants the OCSD the ability to discharge dirtier sewage into the ocean than allowed under the Clean Water Act. The Clean Water Act sets standards of30mg/liter of BOD (Biologic Oxygen Demand) and 30 mg/liter of TSS (Total Suspended Solids), achievable by full secondary treatmem of sewage. However, under the waiver, OCSD is discharging 240 million gallons a day of only partially treated sewage into the ocean, with a 50/50 mix of primary and secondary treated sewage, exceeding the allowable limits of BOD and TSS by roughly double. Under the recently approved Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS), these parameters will increase even more, because the mix will now by 80% primary and only 20% secondary, with BOD rising to 111 and TSS to 57 in the year 2020, with corresponding increases in bacteria and viruses discharged into the ocean. I have attached Table 5-26 from the EIR for the 1999 OCSD Strategic Plan for, the Projected Effluent Quality for the year 2020, describing the different scenarios. Compare Scenario 2, the "Preferred Alternative" including the waiver plus GWRS, with Scenario 4, Full Secondary plus GWRS. All parameters are dramatically reduced with full secondary. BOD drops to 21, TSS drops to 24, well below the standards within the Clean water Act. When comparing Total Coliform and Fecal Coliform, note the difference in order of magnitude 1.8E+07 is 18E+06. Full secondary reduces this to 4.2E+06, a 75% drop in Total Coliform. Similarly Fecal Coliform drops from 6.4E+07 to 1.5E+06 (E+06 is engineering shorthand for 10 to the 6th, E+07 is 10 to the 7t~), a 98% drop in Fecal Coliform. Viruses drop from .23 to .03, an 87% drop. With full secondary treatment of the sewage, no waiver is required, and ocean discharge is much cleaner. Currently OCSD discharges its 240 million gallons a day through a 1 O-foot diameter pipe extending 4.5 miles out into the ocean near the Santa Ana Rivennouth about 200 feet deep. This D. VANDERSLOOT, M.D. Residence: Business: 2221 El6 Street 8101 Newm~ Suite C Newport Beach, CA 92663 Humington beach, CA 926A7 Phone: (949) 548-6326 Phone: (714) 848-0770 Em ail: JonV3 ~aol. corn Fax: (714) 8,48-6643 discharge creates a plume extending 6 miles in length, 2 to 3 miles in width and 3 0 to 40 meters in thickness. This plume is supposed to be capped by a temperature thcrmocline that acts like a cap preventing surfacing of the plume. However, this thermocline is not present ~'om October to April each year. Moreover, the Stanley Grant UCI hypothesis is that the warm water discharge from the AES power plant in Huntington Beach pokes a hole in the thermocline, clrawing the plume closer to shore, which may be responsible for beach postings and closures. This hypothesis will be tested this summer through a $2 million study. In addition, internal waves and upwellings may bring the sewage closer to shore than previously supposed. The plume's motion depends currents and waves, and is present offthe shore of Newport Beach as well as Huntington Beach. The potential exists that the plume may show up on the beaches of Newport Beach and Huntington Beach depending on the internal waves, upwellings and wind. The basis for the continuing granting of the waiver by the EPA and Regional Water Quality Control Board is that the OCSD, through its monitoring program, is showing no harm to the environment or public health. However, OCSD's own monitoring reports show statistically significant incidences of fish liver lesions near the outfall, showing possible harm to the environment, and the beach closure and postings in Huntington Beach show possible harm to public health. Thus, the clear implication is that the waiver is not protective of either the environment or public health, and the sensible approach is to follow the standards in the Clean Water Act, which means no waiver and full secondary trealment of the sewage. What is the cost of full secondary treatment of sewage? Projected cost is $400 million. This equates to 5 cents a day per person in the 2.2 million-population service area~ Sewer bills for families may increase $3 per month or $36 per year. Orange County sewer rates are now $80 pea' year. The average California sewer bill is $185 per year. One of the wealthiest counties in California and the nation is paying much less for its sewage treatment and should be able to afford full treatment of its sewage, leaving a much cleaner ocean. Moreover, there is a $50 billioO federal program that can be tapped to offset the cost, if only OCSD would make the commitment for full secondary treatment and apply for the appropriate grants. A clean ocean is important for the economy and the environment. I urge you to start the process and recommend against the waiver. Let's send a message ,to OCSD to clean up its act and immediately plan for full secondary treatment. Ask OCSD to "Do us a Favor. Get rid of the Waiver." Thank you. Sincerely, J~D. Vandersloot, MD Attachment · I .! :i